2nd BACH - NOTEBOOK 2019/20

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STUDENT’S NAME:___________________________ ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020



1- REWRITE 1. If the crime is serious, you’ll be taken to a crown court Provided that

2. The government abolished Capital punishment in the 1950s Capital

3. People say that the police arrested John last night John

4. He was interested in talking to witnesses of crimes He was keen

5. Magistrates are fed up with listening to bad lawyers Magistrates are tired

6. If you are innocent you’ll be acquitted. You won’t

7. The shoplifter left his fingerprints on the counter and was identified by the police If

8. The murderer made so many mistakes that he was arrested immediately Due to

9. I have an alibi, I was having lunch with my in-laws The blackmailer said

10. It is impossible that you saw the theft yesterday. You can’t


11.Even though there were a lot of evidences, he was not charged with the crime In spite of

12.He told the other smuggler to turn on a light near the shore at midnight He reminded

13. I need to repair the lock after the burglary The lock

14. They didn’t let the terrorist be released on parole The terrorist wasn’t allowed

15. I left so many clues that I’m going to be caught I wish

16. I am really interested in politics What

17.If you are not guilty , you won’t spend a single day in prison Unless

18. The police said that he was a kidnapper He was accused

19. I’m going to hire somebody to install an alarm I’m going to get

20. At dusk there are always vandals shouting in the street I wish


21. It is not necessary to pay a fine You don’t

22. There are a lot of burglars in this neighbourhood , you should insure your house It is worth

23. I prefer being robbed to being blackmailed I’d rather

24. The mob broke all the shop windows All the shop windows

25. Richard works in Berlin. Berlin is a big city. Berlin,

26. Tom said:” I’ll visit my sister next year.” Tom said that

27. It’s impossible. They didn’t do their homework themselves. They can’t

28. I’d like you to phone me more often. I wish

29. I gave up smoking three months ago. I haven’t

30. Aunt Anne came last February and she is still with us. Aunt Anne has

31. The flat is too small for three people. The flat isn’t


32. He was seriously ill, but he managed to finish the book. Although

33. “If I were you, I’d go to the doctor”, he said to me. He advised me

34. I turned away the moment when the accident happened, so I didn’t see it. If I hadn’t

35. It isn’t necessary to buy a first class ticket. We don’t

36. I need a grant in order to study at university. I won’t

37. Even though he is a millionaire, he hates spending money. In spite of

38. She attended the meeting in spite of her illness Although

39. The coke was so cold (that) I couldn’t drink it. The coke was too

40. We couldn’t understand the e-mail message because it was in Russian. Since

41. The day was so wet that I stayed at home. It was

42. Although it was raining heavily, he didn’t open his umbrella. In spite of


43. It was such an interesting book that I read it three times. The book

44. My sister isn’t old enough to go to pubs. My sister is too

45. The cat is so fat that it can’t walk. It is

46. I haven’t got enough money to go on holiday this year. I can’t afford

47. Doug Tipper used to be a miner. Doug Tipper doesn’t

48. I wish my brother got a better job. If only

49.I didn’t study enough, so I didn’t pass all the subjects. I wish

50. A new Canadian hair dresser is going to dye my hair. I am

51. Jack got a new van last month. Jack has had


52. It is not advisable to swim in this river. You

53. A lot of people drop litter in the street. I don’t like it. I wish

54. People said that the new neighbour had been in prison. The new neighbour.

55. I don’t read newspapers anymore. I have given

56. Liz is tired all the time. She shouldn’t go to bed so late. If Liz

57. I can’t read what you write. Your writing is

58. The tram is about to leave. The tram is on

59. I’d like to spend a fortnight in a spa. I feel

60. I hurried because I wanted to be the first. I hurried so


61. I whispered because I didn’t want anybody to hear me. I whispered so

62. A twister destroyed some of the houses in ten seconds. Some

63. You have to eat healthy food to be a hundred years old. If you

64. Due to heavy rains and strong winds, the yacht sank. The yacht sank because 65. A carpenter made some mahogany desks for me. I got/had

