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ISSUE #1 February 2016 $4.50 (Incl GST)


CONTENTS february 2016 issue

WORK IT EDITOR’S NOTE FIGHTING TO KEEP FIT Rising trend of combat sports amongst women


BUST IT YOGA’TTA BELIEVE THIS Find out which popular yoga trends live up to what they claim


awaits you


EAT IT LUNCH AT THE LAWN A review on healthy and tasty food!



Find your alternative to sugary drinks



happens to those who can’t sleep well?




start-up that revolves

workout for those too busy to hit the gym


around health and great

Valentine’s Day

editor’s note


hen food buffs and health buffs get together, everyone has a different idea of how to get that ZING! in your life – that extra boost to bring your health to the next level. In this February issue, since it’s Valentine’s Day after all, turn to p12 and we’ll show you how couples can share that ZING!

But before you get there, check out the “Women you don’t wanna mess with” on p2 and 3 and be sure to check out why “Yoga’tta believe us” on p8 and 9. Then, head over to p16 and join us for an oh so “Peachy Time” before ending your journey with us as we “Save Your Skin”! So what are you waiting for? Flip the page and get that ZING! Joseph Soh,

About The Cover Page When we thought about what the cover, we wanted to embody all that our magazine talks about – bringing out that ZING! in your life. So, Lee Jing Wei drew a figure that’s a fun loving, sporty and healthy guy who lives life with that extra ZING! With a sports band to show he’s fit, a grin to show he’s fun and a vest which makes him look fab. That’s what we’re all about – Fit. Fab. Fun.





Combat sports! Nivash

Joyvin speaks to women you don’t wanna mess with!

he flexed her arms in a repetitive motion: forwards, forwards, upwards and to the left. Repeating the same motion over and over, she made it seem so effortless even though she was perspiring in the air-conditioned gym. When she was done, she unwound tape from her tightly bound hands. Taking a gulp of water, Angela Lee, an instructor at MMA Evolve, announced with a contented smile on her face, “That was about 1,000 calories in 60 minutes.”

Photo By: Lee Jin

g Wei

Not only boxing, but any form of combat sport workout can produce calorie-burning numbers of such a scale.


Some may think that jogging can do the best job of helping one lose weight, but boxing and other forms of combat sports are even more effective at burning calories due to the repetitive motions. Combat sports have actually been picking up in Singapore. While you may think only the men are into such masculine activities, think again. “When MMA Evolve opened in 2009, we mostly had men signing up. I went to check the numbers and 89 per cent of our members were males,” explained Angela. Opened in 2009 and based in Singapore, Evolve is home to the largest number of world champions in mixed martial arts.

ZING! According to Syafiq Zulkiflie, an admin staff at Evolve Orchard Central since 2011, the number of women joining Evolve has gradually grown over the past six years.

In self-defence classes, women are taught basic techniques of defence. The lessons taught are not simple techniques – they are actual skills that can get you out of tight situations.

“The Orchard branch in itself has seen a 17 per cent increase in the number of female members in the past six years,” added Syafiq. Currently, 32 per cent of members are females.

These women are taught places that are easy to hit, and also learn how to leverage their weight and make full use of their bodies to defend themselves. You definitely don’t want to mess with these ladies!

A training session can last anything between 45 to 90 minutes. In that period, your body will go through intense calorie burning and muscle toning. There are many different kinds of combat sports – even martial arts – that women are starting to pick up in Singapore. “There is Total Awareness Excellent Boxing Obedience (TAEBO),” explained Angela.

Despite all of these benefits, Angela also stressed that combat sports pose some dangers to health. First of which would be the concern of getting injured. Angela advises that women who are keen should first consult their doctors to see if they are fit to pursue such intense activities.

“I dare However, this does not mean that you are to say, the completely free from chances of injury. main reason for “I’ve had students who Venetia Koh, a student currently have ended up with taking TAEBO classes at Bishan the rising trend sprained ankles and Community Club, mentioned that backs just because they she started taking these lessons to is actually failed to include essential lose that extra bit of weight. warm ups before their fitness” workout,” continued Angela. “My friend introduced me to TAEBO TAEBO boxing is a form of aerobics that combines boxing, martial arts and elements of dance in which you can burn 500 to 800 calories per hour.

a few months back and I thought that it would be an interesting activity that I should try,” added Venetia.

Kickboxing, which has Asian origins, is more modern as compared to boxing, and has become a very popular sport amongst women. In terms of calorie burning, Angela wanted to bust the myth that kickboxing burns more calories than boxing. “I have some ladies coming up to me and asking me if boxing or kickboxing is more effective to burn more calories and lose weight.” Truth is, both sports are the same. It all boils down to personal preference and depends on how long your workout is and what you are working on during that particular session. Angela stressed that in terms of calorie-burning, the rumour that kickboxing burns more calories is merely a myth. The next popular workout: self-defence. That’s right, many gyms including Evolve offer women self-defence lessons. In a world where danger may be lurking at every corner, there is a need for females (and even males actually) to learn how to defend themselves. Being equipped with self-defence skills may prove to be a more effective form of protection, as opposed to your regular pepper spray.

- Angela Lee

Such muscle-related injuries are a common occurrence. Angela pressed that there needs to be proper warm-ups done, especially if you are just starting to get into these sports. “Before every one of my classes, I’ll guide my girls with a routine warm-up that I prepare every week according to what the lesson is going to focus on,” said Angela. One more thing that’s important – your own set of warm ups! You know yourself best, thus it’s important to know what parts of your body you need to warm up. Angela stressed that this is especially important for women. This may affect their spine or back areas since they are more prone to spinal curvature which may affect them in their old age. So, it is indeed true that combat sports are a rising trend amongst women in Singapore. Physical fitness, mental health and selfdefence are the three main reasons, according to Angela. If you’re not training right now, what are you waiting for? If you want a fun and engaging way to maintain your fitness, start fighting to keep fit but remember to stay safe!



Photo By: Lee Jing Wei

simply I


Alina Ho dedicates this month to reviewing TRX training for the #Fitfam

t is now the dawn of resistance – resistance training that is. Recently, resistance training has gotten a new face: portable sports equipment designed for you to resist your body weight. Our lives have never been easier, while our workouts get more intense.

When I was trying the TRX, I found myself sweating more than I expected. The time-based workout meant that you have to push yourself within those 30 to 60 seconds. This was another thing I really liked about the TRX – fast but effective workouts.

The Total Resistance Exercise, better known as TRX, is an increasingly popular type of resistance training that has taken Singapore by storm. Statistics from Social Bakers show that TRX’s Facebook fan page is steadily gaining followers from Singapore in the thousands.

Vincent picked up on this as well. The TRX is something that he often uses in his physical education classes. He has one-hour lessons with some of his students, and within that time, he needs them to warm up, work out and warm down. “Only the TRX has been able to give them ‘hell’ in 40 minutes,” he joked.

