Look / Look like / Seem swork03a?cc=global&selLanguage=en -
Non –defining relative clauses cc=global&selLanguage=en B) READING COMPREHENSION -
Death Penalty
The basic questions raised by the death penalty are whether it is an effective deterrent* to violent crime and whether it is more effective than long-term imprisonment. In the United States, defenders of the death penalty insist that because taking an offender’s life is a more severe punishment than any prison term, it must be a better deterrent. They also argue that without capital punishment there is no adequate deterrent for those already serving a life term who might commit murder while in prison, or for criminals like revolutionaries, terrorists, traitors and spies. Those who argue that the death penalty does not deter crime point out that neighboring states, in which one has a death penalty and the other does not, show no significant longterm differences in the murder rate. They also claim that that use the death penalty seem to have a higher number of murders than states that do not use it and that states that have reintroduced the death penalty do not show any significant change in the murder rate. Finally, no change in the rate of homicides in a given city or state seems to occur following a local execution. In the early 1970s, some researchers tried to show that each execution in the USA deterred 8 or more murders, but later research failed to support this. The current view is that no convincing evidence exists to show that the death penalty is more effective that long-term imprisonment. *deterrent: something that prevents or discourages something else from happening.
1. It is clear from the passage that a. The death penalty prevents other crimes from being committed. b. The death penalty is a better means of punishing a criminal than a life sentence. c. People are divided as to whether or not the death penalty discourages crime. d.
The murder rate drops in states that bring back the death penalty.
2. According to the passage, people who are not in favor of the death penalty say that a. It is morally wrong to put a murderer to death. b. Whether or not states have the death penalty does not seem to affect the murder rate. c. Only terrorists, revolutionaries and traitors should be put to death. d. The murder rate is higher in states that have the death penalty.
3. Which statement does not reflect the belief of those who support the death penalty? a. The harsher the punishment, the better the deterrent. b. The death penalty helps control prisoners already serving life sentences. c. States that use the death penalty have higher murder rates than sates that don’t. d. Crimes like terrorism and spying should be punished by death.
4. The word “argue� in the second paragraph means a. explain clearly and logically b. quarrel c. disagree d. disapprove
5. What do most criminal experts believe? a. Every time the death penalty is used, eight less murders are committed. b. Long-term imprisonment is clearly better than capital punishment.
c. They have no clear opinion on the matter. d. It is still not clear that the death penalty is a better deterrent than long prison terms.
6. A good title for this passage might be: a. The advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment. b. Capital punishment: The continuing debate. c. Why the death penalty doesn’t work. d. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
7. Which statement is true about the writer of the article? a. The writer is for the death penalty. b. The writer is against the death penalty. c. The writer has no opinion about the death penalty. d. The writer does not discuss his personal opinion about the death penalty.
1. Murder Unlawfully and deliberately killing someone. 2. Kidnapping Taking somebody by killing someone and demanding money or conditions to free that person 3. Burglary To enter a building, often while no one is in it, and steal money or objects 4. Mugging To take something by force from someone, often in the street
5. Pickpocketing
To steal from someone’s pocket etc, without them realizing 6. Arson To set fire to a building illegally. 7. Rape To violently attack a person sexually. 8. Hijacking To use force to take control of a plane, ship, train, etc. 9. Fraud To deceive or cheat someone to get money 10. Theft Stealing-usually secretly and without violence 11. Manslaughter Killing someone by accident through a careless or dangerous act 12. Smuggling To bring illegal goods, like drugs, into a country or to bring goods into a country without paying taxes 13. Shoplifting To steal things while pretending to shop
WHAT CRIME DID THEY COMMIT? WHAT CRIME DID THEY COMMIT? Match these crime descriptions (a-m) with the crimes (1-13) from the CRIMES Worksheet a. ______________________ David Smith got drunk one night and decided to drive home he turned a corner he crashed into another car an killed the driver . b. __________________ John James pretended to start a business and persuaded some people to lend him some money. He used the money to go on a holiday to the Caribbean.
c. _____________________ Ronnie Tyler pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot the bank guard five times in the head d.___________________ Peter Short stole a computer from the company he worked for. e.______________________ Vincent Tapper took a pistol and ordered the pilot to fly to Miami f._____________________ Johnnie Smeghurst set fire to his school after failing all his exams. g.____________________ Joe Sykes forced his ex-girlfriend to make love with him h._____________________ Paul Winters and Jennifer Summers stopped millionaire William Gates outside his home and forced him to go with them. They demanded 30 million dollars from the family to free him. i.____________________ Nigel Handy waited until night, carefully forced open the window and climbed into the house. He took the TV and a lot of money. j.______________________ Pete Murphy often went to the shopping center and took wallets from the people shopping. They never felt a thing! k.____________________ Anne Clinton walked around the department store and, making sure no one was watching, put two expensive watches into her bag. l.______________________ Harry Lee waited on a dark corner until the young woman turned into the street. Then he jumped out, hit her in the face, and ran off with her leather handbag.
m. __________________ John Bottomless was caught at the customs with $500,000 worth of cocaine hidden the doors of his car. More Crime vocabulary:
Death Penalty -
The Gun debate -
A policeman asking questions D) WRITING Write a report of a crime (invented or real). Use these questions to help you: -
What was the crime?/ When did it happen? / Which people were involved? / What happened as a result of the crime?/ What did the police do?
(Book page 88) E) SPEAKING