66. He didn’t want to wear a cotton shirt. He

67. They wanted to apologize for their behaviour, that’s why they paid for dinner. (ORDER) They paid for dinner

68. It isn’t necessary to bring skis as they are included in the package. You don’t

69. I thought parking was allowed here- (UNDER THE IMPRESSION) I


70. Tom said :” I will be playing tennis when you arrive” Tom said that

71. His daughter continued to cry until he could not be seen any longer. (SIGHT) His daughter

72. They moved to this suburb in 1997. (SINCE) They

73. They managed to finish the project in time for the presentation. (SUCCEEDED) They

74. Maurice didn’t come to the meeting yesterday. Perhaps he was ill. (MIGHT) Maurice

75. Jane allows her children to stay up to midnight on Saturday evenings. (LETS) Jane

76. Can I accompany you to the party? (MIND) Do you

77. I wish you didn’t drive so fast. If only

78. I think Tom needs top see a doctor. His cough is terrible. (OUGHT) With that terrible cough, Tom


79. The authorities said she wasn’t responsible for the accident. (FAULT) The accident wasn’t

80. “Why don’t you take a holiday?”, said Peter. Peter suggested

81. I haven’t sen Tom for ages. (SINCE) It’s been a long time

82. He didn’t want to join in the celebrations. (TAKE) He didn’t want

83. What a shame he wasn’t able to come. I wish

84. I took a sweater but it wasn’t necesary. (TAKEN) I needn’t

85. Somebody should tell him. (TOLD) He

86. He couldn’t find me at the exhibition. He wasn’t

87. She let her son go to New York for the exhibition. She allowed


88. I haven’t see her for ages. (TIME) It’s been

89. I didn’t understand what he was saying because I hadn’t read his book. If I

90. As the class representative I would like to welcome you. (BEHALF) I’d like

91. They believe the students were educated in Canada. The students

92. He escaped using a disguise. (MEANS) He escaped

93. Remind me to call Jack. (FORGET) Don’t let

94. This pasta is a new experience for me. (TIME) It is

95. I don’t agree with prohibiting smoking in bars. (FOR)

96. Pittsburgh is less exciting than New York. (AS) Pittsburgh


97. He couldn’t reach the cup because it was too high. (LOW) The cup wasn’t

98. She didn’t accept his marriage proposal. (DOWN) She

99. We were told to wait here by the director. The director was the person

100. Can you look after the kids this afternoon? (OF) Can you

101. “Why don’t you take a day off?”, Jim told me. (SHOULD) Jim

102. He acts like a poor man although he has a lot of money. (IN SPITE OF) He acts

103. I didn’t mean to break the vase. (ON) I didn’t break

104. Jake says Jenny is responsible. (ACCORDING) It’s Jenny’s

105. I was so bored by his lecture that I left. (BORING) His lecture


106. I’m afraid I’m still having problems with understanding life in New York. (USED) I don’t

107. I’d prefer if you didn’t smoke here. (MIND) Would

108. It was such an interesting novel that I stayed up all night to finish it. The novel was

109. Although he was able to do the job, he wasn’t given the position. Despite

110. You should take the train instead of the bus. If I were

111. Can you describe him to me? (LIKE) What

112. It isn’t necessary to buy a first clas ticket. (HAVE) You

113.I’m sure he was at home last night.(MUST) He

114. He is the man. His son won the first prize. He is the man


115. Why did no one inform me of the change of plans? (WASN’T) Why

116. Even though he is a millionaire, he hates spending money. In spite of

117. She attended the meeting in spite of her illness. Although

118. The coke was so cold that I couldn’t drink it. The coke was too

119. We couldn’t understand the e-mail message because it was in Russian.

120. The day was so wet that I stayed at home. It was

121. Although it was raining heavily, he didn’t open his umbrella. In spite of

122. It was such an interesting book that I read it three times. The book

123. My sister is not old enough to go to pubs. My sister is too


124. The cat is so fat that it can’t walk. It is

125. My parents have decided to postpone their trip to America. (OFF) My parents have decided

126. I haven’t got enough money to have a holiday this year. I can’t afford

127. Although Jenn Crowell is already rich and famous, her novel hasn’t been published yet. Despite

128. If you don’t like strong dishes haggis is not recommended. Unless

129. International pressure stopped Britain dumping waste into the North Sea. As a result of 130. By 1995 the Swiss were already recycling 31% of their waste. By 1995 31% of Swiss waste

131. Doug Tipper used to be a miner. Doug Tipper doesn’t

132. The foundation has four main projects. It works with the local Polish community. The foundation,


133. Nike clothes are more prestigious than some anonymous sports clothes. Some anonymous sports clothes

134. Searchers found watches, cannons, coins and candlesticks. They found Chinese porcelain, too. In addition to

135. If the coastguard hadn’t called her, Mrs Lackey and her children would have died. But for

136. Although Isabella Lucy Bird looked like a traditional woman, she was quite unconventional. Despite

137. Isabella made friends with a cowboy called Rocky Mountain Jim. Rocky Mountain Jim was a cowboy with.

138. The Scottish crown jewels can be seen, as well as the Stone of Destiny. We can see not

139. I’ll probably have a heart attack unless I start eating less. If

140. He wasn’t a saint at all. He was very far

141. The launching of the Hubble Space Telescope meant a leap in astronomical observing power. As a result of 17

142. The myth of Father Christmas began in Siberia. Siberia

143. The Shaman God and Father Christmas may be related. There may

144. Tom finds scuba diving interesting. (INTERESTED) Tom

145. I didn’t go to the Alps because I don’t like skiing. As

146. My grandmother is 102 years old. (BORN) My grandmother

147. When was the football match? (TAKE PLACE) When

148. We last went fishing a year ago. (FOR) We

149. John didn’t wear any earrings at the job interview. (NO) John

150. I’d like to be with you, but I’m not. If only


151. Perhaps he is at the office. (BE) He

152. Using that CD is forbidden. You

153. I give you permission to go to the office. You are

154. Surely he sent you the e-mail. He must

155. In my opinion, you should follow his advice. (WERE) If

156. He was late for school because he missed the bus. (CAUGHT) If he

157. We were fined because we didn’t see th red light. (SEEN) If we

158. People believe he is a computer expert. He

159. The snow may have delayed him. He


160. Did they offer you a ticket for the concert? Was Were

161. “Don’t talk to her”, said my mother. My mother

162. “Where did you meet her last night?”, she asked. She

163. The student is very clever. You are studying with her. (WHOM) The student

164. Tom graduated in 2007. He studied at Oxford university. Tom,

165. I need a grant in order to study at university. I won’t

166. I don’t usually eat at restaurants. I’m not used

167. “If I were you I’d go to the doctor.”, he said to me. He advised


168. “You cheated!!!”, the teacher said to me. The teacher accused

169. That company has stopped advertising chewing gum. That company has given

170. The washing machine stopped working several days ago. (FOR) The washing machine hasn’t

171. Please, throw away your old slippers. Please, get

172.My advice is to go and speak to your bank manager. You had

173. Peter can draw very well. Peter is very good

174. I wish I hadn’t sold my car. I regret

175. She crossed the road so as not to meet me. (MEETING) She crossed the road to

176. David went to hospital, where a nurse bandaged his arm. David went to hospital, where he


178. Someone is massaging Sue’s feet at the moment. Sue 179. Parents shouldn’t allow children to watch violent films. Parents shouldn’t

180.You argued with your mother yesterday. Today she is upset. You say: I wish

181. You want to go on holiday but you can’t afford it. You say: If only

182. I’m about to finish. Wait a moment. I’m on

183. Getting a job doesn’t interest him He

184. You don’t need to take warm socks because it is very hot there. The reason

185. He left before I got there. By the time I



2- LINK WORDS Essay : A journey



MY FAVOURITE MEANS OF TRANSPORT My favourite means of transport is my own car. I have had my car since I was 18 years old, last January, and I really love it. The main reason why I think that having my own car is great is that now, at last, I am an independent person. Only a few months ago my parents had to take me everywhere. However, now I don’t need to ask them to drive me to a birthday party in a village near Verín or to my music classes in Xinzo. My new car is small and red and we have already travelled together to many different places. In spite of the fact that I have owned it for just a few months, I already consider myself an experienced driver. I advise everybody to start driving as soon as they can!!!!



Writing: If you have done a language course abroad, tell us about it. If not, where would you like to go and do one, and why would you choose this place? I did a language course in Brighton several years ago and I really enjoyed it a lot. Actually, apart from learning English and speaking a lot, especially to my landlady, a woman who was in her thirties and had a three-year-old daughter I looked after some evenings, I also made friends and visited nearby places, such as Dover, Oxford, Stonehenge and of course…London, an amazing city where I used to go every weekend during my stay in Brighton. Besides, the weather, contrary to what I had expected, was really nice, so I could sunbathe and go swimming in the stony beaches in Brighton. The classes were full of Italian and Spanish students, that’s why I say that my English improved more with my landlady than with my classmates. Anyway, we were obviously taught by very good British teachers so I think I made the most of my lessons. I advise everybody to do a language course in a foreign country. LINK WORDS – USED TO – PHRASAL VERB – PASSIVE - ADVISE SB TO RELATIVES




0) Envió la carta pero olvidó ponerle un sello.

1) Puede que tenga unos 60 años, o quizá sea un poco más joven

2) ¡Ve a cama ahora mismo y no te olvides de lavarte los dientes!

3) Me encantaría ir pero de verdad que no puedo

4) Nunca lo había visto con anterioridad, ¿o sí?



5) Tanto Peter como su mujer han recibido las cartas.

6) O Peter o su mujer han escuchado la noticia.

