Beauty Referee: Senior Capstone

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your best face forward

The Raw Issue

S peci al thank s t o: M i a Re x ac h Pa tti Tay lo r

Proj ec t by I sabel A s e n s io Senior Capstone Spring 2016 The Savannah College of Art & Design (SCA D )


01 M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t



Company O v erv ie w

Beaut y Ref s



Th e R e f S c a l e

A l l Th e G o o d S t u f f



S u s t a i n a b l e Pa c k a g i n g

Marke t Analysis

24 Ta r g e t C u s t o m e r

28 Product Line Up

42 Marketing Plan

57 Conlcusion

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M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t Beauty Referee is a concept skincare and lifestyle private label brand created for Reformation as an introduction to the beauty category of the market. With sustainable practices in mind and an aesthetically driven identity, Beauty Referee comes to life with a curated assortment of products including oils, moisturizers, serums and masks that celebrate feminine beauty. Furthermore, Beauty Referee is a proud vegan brand, refraining from animal testing and derivatives like lanolin and animal byproducts such as honey and beeswax -only tested on babes-. Our brand also plans on delivering a unique retail experience, complimenting Reformation’s current e-commerce business model. With a skincare launch, promotional activities are based on pop-up shops across all Reformation locations with an additional presence in South Street Seaport in New York City, further broadening consumer reach.


“ We m a k e k i l l e r c l o t h e s t h a t d o n ’ t kill the environment.”

Surrender to Pink Collection by Refromation Image 2



Company O v erv ie w

Created in 2009 by Yael Aflalo, we design and manufacture the majority of our limited-edition collections in our factory headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. All other garments are produced by responsible manufacturing partners here in the U.S. or abroad using sustainable methods and materials. We source sustainable fabrics and vintage garments while incorporating better practices throughout our supply chain to make beautiful styles at a fraction of the environmental impact of conventional fashion. It is our mission to lead and inspire a sustainable way to be fashionable.


Th e R e f - S c a l e Th e c o s t o f c r e a t i n g f a s h i o n We put sustainability at the core of everything we do. Our factory uses the most efficient, eco-friendly and pro-social technologies and practices we can get. We invest in green building infrastructure to minimize our waste, water, and energy footprints. By providing on-the-job training and opportunities for growth, we also invest in the people who make this revolution possible. At Reformation we think about all the costs in creating fashion—not just the price tag. RefScale tracks our environmental footprint by adding up the pounds of carbon dioxide emitted and gallons of water we use, and pounds of waste we generate. Then we calculate how Reformation’s products help reduce these impacts compared with most clothes bought in the US. We share this information on every product page of our website and tell you exactly what impact each garment has on the environment. This way we all get to see the total cost of fashion so you can make empowered choices, and we can keep creating better solutions when it comes to making clothes.

When done mindlessly the mining of minerals for natural ingredients and of oil for petroleum based products disrupts ecosystems and depletes nonrenewable natural resources. The benefit of buying 100% natural products from a smaller company means that the ingredients are sourced sustainably – doing no damage to our environment.

B e a u t y R e f e r e e f t. R e f S c a l e On our labels and product descriptions our RefScale tells you: Exactly what cost each product has on the environment in terms of CO2 and water. Measures the resources used throughout our supply chain and shows how it compares to industry standards. Shows the total amount saved by purchasing Reformation.

cosmetics disclosed Companies are cashing in on the word ‘natural’ they seem to think by putting a few natural ingredients in their product makes their product natural – even though it is laden with other chemical and toxic ingredients. Now because more companies are seeking out natural products (so they can put natural on their bottle) the demand for more natural ingredients has increased. Which means that more farming and mining needs to occur – now this would be a good thing if it was done sustainably. However big companies want it in mass quantities and they want it cheap and fast. So forget about sustainable farming and mining – more pesticides are being put in the earth and the more human rights are being exploited.

This way we all can make empowered choices, and we can keep creating better solutions when it comes to creating beauty products.


