2017 Duffy Feature Articles

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By: Nikoloz Kiziria



On the importance of respecting a large fragment of Thai tradition in a small town.

“It smells like [excrement].” Tan, a young Thai boy of 14, has recently attended Thailand’s popular Loi Krathong festival. It is the 3rd of November, in the night in the suburban area of Nichada, a private

Loi Krathong in Chiang Mai with floating lanterns

town in the city of Pak Kret in the province of Nonthaburi. The boy lights and nudges candles with incense and flowers atop a lotus shaped raft into their local lake so that it flows and illuminates and reflects upon the surface of the dark blue lake.

that he was very secular and only

into “to float a basket.” Other

comes because his parents make him.

countries in Southeast Asia, for

When Tan was asked if he knew why Loi Krathong is celebrated,

celebrate this tradition as well but

he stated, “I think it’s to thank

under a different name since they have

fishermen or something.”

their own individual languages and thus have different names for the

The Gregorian date is November 3, when the full moon illuminates the bleached clouds so much that it renders them colourless. That day, Tan looked at me with a grave expression and said, “it smells like [excrement].” For Tan, this tradition is more festive than cultural. He enjoys to “eat food from different cultural booths set up around the lake.” He mentioned

example Myanmar and Cambodia,

ORIGINS Loi Krathong begins on the

tradition. Tachanat Pinpakornkul, a

full moon of the 12th month of

Thai student currently studying Thai

Thailand’s Lunar Calendar; so the

culture in his school, finds it only

specific time & date of the celebration

natural for Thailand to “praise” the

changes each year depending on the

spirits of the ocean. “Thailand is a

orbit of the moon. Loi Krathong is a

country next to an ocean where much

tradition originating in Southeast Asia

of [its] produce is fish.” From his

yet the name is only specific to

point of view, a country which relies

Thailand since other countries call the

on resources from the ocean would

celebration different names. The

1 how respect the ocean because of

phrase Loi Krathong literally translate

much they depend on it.

By: Nikoloz Kiziria


HOW IT IS CELEBRATED They way to celebrate Loi Krathong is fairly simple. During Loi Krathong, people send rafts called by


natives as “Krathongs” into any source of water to pay

Nest, a local Thai girl of 14, believes that one

respects to the goddess of water. Then the people can go

of the main causes of the pollution is other students. She

continue on with their day however most tend to stay in

claimed she’s “seen people pour soda they didn’t want to

the general vicinity of the are where they sent the raft and

finish into the lake… Fish can’t drink coca cola, and it’s

perhaps as Tan did, drink some canned coca cola.

not a very large lake.” Each drop counts much more in their small contained local lake than it would in a flowing


river or an enormous ocean.

Suddenly Tachanat, in contrast, then asked me

If the community stopped performing harmful

“can you smell all the fish?” referring to the salty odour

everyday habits, then the pollution in the lake will

which could be noticed from the edges of the lake. Since

amount to much less than it does at the moment. Nest

the Lake in Nichada was unnatural and manmade, the

urges the community of Nichada to be less wasteful and

source of water came from a different river not connected

wants them to understand the effects of such actions for

naturally. Most aspects of the transfer of water were kept

the benefit of the people and the spirit of the ocean which

under control, for example when the water had to be renewed.

Thailand culturally respects.

However, this process would often not be


maintained properly and would raise the acidity of the

Loi Krathong is a traditional celebration in

lake from normal to the level of a coca cola bottle due to

Thailand and Southeast Asia which some people don’t

the amount of pollute gathering in the lake which would

celebrate or practice its beliefs because they pollute and

not be cleaned and replaced in time since it occurred too

leave fish to waste. This can be solved through changing

quickly for proper maintenance. As measured by one of

the communities into being more ethical towards the

the local school’s (ISB) 7th grade science class, the pH,

environment; specifically aqueous habitats where living

the measure of acidity in liquids, will often range

beings such as fish live since they can be harmed, which

between approximately 5 (slightly more acidic than

would displease the very same spirits that are being

water) and 3 (near the acidity level of coca cola.)

celebrated during Loi Krathong. In Nichada, maybe if

So what did he mean when he said if I could smell the fish? He was asking if I could sense all of the dead and dying fish. The fish in the lake were imported,

everyone would participate, the lake might smell a bit better.

and were not naturally born into such an environment. They were not ocean fish. When their habitat became too filthy, many fish would turn to carcasses. If Loi Krathong is a celebration for the spirits of the ocean, then how will the spirits appreciate the people of Nichada as the people pretend to appreciate the spirits when the people are destroying them?


A Gaze in t o t h e Fu t u r e For t u n e t ellin g is a big par t of Th ai cu lt u r e even t h ou gh it s con t r adict ion s in Bu ddh ism . By: Zyr a Sh eik h When you think of Thai culture, fortune telling may not be the first topic that comes to mind. But, it has had a huge impact on Thai culture than what meets the eye. People of all ages go to get their fortunes told by palm readings, cards and many more methods. Learning about your future can lead you to make better decisions about your life and make you happier and feel more secure with your future. Meet Naomi Niemeijer, a Thai-Dutch 14 year old, who recently got her fortune told. ?[Fortune telling has] a very big impact,? she says. ?Many Thais believe in it and it?s such a big part of our culture.?

to get their fortunes told is to get input on what choices to make for their future. ?I think people in their twenties or if they are about to go to university [would get their fortunes told],? says Doa Mobin, a ninth grader who recently got her fortune told for the first time. ?They would want to go to find out what to do with their lives and how their future looks like.? But, young adults aren?t the only ones who go to get predictions.Politicians often get their fortunes told by astrologists to sustain a high profile."Fortune-tellers told me to speak less to maintain a good political atmosphere. I will obey their advice," says the Prime Minister of Thailand to the Bangkok Post.

Wh y do peopl e go?

Do t h e pr edi ct i on s com e t r u e?

To some people, fortune telling may seem like a waste of time or seem like it is completely fake, but to others, it is a source of hope and inspiration.Many Thai citizens have gotten their fortunes told in Thailand that it has now become a norm. ?It is Thai culture. It is Asian culture,? says Khun Ajantook,a fortune teller of 22 years. Naomi believes the same: ?Asian people highly believe in these sorts of things.? Naomi states that ?it's such a big part of [Thai] culture.?

Even though we all wish that all of the good things fortune tellers say to us are true, sometimes we all have that piece of doubt in the back of our minds. Naomi hopes her predictions will come true even though ?it seems way too good to be true.? She says ?I would like to think so because what he said about my future correlate with my present and it makes sense.?Khun Ajantook believes that they do come true from client feedback: ?According to the feedback from my clients, it is at least 90% accurate.? But, on the other hand, Doa says that she wasn?t very sure about her

" It i s at least 90% accurate"

One of the more common reasons people go

predictions as they seem very vague. ?None of the predictions were specific they were quite general ideas.?

Th e Pr ocess There are many ways to get your fortune told, cards, palm reading, tarot cards and many more. According to Khun Ajantook, ?Card is the most accurate method of fortune telling.? Naomi had that form of fortune telling, the process was picking cards from a deck and choosing certain amounts with specific hands. When Doa got her palm read she had tarot cards.?She made us each pick 5 cards with our left hand and whichever card we chose supposedly said something about us,? says Doa. ?She even predicted with some cards how the next 3 months of my life would be like.?

