INSIDE March 2013
The members of the Youth magazine
TIME MANAGEMENT Self-‐Control 3-‐4 Time Management for Teenagers 5 “You may delay, but time will not” 6-‐7
SUICIDE Murderous Bullies 19-‐20 Suicide Caused by Bullying 21 Suicide on the Screen: 22-‐23 Dead Poets Society Don’t Leave Your 24-‐25
Military Trainings & Teenagers 26 Shave For a Change 27 ROTC or Military: Which Program would Shut that Computer 14-‐15 You C hoose 28-‐29 Preparing for War Are You the Trigger 16-‐17 Training for a Better Life 30-‐31 Bullying: The Legal Crime 18
Bully Street 8 No Longer Just on the Playground 9-‐10 Your Computer Insult You 11-‐12
Self-Control: Do You Have It?
Procrastination is a big problem in today’s world. Teens do not manage their time wisely, and it is impacting their daily lives and their sleep.
Every day after school, teens return home and are expected to do their homework. However, recent studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the amount of free time teens spend on academics is approximately 1.5 hours per night and the amount of time they spend watching TV or socializing on Facebook averages 3.8 hours per day. This research indicates that teens do not know how to spend their time wisely, and tend to put things off until the last minute.
The Issue
According to a study administered by Common Sense Media, roughly 90% of teens have used a social networking site, and 51% of teens visit those sites daily. This research is very eye opening, because it shows that the majority of teens spend their time online, instead of doing something productive such as homework or studying.
Before social networking sites became popular, there was a lot more human
interaction. Teens would meet up after school to do homework or to hang out with each other, instead of spending their time on the Internet. Also, teens
had more responsibilities. When they returned from school they would have chores to do, instead of 8 hours of unscheduled time before bed. A study conducted by states that teens with more free time are less likely to do something academically productive.
Teens and Procrastination As a result of the extended amount of time Social Networking, teens are procrastinating more than ever. Picture this scenario: An average teenager wakes up at 6:00am and has to go to bed “After School I go at 10:00 pm. He goes to on Facebook and school at watch YouTube 7:30am and videos because I gets out at am tired and about can’t focus on my 2:00pm. work.” -‐ISB Student From 2:00pm to 10:00pm, the teen has unscheduled time. They spend the first hour or two “relaxing” a.k.a. watching TV and playing videogames. They may also spend an hour or two with their friends. After dinner is eaten and all their activities have taken place, it is about 9:00 when the teen starts their homework. They use their unscheduled time for unproductive work, and now they work through their sleep time to complete their required homework.
Teens that procrastinate suffer a variety of consequences from staying up late, such as losing sleep and poor grades. By procrastinating, they force themselves to stay up past a healthy bedtime, resulting in teens sleeping at school, lacking focus on their schoolwork. According to a survey of the ISB High School, 35% of teens go on Facebook before they work on their homework. The remaining 65% of survey responden ts spend time doing A young teenage boy other spends his time surfing activities, the Internet after school. such as browsing the Internet and watching videos prior to starting homework. Only 10% of teens start their homework by 3:00. If the students at ISB are an accurate representation, teens spend countless hours online before doing homework.
Steps to Success
A few simple changes can help teens improve time management skills. First, teens need to figure out a way to plan their time. If they know they have 8 hours of unscheduled time in a day, plan to do homework first, and then do other activities when finished. Another method is to plan out the afternoon with time set aside for homework and other activities so there are breaks in the day. That way, there is less stress and the teen can take as long as they would like on homework. A third option is to figure out a way to block access to social networking sites.
These sites are good for keeping up with friends and chatting, but they are a big distraction during homework time. A good Self-‐Control Program program to use is called “Self-‐Control.” This program can be set to block access to certain web pages for a set period of time, taking away this temptation of procrastination. Some students already have this self-‐ control figured out. In a recent survey at the International School Bangkok, teens were asked about their time management skills. When asked about major projects that take weeks to complete, one student replied, “When I have a big project due I like to set myself ‘due dates’ to have parts of the project [completed]. I will then divide up the parts of the project over the course of the time I have to do it and then give myself a final day to look it over and make changes.” This is a good example of proper time management. This student sets goals for the future, and makes sure he has completed his goals in order to get his project done in a timely manner. Procrastination is a big factor in most teens’ life. Teens have not learned how to manage their time wisely, and therefore suffer a variety of consequences. Teens need to learn how to complete their required work by scheduling their time wisely, allowing time for social networking, or hanging out with friends. By: Aydin Yolar
-‐Jack Kim -‐March 24th, 2013
“You may delay, but time will not.” -‐Benjamin Franklin How To Manage Your Time Well
Procrastination is affecting 20% of the population, and it is increasing
A high school student named Aydin Yolar recently has been having problems in his high school life. He has lots of activities and sports going on after school, but he is also literally loaded with homework. Aydin has trouble with managing his time properly, and he ends up staying up very late every night, which makes him fall asleep at school. He really wants to learn how he can manage his time well and how to be productive. Aydin asked a student named Jack Kim from the International School Bangkok, an experienced student who knows how to solve problems. Table of Contents You Will Need 1. You will need 1. Self-‐Discipline 2. Advice from Jack 2. Parents open to help 3. Steps on creating stronger self discipline in you 3. Desire to manage the time well 4. Steps on how to manage your time well 5. Additional Tips and Advice Advice from Jack “People view “Prioritizing” in different ways. Everyone prioritizes, but only some are successful by doing so. Differences between people who succeed and people who fail is managing your time wisely. If you manage wisely, you know how much time to spend on your homework each day, and how much room for social networking and outside activities you have.” Steps on creating stronger self discipline in you 1. Keep telling yourself the priorities. 2. In order to not procrastinate, you must have stronger self-‐discipline so you can prioritize and get things done.
