Helium rights catalogue fall 2015

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In every sense / I hear / I taste / I touch / I see / I smell everything

What are you up to? A pop-up Book for Toddlers

• Pepillo

• Olivia Cosneau & Bernard Duisit A perfect series to recognize all five senses and discover how they are usedPin every moment of everyday life!

Olivia Cosneau • Bernard Duisit

Olivia Cosneau • Bernard Duisit

pour les petits

our faire plein de choses tout seul,

comme les oiseaux si colorés.

Avec des tirettes faciles à manipuler,

des rabats, et beaucoup de surprises !

Texte et illustrations • Olivia Cosneau

From the sweet strawberry to the runny egg yolk, I taste EVERYTHING! CE PROTOTYPE NE PEUT ÊTRE VENDU

Ingénierie papier • Bernard Duisit

From the puppy barking to the rain falling, I hear EVERYTHING! © hélium / Actes Sud, 2016

Loi no 49 956 du 16 juillet 1949

sur les publications destinées à la jeunesse helium-editions.fr/

No d’édition : JE 255

Réalisation : Katie Fechtmann

lmprimé en octobre 2015 à Hong Kong par Toppan Excel helium-editions.fr

Tu fais quoi ?

Tu fais quoi ?

Un pop-up

Ne coNvieNt pas aux eNfaNts de moiNs de 36 mois

From my favorite soft toy to the rain on grass, I smell EVERYTHING! From the bright butterfly to the cat in the dark, I see EVERYTHING! From the soft feather to the freezing snow, I feel EVERYTHING! Five leporello board books for toddlers, to get acquainted with the five senses. Each: 6 spreads front and back

Un pop-up

pour les petits

Je touche

Pepillo is a very busy artist: a designer, a photographer, she created her own brand, Pepillo, and now conceives colouring book, stamps, posters and stickers or apps. She lives in Paris.

• Michio Watanabe

• Delphine Chedru Can you imagine? A robot dancing in the snowy mountains? Or a yeti dancing in an apple? A doctor shopping for honey in a bath? Once you’ve started playing with this clever mix-and-match book, you won’t be able to stop. By flipping through the cut pages, children can create quirky characters, each accompanied by its own amusing verbal description. With beautiful illustrations, interactive cutouts.

A pop-up book where kids can learn in a fun way how to grow and become more independent, just like little birds until they fly and leave the nest! Also: a beautiful funny introduction to nature, throughout these endearing and colourful birds!

Olivia Cosneau is an illustrator who has published many children’s books about animals and nature, with Amaterra, Casterman, Gründ, La Martinière... Birds seem to be a huge favourite of hers! Bernard Duisit is a talented paper engineer who has worked on dozens of pop-ups and pop-up books.

Tu fais quoi, petite chouette ?

Round Dog - Square Cat

Hey, little owl, what are you up to? I’m waking up. Hey, busy pelican, what are you up to? I’m tidying up.

> From 3 on • Soft cover • 15 x 18 cm 8 spreads • French retail: 11,90€

> From 1 up • Board books • 15 x 16,5 cm • Each: 6 spreads front and back • French retail: 7€

Who are You? A Mix & match Book

> From 3 on • Board book • 15,5 x 24 cm • 32 pages

Michio Watanabe was born in 1961 in Kobe, Japan. He studied oil painting and printmaking at Kyoto Seika University. In 1989 he became a free-lance illustrator and founded his own design studio, STUDIO14. He works for magazines, designs book covers and advertisement material. He was selected for the Illustrators Exhibition at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2009, 2011 and 2014.

Je timide Jesuis suisun ungarcon chat malin

Je me réveille. quiqui se bondit couvreet defile, mousse, ploups ! psshhht !

dans les sa grande baignoire. dans f leurs du jardin.

Tu fais quoi, pélican affairé ?

Je range.

A perfect book for playful minds and little fingers.

