Our favourite books 4th A/B Bil 17-18

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Alicia, the protagonist, is a girl who meets her sister, leaning on a tree reading a book. • Suddenly he sees a white rabbit wearing a watch and speaking, and in a hurry, and decides to follow him • When following the rabbit, Alicia falls down a well in which it takes a long time to reach the bottom -It arrives at many strange places where he meets very strange people • Alice meets the Duchess's cat that tells her where she can go. • Alicia decides to go to the hatter's house that is accompanied by the March hare and a dormouse. Then go back to the rabbit house, take the key, get small and go through the tiny door • See soldiers painting red white roses • The queen finds Alicia and says to have her head cut off for no reason. But later he apologizes for having acted like that, and proposes a very particular croquet match • They meet the cat again, and since it is the duchess's, and the duchess was in the dungeon, they release her so that she can talk to her cat • Alicia leaves with a tap to listen to the story of the false turtle. They tell him about the dance of the four locusts and dance him in front of Alicia • Finally they go to a very strange trial in which Alicia has to declare and denies having stolen the queen's cakes • Finally Alice wakes up. Everything has been a dream.

THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK Original title: Het Achterhuis Country: Netherlands Language: Dutch Genre: Autobiography Publication date: 1947 Main idea: This book was written by Anne Frank between 12th June 1942 and 1st August 1944. After the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, Anne and her family (they were Jews that emigrated to Amsterdam in 1933) were hidden in the attic of a building next to the offices of Anne’s father. Another family, the van Pels, and Fritz Pfeffer hid with them. They were living there more than two years until someone discovered them and they were deported to Nazi concentration camps. Only Otto Frank (Anne’s father) survived and he could publish her daughter’s diary. This book hadn’t got a define order, Anne just wrote what happened in their daily life. Also, Anne wrote from her point of view, how was the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands and how eight people lived during more than two years in “the hiding place”. Characters: · Anne Frank · Margot Frank · Otto Frank · Edith Frank · Hermann van Pels · Auguste van Pels · Peter van Pels · Fritz Pfeffer (Alfred Dussel) * · Miep Gies · Elisabeth Voskuijl (Bep) *

*names used by Anne in her book.

Otto Frank and Edith Frank were married, and they had two daughters: Margot and Anne. Margot was 16 years old and Anne was 13 when they entered at their hiding place. Hermann van Pels and Auguste van Pels were also married and they had a son, Peter, he was 16 years old. They were friends of the Frank. Fritz Pfeffer was the dentist of the van Pels and Miep Gies.

Miep Gies and Elisabeth Voskuijl helped them giving food and providing all they need while they were hidden. The hiding place

It was bigger and more comfortable than the other secret places people used to be safe, but they couldn’t go out not even lookout of a window. They also had timetables for cooking, having shower, washed their clothes… because the employees of the factory could hear them. The only way to be entertained was reading, studying, playing cards or chess and their own company. Living together wasn’t always easy, they had a lot of discussions because of their different points of view and ages. Their end After they were discovered (4th August 1944), they were sent to Auschwitz (Poland). Edith Frank and Hermann van Pels died there. Auguste van Pels, in the Czech Republic; Margot, Fritz Pfeffer and Anne, in Germany and Peter van Pels, in Austria also in concentration camps. Only Otto Frank survived. Carla

This is my favourite book and it has four hundred and sixty four pages in which you can immerse yourself in a authentic parallel world about the life of Karou, the protagonist of this book. The author of this book is Laini Taylor,she has forty five years and she always wanted to be a writer.She has more fantastic books, but she is known for the triology of this book, the daughter of smoke and bone. The genre of this book is of fantasy and is written for young people or adults. This book is about Karou, a 17 year old art student who lives in Prague, which has a sense of emptiness and of having forgotten something. But that is not her only world. Sometimes, Karou disappears in mysterious trips to carry out the orders of Brimstone, the chimera monster that adopted her at birth (her adoptive father). Karou is as mysterious to her friends as she is to her own life.Brimstone's orders consist of Karou go in search of teeth offered by Brimstone’s clients in exchange for a wish. Depending on the quality of the teeth, greater is the value of the wish. Therefore, there are people who tear their teeth out of their own mouth as these are the most valuable. How is it that she have ended up being part of a family of chimera monsters? and also you will ask yourself: Why does her adoptive father need so many teeth, especially from humans? And why does she have that recurrent feeling of emptiness and of having forgotten something?.Continuing with the story, one day, handprints begin to appear on the doors, a sign that Karou's family is in grave danger.Karou will try to cross into the chimerical world to help them, but is persecuted by the seraphim, angels who hate chimeras and seek a war to end their race once and for all. Among the seraphim is Akiva, an angel to whom Karou is united so that she can’t even imagine herself. This books deal about the confused worl and life of Karou a simple human that is inmersed in situations that she never would have imagined.And also I think that the book is not just deal only about this, it have a comparisons with the reality.It doesn’t seek to put you on the side of the seraphim or on the side of the chimeras, it seeks to make you see how stupid it is by giving you a comparisons of the reality (wars, since we see others as bad and ourselves or our "side" as good and those who are right).A phrase that can check this,is "Beauty equals goodness, horns and scales, evil. It's simple." While I was reading this book y was excited,nervous to see what will happen,hooked with the book... I don’t identify with the ideas o situations because is imposible to live as Karou,but a thing that I love of this book is that you get into the reading and you feel you live the story.