S u s ta i n a b l e P r a c t i c e s

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_ Tr e a t y o S e l f


S u s ta i n a b l e p r o d u c t m e e t s s u s ta i n a b l e pa c k a g i n g A t Beauty Referee we strongly believe that

the future of sustainable packaging lies in the use of renewable and recyclable materials. All of our products are packaged in white stained metal compacts meant to be a one-time purchase that you continue to refill -almost like a piece of jewelry, because it’s that good.- But even better, purchases done in store can be packaged in glass bottles, further emphasizing in the importance of recycling and product lifecycle. Additionally all of our labels and stickers are printed onto recycled paper. Cartons are made from 50% Forest Stewardship Council certified paperboard with 50% post-consumer recycled fiber. These paperboards and cartons are manufactured using wind power or hydropower, both renewable energy resources.

w e did t he mat h (and w e ar e r eally g ood at it)

In a given year, Beauty Referee will use approximately 307, 386 pounds of this paper in place of virgin fiber. In doing so, we preserve 1,475 trees for the future, save 626,735 gallons of wastewater flow and conserve 1,045,112,400 BTU’s of energy which in turn prevents 136,541 pounds of net greenhouse gas emissions.

Wh e n w e d e c i d e d were a good idea


With the concept and creation of the Beauty Referee packaging, we decided it was time for you to be your own designer and personalize your very own skincare set. It’s easy, we give you a white canvas, tons of sticker designs and voilá you’re free to mix and max, create different color choices, and essentially have a unique and one-of-a-kind line of cosmetics customized for and by YOU. Stickers are decorative only and come in clear sheets for you to decide their placement.


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We a r e t h e B e a u t y R e f e r e e s Essentially, we rule the beauty game -No but seriously- We don’t make up the rules but we love watching you break them. Our products are not to be used cautiously. Explore, discover, play mix and match.

A l c h e m y - S ta g e i Alchemy is the name of our stage 1 skin care product kit (put your best face forward) Alchemy is a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation or combination -everything we hope your skin undergoes- In more medieval language alchemy is the forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir, which we’ve already done for you: get ready to experience your best complexion ever.


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All the Good Stuff


Product Range

Galaxy Salve Exfoliating Charcoal Mask Hydration Nation Milk Serum Marry Me Moisturizing Jelly Lather-me-not Lightweight Oil Blurred Lines P o r e Va n i s h i n g S t i c k

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Marke t Analysis

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t he u.s is t he king of beaut y USA is the undisputed king of beauty with the lion’s share of the global industry. Currently worth US$80billion, the US market is expected to increase by a further US$18billion by 2020, with a strong boost from the premium segment. Growth has accelerated significantly in colour cosmetics but still leaving room for further expansion of premium skin care. Should the market achieve growth predictions, it will have expanded by almost 45 percent in just 10 years.

Here is where we come in

millenial consumer trends The Millennial attitude toward skin care is wreaking havoc in the beauty world, where skin care had long produced impressive year-over-year gains. The views of the younger generation — a beauty-from-the-inside-out approach — represent a sharp departure from the antiwrinkle priorities of their Baby Boomer parents, and that flip is furrowing brows across the sector. Millennials want fast outcomes from natural or clinical products, and that goal — immediate results — is steering them toward cosmetics. The change is forcing beauty firms to toss their worn, wrinkled playbooks and start generating products and marketing strategies to reach a demographic that shops with a new set of values. Of course, Millennials don’t really have wrinkles or gray hair to really worry about yet, but there is an evident shift that’s more about attitude and outlook where it’s less about giving up and more about embracing who you are and what you are and how you look, and not feeling like you have to fit any mold. The market shift creates an opening for small, nimble skincare brands that target millennial desires as much as it demands the established beauty players step up their games. As a category, prestige skincare in the U.S gained 3% in 2015, according to NPD. That growth is paltry in comparison to growth of year’s past. Within skincare, two subsegments: natural and clinical products accounted for the entirety of the category’s growth. Combined, the groups make up the largest share of prestige skincare sales.

