Product Campaign

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This project was to: Launch an online campaign introducing UK brand Randoms candy to the Danish market during Christmas season It was requested by: KEA Multi-Media Design 2nd Semester International-Final Exam Project 

It was requested on: 23 November 2012 It was done by: Call It A Day Group


Our main findings: Children ages 7-10 are the best Danish segment to target due to their high candy consumption as well as their access to and usage of computers and web devices. Social media elements are an excellent way to capture their attention and build brand loyalty. Online privacy & safety as well as social media age restrictions must be addressed. Our conclusion: We create a Randoms website that works as a social media site for children, instead of simply being an informational website. We attract children to the site by creating our own original Christmas web program which allows for Randoms product placement.


contents 2

Introduction Problem Formulation Chosen Methods & Analytical Tools Potential Limitations Market Analysis & Communication Vision, Mission, Values Competitor Analysis STP SWOT/TOWS Competitive Strategy Communication Plan Design Process & Documentation Design Brief Design Program User Test Concept Test Usability Test Technical Documentation Flowchart Description of Technical Solution Documentation Database Tables Conclusion & Perspectives Attachments (Appendices) Literature List Process Documentation Design Manual Examples of Source Code & Stylesheets Special Data Entry Requirements


Randoms are jelly sweets from Rowntree’s. They have six natural fruit flavours: blackcurrant, cherry, strawberry, orange, lime and lemon and four different textures: regular jelly, foam-backed jelly, foamy sweet and liquid-filled jelly. The sweets are given the appearance of everyday objects, including ice cream cones, snowflakes, roller-blades and palm trees, hence the name Rowntrees “Randoms”. Our assignment is to launch an online campaign introducing this candy into the Danish market during Christmas where the holiday is a factor in the campaign. A few facts about Danish candy consumption: 1. Denmark has the largest per capita candy consumption in the world 2. Denmark’s annual consumption of chocolate per capita is 8.57kg 3. Denmark has long used the tax system to achieve health goals. It has taxed candy for nearly 90 years, and was the first country to ban trans-fats in 2003. 4, Kids ages 5-8 are 16 percent more likely than the average kid to say that they eat 6 or more servings of chocolate or hard candy per month. 5. Licorice is in fact a legume, like a bean or a pea and contains healing properties within its elemental ingredients.


ProbWlem Randoms is a soft candy from the UK, launched in 2009 founded by Rowntree’s, owned by Nestlé. The Danes already knows Nestlé but have not been introduced to Randoms yet. This product is a moderately new product, being a modern, fun and delicious alternative to bring to a Danish market. Danes have humor, a good thing when introducing a fun product. Danmark is announced the happiest country on the Earth, and we want to appeal to that fun and happy side of the Danes. Randoms unique personality and huge popularity in the UK is an advantage for the product. A problem would be the Danish candy products that have similar features as Randoms, both having less sugar and no artificial coloring, and that is why it is important that Randoms stands out! To reach the Danes with this unknown brand we want to narrow down the target area, approaching Denmark from its’ most curious age- the kids.


Problem Formulation How can we successfully introduce Randoms jelly candy into the Danish market when the public already has a popular brand of jelly candy? By narrowing our launch campaign to children, how will it be possible to reach the targeted kid audience as well as the parents who ultimately make the purchase?


Chosen Methods & Analytical

Introduction. As students operating under a one-month timeframe with limited access to actual representatives of Rowntree and no real budget to work with, choosing appropriate analytical tools means the difference between a successful project and a lacking one. Organizational methods that left room for tweaking or unexpected changes was vital in selecting the right process. Finding information that we could access without funds or other networks also played importance in the tools we chose. Analysis Iterative Development Method-Spiral Scrum Kanban Chart Porter’s Generic Strategy STP Focus Groups Questionnaires Observation Desktop Research


Conclusion Conclusion

We selected tools that provided optimum results within the limited timeframe and scope of the given project. Using an iterative development and scrum method of organization allowed us the options of changing the “plan� as we went along while maintaining close contact with each member of the group. Additionally, utilizing a kanban chart enabled a clear, visual presentation of how much work was completed vs what still needed doing. This allowed group members to come in and start on new areas that were not yet in process or completed. Porter’s generic strategy coupled with STP offered clearly-defined information needed to focus the campaign to the right audience using the best strategy. Because we are not in the actual business world launching this campaign, small focus groups, questionnaires, observation, and desktop research provided answers that might otherwise have to be paid for from a market research company.


Potential Limitations Introduction It is important to consider the limitations of this project as they directly impact the scope of what can be achieved as well as the depth of the results. We are a group of five students launching the campaign. The following limitations outline challenges encountered in the project: Analysis Short development & launch time constraint. Limited opportunity for testing. Small focus group samples. Danish culture often emphasizes a healthy lifestyle. Existing popular brand of jelly candy (Haribos) has lion’s share of market. No possibility for lowering the price against competitors because it is already a low price point. The product itself is very similar to competitor. Conclusion The limitations imply that while resources for the campaign were limited, we were fully aware and built our marketing plan around these challenges. For example, we set up our work timeline using sprints to complete sections of the project on schedule. We used access that one group member had to neighborhood children and their parents as the sample for our target group. There was no opportunity for influence in pricing or product changes so that required selling the current product without the benefit of potentially positive revamping. 9



Introduction: Defining Randoms’ vision, mission, and values provides the framework in which all marketing campaigns must operate within. These statements reflect the identity and image that the company is promoting.

Mission To provide a fun and tasty eating experience for candy lovers. We promote taste enjoyment, a healthier snack option, and fun that goes beyond the taste.

Market Analysis

Values Our values lie in a commitment to truth in advertising, promoting the candy’s natural juice ingredient and continually growing from our experience as a trustworthy, well-established company.

& Communication

Vision To see Randoms candy on the shelf in Denmark and have the product chosen by the Danish public as their top pick for jelly and marshmallow candy.

Conclusion Randoms is striving to become a preferred leader and first choice jelly candy provider in the Danish market. They strive to give their customers eating enjoyment along with an entertainment element. It could be beneficial to promote their values of honesty in advertising as well as emphasizing the fun taste experience that comes with eating the candy.


Competitor Analysis In order to differentiate the product we need to get to know the possible competitors on the market and being willing to learn from their opportunities and success. Randoms is a completely new product in Denmark, but we already have a lot of jelly candy in the Danish stores. This means that the main competitors will be well-established brands that fulfil some of the same needs as Randoms. For example products with the juicy, soft taste, the unique shapes or being the healthier alternative on the market.


Competitor Analysis Competitors On the Danish market we see strong brands as Toms and Leaf having established recognizable products for the children and their parents throughout decades in Denmark. And of international brands being exported to Denmark we see Haribo (Germany) and M&M’s (U.S.) being just as popular as the Danish original candy.

