Isabella Di Fabio - Encoding

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Isabella Di Fabio - Encoding In computing there are many different ways of representing text so that it can represent various sets of characters, ideograms, and symbols. Most of the pages crawled by Google use this encoding because it allows you to include all kinds of characters from the Chinese, Russian and Arabic alphabet.

Isabella Di Fabio - Don't you know what an encoding is? An encoding is the way in which computers store information and to give an example in ASCII encoding, the letter 'a' corresponds to the number 61, the 'b' is 62 etc. Since 1963 this method was launched. Which encoding is best for my website? For our website in Spanish we can use the iso-8859-1 encoding, the Latin character encoding thanks to which browsers understand accents, umlauts and other rare characters that we use in Spain and Latin America. On the other hand we can use the international UTF-8 encoding taking into account that we must adapt these characters to the well-known “entities”, to give an example if we want to use the 'á' it must be written on our website with UTF-8 encoding using “& Aacute;”, if we want to use the “ñ” it will be '& ntilde;' and so on with all the characters that are not included in said encoding in a standard way. If you are thinking of creating your own website and you have the option to choose the coding, although it is initially a bit tedious to create the entities corresponding to the alphabet of the destination country, it will offer us that flexibility to adapt it to new languages ​or use it in future developments. from our international

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