#We build the future together

Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.1
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
EDU: PACT Handbook – Intercultural Education through Physical Activity, Coaching and Training
European network of sport education
Austria, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Greece, UK
The project aims to improve quality of pre-service and in-service education by strengthening the professional profile of both sport related teaching professions, preparing teachers and coaches for inclusive intercultural education in and through physical education and sport.
Target group
Available material
Short description of the tool
Teachers, PE teachers, coaches, other facilitators
EDUPACT_Module_Handbook_English.pdf ( To see the descripton of the activities go to pages: 26-34; 43-52; 65-74; 88-96
EDU: PACT handbook is and interactive tool on promoting intercultural education through physical activity, coaching and training. It is available in English, German, Italian, Danish and Greek. Contains a series of activities described in detail, including advice number of coaches, number of participants, ages, materials, times, etc.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
Similarly to the UNESCO tool, this toolkit offers thoretical and practical guidance to teachers, PE teachers, coaches or other facilitators to work values with children in the classroom.
Tool no.2
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Collection and development of educational materials
Free to Run – Empowerment through running
Free to Run
Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Hong Kong
Free to Run | Empowerment Through Sport
Free to Run works to support women and girls in areas of conflict through adventure sports to build physical, emotional, and social well being.
Target group
Available material
Short description of the tool
Sports sessions, education sessions, volunteer sessions, mixed gender races, interregional sports weeks, community outreach events.
Free to Run programs include a combination of adventure sports, life skills development, and community service. All participants participate in public, outdoor sports within their community several times per week. They also volunteer in their community and even lead local projects which further strengthens their own leadership capabilities as well as community support.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
Although this tool is not directly related to the purpose of IURTS, we thought it was interesting to add something to potentially work with mothers of refugee children. We know most refugees are women, children and elderly. Connecting with mothers through sport could open a space for them to interact, engage further with schools and, importantly, with other mothers tfrom the community, which could ultimately strengthen children integration.
Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.3
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Intervention CORE – coaching, observing, reflecting, engaging for teachers
War Child
Colombia, Uganda, Occupied Palestinian Territories
April Coetzee. Teacher and War Child researcher.
2018-2019 (according to the source Core_for_TEACHERS_Intervention.pdf (
The CORE intervention acknowledges student wellbeing begins with teacher wellbeing. As such, it provides teachers in conflict areas with reflective space and support to thrive as professionals. Working with trained coaches in small groups and in one-to-one sessions, they have opportunities to improve their skills and develop a greater sense of wellbeing.
Target group
Available material
Short description of the tool
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
Teachers, refugee teachers, IDP teachers, and host community teachers
Psychological support, education, child protection, youth empowerment, research and development - TWB_42. WCH Coaching Observing Reflecting Engaging (CORE) for Teachers_ A wellbeing and support intervention for Teachers.pdf
War Child delivers well-being workshops to teachers and a support cycle based on: coaching – observing – reflecting – engaging.
Ths could be a useful tool to support teachers on how to deal with stress and anxiaty produced by increased number of students who speak another language, come from a different educational system and need to adapt to their new environment. Share experiences, feel supported and learn from others’ experiencen can imporve their wellbeing hence their capacity to use new tools and offer an adequate environment for refugee students.
Name of the tool
Collection and development of educational materials
Team Up
Save the Children, UNICEF the Netherlands and War Child
Several countries in Europe with refugees from Ukraine, including Poland and Romania.
Birgt Van Delft
Tackling emotional distress of refugees children through play and physical activity: fear, anger, anxiety, contribute to increased social and emotional stability for refugee children, reduce the chance that children will develop further psychosocial problems in the long term, ensure that children who need more social-emotional support are identified and referred to the right agency, ensure that children’s resilience is strengthened - enabling them to cope better with stress factors such as bullying, anger and fear.
Children 6-18. Sessions delivered by trained facilitators.
TeamUp - Christina (english) - YouTube
Children take part in structured play and movement-based activities led by trained facilitators. Each activity has a specific goal related to a theme such as dealing with anger or stress and interacting with peers. The activity is communicated through play and movement rather than verbal cues so all children can participate even if they don’t share a common language.
More than 70 million people worldwide are displaced by armed conflict – half of whom are children. these children are direclty exposed to the effects of violence, separation and fear-effects that expert a significant and negative impact on their development and psychosocial wellbeing. starting with 2020, this programme expanded to support refugess children in Sweeden as well as in Italy and Greece, Romania, therefore, it proved to be a very efficient intervention.
Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.5
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Sport values in every classroom
UNESCO International
7 place Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France, Telephone: +33 (0)1 4568 1000
The mission of this toolkit is to assist teachers in their work to instil in children to 8-12 year-olds the values of respect, equity and inclusion through engaging activities.
Target group
Available material
Teachers in general
Toolkit in the website includes Activity Cards with specific objectives, reflection questions for teachers, definitions and activities to play in the classroom, with a defined time (between 10 mins and 35 mins per activity). It was developed by UNESCO, the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Olympic Foundation for Cultural Heritage, the Agitos Foundation, the International Fair Play Committee, and ICSSPE.
Short description of the tool
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
A toolkit with pprox 30 Activity Cards that help teachers to run educational activities using game and physical activity to teach values around Respect, Equity and Inclusion.
The activities are not purposely designed for working with refugees but they are adequate for the age and environment and can be useful for teachers to deepnd in the classroom values relevant to the inclusion of refugees.
Tool no.6
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Collection and development of educational materials
Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe (MiCREATE)
Science and Research Centre Koper, ZRS Koper / Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, ZRS Koper
United Kingdom, Iceland, Slovenia, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Poland, Austria, Cyprus, Italy, Croatia, Portugal, France
Barbara PANDEV
The objective of the MiCREATE project is to explore and understand the experiences of migrant children and communities in Europe, with a focus on their education and social integration. The project aims to develop evidence-based strategies and policies to support the successful inclusion and integration of migrant children in European societies.
Target group
The project is relevant for researchers, policymakers, educators, and professionals working with migrant children and communities in the field of education and social integration.
Available material
Project websites provide access to research reports, publications, toolkits, and resources related to the project’s objectives.
Short description of the tool
The MiCREATE project aims to generate knowledge and insights about the experiences and challenges faced by migrant children and communities in Europe. It utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to explore various aspects of education, social integration, and the well-being of migrant children. In line with the specific requirements and circumstances related to the integration framework of migrant children, a toolkit has been developed for teachers (Handbooks for teachers), to contribute to the development of their skills in relation to diversity management, multicultural education and a child-focused.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
The MiCREATE project provides valuable research results, resources and evidence-based strategies that can be used by professionals, policy makers and educators working with migrant children in the context of inclusive and intercultural education that could be used with due adaptations to the context.
Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.7
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
“United we play, we win: developing social skills and inclusive education through sport and outdoor activities”
Istituto Comprensivo Monte Rosello Basso
Bulgaria, Iceland, Italy Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Turkey
Anna Rita Farina
The main objective of the project was to use sports and outdoor activities as educational tool for achieving outcomes on several levels: a healthy and physically active lifestyle; inclusive education; knowledge and learning through innovative methods by making educational environment friendlier, more open and in line with individual needs of every single student; tolerance and respect for other people and cultures, better understanding of their own personal qualities, confidence and self-belief, perspectives for their future development as active members of the European Community. Alongside with sports and learning activities students were taught and trained to social skills – to cooperate and collaborate as part of a team for achieving a common goal, to be leaders, to communicate, express opinions, make decisions, to support weaker members of the team, to be tolerant and caring to others, to oppose negative influences and also a very important aspect: students taught and learned to and from one another.
Target group
Target groups were students aged from 10 to 16 disadvantaged; students who needed support for achieving better educational standards, personal development and perspective for future social and professional accomplishment; students with special needs and students from socioeconomical disadvantaged families.
Available material
Short description of the tool
Digital Teacher’s Guide of Pratical Approaches and Tools for Teaching and Training Social Skills And Inclusive Education Through Sport and Outdoor Activities.
The guide consists of two parts: “Games and outdoor activities” and “Practical pedagogic approaches and tools for teaching and training social skills and inclusive education, The first part contains descriptions and rules of several popular local games, the second, instead, unites theoretical methods and practical descriptions of pedagogical approaches.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
In this guide there are activities that with the necessary adaptations can be implemented anywhere, many of which do not require special equipment and in which participants employ social skills by working together as a team, listening and they also train their physical skills.