Direct competitors As we know that our target is dependant on their parents, we have taken a closer look at popular candy for both grown-ups and kids. The most interesting to look at have characteristics of a clever packaging, unique shapes, fun website and no artificial colouring … Haribo If we look a little bit at the candy market in Denmark, one of Rowntree’s direct competitor is Haribo. German confectionery Haribo GmbH is led by Hans and Paul Reigel, but it was their parents founding Haribo in 1920 in Bonn. WW Gelatin makes the foundation of HARIBO’s best-loved goodie, the gummi bear. HARIBO’s Gold-Bear candies made it Europe’s largest confectioner. In addition to its HARIBO gummi and licorice treats, the company brands include Maoam (fruit candies) and other popular candies. The collaboration with smaller confectioners has spread the company’s manufacturing base across Europe; Haribo exports to more than 100 countries around the world.1 Haribo has received bad reviews because gummi bears, and other gummi candy, stick to the teeth and may cause tooth decay. Even though the two companies are competing, their target groups are not exactly the same. Haribo is selling to a much bigger target (age 4-90 years old) than Rowntree’s, which is also reflected in their communication. Their commercials in Denmark target different age groups and at times a much older target than 5-8 years olds. The Haribo website, for instance, would not be a place kids would go because there is no entertainment as games etc. The challenge is that Matador Mix is the best selling product of Haribo and Rowntree’s need to make a strong campaign for its children target to gain nearly the same attention as Haribo has achieved from the Danish population over centuries. A strength for Rowntree’s is that kids age 6-10 have not had many years to get so attached to one candy product that they wouldn’t try something better and smarter. Also the children can influence their parents to taste “Randoms”…

1) (seen 04.12.12)


Competitor Analysis Leaf (Malaco & Läkerol) This is a Scandinavian company with roots in Sweden. Leaf was originally a company from Gävle (Sweden) build in 1885 and the founder of the popular licorice Läkerol of 1909. The name Malaco is established from the first letters of Malmö Lakrits Compani (Malmö Licorice Company) and Malaco is mentioned here because the company was bought by Leaf in 1999. In 1968 Malaco got launched in Denmark with a factory in western Zealand and is today a well known choice for “weekend candy”, having a unique taste and appearance. Malaco Leaf launched the Malaco Truly product series in 2007, a new and healthier (30% less sugar) alternative compared to other Malaco products. This product is targeted the picky buyers – the mothers- that wants a sweet alternative and not feel guilty about eating it. The slogan “It’s ok to enjoy” is a small pep talk for mothers to relax and allow themselves and their family to have something sweet once in a while. The packaging is delicious and simple. The website is definitely a woman site: soft fruit candy collected in a shape of a heart squeezing out the natural juice of the “fruit”. The colours are pink and soft pastel colours. The shapes are “cute” and girly and so are the commercials.2 This is our competitor because mothers are a big influence in what candy will be bought for the children. If the competitor wins the parent’s heart the kids will be affected to eat more of this brand. The reason this is a threat to us is also the fact there are no artificial colours or flavours in Malaco Truly as well as in Rowntree’s Randoms®. Toms (Nellie Dellies) Toms and Rowntree’s share some common features: both companies are selling candy with unique shapes and recognizable personalities. Toms can be tracked back to 1924 when inventing their chocolate factory and creating the original golden caramels, golden bars (red. Guldkaramel & Guldbarre). The company have bought sub brands like Anthon Berg (chocolate), Ga-Jol (licorice) and today they have 65,836 likes on Facebook, being Denmark’s biggest chocolate factory success. Toms launched their low on fat, less calories candy Nellie Dellies with the slogan “Less calories, less guilt” in 2008. In one package there is fibres enough for two days consumption together with less calories than normal candy, and no sugar added. The reason the candy still has the jelly substance is plant fibres. Nellie Dellies from TOMS is for health-conscious and active women that prefer quality, that also being mothers that want to fill they kids with fibers in candy shapes. This is a threat being one of the new and trendy products on the Danish market also with the feature of health benefits as Random values.

2) (seen 04.12.12)


Competitor Analysis Indirect competitors Should we analyse the indirect competitors on the candy market, we would mention bigger international brands that are more of an inspiration as of how they got a break-through in Denmark and how they advertise themselves. We would also take a look at the other kinds of candy and sweets available on the market in Denmark not directly in the same category as Random, that being liquorice. Licorice In Denmark they love liquorice and it is something that has been incarnated throughout generations. In particular candy bags with liquorice is very popular. Even though the product peaked back in the days, today it is again a trend to eat liquorice for the young generation. The Toms Nellie Dellies Liquorice bags have grown very popular over a short time, combining tradition with the health trend. But still its sales don’t compete with the big names that have been on the market for decades 3. Licorice is an indirect threat because Random doesn’t meet the Danish craving for mix bags of jelly & licorice. M&M’s M&M’s have reached 63,358 likes in the M&M’s Denmark Facebook page. It is popularity on the level with Toms (red. 65,879 likes). M&M’s consist of 2 parts. There is a hardened liquefied chocolate and then there is the candy exterior candy. Being one of the most successful advertisers of candy, it is a product you can easily associate with as accessorize for a tour in the cinema. We have gotten to know the M&M characters and their charming personalities. We can visit M&M’s website with funny games and M&M’s can be imprinted with personal messages. The company reaches their large target of 4-90 year olds with humoristic and innovative experiences. We do see this product as a threat to Random as they both share their message through funny characters of candy and both sell to kids. The reason we will not look at them as a direct competitor is that M&M’s is more of an inspiration for our campaign, being very established on the market, and we have no reason to compare Randoms with them.

3) (seen on 04.12.12)




Danish Market:

Health Solutions: Leaf’s "Truly" Haribo Light Toms "Nellie Dellies" Fairtrade chocolate Healthy snacks Chocolate bars: Toms: Skildpadde, Guldbar, Marcipanbrød, Yankiebar

Mix bags: Leaf: Malaco Familieguf Supermix Läkerol Toms: Pingvinblanding Pingvinstænger Poletter International Market: Haribo: Matador Mix Click Mix, Stjerne Mix Topstar Mix Multi Mix

Other Kinds of Candy: Haribo (maoam) International Top-sellers: 5th Avenue M&M’s Cadbury Nutrageous Skor Riese



An older target group uses sexual references in its communication . Bad health reviews in Politiken.4

Threats A strong brand that involves the kids throughcompetitions and advertisement.

Strong brand. FunFrom Denmark, recognized by Danes. Has Bad reviews concern- ny commercials with a history. Traditional. ing a case on chil- candy personalities. Wide range of candy. dren’s work in Africa 5 Nellie Dellies has fibres. “Kids and grown-ups love it so” as their slogan says. Large range of interesting products. Worlds best selling jelly candy.





Big market share, established on the market. Defined as top brand. Colourful and fun characters.





Very popular Bad health reviews . (footnote ) in Denmark. Bad media reviews recently. (footnote)

Website Fun website with games, forums and funny characters & stories. is not for kids: Too much text. Click on the subbrands like gajol. dk and you find cool sites for older kids. (footnote)

Effect May loose costumers, but will not see them as a direct threat.

Will take some costumers, mostly the parents that prefer what thWey already know.