Cost One reason people may be reluctant to go to fortune tellers is that of the price. ?I think that the middle/upper class [get their palms read] since it?s pretty expensive,? says Naomi, with the fortune teller she went to, she spent 1000 baht on her reading. But for Doa, she states ?For normal fortune tellers who charge around 200 - 500 baht.? And if these palm readers seem too expensive, there are some all around Bangkok and Chiang Mai that cost as little as 100 baht.

culture. Fortune telling migrated to Thailand with Hinduism thousands of years before Buddhism was originated. Since it has been apart of Thailand?s culture before Buddhism. With Thailand?s religious history, instead of switching to a new religion, they kept some aspects of the ones before. Now, Thailand?s religions in a mix of Animism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

A Bi g Par t of Cu l t u r e Although there are many complexities with fortune telling and Buddhism, it still has a big place in its culture. People from all over the world get their fortunes told in Thailand. ?I would love to go again and I definitely recommend it!? says Naomi. ?I would recommend it for someone who is interested because it was enjoyable and exciting,? says Doa. Overall, fortune telling is a fun and interesting experience which can give you a clearer view of your life.

Th e Con t r ov er sy What many Thai citizens don?t realize is that in Buddhism it is taught to stay in the present. ?We [Monks] don?t really associate ourselves with palm reading,? says a local Monk from Naomi's family's temple.?Common people simply don?t understand Buddhism, they need tools like fortune telling to help them.? Yet Thais still go because it is apart of their

Image from Khun Ajantook's house

Daily Post

December 5th, 2017

THAILAND 4.0 An economic model focusing on an innovative industry, aiming to transform Thailand from a traditional way to a smarter way of functioning.

First of all you may ask, what

Khun Prasnee, who works as an

exactly is the Thailand 4.0 model? More

executive vice president believes that

importantly, does it actually have an effect on

“Thailand 4.0 is a great model that is making

the people of Thailand? The simple answer to

a difference to the economy of Thailand.” She

the first question is that Thailand 4.0 is the

continues on by stating that “Thailand 4.0

next economic model aiming to change

focuses on many different aspects of the

Thailand from its heavy industry to an

community, and especially aims to transform

innovation driven economy. In regards to the

Thailand into a more innovation driven

second question, Thailand 4.0 is surely

country.” Khun Prasnee strongly believes that

affecting the people of Thailand depending on

“Innovation is the key to strength and

who you are and which aspects you are

growth,” and that “the Thailand 4.0 economic

viewing from.

model is effective as long as people are contributing.”

Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Daily Post

December 5th, 2017


“Innovation is the key to strength and growth.” - KHUN PRASNEE

WHAT IS THAILAND 4.0? Thailand 4.0 is essentially aiming to pursue prosperity and creativity, as well as boosting the wellbeing of the society and creating a more sustainable environment. However there is much more to that. Khun Prasnee mentions that “Thailand 4.0 focuses on innovating the country, resulting in more opportunities opened up to many people including myself.” The Thailand 4.0 has a similar concept to the ‘Sustainable Development Goals,’ where they both aim to increase the standards of living and transforming the society into a more sustainable place. According to the information provided by the Royal Thai Embassy site, the main objectives of Thailand 4.0 is stated in the following: Economic Prosperity, Social Well-being, Raising Human Values, and Environmental Protections. The economic prosperity is plans to increase the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of R&D (Research & Development) and economic growth rate by 2032. The objectives of the ‘social well-being’, is to create an inclusive society, reducing the disparity, and transforming the social welfare system. To raise the human values, they plan to raise Thailand’s HDI (Human Development Index) ranking and Thailand’s national university rankings, which correlates to the education of Thailand. Finally, the environmental protection is designed to generate a sustainable society and reduce conflicts within the society.

“I’m not quite sure,” Khun Prasnee answered, when asked about the agendas of Thailand 4.0. Despite of this next economic model being a popular topic among Thais, some are unaware of the details, due to the lack of awareness. Khun Picharn who has been working as a lawyer for the past 20 years and is a specialist in this area will be explaining about the details of the agenda. Khun Picharn factually states that “There are mainly 5 agendas in the Thailand 4.0 economic model which includes the preparation for Thailand to becoming a top nation, the development of technology clusters and future industries, successful entrepreneurs and innovative enterprise networks, strengthening the economy throughout all provinces, and also ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and Thailand’s connection around the world”. HOW WILL THAILAND BECOME A TOP NATION? To give a simple and straightforward response, people is the main factor in transforming Thailand into a top nation. However, to actually prepare Thailand into a first world nation requires a reformed education system; and Khun Picharn strongly believes that “education is crucial towards the development of a nation” since it is “the basis of everything.” The education reform aims to have a more purposeful learning and an improved educational system. Moreover, he mentions that “there will be a ‘set up skills

Lorem Ipsum Dolor


A NEW HORIZON FOR THAI DANCING Thai dancing is a significant part of Thailand's history and should be acknowledged and taught to students. By Ash leigh Ken n elly

When someone says aspects of Thailand, my mind always goes straight to Thai Dancing; a high art form of Thailand which dates back many years. Thai dancing is a key part of Thai culture and comes in many forms. It?s beautiful motions and costumes make it utterly incredible, though it?s been losing popularity over the years. It doesn?t help that here at ISB we have a wide range of cultures and traditions.These cultures often get lost within each other and this can be a disappointment for many. Meet Naomi Niemeijer, a 9th grade student at ISB, who?s been Thai dancing for years. Inspired at a young age by her older sister; Thai dancing plays a huge role in her life. Sadly here at ISB it?s much harder to find kids with the passion for it. Naomi believes at ISB ?kids don't know about it, and aren?t dedicated to it.? After in previous years trying to start a Thai dancing club at ISB, there has been no results. Naomi wishes to find ?students and teachers with the same dedication and passion? as those she grew up with.

"T h ai d an ci n g i s a r eal ly easy w ay to l ear n abou t T h ai stor i es an d m y th s"N aom i N i em ei jer ORIGINS OF THAI DANCE:

Thai dancing is such an old tradition, little is known of it?s exact origin.One of the earliest evidences of Thai dance was believed to be found in the 8th-11th century. It was a painting of a dancing women. This lead researchers to believe it was much older than their original findings. Many reliques are found are from the Ayutthaya era of Thailand. Thai dancing has changed and expanded over the years to incorporate new things. Though, the movements are very strict with around 108 possible different moves. Her majesty Sirikit is currently looking for a way to preserve Thai culture and Dancing. She finds that the art form is getting lost but it needs to be preserved. Naomi Niemeijer, Thai dancer and student agrees ? it would be really cool to see some Thai dance representation.?

SIGNIFICANCE: Because of Thai dancing?s old age it?s apart of thousands of lives today. The art of Thai dancing has been passed down from generation to generation. In Thai culture if you Thai dance ?it will make your parents very very proud,? says Naomi. Thai dancing is a part of the country?s history and they take pride in it. For a tourist one can only see the surface of it?s significance, it?s so much bigger for someone of Thai descent. Because Of Thai Dancing?s big tourist agenda, it has become something Thailand is known for. The history and stories that lay within the dance is also another important aspect of why Thai dance is so significant. For Naomi ?Thai dancing is a really easy way to learn about Thai stories and myths,? as well as many other Thai children.