7) Ni Peter ni su mujer pueden haber escrito esto.





8) Te lo dire después de la entrevista.

9) No la había visto antes.

10) Vincent llegó después de que la reunión hubiera acabado.

11) Tienes que estar en casa antes de las doce y media. 12)Hugo murió después de que se declaró el armisticio.


13) Te sentirás mejor después de tomar esta píldora.

14) Comprueba la altura de tu vehículo antes de entrar en el túnel.



15) Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza.

16) Escribió su mejor novela mientras trabajaba en un barco.

17) Queremos pasarlo bien mientras aún somos jóvenes.

WHILE (also contrast): 18) Ana es alta, mientras que su hermana Mary es baja.



19) Siempre que como repollo me siento mal

20) Nuestro perro ladra siempre que el cartero se acerca a la casa.

21) Cuando quiera que me necesites, allí estaré.



22) Le escribí una vez, pero nunca respondió.

23) Una vez que empieza a contar chistes, no hay quien lo pare.

24)Esta tarta de chocolate es adictiva. Una vez que empiezas a comerla, no puedes parar. e) AS SOON AS


25) Llámame en cuanto llegues a casa.

26) Nos bajaremos tan pronto como pare el tren.


27) Sé un buen chico hasta que mamá regrese, vale?

28) No comas todavía las uvas!!! Espera hasta que el reloj dé las doce.


29) Creo que tenemos unas dos horas más de luz antes de que el sol se ponga.

30) Una vez hubo afinado el piano, sonó mucho mejor.

31) Haré su trabajo mientras está fuera, de vacaciones.

32) Nuestro tío nos trae un regalo siempre que nos visita.



33) Llamó por teléfono pare decir que llegaría tarde.

34) Mis padres están ahorrando para que yo vaya a la universidad.


35) Me quité los zapatos para no hacer ruido.

36) Tiró la llave al río para que nadie la encontrase.

37) Limpié el vaso para no dejar mis huellas en él.

38) Llama tres veces a la puerta para que yo sepa que tú eres la persona que está llamando.

39) Se tiñe el pelo para parecer más joven.



40) Habían dejado la puerte abierta, por tanto, entramos.

41) No voy a usar el coche el fin de semana, así que puedes cogerlo prestado, si quieres.

42) Escocia es parte de Gran Bretaña. Por tanto, los escoceses son británicos.


43) Habla tan alto que puedes oírla a una milla de distancia.

44) Hay tanto humo en esta habitación que apenas podemos ver.

45) Había tantas personas allí que no podíamos movernos.


46) Tiene unos pies tan grandes que no encuentra zapatos que le sirvan.

47) Es una chica tan guapa que todo el mundo la mira.

48) Es un partido tan bueno que no quiero que acabe.

49) El examen era tan difícil que todos los alumnos suspendieron // Fue un examen tan difícil que…

50) Peter es un chico tan egoísta que tiene pocos amigos // Peter es tan egoísta que…

51) Tiene una casa tan grande que puede invitar a cincuenta personas // Su casa es tan grande que…



52) Tuve que conducir despacio porque la carretera estaba llena de agujeros. // Como- Ya que – Puesto que la carretera estaba llena de agujeros, tuve que…

53) Como los hoteles estaban llenos, tuvimos que dormir en el coche.

54) No pudimos entender lo que el orador estaba diciendo porque había demasiado ruido.

55) Como viven en una aldea en las montañas, no tienen electricidad.


56) Nuestro vuelo fue cancelado debido a la tormenta. 57) No se nos admitió en ese hotel de cinco estrellas debido a nuestra ropa informal.


58) ¿ Llevaban los exploradores esas botas altas por culpa de las serpientes?



59) No podré ir. Lo que es más, no quiero ir.

60) Necesitas habilidad y experiencia para escalar montañas. Además necesitas equipamiento adecuado.

61) La antigua Unión Soviética está sufriendo una seria crisis económica. Lo que es más, están apareciendo señales de inestabilidad política.





62) Aunque llovía, el sol brillaba.

63) Aunque hacía calor, me quité el abrigo.

64) Aunque recibiré el dinero esta tarde, no te pagaré hasta mañana.

65) Aunque vivía en mi calle, nunca nos encontrábamos.

66) Aunque viviera en mi calle, nunca nos encontraríamos.

67) Aunque tengo siempre razón, nunca insisto. // Aunque tuviera razón, no insistiría.


68) Aunque tengo poco tiempo, intentaré esta allí. // Aunque tenga poco tiempo, haré todo lo que esté en mis manos para estar allí.

69) Aunque reciba el dinero esta tarde, no podré pagarte hasta mañana.

70) Aunque comieses más, no engordarías.


71) Suiza es un país montañoso, mientras que Bélgica es llana.

72) Joan puede permitirse comprar ropa cara, mientras que yo no.



73) Decidimos acampar a pesar del mal tiempo.

74) Cogió la carretera equivocada a pesar de que le habíamos dado instrucciones detalladas.

75) Se las arregla muy bien a pesar de su avanzada edad // a pesar de que tiene más de 80 años.

76) El avión despegó a pesar de la terrible tormenta.

77) Todavía lo recuerdo, a pesar de que ocurrió hace mucho tiempo.

78) A pesar de haber visto el letrero en la pared, encendió un cigarrillo.

79) A pesar de estar seguro de que no ganaría, decidió participar en el concurso.

80) A pesar de parecer tímido, resultó ser una persona muy segura de sí misma. d) HOWEVER / YET / STILL / NEVERTHELESS


81) Sabe que es un mentiroso. No obstante, confía en él.

82) Tu ensayo es demasiado breve. Sin embargo, es muy interesante.

83) Canta horriblemente. Con todo, vende miles de discos.

84) La gente sabe que fumar es malo para su salud. Sin embargo, continúan fumando.

85) Sus condiciones de vida son realmente malas. No obstante, esas personas parecen satisfechas con la situación.

e) ON THE ONE HAND…….. ON THE OTHER HAND............

86) ¿ Hasta que punto depende nuestra personalidad del medio donde somos criados? Por una parte, características como el liderazgo y la imaginación son en gran medida heredadas. Por otra parte, el medio en el cual un niño es criado explica muchos otros rasgos, incluyendo la agresividad y la sociabilidad.


87) África no es un continente rico. Al contrario, la mayoría de los países africanos son extremadamente pobres.


MORE EXERCISES….. 1) Complete:





__________ Celine Dion is Canadian, she sang in the 1998 Eurovision song Contest for Switzerland.


I want to cancel my hotel reservations because, according to the weather forecast, it will rain a lot next week. ___________, a friend of mine didn’t enjoy his stay there.


The weather was rather cold. ____________, we went for a swim.


Putting on a school play is highly recommended. It helps pupils and teachers to know each other better. __________, it encourages creativity.


____________ it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.


____________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.


She accepted the job _____________ the salary, which was rather low.