Boring Danish web- May loose some trasite. is ditional parents. not directly for kids but the photos makes you crave for the candy.

The Swedish camMalaco is favoured Not advertised so well. paign reaches our Bad reviews. by teens. Soft(footnote) target. (footnote) est candy in test. (footnote) Malaco Truly targets sugar conscious mothers. is not for kids. Maybe lose a few Malaco has a cam- customers. paign site connected to Facebook. Läkerol has a functional site but not interesting for our target.

Parents recommend it. Not a brand. Buy it Fruit and groceries Danish campaigns for separately. Nuts are are cheaper in the long run and makes expensive. the kids full for a long time.

May lose ecological, healthy parents.

Popular for choosy Bad health reviews. parents. A trend in (footnote) Denmark. Medical use. (footnote)

Danes are very attached to this kind of candy.

May loose people who prefer liquorice.

4) (seen 04.12.12)



Since we are focusing on Randoms as a fun and delicious alternative on the Danish market, the big international best sellers as (M&M’s, 5th Avenue, Riese etc.) are not really considerate as competitors in our launching. Actually 5th Avenue, Cadbury, Nutrageous and Skor have not really become established in Denmark. Chocolate bars in only a major competitor because of its popularity in Denmark, stated to be “the new licorice”. Chocolate in general doesn’t have the same features, consistence and are not very easy to make candy shapes out of. The very strongly integrated candy types, licorice and skildpadde, are not advertising for, or adding to their healthiness because they have an audience that, as we assume, has already got “addicted” to them. They sell on their originality. For people already getting tired of Haribo, this new product might revive their lust for sweet candy. Where Haribo has no health benefits and the same taste all way through a bag of gummy bears, Randoms are bringing a refreshing, delicious taste. The consumer should be convinced that this product is exactly what they need. Where Nellie Dellies have bad cases on its back due to wrong stated features and bad health reviews due to overload of fibres, Randoms is a sweet and innocent alternative that doesn’t state anything it cannot live up to. The product could be marketed to people that are open for new alternatives, this reaching people with a sweet tooth that are also health conscious. And people that have not yet gotten so attached to a candy brand that they are sticking to only that one. We are going for people who are curious, daring to relax and have fun.


Segmentation, Target, Positioning


Introduction Segmentation, targeting, and positioning will provide a clear way of looking at potential customers in the Danish market and analyzing how they can best be served marketing wise. We first segment the entire Danish population into groups classified by geography, gender, age, lifestyle, and behavior. The next step is listing the criteria we believe increases the chance of finding the most interested, most prominently-eating candy consumers. As our initial introduction on page 3 stated, Denmark’s residents have the highest per capita consumption of candy than any other nation in the world. We know candy eaters are out there. We simply need to zoom in or target the best segment for generating interest with this Christmas campaign. Matrixing the list of criteria alongside the individual population segments who correspond to the category requirements provides data for choosing the ideal group. Lastly, we evaluate the segments to determine what positioning Randoms will take to attract that target.



Teens 13-19 Profile & Lifestyle: Attend school or gymnasium. Spend time with friends. Pulling away from family activities. Live at home with parents. Text, surf web, & use mobile devices. Attend parties. Use DSB, bus or bikes without parents. Heavy sleepers. Junk food eaters. Follow trends in clothing, technology, & pop culture. Want individualism but are peer-influenced. Behavioral: Begin smoking and/or drinking. Sometimes makes their own purchases and other times purchases are made by parents. Use computer and mobile devices with very high frequency. Moderate to high candy eaters. Young Adults 20-26 Profile & Lifestyle: In the work world or finishing education. Have their own money. Socially active. Attend parties. Keep up with technological trends. Normal eating habits with some efforts to include healthy diet choices. Behavioral: Make their own purchases. Use computer and mobile devices with high frequency. Moderate candy eaters. Adults 27-54 + Profile & Lifestyle: Both married and single individuals. Many have started families. They work or have careers. Own money. The rent or buy their own apartments or homes. Bike, train, bus, and car riders. Dieting varies from normal eating habits to health fanatics. May be parents. Spend time with their children, reading, playing, watching tv or movies. Behavioral: Make their own purchases. Moderate to high users of computers and mobile devices. Moderate candy eaters.


Geographical: Danish population 5.580.413 All areas in Denmark to include Jutland, Fyn, Bornholm, Sjælland, city or country location is not relevant. Infants 0-4 Profile & Lifestyle: Reliant upon parents for all needs. No free will. Unable to make their own food choices. Attend vuggestue or børnehave. Play games, learn by exploring, and have stories read to them. Learn through repetition, songs, or adult direction. Mostly consume healthy food, milk, or juice. Limited exposure to sweets or junk food. Behavioral: Do not make decisions for themselves. Do not use computer or mobile devices extensively. Do not eat a lot of candy. Children 5-12 Profile & Lifestyle: Reliant upon parents to make food, clothing, and toy purchases. Attend school. Spend time doing homework, playing with friends, surfing internet, watching TV or playing video games. Time spent outside running & playing with friends or visiting friends’ houses. No money of their own unless given by parents. Enjoy cartoons, children’s programming, and branded items such as Elmo or Spongebob toys, candy, clothing, bedding, book bags. Often treated to ‘fredagsslik’ Behavioral: Express preferences and define ‘favorites’. Choose favorites based on associations to TV programs or storybook characters. Ages 5-8 are 16 percent more likely to say that they eat 6 or more servings of chocolate or hard candy per month. Use computer and mobile devices moderately, both alone and with parental guidance. Frequent candy eaters when allowed. 22

Targeting Criteria. Selecting the appropriate criteria to determine a target group is key in a successful online campaign. We defined criteria that offer the strongest audience for a focused, targeted campaign. Our criteria considered frequency and desire of candy consumption, ability to purchase the product or to influence another’s purchase, and the likelihood of exposure to an online and mobile device promoting the campaign. We also included categories of nutrition and character branding interest.

Criteria List. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Frequent candy eaters Individual who actively seek to have, buy, or eat candy Individuals with the ability to make their own choices Individuals with money or access to money from work or parents Individuals where nutrition is not a top concern Individuals with high frequency of online & mobile device activity Likelihood to buy based on character associations


Criteria Matrix

Segmentation Criteria

Segmentation Group

Health Concious Buyers

M/F All Areas of Denmark Young Adults 20-26 Adults 27-54

High Candy Consumption

M/F All Areas of Denmark Children 5-12 Teens 13-19

Frequent Computer & Mobile Device Usage

M/F All Areas of Denmark, esp SjĂŚlland Children 5-12 Teens 13-19 Young Adults 20-26 Adults 27-54

Access to Buy (Money, Ability, Influence over other Buyers)

M/F All Areas of Denmark Children 5-12 Teens 13-19 Young Adults 20-26 Adults 27-54 Seniors 55+