Look carefully! Round Dog and Square Cat will guide you throughout a jumble of shapes. Discover the world of shapes: the triangle, the square, the rectangle, the circle… follow one another throughout psychedelic and colourful landscapes. An innovative design adapted to the smaller readers. Thanks to the two removable stencils containing all the shapes, you can also draw your own sceneries filled with shapes! > From 3 on • Hard cover • 19 x 23,5 cm • 2 stencils 48 pages • French retail: 12,90€

Delphine Chedru is a free-lance author and illustrator. She has published many children’s books for Albin Michel jeunesse, Gallimard jeunesse…

• Flavia Ruotolo A bowl or a mushroom? A megaphone or a volcano? From one page to the next, Flavia Ruotolo turns a usual day into an extraordinary visual journey. On the left page, an element representing a moment of the day appears, while on the right the same element presented differently turns into another story full of fantasy. Once shapes are arranged in another way, new images and meanings will occur! A kind of workshop for the imagination, this is an exciting graphic invitation in blue and orange, to look at things from a different perspective, reminding us of the most famous words by Surrealist Paul Éluard: «The Earth is Blue like an Orange.» > From 6 on • Hardback • 2 spot colors • 15 x 20 cm • 40 pages

Born in Italy in 1973, Flavia Ruotolo studied experimental cinema and animation in Bologna and Paris, then worked in independent film-making until 2004. She is now a graphic designer (her studio is called Le Macchinine) and works in the fields of publishing and culture. She is the author of Zoo (Editions MeMo, 2011). She lives and works in Genoa. http://www.lemacchininedesign.it/

One Swallow / Two Shrimps / Three Ants Pop-Colouring Books

All the little things...

Bones, Help!

• Gaia Stella

• Joëlle Jolivet & Jean-Luc Fromental

• Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud

A sensitive and subjective collection of things.

A creative colouring leporello with pop-ups This morning, a swallow took wing... Where are you going, little swallow? And you, blackbird, why do you flap your wings? And you, lovely tiny tits, where are you off to? Stork, why are you in such a hurry? Because it’s meal time!

Gaia Stella

Toutes les choses avec lesquelles…

Ouvrez, il y a encore un truc à voir !

In my house, one can find the things on which I can sit, those with which I can cook, those that are always around, the things to work on, the things to play with… all together, they form une créature orange non identifiée, mais est ce péril menaceam I? myquelhome. Butquiwho la tranquille ville d’Ostendre ? Des squelettes qui tremblotent, des os dérobés,

Heureusement, le fameux détective Sherlos,

A creative colouring leporello with flaps and die-cuts Two shrimps play hide-and-seek in the ocean... Here’s one of them… but where is the second? Did it hide in the seaweeds? Or behind this rock? Here it is! Can you see it? At last, they come together again!

A creative colouring leporello with embossings Three little ants walk in my garden... Hello, Grasshopper! Oh, I found a clover! And I found a ladybug! But who these legs belong to? They’re mine, said the millipede! Three little ants tickle my feet!

> From 4 on • Hardback with embossing on the cover • 21 x 27,5 cm • 40 pages • French retail : 14,90€

armé de sa pipe et d’une calculette, mène l’enquête.

Avec aussi, au dos de la jaquette, un poster squelette

pour découvrir ce que sont le coccyx, le péroné ou… l’astragale !

Jean-Luc Frosmental Joëlle Joslivet

Jean-Luc Fromental Os court ! Joëlle Jolivet

a very long Day

A spooky and hilarious story by the famous French duo Jean-Luc Fromental and Joëlle Jolivet.

ISBN : 978.2.330.05598.1

helium-editions.fr/ 15,90 t

Gaia Stella was born in Milan, Italy, and has always lived here. As a child, she went to a German school that was quite particular—it was a place where artistic work (painting, sculpture, theatre, music, carpentry) was encouraged, where long (and fantastic) field trips even at a very young age were taken, as well as experiences that went above and beyond usual learning were part of the everyday ordinary. She has published books with Italian publishers and La Joie de Lire.

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Something terrible has happened in Bone City! Something horrible, something nearly indescribable! The Creature was here. Yes, yes, THE Creature. The whole town is terrified. Who will catch it? But could the Creature really be that dangerous?

Jean-Luc Fromental et Joëlle Jolivet, en forme oslympique, embarquent le lecteur dans une étrange affaire d’os…

> From 6 on • Hardback • 24,5 x 34 cm • 48 pages • French retail: 15,90€

In addition to writing for film, television and newspapers, Jean-Luc Fromental is the author of more than thirty books, including novels, travelogues, children’s books and comics. Joëlle Jolivet is an internationally acclaimed illustrator. Publishers Weekly has called her books ‘vibrant...dazzling’, and the School Library Journal said they ‘are aesthetically impressive as they are informative’. Together, they are the acclaimed authors of 365 Penguins and 10 Little Penguins.

> From 4 on • Board book binding • 23,5 x 15,5 cm • 12 pages • French retail: 11,90€ each

Louis Rigaud and Anouck Boisrobert graduated in 2009 from the Arts décoratifs of Strasbourg. They are the talented creators of tip tap and the pop-up books Popville (sold in 7 languages), Dans la forêt du paresseux / In the Forest (sold in 13 countries), Océano (sold in 8 languages) and Oh ! Mon chapeau / That’s my hat! (sold in 6 languages).