Name of the tool
Collection and development of educational materials
Play International (PI)
Organisation is based in Paris, France but has been doing international work
Anne Meaux, Coordinatrice pedagogique et innoavtion sociale, 0153276650,
Estimated 2021
Main objectives of: Forming and organising an ecosystem of actors to work with refugees and asylum seekers in Île-de-France, co-creating educational content for learning and social inclusion through physical activities and sports games, supporting mixed groups of young adults (host population and refugees/asylum seekers) in the definition and implementation of a sportsbased social inclusion project, modelling and accelerating to European Union scale by implementing training courses to disseminate content. The objectives of socio-sports activities in the SPORT AND REFUGEES Programme: contribute to the development of psychosocial skills by mobilising these in a fun physical sports activity, reinforce individuals’ skills to improve their social inclusion by guiding their choices and facilitating their relationships with social services.
The methodology is based on »train the trainer« method. Those who have been trained (coaches, animators, PE teachers etc) who then can use the eductional tools to work with: children, families Games can be adopted to the needs of mixed groups.
Sport, refugees, and social inclusion programme guide
A set of 3 factsheets.
A set of 5 Socio-sports activity scenarios.
Train the trainer programme with a set of ready to use materials.
Play International experts in partnership with V4SPORT have already organised the following activities (end of 2022): an inspirational webinar, during which PI experts have shared their knowledge. an onsite training. Two one day trainings have been organised in Wroclaw and Warsaw. Participants: PE, early education teachers, sports coached and animators. V4SPORT has translated all of the PI content into polish and ukrainian. IURTS Partners could possibly use the contend developed by PI to test it, localize it and upgrade it.
Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.9
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Young Coach Education in response to the war in Ukraine
The Scort Foundation
Scort develops and implements education programmes for young adults in crisis and former conflict regions. The education programmes are implemented on site and/or as e-learning courses aimed to foster “community leaders” who can sustainably shape their communities and contribute to a peaceful co-existence.
Target group
The programme participants (Young Coaches) will be selected by various local partner organisations within and around Ukraine, according but not limited to the following criteria: active within Ukraine and able to travel abroad for the education OR active in neighbouring countries and able to speak and understand Ukrainian or English , already working with vulnerable children 6-12 years of age in and/or around Ukraine (e.g. IDPs, refugees, and host community), Existing leadership abilities and willingness to pass on their know-how to others (peers) in their community and organisations, in order to expand their scope and reach more children, able and willing to participate in two on-site education modules and one online module
Available material
Short description of the tool
Scort_Annual-Report-2021_double-spread_compressed.pdf (
Programme participants can be e.g. teachers, trainers, volunteers, social workers, etc. and do not have to have a background in football and/or coaching. Ideally, the Young Coach is part of an NGO, club, or school, that can offer support in
The Young Coach Education of the Football Club Social Alliance (FCSA) and Scort is based on the strong belief that sport and play can be a valuable tool to promote health, inclusion, cohesion, and protection within vulnerable communities. Based on this belief, the goal of the education is to build on the existing skills of young adults and enhance their capacity to offer safe spaces for children to play, learn, and interact with peers. Programme participants (Young Coaches) learn how to offer structured and inclusive football activities and how they can use sport and play to support children’s psycho-social well-being.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
Our (V4SPORT) understanding is that SCORT Foundation is already working with an organisation/s in Poland and Romania and implementing this initiative.
Tool no.10
Name of the tool
Owner of the example Country Contact details
Collection and development of educational materials
Movement, Games, Sport&Creativity (MGSC)
Terre des hommes Romania
Participative methodologies for children and youths.pdf (
This methodology aims at improving the overall wellbeing of children through strengthening the psychological skills of the adults in charge, all the while passing on effective methods and tools (games and creative activities) for working with children. the first aim of this approach is to improve the skills level of adults working with children: social, methodological, and technical skills. the children will in turn develop better mind, body and emotional aptitudes like confidence, trust, responsibility, respect, communication, cooperation, managing emotions and conflicts.
Adults: teachers, sport teachers, animators and social workers that are in daily intercation with children
Children and Youth: age 4-14, really flexible as a metholodgy, doesn not function as a curriculum but rather can be used through isolated sessions
- Manual of psychosocial skills – training material which contains 18 practical training modules aims to provide people working with children the tools, methods and resources that can be change their way of looking, being and acting, and thereby improve the quality of their interventions.
- Laugh, Run and Move to develop together – Games with psychosocial aim is compilation of twenty games, to provide those in charge of children a play tool which integrates the psychosocial approach and uses the phases of learning by experience.