Strong Desire to Eat Candy

M/F All Areas of Denmark Children 5-12

Likelihood of Buying Candy

M/F All Areas of Denmark Children 5-12

Based on Story Characters Ability to Make Preferences

M/F All Areas of Denmark All Groups except Infants


Evaluation of the Segments Analyzing the segmentation criteria against the matching segment groups provides the best target for the Randoms Christmas campaign. Buyers who meet the greatest number of conditions will make the strongest candidates for an initial launch. The product contains 25% fruit juice and therefore may be a slightly healthier alternative than other competitors, however, this fact will not be a strong aspect of the campaign. Danes with a strong love of and consumption of candy have the highest qualitative value for targeting. Additionally, the ability to buy or influence others to buy weighs very heavily in the final selection. The lifecycle of this campaign will be a short one, aimed during the Christmas season. The potential for continuing campaigns beyond the initial introduction is an appropriate solution. However, for the initial launch an audience who responds strongly to seasonal marketing strategy may offer a strong ROI (return on investment). Target Group Choice The age group that meets the most qualitative and quantitative values is the young children group aged 6-12. We will further narrow this group to a smaller sample by targeting only ages 6-10. The reason for this is that 6 year olds are reading and can surf the net or mobile devices with or without parental help. The higher end of 11 and 12 year olds are at a tween stage where the interests begin shifting beyond toys, games, and candy into peers, friends, and clothes. 7-10 year olds provide the best target for Randoms Danish Christmas campaign launch. Although the age group is narrow, they have potential to become advocates for the product as they become more exposed and grow older. Direct Target: Children 6-10 years old. They are more likely to be frequent candy eaters (when it is accessible) and hold influence over their parents’ buying decisions. Indirect Target: Parents of 6-10 year old children. Parental age is not a factor.




Positioning In this campaign Randoms will position itself as the leader in two areas: treat & entertainment. Several direct and non-direct competitors such as Haribo, Malaco, licorice, fruit, and nuts offer children options that are met on the whole by all the others. Only Randoms stands apart in its ability to provide a delicious treat as well as fun, colorful, random shapes and the opportunity for an interactive online experience.

For the Direct Target We sell Randoms on its taste, fun shapes and characters. By launching the campaign with a Christmas program where the Randoms shapes are animated ‘characters’ in the Christmas story, we add fun and entertainment to a new candy product. Additionally, brand loyalty starts to build as children first recognize the characters from the program and can choose favorites as they venture to the social media website. The site will offer games geared towards the Christmas season which relate back to the original web program, options for sharing limited information with friends, and interactive possibilities for games. Creating a fun and catchy slogan will make the brand more fun and easier to remember.

For the Indirect Target Randoms is a treat preferred by their children. They have the opportunity to go online and engage interactively with their children playing games as well as get information on the product. We will inform parents that the 25% fruit juice ingredient may be a healthier alternative to other candy brands. 25% fruit juice offers a healthy alternative to other candy brands.

Conclusion Reviewing the demographics, age, lifestyle, and behavior of segments in the Danish market provided an overview of all group options. It was clear that segmenting the 5.5 million people into common groups offered a smart insight into their desires and habits. Establishing that a group who consumed a lot of candy and either had money or influence on others with money was integral in selecting the right target. This group needed to also be active computer or mobile device users as the planned campaign is purely digital. The group that overwhelmingly met the bulk of our criteria in both quantity and quality were children 6-10 years of age. As we mapped Randoms product and online positioning as a fun treat compared to other candy, fruit or snack competitors, our position on the graph stood out. Other candies including jellies and licorice were tasty treats, but did not offer the “fun factor”. Fruit and nuts border on being treats and necessities, but offer no fun or entertaining element at all. However, Randoms stands alone on that position of the map where fun and treat come together.





Information 28

Porters 5 Forces


Introduction Creating a Porter’s 5 chart presents an overview of external factors that influence the current market, the future market, the product range, and the potential for sales. By utilizing this tool, we see who the rivals are and pinpoint areas of threat to introducing Randoms to Denmark.



New brands from existing rivals. Healthier treats. Cheaper treats More exatic snacks/candy New companies

SUPPLIER POWER Sugar industry Fruit Suppliers Labor Market Electric Supply & costs Gelatin suppliers Packaging suppliers Transportation.

COMPETITIVE RIVALRIES. Haribo. Malaco Fruit Industry Snack Industry Toms M&M*S

BUYER POWER Consumers Large grocery chains Small grocces Large convenience store chairs Movie theathers

THREAT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS Chocolate fruit Potato chips Pretzels Licorice Ice Cream


Conclusion Our graph indicated that both direct and indirect competitors such as Haribos, M&M’s and the fruit and snack industry currently play important roles in this market. It is important to consider that substitute snacks such as chips, ice cream and pretzels are options as we define a marketing plan. Healthier treat alternatives and cheaper treats can also threaten a new entry into the market. For wine gummies, supplier side power can be impacted from the sugar industry, fruit suppliers, and gelatin suppliers as well as fluctuating labor, packaging and transportation costs. Buyer side considerations for this product range are determined by consumers, large and small grocery chains, convenience stores and movie theaters. Being aware of these influences can impact sales, future growth, and marketing plans so they, therefore, must be analyzed.


Swot /Tows Analysis Introduction Rowntree’s strengths lie in it’s well-established history as a company. Manufacturing facilities and logistics routes are existing and will not need to be created in order to enter the Danish market. Company identity is also well-established and the brand has a prominent history within the UK. The Porters graph illustrated a threat of cheaper treats, healthier treats, and potential new brands from existing rivals. Additionally, fluctuating labor, manufacturing or transportation costs could cause a negative impact. Creating SWOT & TOWS analyses at the company level and treating some of the bullets contained in the Porter graph identifies the threats that should be most stringently addressed.

Conclusion The SWOT indicates that while Rowntrees is a strong and well-established company, however existing competition from competitors such as Haribo and Toms present many challenges. Lack of prior development in Denmark is Rowntrees greatest weakness. Fortunately, Danes are open to new ideas and often choose healthier alternatives so Randoms use of fruit juice and attention to ingredients can be a positive selling point. Action items for gaining entry into the market would be to use creativity in the products introduced so as to standout from the current competition. Bringing new ideas and raising awareness of the specific 6-10 year old target group can help in tailoring the campaign marketing to attract new customers.



W1 - The company has no development in Denmark

S2 - The company is well known, and well established

W2 - Rowntree’s Randoms is not well known outside of UK.

S3 - Rowntree’s Randoms is a strong brand on the market which constantly improves the products.

W3 - Not enough advertisement.

