Living things 5º

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Dirección General de Participación e Innovación Educativa

Identificación del material AICLE TÍTULO

Living things






Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural


Los seres vivos


Esta secuencia didáctica trabajará la definición de seres vivos, sus características, funciones, su organización y clasificación.




5º de Educación Primaria


Eufemia Rosso Delgado


De 6 a 8 sesiones



Conocimiento e interacción con el mundo físico: conocer los seres vivos, sus características comunes y las que permiten su clasificación. Comunicación lingüística: ampliar el vocabulario general y el específico relacionado con los seres vivos, su clasificación y sus características. Utilizar el lenguaje oral y escrito para describir diferentes grupos o especies de seres vivos. Social y ciudadana: fomentar el desarrollo de comportamientos respetuosos con los seres vivos. Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital: seleccionar y extraer la información contenida en diversas fuentes para elaborar fichas sobre seres vivos.Utilizar las nuevas tecnologías para preparar documentos sobre los seres vivos. Aprender a aprender: organizar la información sobre los seres vivos en esquemas y mapas conceptuales. Autonomía e iniciativa personal y competencia emocional: utilizar herramientas de trabajo que potencian el aprendizaje autónomo para realizar estudios sobre seres vivos. Desarrollar la capacidad de elegir adecuadamente entre varias opciones para realizar una tarea. Todas las imágenes utilizadas en la unidad están bajo la licencia “Creative commons”. Algunas de ellas han sido modificadas.

Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:

Living things


Tabla de programación AICLE


- Adquirir el concepto de funciones vitales - Identificar y clasificar seres vivos en función del tipo de nutrición - Conocer la organización de los cuerpos de los seres vivos: células, tejidos, órganos, aparatos y sistemas - Definir seres unicelulares y pluricelulares - Identificar seres vivos y clasificarlos en reinos según sus características - Desarrollar la curiosidad por conocer y estudiar seres vivos - Favorecer el desarrollo de técnicas para memorizar, organizar y relacionar la información, y para autoevaluar el avance en el aprendizaje


- Las funciones Vitales - La organización de los seres vivos - La célula y sus partes - Seres autótrofos y heterótrofos - Seres unicelulares y seres pluricelulares - Los cinco reinos y sus características


Los seres vivos, sus características, sus funciones vitales, su organización y clasificación.


- Definir ser vivo y diferenciarlo del ser inerte - Explicar las características de los seres vivos - Comparar seres vivos e inertes - Describir las funciones vitales - Diferenciar a los seres vivos según su alimentación - Describir la organización interna de los seres vivos - Clasificar los seres vivos en reinos - Definir las características de los seres vivos según el reino al que pertenezcan - Comparar las características de los diferentes reinos - Informar sobre las características de los diferentes reinos


-Diagramas -Pies de fotos -Crucigramas




FUNCIONES: Adaptar el uso que hacemos de las formas verbales según la situación comunicativa.

-Sopa de letras -Criptogramas

ESTRUCTURAS: - are/are born/grow/ react/reproduce/die - is/grows/reacts/ reproduces/dies - doesn’t grow/react ... - Can / cannot - I am sure / I am not suer

LÉXICO: Vocabulario relacionado con los seres vivos: living things, non-living things, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms, unicellular, multicellular, life processes, autotrophic, heterotrophic, the five kingdoms.

- Nombra y define las funciones vitales - Identifica y clasifica seres vivos según su tipo de nutrición - Nombra la organización interna de los seres vivos: células, tejidos, órganos, sistemas, organismos - Define ser unicelular y ser pluricelular - Nombra los cinco reinos de seres vivos y describe sus características. - Clasifica seres vivos de forma sencilla - Muestra inquietud e iniciativa personal por conocer seres vivos - Desarrolla técnicas para memorizar, organizar y relacionar la información, y para autoevaluar el avance en su aprendizaje

Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.:

Living things

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 1. Look at these pictures and try to classify them Let‛s look at some pictures. try to classify them into two columns. You should stand up, come to the

Do you think it is a living thing or a non-living thing?