- Traditional games for child protection – contain 15 traditional games from Eastern Europe (Romania, Moldova and Albania) and five international games with strong psychosocial and protection elements. which combine mainly creativity, integration and strategy.
PSS activities manual for children and adolescents provided activities categorized following Tdh’s 5 Pillars of well-being.
Short description of the tool
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
The methodology of training adults and playing games with children is based on Experiential Learning
The MGSC metholody uses sport, games and creativity as a psychological tool to ultimately develop the personal and social sckills of vulnerable children, and therefore improve their resilience and psychosocial wellbeing. Throughout its dedicated games it can addresses, various.
Collection and development of educational materials
Tool no.11
Name of the tool
of the example
Let’s Move Together’ - Sport and psychosocial games brings communities together in Romania
Terre des hommes
Cristina Vladescu
‘Let’s Move Together’ - Sport and psychosocial games brings communities together in Romania | ChildHub - Child Protection Hub
Using sport as integration and social inclusion instrument of refugees, especially women, children and youth comunnities, having the purpose of: improving understanding, respect and tolerance between refugees and host comunities, increase openess towards local traditions, habits and cultures of various ethnical communities, reducing the level of stigma and dicrimination in relation to refugees
Adults: parrents from refugee community with children, teachers, sport teachers, animators and social workers that are in daily intercation with children
Children and Youth: age 4-14, really flexible as a metholodgy, doesn not function as a curriculum but rather can be used through isolated sessions
In-door space to accomodate participants – parents with children/youngsters, out-door space, if the weather allows it
Short description of the tool
Total timing for a parent-child activity covers between 40 and 120 minutes and has the following structure: Warming up (10 minutes) - during this activity, the main theme is presented, the means to be used and is is is warming up and relaxes participants.
Main activity (30-60 minutes) – involves the main focus and can be: prepairing a festive meal/table, with invitations to be sent to the guests, arranging various compositions (floral, and or other type) for a traditional celebration, organizing cooperation, inclusion games. Evaluation (10 minutes) – addressing to participants following questions: Have you enjoyed the activity? What have you liked most? Why?
Closing – facilitator is thanking participants and announcing future activities (under the case) for following up.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
Activities organized during the project included: Number of refugees (previous to Ukrainian crisis) reached throughout project activities: 32 women refugees and from host communities, trained on the MGS), with a follow up of coaching sessions, more than 200 children and youngsters from refugee and host communities participated at MGS activities.
Tool no.12
Name of the tool
Owner of the example
Contact details
Year of development
Collection and development of educational materials
Content and Language Integrated Learning (playingCLIL)
Zukunftsbau GmbH
Marco Schroeder (
The main objectives of playingCLIL are: offering teachers a new methodology with tools and materials, bringing inspiring games and challenges into the classroom, allowing students to learn in a more enjoyable context, enabling students to take ownership of their learning, promoting interaction and collaboration in the classroom, developing self-confidence and presentation skills, motivating students by engaging all their senses in energetic learning activities, developing emotional maturity and skills to cope with both success and failure
Target group
PlayingCLIL games are intended for classroom settings, and can be used in all subjects with learners of all ages (including vocational and adult education).
Available material
Short description of the tool
playingCLIL handbook playingCLIL booklet playingCLIL postcard flyer videos (all available on the website)
PlayingCLIL method is the outcome of a two-year project collaboration between experts in learning through play, CLIL practitioners and researchers, and educators from various contexts of schooling. PlayingCLIL combines elements of drama pedagogy and drama techniques with language and content matter learning in a innovative way that emphasises and builds the learner’s abilities and confidence to interact.
Why and how this tool can be used for IURTS
PlayingCLIL has been conceived to combine the pedagogical value of play – and more specifically that of drama games – with the CLIL methodology and tie them up in an innovative and highly engaging set of resources. The games have been tested for several months in schools around Europe and in the process they have been transformed and improved.
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.1
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
Integration through movement
Fight for Freedom / Sport Club Ghedeon Suceava
George Ignat - President
Social integration of Ukrainian refugee children through movement and socialization activities
The activity is intended for young wrestling teachers and coaches. The FFF organization provides a gym equipped for practicing physical activities in safe conditions and initiation into Greco-Roman wrestling.