S4 - Rowntree’s Randoms contain non-artificial flavors and colours


S1 - Rowntree’s is a productive company which continues to grow on the market

S5 - Randoms contain fruit juice, which is healthier than other additives. O1 - The Danish public is open to new good ideas

T1 - Other strong competitors, like HARIBO, which have a lot of power on the market

O2 - People started to prefer products without artificial substances

T2 - New ideas, new additives, flavors, that could be used by competitors

O3 - More development in areas related to entertaining children/underage

T3 - Denmark has big taxes and the transportation and maintaining could cost a lot

O4 - New grocery chains, markets, malls

T4 - Cheaper brands, good quality



Swot Matrix


Internal Strengths:

Tows Matrix

1. Rowntree’s is a productive company which continues to grow on the market 2. The company is well known, and well established 3. Rowntree’s Randoms is a strong brand on the market which constantly improves the products. 4. Rowntree’s Randoms contain non-artificial flavors and colours 5. Randoms contain fruit juice, which is healthier than other additives. SO:

1. The Danish public is open to new good ideas 2. People started to prefer products without artificial substances 3. More development in areas related to entertaining children/underage 4. New grocery chains, markets, malls

External Threats: 1. Other strong competitors, like HARIBO, which have a lot of power on the market 2. New ideas, new additives, flavors that could be used by competitors 3. Denmark has big taxes and the transportation and maintaining could cost a lot 4. Cheaper brands, good quality

1. Create and develop a facility in Denmark, to be easier for the customers to achieve their favorite product.(O_1 〖,O〗_3 ,S_1,S_4) 2. Research more on how to improve the quality and the substances used for the products.(O_2, S_2, S_3)

ST: 1. Reduce any threats by creating a better strategy, new products, better prices, more advertising.(T_1,S_1,S_2, S_4 〖,S〗_3) 2. Use creativity in order to develop new designs of the products, improve the products. (T_2, S_1, S_2, S_5)

Internal Weaknesses: 1. The company has no development strategies in Denmark 2. Rowntree’s Randoms is not well known outside of UK. 3. Not enough advertisement.

WO: 1. More focusing on target group and developing in other countries, like Denmark (O_1, W_1, W_2) 2. Cope with the research and improvements costs(O_1, O_2, W_1) 3. Focus more on partnerships with grocery chains, markets, malls (O_1 〖,O〗_3 ,O_4,W_1 W_2,W_3)

TW: 1. Raise awareness for the target group, focus on creativity. (T_1, T_2, W_1,W_2, W_3) 2. Focus on strategies and marketing plans in order to attract customers.(T_(1,) T_3,T_4,W_1,W_2, W_3)




Introduction Following Porter’s competitive strategies we analyzed Cost Leadership, which is achieved by having competitive prices in the target market segment and it succeed by producing on high volumes of output. Because the market is currently addressed by Toms, Haribos & indirect competition from the fruit and snack industry, lowering the price point would be a good strategy for attracting sales but weak in terms of sustainability. With a low price point for candy we do not foresee strong cost leadership and therefore must also review differentiation and focus strategies to find market share. Randoms will bring to the Danish market jelly candies that are popular in the UK and contain 20% fruit juice. Due to its natural ingredient and small production it is possible to keep average cost standards. In terms of cost leadership, we are offering a high quality product within the standard price range of lower quality competitors. We define ‘lower quality’ as competitors who are not using fruit juice and are adding processed sugar. To approach the market, differentiation is an important key factor. The product comes in different funny shape, flavor and characters that we will promote in the original Christmas web program. That initial program will be the element that attracts children to the website. Parents will be attracted to the website also through the programming but also through direct marketing strategies towards them such as a FB page, advertising and article contributions on parent forums, and other mediums. The campaign is concentrated around the website which contains a built-in social media designed for children 7-10 years old. Fun and engaging interactivity is the first priority but online safety is equally as important. Protecting children’s identities and the amount of information they can share is a top consideration. Facebook and Twitter are the most common social media for marketing. However, our targeted group does not normally utilize those media forms as age restrictions and parental concerns prevent their participation. Many marketing campaigns use product placement in movies or tv-programs. Our campaign includes the creation of an original web programwhat is a web program? that is Christmas-themed to showcase Randoms candy, shapes and colors. Children become acquainted with the characters as an introduction and branding package to the social media site. After viewing the web program children are directed to visit our page. Strategic focus has the scope to define which place the product has be sold in the market. Rowntree’s chooses to compete in mass market with a defined market segment narrowing to a specific niche, which are kids between 6 and 10 years old. By adopting a cost leadership dictated by the mass of other candies currently on the market, our high quality product should succeed in this arena.


Cost Leadership: Competitive price point strategy compared other brands Higher quality, healthier ingredients yet sold at a price point equivalent to lesser quality competitors. Differentiation strategy: In lieu of product placement the creation of our own original Christmas programming to promote Randoms. Creation of a kiddie social media site within our website. Emotional attachment to the “characters”. Focus Strategy: Christmas themed program to initially attract children. Use the website to engage the children to an online “home”. • USP- Randoms is fun, entertaining, and tasty. It is a varied-offering product. In addition to the candy, the brand will become known through the Christmas program and the identifiable shapes and characters. • ESP-Children: The children become personally attached to the candy by relating to and having a favorite character/shape/color. • Parents: Desire to make their children happy. Their children love the character and request that their parents by it. Most parents want to make their children happy and tend to choose flavors, colors, brands of products that the children prefer. Conclusion: Candy by nature of the product is offered at a low price point. Therefore, our cost leadership comes by offering the product at a competitive price in relation to other competitors. Randoms has 20% fruit juice and by maintaining a price point similar to the competition, we showcase cost leadership in the value of higher quality for a competitive price. The differentiation strategy directly addresses 2 bullets from the Porter model. A threat of new exotic treats entering the market and the buying power wielded by large grocery store super chains are important points. Randoms candy is offered in fun and unexpected shapes, colors, and flavors. We must push this differentiation or ‘exotic factor’ as compared to what is currently available. Additionally, large grocery chains are more likely to carry a product line that appeals to existing customers but offers something slightly new or different which could generate increase sales. Furthering the differentiation strategy into a focus strategy means playing upon the uniqueness of the product so the target sees it as more than candy. The 6-10 year olds can be reached by emphasizing the fun factor. Randoms are a candy with fun shapes, fun characters, and a whole little world of in itself. This forces the campaign to focus on that fun element for the target.



Our communication plan will be strictly digital and address the habits of the two target groups of children and their parents. They are computer and mobile device users. It is important to target them where they engage with regularity. The plan focuses on promoting the candy through the environment of daily media. We anticipate that creating an original web program with a Christmas theme where the characters are introduced will build brand loyalty. Additionally, creating a social media website for children owned by the Rowntree company allows us ongoing opportunity to have daily impact into the customers’ world as well as complete control of product placement.


Introduce Randoms to the Danish market. Launch the campaign at Christmas time using the season as a relevant factor in the campaign. Target children 6-10 years old and drive them to request their parents to buy Randoms. Target parents of 6-10 year olds indirectly by driving the children to request the candy and directly through ad-buys and engagement on parent forums. Introduce the candy characters/shapes/flavors through the Christmas web program so children form favorites before they ever taste the candy. Create our own web program with our product shapes as the main characters. Create Randoms a social networking site for children to interact and play in lieu of a standard website. Reach parents through their children’s request as well as online ’parent forums’.