I choose this because one day I was looking for a book in the library and I saw it.Later I read about the story and I like about how deal and the genre was my favourite, so I decided to read and I love.I really liked this book because the author manages to

describe everything in detail (feelings, thoughts, jumps in time ...) Another thing that I like about this book are the comparisons with the reality.

This is the triology of the book.The first book is daughter of smoke and bone,the second is days of blood and starlight and the third is dreams of gods and monster.

She is Laini Taylor the author of this books.


DON QUIXOTE Don Quijote is a novel writtenby Miguel de Cervantes .This novel was published in two different parts , the first one in 1605 .The second one appeared 10 years later in 1615 ,this novel is one of the most important ones in the history of Spain Alonso Quijano is a poor noble , he is a round 50 years , he lives in a small village in La Mancha , one of his favourite activities is reading books about cavalry where writers describe amazing adventures . Alonso becomes crazy and he thinks he is a knight and decides to have that adventures he was reading up until then .During the novel he will be in love with a girl whose name is Dulcinea and never existed. Quijote in this novel has three departures , the first and the second are included in the first part of 1605 and finally , the last one is in the second part. In his first departure , Quijote goes alone and when he arrives to a castle he is given a punishment so he is hurt and must come back home , to come out in the second one he convinces one of his friends , Sancho Panza and they go out toguether , Quijote has a fight

with windmills thinking they are giants , they live some more adventures but his friends are worried and they took him back home .

In the next and last departure , Quijote and Sancho meet other characters but these characters know them because they had read thefirst part of the novel , those characters try to laugh at Quijote and Sancho .They finally arrive at Barcelona where the main character , Quijote is defeated by one of his friends , Quijote didn`t know that the man who defeated him was his friend .

Don Quijote finally returns home despite Sancho`s request to continue with the adventures . He arrives home ,where he becomes ill and just before dying he changed his mind and apologices forhis mistakes

Miguel A.

Gangsta Granny This story was written by David Walliams. He is one of the best writers in all UK and also very known because of his participation as a judge in the famous TV contest “Britain’s got talent”. The main characters of this story are Ben, who loves reading about plumbing and would like to work as a plumber, Mum and Dad, whose favourite hobby is dancing and al Fridays they leave Ben at his grandmother’s home, Granny, who only likes two things: eating cabbage soup and playing scrabble, finally Ruj, Ben’s best friend and workers in a stationery shop. Ben thinks that Granny only likes those things, but there are two things he doesn’t know: Granny is an international thief searched all over the world and she is planning to steal the crown jewels. In this funny adventure Granny and Ben try to enter in the tower of London, but when they entered they found the Queen and they were caught by the police and sent to prison, from where they finally scape. At the end of the story Ben will find out that Granny wasn’t all this and she was just trying to have fun whit his grandson after dying by cancer. I found this book one day in a library and I chose it because when I read it I realised how our grandparents love us and what they can do for us.


Z{Éáàz|ÜÄ The last book I read is named “Ghostgirl”. This book tells about “the life after the death”. It was written by Tonya Harley and this is an English book. Charlotte Usher is a teenager that spent all the summer preparating her back to the high school Hawthone High. She wanted to be a popular girl and go out with a boy that she is in love. But this day, she was eatting jelly bears when she choked with one of them, and she died. Later on, she woke up as usual, she didn’t know that she was dead, but she saw her body in the floor and she understood everything. In the high school, she met other girl that had died, this girl explained Charlotte that, after the death, they need to have lessons of “deathology” where the students learn the powers of ghosts and solve what they had left to go to the other side. Charlotte got a power of take the body of other person, so the soul of this person is a ghost during an hour. Charlotte toke the body of Scarlet, a ghotic girl that could see Charlotte.