I went to work the next day ______________ I was still feeling unwell.



My husband always does the housework___________ I can study for my exams.


I shouted ____________ be heard by everybody.


I whispered____________ nobody could hear me.


I studied very hard __________ pass my Selectividad exam.


_________ her injuries weren’t serious, she could go back home the next day.


She only accepted the job __________ the salary, which was very high.


I went home early _________ I was feeling unwell.



She discovered that her husband had been unfaithful to her and ________, she divorced him.

2) Transformations (Contrast)

Even though he had a perfect alibi he was arrested. IN SPITE OF

In spite of being the market leader the company went bankrupt. EVEN THOUGH

Although they don’t have a burglar alarm they have never been burgled. DESPITE

Despite the fact that I was late the boss wasn’t angry. ALTHOUGH

In spite of being the manager he goes to work by bike. EVEN THOUGH

3) Fill in the blanks (Reason / Purpose : to / so as not to / so that /because / because of...)

He never talks about his private life ________________ protect his family.

They had to make a lot of workers redundant __________________ the company could survive.

We always lock all the windows_________________ there have been burglaries near here.

When she asked me if I liked her dress, I told a white lie _________________ hurt her feelings.

We were very late for the concert ______________ the terrible traffic.


I’m going to work late on Friday night_______________ have to do any work at the wekend.

I’ll send him an e-mail_______________ tell him when we are coming.

He has been very depressed recently ____________________ his job.









































http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2011/110204-relative-clauses-exercises-bac-.php http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2018/030501-exercise-on-relative-pronouns-american-britishenglish.php http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2019/020402-more-practice-on-relative-clauses.php














http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2011/110203-indirect-reported-speech-exercises-bac-.php http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2018/042501-how-to-tell-if-your-boyfriend-is-a-slob-moreabout-reported-speech.php






http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2012/091101-correct-the-mistakes.php http://ciug.gal/grupos/inglescircular.php




Proba de Avaliación do Bacharelato para o Acceso á Universidade XUÑO 2018 Código: 11 INGLÉS OPCIÓN A Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. There are some places in Britain where people greet each other with a smile and take advantage of any excuse for a street party. The building blocks of friendly communities are many and various: pubs; churches; amateur dramatic societies; schools; fish-and-chip shops. Here are some relaxed, easy-going places where one could feel confident of a warm welcome. If terriers and poodles had a vote, Keswick, Cumbria, would be the runaway winner as Britain’s Friendliest Town. In 2012, the popular Lake District tourist centre took the national prize in a competition run by the Dog Club. Two-legged visitors also get a warm welcome. The town is an example of a community that relies on tourism without becoming cynical and acquisitive. Yorkshire folk can sometimes be suspicious of outsiders, but the smiles of welcome get broader the further north in the county you travel. According to a recent survey, the spa town of Harrogate is the happiest community in Britain, taking into account factors such as good neighbourliness and handsome surroundings, including beautiful countryside. And it was voted happiest town last year, too. You don’t have to be tanked up with the local beer to appreciate the friendliness of Taunton and the people who live there. An abundance of independent shops and businesses in the town centre reveals an idiosyncratic community brimming with optimism. There are plenty of charming Victorian houses in town, and picturesque country cottages nearby. The number of cyclists can often be a test for a flourishing community. Nowhere in Britain beats Plymouth in this respect. This Devon city is the 70

most bicycle-friendly place in the country, according to a survey. Even if you prefer to explore by foot, you are likely to be struck by the fact that it seems to be a city at ease with itself. A large student population means there are plenty of flats and a good mix of people from many countries. Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point). 2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. Keswick lives mainly on tourism. b. People in South Yorkshire make people feel more welcome than in North Yorkshire. c. Harrogate has been voted the happiest town for two years. d. The most cosmopolitan city mentioned in the text is Taunton.

3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each). a) say hello to b) champion c) scenery d) cordiality 4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. Which one of the following words has the same vowel sound as the letter underlined in the word “church�: terriers, warm, tourism, prefer.


b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently from the others: country, could, foot, good. c. In which one of the following words is the underlined letter pronounced “s” /s/? cycle; houses; reveals; sometimes. d. In which one of the following words is the letter “u” silent (not pronounced)? popular; building; survey; population. 5. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the word or expression in brackets if any. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). a) A community that relies on tourism without becoming cynical. (...and doesn’t... ) b) According to a recent survey, Harrogate is the happiest community in Britain. A recent ... c) Plymouth is the most bicycle-friendly place in the country. No other place…

6. Is the place where you live friendly to visitors? What would you do to attract more visitors? (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


Proba de Avaliación do Bacharelato para o Acceso á Universidade XUÑO 2018 Código: 11 INGLÉS OPCIÓN B Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie made their money in the oil and steel industries respectively, but both of them wanted to make sure their money would make an impact on society and set up their own philanthropic foundations. According to Carnegie: "He who dies rich dies disgraced". A century on from when they were set up, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation reflect the areas in which their wealthy founders wanted to make a difference - in Rockefeller's case, healthcare and in Carnegie's, education. But philanthropists of yesterday would be surprised by the way things have changed over time. In 1920 Barrow Cadbury, of the Cadbury's chocolate company, and his wife Geraldine set up the Barrow Cadbury Trust to promote social justice. Today, the Trust is chaired by their great granddaughter Ruth. "Barrow and Geraldine were Quaker industrialists. Quakers believe in the equality of all people and in the responsibility of all people to give public service and care for others," Ms Cadbury says. "The world has changed dramatically over the past century and some of the projects we now support might be surprising to Barrow and Geraldine." She cites the Quaker support for gay marriage and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality. They attempt to carry on their work in the same spirit as their founders. But clearly not everything is the same as it was 100 years ago. The biggest change affecting the foundations has probably been the growth of government, with state funding now covering areas that they weren't previously, such as health and education. But with government cuts now taking place, charities turn to philanthropists. Some give directly, while others are using business models to tackle problems in 73

society. So the rich are getting even richer, big companies are getting bigger, while new fortunes are being created, but some of the super-rich are discovering that with a lot of money comes a lot of responsibility. Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point). 2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. Rockefeller and Carnegie were both philanthropists. b. The Cadbury Trust supports the same causes as its founders did. c. Governments now support health and education less than they did 100 years ago. d. The super-rich today are clearly less responsible than 100 years ago.

3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each). a) established b) rich c) try d) expansion

4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. In which one of the following words do the underlined letters have the same sound as the letter underlined in the word “promote�: foundation, discover, growth, models.


b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently from the others: steel, previously, healthcare, believe. c. In which one of the following words are/is the underlined letter(s) pronounced /ɒ/ like the “o” in “hot”? some, daughter, both, problems. d. In which one of the following words is the underlined letter “s” pronounced /s/ as in “summer”? fortunes, industrialists, surprising, others.

5. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the word or expression in brackets if any. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). a) John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie made their money in the oil and steel industries respectively. While John D. Rockefeller made his... (oil...steel...) b) Quakers believe in the equality of all people. Quakers believe that... c) Some of the projects might be surprising to Barrow and Geraldine. Barrow and Geraldine might...

6. What other things make it difficult to live with other members of the family, apart from alcohol? (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


Proba de Avaliación do Bacharelato para o Acceso á Universidade SETEMBRO 2018 Código: 11 INGLÉS OPCIÓN A Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. Is Germany better at teaching university courses in English than universities in English-speaking countries? Germany has been named as the most supportive country for foreign students, in an international league table. Among the attractions for international students is the growing number of courses taught entirely in English, so students can complete degrees without ever having to speak German. The British Council has placed Germany in first place in a table which evaluates university systems according to aspects such as degree quality, support for foreign students and how much students are encouraged to spend time abroad. In the Freie Universitat Berlin, students from Germany, the United States and China participate in seminars conducted by German professors speaking in English. There are more students from Germany studying abroad than from any other European country and it wants half of its students to spend at least a term abroad, giving Germany one of the world's most mobile student populations. One of the attractions of Germany is that non-German students do not pay more in tuition fees than home students. Freie Universitat Berlin has been part of this internationalisation project. "It's a well-kept secret, that foreign students are able to come here and there are very few barriers," says David Ravensbergen, from Canada. He is also impressed by the way foreign students in Germany do not pay higher fees. "One of the strongest motivators is finance. To go to university in Canada means taking on debt. It's practically free to do it in Germany." Sophie Perl, a student from the United States, echoes his opinion: "I think the biggest factor is financial. In the US a graduate programme would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, while in 76

Germany it doesn't cost anything. And it doesn't cost more for foreign students than it does for German students." Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point). 2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. Foreign students in Germany need to study in German. b. Many German students study in foreign universities. c. Canadian students have to pay back money they were lent for university study. d. Foreign students have to pay more for their studies than German ones.

3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each). a) in a foreign country b) the money you pay for classes c) obstacles d) money which you have borrowed and have to pay back

4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. Which one of the following words has the same vowel sound as the letters underlined in the word “free�: foreign, universities, least, finance. b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently from the others: taught, support, foreign, abroad. 77

c. In which one of the following words are/is the underlined letter(s) pronounced “z” /z/? basket, doesn’t, impressed, university. d. In which one of the following words is the stress on the first syllable, as in “Germany”? degrees, graduate, attraction, impressed.

5. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the word or expression in brackets if any. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). a) Foreign students in Germany do not pay higher fees. Higher fees… b) To go to university in Canada means taking on debt. It's practically free to do it in Germany. While in Germany ... c) Students can complete degrees without ever having to speak German. Students don’t have to…… in order to ……

6. Would you like to study in another country? Why / Why not? If your answer is “yes”, which country? (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


Proba de Avaliación do Bacharelato para o Acceso á Universidade SETEMBRO 2018 Código: 11 INGLÉS OPCIÓN B Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. Dear Dr Wise, I am an eighteen-year-old male with a problem. I am in love with one of my best friends. When I first met her, I really didn’t like her. She was always so annoying. But then we got to know each other better and she sort of grew on me. Not very long after I started to get to know her, I began to think about her romantically. Soon after, we became like brother and sister, always together. And my feelings have done nothing but grow since then. It took me about a year to work up the courage to tell her about the feelings I had for her. When I finally did, she told me that we had too good a friendship, that she didn’t want to ruin it, that I was like a brother to her and that she couldn’t feel that way for me. But I just can’t shake this feeling. Several times the pain I feel has grown so strong that I needed to take a “vacation” from her. But when I am away from her for so long, I miss her to the point where the only thing I want to do is be with her, no matter how much it hurts to know she doesn’t feel the same way. I have actually cried about this almost a hundred times. The only advice I have got so far is to “get over it”, and if I could, I would. But I can’t. I think that the reason I can’t get over this is because I can’t let go of the hopes that some day she may change her mind. And I truly believe that if she did, I would marry her straight away. Please help me! “Desperate” 79

Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points, using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point). 2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. The writer doesn’t like his friend now as much as he did at first. b. The writer thinks about his friend in a romantic way. c. The writer’s friend prefers to be just a friend of his. d. People have given him useful advice.

3. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each). a) irritating b) bravery, valour c) spoil d) up to now

4. Pronunciation. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. In which one of the following words do the underlined letters have the same sound as the “o” in the word “over”: cover, brother, strong, only. b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently from the others: learn, hurts, work, sort. c. In which one of the following words is the underlined letter pronounced “s” /s/? This, these, always, because.


d. In which one of the following words is the letter “o” pronounced /ʌ/ as in “fun”: brother, problem, romantically, told.

5. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use the word or expression in brackets if any. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each). a) She told me she couldn’t feel that way for me. But I just can’t shake this feeling. Although ….. b) It took me about a year to tell her about the feelings I had for her. After about a year ….. c) Please help me! “Desperate” asked Dr. Wise …..

6. Imagine you are Dr. Wise. Write a letter in answer to “Desperate’s” one advising him what he should do. Begin with “Dear Desperate,” (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


PAAU Practice Examination (Galiza)

Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. Whether they score an additional goal in football or win another set in tennis, sports people everywhere like to win. So it is not surprising that athletes have always been willing to use technology to enhance their performance. But the use of some new technologies raises troubling questions. Today, there are new advances in almost every field of sport. The poles used by pole-vaulters are no longer made of flexible wood; instead, they consist of lightweight aluminium and fibreglass. The surface of the track used by runners has changed from cinders, used in the 1930s, to plastic, latex and rubber. And swimmers today wear swimsuits made of a new fabric called Fastskin. Partly as a result of these changes, new records have been set. But does this mean that athletes are no longer competing against each other, and that the technologies are competing instead? Already, it is hard to measure the performances of sports people today against those of times gone by. Is there any point in comparing the achievements of past baseball players, who used bats of white ash wood, with those of today’s players, who use bats made of stronger, lighter maple wood? Many people believe that the use of some advanced technologies takes the sporting element out of certain activities. They wonder if it is fair to use heat-seeking missiles to shoot birds, or darts that are electronically guided. And what about the cost of new equipment? Competitions that allow expensive technology, automatically favour competitors who can afford it. In order to keep competitions fair, sports committees have sometimes banned expensive innovations. How important is it to win? Is winning at all costs worth it? What should the goal of sporting competitions be? There are no easy answers, only questions. 82

Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point).

2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.

The use of technology to enhance performance is new.

b. The surface of tracks used by runners is now made of cinders from the 1930s. c. Technological advances have helped set new records in many sports. d. Sports committees sometimes forbid the use of expensive equipment.