Familiarization Children become familiarized with characters. The brand becomes more known and trusted as a result of the children’s TV & web programming. Loyalty Children relate to a favorite character shape. Children choose their preferred character and trade with their friends when sharing candy. Acting Children tune in to the Randoms Christmas web program. Parents follow the requests of their children and choose Random candy as a treat. Sales in the Danish market. Buyers opt for Randoms over other competing brands such as Haribo.



Randoms is a delicious and fun and entertaining candy that offers fun in many forms. You can get to know our characters and shapes by first seeing them during a Christmas-themed children’s program. The fun of the candy extends to our website which is designed as a social media site. Getting to know the characters and shapes by first seeing them during a Christmas-themed children’s program. The fun of the candy extends to the website which is designed as a social media site. Children can engage in fun activities, and see the available products to buy. Parents can enjoy the online activities in conjunction with their children as well as get parental advice

message 42

Rowntrees candy company based in the UK is the sender. The company will not position itself as a corporate brand but rather as the provider and creator of a children’s Christmas program with characters based on the candy shapes. It will also position itself as the owner of the social media site it creates to engage children.

sender 43

Primarily children and parents who are computer users and tv or web program watchers. • Direct Target: Children ages 6-10 • Indirect Target: Parents of 6-10 year old children –Motivated in 2 ways: - Targeted social marketing through online parent forums. - Requests made by their children. - Parents of 6-10 year olds indirectly receive message through children’s request and directly through Pinterest and FB page attractions. User Profile 1: Sex:Male & Female Country:Denmark Name: Olivia and Jens Age: 6-10 Occupation:None Education:School

Receiver - User - Target - Group

User scenario 1: • Play games and surf the web on pc’s, laptops & mobile devices • They do not talk to friends online • Watchers of video games, children’s programming, and music videos on Youtube • Look forward to Christmas programming that is original or traditional • Treated to candy as ‘fredagsslik’ treats, during special occasions such as trips to Tivoli, Legoland or Bonbon Land. Enjoy extra opportunities to eat candy at Christmas, during Fastelavn, and Easter. User profile 2 Sex: Female Country: Denmark Name: Karen Age: 33 Town: Copenhagen Occupation: Marketing Research Specialist Education: High school, Copenhagen University Marital Status: Married User scenario 2 • Grocery shops and provides daily meals for her family • Tries to buy items her children prefer such as cereal, snacks, and cheese • Surfs the internet from laptop as well as on mobile devices • Uses social media to talk to friends online • Downloads mobile apps to make life easier • Informs children of Christmas specials online & on TV • Participates with children occasionally in online activities • Decorates home for Christmas, plans Christmas-related activities such as watching the tree lighting and visiting ‘Santa’ at the mall • Watches videos on Youtube • Participates in ‘Mommy Forums’ online for parental information • Reads parenting blogs • Attempts to maintain balanced nutrition in families diet


Comunication Environment

When Jens comes home from school he will do what all his other classmates do…race for the computer. Heading straight to the Randoms site for games, joke of the day, and online engagement with his community of friends is the goal in this campaign. As he develops loyalty to the characters as a result of the Christmas program and the website, the controlled product placement will influence his choice in candy requests. Karen, his mother, is happy to choice treat selections based on Jens requested preference. In this case the preference becomes Randoms. Karen is also happy to let Jens increase his computer knowledge and home entertainment by visiting the Rowntree social media site targeted specifically to children. Media Elements Social media website. • Games on website. • Competitions on website. Communication and sharing elements on website. Original Christmas web program. YouTube video of web program. Online banner ads on Mommy forums. FB page. Pinterest page for adults with pins that point back to the Randoms site or FB page. Conclusion We must ask is it bigger, softer, cheaper or tastier? David Ogilvy of Adland supremo expressed that “he does not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information”. A social media site primarily dedicated to the children will develop as an online ’home’ or online ’nesting’ site where the children can spend hours playing and engaging. Because parents want to please their children, the hope is that they will allow the kids to go online to the Randoms site and play games and communicate. The ultimate effect is brand awareness, brand loyalty and sales! 45



WHAT ARE THE MARKETING OBJECTIVES AND GOALS OF THE C A M P A I N G LAUNC? • Introduce Randoms to the Danish Market • Launch it as a Christmas campaign • Convince people to choose this new product over their traditional candy choice • Make the candy characters known • To get people to buy the product • Personalize the candy characters for children so that they have their favorites


WHAT IS THE BUDGET AND WHAT IS THE SCHEDULED TIMEFRAME? There is no stated budget, however the campaign should be realistic in terms of what it would cost to produce. Planning: November 26, 2012 Launch: WDecember 20, 2012



• • • • • • • •

Website • Video Ads • Facebook Page Banner Ads Blogs Mommy-Sharing Forums Bus & Train Shelter Who is your target audience? Children • Age 5-8 Moms/Parents of the children



• Children • Age 5-8 • Moms/Parents of the children


Message Objectives

•Introduce the Characters Before Introducing the Candy. •Candy is fun. •Characters are unique. •Randomness of the charac ters and flavors is surpris ing & new. •Healthier alternative w 25% fruit juice. •Emotional attachment or favorites makes the product personal for the child.

Overall Style •Animated Backgrounds •Christmas Themes. •Danish Christmas Influ ences. •Storyline that Relates to Denmark/Danes. •Kiddie Tone-of-Voice. •Bright & Colorful. •Cartoonish. •Human Characters esp Children.

Definite Do-Nots •Don’t be too mature or adult in content. •Don’t bash the competion •Don’t make false state ments about the prouct. •Don’t spam forums or blogs! All content added to 3rd party web sites should be rele- vant.

Available • • • • • • • • • • • • •

/ Materials

Available Existing Logo Existing Color Palette Existing Characters Candy Samples Needed Materials Name the Characters Personify the Characters Product Photos of Each Candy Shape New Website Produce the TV pProgram Social Media Background Christmas Scenes


Translation to the design: When all the information from the report, initial ‘design briefing’ and concept testing is combined we review the highlights to form a design plan: 1.Denmark eats more candy than any other country in the world 2.Danes are open to new or different approaches in advertising 3.Danes like healthier alternatives

Any whimsical or headline fonts can be non-traditional so long as they are oversized for better readability. Media directed to the parents should also have a ‘fun’ appeal with suggestions for ways to entertain or treat their children.

4.Selected target audience are children 6-10 years old along with their parents 5.Strong competitors such as Haribos already existing 6.Randoms most focus on how its different: the fun factor.

The look should always be somewhat fun with aspirational fantasy value. The Pinterest page for moms should focus on selecting pins that show bright colorful recipe ideas using the candy or party and gift bag ideas that they seek out.

These points translate into a design style that is mostly designed for children. The colors should be bright and pop as a further reflection of the fun and entertaining value of selecting a Randoms treat. All font choices for children and adults should be clean and easy to read considering children are new to reading and will be seeing the promotions in an online environment.