3. If you can’t stop procrastinating by yourself, ask help from parents who are in the best position to help you out. 4. Let them sit at the desk with you by your side, and instructing you on what to do. 5. Get in a habit of prioritizing and getting things done. (Procrastination mostly comes from your habit of leaving priorities aside to do something else for your own pleasure) 6. As you get in a habit of prioritizing, slowly, start fitting in activities and your free time and start controlling and adjusting. 7. When your parents helped you not to procrastinate, you now should have an idea of your priority, and what you should get done before starting anything else. 8. As you reduce the amount of time of procrastination, you should be able to get things faster, and get some more sleep so that you can concentrate better at school!
Time does not wait for you! Steps on how to manage your time well 1. Create a table, About 8 columns, and 5 rows. 2. Fill in the 7 rows with Monday-‐>Sunday 3. In the 5 columns fill them with your daily tasks, such as sports, and homework. 4. After filling the table in, use the table you made effectively, use it as a reminder. 5. Avoid procrastination (most of people can’t manage the time very well because they procrastinate a lot instead of working). 6. Be productive at least for the time you scheduled for yourself to study or work. 7. Lastly, use the free time you have effectively, plan for tomorrow, and do not wait until the last minute to get things done.
Additional Tips and Advice -‐ If you use a computer to do you work, download the app called ‘Self-‐Control,’ so that you can block the sites you Self-Control App procrastinate on frequently to be more productive during the hours you work! -‐ Ask your parents for help; allow them watch you, and help you stay on task. -‐ Never, Ever, think like this “Yeah, I will do this tomorrow,” “Yeah, I will stop procrastinating tomorrow,” Never delay anything! -‐ Think of the feeling you would get after the meeting your goal!
No Longer Just on the Playground MARCH 20, 2013 By: Nikki Glucksman
Cyber bullying is a form of harm transferred by hurtful comments or videos. It is all done through the media of email, text messages and online social networking sites. It is when an individual or a group targets someone and makes him or her feel insecure and hurt by words, images and videos. Because younger generations are more involved in the media, the amount of cyber bullying between the ages of twelve to nineteen is a lot higher for students than adults. A cause or concern for the future is how media has now started to be absorbed at younger ages, thus likely to lead to younger and far more severe cyber bullying.
Parents There are many simple solutions to change two out of nine to a zero out of nine. Typically, parents act as novices in these situations. Nowadays bullying is considered mainstream in youth始s everyday life. In one year, forty-three percent of the teen population has been bullied. There are many different types of cyber bullying; there is also varied impact on the victims. Fifteen of a hundred parents are aware of their kids being bullied online and only seven
percent of those parents are actually
In some ways, bullying over a computer can be viewed
concerned about
as worse than being bullied in person. Typically what
their kid始s well-
bullies write over cyberspace are things that they would
being. In 2011,
never be able to say in person. Their tone can be
one million kids
interpreted differently than they intended and bullies
were cyber
would tend to increase the amount of foul language in
bullied; only a
their writing. Around twenty-five percent of cyber
hundred thousand
bullying is not a one time thing; bullied victims
reported it to their
repeatedly receive rude and offensive emails,
parents; and sixty
messages and images with the goal of trying to make
thousand parents
What cyber bullying can lead to (suicidal thoughts, cutting, depression).
them feel depressed. Two out of nine cyber bullied
knew about their kids
victims are more likely to commit suicide. This is
bullying but remain indifferent about the
because what was conveyed was so hurtful and
offensive that victims think that it will stay like this forever.
Justin Bieber; a
Solutions for Parents
At the ages of twelve to nineteen parents tend to
give their child too much space than they actually
Nineteen-year-old Justin
need. Because only ten percent of bullied
Bieber is an example of a
victims actually report it to their parents, this
cyber bullied victim. His
leaves ninety percent, which is too big of a
music video ʻBabyʼ has
number, that remain silent.
over three million dislikes Justin Beiber getting swarmed by the paparazzi after getting kick out of a club on his nineteenth birthday.
with rude and hurtful
When you think about what a parentʼs role should
comments spamming his
be in their childʼs life, you would think that they
videos. Bullies often refer
should have protected their child enough so that
him as ʻJustin Gayberʼ while they talk about his sexuality
the cyber bullying would have been avoided
and comment about how his songs are terrible. In March
altogether. But truthfully, there is no one way
2013, Justin Bieber was continuously bullied on his tour
street to avoid this online abuse. Kids are
in London. When he was late for one of his concerts, he
constantly on their smart-phones and computers,
was booed off the stage. Later on that week, also in
spreading rumors and hurtful comments; the
London, Justin Bieber collapsed on stage and was
most a parent can do after their child has been
rushed to the hospital. Celebrating his nineteenth, he
cyber bullied, is to help them through it. Parents
returned to his hotel after going out to a club; coming
need to be supportive. Emotional pain is very
towards his hotel, Justin Bieber was attacked by the UK
real and your child has been cyber bullied, the
paparazzi. They began to scream at him ʻdoucheʼ
chances are that they are very hurt even though
because he was walking around shirtless, advertising his
they might not show it.
tattoos and sagging his jeans low. Later that night, Justin Bieber tweeted ʻWorst Birthdayʼ.