According to personal trainer and physical education instructor, Vincent Toh, the TRX is gaining popularity because of its functionality, effectiveness and convenience. Thus, I decided to give TRX a try. For two weeks, I worked out using only the TRX. “The movements you do on the TRX are the very same ones we do in our everyday lives,” he explained, while demonstrating by pushing himself off his seat, “making the workouts very easy to pick up.” Vincent went on to remark that the movements are made more difficult, according to your level of fitness, by doing it with one limb only or at a steep angle on the TRX where you are comfortable. Vincent shared that the TRX is a great way to improve your muscle endurance, strength and your overall physique. “The TRX serves as a good ‘shock’ for your body since it’s time-based where you do an exercise for 30 seconds or a minute non-stop.”


With the TRX, you can achieve a full body workout anytime and anywhere since it’s so easy to set up. All you need is a firm anchor that can support your weight. However, the TRX might not be for the cash-strapped fitness junkie. Misuari Ismail, 21, is a fitness enthusiast who tried the TRX for a week and he loved it. But when I informed him that the TRX training kit cost over 200SGD, he said that he probably wouldn’t get a TRX for himself since it was not within his means. Vincent, on the other hand felt that the TRX is a wonderful investment. He felt that it is very worthwhile since you can work on your entire body without paying for gym classes or memberships. Even with such a steep price tag, the TRX is value for money. It’s almost impossible to get as good a workout so conveniently anywhere else. Get it if you can afford it, but if you can’t, normal body weight exercises will do just fine.



High -Tech

Clara Ler finds out how electronic devices are driving people to fitness!


ith mobile health and fitness technology at our fingertips, we are now able to monitor our fitness levels around the clock, encouraging us to increase our physical activities. Technology, the term we once associated with the cause of our unhealthy lifestyles, is now used to promote healthier lifestyles through global positioning systems, social media and interactive video games. Technology is no longer simply seen as a burden to our health, but instead a platform to improve our fitness and health.

Fitness Trackers

This innocuous piece of technology on Jessica Ang’s wrist may not seem like much, but it has become an essential part of her new “keep-fit” regime. Known as a fitness tracker, the device tracks the steps she takes and logs the data collated into her handphone. Fitness trackers are new-generation pedometers that are used to track the user’s physical activity. These devices are synced to a computer or smartphone to reveal the data collated, allowing users to monitor their daily fitness goals. “I don’t feel complete without it,” said the 23-yearold, who makes it a point to wear her fitness tracker everyday. The fitness tracker is an effective motivational tool for her to be more active and to achieve her daily goal of walking 20,000 steps. The university student currently owns three types of fitness trackers – a Fitbit One, a Jawbone UP24 wristband and a Withings Activité Pop. Fitness trackers are steadily gaining popularity in Singapore. According to Dr Tay Chin Tong from the Tay Clinic, monitoring fitness levels is becoming increasingly popular amongst his patients.

Dr Steven Tucker, founder of Tucker Medical and an expert in digital health agreed with Dr Tay, saying that the information gathered from the fitness trackers reveals to users how they are behaving. In return, this helps them to reflect on what they more they should do for their health.


Interactive fitness video games – more commonly known as exergames – are interactive video games that encourage physical activity, with the use of motion-sensor technology to simulate an array of sports and activities. Nicole Lim, 19, finds herself dripping in sweat every time she plays Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 on her XBox 360 Kinect for an hour. She gets to customise her workout each time by choosing from a selection of activities such as muscle-strengthening workouts, aerobic exercises, dancing and many more. “To me, exercise should be all about fun. If you don’t have fun, the habit of exercising won’t stick,” Nicole shared. With a sheepish shrug, she added, “I know that playing active video games doesn't seem like serious exercise, but at least it’s getting me to move around a lot more.” “A significant plus for exergames is that it’s just plain fun,” said Dr Tucker. “The advantage exergaming has is that exergaming is not only a source of physical activity, but also a great source of fun for users. The more fun, the more committed you will be to the habit of exercising.” Can exergaming replace traditional forms of exercise? Although exergaming is a great motivating force to make one exercise more, Dr Tucker further explained, “One shouldn’t fully depend on exergaming for a high-level workout. “Say if you want to lose weight, you should combine exergaming with some other physical activity for better results.”

“With all these new gadgets to help track your activity, you can regularly get information about your body. With all that feedback at hand, you’ll be reminded and motivated (to) live healthier lifestyles,” he said. Photo By: Lee Jing Wei


work your weigh



Too busy to work out? No worries! Keifer Ong has got a 20-minute workout just for you!

Did you know?

Body weight training mimics daily movements like carrying groceries, thus significantly reducing the chance of injury.

Step 1: Push Ups 5 sets of 15 reps

Get in a plank position with hands slightly further than shoulder-width apart, firmly planted on the ground. Firdaus advises to tighten your core and keep your body straight and neutral. This is the starting position. Next, lower your body, tucking your elbows in. Make sure they are close to your side. Once your arms reach a 90-degree angle, return to the starting position.


ccording to the Ministry of Health, one in 10 Singaporeans are obese. Even worse, the numbers are rapidly growing. Already, Nike stressed that obesity has caused more deaths than smoking. Before you freak out, here are a few simple exercises to stay fit and ultimately nip obesity in the bud! Calisthenics expert and fore founder of Street Strength SG, Singapore’s first pure calisthenics gym, Mohammad Firdaus, mentioned that “even a short intense 20-minute workout can burn calories”. Simply squeeze in a brief workout every day to stay fit! Due to the time constraint, Firdaus suggested a little tip: do “supersets” – two exercises back to back. This increases the stress placed on the muscles, since there is no rest between exercises. For the workout, “superset” pushups with dips and sit-ups with squats. Pushups and dips help improve upper body strength while sit-ups and squats promote calorie-burning to create a toned body. The duration of this workout can vary from 20 to 30 minutes. If the workout was too easy for you, complete the movements at a slower pace to intensify the workout. “By slowing down the movement, you are basically increasing the amount of muscle fibres being stressed. This leads to hypertrophy, which is muscle growth,” said Firdaus. Be sure to maintain the hard work and train at least three times a week. Keep in mind to leave at least one day a week to recuperate because rest is just as important as the workout, since muscles grow best during rest.



If you can’t do a regular push up, you can either use your knees as an anchor or place your hands on an elevated surface (like a coffee table or step of a staircase) to make the push up easier.



Step 2: Dips

Make sure the chair doesn’t rock when you’re doing a dip! You can use a sofa or a bed frame for more security. Safety first!

5 sets of 15 reps

Find a chair or sofa that is hard enough to rest your hands on. Place your hands shoulder-width apart while facing away from the sofa. Your legs should be fully extended with your upper body perpendicular to the ground. This is the starting position. Next, inhale as your body descends slowly, with your elbows close by your side. Once your elbows are at 90-degrees, exhale as you return to the starting position. Remember to focus on the tricep squeeze.

Step 3: Sit-ups 5 sets of 15 reps

Lie with your body fully rested on the floor and knees bent with feet firmly flat on the ground. Put your hands behind your ears with elbows pointing outwards and tighten your abdominal muscle. This is your starting position.

Next, slowly lift your body up towards your knees, until your elbows touch your knees, then return to the starting position. Make sure to engage your core throughout the movement. Keep your butt and feet fully on the ground.