After, the lesson of “deathology” got passed to the other side and Scarlet didn’t see Charlotte again. In my opinion, this is a very good book and I will read all the saga Andrea

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban In the third part of the famous trilogy, Harry flees from the house of his uncles, in the bus that took him to a safe place discovers that a murderer named Sirius Black has escaped. Later he meets his friends Hermione and Ron with whom he goes towards Hogwarst. On the train appear some dementors with which Harry faints. At school, Professor McGonagall tells another teacher that Sirius cries at Harry's parents and that's why he was. When returning from a run a ghost says that it has seen Sirius Black in the school and Harry intuits that it has to do with him. One day Ron's pet that was a rat ran and Ron went behind her to the willow boxer, when he picked up a black dog, caught Ron and took him to the house of screams. There the dog is transformed into Sirius Black, this one tells Harry that he is not the guilty one that betrayed his parents, the traitor was Peter Pettigrew and he was still alive so Sirius was innocent. Ron's rat went straight but became the traitor. At midnight the teacher becomes a werewolf, Pettigrew takes advantage of the situation and escapes, later Sirius transforms in to a dog and attacks him but wins the werewolf and decides to go for Harry but he hears another voice of a wolf and goes. The next day Harry appears in the infirmary and Hermione tells him that it was she who called the teacher, used a ‘’giratiempo’’, an object that serves to return to the past.

Miguel Cueto 4ºB

A REVIEW OF MY FAVOURITE BOOK My favourite book is "The Hunger Games". It is a trilogy. It talks about a country called "Panem" which is divided into 12 districts. The goverment organises every year games in which a girl and a boy from each district take part. They must kill each other and the winner is the person who stays alive. The main characters are Katniss and Peetta, from district 12 which is a poor zone. They feel in love and because of that both of them win the hunger games. This story belongs just to book one. In book two there is a rebelion against the Capitolio(the goverment). All the districts wanted to kill the president. At the end of the story they discovered district 13. Finally, in book three they starteda war and Katniss was the image of this war. Many people died and the goverment destroyed district 12. So they attacted the Capitolio and killed the president.

EL LAZARILLO DE TORMES This is one of the most famous books in the history of Spain. It is an autobiography and also a picaresque novel wrote in 1554.It has an anonimous author.

Lรกzaro at first was a very honest child but then several thimgs changed on him due to really horrible experiences with her masters. The life of Lรกzaro will always be marked hunger.


This novel deals with the life of a boy from his miserable childhood until he got married. It gives us an ironic and ruthless idea of the society of the moment in which the book was written. It is divided in 7 treaties where Lázaro tells his experiences with the diferent masters he had . • In the first treaty Lázaro tells the story of his childhood. A blind man comes to talk to her mother and said that his child could be worth it for him as guide. So lázaro went with him. • In the second treaty when Lázaro couldn´t bear that blind man anymoe he met a cleric. He didn´t provide any food to Lázaro so he started stealing bread from his house and when the cleric realised fired him. • In the third, Lázaro survived 15 days in the city of Toledo thanks to alms untill he met a squire. That man seemed to be rich but he was not and when the owners of his house came to collect the rents he scaped and the found Lázaro at home. • The next one talks about how the owners took Lázaro with his new master. He liked walking a lot and as they walk so much Lázaro broke his first shoes. When Lázaro got tired of following him he followed his way. This treaty hasn´t got a literal meaning. • After that, in the next, Lázaro met a guy who was related with religion, and he told lies to people just to believed him. Lázaro didn´t liked this and after 4 months staying with him he left that man. • In the sixth he met a chaplain and this one is very important to lázaro because he had his first job with this guy as a water seller. • Finally, Lázaro got married with he daughter of an archpriest and found stability in his life.

DIEGO A. -2-

Chronicles of Narnia It has seven novels but i´m going to talk about the first one that it called “ The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrove”. It was written in 1950 and it takes place in the United Kingdom. The main characters of this novel are: -Peter,Edmond,Lucy and Susan that are sibblings. -Aslan that is the great lion that have authority and can speak in Narnia. The storie starts in an old house where the sibblins are playing a game and they enter in a wardrove when suddenly they appear in a strange world called Narnia. Quickly,they realise that people in Narnia are in problems because of a witch that is killing and freezing people in Narnia.They decide to help people and they start to have many adventures to sabe them.Finally they do it and they

bécame the héroes of Narnia. DIEGO B.