The worst a parent can do is stay silent about the problem. If you are a parent, who has a cyber
Whoʼs the Bully?
bullied child – consult a school counselor. You donʼt have to go straight to the principle but you
Females are twice more likely to be the victims and the bully than boys. I think that reasons for this is because the female gender prefers to verbally bully others, unlike boys, whom usually like to take things out with violence.
need someone to talk to the bully and tell them that itʼs not okay. If your child is not ready to come forward with the bullying, talk to a guidance counselor or therapist.
Question and Answer
Your computer orders you to die
Listen their help! Nowadays, most of teenagers are dependent on Internet even little kids. Internet becomes necessary for them. However, many different kinds of problems of cyber are increasing such as cyber-bullying. Riho Nagaoka, I am grade 9 students; have been studying cyber-bullying because of my friend who got cyber-bullying. I met girl named Claire. She has friend who gets cyber-bullying. Now she asked me a couple of questions. cannot really realize who home, refusal to go to Q (Claire): I found writes; therefore, they are school or act of violence. slanders of my friend suspicious of even friends. They can hardly admit named Allison. Lately I For example Allison’s being bullied. can tell she is stiffed friends bespeak to her anytime when she is Q (C): Could you tell me friendly, but she might looking at SNS. I am how might Allison feel? sometimes thinks they write really worried about her. gossips of her.“ How will cyber-bullying A (I and Marina’s affect Allison? interview): They cyber-bullying cases A (I): Thank you for the also stress and affects health. serious question for your They might be poor and friend. I study cyberlater sleeping. They intend bullying, an uneasy to solve. to spend a lot of time It might impacts on victims looking for their gossips. like Allison. This is because they want to make sure there are no According to my study, the slanders of them online. effect of being seen mostly Consequently, they have is undetermined confidence anxiety all the time. and self-esteem. Victim’s Taken by Riho Nagaoka behavior become modestly. On the other hand, it is They comes to be afraid of Marina, she is my friend possible for victims to take anything especially who attempted suicide to misconduct such as communication directly. due to cyber-bullying four running away from their On cyber-bullying, they
years ago. I interview her about cyber-bullying. I think Allison feels almost same as Marina, so please regard her interview as Allison’s feeling, and listen this. “I did not tell you that I got cyber-bullying because I did not want to be weak person. I overcame my problem by myself.” said Marina.
Like Mary, many teenagers cannot consult this kind of problem. They accumulate their stress for themselves. Many of them could not take it easy; destroy themselves. “My parents liked listening my school life. However, I did not have any curious story. My friends except you bespeak to me during daytime in school, but they slandered about me online.”
“I really wanted not to be with them; however, I could not leave because I thought they might notice I avoided them and my slander became worse. I could not tell about it even my teacher. I was afraid of everything”
“At house, I was worried
about online. I felt so bad even before looking some gossips, but I went to my computer and sited in front of it automatically. Everything would be alright then.”
Allison’s side and listen her worried carefully. Please encoura ge her. As you do those, she will recover smile and be fine. I think you need to do for her is to try to do for her as you possible as.
At the end of the interview, she confessed me. “I could
Furthermore, you can confide about her in her parents. I consider parents should know about that. Parents should make safe place where Allison takes a rest, cries out and confess. At her house she can forget bullying meanwhile.
“ I could not
find meaning to live”
The big difference between usual bullying and cyberbullying is that in the case of cyber-bullying, there are no places to be relaxed or ease trauma.
not find meaning to live. I wanted to be confortable. That’s why I attempted suicide.”
In the end, they cannot endure the hard life. Their mental is worn out. Q (C): So how can I help her? A (I): You will be big help for her. Please be by
I wish you could be helper and Allison would overcome it. Check out this link for information on general strategy of cyber-‐bullying. http://childpsychologist.c llying
You can… If you do not know your assailant.