Tuck your feet under a heavy object like a sofa or a cabinet to make sure you don’t flail your legs around.


Remember to keep your core tight throughout the exercise so you can tone your abs while working your glutes.

Step 4: Squats 5 sets of 15 reps

Make sure to find a spacious spot. Start in an upright position with feet slightly wider than hips apart, and look straight. This is your starting position. Continue looking straight, and exhale slowly while bending your knees forward and lowering your body to the ground. Firdaus advises to stick out your chest for better balance. Stop once you reach full depth or when thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to starting position.




Believe This

Yoga devotees, yoganna be disappointed as Alina Ho busts myths surrounding three of the most common yoga styles


arketed as a safe and easy way to lose weight while keeping your mental well-being in check, more Singaporeans, especially young female adults, are signing up for yoga classes at gyms or yoga studios. Gerard Grosse, a manager at Singapore’s COMO Shambhala Urban Escape, attributed the success of COMO Shambhala in Singapore to the rising popularity of yoga locally as more and more people are showing interest in the ancient practice of yoga as Singaporeans become more health conscious. He even noted, “It’s not just the office ladies who drop by for more information, I’ve seen young people, even students, walk in to enquire about our yoga classes.”


Yoga has as many benefits as it has styles. A new type of yoga emerges every so often with benefits that follow suit, making the list never-ending. Even Yoga Journal – a dedicated online journal on yoga that has been covering and providing yoga literature for over 40 years – has trouble keeping track of each and every one of them. While some benefits of yoga have been proven true by science, other experts beg to differ. So before you sign up for a yoga class in one of these yoga styles, let Dr Kevin Yip, an orthopaedic specialist, and our yoga experts walk you through these myths.


Hatha Yoga

Iyengar Myth #2: All yoga poses are safe

“The classes are relaxing and designed to loosen up your body, not for working up a sweat.” In other words, Hatha Yoga is all about calming the body and mind.

The main two that he highlighted were the shoulderstand and headstand. “There’s nothing for them to fall back on if they’re doing it by themselves without someone spotting them,” said Dr Yip.

Hatha Yoga is one of the most common types of yoga. Gerard explained that “it focuses on breathing, holding poses and quieting the mind”, which are the fundamentals of any yoga practice.

Hatha Myth #1: It helps you lose weight

Hatha Yoga isn’t really much of a workout. In 2008, the International Journal of Yoga actually confirmed that when you practice yoga, your metabolic rates decrease. This means that even if you stretch on the mat regularly, but still indulge in unhealthy eating habits, like having late suppers, your jeans will probably be stretching as well.

Hatha Myth #2: poses are one-size-fits-all

Glenn Black, a yoga teacher with four decades of experience, said in an article for The New York Times Magazine in 2012 that yoga practitioners “injure themselves in droves because most have underlying physical weaknesses or problems that make serious injury all but inevitable”. He warned against generic poses and encouraged a “specific range of motions for articulation, organ condition and to strengthen weak parts of the body”. Dr Yip agreed with Glenn on his ‘diagnosis’. “It’s easy to get these ‘underlying physical weaknesses’,” he laughed. “For example, students often sit in lecture halls for hours on end and don’t get enough exercise. This could lead to serious orthopaedic conditions.”

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga is another common type of yoga that is very meticulous, with a sharp focus on finding the proper alignment in a pose. Gerard, who started Iyengar Yoga in 2006, stressed that it is the “practice of precision”. To help students find proper alignment, a typical Iyengar Yoga class often has a wide array of yoga props, such as blocks, blankets, straps, chairs, bolsters, and even a rope wall, all of which could be seen in the COMO Shambhala Urban Escape studio.

Iyengar Myth #1: universal rules of alignment

“You’re going to hurt your shoulder if you don’t keep your elbows by your side!” – you’ve probably lost count of how many times you’ve heard things like these in any physical education class, or even during sports training. We’ve heard it such a multitude of times that we’ve become staunch believers in these ‘rules’. However, Dr Yip would like to enlighten us about the truth – that our bodies vary in terms of “our bone structures” as we are all unique.

After being shown a particular set of Iyengar Yoga poses without the props, Dr Yip actually labelled many of them as ‘high-risk’ poses.

Yoga International notes that some yoga studios around the world have banned the practice of such poses in classes where there are larger teacher-to-student ratios. They believe that such high-risk poses should only be attempted with experience and supervision.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga, is a modern form of yoga that involves doing 26 poses in sequence, in a room usually heated to about 40 degrees Celsius. Bikram Yoga has been picking up traction here in Singapore, according to Google Trends. Bronwyn Ayres-Munro, an instructor at Bikram Yoga Harbourfront, said that they now have six full classes every day of the week.

Bikram Myth #1: Doing Bikram Yoga ensures a more intense workout

Those extra litres of sweat are all you’re losing when you do Bikram Yoga – not calories. In 2014, Time magazine stated that doing Bikram Yoga burns the same amount of calories as brisk walking. The only real thing getting an extra workout is your heart, which could be dangerous.

Bikram Myth #2: The sweating helps detoxify your body It is often claimed that Bikram Yoga helps detoxify your body, but you’re not really removing any toxins from your body when you sweat. The Huffington Post crushed this myth in 2014, stating that sweating does not release any toxins; only water salt and electrolytes. However, after spending time with Bronwyn and Gerard, it’s clear to see that yoga does have its benefits. Gerard added, “People focus too much on the physical aspect of losing weight and being fit. For me, yoga has always been more of a mental, emotional, or even spiritual journey.”

“There are no ‘rules’, but they can act as rough guidelines,” he explained. Given that every body is built differently, it’s important to know your own body, how it works and what it can or cannot do.



No T

Way Out Pop goes the pill! Sadly, they aren’t gonna help... Joseph

he saying goes “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Today, it seems like supplements have replaced that apple. That is according to Timothy R. of Robinson Pharma Incorporated, who reported that a nine or 10 per cent growth is expected in the Singapore supplement market year on year. For the average Singaporean youth, the same article noted that they are taking on a “more active role in understanding and caring” for their health. It’s no surprise that youths are purchasing health supplements.

vitamin c pills

According to Dr Pasupathy, the craze over vitamin C started with an article called the “wonders of vitamin C” by Dr Linus Pauling, where he claims that vitamin C can boost the immune system and get rid of free radicals. Sounds like a swell deal a pill for the benefits. However, Dr Pasupathy said that this may not be true as the “theories on vitamin C have never been proven”.

Weight loss pills

“There are two reasons people take weight loss pills. Either because they medically need to, or “Over because they want to look the counter aesthetically pleasing,” said Dr Pasupathy. supplements can

contain any BS but you don’t really know what these effects are.” - Dr Pasupathy

He also suspects that the demand for aesthetic surgery is on the rise as many doctors are going into it.

But the next time you find yourself wanting to lose weight the easy way, think again!

protein powder

As for protein powder, pretty much the same principles apply. Dr Pasupathy explained that too much protein can hurt your kidney and your liver. “The kidney and liver are the two gatekeepers in the body. Everything has to go through the liver. If anything goes wrong, the liver gets whacked first!” exclaimed Dr Pasupathy.