STYLES OF THAI DANCE: Thai Dancing comes in many styles and forms depending on location. There are three classical main styles of Thai dancing: Khon, Lakhon and Fon. Khon is the most popular of the three and most commonly known around the world.Khon is a dance drama where dancers wear masks and carry weapons while dancing to Thai music. Khon dancing is based off the story of Ramakien; a famous literature of Thailand. Khon?s intricate costumes are one of the highlights of the shows as they are so astonishing. Lakon is another style of traditional Thai dance beloved by many. Lakon is Naomi?s favorite as ?Lakhon is storytelling through dance, Lakhon in modern times would be drama shows on TV or plays.? Lakhon unlike Khon has many different stories rather than one. Dancer ?s in Lakhon are typically female and perform in groups. Fon is a folk dance originated in Northern Thailand. It was created by a man named Chao Dara Rasami. The dance is accompanied by traditional folk music. Fon actually has three different dances within it: Fingernail dance, candle dance and scarf dance. COSTUM ES: The costumes involved in Thai Dancing play a huge role in its success. Because they are so intricate and beautiful; they draw the eyes of Thai people as well as tourists. Khon dancing specifically has very detailed and involved costumes. Due to the different figures and Gods the costumes must be very exact. The costume lets us experience the whole story; according to

Naomi it ?can be beautiful and funny and heartbreaking at the same time.? The differences can range from creatures like the elephant god (ganesh) to simple women in jewels. The styles and features of the dances change the type of costume that is worn.

"K i d s d o n 't k n ow ab o u t i t , an d ar en ?t d ed i cat ed t o i t .? - N ao m i N i em ei j er THAI DANCING'S FUTURE AT ISB: In the past ISB has tried to implement a Thai dancing program to no avail. Naomi states ?The key to a successful Thai dance program is a group of students who are committed to learning the art. Any program can be good if people are committed to it.? Many of the students in the Thai dance program last year were not committed and had other priorities. In the ISB community students are very busy and often don?t have time for extracurriculars let alone the whole time commitment of Thai dancing. It?s most effective rather than implementing Thai dance into high school ISB starts with younger years. This lets ISB teach it from a young age and get students started and committed to Thai Dance. With western cultures influences on Thailand it?s Important we still remember the History and significance of Thai Dancing and continue spreading awareness. This is why a program at ISB could mean so much to Thai people; also allowing us to share culture and teach children it?s meaning.

"I t 's t h e m o st T h ai t h i n g ab o u t m e"N ao m i N i em ei j er

November 30, 2560 BE

TODAY’S NEWS By Amirlan Bold-Erdene Despite fortune-telling being a Hindu tradition, many people go to Thai fortune-tellers for help regardless of their religion. To the people in the West, fortune-telling is a party trick, and not many people take it seriously. However, in Thailand, most people believe in fortune-telling and palmreading. Hidden away at the top floor of the Pantip Plaza in Nonthaburi, some of the fortune-tellers that Thailand is famous for set up their stalls on a Sunday afternoon. The displays are full of mysterious cards and books, shrines and dolls, and even computer applications in anticipation of the many visitors who will come to have their fortune told. Some Thais believe that the future is already determined, and that you cannot stray from the path of fate. On the other hand, some believe that you can change your future if you do more good than bad deeds. No one really knows about the future until the future becomes present. Khun Fah, a fortuneteller at the Pantip Plaza in Nonthaburi, believes that, “Fortune-telling is seeing what goes further in the path of fate.” She uses tarot cards, reads palms, and uses computer applications to tell one’s fortune.

A famous fortune-teller, originally Burmese, is disabled and blind with a speech impediment. She is nicknamed E Thi (ET).

Many seek advice from her, asking about love, money, and jobs. Popularity Many Thai people believe in fortune-tellers and go to them for advice for their futures. “It is a belief that most Thai people share.” Khun Nam said. People in Thailand take fortune-telling very seriously, even higher class people in Thailand will go to a fortuneteller to ask if they should make an important decision. Although many believe in them, not all fortune-tellers can tell accurate fortunes, and some give very vague answers. “Thai politicians mainly use fortune tellers. In Thai culture, it is acceptable to quote a fortune teller as a way of making an excuse.”said Joel Gershon, a journalist on CNN

Travel. Thai people go to fortune-tellers to make really big decisions, or to make small, minor decisions. There are even some popular fortunetellers in Thailand, who are famous for their very accurate and good predictions. They can charge up to 10,000 baht an hour, but go as low as 100 baht for 15 minutes. Many people go to fortune-tellers or palm-readers, some for specific reasons, such as solutions to their problems, and some people go to fortunetellers or palm readers just out of curiosity. History and Origin Even though fortune-telling and palm-reading is a Hindu tradition, many people don’t think that it’s a Hindu tradition because of lack of awareness. 1

November 30, 2560 BE

Some people believe in fortune-tellers because they just want to know the answers to their problems. Many people didn’t know that fortune-telling and palmreading was a Hindu tradition. “Fortune-telling gives us a more spiritual understanding of Buddhism.” said one customer.

The two fortune-tellers we interviewed said things that contradicted the truths of fortunetelling. However, the fortune-tellers weren’t totally incorrect, as Thailand was originally an Animist country, and then became a Hindu country, and finally evolved into a Buddhist country. Both fortune-tellers said that most of their clients were Buddhist, but they didn’t believe that religion mattered when it came to fortunetelling. “People’s religions don’t matter, and people just want to get answers to their problems.” Khun Fah continued, “[Even though I’m not Hindu] I believe that if you do good deeds, your future will get better.” Beliefs Most Thai people believe in fortune-tellers and palm-readers, though they have many different reasons for believing so.

“People have been practicing fortune-telling and palm-reading for thousands of years.” “People believe the story of their life is written on their palms.” Khun Nam continued. “Once you’re born, everything is predetermined. Your personality, your family, your actions. Your fate lies on the surface of your skin, you just have to know how to read it.” “This profession can allow me to take care of my family and myself, in a sense.” Khun Fah continued. “I can see what will happen in the

future.” Khun Fah takes fortune-telling very seriously, as it is her job, and it can help her with everyday decisions. Why it’s Still Around Fortune-telling has existed for a very long time, though there are a few major reasons it remains popular. Lack of awareness and the history of Thailand are the two main reasons. From the people we interviewed, many people weren’t aware that fortune-telling is a Hindu tradition, and many called it a Buddhist tradition. It seems as though fortunetelling has become a part of Thailand, as the two fortunetellers we interviewed said they learnt about fortunetelling at a Buddhist temple. They also said that monks learnt similar things as them, but the monks focused more on astrology than palmreading and using tarot cards. The reason that fortune-telling is still very popular in a mainly Buddhist country is mainly because of the history of Thailand, as Thailand was a Hindu country before it was a Buddhist country.