I am not sure. I think it is a living thing because it is alive.


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I know that it‛s a non-living thing.


Material AICLE. 5º de Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE 2º E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE.Secundaria 5º de Primaria.: Living things

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 2. KWL CHART know about living things and in the second column write what you want to know about living things. We will do the third column later! WHAT DO I KNOW?

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things


Activity 3. Read the text and complete the chart with the main ideas LIVING THINGS AND NON-LIVING THINGS are non-living things. People, animals and plants are living things. The main characteristics of living things are: - They are born. All living things are born from another living thing. - They eat. All living things need food to eat. - They grow. All living things increase in size during their lifetime. Sometimes they change in appearance. - They react. Living things can perceive what is going on around them, and they react to what they perceive. - They reproduce. Living things can create offspring similar to themselves. - They die. Living things stop functioning and cease to live.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Living things: beings with life Non-living things: things without life To increase: to grow, get bigger Offspring: children, descendants To die: stop living Activity 4. Choose one of the flashcards from activity number one and describe it to your classmates. They will guess what it is

It is a living thing / non-living thing.

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It is red/green/.. It eats/doesn‛t eat, it grows/doesn‛t grow, it reproduces/doesn‛t reproduce, it dies/doesn‛t die ...

Material AICLE Secundaria 2º E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5º Primaria.: Living things

It‛s a rock because it is grey and it is dead.

Activity 5. Listen and match the sentences in the two columns


Living things can perceive what is going on around them, and they react to what they perceive.

They eat

Living things stop functioning and cease to live.

They grow

All living things are born from another living thing.

They react

All living things increase in size during their lifetime. Sometimes they change in appearance.

They reproduce

All living things need food to eat.

They die

Living things can create offspring similar to themselves.

REMEMBER: In nature we can find living things and non-living things. The main characteristics of living things are: They are born. They eat. They grow. They react. They reproduce. They die.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 6. Read the following text, underline the words in bold

LIFE PROCESSES All living things depend on life processes to stay alive. There are three basic life processes: - Nutrition - Sensitivity - Reproduction 1. Nutrition Living things ingest food substances, transform them into nutrients and eliminate waste substances. This is nutrition. Food contains essential nutrients that are used by living things to grow and get energy to carry out life processes.

We can divide living things in two groups depending on their nutrition: - Heterotrophic living things, such as animals, eat other living creatures.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

- Autotrophic living things, such as plants, eat inorganic substances (water, minerals and gases). They make their own food.

2. Sensitivity Living things perceive what is happening around them. Living things react to what they perceive. This is called sensitivity. Thanks to this function, humans can use their sense organs to perceive what is happening around them and react. For example, if a ball is thrown and comes to you, you raise your hands and try to catch it. Animals can look for food and escape when they perceive danger.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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3. Reproduction Living things can have offspring with their same characteristics. Dogs can have puppies, cats can have kitten, humans have babies and this is thanks to a process called reproduction.

Many living things need another living thing to reproduce. When male and female living things reproduce, they make new living things similar to themselves.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things


DEFINITIONS Living things perceive what is happening around them. Living things react to what they perceive. Living things that eat other living creatures. Thanks to this process, humans can use their sense organs to perceive what is happening around them and react. Living things that eat inorganic substances (water, minerals and gases). Living things can have offspring with their same characteristics. Living things ingest food substances, transform them into nutrients and eliminate waste substances.