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Pop-up Loc at ion Analy sis

14 S o u t h S t r e e t S e a p o r t D i s t r i c t , N e w Yo r k

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#newyorksoldestnewneighborhood R e ta i l i n g @ R e f o r m at i o n By only selling clothes online and in our own boutiques, we avoid traditional retail markups. This is mainly the reason why you wouldn’t find Reformation at any department stores, outlets or pop-ups. However, Beauty Referee speaks directly to dedicated fans who find this to be a blessing and a curse because the launch of new collections often sell out quickly online and the pieces may or may not make a comeback. With all of you in mind we have managed to partner up with South Street Seaport District in New York allowing for retail expansion and doing some really cool sustainable innovations while we are at it.

Wh y S o u t h S t r e e t S e a p o r t i n N Y C ? The Howard Hughes Corporation’s (HHC) vision to revitalize the South Street Seaport is headlined by Pier 17. The development plan balances the pier’s iconic waterfront location with its unique ability to provide a much-need community and fashion anchor for the rapidly growing Lower Manhattan population. Just recently in 2015, a big party celebrated the launch of Seaport Studios, a pop-up store that features a rotating mix of fashion designers, artists and food. Seaport Studios revitalizes New York’ s oldest neighborhood (The Seaport District) after the area was devastated by Hurricane Sandy more than three years ago.

Strengthening our core Designed by world-renowned SHoP Architects, the development plan integrates the site into a reimagined East River waterfront, drawing New Yorkers and visitors to an enlivened Seaport District. The pier 17 development is LEED certified and utilize state-of-the-art sustainable building technologies. HHC is takig over maintenance of the pier structure, which will save New York City tens of millions of dollars in repair and ongoing maintenance costs.


Direct Competitors Beauty Referee’s competitors not only share a similar aesthetic and overall brand concept, they also strongly emphasize on the millennial customer and mainly distribute through e-commerce and social media channels. Just as Reformation, our competitors are the perfect meld of both the New Yorker and the LA lifestyle. Price point similarities are also key aspects of our main direct competitors. MILK MAKEUP The brand Driven by creativity and designed by industry insiders, Milk Makeup is inspired by cultural hubs in NY and LA, that sit at the crossroads of fashion, music, photgraphy, art and film. A place where trends are born and a platform for the next generation. Milk Makeup is fun, eco conscious and cool. Their multifunctional high-tech formulas are built for the girl on the go. The line Their products are designed for experimentation and self-expression. Their categories include eye, lip, face, skin and hair all formulated on parabenfree standards and made from natural ingredients including fruit and vegetable butters. Tagline High concept, low maintenance.

GLOSSIER The brand Glossier is a beauty company inspired by what girls need in real life. They are invested mostly on creating new essentials and easy-to-use basics that form the backbone every girl’s beauty routine. The line Glossier is a great believer on prioritizing skin over makeup (skincare as makeup). Their first set of products ever released included four not-sobasic basics that were designed to leave you fresh and glowing right away. Tagline Skin first.


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Indirect Competitors The indirect competitors for Beauty Referee are a mix of well established brands that offer both makeup and skincare products but have managed to appeal the millennial customer by upping up their game in innovation and beauty retail anchors like Sephora and new brands that are jumping onto the vegan and organic wagon that could potentially dilute increased customer traffic.


Th e E s t e é E d i t The Esteé Edit by makeup giant Esteé Lauder is by far the department store stalwart’s largest effort to court a younger consumer, hitting shelves online and at sephora stores (the goto beauty playground for millennials) this past march. The new line includes 82 pieces of makeup and skincare products (organized into three categories - Barest, Edgiest, and Guest Editor Glow) that were all curated by Kendall Jenner and it girl blogger Irene Kim.


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Frank Body Frank Body is all about coffee-based skincare (always caffeinated, naturally derived and 100% Australian owned and made) Their philosophy bases off of the idea that just how coffee wakes you up from the inside, it wakes you up on the outside too -that’s what they put it everywhere-


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Lush Lush products are made fresh by hand using little or no preservative or packaging, using only vegetarian ingredients that show when they were made. Lush buys ingredients only from companies that do not conduct or commission tests on animals and in testing our products or humans.