Demand help
They can investigate who writes
Provider They can delete article
Cry Your Help out
SHUT THAT COMPUTER! How to Deal with Cyber Bullying By: Maxime Vincent Lawrence Robinson, PhD in the field of bullying and co-‐worker with Jeanne Segal is interviewed to share reason behind the cyber bullying crimes. “To understand how to deal with, the cause is crucial” she explains. What are the effects of being cyber bullied? How do the victims end up? Many people have fallen to the hands of the culprit when being cyber bullied. This emotional plague isn’t just something that can be cured like a typical sickness. It is an emotional sickness, cause by the words or actions of someone else, through a computer. When being cyber bullied, only those with strong wills will stay the way they are. The unlucky ones will fall into a depression, may be harassed or embarrassed by his/her peers depending on how they were bullied, and they may eventually meet other dangerous problems that we face in the world today. Depending on what? How can you be cyber bullied? There is always a reason behind crime, and cyber bullying has many reasons. Unless the culprit is someone who bullies strangers for fun just because he can, the culprit should be someone who holds a grudge towards his/her victim. The different ways a person can be bullied differs on his/her actions. For example, the crime could be brought by photo sharing, showing embarrassing pictures of the victim for everyone to see, which will lead to harassment and embarrassment towards him/her. It can also be cause through sexting or texting. Sexted images can be shared and put on the Internet, a place where once something is posted, it will never disappear. Texting can be a cause of loss of trust, denial or lost friendship. A text would insult or taunt the victim. What are the dangerous problems that the victims could face? There are many problems in the world today, such as drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, depression, stress, smoking etc… I explained that many teens that face one problem, might meet another. In this case, bullying may lead to these problems. Amanda Todd is the perfect example for this because she was bullied; fell into a deep depression, started drugs and alcohol, then suicide. Many teens that have been cyber bullied may fall. Is there any way to avoid cyber bullying before being bullied? The best way is for the parent to restrain or control the child’s access to his/her computer. Blocking sites that may lead to abuse from others is the start of cyber bullying, if he/she is being bullied on that site.
However, this kind of restriction isn’t very good for the child because it blocks him/her away from the world, from online socializing. Another way, is to avoid sharing or posting personal information online or to your peers, avoid being angry or upset when texting, stay calm and cool. What would you consider “signs” of someone who has been cyber bullied, how do we know that he’s been bullied if he doesn’t tell us? If someone is being cyber bullied and you don’t know of it because he/she doesn’t want to talk about it, then he will probably show signs of sadness, angriness, or being depression shortly after using a computer. He/she may seem anxious after receiving a text or email and may have a drop in grades. You will see a difference in moods and behavior and he may sleep and eating problems. He may try to avoid going to school, probably because he/she wants to avoid attentions and discussions with peers. What if the victim’s parents or friend doesn’t notice that he/she has cyber bullied, how would the victim deal with the crime? The victim will always feel depression at some point but the first thing to do is never to blame oneself for something he/she never did. Once being cyber bullied, it’s best not to look the text or image, whatever is causing it, again and feel denial. However, holding this burden alone will never help you, it won’t stop the mayhem. The best thing to do is to talk to a counselor, a parent or even a friend. Any of these people are capable to helping you; especially your elders who have much more experience than you and are willing to help, if asked. Show them evidence of the crime and they will understand. They should try to go out and do something else, something other than beating themselves up by staying on the computer, watching someone insult them. Still, the best way to avoid any of it is to block the user from the beginning. How could these people help him? The parents can control computer access times or manage the stress, do something else with them to make them feel better. Every teenager probably knows what cyber bullying is, but unless they don’t, teaching and educating them about it will help them understand what they are facing and get a better view of how to cool it down.
Confession to parents about being cyber bullied
Olivia McCue
Are You The Trigger? Why are so many people victims to bullying?
Imagine a person who you bullied after killing 32
Bullying is a widespread problem that affects
people stating that you were to blame.
every member of our society, and is a serious dilemma for students. It is one of the most common forms of violence in schools, and what if these problems grow so serious that students feel they need to take revenge?
"Your children who have ridiculed me, who have chosen not to accept me, who have treated me like I am not worth their time, are dead." In the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia in 2007. According to
Another example of a school shooting that was
fellow classmates, he was bullied for his shyness
caused by bullying was in 1999 in Colorado at
and strange accent. He killed 32 people because
Columbine High School. Two students, Eric
he stood out as a “near-silent loner” and his “odd
Harris and Dylan Klebold began the massacre by
behavior”. He wrote a letter after killing his first
killing thirteen students and wounding 24.
two victims and stated that they “caused me to do
Several reports explained that they had been
targets of bullying at their high school, and in the aftermath caused them to transform into exactly
"You had 100 billion chances and ways to avoid
what destroyed them. The parents of the two
today. But you decided to spill my blood,"
students later explained that bullying was
Cho said in a video given to the police. "You
widespread at Columbine before the incident. In
forced me into a corner and gave me only one
Eric Harris’ suicide note, he wrote "Your children
option. The decision was yours. Now you have
who have ridiculed me, who have chosen not to
blood on your hands that will never wash off.”
accept me, who have treated me like I am not worth their time, are dead."
Although it seems difficult to understand these
Bullying is not a new concept; it is a constant
feelings of hatred and anger that would cause a
issue that never seems to be solved. It can lead to
child to plan a massacre, many children can relate
deadly situations such as Columbine High School
to the feelings of loneliness and being an outcast,
and the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
as well as resentment. Students, both young and
University. It’s a cycle that never ends and will
old have to deal with the issue of bullying.
only continue to be rampant across the globe. If a student doesn’t seek outward revenge, they turn their anger on themselves. " We're not even realizing the fact that suicide is bullying's quiet little secret," he said. "It's picking off our children one at a time." stated Glenn Stutzky, a school violence specialist at Michigan State University. So how do you stop bullying? The more you
Over time, the physical scars of bullying will
know about bullying and how it affects people,
fade, however, the mental scars of bullying has a
the more you can do to stop it. It is impossible to
severe affect to the bullied party. Fear,
stop it completely, but you can help others by
depression, and loneliness are some of the long-
avoiding being a bully yourself. What if one day,
term side effects that are overwhelming and can
someone you’ve bullied pulls a gun on you?
haunt a person wherever they go. These mentalities are leading to disturbing results.
by: Anna Lin
Murderous Bullies
Teen suicide rate rises as bullying continues Have you ever been bullied before? Coming home from school crying, thinking that you are not good enough. Staring at your reflection in the mirror hating on your appearance because Sophie called you ugly? Standing on the scale to check your weight since Tiffany made it clear to the whole class that
Wrist showing previous cut scars
you are fat?
