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Diverse and resilient industries with global connections
Significant investment has been realised in the region’s renewables sector, particularly solar and wind projects. The region has three operational solar farms, producing 166 MW of energy and a further nine are proposed with outputs of 1,590 MW. The second largest wind farm in Australia, Clarke Creek Wind Farm is currently under construction and will generate 450 MW of energy when operational. A further three wind farms with energy production of 920 MW are also in planning stages. The total energy production from the region’s operating and proposed facilities is enough to power an estimated 937,800 houses.
The Isaac region produces over 30% of Australia’s coal, including 65% of Australia’s metallurgical coal exports, the world’s highest quality metallurgical coal. We have has 22 active metallurgical coal mines, 9 active thermal coal mines and a further 15 projects in either construction, care and maintenance or advanced stages of approval.
Consumer demand for outback tourism experiences is growing and the Isaac region will continue to capitalise on this growing market through the development of tourism opportunities in our rustic coastal communities, historic outback towns and untouched natural experiences
[1] Department of Resources, [2] Queensland Resources Council 2020, [3] REMPLAN, Economy 2020, [4] Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences – Australian Agricultural Census 2016.
About 21% of Queensland’s current identified gas wells are in the Isaac region, with 12% of Queensland’s active wells. There are currently a further 11 explorations permits covering 837,000 hectares. There is also 28% of Queensland’s identified petroleum reserves (oil/LPG/condensate) in region.
As ageing mines reach their end of life there will be significant opportunities for investment and development which transform existing mines into centres of social, environmental and economic enterprise such as tourism, active lifestyle, agricultural and renewable energy projects.
Isaac’s coastal areas is also renowned for its mud crabbing industry with stock transported directly to Sydney for consumption with supply of approximately 5% of the Sydney Fish Markets’ crabs. Aquaculture and commercial fishing industries production in the Isaac is about $13.7 million.
The region is home to the second largest cattle herd (866,000 head) in Queensland and also significant broad acre crops such as sorghum (approximately 10% of Australia production), sugar cane and oilseed. Opportunities will continue to be realised in these traditional agricultural sectors and ancillary value adding industries.