i'll get over it

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Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Special Thanks: Eve Taylor Peri Thomas Alix Hughes Lydia Platt Sophie Paxton & Harrison Shoemark Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



“An Exploration into the insecurities and weights that play on today’s generation z’s. The project aims to communicate these insecurities to understand their impact towards our identity and self-esteem, in hopes to bring a community space where we feel open and supported within our self- doubts”

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one




Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one






Interviewer: Hi how are you! Interviewee: Good thank you! Interviewer: before starting the interview, I want to explain a little bit about the project. Today I’m going to ask you a series of questions surrounding my current final topic ‘I’ll get over it’ a project which explores the personal issues surrounding our insecurities, (physical and phycological) why we have them and where they come from. To reach a conversation of understanding and acceptance’. The questions can be as personal as you like and if you wish to stop or skip a question, feel free to do so. Interviewee: okay got it! Interviewer: Perfect after knowing a little more about the project are you happy to continue with the interview? Interviewee: Yes, sounds good Interviewer: Fabulous! Could you please state your gender, male female or other and your pronouns? Interviewee: Male, he/him Interviewer: Age? Interviewee: 21 Interviewer: and you place of residence? Interviewee: currently Manchester Interviewer: great, thank you, can I start by asking how do you define the word insecure? Interviewee: Something you wish to hide as it courses you discomfort or embarrassment Interviewer: do you have any insecurities, now or in the past? Interviewee: Yes, I think everyone does Interviewer: Are your current insecurities more psychological so character based or more physical, so appearance based? Interviewee: currently much more psychological but I guess I use to have more physical when growing up Interviewer: Why do you think this is? Interviewee: I guess growing up you are surrounded by different kinds of pressures and being a guy it’s hard to navigate your vulnerabilities.





Interviewer: What are so of your current insecurities? Interviewee: I’m quite shy and introverted so meeting new people and allowing them to see the real me is hard. I feel like especially within male group settings, its easy to be talked over and not heard Interviewer: Do you think your shyness effects your ability to make friends? Interviewee: Yes, I would say so. I didn’t notice it as much until I came to uni and was surrounded by so many or fighting to be their best selves and give off the best version they could. I think it felt quite daunting and I kind of just slipped under the radar which I wish I didn’t. I kind of want to be more open. Interviewer: Did you not have this feeling within high school? Interviewee: Not really, I was a kid when I met most of my friends, so I think I was a lot more sociable? As I got older I kind of got quieter. I think having a girlfriends helped me be more open, she’s quite bubbly and social but she went to a different uni. Interviewer: did that make it harder for you to meet people? Interviewee: yeah, I guess, I mean I feel like I was or am quite co-dependent upon her, I guess I didn’t realise how much I was until going to uni….I think being a man makes it harder to kind of express how you feel as well being in a relationship made me open up about a lot of things so I guess I really struggle to adjust to not having that at the start of uni

Anonymous, Male, 21


photography/styling/direcPhotography/styling/ tion/hair&makeup: direction/ isabel platt Hair&makeup: Isamodel: eve bel taylor Platt Model: Eve Taylor

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor


“I guess growin g up you are surrounded by different kinds of pre ssures and being a guy it’s hard to navigate your v ulnerabilities” Anonymous, Male, 21

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



photography/ styling/direction/ hair&makeup: isabel platt model: eve taylor

Interviewer: do you reckon with age comes less insecurities? Interviewee: Maybe I know as I’ve got older, I’m less insecure about my appearance but that might be because I’m in a relationship and I know there’s someone there who loves me for me and that feelings can encourage you to feel more confident within yourself. So maybe if others don’t have that it’s not the same, it’s probably circumstantial for what that individual person is going through, but I would say my age group are very heightened within their insecurities, due to the stages of their lives their in. I know its heightened mine. Being in uni meetly new people having to be the best version of yourself is tiring. I’m only gunna keep doing this with the next chapters of my work, whether that’s professionally or socially. I’m no longer in school surrounded by the same people and the same environment. Whether your shy or not that’s scary, growing up is scary especially for the 20-year-olds today. Interviewer: Do you feel you are supported in talking about your insecurities? Interviewee: Not massively, I’m not very close to my family so it’s difficult, I can come to be friends, but I feel like I can’t really go into detail as I don’t want to be that guy. I go to my girlfriend mostly, I think if I were to lose her I would be quite lonely, I think I need to be a bit more independent so I don’t worry about this Interviewer: thank you for being open and honest, on brighter note, do you think within all of this you have found self-love? Interviewee: yes, I have found my group in uni and I feel much more comfortable there is a worry that I’m going to have to do it all over again after this but I feel without realising it I have become much more confident it just takes a bit of time. I wish it won’t but that’s who I am, and I can’t control that Interviewer: What are some of the things you love about yourself? nterviewee: I’m kind and friendly and I think I’m a positive person who has a positive outlook on life. I like to see the good in people and I think that’s a good trait to have