3. Find words and phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.







price or value



Pronunication. (1 point; 0.25 each)


In which of the following words is the letter “s” pronounced /z/? athletes – poles – bats – tracks

b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently. people – achievement – measure – athlete c. Write the word in which the underlined letters are pronounced /e/ as in “flexible”. instead – wear – mean – heat d. Find a word in the text that includes the sound /aI/ like the “i” in “fibreglass”.

5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and / or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each) a.

“What will happen next?” Alex asked me.

Alex wondered … b.

Katie baked a cake and she also made some soup.

As well as … c.

Ben hasn’t got a university education. (study)

Ben …

6. Write an opinion essay on the following: “Should money be offered as prizes in sports competitions?” Give reasons for your answer. (Approximately 120 words, 3 points)


PAAU Practice Examination (Galiza)

Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. If you have ever been fooled by a practical joke or a hoax, your first feeling was probably anger – at yourself for being misled and at others for misleading you. But don’t feel bad. Hoaxes have been around for a long time, and very clever and educated people have been deceived. The word “hoax” derives from “hocus”, part of the Latin phrase “hocuspocus”, meaning “something that fools your eyes”. It was first used around 1800, but pranks and hoaxes have existed at least since the time of the Ancient Greeks. By the Middle Ages, court jesters were actually expected to play tricks on the king and courtiers in order to amuse them. However, most hoaxes are perpetrated on unknowing subjects, many of them educated and rational people. For example, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, was a physician, yet he was tricked into believing in the existence of fairies after being shown faked photographs. Decades later, the girls who had taken the pictures, and who were by then old women, admitted that the “fairies” had been paper cut-outs. Even the BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, which is usually a very reliable source of news, occasionally enters into the spirit of April Fool’s Day, a day when people traditionally play jokes on each other. One of the most famous examples was in 1957, when a serious news programme reported a bumper pasta crop on the spaghetti farms of Switzerland. The story goes that people actually called the BBC, asking for more information on how to grow their own spaghetti trees. The best practical jokes are those where no one is hurt. As long as we stick to this guideline, perhaps a little embarrassment is worth the fun – especially when you know you are in good company.


Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point).

2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.

Intelligent people aren’t usually fooled by practical jokes.


The word “hoax” has existed since ancient times.


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed in fairies.


The BBC doesn’t usually play tricks on its viewers.

3. Find words and phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.

entertain, make people laugh


naive, unsuspecting




big, larger than normal



Pronunciation. (1 point. 0.25 each)

a. In which of the following words are the letters “th” pronounced /ɵ/? that – them – thanks – those b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently. something – other – but – hurt c. Write the word in which the underlined letters are pronounced /aʊ/ the same as “ou” in “around”. grow – shown – how – own d. Find a word in the text that includes the sound like the /ʤ/ in “Ages”.

5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and / or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each) a. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a popular author and created Sherlock Holmes. (who) b.

Despite the rain, we went for a long walk. Although …

c. “We have found a primitive tribe,” announced the anthropologists. The anthropologists announced that …

6. Write a letter to a friend describing a practical joke that was played on you and how it affected you. (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


PAAU Practice Examination (Galiza)

Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. As part of the preparations for a manned space flight to Mars, Russian scientists outfitted a special spaceship in Moscow. They wanted to study how human beings will react physically and psychologically when living in conditions that mimic those of a mission to Mars. The Mars – 500 project had a multi-national crew of six – three Russians, two Europeans and one Chinese man – chosen from among thousands of applicants who went through a year of intensive training before they were selected. The crew entered the “spaceship” and stayed there for 520 days. During the experiment, volunteers lived in the same conditions as astronauts. Air was recycled, food was rationed, and no tobacco or alcohol was available. There was no contact with the outside world, with the exception of Internet and phone lines which had a delay of up to 20 minutes in order to simulate the delay expected with a real Mars mission. While the volunteers watched films, read books and played computer games to pass the time, they also spent a lot of time sleeping. As the “trip” progressed, they slept more and more, and on their return journey they spent 700 hours more in bed than on the outward trip. Some volunteers were affected more than others. One man began living a 25hour day schedule, which meant that after 12 days, it was the middle of the day for him when everyone else was sleeping. Another man slept at night, but took long naps during the day. Together, they spent 20 per cent of their time sleeping while their colleagues were awake. Another volunteer had difficulty sleeping at all, which drastically affected his ability to concentrate. A fourth member began to suffer from depression. All of the men underwent daily medical, physical and psychological tests during their period on the “spaceship”. The results were a cause for 88

concern among the scientists who were monitoring them since it is crucial that astronauts are able to cooperate effectively when on a mission.

Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point).

2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a. The volunteers were given basic training before they started the experiment. b.

They weren’t allowed any kind of contact with the outside world.


The volunteers reacted differently to the experiment.


The scientists were worried by the results of the experiment.

3. Find words and phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.



controlled, limited amounts


short sleeps





Pronunication. (1 point; 0.25 each)

a. In which of the following words is the ending “-ed” pronounced /Id/? stayed – recycled – affected – entered b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently. outfitted – thousands – through – hours c. Write the word in which the underlined letters are /e/ the same as in “bed”. react – real – meant – colleague d. Find a word in the text that includes the sound like the /juː/ in “schedule”.

5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and / or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each) a.

Lisa didn’t bake a cake – she bought one. (instead of) Lisa …


They will announce the names of the winners next week. The names …


“Did you pay for the meal?” Liz asked me. Liz asked if …

6. Write about what you would do if you had the opportunity to go into space. Give reasons for your answer. (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)


PAAU Practice Examination (Galiza)

Read the text and the instructions to the questions very carefully. Answer all the questions in English. If you’ve always thought of kangaroos as being adorable and koala bears as cute, you may be in for a shock. New fossil discoveries are changing the way some of the world’s animals are being perceived today. Fifty million years ago, some of our modern-day animals existed, but in almost unrecognisable forms. For example, whales, which today live in the water, had legs and lived on land, and probably looked like large dogs. During a period of 15 million years, they gradually moved to living in the sea full-time. Their bodies became sleeker, enabling them to swim more efficiently, and their front legs evolved into flippers. The back legs finally disappeared completely, although this probably did not occur until well after they had moved into the sea. Scientists are uncertain why this transition occurred; maybe whales were trying to escape from predators, or perhaps they needed more food or more space than was available on land. It appears that some whales were ferocious killers. Twenty-five million years ago, ancestors of today’s peaceful blue whale had razor-sharp teeth, earning it the nickname “T-rex of the Ocean”. In addition to the examples above, some very unusual animals lived in Australia: for example, 20 million years ago, there were killer kangaroos, and 12 million years ago, there were flesh-eating ducks, nicknamed “The Demon Duck of Doom”. They were three metres high and could weigh as much as 400 kg. Like today’s ostriches and emus, these “Demon Ducks” were unable to fly. And a “mere” 50,000 years ago, Australia was home to giant versions of koala bears and kangaroos, in addition to some animals that have since disappeared, such as crocodiles that climbed trees. These crocodiles are nicknamed “drop crocs” by modern researchers because they would surprise their prey by dropping on them from above.


