That's English! Module 11 Unit 6

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THAT’S ENGLISH! – MODULE 11 – UNIT 6 (IT’S A DEAL!) A) GRAMMAR - Question tags: -Expressing refusal in English: 9_english_at_work_16_story.shtml (Quiz) B) VOCABULARY Complete the sentences with one of these expressions: DRIVE A HARD BARGAIN HAVE THE PLACE TO OURSELVES SAVE one’s BREATH THAT’S THE DEAL 1 I’m trying to negotiate a pay rise with my boss, but she … a … . 2 A: She says that she can explain why it happened. B: Tell her to … . She broke the rules and she has to take the consequences. 3 We’ll pay you 30% now and 70% on completion of the work. … . 4 There’s nobody in the building so we … the … Match the advertising concepts (1-6) to the sentences (a-f). 1 catchy slogan 2 celebrity endorsement 3 personal aspirations 4 expert opinion 5 great value 6 convenience a 9 out of 10 dentists recommend Staybrite toothpaste. b Big Brother winner Sandy D. always uses Totalbronze suntan lotion. c ‘Yes, we can.’ d Your life can only get better with BeCool trainers. e We have the lowest prices on the planet. f Bubblesoap: making your life easier.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words and phrases SEDUCE UNWARY BUILD A RAPPORT COMMON GROUND SALES PITCH COLLECTIVE SUBCONSCIOUS INHERENTLY WAY 1 It’s not easy to … with our new colleagues because they don’t make much effort to communicate or be friendly. 2 The … tourist didn’t realise that the thief was watching her and planning to steal her purse. 3 They … people into coming on these trips with promises of a once in a lifetime experience. 4 In the end, we managed to find some … . We are both football fans and support the same team. 5 It’s not just slightly more expensive, it costs … more money – almost double! 6 I don’t think he’s a(n) … good salesman, but he’s learned lots of effective techniques. 7 These ideas have become part of the … . Most people believe in them unthinkingly and would never question them. 8 He began his … badly by criticising other products rather than presenting what he had to offer. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) to the endings (a-f). 1 She talked me into coming on a luxury spa break with her 2 I wasn’t very impressed by him at first, but he won me over with 3 Our aim is to bring our customers round to the idea that 4 Only let visitors see the front of the building – we don’t want to put them off by letting them see 5 My friend talked me out of buying the insurance plan – 6 Don’t try to seduce me into upgrading to a more expensive model: a the one I’ve got is good enough for me. b and we had a great time! c he said it wasn’t a good deal. d how dirty it is at the back. e his charm and good manners. f a bigger phone is actually a better phone. Which verbs in the previous activity are used for persuasion and which for dissuasion? Verbs for persuasion: talk someone into something, … Verbs for dissuasion: … Sales people often use superlative adjectives to intensify their language. Match the superlative adjectives to the adjectives. sumptuous exceptional outstanding enormous huge cutting edge up-to-the-minute opulent innovative 1 good/nice: 2 luxurious:

3 big: 4 new:

Rewrite the descriptions using adjectives from the previous activities. Replace very with the adverbs mega, ultra or super to sound more persuasive.

1 a big very luxurious bed An enormous ultra luxurious bed 2 new technology 3 a very good performance 4 a luxurious suite in a modern hotel C) READING COMPREHENSION D) LISTENING COMPREHENSION pdf for the previous listening:


F) WRITING You are going to write a blog post about advertising. Make some notes. 1 How strongly do you think you are influenced by advertising? What sort of ads are you

exposed to? 2 Examples of ads you think are powerful or effective, items you have bought because of ads. 3 Any products that you think shouldn’t be advertised. Why? Write a blog post of 120 words. Advertisements are all around us, all the time. I’m surrounded by adverts all day – when I’m watching TV, browsing the Internet or driving to work. Even though I don’t think I’m influenced by them very much, I probably am…………. (Pg 69)

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