Bright colors Clean, easy readability Easily navigable Consitency of style


Design Program


LOGOTYPE The logotype for the Rowntree’s Randoms The logotype for the Rowntree’s Randoms is Bubbleboddy Fat and it is considered as comic sans font. Despite comic fonts are a world wide shame for designers, we found the perfect fit for Randoms, indeed is naive but it is funny and define a perfect combination with the rounded shape of the jelly candies. Ronwtree’s company has a outstanding reputation producing the jelly candy in UK, their brand is associated with natural ingredients and fruits, the image of the branding is easily and faster recognized to be an harmless and safe sugar/colorants free, therefore we wanted to get even closer to our target market with a more simple and friendly logotype yet with a high readability for the children.

Letters are in lowercase to define a balance so that is goes along well in the whole visual impact, yet again it gives the feeling of a friendly product. About the family logotype Rowntree’s we decided to keep a serif font which is Rockwell regular font. It’s not a well known font, perfectly satisfy our chioces as we wanted to focus only on the sweet pastilles. Concluding, If we want to compare the logotype, we can argue that ours is much more focused into our defined target audience which is 6 to 10 y.o. Ours is a sans serif, which is the most favourite and used by childrens while Rowntree use an stylized personalized one which could be a strong point for the uniqueness, but a minus for readability. the uniqueness, but a minus for readability.




The Rowntree’s logo clearly represent a colorful cloud made up of the 5 rainbow colors, their position are overlapped one the other and slightly one next to each other so that is possible to see all the hues. Moreover by layering it, the cloud turns into a 3D shape, which gives an interesting appeal yet catchy look. The logotype is centered and stands within the outline of the front cloud. The colors express the variety of the jelly candy’s flavours in primis. We wanted to keep a multitude of cheerful colors as the original in order to keep the brand recognizable at first sight. Clouds as we know are always or in most cases depicted as monochromatic, which express the usual stereotype. Giving the layered bizarre image we want to convey alternatives to the over abused classic. Furthermore, we wanted to emphasize a straighforward association between irrelgular and round shapes which characterize the jelly candies.



Type Face Century Gothic for the website. Harrintong for the Logo Type. Abadi MT condensed for the Logo Web Century Gothic is a geometric sans serif font, made exclusively for the web, has an exclusive and clean design which consist of an elegant and avant-garde concept in which keep the same width as the letter strokes. We choose Century Gothic for commercial use and website, as it is modern and have an high legibility especially on the screen. It is also important to say that Century Gothic uses 30 % less ink comparing with other fonts according to a University study in UK.




Red is a color that attracts attention, that makes a viewer to focus better; it is a color that increases the adrenaline factors, makes an individual more active.



Yellow is the colors of happiness, strength, energy and positivity. Is the perfect color to decorate in a learning room/school because it refreshes the neurons and increases cerebral activity.

Orange is the colors of happiness, strength, energy and positivity.

#f94000 Blue, is the color that express truth, create feelings of calmness and peace.

#140b4e Green is one of the colors of life because it represents nature. It also represents tranquility, health and it has a great calming effect.



User Testes

Introduction Our concept test consisted of two questionnaires framed to understand our targets’ candy consumption and digital usage. Analysis The first was tailored to parents to assess their children’s candy habits, the parent’s preference for healthy choices, and their kids’ online and mobile usage. We provided limited information about the concept, only revealing that the intent was to launch an online Christmas campaign selling candy and creating a social media website for children. Eight questions were posed to five parents. We discovered that 100% of respondents children use the computer or a mobile device everyday for at least 1-2 hours. However, the children are not using any social media as a way to connect with friends or chat online. Children are eating candy an avg of 2-4 times per week. All parents indicated that they like healthy candy if they can find it. The second questionnaire was given to seven children. All children stated that they know how to use computer and mobile devices. It was surprising that 100% of them use online activities in the same way…to play games and watch videos. The children also stated that they watch TV programs online. It was not surprising that our surveyed indicated all the children like candy. However, their snack and candy preferences varied greatly and included licorice, cookies, frugtstang, jelly candies, and more. Conclusion Moving forward with our chosen target requires a careful respect of the digital intelligence level of children. They are clearly avid users of web and mobile applications and may possibly be technologically saavy. Parents are permitting children to use digital media as an entertainment activity at home. Therefore, pushing new boundaries in this arena may be appropriate. Since most parents indicated that their children do not chat online, we can conclude that safety concerns and no access to friends through adult social media are possible factors. It will be vital to consider privacy concerns when developing a social media site for the children and limit the amount of communication between children and potential predators. The opportunities for promoting Randoms candy will be greatly available using the original online Randoms Christmas program along with the social media website 61

what do you think about the colors? how is the navigation? is it kid friendly? does it work as a kid social media? User1 Colors: fresh, suits the target group. Navigation: top is clear, unclear in the middle, what links to what? social media: doesn’t know because it is not functional. User2 Colors pop, nice gradients, intense, awesome games. Navigation: lines go all directions leads somewhere different, pictures are not the same, not same style that is obvious. Question: which one is the right logo? Suggestion: add santa slay element User 3 Colors: change colors, it is too dark

Usability Test


Concept test from random sample of classmates:

Conclusion Concept’s direction is clear and fits well for children. Bright colors work well. Website should reconsider use of the Rowntree’s logo on the page as it could be confusing.






Description of Technical Solutions


Mobile ready designed all pages in one html document.


Social media login requirement login required to limit information children can upload as well as protect uploaded data from the public at large.


Main-and-sub navigation homepage static navigation menu across top of all pages home page also includes icon navigation

4. 5.

jQuery rotating nisser on homepage and Christmas ornaments on other pages


PHP example twoJoke of the day “blog�


PHP example three Joke of the day insert comment box


PHP example four Joke of the day rate joke

PHP example one Joke of the day admin login



Documentating Database Tables /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_comment` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_comment` ( `comment_id` int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `comment` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `fk_post_id` int(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin AUTO_INCREMENT=65 ; --- Dumping data for table `blog_comment` -INSERT INTO `blog_comment` (`comment_id`, `comment`, `fk_post_id`) VALUES (2, ‘Min far fortalte mig den samme joke’, 1), (4, ‘S√• sjovt!’, 2), (53, ‘Haha!’, 9); BLOG POST -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.3.9 -- --- Host: -- Generation Time: Dec 14, 2012 at 01:12 PM -- Server version: 5.5.8 -- PHP Version: 5.3.5 SET SQL_MODE=”NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO”; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_post` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_post` ( `post_id` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_comment` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_comment` ( `comment_id` int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `comment` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `fk_post_id` int(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin AUTO_INCREMENT=65 ; -


