That's module 11 unit 4

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MODULE 11 – UNIT 4 (EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS) A) GRAMMAR - Verbs + -ing or + to - NEW SUBJECT BEFORE –ING: We can have different subjects in the main clause and in the -ing clause. The subject of the – ing clause can be expressed by a pronoun in the object form or by using a possessive adjective (in more formal contexts). I hope you don’t mind me / my watching while you are trying to fix that. She wouldn’t want to risk us / our losing the contract.



Offering help Requests • Why don’t I + infinitive? Why don’t I carry those bags for you? • Can I give you a hand + -ing? Can I lend you a hand mowing the lawn? • Let me + infinitive Let me open this door for you. • Subject + would + be delighted to + infinitive I’d be delighted to cook for you while you’re ill. • Imperative + will / won’t / would you? Open that door for me, will / won’t / would you? • Can you give me a hand with…? Can you give me a hand with this, please?

• Could you (possibly) + infinitive? Could you (possibly) turn the volume down? • Will / Would you + infinitive? Will you please stop making that noise? Would you please lock the door when you leave? • Would you mind + -ing? Would you mind helping me with the gardening?

B) VOCABULARY Match the expressions (1-7) to their meaning (a-g). 1 to lend a hand 2 to go hand in hand with 3 near at hand 4 a handout 5 their hands are tied 6 to live hand-to-mouth 7 to wring your hands a to show anxiety about a situation but do nothing to help b to live in poor circumstances c money given as charity to a person d to be connected to e close by f to help g they are unable to do anything or much

Complete the sentences with a suitable form of an expression from the previous activity. 1 I’d really love to help, but I can’t break the rules. My ... . 2 We’d better keep some water ... in case the barbecue gets too hot. 3 Her son ran away from home and was found on the streets ... . 4 Could you ... with carrying these boxes inside? 5 It’s better to give training and accommodation to the homeless than ... . 6 Respect for a person’s dignity should ... giving charity. 7 It’s no good ... at the problems in our community, we need to take action.


Be a volunteer:


You've seen people in need on the news after a …………………………………………………………………………………... Perhaps you've walked past homeless people ………………………………………………………... Or maybe you've been to an animal shelter and wished you could give every pet a home.


So what can you do to help people (or animals) who need it? The answer is — volunteer!


Volunteering means ……………………………………………………………….. You may volunteer to help other people, such as the families who lost their homes after a natural disaster. But you can also volunteer to ………………………………………………………………………………., or any other cause that you care about.


Help Yourself by Helping Others


Volunteering helps others, but it can also help you, too. If you're upset about something that's happened — like a hurricane or other disaster — doing something about it can be a great way to…………………………………………………...


Volunteering also lets you see your own life in new ways. Sometimes it's easy to worry about stuff like grades or get annoyed because you don't have the most expensive sneakers……………………………………………... Volunteering lets you spend some time focusing on others for a while.


Lots of people — and kids — find that they really enjoy volunteering. Volunteer experiences often put you in a different environment and expose you to…………………………………………that you wouldn't have

come across in …………………………………... For instance, you might learn that just on the edge of your town are some kids who ……………………………………………………….


It feels good to be able to meet a need like that. You'll know that, thanks to you, some kids have ……………………………………. So whether it's …………………….., food for the hungry, or homes for ……………………………….., doing volunteer work means one very important thing: ……………………………………………………………...

D) READING COMPREHENSION - Volunteering: (Pages 2 and 3)

E) WRITING Have you ever donated to any charities? Which type of charity appeals to you? Are some charities more worthwhile than others? (pg 46) F) SPEAKING

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