Children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old, girls and boys, from among the refugees from Ukraine staying in the FFF care centers.
Balls of various sizes and colors, skipping ropes, elastic bands, cones. The equipment of participating children must be suitable for the activities: pants, t-shirt and socks. The activities will be done barefoot, without sports shoes because the work surface is on mattresses.
Sports activities are designed as initiations into Greco-Roman wrestling. They include preparatory physical exercises for harmonious physical development, warming up the body for effort and basic elements of fighting. These will be practiced safely, adapted to the effort capacity of each participant, age or sex. The exercises carried out will highlight the motor skills of each participant and will have a dynamic character.
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
Sports activities are carried out on the principle of demonstration/ observation and copying. Obviously, more elaborate explanations are needed in the learning process for correct and efficient learning. The explanations are given in the native language of the participating children with the help of accompanying translators. The translation provided by one of the young sports instructors from the Republic of Moldova is also used.
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
The risks associated with this activity are minor. The entire work space is protected by mattresses. The only inconveniences can appear in connection with the technical procedures specific to wrestling that involve falling to the ground. They must be learned and executed correctly
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
Monitoring & Evaluation
1 training of 2 hours per week in the company of 2 specialists: 1 coach and 1 sports instructor
the development of socialization between children and adults. development of motor skills through dynamic games
The monitoring of the sports skills learned is done by the coach and the behavioral skills are done by the social workers of Ukrainian children and adolescents.
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.2
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
Steps towards inclusion
Te Aud România / I hear you Romania
Gabriela Popescu
Te Aud Romania Foundation is running an integration intervention in the Suceava community of Ukrainian refugee children on the territory of our country. Thus, the organization will facilitate intercultural dialogue and cultural education for a number of 100 Ukrainian refugee children from Suceava County and 100 Romanian children, with the aim of contributing to the social integration in the host community of the target group.
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
Users of this activity are physical education teachers and rugby coaches who have at their disposal a rugby field with natural grass.
Children and adolescents from 7 to 18 years old, girls and boys, from among the refugees from Ukraine staying in Suceava region.
Sports equipment intended for outdoor activities on the grass sports field.
Min. 10 – max. 30
The project envisages four models of interventions, which are complementary: sport as a tool for social change in the community, the development of language skills, personal development and non-formal education, as well as a festival dedicated to integration and sport - with the role of bringing together all the other interventions and bring the whole community together.
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
Sports activities are carried out on the principle of demonstration/ observation and copying. Obviously, more elaborate explanations are needed in the learning process for correct and efficient learning. The explanations are given in the native language of the participating children with the help of accompanying translators.
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
There are no direct risks related to this activity. However, it should be in attention that the activity is outdoor and additional protection against sun exposure is necessary.
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
Monitoring & Evaluation
1 training of 2 hours per week in the company of 2 specialists: 1 coach and 1 sports instructor
the development of socialization between children and adults. development of motor skills through dynamic games and rugby
The monitoring and assessment of motor and cognitive development is done by the project team in accordance with the initially proposed objectives.
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.3
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
SEDIN: Creative methods for successful inclusion in multicultural schools
Action Synergy
Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Belgium, Ireland, Bulgaria
Kostas Diamantis-Balaskas
The main objective of the project is to facilitate the social inclusion of children refugee / migrant or minority background in their school environment, promote the cooperation between children, improve the classroom environment and facilitate the acquisition of knowledge
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
Elementary school teachers and Physical education teacher.
School age 6-12 years old.
Didactic materials.
The activities are for a school class, so 15-25 kids.
Activities can be performed both in and outside the classroom
Both the Montessori method and the Creative Learning approach used in this project are based on the use of movement, creativity, cooperation and non-verbal communication to help children experience classroom lessons in a positive way and express their talents . The Montessori method focuses on self-directed activities, hands-on learning and collaborative play, while the Creative Learning approach uses drama techniques to stimulate learning in the classroom.
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
Montessori Method and Creative Learning Method. The Montessori Method is based on 5 principles: respect for the child, absorbent mind, sensitive period, prepared environment, autoeducation. Creative Learning is an improvisational, process-oriented form of theatre, where participants are guided by a leader to imagine, enact, and reflect on experiences real and imagined.this method is appropriate and applicable to schools and classes with groups of children in need of social integration/inclusion.