/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_comment` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_comment` ( `comment_id` int(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `comment` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `fk_post_id` int(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`comment_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin AUTO_INCREMENT=65 ; --- Dumping data for table `blog_comment` -INSERT INTO `blog_comment` (`comment_id`, `comment`, `fk_post_id`) VALUES (2, ‘Min far fortalte mig den samme joke’, 1), (4, ‘S√• sjovt!’, 2), (53, ‘Haha!’, 9); BLOG POST -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.3.9 -- --- Host: -- Generation Time: Dec 14, 2012 at 01:12 PM -- Server version: 5.5.8 -- PHP Version: 5.3.5 SET SQL_MODE=”NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO”; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_post` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_post` ( `post_id` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `post` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `post_date` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`post_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=11 ; --- Dumping data for table `blog_post` -INSERT INTO `blog_post` (`post_id`, `post`, `post_date`) VALUES (8, ‘Knock knock. Who’’s there? Santa. Santa? Yeah, I’’m too fat to go down the chimney’, ‘201209-18’), (9, ‘Question: Why did the chicken cross the road?\r\n\r\nAnswer: To get to the other side’, ‘2012-09-19’); BLOG RATING -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.3.9 -- --- Host: -- Generation Time: Dec 14, 2012 at 01:12 PM -- Server version: 5.5.8 -- PHP Version: 5.3.5 66

SET SQL_MODE=”NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO”; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */; --- Database: `a11mexam03` --- ---------------------------------------------------------- Table structure for table `blog_rating` -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blog_rating` ( `r_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `rating` int(11) NOT NULL, `fk_p_id` int(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`r_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin AUTO_INCREMENT=12 ; --- Dumping data for table `blog_rating` -INSERT INTO `blog_rating` (`r_id`, `rating`, `fk_p_id`) VALUES (1, 2, 9), (2, 2, 8), (3, 5, 8), (4, 2, 8), (5, 1, 8), (6, 4, 8), (7, 5, 8), (8, 2, 8), (9, 4, 9)


CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE CONCLUSION The candy launch does not have to fit for a Christmas context only, but it needs to be a product that would be able to survive due to strong personality and consistent values. That is why we have created a website that can easily be changed due to change of season and still maintain its fun and unique look, making the audience remember the product because it has an original site, package and personality compared to candies on the Danish market. We chose a quite special angle for our launch, because we wanted to promote fun, being games, competitions and user activity on our site engaging the audience. We wanted to create a safe social forum for a target that doesn’t use social medias as Facebook yet. And create awareness for the parent, not excluding them but engaging them to spend time with their kids interacting online as an easy way to have bonding time. Also we gave the product a whole new function, giving it personality with its own TV-show. What is good with the chosen target group is that kids decide for themselves what they think is cool, and when easily affected by what their friends like we created a social site for them to meet. Moms are more open to the beautiful package, the “no artificial colouring” and the fun way to engage with her children. If the product identity is based on high standard morals and educational elements we presume parents will be easy to persuade. We chose to advertise for the product using personalized shapes, because it is unique about Randoms that each time you buy a 50 grams bag you will find new shapes. These shapes will be given names and personalities in the WebTV-show to be recognized by the target, each of the shapes favoured by different kids. We used social media as Facebook and Pinterest to spread the news for the parents. In order to make it a social way to get reviews of the product and hear what others think too gives security and allows the parents to give the candy to their kids, and if the parents like the site it will show on Facebook, and attract people and create recognition. The mother might just get in love with the product herself, as similar products have been launched for women (red. Nellie Dellies and Truly). Randoms is having good odds in Denmark reaching a country with current trends of healthy living vs. a motto of “Lidt men godt”, whereas Randoms is a good alternative with cheap prizing and small bags making the buyer feel less guilty. This product doesn’t have to compete with old traditional products as Toms chocolate or Läkerol licorice as they don’t share same features or candy category.

PERSPECTIVE We would love to make an actual game or an episode of the web-program that we could show to the kids if we had more time. Instead we worked on getting to know our target, buying habits and finding ways to appeal to them as a majority. Our idea was to give the unique characters a personality and a style, so we could appeal to the kids with personalities they could relate to. To help increase awareness, we would also arrange a physical Christmas event, selling the candy from the 21st of December in Copenhagen Central Station if this was a real launch, appealing to a large group of people rather than only two. Lastly, we would also have liked so make a recognizable fun song to attach to the brand in Denmark together with a package, applying it to the Danish humor and parent/kid audience.


ATTACHMENTS & APPENDICES Dec 4, 2012 who-con-sumes-the-most-chocolate/ Dec 4, 2012 Dec 4, 2012

Literature List

Wikepidia Jyllands Posten (2009) Graphic Design School Third Ed. p 149


Documentation Process




Logo - Color - White Background

Logo - Color - Transparent

RGB-RED R-163 G-0 B-0 RGB-YELLOW R-229 G-229 B-0 RGB-ORANGE R-255 G-142 B-0 RGB-GREEN R-18 G-107 B-0 RGB-BLUE R-38 G-13 B-101

RGB-RED R-163 G-0 B-0 RGB-YELLOW R-229 G-229 B-0 RGB-ORANGE R-255 G-142 B-0 RGB-GREEN R-18 G-107 B-0 RGB-BLUE R-38 G-13 B-101

CMYK-RED C-23 M-100 Y-100 K-20 CMYK-YELLOW C-14 M-0 Y-100 K-0 CMYK-ORANGE C-0 M-53 Y-100 K-0 CMYK-GREEN C-87 M-32 Y-100 K-25 CMYK-BLUE C-98 M-100 Y-23 K-25

CMYK-RED C-23 M-100 Y-100 K-20 CMYK-YELLOW C-14 M-0 Y-100 K-0 CMYK-ORANGE C-0 M-53 Y-100 K-0 CMYK-GREEN C-87 M-32 Y-100 K-25 CMYK-BLUE C-98 M-100 Y-23 K-25



LOGOTYPE Harrington CMYK-GREEN C-81 M-17 Y-100 K-5 CMYK-BLUE C-98 M-100 Y-23 K-25

LOGOTYPE Harrington CMYK-GREEN C-81 M-17 Y-100 K-5 CMYK-BLUE C-98 M-100 Y-23 K-25


Logo - Black & White RGB-BLACK: R-255, G-255, B-255 CMYK-BLACK: C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0 HEX-BLACK: ffffff LOGOTYPE: Harrington

RGB-BLACK: R-255 G-255 B-255 CMYK-BLACK: C-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0 HEX-BLACK: ffffff LOGOTYPE: Harrington

Logo - Black &White Transparent

Logotype: Arial Rounded MT Bold


Banner Ad-Horizontal Red

Banner Ad-Horizontal Green

Fonts – Print Usage Century Gohic-Use for all printed material including letterhead, stationery, posters Size: May vary dependent upon use Bold: Use for headlines

Fonts – Online Material Century Gothic- Use for all online material including email, webpages, banner ad content. Requirements are excluded for domain owners that require their own standard font such as FB, Pinterest, Twitter, etc Any font may be used as headlines or as art objects Size: May vary dependent upon use


REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLE OF SOURCE CODE <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “ dtd”> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8”> <html lang=”en”> <head> <title>Randoms</title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style2.css”type=”text/css” media=”screen” /> <script src=”js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js”type=”text/javascript”></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { var max = 20; var min = -20; var dir = true; var act = 20; setInterval(function () { if (dir == false) { if (act <= max) { act++; } else { dir = true; } } else if (dir == true) { if (act > min) { act--; } else { dir = false; }

} turn(act); }, 30);

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