The CRC Sport is founded on the belief that sport and sports organisations have a huge responsibility to help children in their development and to educate them as future citizens
BUT that to do so, it needs that sport organisations and their workforce (both paid staff and volunteers) need to improve their capacity, skills, knowledge and understanding in delivering sport by allowing children to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity and under the respect of their rights.
For the first time, a transnational partnership gathering a mix of organisations with different expertise will address the topic of safeguarding children’s rights in sports through convergent lines of action:
Understanding the potential of the sports organisations, examining how they deliver sports activities and building an understanding of the role of the adults working in the sports organisations in promoting, protecting and safeguarding the rights of the children and setting a more inclusive sport system will form the basis of this innovative, collaborative project.
The focus areas encompass a wide spectrum, from delving into the potential of sports organisations to scrutinizing sports activities delivery. Moreover, CRC Sport delves into the crucial role of adults in supporting, safeguarding, and promoting children's rights within the sporting realm.
At CRC Sport, we are committed to fostering a more inclusive sports system that embraces diversity and empowers individuals of all backgrounds.
Delivery of Sport and Physical Activities: evaluate and enhance how sports activities are delivered.
Organisational Structure: focus on measures for adopting a rights-based approach.
Skills and Knowledge Enhancement: improve skills and knowledge of sports coaches and leaders.
Collaborative efforts for a positive, inclusive, rights-based sports environment.
CRC Sport presents an unparalleled opportunity to elevate the quality and significance of activities centred on children's rights in sports, thereby catalyzing a positive transformation within the national and EU sports systems. This initiative serves as a conduit for effecting positive change and addressing the multifaceted demands emanating from EU institutions and agencies.
European Desk Research and Good Practices Analysis: Gain insights from comprehensive research and analysis, identifying good practices
Guidelines for a Child-Rights Based Approach: Access invaluable guidelines and a self-assessment tool designed to foster a child-rights based approach in sports and physical activities.
National Round Tables and Seminars: Participate in engaging discussions and seminars at the national level, facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders.
Training Programme Handbook: Equip yourself with essential knowledge through our comprehensive handbook, offering a structured course outline on implementing a child-rights based approach in sports training for coaches and organisational leaders.
Child Safeguarding Policies Toolkit: Empower sports organisations with the necessary tools and resources to establish robust child safeguarding policies, promoting a safe and nurturing environment for all participants.