Informe nov 2012 ing

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South American Institute of Government in Health


World Health Organization Reform: from the 65th to the 66th World Health Assembly On November 19-23, took place in Luanda, Angola, the last of the six meetings of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committees. Like in other committees, the African session would discuss topics related to WHO Reform, a process that has been developed in three main center lines: 1) Programs and priorities; 2) Governance; and 3) Management reform. The reform was initiated in 2010 and focuses on the role played by the organization in a political and financial context different of that of its origin. Access in the documents in discussion about the WHO Reform

The results of the regional consultation cycle regarding documents such as the Project of the "12th General Programme of Work (GPW)" - that defines the results to be achieved by WHO between 2014 and 2019 –, and the "Programme and Budget" - for the years 2014 and 2015 - will be discussed on December 5-7, 2012. The discussion will take place during the meeting of the Program, Budget and Administration Committee (PBAC). The agenda and proposed resolutions for the 66th World Health Assembly (WHA) will be defined in January 2013, at the 132th Session of the WHO Executive Board. The 66th WHA will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 20-28, 2013. In that session, it will be presented the results of the independent evaluation


South American Institute of Government in Health

Rio de Janeiro, november 2012

This is the report from the South American Institute of Government in Health (ISAGS), the think tank on health of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) that aims to contribute to improving South America government quality in health by means of leadership training, knowledge management and technical support to health systems. 62nd Session of WHO Regional Committee for Africa

second phase, which will subsidize the Reform; the contributions and comments on the GPW and the Budget; and the implementation progress reports on the "Rio Declaration" and on the International Sanitary Regulations. The consultation outcome about the feasibility of the report issued by the Advisory Group of Experts on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG), which took place on November 19-21 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, will also be submitted to the Assembly.

Interamerican Conference discusses Information on Health Science in the USA Late October, were held in Regional Washington the 9th Conference on Health Sciences Information (Crics9) and the 6th Regional Coordination Meeting of the Virtual Health Library (Vhl6). ISAGS participated in both meetings, organized by Pan American Health Organization with a representative

MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE Coordinator: André Lobato. Advisors: Amaro Grassi, Flávia Bueno e Manoel Giffoni

from its area of Information and knowledge Management. Among the topics covered in the Crics9, are: e-Health techniques and information systems; scientific evidence integration for decision making in Health; research for action on health social determinants; and racial and ethnic minorities.

ISAGS congregates health policies intergovernmental organisms ISAGS holds on December 4-5 a Coordination Workshop of South American Health Policies Intergovernmental Organisms with the aim to join forces of regional blocs towards a unified agenda on health promotion. The meeting will take place at ISAGS headquarters in Rio de Janeiro and will be attended by the MERCOSUR Health Systems Observatory; the Andean Health Agency - Hipólito Unanue Agreement (ORAS-CONHU); the Health Sector of the Caribbean Community (Caricom); and ISAGS.

ISAGS releases new publication on Health Systems in South American countries The South American Institute of Government in Health (ISAGS) released, in the beginning of November, the book "Health Systems in South America: challenges to the universality, integrality and equity", product of an unprecedented effort conducted by the twelve countries that compose the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), with the objective to disseminate knowledge on health in the region. The publication, organized by ISAGS, is the result of the members of the block joint work that took over a year to be completed and presents a broad overview of the subcontinent Health Systems, reflecting the effort to consider health a key element of regional integration. According to ISAGS Executive Director, José Gomes Temporão, "the work innovates in its approach and methodology design, due to be created collectively by the twelve countries of the region. It consolidates updates and allows to observe the structuring dynamic of the various models and trends that emerge for its

development”. In the book's Introduction, Temporão also highlights the political dimension of health. "At this historic moment (...), the main issue to be claimed in policy making is the social determination of health." The publication has another fourteen chapters. Chapter one contains a cross-sectional analysis of South American countries Health Systems and the challenges to the universalization of health coverage within the region. The twelve following chapters are related to each of the twelve UNASUR countries, based on the contributions of the block governments themselves and in accordance to a methodological guideline composed of eleven dimensions collectively elaborated by the countries. The last chapter analyzes the regional cooperation aiming at the health coverage universalization and UNASUR advantages and disadvantages for that process.