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
The necessary resources are related to human capital, because this project employed many trainers and teachers
This project:
-Enhance the ability of teachers to include refugee / migrant / minority children
-Helped to promote cultural diversity and overcoming of language barriers;
- Children acquired knowledge and skills in a range of subject areas;
Video materials watch?v=Ljuw3grZ11Q&
Monitoring & Evaluation
The evaluation, conducted by an external body, investigated to what extent the partners were able to achieve the priority objective of improving educational performance of children with migrant backgrounds or from ethnic minorities. Instruments were developed in consultation with training partners, so that these promote professional development and learning and provide data to answer the evaluation questions.
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.4
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
HE.ST.I.A. Helping Students In Acceptance
Ekto dimotiko sholeio Egaleo
Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal
Christina Papadopoulou
The objectives of this project were: to provide a preparation to the partner schools in order to respond to migrant pupils inclusion, to raise awareness of the challenges faced by immigrants and refugees, to contribute to the development of policy and good practice exchange regarding inclusion of the migrant population.
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
General school teachers
School age 6-12 years old.
Didactic materials, Declaration of human rights, computer, Internet, dictionary, pictures of children from different parts of the world, emotion flashcards.
The activities are for a school class, so 15-25 kids.
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
The activity is intended for indoor and outdoor.
Activities related to the following themes: Human Rights, Defining Migration, Migration Stories, Inclusive Exchanges in Culture and Sports. Examples of activy: ABCs of Human Rights; Everyone different, everyone equal; : We can make it all together. ( Further information at: https:// space/1/31/331/44331/files/ bfce5e5a.pdf)
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
Group work, experiential workshops and collaboration training seminar i.e.: “Workshop for teachers in diverse classrooms”. Some activities are already adapted to contexts where there are children with different languages spoken, some involve the use of the English language, other activities need adaptations by the teachers depending on the situation.
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
No specific risks mentioned. The duration of the activities varies from 2 to 3 hours but some activities may require more time.
The necessary resources are related to timing and human capital, because the activities of the project are many and the participation of teachers is required.
The implemented activities, especially through collaborative work, allowed everyone to achieve a higher level of learning and joy; shedding previous negative attitudes; acknowledge and appreciating one another’s skills and talents; eliminating discrimination and racism phenomena from the school; learning some Belgian, Greek, Portuguese and Spanish words and improving the English language, decreasing conflicts and frustration, thus improving the classroom environment; learning to continue practicing social inclusion in their lives after school, free from prejudices and cultural conditioning.
Video materials
There are no video materials, but material related to the implemented activities: /files/collabspace/1/31/331/44331/ files/bfce5e5a.pdf
The evaluation was done through an online survey that includes the European Values Survey, the European Social Survey, and the British Social Attitudes Surveys. The primary aim of the HESTIA survey was to measure perceptions and attitudes towards migration of teachers, pupils, and parents at schools participating in the HESTIA project. The survey included questions related to issues such as tolerance, xenophobia and inclusion, and was administered in two rounds. Round 1 of the survey established a baseline of the attitudes and perspectives at each school for the populations of interest: teachers, pupils, and parents.Round 2 of the survey captured data on the same variables as Round 1 and included six additional questions related to participation in HESTIA project activities and feedback of project participant.
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.5
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Country Contact person
Objective of the activity
Krokiet and Lama Academy
Krokiet and Lama Academy (Strategic Partner with V4SPORT)
Piotr Sitkowski,
Krokiet and Lama Academy was originally launched during the first COVID lockdown in 2020, as a response to various limitations to children’s daily activity. It’s a method of Digital Physically Active Learning, which has been made by combining three elements important for a child’s development: education, physical activity and entertainment. Thus, physical activity can accompany the youngest not only during PE or gymnastics lessons, but also in didactic classes. Our goal is for our online platform to become the school textbooks of the future. The Academy is providing online materials for preschoolers and primary school students grades 1-3: videos, movement worksheets, training sessions for teachers and a lot of inspiration for learning and playing on the move. All the content is created in line with the core curriculum of early school and pre-school education. The Academy believes that children should not be restricted to learning subjects or topics (incl. maths, English, geography etc.) while sitting and aims to build the entire school curriculum that allows children to learn while being active both indoors and outdoors.
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Early education teachers. PE teachers. Animators and all persons working with the kids in the target age and havind sufficient hardware and space at their disposal.