Alive: with life Sensitivity: interaction To ingest: to take in, to eat or drink To carry out: to do To raise: to bring up Offspring: babies

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 7. Read the text again and choose the correct answer Choose the correct answers: 1. We can divide living things into two groups depending on how they get nutrients: a) Heterotrophic living things and autotrophic living things b) Nutrients and substances c) Nutrition, sensitivity and reproduction processes 2. Heterotrophic living things eat: a) Inorganic substances b) Inorganic and organic substances c) Other living creatures 3. Autotrophic living things: a) Eat other living creatures b) Make their own food 4. Thanks to reproduction: a) Living things reproduce and have offspring with their same characteristics b) Living things perceive what is happening around them c) Living things ingest food substances, transform them and eliminate waste substances 5. Thanks to sensitivity: a) Living things reproduce b) Living things perceive what is happening around them c) Living things ingest food substances, transform them and eliminate waste substances

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

6. Thanks to nutrition: a) Living things reproduce b) Living things perceive what is happening around them c) Living things ingest food substances, transform them and eliminate waste substances 7. Humans beings use their sense organs: a) To perceive what is happening around them and react b) To process nutrients c) To ingest food substances 8. Living things can have offspring: a) With their same characteristics b) With different characteristics 9. Most living things: a) Do not need another living thing to reproduce b) Need another living thing to reproduce 10. There are: a) Three basic life processes b) One basic life process c) Two basic life processes

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water on our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 8. Listen and complete the text about the three life processes The three life processes are: _____________, sensitivity, and ______________. 1. Nutrition: ____________ things ingest food substances, transform them into __________ and eliminate waste substances. ___________ contains essential nutrients that are used by living things to grow and get energy to carry out life processes. Living things can be _______________ living things if they eat other living creatures or _________________ living things if they make their own food. 2. Sensitivity: Living things ____________ to what they perceive. Thanks to this function, humans can use their ____________ organs to perceive what is happening around them and react. For example, animals can look for food and escape when they perceive danger. 3. Reproduction: Living things can have _____________ with their same characteristics. Many living things need another living thing to _____________. When male and female living things reproduce, they make new living things similar to themselves.

Activity 9. Interaction In pairs, look at the following pictures and try to explain the life processes that you can see in these images.

The monkey is eating so we can see nutrition in this image.

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We can see the result of reproduction because there are a lot of offspring in this image.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

The cat is running. The cat reacts and runs, so we can see sensitivity in this picture.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 10. Choose one of the pictures above. Write a short paragraph about the process or the processes you can see in it. Then, tell your classmates about it. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________

Reproduction process: The mouse has offspring with their same characteristics.

REMEMBER: There are three basic life processes: - Nutrition - Sensitivity - Reproduction

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Activity 11. Listen, read and complete the text in pairs We are going to listen to a recording about cells, the smallest living unit that makes up a living thing. While you listen, complete the following text in pairs using the words below. living organs number

cell cells nutrition

unicellular systems multicellular

many organisms sensitivity

reproduction thing function

WHAT IS A CELL? Living things are made up of millions of very small units called __________. A __________ is the smallest living unit which makes up a ___________ thing. The ______________ of cells in a living thing varies. Some living things are made up of a single cell, so we call them ____________. Other living things are made up of ________ cells, so we call them ______________. Cells are living things, so they carry out the three life processes: ______________, ______________ and _________________. Cells have three parts: a membrane, a nucleus and a cytoplasm.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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In multicellular living things: Cells form tissues.

Nervous tissue

Tissues form ____________. Organs are made up of a group of tissues that work together to carry out a common ___________. For example, muscles are organs.

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Material AICLE E.S.O. : ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE Primaria 5ยบ2ยบE.P.O.: LIVING THINGS Material AICLE.Secundaria 5ยบ de Primaria.: Living things

Organs form _____________. Systems are made up of a group of organs that work together to carry out a common function. For example, the digestive system, the musculoskeletal system or the reproductive system ...

Systems form _____________. An organism is a complete living _____________.

To make up: to form Tissues: part of a living thing To carry out: to do Organism: a complete living thing

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 12. True or false Read these sentences and write if they are true or false. If they are false, try to correct them. What is a cell?

True or false

1. A cell is the biggest living unit that makes up a living thing. True or false 2. Living things have different numbers of cells.

