Rouergue jeunesse rights catalogue fall 2015

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Foreign Rights AUTUMN 2015

Marbles in the race

Louison Mignon, vol.2 The dead-leaf bandit



2 years + – 19 x 24 24 cardboard pages – 12.80€

4 years + – 17 x 20 – 32 pages Hardback – 12€

Louison Mignon is six years old and finds herself on holiday with her grandparents in their country home where daily life is extraordinarily simple and homely. In this episode, a cowboy bandit (grandpa) has been instructed to collect dead leaves. Louison, the “pony” dog and grandfather make up characters, and roles for a play about an old tractor. The sheriff (grandmother) however keeps her weather eye open and turns out to be a very useful ally.

There are two teams: blue marbles against red marbles. The red marbles roll a great race until the penultimate page, but who will win? Suspence guaranteed. Michaël Leblond and Frédérique Bertrand use the basic principles of “Ombro-cinema” to depict a breath-taking race, as in the famous “Pyjamarama” series (more than 100.000 copies sold in France)! The “Pyjamarama” series Rights sold to Brazil, China, Italy, Japan, Korea, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Here’s the story SARA DONATI Here is the story of a tiny seed that will one day grow up to become a giant plant. It is also the story of Fante, who is terribly bored slouched in front of his TV. It is also the story of a lid who thinks he’s a hat. It is also the story of Hydromel who loves the smell of tea and who brews it everyday, because you never know, someone might come knocking at the door. That’s the way it is. This is the story of how Hydromel and Fante meet and how they begin a long and fruitful friendship.

4 years + – 19 x 19 – 40 pages Hardback – 13 €

What a mess! CHRISTIAN VOLTZ 2 years + – 15 x 21 32 pages Hardback – 11€

Ding, ding, the objects arrive on the pages one-by-one and gradually a face forms. Time rolls by at a snails-pace, who races across the page, like a time-bar telling readers how far they have to go. The moment when everything switches off and it’s time to be silent in order to sleep. In 2014, this picture book was issued free to younger children in the Hérault region. What a mess! turns both children and adults into actors of the story and relates how books work, how they are constructed and how they have a beginning, a middle and an end, to help children learn how to read.

Construction, appearance, disappearance, sleepy-byes!

picture books

A tale that starts out a little like Hansel and Gretel, as the two children get lost in a forest that at first seems creepy and dark but turns out to be a treasure trove of scrummy snacks. The brother and sister find themselves in a house made of candy where, as in the fairytale, lives a witch with evil intentions. Natali Fortier’s text has a delicious “retrospective” structure offering many angles on events. Different voices enter into dialogue, the children and their parents, turning the story into a warm and toasty fireside tale.

The renowned scientist, Professor Sir Von Matiuvu, an expert in flushing out monsters, takes us on a wild expedition. Despite taking every precaution, the mission turns out to be a failure in his eyes. But only to his eyes. In the course of events, readers prove to have greater gifts of observation than our “explo-rator” who, through his binoculars, can’t see further than his feet. The story is also a game which, via black rings on the scenery, shows readers how the imagination can conjure up all kinds of strange forms.

Explo-rator BONNEFRITE 4 years + – 21 x 29.7 40 pages Hardback – 16€



Marcel et Giselle NATALI FORTIER 5 years + – 21 x 29.7 48 pages Hardback – 16€

Childish behavior GÉRARD DUBOIS

Tom Thumb

All ages – 12 x 18 96 pages – Hardback 15.90€

THISOU 4 years + – 14 x 17 48 pages Hardback – 12€

The story of Tom Thumb revisited by Thisou in embroidery. On one side of the pages is the “classic” version of the tale. On the other side the threads tell quite a different story, often the very opposite. For every cute image there is a more disturbing one, which plays with the different ways of reading tales.

All the mischievousness of little monsters, children and their cruel games. In a classic, almost traditional style, Gérard Dubois depicts the timeless, universal cruelty of our dear children. The text is like an enigma and asks questions of pictures and the reader. A book with cheeky references that will delight children and grown-ups alike.

picture books

PIRET RAUD 6 years + – 14 x 19 160 pages Softcover – 11 €

zig zag

tic tac

Crazy neighbors and other stories from my building

The pirate and the acrobat VALIE LE GALL AND ALEX COUSSEAU illustrations MAX DE RADIGUÈS 8 years + – 12 x 17 80 pages – 7€

Against his mother’s bidding, Noé decides to set out wandering on his own around the port of his city. He has an important mission to fulfill: to fill the tiny box he made for his mother’s birthday with presents. At the docks, amid the boats and cranes, Noé imagines he’s a pirate climbing the rigging or an acrobat chasing a cat. Throughout his adventure, he comes across tiny treasures, a fisherman’s float, a flower from a girl, a coin with a hole in the middle, a beautiful pebble, and finally, a feather that falls from the sky.

