conference BOOKLET
index 3 about the conference
TCS infos
4 Message FROM OC
Message FROM MC
about the hotel
20 find us
10 Transportation
22 find us
about the
NPM is the National Presidents Meeting of AIESEC, where the legal representatives of all the Entities of AIESEC in Brazil meet, with the objective of aligning and building the national directions, trough the analysis of the results achieved so far by the AIESEC in Brazil network. It is realized twice a year, and it guarantees that the organizational goals and objectives in our country are aligned with the AIESEC International interests. It is fundamental to evaluate the Organisation as a whole and to guarantee that the values and the essence of AIESEC are being respected and followed. It is a moment of intense sharing of experiences, for the positive ideas to be brought to the Local Comittees.
Message FROM OC
Dear delegates NPM is coming! A conference only for you, our presidents, and the OC Climber wants these three days to be an unforgettable and unique experience. We are working very hard to make the best conference ever. It’s time to break through limits like never before to deliver the last quarter of 2013 and to start 2014. We hope this booklet will help you understand a little bit more of our conference. There's information on the conference site, transportation, among other things. Any doubts, please contact us. Hope to see you soon, OC Climber.
Message FROM MC
Oi, LCPs da AIESEC no Brasil!
É com muita ansiedade e orgulho que entregamos esse NPM para voces. Como MC, estamos muito curiosos para conhecer os LCPs da nova geracão 2014, aqueles que vão liderar a AIESEC no Brasil e que estao prestes a iniciar uma das mais relevantes e importantes experiências que passarão. Com os LCPs 2013, sabemos que vocês viveram um ano de muitos desafios e que aprenderam muito em um ano com experiencias de intercambio e de time para lidar. Agora ainda faltam 3 meses para pensar e realizar o legado de vocês e gostaríamos muito que vocês viessem com esse pensamento: o que eu quero deixar para minha gestão? Esses últimos meses são essenciais para vocês ! Para o MC, essa vai ser uma conferencia importantíssima para pensarmos também no legado da AIESEC no Brasil, pois esse final de ano é o momento para definir a entrega da Visão 2015, definir como e quais serão as experiencias que escolheremos entregar ! Estão preparados para uma das conferencias mais importantes da sua gestão, LCPs 2013 / 2014?
about the
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Hotel Solar dos GirasSOIs, MairipoRÃ, State of SÃo Paulo, Brazil. Rodovia FernÃo Dias, saÍda KM 57 . Estrada Municipal do CorumbA, 460 . Terra Preta, MairipoRÃ. +55 11 4818 8777 or +55 11 4818 8866 http://www.hotelsolardosgirassois.com.br/
about the
oc service OC Climber will provide transportation from : Tietê Bus Station and Guarulhos International Airport. Days avaliable: 11/10 Departure: 7h Metting points Bob’s Restaurante - 1st floor (Tiete) ˆ Viena Bar - Wing A, Terminal 1 (Guarulhos) Transport fee R$ 30,00 each way. The transportation will leave the hotel at the end of the conference.
What of I lose the transportation? 1st step - From Rodoviaria Tiete, go to the Hotel by choosing between these options
What of I lose the transportation? 2nd step - From Rodoviaria Tietê, go to the Hotel by choosing between these options FIRST OPTION Take a bus of "Viacao Braganca”and stop at “Terra Preta”(Hotel district) bus stop, then take a taxi to the hotel. Bus Fee: beetween RS10 and RS20.
Take the line 375 to Rodovía Fernão Dias or Line 042 to Mariporã. Then, get down at the Pietro Pierri Avenue, in Terra Preta District. Fee RS 7,45 ou RS 4,55 afterwards, take a taxi to the hotel.
Take a taxi from Tietê to the Hotel. Taxi Fare: RS 100,00
TCS infos
“The less you pay in your tickets, lower the TCS is for everyone”
travel cost share
Pay atention to the sales and discounts offered by the airlines companies
Are you going by car? Make some ride logistics
Try to arrange a host in S達o Paulo before or after de conference, Talk to your university you can pay less on about getting a van for plane tickets your delegation
Bed sheet
Pen and paper
Personal medication
Mug (we won’t
Personal Hygiene Items
give plastic cups)
Be careful! Take care of your personal belong ings The OC Climber and the MC echoes won’t be responsible for any losses.
The room will be clean periodically, Remember to keep your stuff organized and safe, lock your luggage if you will.
Avoid bringing valuable objects to the conference No internet access will be provided
Some phones don’t have reception at the site of the conference Coffee breaks will be provided, How ever feel free to bring your own snacks to the sessions if you need to.
˜ - 11/10 Churras do Milao Let's celebrate the 1000 RE of AIESEC in Brazil, all this with lots of meat and funny.
sweet night - 12/10
Let's celebrate a night with sweets, colors and dreams! With a lot of music and fun, remembering the parties of our childhood.
External beverage won't be allowed in any circumstances The hotel will be allowed to collect any alcoholic beverages found in the rooms. Some combos will be provided 3 beers for RS 10,00