Also available, a playsack inspired by the ones created by Fredun Shapur, to dress up as a skeleton and organise scary costume parties. > From 6 on • French retail: 12,50€

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25/07/2015 17:23

The Big Book of Little Thumb • Clémentine Sourdais After Little Red Riding Hood, Puss in Boots and Bluebeard, Clémentine Sourdais revisits the classical tale Little Thumb, by 17th century French author Charles Perrault: a giant and spectacular laser-cut book that offers a new powerful insight of the tale through visual surprises and shadowsilhouettes.

> From 3 on • Hard cover • 26,7 x 34,7 cm • 40 spreads • Laser-cuts on 9 sheets • French retail: 21,90€

Clémentine Sourdais is a young illustrator who has published children’s books for Actes Sud junior, Le Sorbier…

• Gift books •

L’Art à table / Art is ready!

Past & Present

• Flavia Ruotolo

• Orith Kolodny

From delicious play on words (‘Francis Bacon and eggs’) to more subtly seasoned cartoons (‘Andy Warhol realizing that tomato soup is not that good’), Benjamin Chaud takes us on a gourmet journey through Art. On the menu, 32 pastiche portraits of huge artists (and their relationship with food!): Magritte, Toulouse Lautrec, Lichtenstein, Dali, Munch, Niki de Saint Phalle, Velázquez... Their major works are reinterpreted or diverted, always infused with Chaud’s savoury sense of humor and exquisite impishness. Benjamin Chaud’s cuisine is definitely one of the greatest.

A light-hearted yet philosophical visual book about our ways of life – in the past and in the present.

benjamin chaud

Quiet, Peace Doves! • Gilles Bachelet and Clothilde Delacroix At first sight, peace doves are very close to humans: they go to work every day, have a lunch break and relax at home at night. But it’s not that simple: they have a special job, working hard at making peace. Using nonsense and inversion, Gilles Bachelet and Clothilde Delacroix question peace and its evil twin, war, with their thoughtprovoking drawings. A small delight of subtle humor, shifting with remarkable ease from comedy to sophisticated irony, touching on the quirky and off-beat along the way. Gilles Bachelet – clothilde delacroix

Readers of all ages will delight in this whimsical and fun book. > For all ages • Paperback • 14 x 15 cm • 64 pages • French retail: 9,90€

Gilles Bachelet was born in 1952 in Saint Quentin, Aisne. After studying art at university, he began illustrating for magazines and other press. Ever since then he has been a professional illustrator. Since 2001, Gilles Bachelet has been teaching illustration at the Ecole Supérieure d’Art in Cambrai, France. He’s the renowned author of Mon chat le plus bête du monde (Seuil jeunesse) / My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World (Abrams) Clothilde Delacroix was born in 1977. She studied fine arts at university. She has published several books, including La valise de Lolotte at l’École des loisirs; she collaborates regularly with children’s magazines.

> For all ages • Paperback • 14 x 15 cm • 64 pages • French retail: 9,90€

Benjamin Chaud lives and works in the south of France. He has illustrated an impressive number of picture books and has written a few as well, among which the three title series Une chanson d’ours / The Bear’s Song sold in 13 languages.

From the audio tape to the Ipod, from the love letter to a text message or a simple < 3, from 60’s glamorous style to the boyish casual chic of today, Orith Kolodny takes us on an illustrated exploration of time through visual dichotomies and likenesses. Each face-to-face invites to nostalgia and self-reflection about our hectic time, with chart-like accuracy and a hint of dry irony. A delightful time-travelogue. > For all ages • Hardback • 13 x 18 cm • 128 pages • French retail: 13€

Orith Kolodny was born in 1965 in Tel Aviv. She has held the record for the feminine 400-metres dash in Israel for fifteen years. She now creates company logos and communication charts for companies, brands or events, as well as illustrated books. She’s also the co-author of four titles of the series «De ville en ville» (From town to town) published by La Joie de Lire. The first book in the series received a special mention in Bologna Book Fair in 2008. Orith Kolodny lives and works in Milan.

Hey, bony guys!

Editorial director • Sophie Giraud Editor • Gilberte Bourget

Foreign Rights • Elsa Giroux egiroux@helium-editions.fr info@helium-editions.fr www.helium-editions.fr

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