Arnaud Tiercelin



In the building where Taavi and his mother live, every neighbor is crazier than the next, and you’re going to get to meet them all. There is the neighbor who’s the champion of blowing bubble-gum bubbles, the crocodile who’s unhappy in love and Mrs Inger with her superhuman nose. An extraordinary and touching celebration of neighborliness.

Max is a lovely boy and everyone adores him. He’s everyone’s best friend and all the girl love telling him their secrets. He reads books, dreams of becoming an architect and loves doing things for the school Nature Club. Even if his parents do worry that he is too serious. What if he decided to set their minds at rest, by wearing Terrible Leo’s red cap?

The pirate and the acrobat illustrations by Max de Radiguès

A new hilarious collection of sparkling stories from Piret Raud, one for every evening.

Twins can often have totally opposing personalities, like day and night. Leo is famous for being a terror around town. As soon as people see his red cap approaching, they mount their guard. What prank is he going to pull now? For Leo has bags of imagination, and this also makes him a bit of a liar. “What if I tried something new today, like switch my red cap for my blue one?”

Valie Le Gall and Alex Cousseau

The love accelerator The love accelerator ARNAUD TIERCELIN 9 years + – 12 x 19 160 pages – 9.90€

Terrible Leo / Lovely Max IRÈNE COHEN-JANCA 7 years + – 12 x 17 48 pages – 6€

A madcap affectionate tale of 5th grade love. Clement is desperately in love with Kenza, the new girl in 5th grade. The only person in whom he dares confide his secret is Solenn, his father’s girlfriend’s daughter. Both have the same age and recently started living under the same roof. But who is Solenn really? Isn’t it strange that she’s always so kind and ready to help him win Kenza’s heart? Day-by-day as they share their secrets, Clement and Solenn become closer until, one day in the bathroom, they exchange a kiss. But… Is it really possible to fall in love with the daughter of the woman who’s in love with your father?


STÉPHANE SERVANT 15 years + – 14 x 20.5 448 pages – 15.90€

The magical world of Stéphane Servant takes us deep into the heart of a circus community. Perhaps the last place on earth where people still believe in legends.


A community of former circus performers live isolated from the world, deep in the heart of a wood, having given up performing long ago. There is Little One, and her mother, Belle, and her twisted fingers. There is her ogre-like father and Colodi and his puppets. Then there are Pipo the clown, his elderly lion and a midget called Major Tom. One day, bulldozers start pulling down the forest to build a highway on top. The troupe is threatened with expulsion. This bewitching novel tells us of the world today, a world that doesn’t believe in stories, where men and animals have stopped speaking the same language and where cities expand at a frightening rate leaving people behind.




The language of beasts

My mother, the cancer and I ANNE PERCIN 12 years + – 14 x 20.5 128 pages – 11.70€

Tania, aged 14, lives alone with her mother. They share a peaceful life together, a little too peaceful since her parents divorced and her older brother left for military school. When her mother is diagnosed with breast cancer their lives suddenly become more unstable and frightening. Anne Percin tackles a difficult subject seldom depicted in children’s literature from two perspectives: great realism in her approach to the illness and of its effects, and great sensitivity and humor to her battling protagonists. In the meantime, Tania manages to become a crosscountry champion and fall in love.

Between tears and laughter, Anne Percin’s new novel talks of cancer, but also of sporting achievements and first love.

LOUIS ATANGANA 13 years + – 14 x 20.5 192 pages – 11.70€

Louis Atangana brings the musical legend, Jimi Hendrix, back to life.

Anne Percin By the author of the best-seller trilogy How to ruin your vacation, 80.000 copies sold in France, and Western Girl.