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Percep tual Map

H i g h e r Pr i c e Po i n t

Higher millennial coverage

Lower millennial coverage

L o w e r Pr i c e Po i n t


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Ta r g e t C u s t o m e r

We could give you a whole spiel on how we want our customer to have a sustainable conscious mind to make good constructive decisions on the purchases that she makes. But the truth is, this type of mindset only happens to prevail in a very utopian world, in which we don’t, yet again, happen to exist. Instead we focus on creating really good stuff that people will just come and want to buy (and it’s really more about trying to look for the gap, where we try to make things you can’t find not things everybody else is making). We have this ideal customer in mind with this girl that is a waitress, she’s made about $200 in tips tonight, and she wants a dress for a date or an event. This idea were you really have to work hard to earn those $200 that in turn


makes us really work hard to get those two hundred from her. Its simple, we have to EARN that. The same goes for Beauty Referee, we wanna make you feel good so that you can look even better. With the launch of our very own cosmetics line (kick starting in the skincare department) we successfully fuse the idea of designing for both the west and east coast. This is the right middle point where it all comes together.

Th e A n a t o m y o f a # R e f B a b e

Cool Feature Fuzzy brows or nothing.

Oh, the lips Probably the envy of more than 500k followers on instagram

Current Skin Status On the pursuit of perfect glowy skin.

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Hair Mantra Tousled in the most perfect ways and freshly highlighted, but don’t be fooled this takes some serious high maintenance routine.

Vintage and Deadstock Totally pulling off bomb pieces from grandma’s closet. -Or wearing Reformation for that matter.-


Oops! Totally the trace of a good friday night out in town.

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Lily Jean Connecticut Age: 32 Income: $108,000 Rebel kid at heart Lily grew up in Connecticut, 45 minutes away from the city. Attended Parsons School of design where she really got into fashion and it’s been 10 years now since she founded and started directing a small creative agency in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As a young Creative Director she deals with clients like Loeffler and Randall, Moda Operandi and Refinery29 and employs about 11 young designers and studio crew. Currently single, shares a flat with her two best friends. Vegan, enjoys evening core barre workouts at her local boutique gym and loves collecting vintage records. Often dislikes mainstream products and tends to invest in ones produced in small batches. Really into makeup trends and the beauty space in youtube.

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Olympia Row e

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Cali Girl Age 24 Income: Average of $80,000 Total girl next door Olympia is a recent Econ grad from The University of Pennsylvania (earned a full scholarship), who soon thereafter moved to New York to embark on the tenuous path of freelance-ship (in spite of her parents disapproval of their Ivy-League-educated daughter jumping on the creative wagon) Started a blog in 2011 -while working part-time sales at Club Monaco- Her focus relies heavily on self-taught photography that captures the soul and treasure of the very mundane things: English brekkie, cafĂŠ corners and arty still lifes. Lives in a spacious, yet minimalist apartment with fiancĂŠ, Arnie, and two cats. Enjoys reading and collecting independent magazines like Kinfolk and Cereal. Invests in quality over quantity. Carefree, low maintenance and often looks for the real functionality of products. Absolute fan of running around sans makeup.


Product Line Up





Galaxy Salve Exfoliating Charcoal Mask


Description and Benefits Dive into a luscious paradise with our charcoal and blueberry infused Galaxy Salve. Gentle but very much effective and just the right amount of grainy. The little blue bulbs are packed with vitamins, and blended into White China Clay, Rose Absolute, Bamboo Charcoal and Chamomile Blue Oil to soothe redness, irritation and cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. Wonderfully soothing on sensitive skin. Gentle enough for everyone: oily, dry and combo Good solution for: blemishes, enlarged pores and oiliness

How to use

Key Ingredients

Cleanse your face and pat dry. Smooth a good dollop of Galaxy Salve Mask over your entire face avoiding the eye and lip area (you’ll might find it tempting to lick, cause dang who’s not alway down for fresh berries?) Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes - now is a good time to read our latest posts on Ref News - And finally, was off with warm water and follow with our favorite moisturizer or serum: Marry Me and Hydration Nation.