Bullying appears in many Bullying Statistics it is estimated
different forms, ranging from that 4,400 teens’ deaths are
Every child has been through physical,
sexual. caused by suicides each year.
the stage of being bullied, even Different bullies might perform the bullies themselves. It is different types of bullying, However, “For every suicide simply in the human nature to however, the end result is the among young people, there are intimidate your opponent in same never mind the method of at least 100 suicide attempts”. order to appear superior.
bullying. Such cruel acts always Resulting in suicide being the
results in the victim getting hurt, “leading cause of death among
As kids, we had no other way damaging their confidence, self-‐ young people”. The article also to do this except to bully others esteem, and potentially ruining features an unnerving study into being frightened by our tiny their lives. selves. As we grow older, the
from Britain discovering that alarmingly at least half of teen
majority of us refrain from Suicide from bullying may suicides are related to bullying. behaving in this barbaric act, sound silly to some people, but however some individuals chose to teens desperately trying to In addition to the high rate of to continue to bully others escape the pain, death sounds suicides hoping
all. bearable. It’s the fastest and according to the article “1 in 12
Consciously causing others to easiest way out.
teens have attempted suicide:
suffer until death becomes the Though only way out.
report” from Daily News, teen
cannot suicide rates has climbed in
understand the logic of taking the past few years from “6.3% in one’s own life, according to 2009 to 7.8% in 2011” and is
"It provides these kids [bullies] with a sense of power" -‐Catherine Bradshaw
gaining national attention that “more
reported as a result of bullying”.
To figure out the rate of bullying in high school, a survey was conducted in the class of English 9 students in the International School Bangkok. Results
statistics of how much bullying is involved within the life of a teenager.
misconceptions about bullies in the past. Societies were under the impression that bullies suffer from being socially rejected, and afflicted with low self esteem. Many assume that these are the reasons for their aggressive stage.
According to the survey, 13 out of 16 students have been bullied before in their life. Furthermore, when asked if they had once bullied others before, 15 out of 16 individuals guiltily confessed about their past experience of being a bully.
So why do teens bully?
become a monster that feeds on others’ misery. However this cycle of bullying may push it’s victims to their edge until all hope dwindles into despair, causing them to choose death over life, knowing that not living becomes much more tolerable than having to endure the
forces teens to unconsciously
However, according to the article “Why do people bully” published by Discovery News, research shows that bullies tend to have “average or above average self-‐esteem”. The article also clearly states that “bullies tend to have more friends” than other students. The results clearly
assumption of our community.
A teenager being bullied and excluded
To stop this alarming rate of suicides, the event of bullying must be brought to an end. Bullies must come to realize the
harm that their desire to Catherine Bradshaw, a psychiatrist who The concept of bullying is a dominant has brought to the studies bullying at Johns Hopkins cycle, trapping talented teens society. University Bloomberg School of into the whirlwind of fear by Public Health in Baltimore, the tricking their once innocent They have to comprehend the power of being a bully “brings minds into believing in the consequences of their pitiful popularity and high social unjust power of being a bully, a actions, causing precious lives of teenagers to be lost. Until then, status” for that individual. controller, and a terrorizer. That the rate of teen suicides may constant fear of losing power never subside. and the desire to dominate, According
Suicide on the Screen: Dead Poets Society by Madeleine Woo
Pressures that lead to despair can result in suicide. Dead Poets Society Released Date: June 2, 1989 (USA) Director: Peter Weir MPAA Rating: PG Cast: Robin Williams (John Keating), Robert Sean Leonard (Neil Perry), Ethan Hawke (Todd Anderson), Josh Charles (Knox Overstreet) Source:
dolescence is the period of turmoil, through which children develop their personalities and identities into adulthood. A rift between adults and adolescents grows during this time because the adults’ expectations clash against the teenagers’ defiance. As teenagers perceive adults’ expectations as pressure and if they cannot overcome the stress, in some instances it may lead to suicide. The movie, Dead Poets Society, depicts this problem.
Background Dead Poets Society, directed by Peter Weir, stars Robin Williams and Robert Sean Leonard. The story is set at a conservative and prestigious high school, Welton Academy, in 1959. The new English teacher, Mr. Keating, is unconventional in his teachings. He motivates his students to be independent thinkers, view the world in a different way, and live life for themselves. Through Mr. Keating’s influence, the students are able to confront the adults’ erroneous pressures.
Positive Aspects The movie possesses both positive and negative aspects. The positive of the film is a well-
constructed plot. The story is realistic, empathetic, and timeless. It delivers a clear message to the viewers. The beautiful soundtracks and picturesque settings were harmonious in creating the mood for the story. The movie provides several emotions, heartwarming, sadness, and laughter. The audience will be engaged throughout the entire movie. The movie also touches on the importance of literature and passion for life. John Keating teaches his students, “we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.” His motto to his students is carpe diem.