One of the Fortune-tellers we interviewed


DECEMBER 6, 2017



Amani Kaiya “The art of the Thai Baht derives from the manner of the people,” explained Mr. Hudson, self-employed Manipulator of Monetary items in Thailand. “It is more than just a currency for the locals. It is a global currency.” Mr. Hudson explains the overall physical presence of “the art”, but not the parts that form it. I planned an investigation is to get an understanding of the complexities that formed the “art” Mr. Hudson explained. As we go through this investigation, the objective is to cover the complexities that the Thai Currency has, as well as the significance the complexities hold. To do

this we will need to recreate the “art” part by part. An essential tool when producing art is the paint pallet. Khun Nid, a ‘United Nations Treasurer’, and an expert on the Thai currency will play as our pallet. Upon seeing the Thai Baht, it may look like a typical currency with Buddhist influence — and that’s where most people go wrong. “The national emblem of Thailand is the Garuda, it is what is seen on government buildings, documents and even on the Thai currency,” said Khun Nid. The Garuda emblem is a national icon, and an example of a complexity within the Thai Currency. !1

DECEMBER 6, 2017


The Muse The painter’s muse is an essential part of their creative process. The muse is the inspiration. The Garuda, (commonly known to Thais as the Phra Khrut Pha,) acts as the muse of the Thai people. King Rama VI adopted the Garuda from Hinduism and re-designed the vehicle to conform more to the people of Thailand. It is important to know that Garuda is a vehicle and not a god, though it appears on the god’s banner. Garuda is very strong and comes from the South Asian religion of ‘Hinduism’. It is said to represent birth and heaven, and is the protector of snakes. Like a muse, the Phra Khrut Pha inspires and motivates. “Garuda inspires me to be a good person,” said Prayut Thaiwanee, Admin of the Ministry of Public Health. “We are taught to respect the Garuda at a young age.” The Kingdom of Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, meaning that it is governed by a king with restrictions to his power by the law. “The monarchy of Thailand gives us, the people of Thailand, hope and models [us] to be [good people],” explained Prayut Thaiwanee. “When Thai people see the Garuda, it reminds us of the power and hope that the monarchy gives us.” Like the muse of an artist, the Garuda inspires the vast population of the Thai people with their activities.

Other Main Places Garuda Can Be Found

Garuda Artwork on Royal Events

‘The student the teacher the man has studies Thailand.’ As confusing as the complexity may sound, it actually makes sense. Like the subtitle to this category, it may sound wrong, but intact does make sense. Buddhism came from Hinduism. Buddha was raised a Hindu prince. As a child, due to his family’s power, he was raised never to see the suffering of people. When Buddha became an adult, he saw someone suffer for the first time in his life. To figure out the reason of why people suffer, he meditated under a tree for 49 days. After his 49 days of meditation, Buddha received his name as “the enlightened one” because it was believed that he became enlightened. (Buddha means enlightened one). Khun Nid informed us that, “In Buddhism it is ok for a Buddhist to go and worship another religion,” hence why Buddhists accept the Garuda. “Buddhism is one of the few religions in which the worshipers are not restricted to one religion.”

Garuda on Passports

Things started to make more sense now?

One of Thailand’s main attraction is the Erawan Shrine, a Hindu shrine though Buddhists still go to the shrine to pay their respects to the gods. Thailand has many complexities amongst Hinduism and Animism, with the Thai currency (which holds the idol of Garuda,) an example of one of the complexities the two religions have. The subtitle means the man (Mr. Duffy’s friend) knows a teacher (Mr. Duffy) who has a student (me) that studies Thailand. Coming to Senses With it All

Garuda on Buildings

Thailand’s currency obtains roots from Hinduism. The Garuda, a Hindu transport and the national emblem of Thailand is used on the Thai Currency. Through the example of the Thai currency, we see the significance of hope and power that is brought and reminded to the Thai people, from the complexity of the Garuda.


A Religion in"a Blen der By David En f in ger

" Th ai Bu ddh ist am u let s ar e a beau t if u l t h in g an d h ave been h ar m on iou sly im plem en t ed in t o Th ai Bu ddh ism f r om An im ism .

Wh at if I t old you t h at you r r eligion h as been com bin ed w it h ot h er r eligion s f or h u n dr eds of year s, an d h as sh aped you r belief s so t h at you believe in som et h in g t h at is n ot even par t of you r r eligion . M ost of you ar e pr obably t h in k in g n o w ay, m y r eligion is exact ly t h e sam e as it w as 100 year s ago. Bu t is it ? I decided t o con du ct a f ew in t er view s t o see if som e of t h e Th ai Bu ddh ist Am u let s sh op ow n er s at Ch at u ch ak m ar k et w er e able t o r ealize ju st h ow m u ch ou t side in f lu en ce ot h er r eligion s h ave h ad on t h er e ow n . Kh u n Pow w h o is a Am u let sh op ow n er w it h in ch at u ch ak

m ar k et st r on gly believes t h at Am u let s h ave af f ect ed h is lif e f or t h e bet t er an d h as n o clu e t h at Am u let s w er e or igin ally par t of t h e An im ist r eligion . Wh en w e t old h im t h is h e said ?Per son ally I believe t h ey ar e bu ddh ist , bu t t h at sh ou ldn't ch an ge w h at ot h er people believe.? Th is sh ow s h ow w ell An im ist belief s h ave been im plem en t ed in t o Bu ddh ism .

Or igin of am u let s Ju st by w alk in g ar ou n d

dow n t ow n Ban gk ok you can f in d Th ai cit izen s w ear in g Am u let s, bu t w h y? Wh at is t h e pu r pose of am u let s an d h ow do t h ey af f ect you r

day t o day lif e. Well Am u let s can com e in m an y dif f er en t f or m s, an d pr ices can var y f r om 50 bah t t o 100,000 bah t n ow h ow cou ld som et h in g as sm all as an Am u let be w or t h 3030 dollar s w ell as Kh u n Pow pu t s it ?You can bu y am u let s or r eceive t h em , bu t on ce you get t h em it st ar t s t h er e u p t o you .? Am u let s m ain pu r pose in Th ai Bu ddh ism w as or igin ally a w ay f or t h e Bu ddh ist t em ples t o m ak e m on ey. ?Th e m on k s w ou ld bless t h e am u let s an d t h e people w ou ld bu y t h em .? says Wik ipedia sin ce t h en Am u let s h ave evolved f r om par t of t h e An im ist r eligion , t o a sou r ce of m on ey f or Bu ddh ist t em ples, an d

f in ally in t o a k ey par t of Th ai Bu ddh ism . Am u let s h ave som eh ow f ou n d a w ay t o deeply em bed t h em selves in t o t h e Th ai Bu ddh ist r eligion . Am u let s w er e or igin at ed in t h e An im ist r eligion w h ich is t h e r eligiou s belief t h at object s, places an d cr eat u r es all posses a dist in ct spir it u al essen ce. Th er e idea of Am u let s w as blen ded in t o t h e Th ai Bu ddh ist r eligion even t h ou gh t h e idea of Am u let s con t r adict t h e idea of Bu ddh a. How ever Th ailan d h as gr ow n an d h as becom e m oder n , As Kh u n M an g says ?Th ailan d is m oder n , People can ch oose t o u se Am u let s if t h ey w an t , an d t h ey can com e in all f or m s.?