Bamboo Charcoal: Acts like a magnet to draw out deep-dwelling pore cloggers White China Clay: Absorbs environmental toxins and dissolves impurities. Featured Ingredient: we used fresh Blueberries as they are very effective for spotty pre-mature skin. They go fresh and mulched straight into the product - no questions asked.

Industry S ta n d a r d s

S av i n g s

We released only 2 lbs of carbon dioxide

Compared to 5 pounds

You save 3 pounds

Wa t e r

The galaxy salve used up 84 gallons of water

Compared to 926 gallons

You save 842 gallons

We created 1.3 pounds of waste

Compared to 2.5 pounds

You save 1.2 pounds

Carbon Dioxide

Galaxy Salv e

Wa s t e



Marry Me Moisturizing Jelly

_Moisturized is the new matte


Description and Benefits Relief that terrible tight feeling of parched face and smooth a generous dab of Marry Me Moisturizing Jelly over your face and neck. We packed it full of nourishing ingredients like Rose Petal extract, fresh Avocado and calming Aloe Vera to keep your skin feeling soft and supple regardless of the season ‘cause marriage is a lifetime decision right? We got your back - Evening Primrose, Neroli and Rose Oils improve skin’s texture and leave you with that healthy looking glow.

Key Ingredients

How to use

Fresh Organic Avocado: Drenches the skin with unsaturated oil to improve its appearance. Its moisturizing properties, soften complexion while uplifting and stimulating essential oils charge your mind.

After cleansing, massage dollops of the cream into your face and neck using upward and outward strokes. You’ll wanna marry the moisture.

Rose Petal Infusion: we just love its toning qualities. Featured Ingredient: Sesame oil = drinks for your skin.

Industry S ta n d a r d s

S av i n g s

We released only 2 lbs of carbon dioxide

Compared to 5 pounds

You save 3 pounds

Wa t e r

The galaxy salve used up 84 gallons of water

Compared to 926 gallons

You save 842 gallons

We created 1.3 pounds of waste

Compared to 2.5 pounds

You save 1.2 pounds

Carbon Dioxide

Galaxy Salv e

Wa s t e



Blurred Lines P o r e Va n i s h i n g S t i c k


Description and Benefits From South America we heard whispers of rose hip oil, tales of argan oil from Morocco and the chatter of moringa in Ghana. We’d like to believe there is a miraculous youth elixir out there, but if not we think uniting the world’s most renowned beauty oils certainly creates a little magic. This tube of loveliness moisturizes and primes the skin at the same time leaving it feeling velvety and healthy mattified and believe it or not, it’ll get rid of visible pores and fine lines. Recommended for oily and combo skins Perfect for priming and getting your complexion makeup ready

Key Ingredients

How to use

Cornflour: Cornflour is highly absorbent, making it ideal to mop up moisture. Its fine texture makes skin feel silky and smooth.

Warm a little between your fingers or melt straight onto the skin after cleansing. As you smooth it over the skin, the rich texture turns to a silky, matte finish.

Moringa: often called the miracle plant in Africa, where it is used as food, medicine and more. Featured ingredient: We used argan oil for its anti-aging properties, so that you’re not just visibly blurring lines but you’re actually fighting them, best of both worlds huh?

Industry S ta n d a r d s

S av i n g s

We released only 2 lbs of carbon dioxide

Compared to 5 pounds

You save 3 pounds

Wa t e r

The galaxy salve used up 84 gallons of water

Compared to 926 gallons

You save 842 gallons

We created 1.3 pounds of waste

Compared to 2.5 pounds

You save 1.2 pounds

Carbon Dioxide

Galaxy Salv e

Wa s t e



Hydration Nation Milk Serum


Description and Benefits If you don’t know what the right serum for you is, start here. Made with lavender extract that will balance the skin’s sebum production will encourage dry skin to produce more natural oils and discourage oily skin from overdoing it. Orange blossom water brightens up dull looking areas and leave you smelling gorgeous all day long. Recommended for all skin types Good solution for brightening, balancing oils and freshen up dull skin

Key Ingredients Lavender Flower Infusion: Balance oily t-zones and say goodbye to slick > thanks to its lightweight texture, lavender absorbs easily upon application.