So, how much protein does our body need, especially if we are after muscles?

Soh explains

Dr Shankar Pasupathy, a doctor at the Gleneagles Medical Centre, highlighted weight loss pills as one of the popular pills that youths are taking. Don Chia, 19, takes Vitamin C pills which he believes “boost (his) immune system”. Then, you have your typical bufflords who storm the gym and build their muscles by drinking copious amounts of protein shakes. With all these supplements in mind, which one really works? And are there any side effects? He further elaborated that an “isolated agent”, vitamin C “does not really make a difference” and needs other nutrients to deliver the benefits it claims to. A regular vitamin C pill can contain over 1000 mg of vitamin C even though your body only needs about 80 mg. And if you believe more is better, Yong Qiang, a pharmacist, said that a vitamin C overdose could result in diarrhoea – or in extreme cases, kidney stones.

Because while it may sound enticing, the weight loss pills that are available on the market may not really be all that reliable. Dr Pasupathy remarked, “Over the counter supplements can contain any BS but you don’t really know what these effects are.” That means you can’t be certain about what they contain or the side effects they may have. It’s pretty much the difference between saying “I can write an article” and showing an article that you have written – claim VS fact!

According to Dr Pasupathy, a regular body only needs about “one gram of protein per kilogram of weight”. Even for gym buffs who are trying to gain muscle, the crazy amount of protein that protein shakes provide is way more than what is needed. To that end, Dr Pasupathy thinks you should be a copycat! Do a simple Google search and check out the diets of professional athletes like Michael Phelps as guides to building one’s fitness.


The Juice on Juice

Joseph Soh tells you why you shouldn’t spend hundreds on the juice cleanse!


n the heart of town, two juice bars – HIC and Joob, proponents of the much talked about juice cleanse in Bryna Singh’s Straits Times Article “Juice cleansing fad takes off”, often sell out within the day. The “juice cleanse fad” would see regular meals replaced with cold pressed juices for up to a week. This method of juicing uses a hydraulic press to extract juice, which supposedly keeps the juice fresh and the nutrients in! Even experts like Kohila Govinderaju, a nutritionist, observed that there has been “an increase in the number of juice bars” in Singapore because “more people are starting to drink juice as they believe it to be a healthier option”. Looking at Joob and HIC’s website, they claim that juice cleanses help the body to focus on “cleansing, recovering and healing”. But the question remains if these cold pressed juices involved in a juice cleanse are really able to help people detox. Using the best sellers of the two stalls, the quest was on to find out if these juices are really capable of being the detoxing agents they claim to be.

Agents Of Detox?

Joob’s bestseller, Tangy Paradise, is a blend of orange, pineapple, cucumber and mint. HIC’s bestseller, Kale Tales, is a mixture of kale, cucumber, apple and coconut water. But, when put side by side, these drinks are fairly similar in terms of their nutritional value. According to Dr Katherine Zelman’s analysis of the different nutrients found in each type of fruit, both drinks ought to have the ability to assist in digestion through the “soluble fibre” found in cucumbers. Comparing apples and oranges (literally), both fruits are known to be excellent sources of Vitamin C and pectin.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps control cholesterol levels, preventing the common flu and weight-related issues. With regards to the pineapple and kale, they provide the body with vital minerals. Kale and pineapples both provide beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that lowers the risk of cancer. The coconut water in “Kale Tales” gives the body a potassium boost, which Blood Pressure UK said helps to “stabilise the body’s blood pressure”. But Kohila said that it does quite the opposite. “Our body requires proteins and other nutrients, not just fruits and vegetables. A detox only works if you balance all types of nutrients including proteins,” she said. Kohila also pointed out that our body has “optimal levels of nutrients it can take in. Once it’s past this level, the only thing the body keeps is sugar!” In other words, you would gain weight in the long term because the body would take in massive amounts of sugar. So, to answer the question whether these juices can be agents of detox, the answer is a resounding no! The body needs every kind of nutrient to detox and through these juices, you’re actually sugar loading.


To Jolyn Wong, a university student whose mother makes “strange juice concoctions like beetroot and ginger”, these juices are far from a sweet treat. She noted that while the pineapple managed to hide “the taste of the cucumber and gave it a sweetness”, the mint was “overpowering”. When it came to Kale Tales though, Jolyn’s reaction was akin to something straight out of a nightmare. As she sipped the juice and the taste tickled her taste buds, her facial expression was reminiscent of the character “Disgust” from Pixar’s Inside Out.

The Bottom Line

Following Kohila’s advice, the bottom line is: when it comes to juices, always pick the raw fruit over the juice!

Photo By: Lee Jing Wei



Follow Clara Ler, Daphne Au and Keifer Ong as they find out how to celebrate Valentine’s Day – the healthy way Illustration By: Cynthia Ho


ver-priced flowers, unfamiliar prix fixe menus and cheesy stuffed animals. Let’s face it – Valentine’s Day can be daunting. A better option?

Try cooking with your partner because it’ll bring you two closer together. Setting aside time to cook together is an incredibly interactive, yet sweet gesture that shows how important your partner is to you.

120g oat flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp chia seeds, flax seeds or ground pumpkin seeds 100ml milk 2 eggs 150g blueberries 20g olive oil (plus a little extra to grease the pan) Honey, greek yoghurt and chopped nuts (for garnish) 1. Mix all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. 2. Make a well in the centre of the bowl.

By spending quality time together, not only will you learn about your partner’s food preferences, but most importantly, you’ll also get to know them on a deeper and more intimate level.

3. Pour the milk and egg yolks and olive oil into a separate bowl and beat the mixture to combine.

For 18-year-old Ashley Siu and boyfriend, Sebastian Walther, 22, such activities are a constant occurrence during their dates. Their favourite dish to cook is pancakes!

5. Whisk the egg whites till they form soft peaks, then fold the egg white mixture into the batter.

“The whole ‘eat at a restaurant’ thing is just not my idea of a romantic date,” said Ashley. “ To me, cooking is a more fun date activity. It brings people closer together!” “Don’t be too bothered about getting that dish right,” advised love psychologist and director of Olive Branch, a counseling and therapy centre, Sam Roberts. “Just go with the flow and don’t forget to have fun!”


4. Add the egg mixture and mix them into a smooth batter.

6. If you want to add that pop of colour to your pancakes, add a handful of the blueberries to the batter and fold them. 7. Grease the frying pan lightly with extra olive oil. 8. Spoon a ladleful of the batter onto the hot pan and cook for about 2 minutes on each side over a medium heat until they are ready to be served!