" Th ailan d is m oder n , People can ch oose t o u se am u let s if t h ey w an t , an d t h ey can com e in all f or m s.? Wh at sh e m ean s w h en sh e says Th ailan d is m oder n is t h at Th ailan d h as t h e abilit y t o br eak f r ee f r om t h eir old t r adit ion s an d com e u p w it h n ew ideas an d specu lat ion s. Kh u n Pow con t in u ed t o say ?You cou ld u se a dor aem on doll t o h an g ar ou n d you r n eck t o w or sh ip if you f eel.? Th ailan d is n o lon ger a Tr adit ion al cou n t r y it becom in g m or e an d m or e m oder n t h r ou gh t h e f act t h at t h e people ar e open m in ded an d h ave t h e ch oice t o t ak e a dif f er en t pat h n ot ju st t h e on e laid ou t f or t h em by t h e an cest or s.

Con t r over sy

Alt h ou gh it r em ain s u n seen by m ost Th ai Bu ddh ist t h er e is a ver y big Con t r over sy beh in d t h e u se of Am u let s in Th ai Bu ddh ist cu lt u r e. In t h e Bu ddh ist r eligion t h e on ly w ay t o r each en ligh t en m en t is t o f r ee you r self f r om all desir e, an d t h e idea of Am u let s con t r adict s t h e m ain t each in g w it h in t h e Bu ddh ist r eligion . We ask ed Kh u n Pow w h at ar e som e of t h e m ain r eason s ar e f or som eon e t o bu y an Am u let h e said, ?m ost people bu y Am u let s f or r ich es, an d pr osper it y f or t h em , an d t h eir f am ily.? It 's ver y clear t h at t h e ideas beh in d t h e u se of Am u let s dir ect ly con t r adict s t h e m ain t each in g t au gh t by Bu ddh a h im self t o

r id you r self of desir e. If t h e r eason people bu y Am u let s is f or r ich es an d pr osper it y f or t h em an d t h eir f am ily t h en t h ey clear ly ar e eit h er n ot Bu ddh ist or do n ot see h ow clear ly Am u let s con t r adict s t h eir ow n r eligion .

A m ixed u p Religion Alt h ou gh Am u let s go again st som e of Bu ddh a's m ain t each in gs an d belief s t h ey w er e st ill able t o be h ar m on iou sly blen ded in t o t h e Th ai Bu ddh ist r eligion . Th is sh ow s h ow closely r elat ed an d alik e Som e of t h e Bu ddh ist an d An im ist belief s ar e. It also sh ow s h ow f lexible

Bu ddh ism can be, som e even go as f ar as t o call Bu ddh ism m or e of a lif est yle t h an a r eligion . Wh at do you t h in k can som et h in g f lexible en ou gh t o allow som et h in g su ch as Am u let s t o be accept ed as par t of t h eir belief even t h ou gh it doesn't f it in as par t of t h e Bu ddh ist r eligion be called a r eligion ? Well t h at 's a qu est ion is u p t o you , an d you r belief s.


ASTOUNDING AMULETS How Thai Theravada Buddhist amulets did not originate from Buddhism and have a more intricate origin than one might think By Jacob Varney Deep in the compact and crowded 35-acre Chatuchak Market, where hundreds of people visit every day, there are an endless amount of popular items, gifts and tourist attractions. These include that of the prosperous and fortunate Thai Buddhist amulet. Although most believe these to solely

the Buddhist amulets. He is very fond of a

bring good luck, there is more to the history of

story about a soldier who wore an amulet

these small charms than one might expect.

while fighting in The Vietnam War, saying that

Prasert Keowpakdee, a merchant

“when [the soldier] was shot during battle, the

who works in the Chatuchak market, is a

good luck of the amulet protected him.” This

retired captain of the Thai military who

is because of how the amulets can bring good

believes strongly in the fortunate abilities of

luck to those who decide to wear them.

Origin of the Amulets
 When buying amulets in the

“It is true. Hinduism has been

Chatuchak Market in downtown Bangkok, it is

around much longer than Buddhism, although

clear that they are Buddhist, as several of them

the teachings of Hinduism are what led to

feature Lord Buddha, although some feature

Buddhism,” said Chayond Chaiprasit, a

Hindu deities. Most Thai Theravada Buddhists

Buddhist monk. It is because of this that some

(as opposed to Mahayana Buddhism, the less

of these amulets have Hindu figures, such as

conservative of the two major traditions of

Ganesh and Shiva, even though they are

Buddhism) do not know how the amulets truly

commonly referred to as acts of Buddhism.

originated, nor how their religion emanated

Millions of Thai Buddhists wear amulets

from that of another. Buddhism came from

everyday because of their fortunate abilities,

Hinduism centuries ago and yet few Thai

even though a number of them feature gods

Buddhists and Thais in general, acknowledge

that the wearers do not necessarily believe in.

that as a part of history.


Purposes and Uses Buddhist amulets are very popular and are used very frequently. Whether the owner has two or two dozen, it is to no surprise how often a Thai Buddhist can be seen wearing amulets. However, there are various ways of wearing and using the amulets that should not occur. In Theravada Buddhism, amulets should

bought, sold and used. Many Thai Buddhists

be worn around the neck or at least above the

believe that the amulets have fortunate abilities

waist. It is also disrespectful to wear an amulet

and can bring good luck to those who wear

when the wearer is in an improper place (such

them. Prasert Keowpakdee owns dozens, if not

as a nightclub) or when the wearer is in a

hundreds of amulets. He describes their abilities


as “[staying] always. If you go anywhere, the There are several purposes of

Buddhist amulets and reasons why they are

Amulets’ Transition to Buddhism The original amulets from Hinduism, engraved with symbols of Ganesh, Shiva and other Hindu deities, were used for centuries before Buddhism. Hindus believed that these amulets would give them good luck and provide them with protection from evil and harm when needed. In present-day Thailand, millions of Buddhists use the same amulets with the same symbols of Hindu gods, without knowing exactly how artifacts of Hinduism led to the modern beliefs of Buddhism. Prasert Keowpakdee says the amulets were used in Hinduism for “12 or 15 hundred years” before Buddhism. He also explains how

bus or on the train, when there is an accident, the amulets can send the power to help you.”

the use of the amulets adapted from Hinduism to Buddhism. He says that “the amulets [that are] under the earth, we call the antique … Then, [a Buddhist monk] prays [and] he put a spell with words in the material. When [the monk] has finished, [he] became powerful.” Although amulets were not originally a part of Buddhism, Buddhist monks used them for their abilities of good fortune, in spite of the fact that they feature Hindu deities and figures. After this act of using the amulets, regardless of having a different religion, grew in popularity, Buddhists centuries and generations later use the amulets everyday without knowing how they originated or where they came from. “[The amulets] come from generation to generation,” says Prasert Keowpakdee, describing how the amulets are used and passed down through families, continuing the tradition of using these powerful and fortunate tools. 2

Marazal Islam

December 1, 2017

THE DESTROYER’S PROTECTION Have you ever wondered about about the cultural complexity in Thailand and yet it still remains harmonious? Did you know about ISB’s contribution on the topic?