True or false

3. All living things are unicellular.

True or false

4. Unicellular living things have many cells.

True or false

5. Living things carry out the three life processes: nutrition, True or false reproduction and sensitivity. 6. Cells have three parts: a membrane, a nucleus and a cytoplasm.

True or false

7. Tissues form cells.

True or false

8. Tissues form organs.

True or false

9. Organs form systems.

True or false

10. Organisms form systems.

True or false

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Activity 13. Use the following chart and try to make sentences

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 14 Crossword. Listen to the hints and complete the crossword LIVING THINGS

After listening, check in pairs. Use the language in the box.

Did you understand number one?

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What did he/she say in number two across?

Material AICLE Secundaria 2º Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5º Primaria.: Living things

I can guess numbe three. Yes, I did / No, I didn‛t

Activities 15. Look at these images, choose one of them. Write a short paragraph and tell your classmates about the living thing that you chose Use these questions to help you while writing your description: - What are the characteristics of living things? - What are the life processes that all living things do? - Is it an autotrophic living thing or a heterotrophic living thing? - Is it unicellular? Why? - Is it multicellular? Why? - How are living things formed?

Look at this example: This is a Chicken. Chickens are living things. They are born, eat, grow, react, reproduce and die. They carry out the three life processes: nutrition, reproduction and sensitivity. They are heterotrophic living things and they are multicellular. They are formed by cells, tissues, organs and systems.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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REMEMBER: Living things are made up of millions of very small units called cells. There are unicellular and multicellular living things. Cells carry out the three life processes: nutrition, reproduction and sensitivity. Cells have three parts: a membrane, a nucleus and a cytoplasm. Cells form tissues. Tissues form organs. Organs form systems. Systems form organisms. An organism is a complete living thing.

Activity 16. Read and complete the chart in pairs


1. THE KINGDOM MONERANS - They are unicellular living things: They have one single cell without a nucleus. - They can live in different environments: water, soil, air or inside other living things.

- They are microscopic. - They are autotrophic living things and heterotropich living things. - For example: Bacteria.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

2. THE KINGDOM PROTISTS - They can be unicellular living things or multicellular living things. - They live in water, for example algae.

- They make their own food like plants, so they are autotrophic living things.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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3. THE KINGDOM FUNGI - They can be unicellular or multicellular living things. - Fungi are usually found underground, on pieces of wood, on decomposing food, on dead plants and animals.

- Toadstools and mould are also fungi.

- They do not make their own food so they are heterotropich living things.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

4. THE KINGDOM PLANTAE - They are multicellular living things. - They use sunlight and substances from the soil and the air to make their own food, so they are autotrophic living things.

- They do not have sense organs or a nervous system but they react to some stimuli. For example they grow towards the light.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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5. THE KINGDOM ANIMALIA - Animals are multicellular living things. - They eat other living things so they are heterotropich living things.

- They can move from one place to another.

- They have a nervous system and sense organs. They can react to stimuli quickly.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Are they unicellular or multicellular living things?






Are they autotrophic or heterotrophic living things? Where can they live? Do they have sense organs? Do they have a nervous system? Do they react to stimuli?

Soil: ground Mould: fungus

REMEMBER: protists, fungi, plantae and animalia.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 17. Listen and circle the correct answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a)

b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b)

c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c) c)

Activity 18. Read the following text and correct the mistakes you can find in them. Monerans are unicellular living things. They have one single cell with a nucleus. They can live in different environments. They are autotrophic and heterotrophic living things. Protists are unicellular living things. They live in water. They are heterotrophic living things. Fungi can be unicellular or multicellular living things. Fungi are usually found underground, on pieces of wood or on decomposing food. They are autotrophic living things. Plants are unicellular living things. They are autotrophic living things. They have sense organs and a nervous system. They cannot react to stimuli. Animals are multicellular living things. They are autotrophic living things. They can move and they have a nervous system and sense organs that allow them to react to stimuli quickly. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Activity 19. Choose one of the following images and prepare a speech about it.