Walking on Sunshine

Evening Picnics

The Love Corridor

Feast By The Lake

Feeling full from all those pancakes? Why not pick up your running shoes and head down to one of Singapore’s lesser known trails – The Green Corridor? The Green Corridor is a trail that was once part of the Keratapi Tanah Melayu (KTM) railway tracks that connected Singapore and Malaysia. Sam mentioned that exercising together with your partner can improve your bond as it will “keep communications going, which is important in a relationship”. To start the 1.6 kilometre walk, alight at the King Albert Park station on the Downtown Line and walk out towards the bus stop. From there, you’ll be able to spot the iconic black overhead bridge, which is the starting point of the trail. Let your journey begin! 20 minutes into the walk, you’ll be able to spot the beautifully preserved Bukit Timah Railway Station, which is a definite selfie spot for you and your other half. A crucial tip: with the trail being surrounded by dense rainforest, the air can get extremely humid. With the sun beating down on your backs, dehydration can be a very serious issue, so do not forget your water bottles! “(This place is) a beautiful respite from the urban city, that’s what it is!” said Sebastian, smiling from ear to ear.

You might already be feeling pretty worn out from all the legwork, but don’t be too quick to sacrifice your evening to rest! Instead, end this Valentine’s with something relaxing yet fuss-free – a picnic! Set in the humble abode of nature, the Chinese Garden is a great place for a picnic. The infinite green grass is also popular for flying kites and playing ball games. So, pack some food, lay out a mat and just simply enjoy each other’s company in the setting sun. Nevertheless, do make the right choice and pack healthily! Salads are the chart-toppers of popular healthy picnic dishes. Be sure to pack low-calorie salads though! Nuts and fresh fruits are good healthy snacks to munch on as well. You can buy them from your nearest supermarket and they’re also packed with lots of nutrients. Aside from all the food, be active and enjoy the fresh air. Take a walk around the scenic gardens or toss a Frisbee; there are boundless options as to what you can do. Remember, time spent with your loved one is what makes your date a meaningful one. “Everyone’s always thinking of those candlelit dinners served with classy ol’ wine glasses, right? A picnic? It’s something unique, something easy and what’s best is that I got to spend quality time with my girl,” added Sebastian.



Nivash Joyvin

makes a trip to The Lawn Café to satisfy his taste buds for delicious yet healthy food


itting in a cosy corner of the dimly lit café, he was beaming with pride at his vision that was brought to life four years ago.

“I wanted it to represent a place that’s fresh, natural and recreational. The first word that popped into my mind was ‘Lawn’ for some reason,” explained Lim Ze Yan while sipping his coffee, answering the question about the origins of the café’s name.

Butter Seared Pacific Dory with Parsley Rub 14

Set amidst the high-rise buildings and lush greenery of Biopolis, The Lawn Grill & Salad Café serves healthy meals that will satisfy both your hunger and nutritional needs. Health-conscious people, this is the place for you! As you enter, you are greeted with the smell of fresh herbs that are used to marinate the proteins. With a comfortable carpet of faux grass, simple wooden furniture and vintage oil lamp replicas, the café gives off an overall rustic feel.




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Ji Lee


Butter Seared Pacific Dory with Parsley Rub ()($9.90))

Spoilt for choice? Well, you can start off by ordering one of the top recommendations – The Butter Seared Pacific Dory with olive rice, a dish truly worthy of its popularity. The flesh of the fish is soft and tender while the crust provides you with a crispy texture. The cardinal flavours of this dish come from the parsley and butter. Many may worry that the parsley rub on the fish may turn out to be a little too overwhelming. However, the taste of the parsley is actually perfectly balanced out by that of the butter. “The olive rice is a taste from my childhood. I’ve been holding on to this recipe for years now and it was one thing that I really wanted to incorporate into my dishes,” reminisced Lim with a distant smile. The olive rice is indeed a throwback to the good ol’ times. The rice, which Lim explained was his mother’s recipe from years ago, is packed full of traditional Chinese flavours. However, that is not the only reason why olive rice is used. Olives bring about various health benefits

such as boosting your iron intake, and they contain anti-cancer compounds, according to host of the Healthy Gourmet cooking show, Julie Daniluk.

One of the café’s premium salad dressings is the “honey ball”, which goes well with the salad! These premium dressings contain lower calories.

The rice is not greasy and cooked al dente; it has just the right balance between the salinity of the rice and the bitterness of the olives.

The chicken breast is infused with a maple flavour in an attempt to give it a sweet taste.

The dish overall satisfies your hunger with the dory and the rice that provides you with very bold and robust flavours that are pleasing to the palate. The dish was surprisingly filling, delicious and healthy – all at once!

However, it is also coated with black pepper, which overpowers the maple infusion. One may not notice the sweetness because it is so slight.


The dish comes with a spicy Tom Yam infused Thousand Island dressing, which works perfectly with the grilled shrimps. The shrimp salad has all the right textures and is very succulent, thanks to the marinade that balances out all the flavours. According to Heal with Food, shrimps contain vitamins B3 and D as well as zinc, which supports weight loss. This is a dish to include in your diet if you’re planning to shed some weight!


Verdict Char-grilled Shrimp Salad ()($9.90))

Final Verdict The Lawn Grill & Salad Café provides customers with a pleasant dining experience, offering good value for money with its generous portions.

Maple Infused Grilled Chicken Breast ()($9.90))

“They tend to run out of garlic shrimps on weekdays. It is very popular amongst the customers,” said Ada Lu, a regular at The Lawn.

If you are looking for a meal that is lighter in calories, the Maple Infused Grilled Chicken Breast is the dish made just for you!

The char-grilled shrimps are indeed worth the hype! For a beautifully charred outside, the shrimp is extremely tender and juicy on the inside.

From the relaxed, rustic ambience to the healthy yet inexplicably delicious food, The Lawn is the café for you if you want to pamper yourself with a healthy post-workout meal.

Marinated thoroughly with herbs and juices before going on to the flat grill, Lim explained that he chose to grill the salad as it “reduces the fat content”.

If calorie count matters while you’re craving a delicious stomach-filling meal, The Lawn is the best place to visit!

Served in a salad bowl with a honey dressing, it consists of your common greens (lettuce), nuts (cashew) and dried fruit, balancing out the sweet and savoury elements of the dish well.

Char-grilled Shrimp Salad

Maple Infused Grilled Chicken Breast




On the other hand, according to an online article on SFGate, filling your diet with junk food can lead to an increased risk of stroke, weight gain and other gastrointestinal problems.

Despite having a ‘bad’ reputation, snacking still plays an important role in your diet. Healthy snacking can provide you with enough energy to keep your mind sharp, give your body that extra boost, and ease your hunger pangs.

“Substituting your unhealthy snacks for healthier options is a great way to fill your stomach,” advises Dr Agnes Tey, a research fellow at the A*STAR Clinical Nutrition Research Centre. She added that being healthy is not only about the outside. It’s about feeling good – inside and out!

However, it’s important to note that these benefits only come about when you snack healthily!

Why not try healthier alternatives of your favourite snacks instead of avoiding them altogether?

According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), when our bodies are fuelled consistently, we are better able to comprehend and retain information, which translates to us completing tasks more efficiently.

Being healthy doesn’t necessarily mean depriving yourself of your favourite foods; there’s always another way out picking the healthier options. Here are some ideas to give you a head start!

imiting consumption of your favourite foods definitely isn’t fun. Shunning yummy chocolates for healthy salads, or even going for crash diets, is enough to turn anyone “hangry” (becoming so hungry that you become angry).