How to use After cleansing and toning your face, put a dab on your fingertips and pat gently onto clean and slightly damp skin. A little goes a long way, but you’re totally welcome to overdo it (and by that we mean reapply as often as needed)

Orange blossom water: It is believed that the tradition of bridal orange blossom garlands started because the fragrance soothed the nerves of the young brides before retiring to the marital bed. So they’re you have it. Featured Ingredient: We used Elderflower Extract to soothe and calm troubled skin. Don’t you just love all the peace and quiet? This has symbolically supernatural qualities.

Industry S ta n d a r d s

S av i n g s

We released only 2 lbs of carbon dioxide

Compared to 5 pounds

You save 3 pounds

Wa t e r

The galaxy salve used up 84 gallons of water

Compared to 926 gallons

You save 842 gallons

We created 1.3 pounds of waste

Compared to 2.5 pounds

You save 1.2 pounds

Carbon Dioxide

Galaxy Salv e

Wa s t e



Lather-me-not L i g h t w e i g h t Te a Tr e e O i l


Description and Benefits There is not one inch of your anatomy you’re not gonna want to smooth our Tea Tree infused oil on. Cleansing Tea Tree, Juniper Berry and Grapefruit Waters keep skin looking fresh, rehydrated, evened out and deeply cleansed. Their lightweight properties combined allow for easy absorption and instant results. Pro Tip: mix in a tiny drop with your foundation and be wowed by how easy all that blending work turns out to be.

How to use No need to be cautious. This oil is good for you from the tip of your toes to the very crown of your forehead, don’t need to scrutinize just go for it and feel free to find it its own purpose and home.

Key Ingredients Grapefruit Extract: The antioxidant vitamin C, when applied topically, can help fight skin damage caused by the sun and pollution, reduce wrinkles and improve overall skin texture. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the formation of collagen, the main support system of skin. Juniper Berry: Oil is said to cleanse both mind and body. Aromatherapists also use juniper berry as a popular oil to balance and help with greasy hair and dry hair conditions. So don’t be afraid to treat your scalp to a fruitylicious trip down hydration heaven. Featured Ingredient: Tea Tree Oil combined with fresh garlic provide the best meld of bactericidal and antiseptic ingredients, helping to keep your skin clear.

Industry S ta n d a r d s

S av i n g s

We released only 2 lbs of carbon dioxide

Compared to 5 pounds

You save 3 pounds

Wa t e r

The galaxy salve used up 84 gallons of water

Compared to 926 gallons

You save 842 gallons

We created 1.3 pounds of waste

Compared to 2.5 pounds

You save 1.2 pounds

Carbon Dioxide

Galaxy Salv e

Wa s t e



Marketing Plan

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Wo n ’ t l o o k d o w n , m y c r o w n might fall off


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Beaut y Ref Loc at ions Reformation South Street Seaport, NYC One Seaport Plaza, 199 Water St New York, NY 10038 Reformation LA 8253 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90048 Reformation SoHo 23 Howard Street New York, New York 10013 Reformation LES 156 Ludlow Street New York, NY 10002


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R e ta i l S pa c e We want to foster a vaguely scattershot vintage atmosphere both in our stores and online for the launch of our pop-up shops for Beauty Referee. “Sweetest Taboo� playing on the background, hangers built to accommodate retro shoulder pads contrasting with the triangled wooden fixtures, you feel me already? We also want to encourage our refbabes to shop the walls, so we decided to draw a white plywood grill inside transparent resin, creating a nice and light material that casts a subtle shadow, while allowing our bottles and tubes to be the stars of the show. Concrete floors, plywood shelves and clear resin all contribute to that feeling of the packaging almost floating on the walls. And... GREEN, green accents: including moss graffities on one of the walls, and house plant throughout the sales floor. Come on in, and feel the warmth and fuzziness.