So the next time you cuddle up to a fluffy stuffed animal, you may want to reconsider. Who knows what we will discover next about bears, or mice like Mickey?

Questions 1. Write a summary of the text in English, including the most important points using your own words (approximately 50 words; 1 point).

2. Mark the following sentences true or false (T/F) according to the text. Then write the part (and ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.

Millions of years ago, whales could walk.


Scientists now know why whales moved into the sea.


Demon Ducks ate other animals.


All of the animals mentioned in the text lived in Australia.

3. Find words and phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here. (1 point; 0.25 each) a.

an unpleasant surprise


changed over a period of time




think about a decision again



Pronunication. (1 point; 0.25 each)

a. In which of the following words is the ending “-ed” pronounced /t/? perceived – evolved – climbed – stuffed b. Write the word whose underlined letters are pronounced differently. prey – available – giant – weigh c. Write the word in which the underlined letters are pronounced /uː/as in “doom”. would – move – could – home d. Find a word in the text that includes the sound /ʃ/ like the “c” in “efficiently”.

5. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the word in brackets and / or the expression given, making the necessary changes. (1.5 points; 0.5 points each) a. “Their bodies became sleeker, enabling them to swim more efficiently. Their bodies became sleeker, so … b. There are many accidents on the roads because drivers don’t pay attention. (If) c.

“Let’s go to the new dinosaur museum,” suggested Alice. Alice suggested …

6. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of preserving animal species by keeping them in zoos. (Approximately 120 words; 3 points)










http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2018/090301-pronunciation-activities-2-bac.php http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2018/121401-more-about-phonetics.php



Personality - idioms and collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.

heart of






hard as



pain in the



keep your





Illness and treatment - collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.




allergic to

Byour ankle


high blood







Ea cold




Clothes and fashion - idioms and collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.

dressed to



fit like

Ba glove


pull your



in your



a sleeveless

Esocks up




Crime and punishment - collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.





Ba crime






Dwith murder 104







Weather - collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.


















Feelings - idioms Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.

sick and






over the



down in the

Dtired of







The body - idioms Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.

give me a



put your



pulling my



on the tip of my



get if off your



learn by

Ffoot in it

Music - idioms and collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 105


music to my



a good ear for



blow your own

Cthe music


out of

Da tune





a monotonous


Business and advertising - collocation Match the two halves of the phrase. 1.




make somebody

Bwith another company


set up a












Phrasal Verbs Choose the correct particle to complete the sentence.

1. Can you call me 2. Slow

when you get this message?

! Now, tell me again what happened.

3. You should cut on the amount of work you do at the weekend and spend more time with your family. 4. I'll try one more time. If that doesn't work, I give 5. My sister broke back together now. 6. I wasn't trying to chat her


with her boyfriend last month, but they're ! I was just making conversation.

Choose the correct particle to complete the sentence.


1. I've been going now. 2. Watch

a difficult period at work, but I'm OK ! That bike nearly hit us.

3. I never want to see you in my house again. Get 4. A couple of our local shops have closed making a profit.

! . They weren't

5. She carried playing for a year after the injury, but she was never the same player. Choose the correct particle to complete the sentence.

1. Don't ask me. I have no idea what's going


2. Phone me from the airport and I'll come and pick you 3. I'm thinking of taking


yoga. It should help me relax.

4. I always wanted to be an actor, but somehow I ended marketing.







- The presenter says that Galician people live ________ ________ and they share a football rivalry ________ ________.

________ ________

- He also says that when you think of Spain you probably don't ________ ________ ________ quite like Galicia. - Someone says that Galicia has got something a touch ________ ________ ________ (comparison) the rest of Spain. - The presenter says that (Galicia), tucked away (=hidden) in the northwest of the country is arguably ________ ________ ________ (superlative) region. - He says that here the sun ______ ________ ________ and everything ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. - A Galician man says that the beach is ________ ________.


- Another person says that you'd see rain ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.



- The presenter says that here people live their lives ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ ___________


- What does a famous line say? - What does "habelas hainas" mean?


LISTENING COMPREHENSION – HOW TO STOP A BULLY Fill in the gaps: Sociologists …………………………………………….bullying for decades. They just don’t call it bullying, they’ve always called it “Dominance……………..……..”, that is, other people trying to overpower others and it’s just like…………………………….., you know, the alpha male mentality. That’s what’s happening on campus and so when we understand it in terms of dominance………………., people trying to have………………….…………….., that helps us understand what to do about bullying, when we really understand what it is. All the bullying experts……………………………………, that bullying is an……………………………, that someone’s trying to have power over you, they want to see you lose and they……………………………... You see? The experts say it’s an………………………………. Let me put it this way, let’s say a bully says they hate your guts. “I HATE YOUR GUTS”. If you respond out of anger, “……………………………….!”, the bully loves that, “ NEVER !“. “I HATE YOU!”. “(I) DON’T CARE!”. “YOU’RE…………………………………………!”. “ THAT’S THE POINT, STUPID!”. You see, the more ……………………you get, the more angry you get, the more …………………….…. But what ……………………………..if we were resilient? (Everybody say resilient). What if we were…………………………………………..? (Everybody say strong) What if we were…………………………………………? (Everybody say tough) Then no matter what the hater says, you……………………………….. (“I HATE YOUR GUTS” – “……………………………………) (“YOU SMELL LIKE BODY ODOUR, YOU’RE……………………”– “THANKS FOR THE INFORMATION”) (“ …………………………………………” – YOU HAVE A FACE OF AN ANGEL, SWEET CHEEKS) OK, maybe that was too far, but how ……………………………..would it be if you, the …………………of relentless teasing and taunting or bullying decided to not……………………………………., to have……………………………………….., to allow the hateful, mean words of others bounce right off you and not care what the …………………………………………….. 110


ALTERNATIVE MATH (SHORT FILM) MONDAY What is Danny having some trouble with? What do we learn from, according to the teacher? TUESDAY According to the teacher, what is completely normal for kids? Danny’s father says: Who are you to say…………………………………………… and ………………..wrong? Danny’s mother says that the teacher is right out of…………………………………………… Danny’s father insults the teacher by asking her if she is some kind of r…………….. Danny’s mother says they are going to complain to the ……………… about the teacher. Danny’s father says that his son is a free ………………… According to the teacher, why won’t Danny’s mother have her job? WEDNESDAY How does the principal want to handle the issue with Danny’s parents? According to the principal, what is NOT the teachers’ role? And what does the teacher reply? THURSDAY What is the students’ slogan in the demonstration? What does the father who has a beard and a moustache shout at the teacher? One of the members of the board tells the teacher they can’t wait a week or so. Why not? What are the parents suing the school for? One of the members of the board tells the teacher: “ Just say you’re open to the possibility that there might be…………………………………………………………” According to another member of the board, who is stupid? Are they firing her? FRIDAY The teacher watching TV (subtitles) She gets a phone call… What does the principal tell her? SATURDAY The principal tells her she should have been willing to be more…………………….. Then he pays her…. How much? According to the teacher, How much is 2000 + 2000?