Crispy Rice Cakes Have a nice crispy rice cake for breakfast or as a snack! According to an article on livestrong.com, rice cakes are low in calories. Rich in fibre and low in salt with no added sugars, these are great substitutes for cookies to keep your blood sugar level low. “Choose rice cakes made with brown or whole-grain rice – those are high in fibre and more filling,” said Dr Tey, who reported that dark chocolate is packed with essential nutrients like potassium, zinc and selenium, which also can help improve brain and muscle function and lower one’s blood pressure.

Go Nuts Nuts are rich in fibre, and the perfect snack that can boost your energy! According to an article on pistachiohealthinstitute.org, pistachios are one of the most nutritious types of nuts.

Chocolatey Goodness One thing to do is to replace milk chocolate with its literally darker alternative – dark chocolate! It has a smooth texture, neither rough nor grainy, proving its quality. The bitterness is evident, but not too overpowering. An article on SFGate.com mentioned that the higher the chocolate’s cocoa percentage, the healthier it is. Cocoa contains antioxidant compounds that are beneficial for the heart.


With three to four calories per nut, pistachios contain the least amount of calories and contain more potassium per serving than other nuts. Based on organicfacts.com, potassium ensures the proper growth of muscular tissue. “Nuts are full of good fats, vitamins, fibre, proteins and antioxidants,” said Dr Tey.



Clara Ler and Daphne Au dive into the world of snacks to propose some healthy alternatives and add-ons to give you that much-needed boost!

Good Ol’ Gula Melaka



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Use coconut sugar instead of white sugar! It’s a traditional sweetener and it’s now making its return as a healthier alternative to table sugar. You’d probably be more familiar with the term ‘gula melaka’. According to the Philippine’s Department of Agriculture, coconut sugar contains zinc, iron and antioxidants which are good for your skin. A study in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice noted that coconut sugar contains insulin, which slows glucose absorption in our body, lowering your chances of diabetes!

Chia Seeds Small but powerful, chia seeds used to be something you could only scout out at health stores. Now, you can find them at almost any supermarket! Chia, one of the oldest forms of nutrition, is now slowly rising again as a popular health trend. A ‘superfood’, chia seeds are nutrient-dense and full of energyboosting power. Some of the greatest benefits of this seed include skin rejuvenation and efficient digestion.

Gluten Free Products

Chia seeds have high concentrations of antioxidants which are effective in preventing premature skin aging.

Gluten is a protein composite found in foods like wheat, barley and rye, which causes health problems in sufferers of potentially life-threatening gluten-related disorders, mainly celiac disease. Thus, switching to a gluten-free diet is literally life-saving for people with this disease.

According to the ADA, chia is incredibly high in fibre, providing nearly 11 out of 12 grams of a single serving of chia – one’s recommended daily fibre intake.

“People without the disease have also conformed to a glutenfree lifestyle, saying that they feel better and healthier overall,” commented Shan Ho, owner of a gluten-free delivery business.

The remaining one gram is surprisingly the seed’s only true carbohydrate content.

A recent survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center discovered that 63 per cent of respondents thought following a gluten-free diet would improve their physical and mental health.

There are many ways in which chia seeds can be consumed. Sprinkle these seeds on cereal, yogurt or oatmeal and add them to baked goods like bread and muffins!

Many of them also mentioned that they experienced better digestion, weight loss, increased energy, and a stronger immune system through the omission of gluten. But be sure to stick with naturally gluten-free whole foods like fruit, vegetables and most dairy products instead of completely eliminating gluten-related foods.

Dry chia seeds can also be added whole or grounded to smoothies and juices. Experiment with these seeds however you want but take note to avoid giving them to the young children!



MUNCHING Lee Jing Wei sits down with entrepreneur Mr Chan Manquan as he

discusses his unique start-up and its relation to the health scene in Singapore own in the basements of Katong Shopping Centre, the kitchen of a small café is on high alert.


Manquan is also a walking dictionary of healthy eating, as he is well-versed and prepared to give advice right off the bat.

The air in the tiny workspace is redolent of the grilled fish fresh from the oven. It has been nothing short of an arduous Sunday for 26-year-old Mr Chan Manquan, co-founder of Macros & Co.

“(The start-up) is a very different experience. I guess it’s very tiring but at the same time quite fulfilling to see it grow,” he explained.

The long lines of packeted food filled up the remaining space in the store. The team of co-founders can be seen scrambling to complete the required food servings by the 7pm deadline. Manquan proceeds to the last round of checks on the weight and quantities, before giving the final approval and sending it off. This is the routine he finds himself part of on a daily basis. Manquan is a young entrepreneur who invested into Macros & Co, a new start-up that focuses on providing customised meals to people with goals such as weight loss or building muscles.


Manquan is no stranger to the word “food”. In his younger days, he could be found serving patrons at his mother’s Tze Char store at Far East Plaza, and returns home to his father, a chef at Park Royal Hotel. “It may seem that I have an affinity with food but I have never consciously thought that since everyone is in food, I should be in food too,” he said.

While Manquan’s parents may have been practitioners in the culinary arts, he was pursuing something entirely different. After studying Economics at the London School of Economics, he landed himself an accounting managerial job with Singapore Airlines. Manquan, however, had bigger plans and was adamant about his decision to quit after he got a taste of working in a big and established organisation. “You get to meet new people and travel around but I didn’t like the bureaucracy of a big organisation,” he admitted. Manquan remained obdurate about leaving his job despite his parents’ initial objections. His parents gradually came to accept his decision and has been supportive of his entrepreneurship ever since then. Entrepreneurship has always been flowing through the veins of Manquan.

In his youth, he used to deal with WWE trading cards, but now he has to face the reality of setting up a real business. “You have no time for anyone!” he exclaimed. “Lack of time is more disabling than lack of money sometimes because you can’t get it back.” Li Xizhen, founder of Grid + Line Ptd Ltd and recipient of the 2010 Successful Entrepreneur award, chipped in her opinions on what it’s like to start a business. She shared that she had to work seven days a week, with long hours and a pretty severe lack of rest. “My job requires me to meet clients on a daily basis for the whole day, and return back to my home office in the evening to settle the admin and follow-up work before I can call the day off at around 3 am. It is quite tough.” Before, Macros & Co. was simply a healthy café under the name Food With Benefits. The whole idea came about when Manquan and his friends were eating Tze Char after a workout.


what’s in the




Illustration By: Cynthia Ho

One of the co-founders wondered about the amount of calories that was in the food he was eating. So, the simple idea evolved into this very start-up. However, in an industry packed with similar businesses such as Grain and Box Green, they knew they had to do something that would stand out. Tan Yan Yue, 24, one of the co-founders, also felt that the business is able to fill the small gap in the market that has never been explored in the past.

His sentiments were echoed in a Straits Times article which focused on the rise of healthy restaurants. Manquan noted that it’s vital to control one’s diet but he has no objections to indulging once in a while – he loves his occasional fried chicken wings! He felt that the general Singaporean diet nowadays consists of food that lack the proper nutrients.

“Our dream is to have people saying ‘If I need a good meal preparation or need to know of ways to lose weight, I will find Macros & Co!’ – something that we aspire to be in the eyes of our clients,” mentioned Manquan. Even though Manquan just started on this long, gruelling journey, the thought of thowing in the towel has never once crossed his mind.