G l as s B o t t l e s on D i s pl ay


Shelv e Mat er ials Cl ose Up

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B e au t y R e f e r e e on S o u t h S t r e e t S e ap ort / faç ade


Social Media Reformation, as a brand, relies heavily on Social Media marketing and the word of mouth approach to promotional activities, as they don’t spend much money on traditional and print advertisement. That being said, we thought it was very important for us to launch both a Facebook page and an Instagram account separately from that of Reformation. Nonetheless, Beauty Referee will be promoted and linked throughout all of Reformation’s platforms to increase consumer traffic and streamline loyal customers, aside from the potential ones that might join us as a result.



Fa c e b o o k Likes Currently 167,024 people like Reformation’s Facebook page. Average Daily Posts An average of 7 pictures posted every day. Amount of likes per post Around 50 likes. No “Shop Now” button, only direct link on bio to Reformation’s webpage. Typically reply within an hour to messages and customer’s comments. With the Beauty Referee Facebook page, a “Shop Now” button has been embedded directly to the timeline, for easy accessibility. This leads to an increased 15% of consumer traffic to Reformation’s website. The goal is to post quality over quantity to potentially drive more likes to page and more shares on posts. Facebook will be heavy on product, and will showcase more features and properties than any other social media presence for Beauty Referees.



I n s ta g r a m Instagram is Reformation’s most popular Social Media Platform. With 432k followers, approximately 1-2 posts a day and 7,000 likes per image, it’s pretty evident that this is a vital part of their marketing strategy. One great characteristic of their posts on this platform is the integration of environmental facts that inform their followers on relevant quick tips to address the current sustainable issues of our world. With Beauty Referee we aim to establish an even greater presence in this aspect an set in motion an Instagram strategy that will attract the masses and serve as a visual moodboard / visual diary that will hint customers into the kind of lifestyle we embrace and the aesthetic that we pull together. The image on the right hand side is a Beauty Referee product shot posted onto Reformation’s Instagram account for promtion. The one on the right is Beaty Referee’s actual Instagram stream (feed) page. Users will be encouraged to generate content through 3 different hashtags #BeautyRefs for beauty shots #BlinkPink for mood images #BestFaceFoward for product posts


That j-lo glow is here to stay_



#best Face forward

#Blink PInk



We b s i t e Reformation, as a brand, relies heavily on Social Media marketing and the word of mouth approach to promotional activities, as they don’t spend much money on traditional and print advertisement. That being said, a well put together website is crucial to the brand’s development and customer retention. For the addition of Beauty Referee, a new drop down menu was created to shop the beauty category. Furthermore, the landing page of the website will primarily slideshow the new line of cosmetics alongside catchy phrases keeping in with Reformation’s aesthetic and format, for at least the first three weeks after the newly launched beauty collection.


Analy tics

Consumer Engagement Increase

Total Visits

Time on site


4:45 min

Bounce rate

Page views



*Current website analytics for reformation


with beauty referee

Total Visits

Page views

+ 4.03 = 12.63

+ 106.60k = 693.02k

46% increase

18% increase

Time on site

Bounce rate

+ 6.99% = 41.01%

+ 2:57 min = 7:42 min

16% icrease

43% increase

*Planned increase post beauty referee launch


Image 27


Conlcusion Given the analytics discussed previously it is proven that increased consumer traffic will ultimately result in higher sales percentage for Reformation post cosmetics launch (especially through e-commerce where most Beauty Referee transactions will take place, but without deviating from the fact that the skincare launch will be promoted in stores and an additional pop-up location). After setting this case study in motion stating the obvious comes down to realizing that Beauty Referee is a natural expansion for Reformation. It provides an incredible opportunity to combine all their strengths into one strategic product that is idyllic for current loyal customers and potential newcomers. The basic concept development started off as reaction to a skin care gap in the millennial market, which is constipated with makeup and cosmetics brands. Taking into account that the Reformation customer usually comes to them for innovation and sustainability, a vegan and organic skincare line came into play in the most convenient ways. As a firm believer of taking care of your skin first, prior to following up with makeup, Beauty Referee released its first beauty set consisting of 5 skincare products called Alchemy - Stage 1. It feels good to be a Beauty Referee, doesn’t it? *wink


Image Credits 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / *All vector drawings designed by Mia Rexach for Beauty Referee as part of her brand #FunkyFreaks *Uncited work otherwise created by me.

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