Sitting at their desks, the students anticipate

their face. Waiting until all the students have entered and

the second hand passing the bold fonts, announcing the

the hand wave of departure, the drivers pray for the safety

dismissal of the school day. Just as when the students rush

of the individuals riding.

out of their classes and ahead of finishing their chores for

Khun Nong, a Thai instructional assistant in

the day, the bus drivers line along the sidewalks; engulfing

the High School English Department for twenty years,

the exit in a market of anxious, tired and sweaty students.

stated that “When ISB moved to this place, they had to

The attendendance hurry their feets into the

build the statue as a homage to the place .”

buses, ready to greet the rider with a pleasant smile on

Lorum Ipsum Dolor


Marazal Islam

December 1, 2017

COMPLEX YET HARMONIOUS Imagine sitting at a cafe, you came across while your road trip. Reading through the menu a couple of times, you decide to order a strawberry milkshake. When the drink arrives, the taste leaves your taste buds in clouds of confusion. The title of the beverage hints that it is a strawberry milkshake but you can also taste bananas and


blueberries. Looking around as people enjoy their “strawberry” milkshake, you notice the taste is completely

Shiva is one of the God from ‘The

normal to them. Surprisingly when you question the drink,

Holy Trinity’. According to a BBC

everyone disagrees- saying its the correct one.

article “Shiva's role is to destroy the universe in order to re-create it,” the article continues “Shiva is therefore seen as the source of both good and evil”

Thailand is home one of the most exotic destinations and food; rich in culture and a buzzing tourism business. Alongside all of these, Thailand is also home to many Buddhist followers. Pictures and statues of an enlightened Buddha is found in every streets on the country. However, Buddha is not the only God Thais wai to. Shrines dedicated to Hindu Gods and Animist practice scatter across the nation. Many of these landmarks, are highly renowned among the native and foreign population. The enchanting beauty of these locations leave every visitors awestruck. As a result of the hypothesizing details, very few question why is a Hindu God or Animist Spirit house popular in a Buddhist country and visited by both, natives and tourists.


nature and depends

originated from the

on it” - Khan Prasert

Lorum Ipsum Dolor


Marazal Islam

December 1, 2017 complexity. We went around school interviewing Thai natives, asking them what Buddhism meant to them. Khun Prasert , an employee at the Transportation Office, recognized Buddhism ”[to be


dependent] on the nature and from the nature,” he continues, “Every religion is kind of following the footsteps

To seek answers to our question, we adopted a guiding

of Buddhism.” Buddhism is inclusive because the present

question guiding question along the borders of the ISB

religion has embraced the past ideas, including Animism

ground that would lead us to the answers of the

and Hinduism. The religion allows people to believe in imperative Gods and ideas from other religion.









Marazal Islam

December 1, 2017

 edges of the platform holding the statue up. Shiva is the


known as the ‘God of Destruction’, to ensure that children

After a numbers of interviews and analysis, we concluded our question with a simple answer. As people inside the grounds are always engrossed in their work; people near

leaving from the school and reaching their designated destinations safely; people offer to The Shiva hoping that He accepted and is pleased with the offerings.

the Transportation office find time to maintain the Shrine in hope for Shiva’s protection. Traditional marigold


adorn the statue. Food to please Him crowd along the

Lorum Ipsum Dolor


ERAWAN UNSOLVED BY NEST DURONGKAVIBUL The beauty behind this shrine is unbelievable, it?s familiarity grows every year as more tourists visit. Away from the busy streets and cars honking in downtown Bangkok, Erawan shrine, a famous landmark in Thailand is known for being a popular holy place in Bangkok, Thailand. Sure, you don?t know the actual meaning behind this Shrine. Although, hidden in the midst of Thai culture, believers strongly pray consistently to this god; ranging from praying with candles to placing beautiful yellow flowers (specifically Chendumalli/Marigold) nearby to show respect, Thailand has it all. ?Buddhism is not a strict religion? Khun Nan, states as she continues to give us further information on the shrine. Many Shrines surround Bangkok to symbolise peace. The shrines make these wonderful Thai people feel safe and secure about their surroundings as well as their life. But do you really know the significance of the Erawan Shrine specifically?

?It is because of the history as well and also lack of awareness, because when you see a lot of people pay respect to the Erawan Shrine, you think Oh Yea I might as well go and pray respect to the erawan shrine.?

- Khun Nan

CULTURALCOMPLEXITY ?We see a lot of things in our literature that come from other religions such as Ramayana (Hindu).? Khun Nan, a well-known companion in the High School states. Cultural complexity surrounds this Buddhist society. Although this religion may not be as strict as others, it is also very welcoming to other religions that is why the cultural complexity continues with the similar origins that these two religions have to offer. Erawan is just one of the many examples of cultural complexity out there in Thailand. The complexity between Buddhism and Hinduism is ongoing. Paying respect to this shrine regardless of religion shows the fate each person believes in.

PERSPECTIVEOFABUDDHIST Kh u n Nan , an IA at t h e In t er n at ion al Sch ool of Ban gk ok w as in t er view ed an d said t h e f ollow in g abou t t h e sign if ican ce of Er aw an Sh r in e, ? I gr ew u p lear n in g abou t sever al Hin du gods. Th ese sh r in es h ave been in Th ailan d f or so lon g; people ar e u sed t o it ,? sh e con t in u es, ?It ?s on e par t of ou r lif e alr eady.? sh e explain s h er belief s an d h ow sh e gr ew u p w it h believin g t h at pr ayin g t o Bu ddh ist gods an d Hin du gods w ill possibly h elp h er in t h e f u t u r e.On e of t h e r eason s w h y t h is god (Br ah m a) is ver y com m on ly pr ayed t o is becau se Br ah m an m ean s t h e con cept of t h e t r an scen den t u lt im at e r ealit y, Su pr em e Cosm ic Spir it in Hin du ism .

going to Erawan Shrine to pray is a unique and an interesting experience whether you are used to this or not. It is definitely worth experiencing even if you are not religious in this specific area.


Com m on n ot on ly in Th ailan d bu t also in In dia, w h er e t h e sh r in es f ir st or igin at ed sin ce it is a Hin du god. Th e Er aw an w as br ou gh t in t o Th ailan d t o sym bolise car e, peace an d saf et y. Th e pu r pose is n ot on ly t o pr ay bu t t o r espect an d of f er t h e god som et h in g back . An t h on y Sh er idan , a Wor ld St u dies t each er at t h e In t er n at ion al Sch ool of Ban gk ok (HS), gave h is st u den t s in h is class an exam ple of h is f r ien d w h o w an t ed t o get in a good college an d ask ed Br ah m an (Hin du god at t h e Er aw an Sh r in e), if h e cou ld m ak e h er w ish com e t r u e? ?Sh e h ad t o of f er som et h in g back so sh e declar ed t o t h e god in h er pr ayer s t h at sh e w ou ld com e t o t h e sh r in e an d dan ce ar ou n d as a w ay of r espect .? t h is w as t o sh ow com m it m en t , sh e even t u ally got in t o t h e college sh e h ad dr eam t of an d t h an k ed t h e Sh r in e believin g t h at it w as becau se of t h is case h er dr eam s cam e t r u e. Alt h ou gh , som e m igh t n ot r eligiou sly believe in Hin du gods or ot h er gods in gen er al; m ost Bu ddh ist s gr ew u p w it h t h e k n ow ledge of pr ayin g t o r espect t h ese gods h opin g t h ey w ou ld pr ot ect an d lead u s in t h e r igh t dir ect ion t o su ccess. M an y t ou r ist s don?t u n der st an d t h e sign if ican ce or t h e pu r pose of w h y Er aw an sh r in e st an ds h er e t oday.