“we have so many

clients that have successfully lost weight. it’s really heartening to see.

“Such services are just not available,” she emphasised. “I mean they (others) give you healthy food perse, but it’s not usually customised to what you (your body) need(s).” When Manquan and his co-founders settled upon the new direction, they were sure that they wanted to be the bridge between the growing trend of being health conscious. Manquan saw that Singaporeans are becoming more aware of their health, and this prominence will continue to grow.

- Chan Manquan

Manquan is confident that all the hard work he and his partners put in will pay off in the end. Even now, Manquan stays ever vigilant to tackle whatever that lies ahead.

So, what does Manquan see in the near future for his growing business?

With steely determiniation locked in his eyes, Manquan beamed widely. “I think Macros & Co is something that I fell in love with because we have so many clients that have successfully lost weight, and it’s really heartening to see the results.

He hopes that his business will grow into something that will have a strong foothold in the market and he holds this vision very close to his heart.

“You can actually see your efforts translating to results – in this case people achieving their goals. I think this really encourages me to keep going.”

He believes that a great deal can still be done to enlighten the masses that “what you eat is really important for you”.


Did You Know?

You can reduce your calorie in-take without starving yourself! Here are three quick tips you can do to lose all that extra weight.

Consume more proteins Consumption of proteins can almost immediately lead to lower intake of calories. Proteins can mainly be found in chicken, eggs, tofu and nuts.

Stop drinking soft drinks According to Harvard School of Public Health, sugary soft drinks are a big cause of obesity, with a normal soda having close to 240 calories!

Drink more water According to Authority Nutrition, drinking about two liters of water can make you burn more than 96 calories a day!



shows how you can replace sugary drinks with a simple recipe that’s light on the pocket and tea-licious!

Daphne Au


o sugary drink lovers, you might think that it’s not worth sacrificing such goodness for something that’s healthier. Consider this: a yummy yet healthy drink. With simple items found in your kitchen or supermarket, you don’t need to spend a bomb on your health anymore! Excessive consumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners in sugary drinks is one of the leading causes of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and obesity. In 2014, it was estimated that 533,600 Singaporeans and over 346,000,000 people worldwide were diagnosed with diabetes.

The Health Promotion Board also discovered that more than 40 per cent of students consume sugary drinks daily. Why do so many youths consume such drinks so excessively?

The Nielsen Global Health and Wellness Survey showed that more than 50 per cent of participants were willing to spend more on healthier products.

“Singapore’s weather causes them to resort to these sweet and carbonated drinks to curb their cravings,” said nutritionist Akemi Poh.

Well, here’s an alternative to sugary drinks, even without much spending – raspberry peach tea! Try it and you probably won’t touch soft drinks for the rest of your life.

Even with cases of lifestyle diseases increasing over the years, there’s also the trend of being health conscious rising amongst youths.

Not only does this recipe tackle the issue of lifestyle diseases, it also resonates with the growing health consciousness of youths.

More youths nowadays pay attention to their health, engaging in activities such as detoxification, healthy eating and exercise.

This drink requires a relatively low level of skill, so don’t worry if you aren’t a Michelin chef ! This is a homemade tea that’s healthy, inexpensive and incredibly easy to make. It is also aesthetically pleasing to the eye, perfect if you’re someone that loves to take pretty pictures of your food and drinks. What are you waiting for? Now’s the time to take pictures and upload them on Instagram as you sip on your delicious do-ityourself drink!

6 cups purified water 2-3 White Tea bags

2 peaches, pitted and diced 2 cups raspberries

Photo By: Lee Jing Wei

Fresh mint for garnishing (optional) Container to store your drink Measuring cups Fruit knife Glass bowl





Grab 6 cups of water and boil them in a large saucepan. Otherwise, you can use water you have already pre-boiled and pour the desired amount into a bowl.


Gather your white tea bags and steep them into boiling water for about 5 minutes, discarding them after. (Note: Experiment with other teas if you wish!) Allow the tea to sit until it cools to room temperature, which takes about 45 minutes. To save time, you can simply put the tea in the fridge to cool it down.


Meanwhile, chop up the peaches into small pieces. It’s up to you on how small you want them to be. You’re the chef !


Add the chopped peaches and raspberries into a small mixing bowl. Then add a pinch of sugar all over the fruits. This is optional, but the sugar will soften the fruits and pull out their juices. This allows the fruits to release its flavour. Let this sit while the tea is cooling.


When the tea is completely cooled, transfer the fruits and tea into a large pitcher or container to hold. The fruits would have released their flavour by now. Get mixing; stir with a large spoon and you’re almost done! (Note: you have to ensure it’s completely cooled, or the hot tea will cause the fruits to turn soggy! Unless that’s what you prefer.)


Let the tea chill in the refrigerator. You can also choose to serve immediately over ice, if you can’t wait to taste it. Garnish with fresh mint leaves for an additional tinge of flavour!


If you are thinking of spicing things up a little, opt to add some white wine or even champagne into the tea! This also stirs up the flavour of the tea. Also, it’s a good way to incorporate a little alcohol if you’re preparing for a dinner party and want your drinks to be a little fancier. Impress your guests!

Back to it... As you can see, this recipe involves very minimal amounts of sugar by utilising fruits as a natural source of sweetness, which even contains additional benefits such as antioxidants and vitamins. A study from Texas A&M in 2015 shows that peaches contain high amounts of fiber, which lowers blood glucose level. Thus, instead of using sugar, use fruits! “I’m not exactly a fan of teas but given that I love fruits, I’m more convinced to try fruit teas,” added Benjamin Tan, a student. Not only is this recipe healthy, it’s also effortless and easily obtainable. Ingredients can be easily found in supermarkets, and they’re inexpensive as well.

Why pay the price of storebought drinks filled with preservatives? And why risk your own health for the gratification of sugary sweetness attainable from a healthier alternative? “I drink canned drinks regularly, but if I were to try out something new that’s healthier, I honestly wouldn’t mind going the extra mile,” commented Rachel Yow, an 18-year-old junior college student. “Sometimes these drinks are just there, and I’m just there, you know? I just can’t resist the temptation.” You can never be too young to be at risk of lifestyle diseases. So start taking care of your body in a way that lets you enjoy what you consume!

Did You Know? White tea was used due to its high level of EGCG, a powerful antioxidant! It helps to reduce the risk of cancer and even enhance weight loss, according to a 2007 study in “Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica”.