This is the tale of a poor boy from Seattle, born during the Second World War to an Afro-American soldier and a 17 yearold Amerindian girl, who has a difficult upbringing jostled between his parents’ quarrels and reconciliations and foster homes. As a teenager he finds a way to exorcize his demons through music, on a single string guitar, because he can’t afford to buy the other five, and hence he finds an outlet from his unhappiness and solitude. A destiny common in segregationist America soon becomes exceptional and Jimi Hendrix is soon acknowledged as a musician of genius. Once on stage, the shy, stammering teenager becomes exuberant, unleashing an unsettling wild persona who goes onto to revolutionize rock and roll. A fascinating book, inhabited by a love of music, written in rock’n’roll speak.


14 years + – 14 x 20.5 288 pages – 14€ Olivier Ka

Janis est folle

A crazed Thelma and Louise style jaunt by a mother and son.


doado noir

doado noir


Intemporia 2

The prince’s throne

A fantasy saga trilogy

do ado noir

Ingelin Røssland

Tetouan and his mother Janis have long lived in the margins, shacking up where they can, switching from city to city, doing any odd-job that comes along. One day, Janis deliberately sets fire to the two-room apartment they have been lent and the pair take flight, sleeping in their old Volvo and seedy camp sites. Stony broke, they hold up a pizzeria and a bakery. How far will Janis’s irresponsibility lead them? Tetouan, however, has the feeling that his mother is taking him somewhere special, the place they came from. A breath-taking, tragic thriller that careers along at breakneck car-chase speed and a beautiful portrait of a young woman, whom everyone calls “crazy” and her close relationship with her teenage son.


: 978 2 8126 0581 9


doado noir

13 €

chasse à l’ange

doado noir

Claire-Lise Marguier

Janis is mad

Eva’s revolt ÉLISE FONTENAILLE 12 years + – 14 x 20.5 48 pages – 8.30€

To save his village from a deadly epidemic, the young hunter, Yoran, makes a pact with Queen Yelana. In exchange for the Aiguaviata, a relic with vast powers, she promises to put an end to the strange illness. While Yoran saves his family, he condemns the rest of the kingdom to deeper misery by multiplying Yelana’s powers. Having returned to community of the Plain, once again protected by the magic dome and far from the queen’s powers, Yoran is reunited with his family. However, the memory of his friend Tadeck haunts him and he is overwhelmed by a crushing feeling of guilt. He has to act, come what may. He sets out to join the forces of the unsubjugated in order to make right his wrong and put an end to Yelana’s evil reign. The resistance forces have only one solution: to find the last living heir to king Arden, the only person capable of taking the magic throne of Terendis, the kingdom’s former capital. In this second volume of Intemporia, Claire-Lise Marguier unleashes her imagination and her heroes take hold of their destinies, bringing epic power to her trilogy.

14 years + – 14 x 20.5 365 pages – 17.50€

Intemporia 1 / The queen’s seal CLAIRE-LISE MARGUIER

A dark contemporary tale telling of the dramatic destiny of a child and her sisters subjected to a father’s violence.

Eva and her four sisters live in a house at the end of the village, set aside from the rest of the community. In a fairytale world, they would be five daughters living with an evil ogre, who frequently beats them to humiliate them. Alas this is the real world, and because she is pretty, likes reading and never cries, Eva is the primary target for most of the blows. Eva tells us of her life, the family hell of an omnipotent violent father and a silent complicit mother. Eva also tells us of the joy of certain moments, walking through the forest with her dog, her friendship with a new girl to the village, mornings under snow, until the final drama.

Yelana has killed King Arden and subjugated the kingdom by force. After taking his place on the throne, her thirst for power leads her to seek out the Aiguaviata, a mystical object with strange powers. Only one obstacle stands between her and her goal: the peaceful community of the Plain and the magic dome that protects it. The queen launches a powerful spell with terrifying consequences for the people of the kingdom… A deadly epidemic ravages the community and soon Yoran’s young wife falls ill. The 16-year-old boy is faced with no choice: if he wants to save her, he’ll have to thwart the queen’s plans by embarking on a dangerous quest that will change him forever. With her Intemporia saga, Claire-Lise Marguier has created an action-packed world-tale where the characters seem to share the same message: no one can escape their destiny. An ambitious medieval fantasy story, rare in teen literature.

14 years + – 14 x 20.5 544 pages – 17.50€


18, rue SÊguier - 75006 Paris - France e-mail: Johanna Brock • Foreign Rights B.P. 90038 - 13633 Arles cedex France - Tel: +33 (0)4 90 49 57 25 e-mail:

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