Th ey see t h e beau t y of t h e f am ou s lan dm ar k , bu t m ost lack aw ar en ess in t h is r egion . People sh ou ld be edu cat ed in t h is ar ea f or f u t u r e pu r poses, t o r espect an d exper ien ce t h is lif est yle of f eelin g pr ot ect ed an d h appy look in g f or w ar d f or a bet t er f u t u r e.

THE IM PORTANCE OF RESPECT Wh et h er you k n ow in f or m at ion abou t t h is sh r in e or n ot . It is alw ays im por t an t t o pay r espect especially in Bu ddh ist t er r it or y. Th e w ell-k n ow n f act abou t t h e im por t an ce of payin g r espect in Th ailan d r an gin g f r om w ear in g appr opr iat e clot h in g t o t em ples t o n ot pu t t in g you r f eet u p on t ables sh ow t h e st r ict n ess t h is Bu ddh ist cou n t r y h as expect ed. Payin g r espect by bow in g w it h you h an ds placed t oget h er an d h eld at you r ch est also k n ow n as w aiin g (Th ai w ay of gr eet in g/ r espect in g each ot h er or elder s). Th e u plif t in g pr esen ce af t er t h e pr ayin g gives people t h e f act t h at t h ey w ill m ost lik ely be saf e an d pr ot ect ed becau se t h ey h ave don e good t h in gs in t h e past an d is h opin g t h at t h e good deeds t h ey h ave don e w ill pay of f in t h e f u t u r e.

Wit h f u r t h er k n ow ledge w it h t h is specif ic t opic, t h e im por t an ce of r espect in g sh r in es specif ically in t h is case, Er aw an Sh r in e sh ow s h ow m u ch Bu ddh ist s an d ot h er r eligion s pay r espect in h ope of a f avor in r et u r n . Th e pow er f u l f ait h beh in d t h is sh r in e m ay be a lot st r on ger t h an you t h in k . People w ill go dist an ces f or an y pr ayer or dr eam t o com e t r u e becau se t h e saf et y an d h ope t h ese sh r in es br in g t o u s is u n m easu r able.

BEAUTY OR LUCKY byVaibhavRaj pal Spir it h ou ses h ave a m ean in g t o t h em an d ar en?t cr eat ed ju st f or beau t y bu t f or t h e w ellbein g of t h e Th ai people w or sh i ppin g it .

What do you think about Spirit houses? Are they just some random structures to make streets look beautiful? Well no, these are significant animist structures for Thai people. A spirit house for Thais is the protective place for a spirit. Thai people worship them quite occasionally for their wellbeing. Meet Khun Aeyaya Chorot, an MBA student from Bangkok University, living in Ratchaburi. Quite

occasionally he has been worshipping the spirit house and says, ?After worshipping I feel happy and safe when I am driving and working.? He continues that, ?Praying to the spirit house will give me good luck.?

Origins and Purpose

Animism. In Animism the belief is that all living/existing things have a spiritual essence. This animist structure can be traced back from Buddhism and even Hinduism existed. This structure was created to dedicate to the spirit who once lived inside the dead object and needs an abode.

This structure is standard all around the Southeast Asian countries. Spirit houses aren?t part of Buddhism but part of

Spirit houses are where the spirits are offered food and shelter to live. ?These spirit houses aren?t only for us to be happy

and have good luck but instead for respecting the previous landowners,? said Mr, Aeyaya Chorot. When this respect is given, the spirits are enforced to provide these reverent Thais good fortune.

LOCATION People in Thailand can afford different amounts of money. Such as people in rural areas can't afford too much to spend but people in city areas can afford to pay a lot. Especially the country of Thailand in the sense3of Spirit House.

Spirit houses can be created of different material such as wood, or gold. In the countryside, there are usually more wooden spirit dwellings near farms and other agriculture whereas, in the urban areas there are more modern and trendy designs. There are four kinds of spirit houses in Thailand. There is the San Jao Tii, San Pra Phoom, San Phra Brahm, and San Piyanda. Khun Jong, a street vendor in Bangkok's Chinatown, has the spirit house called, "San Jao Tii." She says that "I have a small version always with me on my stall for my good luck and this is the only one I can afford." Due to her lack of money, the good, big and expensive spirit houses can't be purchased by her. This scares her and makes her think that ?If I had a bigger spirit house, I would get better luck,? but unfortunately she couldn?t get it.

Almost every Thai knows what the daily offerings are. But the rituals are more complicated to install one of these complex structure. You might think these are just something you can build,

but in fact, it is a time taking process. A Brahmin priest can only conduct These rituals. Only a Brahmin priest is allowed because it is said that they can invoke the guardians of the land or also known as getting the spirits into the statue. Using the land owner ?s budget and astrology, the priest chooses the location, color, and height of the spirit house.

OFFERINGS AND INSTALLATION Thai people are earnest when the talk is about spirit houses because they want to have a better future. Khun Aeyaya Chorot, the MBA student from Bangkok University, offers many different foods to spirit houses. He says that ?I give soda, flowers, food and sometimes alcohol whenever I go.? He added, ?These foods please the spirits, and that pleases us.? Installing these spirit houses is a difficult job. Khun Churn, a business worker in Bangkok, says that ?It took 3 hours for the priest to choose the details of the spirit house and I stayed there the whole time.? She also said, ?If I didn?t make the priest install this spirit house, I would get bad luck and probably would die because the spirits wouldn?t be happy.? Showing the seriousness

of Thai people when it comes to spirit houses.


HOWTO W ORSHIP Well to all Thai people this is pretty simple but to the outside world it doesn?t seem so simple. Worshipping at a spirit house is not impossible to do. It is a simple process. Khun Aeyaya Chorot explains that, ?First you bring your tray of food and place it in front of the spirits and take off your shoes.? He later explains, ?we take off our shoes because we respect the spirits sitting inside.? He adds on, ?if there is any problem in taking off shoes then you can also stand and pray from some distance but give I always take off my shoes because I don?t want bad luck.? Then when you have prayed and asked for good luck in your life you ?wai?and walk away from there. This simple process brings ?good luck?in Thai people?s life.

" actually if read above if for the ?wellbeing?and ?good luck?of the Thai citizens. In Thailand, many people have walked by and thought that why these exist, and people in Thailand want them to know that these are always in their heart. As said by Khun Aeyaya Chorot, ?they are now things in our heart, and it is our job to respect our previous landowners, and I want people to know these are not for art.? He added, ?I am happy to have this part of Thai culture even though it is not part of Buddhism.?