5-10 yo
The Academy aims to challenge the current status quo, by providing teachers with innovative solutions to the existing problems of prolonged sedentarism and integration of kids from diverse backgrounds (including cultural and linguistic integration). Ideally: a multimedia board/projector (beamer), a loud speaker, internet connection. Krokiet and Lama is also used by the teachers who have only computers with built in speakers at their disposal.
Krokiet and Lama content has been designed both for individual and groups use.
The limitatation is the space available and the equimpent.
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Collection and development of educational materials
The Academy produces two types of content:
1. »Online« - video. It is possible to use it outdoor but it has been inteded to be used indoor.
2. »Offline« - activity cards, actove games scenarios etc. These can be used both indoor and outdoor.
Short description of the activity
Providing early education teachers with the different ready-to-use tools that they can introduce to better integrate Ukrainian refugee kids (age 6-10) with their peers in the classrooms.
Our methodology combines three following values:
1) Education,
2) Entertainment
3) Physical Activity.
The proportion between those three ingredients, in each piece of material, differs depending on specific learning objectives. The tools we share with teachers may have the form of online (videos) or offline materials (pdf files) and are often interrelated to one another by common topics.
Methodology used for successful implementation
The methodolgy that is planned to be used within the framework of this project.
The methodology is built upon seamless integration of education, entertainment and physical activity into various learning materials. We design activities that require children to move, which creates more opportunities for interaction between the students as opposed to traditional „desk learning”. Physical activity offers many benefits for children. Besides health and mental benefits, group activities help to increase peer-acceptance, emphaty or leadership skills. During 10 month-long intervention we will provide participating schools with 10 different set of materials every month. Each set will consist of 4 different products: 1) A „WUR Warm-Up” video, 2) An Episode video, 3) An Activity card for students (pdf file) and 4) A Scripts for teachers (pdf file).
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.6
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
The shark’s island – part of MGSC methodology, included in the manual Traditional games for child protection.
Terre des hommes Romania
Cristina Vladescu
While working fun, the children work on strategic thinking and cooperation, through physical contact. The most important aspect of the game is to have an altruistic goal rather than an individual one. The notion os security, safe/unsafe places, realiable/unreliable people can be dealt with in relation to child protection.
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
Animators, teachers, sport teachers, social workers that are in daily intercation with children
4-10 yo
Small mat or any other object that can vary in size - ropes, plastic, sheet, etc.
The game is played by six to ten players maximum. if the group is too big, it just needs to be divided up so that two groups or more can play at the same time.
Both, depending on the weather
The animator tells a story the children are at the sea, they swim and play in the water (run using swimming strokes). When the sharks (imaginary) arrive, the lifeguard (played by animator) gives a signal (clapping hands, whistling, etc) and everyone must seek on the islands (small mat) without their feet in the water. Then when the danger has past, the lifeguard gives the signal twice and the children can return to the water. But the tide comes in the islands starts to disappear underwater little by little (the animator folds the mat so that the surface area becomes smaller and smaller). When the lifeguard gives the signal again, the children must try once again to reach the island without anyone being left in the sea.
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
First, the coach/teachert/animator, puts the mats on the floor and takes up to 3 children, by suggesting 2 of them to stay on a mat and the third one, outside the safe place/island. And, as all children know some popular songs, as, for example, Baby shark, the animator starts singing it, and imporvising a potential danger, so, children could understand, without speach, the purpose of the game. avv
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
If the space is too small, children encounter the risk of bumping in each other There is a need of assertive adult in order to organize children Language challlenges/ the capacity of adults/professionals to use body language
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
For children within 4-7 years age, in order to have a safe space, there is a need of at least 20, sqm room. For older children/youngsters, the space shall be larger, or, ourdoor. Blankests, mats, bags (60-100 liters), 1 adult/20 children/youngsters – the compulsory rule is knowing how to behave with children,
The level of difficulty depends on the number of players and the surface area of the mat. It is up to the animator to manage and evaluate the abilities of the players. This metaphoric game creates the opportunity to discuss who the sharks are, the dangerous people in real life. Who are the lifeguards? Where are the islands? (safe places) or other places where children can feel protected? How can the children help each other in order to be
Monitoring & Evaluation
By getting feedback and addressing following questions: How dod you feel the game went? What was easy or difficult for you? For what reason?
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.7
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
The postman– part of MGSC methodology, included in the manual Traditional games for child protection.