The biography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic The book that I have choosen is ``The biography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic´´, it talks about his live since he borned. First he lived in Malmo with his mother and sister, his father abandoned him when he was 2 years old, because he was an alcoholic Then on the second part of the book talked about his career on the world of football, he started playing for Malmo with 8 years and when he was 16 he sign on for Ajax, the best team of The Netherlands, where he won the league. On his fifth season on the ``Ajax´´, ``Juventus´´ sign on and paid 8 million$ for his transfer.Two years later ``inter de milan´´ sign on him and won the league with they. He played in many other clubs like AcMIlán , Barcelona, Mancherter ,PSG… I chose this book because y knew hat his life was very difficult and how can the people be famous fighting. I bough it in ``librería Cervantes´´ in Oviedo and my mother said that he dont like him but it´s a better book than other autobiographic player books.


THE EYE OF MINDS Title: The Eye of minds Series: The mortality doctrine: The eye of minds,The gunner skale, The rule of thoughts, The game of lives Author : James Dashner . James Dashner is an American 44 years old man who was born in Austell, Georgia. He has been writing books since 2003 when he published A door in the Woods which was the first book of his first series. He has already published 19 books and won 3 important prizes. Genre: science fiction , fantasy , adventure The book I´m going to talk about is The eye of minds which was writen by James dashner in the year 2013. The story takes place in the future in an American city where Michael , the main character , and his friends , Bryson and Sarah, live . They only meet online they never go to the park or see in real life. They love playing computer games and they are really good with technology so one day they find something strange and terrifying which makes Michael´s parents dissapear . That terrifyng thing was that a robot called Kaine was killing people and making robots enter in them . Kaine was meant to protect people without being controlled by a human but , the scientist made him so ntelligent that the robot killed him and could think by himself. This book talks about how he and his friends try to find Kaine and he discovers that he is one of his robots , too and all of his family were other robots because he was inside of his computer. Characters: •

Michael: he is a boy with short Brown hair, tall and thin . He is most of the time brave , strong and intelligent.

Sarah : she is a girl who enjoys playing video games and she is the best os her friends. She is in love with Michael and she helps him because she likes adventours and she is the most intellige nt of all of them. She has long black hair and small eyes and she is a Little weak , thin and tall

Bryson: he is Michael´s best friend . He is blond with short hair and blue eyes and he is forgetful and he is really esay to distract because he is always looking at girls. The thing he likes the best is eating although he is thin as he goes to the gym .

Kaine: he is a robot who enjoys killing humans and is very intelligent and indestructible.

My favourite character is Sarah as she is the best of them in everything she does, except from fighting , she is the worst of them. She is really strong because while everyone is crying and worrying she is thinking about solutions to their problems ans calming the others.

Personal opinión: While reading this book I felt really exciting because a lot of exciting things happen and somethings which were said in the begining and then it didn´t make sense in the middle of the book you discover what it really mean and that it does make sense. I chose this book because it is one of my favourites and because the day I bought it I started reading it and in the night I went to sleep very very late because it was amazing and I couldn´t stop reading it. I wanted to know what was happening then. If I had to choose a passage from the book to read to the class, I would read the part where the group starts to be closer to find anything about Kaine because no one wanted to talk about it. I recommended to teenegers who enjoy science fiction and is a short and exciting book so I think most of them would like it


THE METAMORPHOSIS It talks about a guy called Gregor Samsa wich woke up one day an discovered that he was a monster. He looked like an insect. He tried to go out of the bed but he couldn’t and he was too ashamed to ask for help to his parents, so he got late to his job as a travelling salesman. So, first his mother and then his father and sister knock on his bedroom door in an effort to get him out of the bed. His boss appears on the door of his house to ask for the absence. With his parents talking with his boss outside the bedroom Gregor tried to arrived to his bedroom door, open it and reveal everyone his new body form. His mother started to cry and the boss ran out of the apartment in horror. Horrified by Gregor’s new body Gregor and his family tried to returned to the routine. While Gregor gets know of his new abilities and his new taste for rotten food. One night the neighbors invite Grete, his sister, to play the violin in the main room. Gregor wants to hear Grete’s play so he entered in the building and appeared in middle of the room in full view of the spectators. Gregor exhausted and depressed died in the next morning. A few hours later the cleaning woman discovered Gregor’s corpse and announced his death to his family. Then they decided to get out of the country forever.


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