IM PORTANCE OF SPIRIT HOUSES IN THAI CULTURE Thailand is full of these "Th ese spir it h ou ses animist structures, but ar en?t on ly f or u s t o be their meaning is way different. These beautiful h appy an d h ave good constructions have a lu ck bu t in st ead f or definite sense behind r espect in g t h e them to Thai people. pr eviou s lan dow n er s,? These developments

A M ULETS,THE OUTLI ER OF BUDDHI SM by Jaden Cilliers Th ai am u let s h ave a com plex back gr ou n d of An im ism an d st ill t h ey con t in u e t o be pr eser ved in Bu ddh ist r eligion an d Th ai societ y. Buddhism is one of the longest reigning religions out of all. But with its wide spread belief the religion has picked up quite a few inconsistencies along the way. Amulets can be seen being worn by many people in the streets of bangkok with some wearing multiple. But do these people know that the idol they wear around their neck, the idol which they have believed brings them good fortune is so strongly is actually on animism origin? What if it was sourced in an entire different religion entirely?

Amulet seen in Chatachuck market bangkok, Thailand.

something. But how did animism get into Buddhism?

religions.? (roughly translated)

the idea of animism was

This gave us a reason to

recorded by the

understand why animism was

Anthropologist Sir Edward

accepted as part of Buddhism.

Tylorin his 1871 book Primitive Although perhaps not as fluid as

Meet Khun Prasit, a store owner ranked in the top 30 stores in the 100,000 stores located in ChatuchUck. When you walk into

some forms of Hinduism

as "the general doctrine of

perhaps. Buddhism allows for

souls and other spiritual

many different perceptions of

beings." According to Tylor,

the guidelines which would give

animism often includes "an

strong reasoning for why

idea of pervading life and will

animistic procedures and items

in nature." Animism has been

were able to fit in so well with

seen in many corners of the


world with many different


types of people. One of those

her store you can see many expensive Buddhist items and a few licenses for selling expensive

being South East Asia THE BUDDHIST M INDSET

Khun Prasit was a very well postured lady and had a very

explaining her store she said,

well designed shop. She had The fact that animism was able licenses for selling mammoth to merge into Buddhism so tusk. Khun Prasit being the

?When people come into my store

perfectly was because

owner and seller of many

they are looking for many things.?

Buddhism isn't as strict of a

amulets knew a lot about their

She truly did have many things in that store. But what we were most

religion as other religions seen history that is so commonly in the modern world. In fact misunderstood. She kept

focused on was her amulets. She

many don't even see it as a

had a very beautiful amulet strung

mindset at all. A nearby

Š Ph ot ogr aph er Nam e

items like mammoth tusk. When

referencing many of the facts I

colors raging through it. She has an

learned in my research about Buddhist item seller with a very animism. When we brought up large nose ring commented the idea of amulets being of a

entire wall on the back of the store

that ?Buddhism is very

different culture she spoke for a

dedicated to amulets.

forgiving compared to other

very long time talking about how

up on her neck with silver and gold

HISTORY OF AM ULETS The reason why amulets stand out so much from Buddhism is because they go against some basic Buddhist beliefs such as ownership and the idea of wanting

?You cou ld get a dor aem on (car t oon ch ar act er ) doll an d h an g it ar ou n d you r n eck t o w or sh ip if you f eel.?

?Thailand is modern and it has had a long history of different cultures.? Khun Prasit was obviously accepting of the fact that amulets were of different origin than Buddhism.

Š Ph ot ogr aph er Nam e

Kh u n Pr asit in h er st or e. (r igh t )

Culture,in which he defined it


there know that the shrine is Hindu.”

The ERAWAN SHRINE The Hindu shrine was manufactured in 1956 for the Grand Hyatt Erawan. The creation of the Erawan Shrine was to eliminate the bad Karma that has been present during the time of the construction of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Multiple events occurred that negatively impacted the Erawan There are many cultural complexities that take place in Thailand due to the blending of cultures, religion and tradition and the unawareness of these differences amongst them.


he Erawan Shrine,

workers getting injured, foundations of the hotel were placed on a delayed schedule and even the loss of tons of imported marble

shrine continues to

standing close by

attract foreigners and

the Grand Hyatt

Thai people even though

Erawan Hotel, is a

Thailand is a heavily

place where many people, Buddhist country. Thai or foreigners, pray for

Hotel’s construction such as the construction

Khun Tad, a Thai

good health and good luck local that knows plenty for themselves and their

about the Erawan Shrine

families. But have you

and the process of

ever stopped and

worshipping the shrine,

pondered about the

has some thoughts to

history of the Erawan

share. He questions as

Shrine and why it was

to whether many of the

built? The famous shrine

Thai people that come to

is actually of Hindu origin

pray here are actually

and is a shrine for a Hindu aware that the Erawan god Brahma, the god of

Shrine is Hindu and not

creation which was made

Buddhist. He states, “I’m

to eliminate bad Karma.

not sure if the Thai

Yet the

people that actually go

planned to be used for the hotel. PRAYING AT THE SHRINE Many people, whether they are tourists or Thai people, come to the Erawan Shrine everyday to pray and worship Phra Phrom (what the Thais call Brahma, the god of creation). There are many things to pray for at the Erawan Shrine from wisdom to relationships. One can pray to either of the 4 faces of Brahma. The front resembles business and wealth, the left face resembles wisdom, the right face, relationships and personal things and the back resembles health. A local by the name of Khun Chati states, “I have been to the shrine many times now. I often see many tourists that visit the shrine rather than other Thai 1

people who come here to pray.” “Thai people that

Werawat, a common visitor

people simply do not know

at the Erawan Shrine.

the facts behind the shrine. How they don’t know that

come here commonly pray to Phra From for good luck and good health for themselves and their families. Sometimes they also make wishes and pray for their dreams to come true,” explains Khun

“ In my case, I donated [the elephant statue] because my wishes for having a baby has come true.”

- Khun Nattawut

the Erawan Shrine is actually Hindu.” Another student by the name of Lyan Millana adds, “Another reason why this complexity continues to exist is because people believe that

Nattawut, a donator of a

Buddhism and Hinduism are

golden elephant statue for the Erawan shrine stated.

similar due to the origins of

“And if their wishes do

both religions.”

come true, then he or she ONE OF MANY

should come back to the shrine and give thanks by

The cultural

offering different things. In

complexity of the Erawan

my case, I donated [the

Shrine is only one of the

elephant statue] because


many other cultural

has come true.”


complexities in Thailand.


cultural complexity regarding

be used as an example of its

the Erawan Shrine and

importance to the people of

Buddhism in Thailand

Thailand regardless of its

because of the


my wishes for having a baby

Brahma, the Hindu god of creation is depicted to most of the Thai people as Phra Phrom or Than Tao Mahaprom. Brahma is part of the Trimurti consisting of Shiva, Vishnu and himself though is the one least worshipped out of the three. “To be honest, I don’t really care about the history of Phra Phrom and whether he is Hindu or Buddhist. I mainly just come here to pray that everything goes well in my life and with my family,” explained Khun

There is actually a

contradictions between the

But, the Erawan Shrine can

“I hope that many

two religions. Many Thai

people of Thailand

people continue to visit and

understand that there are

worship the shrine despite

many cultural complexities

its Hindu origin and Thailand

here. How a lot of Thai

being a heavily Buddhist

people don’t take the time to

country with 97% of its

understand or learn the

population being Buddhist.

origin or story of something

Gal Ronen, a student

or are just generally

of International School

unaware of these things as

Bangkok studying cultural

they were accustomed to

complexities in Bangkok

identify this as normal,”

reported, “A lot of the Thai

Khun Tad claimed. 2

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