HOLIDAYS What are the three first questions that the presenter asks about the British and their holidays? When does she go on holiday? How long is most people’s break? take it?

Can they choose when they

How many holiday trips do British people make every year? Which country is the number one choice for many people? (to go on holiday) Why do so many British people go abroad for their holidays? How did people travel from big cities to seaside towns in the 19thcentury? What is the distance between Brighton and London? Why do people go to Brighton? Where do people stay there? How many British people spend their holidays in Devon or Cornwall? Where are Devon, Cornwall? Where are the Lake District and Scotland, which are also very popular? Is London a popular destination among British holidaymakers? Many British people like activity holidays. What do they consist of? WINDOW ON BRITAIN – LEISURE 

How do British people spend their free time?

What do the interviewed people do in their free time?

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3: rd


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5: th

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7: th

8: th

9: th

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The most popular activity outside home in Britain is…………………. The second is……………………… The third is………………………… The fourth is……………………….

What do many people visit?

Short break holidays ………………………………………. are very popular, too.

Where do a lot of young people go?

What are people’s favourite sports in Britain?

How much do you have to pay to enter many museums in Britain?

Apart from art galleries and museums, what other places do British people like visiting?

When did the London Eye open?

What do the British do at home in their free time?

http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2014/100801-phobias.......php WHAT IS EAH PERSON IN THE SKETCH AFRAID OF?

http://isabelcota.blogia.com/2015/010901-dangers-of-generalization.php Reza Aslam calls out the media for generalization and bigotry when reporting on Muslims. Watch the video and fill in the gaps / answer the questions: Reza Aslan says that comedian Bill Maher is not very ________________ when it comes to the topic of religion. 113

According to Reza Aslan, is female genital mutilation an Islamic problem? Is female genital mutilation a practice in countries which are Christian?____ If so, which ones?

How many women have been elected as head of states in Muslim majority countries? Which Muslim majority countries does he mention as not free and open societies for women? Are Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey the same as Saudi Arabia as far as the situation of women is concerned? Islam is the religion of ________________ billion (= One thousand million) people and certainly it is very easy to ______________ them all with a single _________________ Saudi Arabia is __________ ___________ ____________ Muslim country in the world. In a month, Saudi Arabia, our closest ally, has ___________ ___________ people and nobody seems to care about that because Saudi Arabia preserves ____________ _____________ _______________ When we talk about women in the Muslim world we use __________ or ___________ ____________ to justify a ________________ Does Islam promote violence? What is Reza Aslan’s answer?

People are violent or peaceful and that depends on… What?

Who speaks of Muslim countries as if they were just one country? Reza Aslan says that stoning or mutilation should be condemned by everyone. The actions of individuals and societies and countries like Iran, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia must be condemned because they don’t belong in the 21st century. He adds: To say Muslim countries as though ___________ and Turkey are the same, as though Indonesia and _____________________ are the same, as though somehow what is happening in the most extreme forms in these repressive countries is representative of what is happening in every Muslim country is _______________. These oversimplifications only cause more ____________. Isis, Al Quaeda…. Are problems, but it doesn’t help us to paint everything with the same brush.



Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty (FILL IN THE BLANKS WHILE WATCHING THE FILM) Are you _________, ____________?







I think someone is looking for her bedtime __________, is she? How about your favourite?...Sleeping Beauty? Now where is it? Let me see . Once upon a time in a Kingdom far away a __________ was born and she was very ____________ , so they called her Beauty. Beauty was indeed very ____________ , just like yourself, love but she was soon to learn that when it comes to the harsher _______________ of this life beauty is not going to get you very far .... Anyway, soon it was the day of her______________ and everybody in the kingdom had gathered for this joyful occasion, including the lovely, pretty fairies of the _____________, who were soon to be __________, glamorous godmothers . Oh yes, everyone was invited to this __________. Everyone that is, except maybe the one ____________who might have done with the day off. You know who that was, do you? I’ll tell you. It was the _____________ fairy and do you know why nobody at all invited the ____________ fairy ? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s because she was _______________ and decrepit and not one bit ____________ in the eyes of other younger more exciting fairies who still have their muscle tone. “Oh! Let’s not invite the stinky old fairy!”, they probably said, “She ___________ of dirty bedsheets, and all she ever talks about is her bad ___________. She’s so old she’ll probably fall asleep after _______________________, anyway. Why should we care about someone who spent her life working on behalf of the entire community? So the _______________ fairy felt a little bit ___________ and left out as well she might, so she decided she’d show that shower a ___________________ or two about how it feels to be old and constantly sleepy . First of all she surprised them by appearing in the middle of their laudy daw(snob)_________party in a huge cloud of toxic green ____________. Of course they had their excuses as to why they hadn’t bothered inviting her .” Oh I thought you wouldn’t want to be out and about with your knee giving you so much _________________“, said the Queen. “I thought you’d died _____________________________”, said one of the stupid young fairies. Do you think the elderly fairy being older and ______________ was able to forgive them? Don’t be _______________! Of course she wasn’t! She loomed over the _______________ in a menacing manner and laughed for a very long time. And it was longer than that! Oh look at you ! Aren’t you great? With your smooth complexions and your social calendars ... dancing around on your working _____________, you make me __________________!! You look at me and you find me so old and ______________!!! Well, I’ve learnt a thing or two in my 115

time . Try this and receive. And with this she put a terrible _____________on the party, that each and everyone of them would __________ in the instant they ever_________________________. All right, so love . That’s me for tonight. You _____________ well and I’ll see you in the _______________________ with the help of ______________. Go to sleep, go to sleep... If they ever ____________________, would__________.





Jay Walker gives a talk on the world’s `English mania’. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 1.How many people are trying to learn English worldwide? a. 500 million b. 1 billion c. 2 billion 2.Which country will become the largest English-speaking country in the world? a. the USA b. China c. India 3. In which school year do Chinese school children start learning English by law? a. third grade (8-9 yrs) b. fifth grade (10-11) c. sixth grade (11-12) 4. How long does China’s `Gaokao’ school-leaving examination last? a. 3 hours b. 12 hours c. 3 days 5. How many Chinese high school students have taken the Gaokao? a. 10 million b. 40 million c. 80 million TRUE OR FALSE? 1. The speaker thinks that English mania is an unhealthy obsession. 2. According to the speaker, learning English represents opportunity for a better life. 3. The speaker believes that English will replace all other languages in the future. 4. The speaker believes that knowing English will enable people to become involved in global discussions. 5. The speaker believes that learning English is popular because of America.


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