Peace Poems

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PEACE POEM P eace is calm and respect, as well

E ducation_is the base of concentration

A ction,you need it to be ready for peace

C oncentration,will help your actions

E mpathy is the word of love

By Adriรกn

PEACE POEM P eace is a wonderful thing that all people should have

E licit things from people, sometimes discover the violence that they are suffering

A ll the wordl should be together to solve this because some people need‌

C alm to follow their life like I live my own life

E asy solve this would be fantastic

By Alba Moro Robledo

PEACE POEM P eace is a word that I love. I think that is a thing that I need

E rase all the bad experience with the violence

A ll the people need it to survive

C all all your classmates and say them that we can do the world a better place

E ach person have to make many beautiful things to live in this world


By Celia Noval UrĂ­a

PEACE POEM P eace bird is free in the sky. English people and all people are excited. Also the peace birds Coming to this fantastic party Eyes are open, they wait for see the peace bird.

By Claudia Ordiales Canal

PEACE POEM P urple flowers and funny times, is that the

E xplanation for this strange thing? The truth is you must

A ttempt to do a change! It can only

C ome when we stand together as one

E ventually, we can explain what peace is

By Elisa

PEACE POEM P eace day

is the most beutiful day

E verybody need to treat better other people

A and do all things that can change the bad persons that are in the world

C change the people and finish the wars on the earth

E arth is full of bad people but we can change them

By JonĂĄs MartĂ­nez Vallina.

PEACE POEM P eace bird is coming E verybody waits with happiness A ll world feels good C ause the bird of peace E nter in our hearts every year By José Joaquín Llorens Caerols.

PEACE POEM P ut your arms of destruction away and love the others

E verybody can help to the other children that receive abuses, also can help the adults

A ll the places are the same, so because you are in a place with no love don´t beat to the other people

C hange the people that abuse of other children like you

E arth is full of good people and bad people, you will help to the bad people

By Juan Jesús Martínez Fernández.

PEACE POEM P eace is a beatiful word they represent beautiful things in the life

E ach person gives a little part of his heart to help to have more peace

A ll the world one day will have peace

C an all help to have peace In all of the world

E asy is to have peace in all of the world just a bit love

By Laura

eace is the best thing in life and some people represent it

asy is the peace!

person that represent it is a good person because is in peace

ome on! All people should be in peace!

ach person gives his heart when he is in peace

By Lidia García‌‌.

PEACE POEM P eace is love

, peace is repect

E mpty is the base of the peace

A ll the people must be understanding

C omprehension is the Word with which you can understand people

E ar the petition of the people

By Luis






By Mateo Noval Amores

PEACE POEM P ut peace on the world doing an Example for A ll of the people that _

Creates wars in all of the E arth

By Santos MartĂ­nez Tejuca.

PEACE POEM Peace, what is its meaning? Easy word to spell, but difficult to understand A n old man said me: Peace means laughing and singing

Couple of things flying around me, but I am not sure why are they pushing by my right hand

E ndless feeling, what a beautiful thing By Sheila Moro Robledo.

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