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Eve Taylor


“I’m quite shy and introverted so meeting new people and allowing them to see the real me is hard. I feel like especially within male group settings, its easy to be talked over and not heard” Anonymous, Male, 21

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


“I go to my girlfriend mostly, I think if I were to lose her I would be quite lonely, I think I need to be a bit more independent so I don’t worry about this”

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas








Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one





Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas

“I wanted to be so much like the guys in tv or porn even. I had this weighing self-doubt that I would never live up to those figures......that pressure to have a ripped body and a six pack” Anonymous, Male, 22

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Interviewer: Hi how are you! Interviewee: Great, thanks! Interviewer: before starting the interview, I want to explain a little bit about the project. Today I’m going to ask you a series of questions surrounding my current final topic ‘I’ll get over it’ a project which explores the personal issues surrounding our insecurities, (physical and phycological) why we have them and where they come from. To reach a conversation of understanding and acceptance’. The questions can be as personal as you like and if you wish to stop or skip a question, feel free to do so. Interviewee: okay, sounds good Interviewer: Perfect after knowing a little more about the project are you happy to continue with the interview? Interviewee: Yes, sounds good Interviewer: Fabulous! Could you please state your gender, male female or other and your pronouns? Interviewee: Male, he/him Interviewer: Age? Interviewee: 22 Interviewer: and you place of residence? Interviewee: currently Manchester Interviewer: great, thank you, can I start by asking how do you define the word insecure? Interviewee: Something you are not proud about yourself, and you wish could be different to other people’s perspectives Interviewer: Would you say you have insecurities? Interviewee: Yes, I would say so Interviewer: Thank you for sharing! Would you say these insecurities appear more physical, so appearance based or more psychological, so character based? Interviewee: Physical I would say


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

“This idea of a ‘dad bod’ doesn’t feel freeing as a man..... but more negative that our body types can be broken down into two words.”

Anonymous, Male, 22


“men can’t express their insecurities or feel upset when someone says you have a ‘dad bod’ it’s not okay really for men to care”


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Peri Thomas

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

















Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one












FA 35

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark

AILURE Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Interviewer: Hi, how are you? Interviewee: I’m good thank you! Interviewer: Today I’m going to ask you a series of questions surrounding my current final topic ‘I’ll get over it’ a project which explores the personal issues surrounding our insecurities, (physical and phycological) why we have them and where they come from. To reach a conversation of understanding and acceptance’. The questions can be as personal as you like and if you wish to stop or skip a question, feel free to do so. Interviewee: okay! Got it! Interviewer: Are you therefore happy to continue with this interview and take part in the project? Interviewee: Yes! Interviewer: Could you please state your gender, male, female or other and your pronouns Interviewee: Female, she/her Interviewer: Age? Interviewee: 21 Interviewer: Place of residence Interviewee: Manchester Interviewer: How would you define the word insecure? Interviewee: Uncertainty surrounding yourself, things you wish to change or things that you believe other people to take notice of Interviewer: Have you ever or do you currently have any insecurities? Interviewee: Yes, before, and now Interviewer: Do you feel these insecurities are represented though physical worries for example, appearance based or more phycological, character based? Interviewee: A bit or both, but now as I have got older more phycological worries and stresses Interviewer: why do you think that is? Interviewee: I think with age there are so many more social pressures, I’m thinking more about my future and who I’m going to be. That sense of security you had as a child is gone and you are left to figure things out yourself. For me this is a worry and not knowing where I’m going is a huge stress and fear for me. This overcomes worries about my appearance. As I’ve grown into myself more and come to accept the way in which I look. Interviewer: Do you think that these different insecurities are more likely to come at different stages of your life? Interviewee: Yes, 100%, I feel as I have got older, I accept myself more. I have grown into my body and no longer feel worried about changes in my appearance because I have gone through puberty. Anonymous, Female, 21


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

“I’m insecure about my intelligence, I’m scared I’m not going to get the grades I need and not secure the future I want. I’m scared of being a failure and having an unfulfilled life......I’m scared I’m simply not good enough” Anonymous, Female, 21


