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Isabel Coutinho
Jornalista do PÚBLICO cronista da Ilustríssima, Folha de São Paulo blog Ciberescritas Born in 1966, Isabel Coutinho began working as a journalist in 1990, after graduating in Philosophy at the o’Porto University. She was one of the initial group of journalists of Público, which became one of Portugal’s leading daily newspapers, where she still works. Her career has focused on Cultural and Socio-Cultural issues, and she was the editor of Público’s weekly literary supplement Mil-Folhas, from 2002 to 2007. She is one of Portugal’s first journalists to write about the cultural implications of the digital technologies, and has a weekly chronic on the subject (Ciberescritas, 1996-). She usually covers the international book fairs like Frankfurt, Salon du Livre, London Book Fair and Book Expo America. Reflecting the respect she obtained as a literary journalist, she has integrated the jury panel of several book awards and regularly speaks about the Literature and Internet issues on library conference