Access ISAGS website in and download for free "Sistemas de Salud en Suramérica"

“Health Systems in South America" is available on ISAGS webpage for free download both in full version in individual in chapters. In just one week, more than 20 thousand people accessed the address. The printed version should be sent to UNASUR countries Health Ministries, as well as to research institutes and centers of strategic thinking and dissemination of health policies. Those interested in receiving a copy may participate in the raffle to be held among those who share the album about the book on ISAGS page on Facebook. Share the book's album in and apply for a printed version of the publication




South American Institute of Government in Health

Meetings on Collective Health and Social Medicine congregate health actors of the region

UNASUR Health Council has an agenda prior to the Heads of State Meeting

12nd Alames Congress, in Montevideo (Uruguay)

Last November 3-8, was held in Montevideo (Uruguay) the 12th Latin American Conference of Social Medicine, supported by Alames (Latin American Social Medicine Association), with the theme “Crisis, acceleration and robbery in global capitalism: Progress and setbacks in the fight for universal health and rights”. During the meeting, held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Uruguay, "Health Systems in South America: challenges to the universality, integrality and equity" had its release promoted by Oscar Feo, ISAGS representative, and by Ligia Giovanella, two of the publication organizers. "It was a very busy launch, since there were a hundred of people very interested in having it," declared Feo. "It became clear that (...) it is a contribution to the reflection and to the exchange between countries so to strengthen the proposals for universal and unified health systems. There was even an opportunity to discuss with European partners, who are currently


South American Institute of Government in Health

witnessing the dismantling of public health systems”, he added. Parallel to the meeting, also took place the 18th International Congress of Health Policy and the 6th Conference of the Network of Local Actors in Health. A few days later, Brazil received more than 8,000 people, among experts, researchers, students, social movements and local and foreign authorities in the 10th Brazilian Congress on Collective Health (Abrascão), held in the city of Porto

Alegre (RS) on November 14-18. The meeting, organized by the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Abrasco), had as theme "Health is Development: Science for Citizenship", and paid tribute to the Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Mirta Roses, who leaves the organization in February 2013, after ten years in office. ISAGS Executive Director, José Gomes Temporão, attended the event opening ceremony.

On October 18-19, representatives of seven UNASUR member countries and of ISAGS held the II Meeting of the South American Network of Public Health Schools (Resp-UNASUR), with the objective of discussing the formation of health human resources by Governments and public health schools in South America. The Resp-UNASUR is one of the six networks that are part of the South American Health Council (CSS) and is formed by Schools of Public Health in the region. The meeting took place at the National School of Public Health of Brazil (ENSP-Fiocruz), in Rio de Janeiro, when the state of health education in the continent was discussed, among other topics. Watch in the presentations of the II Resp Meeting

According to a preliminary research conducted in 2011 and presented during the meeting, there are currently 304 types of institutions in South America, 124 of which in Brazil, 45 in Colombia and 36 in Peru. During the meeting, representatives of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador presented an overview of the health education in their countries. Guyana

XXXII Mercosur Health Ministers Meeting (June/2012)

XXXIII MERCOSUR Health Ministers Meeting

has plans to create an institution for this purpose in the future, and Uruguay has already initiated the process of creating a School of Public Health with the support of ENSP-Fiocruz. From October 31 to November 2, the II Meeting of the Technical Group of Health Promotion and Action on Social Determinants of Health was held in Bogota (Colombia), which was attended by 20 representatives of nine UNASUR member countries and by ISAGS. And, on November 19-21, took place in Brasilia (Brazil) the meeting of the Technical Group of Human Resources in Health. The two Technical Groups are also part of the Health Council.

Heads of State meet on November 30 in Peru

PAHO/WHO Director, Mirta Roses, is honored at the 10th Abrascão


In addition to the CSS meetings, in recent weeks were also held meetings also from the South American Council on Social Development as from the Council for South American Infrastructure and Planning. The three instances are part of the nine UNASUR Sectorial Councils. After the meeting in Lima, bloc representatives also proposed the creation of a Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, today part of COSECTTI (that also comprises the areas of Education and Culture). Finally, on November 30, the Meeting of UNASUR Heads of State and Government will be held in Lima, Peru, currently occupying the block Pro Tempore Presidency. According to UNASUR Secretary General, Alí Rodríguez Araque, the meeting "will give regional integration a new impetus".


Parallel to the 10th Abrascão, it was held in Porto Alegre, last November 15, the XXXIII MERCOSUR Health Ministers Meeting. During the meeting, seven agreements were signed establishing joint actions for the control and prevention of diseases, such as Dengue Fever, HIV/Aids and Chronic Non-communicable diseases. Representatives of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina attended the meeting, as well as Peru and Chile, despite not being full members of the bloc. MERCOSUR Pro Tempore Presidency, which was at the time under the responsibility of Brazil, was transferred to Uruguay, that, upon receiving the commission, stressed the importance of a inter-sectorial approach in the promotion of health public policies among the bloc countries. Besides Mercosur, there was also the Health Ministers Meeting of the Andean Region (REMSAA XXXIII) in Bogotá between November 21st and 23rd, after the preparation of this Report. Among the fields in which the Andean scheme operate there are: Andean and South American Integration in Health, Epidemiological Shield, Universal Access to Drugs, Comprehensive Management of Human Resources in Health, Social Determinants of Health and Universal Health Systems.

Watch on to the testimonies of the II Resp Meeting participants

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