“I’m insecure about my intelligence, I’m scared I’m not going to get the grades I need and not secure the future I want. I’m scared of being a failure and having an unfulfilled life......I’m scared I’m simply not good enough”


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


nterviewer: Would you say that phycological insecurities are more important that physical? Interviewee: To me yes, I can’t change the way I look but I can change who I am or what my future holds depending on how hard I work. Interviewer: Do you think the physical insecurities are only for the young then? Interviewee: I mean, maybe in some ways, but in others no. I guess without sounding too vain, at the age or 21 I’m supposed to be in the prime stages of my life, perhaps as we get older these insecurities can creep back up on us. Interviewer: Yes, that’s a good point! With this all being said, are there any insecurities you are struggling with now? You can be as open as you like Interviewee: I’m insecure about my intelligence, I’m scared I’m not going to get the grades I need and not secure the future I want. I’m scared of being a failure and having an unfulfilled life. I feel being in third year, there’s this huge pressure and weight I put on myself to secure the dream job and jump right into my future but, I’m scared I’m simply not good enough. Interviewer: To generalise, what age to you feel these sorts of fears began? Interviewee: I think these current fears, are recent, within the past 6 months or so, but I feel these will only develop as I get older. Interviewer: What do you believe can cause our insecurities? Interviewee: I think there’s always been a lot of social pressure, comparing yourself to your peers, seeing everyone succeed on you ‘for you pages’ on tik tok or Instagram feeds. I feel we make it worst within ourselves as well. We build on these outside noises and downgrade ourselves because of it. We can be or own worst enemies. Interviewer: You’ve talked about tik tok and Instagram, do you believe media is a contributing factor? Interviewee: Without a doubt, without these social platforms I wouldn’t have to view and see these stories of people celebrating amazing achievements which just make me feel worse. Not only friends or people I know of but seeing young successful celebrities, doing crazy things, living their dream lives, thinking that it seems so unreachable for me Interviewer: Do you ever think to tackle this outside pressure and get rid of it? Anonymous, Female, 21


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt platt Model: Harrison Shoemark


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Harrison Shoemark


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Interviewee: All the time, but it’s not that easy, it’s a place to communicate and get in contact with people. It’s also bombarded everywhere you go, whether you read it yourself or not, you will find out anyway, through gossip and word of mouth. It’s so hard to avoid. Interviewer: Do you believe in self-love? Interviewee: Yes, I Do! I feel that I have grown into acceptance especially over my physical appearance. I think age and experience have a lot to do with it. Coming to uni and seeing that no one cares what you look like, is something so freeing. Like, I grew up in a very small town in south wales and everyone was just the same and everyone compared themselves to each other. Whereas now, Manchester is so much more diverse no matter what you look like, you feel accepted. I’m wanting to love myself more all sides of me. I feel this comes with time but also support and who you have around you Interviewer: What are some of the things you love about yourself? Interviewee: my personality, I feel I am kind and a fun person to be around. I feel I have grown into my confidence. I’m much more willing to experiment and have fun with my look. I don’t like to create boundaries within myself which I love. Interviewer: do you feel you are supported? Interviewee: Yes and no, I think I am open with my friends and family with my insecurities but always feel slightly awkward to bring it up and cause a dampener on the day. I think I am becoming more open but kinda wish I had other places to turn Interviewer: Thank you for your honestly and the help towards my project! Interviewee: you’re welcome! Thanks Anonymous, Female, 21

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt










WIFE Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


“I have this recurring nightmare I’, going to be some bored housewife doing the same thing every day’” Anonymous, Female, 21

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt

Interviewer: Hi thank you for taking part in my project! Interviewee: No worries, happy to help! Interviewer: Well, I thought I would start by telling you a bit about the project. Today I’m going to ask you a series of questions sur topic ‘I’ll get over it’ a project which explores the personal issues surrounding our insecurities, (physical and phycological) why we they come from. To reach a conversation of understanding and acceptance’. The questions can be as personal as you like and if a question, feel free to do so. Interviewee: Okay, sounds good! Interviewer: Are you therefore happy to continue with this interview and take part in the project? Interviewee: Yes, of course! Interviewer: Fabulous! Could you please state your gender, male female or other and your pronouns? Interviewee: I’m female and I go by she/her Interviewer: your age? Interviewee: 22 Interviewer: Lastly, your place of residence? Interviewee: Manchester Interviewer: How would you define the word insecure? Interviewee: Something that makes you question yourself, feeling nervous around others and self-conscious of what they might t Interviewer: Have you ever or do you currently have insecurities? Interviewee: Definitely Interviewer: Do you feel these insecurities are represented though physical worries for example, appearance based or more phyc based? Interviewee: I think it depends but mine are more psychological Interviewer: Do you think there are factors that affect this? Interviewee: Age, personality, gender, I think there are a lot of social factors which affect physical and psychological differently. I to be insecure about body image when your body is changing, so, going through puberty and developing or having children and s a way it hasn’t before and confused when it doesn’t ‘bounce back’ like women are told it should.


