Integration of Ukrainian Refugee Children Through Sport

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IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays #We build the future together


_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays

Content The episode video


Would You Rather (WUR) – lets meet, warm-up videos


Class aerobics


Artist and sculpture


The counting curse


Live hula hoop


Got you finger


The circle chair


Artist and sculpture



_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays

These videos have been created to support the integration of Ukrainian children in the schools. The two contexts are different; in the case of Poland, few videos are in Polish, since Ukrainian children are already quite proficient in Polish language. In Romania, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland where children haven’t managed to speak sufficiently the local language yet, English has been chosen for both students, local and Ukrainian ones, to be able to understand. Name of the game/play

The episode video

Owner / Organisation Website Language Goal

V4Sport Foundation Polish The aim is to immerse all pupils in a story, engage them in collaborative work, centered around physical activities, and promote joint problem-solving. Teamwork should facilitate the process of integration and trust between students. Games, play, physical activity 6 – 10 (Or school grade 1– 3) The video is 22 minutes long and can be divided into shorter parts, depending on the needs and possibilities. Confidence and cooperation Concentration and attention Brain break When information is turned into a relatable story with a lesson attached, it's easier for children to connect to and learn from it. Visual storytelling helps kids create a deeper emotional connection with other children, increasing their attention span and making them more likely to participate in physical activities. Children, when immersed in a story, become part of the story, becoming coparticipants which makes it a group experience that everyone can feel a part of. When a team spirit emerges, it facilitates integration. In the story, children meet Detective Meryl and her faithful assistant, Wattson. In the first episode, kids will become private investigators by completing the online training with a qualifying test. Then, children will learn that they are soon embarking on their first mission. Detective Meryl needs the help of children to crack an ancient code of 9 different symbols, which will help save her old and dear friend, Krokiet. To succeed, Detective Meryl, with the assistance of children, will have to visit 9 different locations in Poland and Ukraine. This is the link to the first storytelling video content, specifically developed by V4SPORT for the purpose of this project – integration of Ukrainian refugee children with their peers: Each story telling video content is accompanied by specifically designed offline tools, enabling the teachers to engage kids into even more collaborative work. This is also accompanied by a set of “Would you rather” videos, described in the below table.

Main activity Age group Time for the activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video


_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays

Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website

Would You Rather (WUR) – lets meet, warm-up videos V4Sport Foundation

Language Goal

Polish The aim is for students to concentrate and pay close attention to each other. Children open up to others and get the opportunity to find colleagues with similar interests among their classmates. Games, play, physical activity 6 – 10 (Or school grade 1– 3) Each of the 10 videos is 5-7 minutes long. The teachers have the flexibility to decide how to use them. Getting to know each other’s preferences Brain break Confidence and cooperation Concentration and attention Members of different groups mix less than members of the same group. Social groups can form around such dimensions as gender, culture, mother language, interests, values etc. Common interests, beliefs and values can help children from different groups to form a deep bond with each other despite differences in culture or mother language. 10 videos for children were developed as part of the "Would you rather?" (WUR) concept. WUR framework focuses on kids and their personal preferences. Children are first asked to choose between two given options and then asked to present their choices to other classmates by performing an exercise assigned to the answer. Thus, kids open up to others and get the opportunity to find among classmates colleagues with similar interests. WUR 1: p4?rlkey=vfs07gwmoupa6hyis7dac6zuk&dl=0 WUR 2: .mp4?rlkey=uoaj2552h7r2vxzeis6ncurvy&dl=0 WUR 3: mp4?rlkey=9b7ygcrqff3dzz0ufwktjxc3y&dl=0 WUR 4: p4?rlkey=mc27dssejfyfav03c0qlwbknf&dl=0 WUR 5: p4?rlkey=ha7rhaihirmoktbqu5qvxj4cq&dl=0

Main activity Age group Time for the activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video




Link to a video

WUR 6: p4?rlkey=6pho3lc1avtbqadai4fnxnqmd&dl=0 WUR 7: .mp4?rlkey=15ywjqf156e43cqatks35f2k6&dl=0 WUR 8: mp4?rlkey=rscmniq71shhl9nri9yhv7w8z&dl=0 WUR 9: p4?rlkey=ui8vjb9dp168r9k1obelu97zf&dl=0 WUR 10: mp4?rlkey=nmym51z28cvsunzmxkqi1rnbz&dl=0

Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website Language Goal

Class aerobics Danish School Sport Federation English and Danish The purpose is for the students to get moving while using their imagination and creativity to come up with different movements. Games, play 5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) 1 – 10 minutes Brain break Pulse and strength There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement The class is divided into two or three teams, each of which will line up in a circle. Choose a person in each circle who makes a small movement. 2nd person repeats the first movement and puts on a new movement. 3rd person repeats the first two movements, adds a new one, etc. The others in the circle are allowed to practice along - but without helping. The movements are adapted to the grade level, so the younger classes do small, simple exercises, while the higher classes do more difficult movements. When everyone has come up with an exercise, or you have a series of exercises of about 10 exercises, you can put on music and try to follow it Klasse-aerobic - YouTube

Main activity Age group Time for the activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video

More videos here:




Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website

Artist and sculpture Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

English and Danish The aim is for students to work together to coordinate different parts of the body. The students' ability to concentrate is also required. Main activity Games, play Age group 5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1 – 10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video

Brain break Coordination Confidence and cooperation Concentration and attention There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement The students divide into pairs. One is the artist, the other is the sculpture. The artist models the sculpture as he/she would like it to be. This involves thinking down to the smallest detail: how should the fingers be positioned? Should the eyes be closed or open? And so on. The artist primarily uses physical contact to model, but verbal guidance may be necessary if, for example, the eyes need to be closed. On the teacher's signal, the modeling stops, e.g. after one minute. The artist now applies two different movements to the sculpture, e.g. bending and stretching one leg while nodding the head up and down. On the teacher's signal, the artist now decides which sound to put on the sculpture. The students swap roles so that the artist becomes the sculpture and vice versa. (259) Kunstner og skulptur - YouTube More videos here:




Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website of the organization and link to the materials (it can be in a different language)

The counting curse Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

Danish and English The aim is for students to concentrate and pay close attention to each other. This exercise is somewhat more difficult than it sounds. Main activity Games, play Age group 5 – 15 (must count in similar language) (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1-10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video

Brain break Confidence and cooperation Concentration and attention The class is divided into two groups. The groups stand in a circle and face the center. In turn, the group should count from 1 to 21 by saying the next number one at a time, in no particular order. However, they must not count by mouth, so if two students say the same number at the same time, the group must start all over again. The exercise requires attention and a sense of when to say the next number. If more than two students say the same number at the same time, it triggers a common bonus movement for the whole group - e.g. 1-3 angel jumps. NB: There are generally no rules for how many numbers in the row each person can count. However, as a teacher, it is important to get everyone involved so that the exercise is stopped and started again if only the same few are counting all the time. (259) Tælleforbandelsen - YouTube More videos here:

_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays


Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website of the organization and link to the materials (it can be in a different language)

Live hula hoop Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

Danish and English The aim is for students to be aware of each other and to work together to coordinate body parts so that the "live" hula hoop is transported down the line without hitting anyone on the way. Main activity Games, play Age group 5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1-10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity Brain break Confidence and cooperation Coordination There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement Short description

The class is divided into two teams and stand in two rows. All students hold hands with their partner - except two students at each row who act as a living hula hoop. The two students stand at the end of the row and join hands so that their arms form a circle/"hula hoop". The two students must now try to transport the "ring" down the line without hitting any body parts on the way. They must not lose their grip on each other's hands. This means, for example, that they start by taking the hands/ring around the first person's head, and then he/she tries to step through the ring so that it can be passed on over the arms and the palm of the hand to the next student. And so on.

Link to a video

All students work together to transport the live hula hoop. (259) Levende hulahopring - YouTube More videos here:




Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website

Got you finger Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

Danish and English The aim is for students to work on their concentration and attention as well as the ability to coordinate the movements of the right and left hand Main activity Games, play Age group 5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1-10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity

Brain break Concentration and attention Coordination There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement

Short description

Students stand facing each other in pairs. Everyone holds their left hand outstretched towards their partner, palm upwards. The index finger of the right hand should point down into the open palm of the partner's left hand. Now, at the signal, you must try to catch your partner's index finger with your hand and at the same time try to avoid having your finger caught. Initially, the teacher can simply say "now" when it is time to catch. Change hands along the way. (259) Got you – finger - YouTube

Link to a video

More videos here:

_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays


Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website

The circle chair Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

Danish and English The aim is for students to become good at working together and build trust in each other as they try to sit down on each other's thighs without falling over. Games, play

Main activity Age group

5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1-10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity

Brain break Confidence and cooperation There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement

Short description

All students stand in a circle with one shoulder towards the center. They look at each other straight in the back of the head, so that they stand very close. At the teacher's signal, all students try to sit down on each other's thighs without breaking the circle or causing anyone to fall over. (259) Cirkelstolen - YouTube

Link to a video

More videos here:

_____________________________________________________________________________ IURTS EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS – games and plays


Name of the game/play Owner / Organisation Website

Artist and sculpture Danish School Sport Federation

Language Goal

English and Danish The aim is for students to work together to coordinate different parts of the body. The students' ability to concentrate is also required. Main activity Games, play Age group 5 – 15 (Or school grade 0 – 8) Time needed for the 1 – 10 minutes activity Purpose of the activity

Short description

Link to a video

Brain break Coordination Confidence and cooperation Concentration and attention There is no language barrier, it is about a body movement The students divide into pairs. One is the artist, the other is the sculpture. The artist models the sculpture as he/she would like it to be. This involves thinking down to the smallest detail: how should the fingers be positioned? Should the eyes be closed or open? And so on. The artist primarily uses physical contact to model, but verbal guidance may be necessary if, for example, the eyes need to be closed. On the teacher's signal, the modeling stops, e.g. after one minute. The artist now applies two different movements to the sculpture, e.g. bending and stretching one leg while nodding the head up and down. On the teacher's signal, the artist now decides which sound to put on the sculpture. The students swap roles so that the artist becomes the sculpture and vice versa. (259) Kunstner og skulptur - YouTube More videos here:


#We build the future together


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