Isabelle Liew delves into


he looks in the mirror. Obsessively plucked eyebrows frame her face. Acne scars mar her cheeks. Her long, dark, messy hair contrasts sharply with her pallor. Cutout of a supermodel in hand, she compares herself to what she sees. This is her perception of who she thinks she is, caused by a subset of body dysmorphic disorder. Another girl glances longingly at the snacks in the cabinet and sighs. “I’ll let myself have a treat,” she thinks. Slowly, “a treat” turns into five, then 20. Realising what she’s done, she rushes to the toilet bowl, bends over, sticks her finger deep down her throat and retches. She sits up, brings her hand to her mouth and wipes away the evidence of the disorder that plagues her: bulimia nervosa. An increasingly significant number of teenagers view their body negatively. Mirror.co.uk revealed that 42.6 per cent of teenage girls think they’re “fat” when they’re not.

the dark depths of body image issues among youths

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a type of mental illness in which one obsesses over their small or nonexistent flaws. Another illness is bulimia nervosa, a life-threatening eating disorder in which one binges, then purges in order to expel calories. Sarah Mangelsdorf, a counsellor at Nanyang Girls’ High School, has worked with numerous girls who deal with such issues. “I think that many teenage girls stress themselves to look perfect,” she said. “This (stress) can come from mass media but some of them just have low selfesteem in general.” Dr Ken Ung, a psychiatrist at Adam Road Medical Centre, stated that he’s noticed an increase in the number of teens diagnosed with eating disorders.

At 12, she started to notice things that didn’t bother her before, like the fat on her thighs and stomach. “At 14, I started playing with my mum’s make-up and it made me feel less hideous,” she admitted. According to mayoclinic. org, symptoms of BDD include feeling a need to conceal perceived flaws. When Bethany was diagnosed with BDD, she underwent cognitivebehavioural therapy (CBT). Dr Ung explained that CBT is used to help “patients with BDD change their thought patterns”.

Dr Ung stated that most of the young patients who come in have the eating disorders anorexia or bulimia nervosa.

He further added that this was how they train “patients to look at themselves in a more realistic way”.

He also explained that a lot of these teenage girls that come in pressure themselves to attain their desired “perfect body”.

After seven months of therapy, Bethany said, “I started being confident enough to make friends again,” she beamed.

Photo By: Lee Jing Wei


Bethany Goh, 18, has been diagnosed with BDD for more than two years.

“I was about 13 when I began becoming hyperaware of my body and weight,” said Jasmine Lim, who has suffered from bulimia nervosa for around three years. It began with a “diet” gone wrong. She would refrain from eating for the whole day, then she would start to binge-eat. Consumed by guilt, Jasmine would forcefully expel the food. Little did she know that this achieved the exact opposite and she started to put on weight. Not knowing what to do, she went to a dietician, who subsequently referred her to a psychiatrist. Jasmine was diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, and underwent CBT, as well as family-based therapy. The good news though, is that 60 per cent of eating disorder patients recover completely with therapy. “No one in the world is perfect,” advised Sarah. “Don’t let the idea of perfection affect you.”

ZING! Illustration By: Lee Jing Wei

Cynthia Ho finds out more about sleeping disorders from those who haven’t had the privilege to sleep well all the time


leep is ubiquitous, but not easy for all. Amelia Kwa Min Er, 18, recalled her arduous attempts to fall asleep back when she was suffering from insomnia. She was restricted to only three to four hours of sleep every single night. The Straits Times reported in November 2015 that there was a 20 per cent increase in the number of patients seeking help for sleeping disorders over the course of the previous three years. Dr Phang Kwan Min shared that lifestyle, environmental and psychological issues are possible causes of sleeping disorders amongst teens today. “Your wake, sleep cycle is so affected that you don’t feel your batteries recharge. Like how your hand phone needs to be charged every night,” described Dr Phang. If it isn’t, you’re going to have problems! Technological advancements have made electronic devices a part of our daily lives. Youths usually suffer from disturbed sleep because they are unable to put their electronic devices away even though it may be way past their bedtime.

Amelia smiled sheepishly and fiddled with her fingers as she shared how she would sleep at 3am because she would be watching her favourite Korean dramas, or browsing her Twitter feed.

Amelia added that her family often slept late too and that it was normal for them to still be awake at 1am.

She was a girl of petite frame who often sat the back of the classroom due to her social anxiety.

PsyWellness states that those who suffer from insomnia can get

She shared that she would be extremely conscious about what her classmates thought of her, and feared that she will be judged.

“Your wake, sleep cycle is so affected that you don’t feel your batteries recharge.” - Dr Phang Kwan Min Never did she predict that this lifestyle would result in insomnia. Amelia chuckled as she recalled how ridiculous it was to sleep at wee hours and wake up at six in the morning. It dawned upon her that she required help from a medical professional. Dr Phang also highlighted how environment could lead to poor quality or quantity of sleep.

frustrated just by thinking about how their day ahead could be ruined if they cannot get quality sleep. This holds true for Amelia, who admitted that she became irritable and unwilling to interact with others. Dr Phang also emphasised that there are many other kinds of sleeping disorders such as parasomnias.

“If Zouk is down there, and you stay next door to it? You won’t be able to sleep,” he explained.

According to WebMD, parasomnias cause nightmares, sleepwalking and other forms of disruptions that affect one’s sleep.

However, it doesn’t always take blaring music and flashing lights to hinder sleep.

Joreen Chu, 18, has been a victim of parasomnia since the tender age of eight.

“When I went to see a psychiatrist, she would ask me write down what I dreamt about. She said that I had the nightmares due to my fear of failure.” Fortunately, Joreen had the support of her family and friends who helped her get better. She gleefully revealed that she has now made friends whom she can talk to constantly. Through the years, Joreen has also slowly been able to overcome her nightmares, which required a lot of willpower on her part. She first had to step out of her comfort zone to befriend people in order to overcome the issue of social anxiety. The nightmares still come to her on some nights but Joreen is finally able to sleep through these horrible dreams which is something that she truly cherishes.


LIVE IT *Unlikely to cause an allergenic reaction.

Cynthia Ho concocts an avocado honey mask for sensitive skin using affordable ingredients


ay goodbye to all the unjustified spending on hypoallergenic* products, because we have a remedy for you. “Hypoallergenic means that the possibility of an allergic reaction is lower, but it does not mean that it is suitable for people with sensitive skin,” said Sharo Choo, beautician for Beauté Touch. According to WebMD, manufacturers are allowed to use this term as they wish, which means it could


However. youths with acne and sensitive skin are still getting allergic reactions after using such products. This is mainly because they have the misconception that ‘hypoallergenic’ means it is ‘safe for use’. Instead of checking the ingredients used in these products, we can easily concoct a

How to concoct a

Scrap out the flesh after cutting the avocado.


be a mere marketing ploy. Such a term may be able to convince people to buy these products.

2 Mash it up using a fork. It takes a little patience.

homemade acne remedy from honey and avocado. “The benefits of masks are not always immediate. After applying it twice a week, the pimples near my chin started to be less prominent,” said blogger Tracy Lin. According to Healthiest Foods, avocados contain healthy fatty acids that can ease and heal skin inflammation.

Also, its Vitamin C helps the skin stay supple and firm to touch. Acidic properties of honey stop bacterial growth and its stickiness helps clear facial impurities. Tracy was glad that she didn’t experience itchiness while using the mask, though she has sensitive skin. DIY remedies work but patience is key to pimple-free skin!

DIY pimple remedy: 3

Pour one tablespoon of honey.

4 Mash and stir until it turns gooey.

5 Apply & leave it on for 15-20 mins Lather with water!

all originals

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