Negative Aspects The disappointing aspect of the film is that the relationship between the teenage characters and their parents is not developed in depth. That development would have made the conclusion more understandable and create a stronger impact. Some details of the story were omitted that could have made the plot more fluent.
SUICIDE is the third leading cause of death among youths between the ages of 10 to 24. — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
A scene from the movie, Dead Poets Society
“…Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”
Before watching the movie, read the novel first. Dead Poets Society is a movie based on a novel of the same name by Nancy H. Kleinbaum. Maybe because of that fact, all the details of the story have not been included into the two-hour film. It would be entertaining to read the book first and compare with the movie.
Families should view this movie together. The movie can serve as an opportunity for parents and children to begin an honest conversation about the pressures and stress they feel. It could bring parents and children closer together through dialogue.
— John Keating The genre of the film is a coming-of-age drama that deals with the hardships and pressures of growing up that all teenagers face universally. Audiences can empathize with the experiences of the main characters as they encounter a first love, find their passion in life, and overcome fears.
Connection The movie also explores a serious issue with teenagers, suicide. The model students of this academy must cope with pressures from the adults in their lives. Relationships between the dutiful boys and the oppressive adults are strained. The despair adolescents feel, when losing their dreams, or not living up to their parents’ expectations, can cause them to make irrational decisions, such as suicide. Watching the film, teenagers will be consoled by the fact that all adolescents endure the same stress and feelings. This movie will help in overcoming the challenges of adolescence.
The movie is critically acclaimed and has countless nominations and numerous awards to its credit, including Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards and Best Films at the BAFTA Awards. Desson Howe of the Washington Post describes the movie as “solid, smart entertainment.” Though the movie was made over two decades ago and the setting of the story is more than five decades old, the classic theme of teenagers struggling to find the balance between fulfilling adults’ expectations and achieving their desires still ring true today. The movie serves as a warning to adults that unreasonable pressures and expectations placed on adolescents can lead to teens’ suicide.
Approximately 4600 youths lose their lives each year to
“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” — Phil Donahue
Don’t Leave Your friends in Danger: How to Prevent Suicides By Ho Jin Park
Will Grayson: “I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
Suicide not only affects the person that committed, but also other people who knew them, and were close to them. However, suicidal thoughts could be prevented when there are clear warning signs and appropriate steps are taken. You could be the one who is most responsible for your friend’s life.
Table of Contents 1. You will need 2. Steps of preventing suicides 3. Additional tips and advice of preventing suicides 4. Data of teen suicides around the world You Will Need • A friend or a person around you, who is keep thinking of suicidal thoughts and needs help from other people. • Acumen of sensing warning sings from the person who is struggling with suicidal thoughts. • Proper knowledge of preventing suicide, and deep comprehension about what is going on with the person’s life. Steps of Preventing Suicide 1. Look for Warning Signs! • Loss of a person who he/she had loved, which could be a family or a close friend. • Drastic illness or chronic pains, such as, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. • Change in personality/characteristic because of depressive events, such as, fall of school grade, break up in relationship, and divorced parents. 2. Start to Help Them! • Try to express that you are seriously concerned about his/her pain, and show that you honestly understand that his/her pain is real • Seek help from other people, such as, a doctor, who is the most credible person in these dangerous circumstances. 3. Talk Honestly! • The worst thing for a person who is struggling with suicidal thoughts is feeling that no one understands or cares about him/her. • Instead of saying, “You will soon go over with it”, ask, “Do you have a feeling of killing yourself? Do you plan to do it?” This could give relief to the person. 4. Ask Them to Put The Items that He/She is Using Away, While You are Speaking! • You could think that this sounds a little harsh, but it is very effective because you are in the position of advantage since you give command. • It is an opportunity to use your authority to make the person to follow your commands, and help them with a calm and orderly way.
5. Have a Friend to Help You! • There could be another friend that is particularly close to the person, or have more knowledge than you of preventing suicidal thoughts. ASK FOR HELP! • If the person has a plan of committing suicide, it could be considered as a very dangerous situation, so contact the police. Additional Tips and Advice of Preventing Suicides • Avoid alcohol and drugs: These could lead to feelings of sadness or depression • Make your environment safe: Do not put pills or guns around you • Revise your reasons of living: happy memories, people who you love, goals that you haven’t accomplished yet • Have close contact with your friends and family • Speak with someone who you trust, like your best friend or family • Remember how you tolerated with a depression from your past and painful feelings Data of Teen Suicides Around the World - Girls attempt suicidal actions as twice as more than boys by drugs or harming themselves with sharp items. - Suicide is the third major cause of death among people who are 15~24 years according to CDC (Centers of Disease Control) - 6 out of 10 teen-suicides in the US is caused by a gun - If the parents are aware of their children’s warning signs of suicide, it lowers the chance of teens to suicide tremendously
SHAVE FOR A CHANGE Tan transformed into a new person after joining the ROTC program.