Terre des hommes Romania
Cristina Vladescu
An ideal game for a group just getting acquianted or for a group that wants to get to know each other more and in a lively and fun way. The notion of information can be usefull to identify children at risk, in relation to child protection.
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
Short description of the activity
Animators, teachers, sport teachers, social workers that are in daily intercation with children
6-14 yo
If the game is played indoors, a chair per child; if it is played outside, a hoop per child, or chalk to draw circles, or ropes.
Depends on the size of the room, if indoor
Both, depending on the weather
The players are seated on chairs in a big circle (or standing in a hoop, in a circle drawn with chalk, etc). One player, the postman, is standing in the centre. he says out loud: The post has arrived. The other players ask: For whom? The postman answers: For all those who. .and makes something up.. those who have a brother, those who have travelled to a certain place, those who are near-sighted, those who are wearing green, etc. Those concerned by the post must
Methodology used for successful implementation
Collection and development of educational materials
Adults/professional that are using the game to have good animation/ non-verbal skills, as it is already happening with our, internal, Tdh persons.
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
During the game, animator/adult must remind the players the security elements: they have tendency to be very enthusiastic and to rush to the chairs without watching out for others (risking jostles and falls).
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
The first time, the animator can play the part of the postman so that the children understand how the game works. The post should be adapted to the age of the children. It can be focused on superficial criteria such as physical appearance for the little one, or more personal criteria, such as beliefs, personality tastes, etc, for the bigger ones. The animator shall insist on the pace of game and on respecting the rules.
Monitoring & Evaluation
By asking the following questions:
- How do you feel the game went? Was it easy, difficult, fun, etc? Did you feel at ease? Fow what reason?
- Did you learn anything new about one of your playmates? What?
- Did you like being the postman? For what reasons?
Collection and development of educational materials
Activity no.8
Name of the activity
Owner of the example
Contact person
Objective of the activity
Alphabet islands (Foundation activity)
The »foundation« activities are normally warm ups, ice breakers and trust exercises that aim to introduce players to what comes next
Zukunftsbau GmbH
Marco Schroeder
The objectives of the activity are: to allow students learn in a more enjoyable context, motivate students by engaging all their senses in energetic learning activities, encourage them to act, interact and compete
Who is the intended “user” of this activity?
Target group (age categories, max. age frame)
Equipment needed for the implementation
Size (min. and max. no of kids) of the group for which the activity is intended
Is the activity intended for indoor, outdoor or both?
The activity is intended for teachers of different subjects (history, biology, chemistry etc.).
This activity can be used by children and adults participating in different educational settings. There is no age limit for the target group.
Laminated sheets of paper containing the letters of the alphabet, one on each sheet.
The minimum recommended number of persons is 5.
Both indoor and outdoor, as long as it is an open space.
Short description of the activity
Collection and development of educational materials
The teacher prepares sheets of paper (preferably laminated) with all the letters of the alphabet, one on each sheet. The sheets are then spread out across open space, making sure that they are not very close to one another. The teacher explains that each letter represents an island.
Players are travelling around the islands, the teacher calls out a category with instructions on what to do on arrival. On the given signal, players make their way to an island that represents the first letter their choice. For example, if the teacher asks “What is your favourite fruit?” players then swim to the island beginning with the letter of their favourite fruit. When they get to their destination, they are to reveal their choice to the other people on the island and to state things they know about the fruit such as: What colour is it? Does it grow on a tree or on the ground? Does it have a skin? How do you eat it? The teacher may move around the islands asking players to share their answers. The same routine is repeated as many times as necessary, adapting the questions to the category. Sometimes it is not necessary for the teacher to visit all islands and the answers can stay with the cluster on the island.
Methodology used for successful implementation
Alphabet Islands can be adapted in various ways in order to either consolidate content by asking players for opinions/preferences or test them on their knowledge of a topic. The alphabet format can be maintained or replaced by a set of concepts related with the content (place names, historical figures, natural habitats, etc.).
Are there any risks associated with the activity?
As it is incebreaker, it might include physical contact and running. It is highly important that teachers choose an adequate space for the physical movement involved in this game.
Necessary resources (timing, human resource)
The game lasts between 5-10 minutes, including preparation.
Reported outcomes from using the games are: improved learning, improved achievement, improved relationships between teachers and students, improved motivation, enjoyable and friendly motivation,improved selfconfidence.