s surrounding my current final y we have them and where nd if you wish to stop or skip

ght think

phycological, character

tly. I think you’re more likely and seeing your body grow in Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


““I feel so lazy, I have zero motivation. I feel like my life consists of me sitting around and watching tv….I think the pandemic has changed my drive” Anonymous, Female, 21

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


Interviewer: So why do you think yours is more psychological? Is it due to the stage of life you are in? Interviewee: yes, for sure, you could ask any 20–30-year-old the same question and they are more likely to say psychological because we are going through a new stage in our lives, a stage of worry, fear, and independence. We are having to put ourselves out there and take in lots of rejections. Not only this but we are working 10 times harder because there are so many others fighting for the same job. Especially within the textile industry I want to go into. Interviewer: what would you say are therefore some of your insecurities? You can be as open or close as you like Interviewee: After the pandemic I lost the motivation and felt so lost in who I was or what I wanted to achieve. I have this recurring nightmare I’, going to be some bored housewife doing the same thing every day. I felt I have become lazy and sit around and watch tv because I have no energy to try. The balance between work life and uni life is hard. I’m 21 I want to have fun and say fuck it occasionally but then I immediately regret it and feel I should be doing work. I’m quite impulsive and I think it leads to bad consequences. Interviewer: What do you think these bad consequences are? Interviewee: I don’t know, not getting a job being bored, watching tv all day. Not really caring Interviewer: Do you think the pandemic is to blame for this state of mind/ insecurity? Interviewee: I think it defiantly started with the pandemic, I got use to not going in, I got use to staying at home and not really seeing people. I’ve become comfortable in my own shell and don’t seem to want to get at of it, I’m no longer driven Interviewer: Do you think these insecurities developed quite recently? Interviewee: I think it began as soon as uni did to be honest, I think as soon as I left home, I felt free but also terrified, doing this was the last step and I can’t be a kid anymore Anonymous, Female, 21

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Interviewer: Do you feel you have found any self-love or growth from this? Interviewee: I want to say yes, but currently I feel the pressure is real, I see a future for myself, and I want to change it. I don’t just wanna go back to the 50’s and be someone’s wife I want to make it for myself. Interviewer: Do you feel self-love comes with age? Interviewee: yes and no, I think as you mature you realise those little things that get you down have nearly as big as other challenges you now have to face. I think with physically you develop into love for your body, it might be because generically speaking when you are married there’s someone you know who completely loves you and you feel comfortable around. I know seeing my mums and dad’s relationship that part of my mum’s confidence and self-love comes from her strong relationship. I think when it comes to phycological insecurities it really depends on your situation and what part of your life you are in Interviewer: Do you feel you have a support system to help you? Interviewee: Personally yes, I think insecurities are a very sensitive topic and you need to be around people you feel completely comfortable with. I’m lucky that I have a supportive family and have a close relationship with my mum. Others don’t and I think that massively affects your insecurities. Interviewer: Thank you for taking the time to talk to be today! Interviewee: Thank you so much! Anonymous, Female, 21


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


bored in the I’m in the ho bored in the I’m in the ho bored in the I’m in the ho bored in the Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Lydia Platt


e house and ouse bored e house and ouse bored e house and ouse bored e house and Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton








Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one




Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton


MPOSTER Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Interviewer: hiya, how are you? Interviewee: good thank you Interviewer: Today I’m going to ask you a series of questions surrounding my current final topic ‘I’ll get over it’ a project which explores the personal issues surrounding our insecurities, (physical and phycological) why we have them and where they come from. To reach a conversation of understanding and acceptance’. The questions can be as personal as you like and if you wish to stop or skip a question, feel free to do so. Interviewee: okay, amazing! Interviewer: Are you therefore happy to continue with this interview and take part in the project? Interviewee: Yes, sounds good Interviewer: Perfect! Could you please state your gender, male female or other and your pronouns Interviewee: Female, she/her Interviewer: your age Interviewee: 21 Interviewer: and your place of residence Interviewee: Manchester Interviewer: How would you define the word insecure? Interviewee: something that plays on your mind, that you think about often. Maybe you look at often or don’t or compare it to others Interviewer: Have you ever or do you currently have insecurities? Interviewee: yes Interviewer: Do you feel these insecurities are represented though physical worries for example, appearance based or more phycological, character based? Interviewee: Both, I think in today’s day and age you associate the word insecurity to mean something much more physical, whereas a lot of my insecurities come from both my outer appearance and my inner self Interviewer: why do you think that is? Interviewee: I think as I have grown up, I have become much more critical of myself and constantly think about others’ opinions and how they might perceive me which leaves my insecurities to be heightened Anonymous, Female, 21


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Interviewer: Do you think that insecurities come at different stages of your life? Interviewee: yes, I don’t think you can ever be insecurity free; you can learn to accept yourself more, but it comes and goes in wa Interviewer: what are some of your insecurities? You can be as open or close as you like Interviewee: I am a massive overthinker, I care way too much about what others think of me and more my appearance. I suffer w legs. I feel I need to constantly cover it with makeup as I’m scared of what people might think of me if I let it show. I feel from this like I must keep up with the next trends in beauty or fashion to ensure I can perceive well by others. I want to stop this but it’s har Interviewer: What do you think has caused these insecurities? Interviewee: everything! I think it’s partly my own fault, I compare myself to my younger self a lot, I look back on pictures and see zily obsessed with looking the best and keeping up appearances. I think it means I need to look or act a certain way to be accepte Interviewer: when you talk of societal pressures, do you think about your peer group or more media? Or something completely dif Interviewee: A bit of both, I think I pressure myself within my peer group to stay on top of trends like they do but I don’t feel press much rawness on social media and if there is a post about flaws, whether that’s ace, eczema, weight etc they it’s this massive de or our natural skin like we would any picture? I think the more weight we put onto something the more is makes you feel ostracize Interviewer: What age do you feel these types of insecurities began? Interviewee: Well, I feel they started around 13, going into high school, into this big pool of judgement and changing bodies, chan my skin has gone worst so has my insecurities. Interviewer: Do you feel you have found self-love? Interviewee: I do love parts of my body and I go through stages of loving myself, I think it’s easier to love yourself when there’s n difficult to not love yourself. If there are things society tells you not to love, then you can be easily persuaded to agree. Interviewer: Do you feel its therefore easy to be happy if you fit the beauty standard? Interviewee: I think everyone should love themselves, but yes, if you already have the tools to do so you are already ahead of ev Interviewer: What are some things you love about yourself? Interviewee: I’m loyal and a trusting person, I put others before myself and I really want people to succeed. I think appearance w that, but I’ve never really had issues with it. Interviewer: Thank you so much for taking part! That’s all Interviewee: Thank you Anonymous, Female, 21


in waves

fer with significantly bad eczema, which gets all over my hands, face, arms, and this I don’t enjoy makeup as much; it feels like a chore. I’m constantly feeling s hard to be so vulnerable.

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton

d see me eczema free and wished I looked like that again. I think society is cracepted within society. This pressure is insane and unhealthy. ly different? pressure from them, whereas media I feel completely pressure. I feel there is e deal and people make it one, why can’t we just post a picture with our spots acized from society.

changes you and how you perceive yourself. I feel it got better with time but as

e’s nothing stereotypical to hate. If you fit into the beauty standard, then it’s

of everyone else.

ce wise I’m happy with my body and my weight I’ve learn with time to accept

Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one



Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

“I suffer with significantly bad eczema, which gets all over my hands, face, arms, and legs. I feel I need to constantly cover it with makeup as I’m scared of what people might think of me if I let it show. I feel from this I don’t enjoy makeup as much; it feels like a chore. I’m constantly feeling like I must keep up with the next trends in beauty or fashion to ensure I can perceive well by others”

Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton

Anonymous, Female, 21


Photography/styling/ direction/ Hair&makeup: Isabel Platt Model: Sophie Paxton

“If you fit into the beauty standard, then it’s not so difficult to love yourself”

Anonymous, Female, 21


Special Thanks: Eve Taylor Peri Thomas Alix Hughes Lydia Platt Sophie Paxton & Harrison Shoemark Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one


Created and developed by Isabel Platt: ‘i’ll get over it’ *issue one

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