hamnupoom Kraichok (Tan), a Thai student from International School Bangkok (ISB), brought confusion to his classmates when he appeared to his sophomore year in high school with a shaved head along with several of his Thai friends with the same haircut. “I was questioned by a lot of people about shaving my head and the reason I could give them was ROTC, ” Tan stated. make the same mistake again. “The camp seemed to be a WHAT IS ROTC? much better place after the adjustment was made. I found the lessons more entertaining and sometimes I just forgot that I was sitting under the hot sun. Everyday after Reserve Officer Training Corps or ROTC is the program I get home I promise to myself that I would not fail the set up by Thai government to develop abilities test again for the second time.” of Thai boys by putting them through challenges and obstacles and expose them to hardships they may later encounter in life. THE LAST ORDEAL Thai students are required to participate in ROTC programs for three years starting in The ROTC program went well for Tan, it can tenth grade. However, like most students, sometimes be exhausting, but still worth trying, until the Tan did not agree with what the last ordeal came for him to encounter. The ordeal is set in government has decided. He described Khao Chon Kai, a military training camp providing no the ROTC program as “pointless” and electricity or comfort. “Khao Chon Kai is a mandatory Thai ROTC symbol (ACPC) “waste of time” that Thai citizens place where we, the seniors of high school had to go. I should not be “forced” to do it had heard a lot about it from my friends, mostly about the rigorous training and didn’t want to go at all,” Tan declared. FIRST EXPERIENCE On the first day of his training, Tan confronted a lot of difficulties regarding to the unusual surrounding and a lack of communication. “The moment we reached the training camp was pretty scary and intimidating. I wasn't used to the environment and the demanding training. The first thought that came to my mind was that I wanted to go home,” Tan stated. His prejudice against ROTC combined with the first unpleasant experience in the training camp increased Tan’s aversion towards this training program.
FAILURE During the ROTC program, the boys did not only endure harsh physical disciplines, they are also educated by experts in specific areas relating to the military. “We learned how to use the military radio, how to march in different formations and how to use a map. However, it was boring and worthless, I wasn't really listening”. Tan stayed close-minded with his own perspective until he met his first failure. “I didn’t know that we were required to take a test at the end of each year until the teachers hand me a paper test asking questions I didn’t know the answers. I returned the blank piece of paper.”
CROSSING TRESHOLD Shortly afterward, Tan decided to cross the threshold to his uncomfortable zone and adjusted himself to the ROTC environment to ensure that he would not
SUCCESS Nevertheless, Tan did not have any other choices but going to Khao Chon Kai anyway. “The camp was not as bad as I expected. Although we didn’t have actual toilets, we still had water and other resources to survive,” Tan explained his first and only experience in Kai Chon Kai. He also discovered the importance of friendship and teamwork from the trip. “I learned how to be friends with someone I never knew before in my life. I tried to pull aside our differences to work together as team and achieve our goal in each day.” --------------------------------------------------------
“I felt accomplish that I completed something that not many people have done.” - Thamnupoom Kraichok (Tan) --------------------------------------------------------
TRANSFORMATION After Tan came back from the training in Khao Chon Kai, he changed to the different person both internally and externally. “The ROTC program had taught me new life lessons and given me opportunity to meet and learn from new people all over Thailand and lastly to be open-minded. The program changed a closed-mind boy who would only stick with his own ideas to a man with tolerant attitude.”
M A R C H 2 0 1 3
Q & A:
ROTC or Military: Which Program Would You Chose? By: Myra Techakraisri
he Reserve Offers' Training Corps or ROTC is a program set up for Thai boys by the Thai government. During their time in the ROTC program, boys are put through physical and mental tests, which are designed to expose them to the hardships that are similar to what real soldiers have to experience. Many tenth and eleventh grade high school boys from the International School Bangkok (ISB) participated in this program, I asked them some questions to find out more information on this program from these young ROTC experts, who asked that their names not be used. Q: Do you think that mandatory service for Thai boys, whether through joining the ROTC or through serving in the military is a good idea? A: “I don't really think someone should have to serve in the military if it wasn't their choice. The military should be a place for people that are willing to go and do all these trainings; I mean if we are preparing to go to war I guess I’d be willing to help out with the war effort. On the other hand, the ROTC program is just a program we go to do military training, so it's a bit different.”
In straight lines following the leader/teacher’s orders:
Q: Was it your choice or your parent’s choice to participate in ROTC instead of waiting to turn 21 and then going to pick the red and black, whether you have the serve the military or not?