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 20. Word search. Work in pairs. Look for the words below, don‛t forget to use the sentences in the box to interact with your classmate. Then, write a sentence with each word.

Where‛s autotrophic? Do you see plants?


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Material AICLE Secundaria 2º Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5º Primaria.: Living things

Look, “animals” is here, next to ….

AUTOTROPHIC – HETEROTROPICH – MONERANS – PROTISTS – FUNGI – PLANTAE - ANIMALIA _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Activity 21. Work in pairs. Look at the letters and the numbers; then, complete this sentence about the five kingdoms.

Which number is “C”?

What is the third word?

Is “T” number one?


Material AICLE Secundaria 2º E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º de5ºPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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Activity 22. Study a living thing Read the following instructions: 1. Choose one living thing: an animal, a plant, a fungus, a bacteria or seaweed. 2. Find information using internet. You can go to the following links: The kingdom animalia List of animals Facts about animals The kingdom plantae List of plants The kingdom fungi The kingdom monerans The kingdom protists 3. Organise the information: write a title, description of your living thing, characteristics, what type of food it eats, interesting facts, etc. ... 4. Look for some pictures to illustrate your report.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5ยบ Primaria.: Living things

Activity 23. SELF ASSESSMENT Read the following statements and tick the answer.

I can recognise words and expressions related to living and non-living things I can read texts about living and non-living things and their characteristics I can talk about living and nonliving things, their characteristics their organisation and their classification I can talk to my classmates about living and non-living things

I can write about living and non-living things

Material AICLE Secundaria 2ยบ E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5ยบ de5ยบPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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CITAS 1. Todas las imágenes de esta unidad están bajo la licencia Creative Commons 2. Imágenes de las página 10 - Madre y recién nacido de Tom Adriaenssen bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Feeding cattle de Cgoodwin bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Children with uniform de Sektordua bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Chicken running de Alvesgaspar bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Chickens de Earthdirt bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Cheetah de Jerry Friedman bajo licencia de Creative Commons 3. Imágenes de las página 12 - Escarabajo de Stemonitis bajo licencia de Creative Commons. - León de jeffrey Sohn bajo licencia de Creative Commons 4. Imágenes de las página 18 - Monkey in Baley de Shawn Allen bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Mouse litter de Seweryn Olkowicz bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Pig litter es un archivo bajo “public domain” - Cat running de Tennen- Gas bajo la licencia de Creative Commons 5. Imágenes de las página 19 - Ardilla de Tiergarten Heidelberg bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Gacela de Rick Wilhelmsen bajo licencia de Creative Commons 6. Imágenes de las página 20 - Cell, imagen bajo “public domain” 7. Imágenes de las página 21 - Tejido nervioso bajo Licencia de documentación libre GNU - Músculo bajo Licencia de documentación libre GNU 8. Imágen de la página 22 - Musculoskeletal system es de dominio público ya que su copiright ha expirado.

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Material AICLE Secundaria 2º Water E.S.O. :on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º dede Primaria.: our planet Material AICLE. 5º Primaria.: Living things

9. Imágenes de la página 27 - Bacteria de Dennis Myts es de dominio público - Bacteria de Steven Fruitsmaak bajo licencia GNU Free Documentation License - Bacteria de Ricardo5150 es de dominio público 10. Imágenes de la página 28 - Paisaje con diferentes algas de Peter Halasz bajo licencia Creative Commons 11. Imágenes de la página 29 - Fungi de BorgQueen es de contenido libre - Moho de Henry Mühlpfordt bajo licencia Creative Commons 12. Imágenes de la página 31 - Lions de Luca Galuzzi bajo licencia de Creative Commons - Cheetah de Malene Thyssen bajo licencia Creative Commons

Material AICLE Secundaria 2º E.S.O. : on ANCIENT GREECE Material AICLE. 5º de5ºPrimaria.: Water our planet Material AICLE. de Primaria.: Living things

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