A: “It was both of our choices. Learning ROTC is better than the military because while you are serving the military, the conditions are much worse for the soldiers in training than for the ROTC boys in training. ROTC is just like a military school with all the boys from many schools combined to train, but for the military, it is a larger group of men. The range of ages in serving the military is between ages 21 – 49 years old. Also during the military training, they treat you badly and unfairly, and they will have no mercy for you. But if you wait to pick the red and black cards indicating whether you will have to serve in the military or not, you have a 50 – 50 chance of getting it.” Q: What are your thoughts and feelings about your first experience with ROTC, and what do you think you can suggest to the younger boys that will soon become a ROTC member like you are now? A: “My thoughts about my first experience going to learn ROTC were that it was something I would have to do sooner or later. Otherwise I would have to serve the military, so why not do it now, and get it over with. I mean you cannot escape it either way. But my feelings about my first experience going to learn ROTC were not so good. It felt scary, intimidating, pointless, and I wasn’t used to the environment and the strenuous training yet. I think that what I will be able to suggest to the younger boys that will soon join the ROTC is that they should keep a low profile, listen to the instructions given by the instructor, and try not to break the rules. It is better to approach this program with a better attitude than ‘everything sucks’ and communicate with others. It is also a chance to make friends, because ISB takes ROTC with other international students. Follow these steps and you should be able to get through fine. The experience is an experience where you go and do something that you don’t enjoy and also it is an unforgettable memory.” 1
Q & A: Q: What options do you have regarding ROTC? A: “The choice I have is between learning ROTC for 3 years, 20 sessions per year, which is the minimum requirement; or the other option is to wait until I’m 21 and then go to pick the red and black cards indicating whether I need to serve the military or not.” Q: What is a typical day like during ROTC training? A: “The first year of ROTC is just basic training, due to the fact that you are not allowed to touch a gun until you are a second year boy. In the first year of ROTC, you do not really learn anything military related yet, all you do is learn how to set up lines, salute, and turn left and right, marching together as a group, we learned how to use the military radio, and how to use a map. Nevertheless, there is no military tactics or movement schemes yet. For ROTC, you have to get to the training center at 7:45 am sharp or else you will be punished. When you get there, you sing the national anthem, recite the ROTC values, pray, and go into the training and the program finishes at 12 pm. On the other hand, waiting until you are 21 years old, and then going to serve the military is another option, but then for this, you have to be training as a solider with tough training schedules and you do not get to do other activities and academic things while in training.” Q: From your experience of the final test at the end of the ROTC program, do you think this final test provides you good feelings towards ROTC? A: “The final test of the ROTC program is set in Khao Chon Kai, which is a training center that provides no comfort for the ROTC in training. Khao Chon Kai is a mandatory place to finish off your ROTC careers, which is like a final test. The feeling I think I would feel is very accomplished, because I have done something that not many people have done, and I have completed the harsh task of my life, making me feel pretty happy and proud of myself.”
fter having a contemplative discussion with the high school ISB boys about their real life experiences of ROTC, I felt prepared to make my choice. What about you? Now that the experts have shared their thoughts, will your choice be to learn ROTC, or will your choice land in the serving in the military pile? Word Count: 1043
Fooling around, and having fun before the real work comes along.
Preparing for War Training for a better life By Thana Witchawut It is time for the Thai native males to gear up and get ready for a gruesome three years of military training, starting from sophomore year up until high school graduation.
Military exercises
Grounds for Training By the age of 15, all Thai native males can choose to attend a military training camp, the reserve officer training corps (ROTC). This training usually takes place once a week on Saturday or Sunday, for approximately four hours a day. It is a choice all students with a Thai passport have to attend ROTC for three straight years; if they refuse they will be required to join the military for two years. ROTC is the place where ordinary students will learn the basics of survival, while they are pushed to their limits through vigorous training. ROTC is a program where teenagers attend and learn about what it takes to be in the military and basic survival skills. By the end of the three years of training, trainees must
Soldiers carrying weapons
be able to survive for two to three days out in the forests alongside their troop members. Only after the survival test will the students complete their training and finish their service in the military. Thamnupoom(Tan) Kraichok, a senior attending the International School Bangkok, who has already experience two years of ROTC was interviewed and he described the program as “pointless, a waste of time” and believes that it “should not be forced” onto teenagers. His opinion towards ROTC changed after he finished his training, saying that he felt “accomplished” and “proud” of what he struggled through. Certified to Fight There are requirements for students to attend the Military Students Service Program. Students must attend the course once a week, have a grade point average of 2.5 or above and pass a series of physical exams to ensure that the student is physically able to attend the training. Though currently it is only three years of required military training, there have been discussions in the interior ministry and news about extending the required period for
ROTC to five years in the future. However it is likely it will not be anytime soon. Does anyone ever think about how the military training or getting drafted into the military would affect the teenagers? Research done by the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention shows that, for the youth, experiencing warfare or even holding a gun for the first time may cause fear and anxiety. It may also interfere with learning if the students are currently in school, resulting in refusing to go to school or a decline in grades. Some other general changes that teenagers might experience in the military are anger, illnesses, loss of enthusiasm as well as eating or sleeping difficulties. Parents as well feel stress towards their children putting themselves in danger. Bribery to the Rescue Bribery is the most common method of avoiding military training, used by many wealthy families to sneak around the laws. The fact that the soldiers are accepting the money shows corruption and the lack of responsibility in their jobs. Many students are able to proceed through the three years of their required training without having to attend at all. Thai military training differs from other countries because of various reasons. One reason is, unlike other countries such as the United States
of America and Canada; Thai military service is forced, only onto males. As well, those who do not attend the military service must either volunteer or take a chance with the conscription lottery. Luck of the Draw The conscription lottery is a system where Thai men that are the age of 21 are gathered and they must pull out a ticket to decide whether or not they will be required to serve in the military or not. A black ticket means you are not required to serve in the military and you may continue with your life. However a red card means you are drafted to the military for the next two years.
Conscription lottery
The military laws in Thailand are stricter than other countries. Students may not want to spend once a day, every week for three years in training. But do they have a choice? Based on the recent news, it only seems as though the laws are going to be enforced more.