iSchool Innovations - Research Magazine

Page 36

F A C U LT Y & S T U D E N T N O T E S

Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles BOOKS PUBLISHED


Jeffrey Saltz, associate professor, and Jeffrey Stanton, professor, published the textbook, An Introduction to Data Science (Springer, October 2017).

Carlos Caicedo, associate professor, published “Spectrum Consumption Model Builder: A Software Tool to Enhance Spectrum Sharing,” in Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (with Arnav Mohan), 2017.

Jeffrey M. Stanton, professor, had his book, Reasoning With Data: An Introduction to Traditional and Bayesian Statistics Using R, published by Guildford Press in May. The book teaches the use of inferential statistical thinking to check assumptions, assess evidence about beliefs and avoid over-interpreting results with both classical and Bayesian approaches to inference.

BOOK CHAPTERS PUBLISHED Kevin Crowston, assistant dean for research and distinguished professor of information science, had a book chapter, “Levels of Trace Data for Social and Behavioral Science Research,” published in the Springer book by Editors Sorin Adam Matei, Sean Goggins and Nicholas Jullien, Big Data Factories: Collaborative Approaches (ISBN 978-3-31959186-5). Caroline Haythornthwaite, professor and director of the iSchool’s MIS library programs, published a second edition of her 2016 title, Handbook of E-Learning Research (co-authored with Richard Andrews, Jude Fransman and Eric M. Meyers and published by Sage Publishing. This edition addresses the continued need for study and understanding of learning practices (formal, informal and non-formal) in contemporary technology-supported and technologyenabled educational, work and social settings. Megan Oakleaf, associate professor, had her workbook, Academic Library Value: The Impact Starter Kit, listed in the ALA store online. The workbook is a resource kit for professional development workshops and to help academic libraries measure their existing value while also identifying ways to increase their value in the context of their institutional missions. Barbara Stripling, professor, had her chapter, “Empowering Students to Inquire in a Digital Environment,” included in the 2017 publication of the book, School Librarianship: Past, Present, and Future (ed. Susan Alman, New York; Rowman & Littlefield). Stripling retired from the iSchool at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Rachel Ivy Clarke, assistant professor, published “Using Critical Design to Explore the Future of Libraries,” in Library Hi-Tech News 34 (9): 6-9 (invited contribution); and “Understanding Appeals of Video Games for Readers’ Advisory and Recommendation” (with Jim Ha Lee, Hyerim Cho and Travis Windleharth) in Reference & User Services Quarterly, 57 (2): 127-139. Kevin Crowston, associate dean for research, had several articles published in academic journals in 2017: “Gamers, Citizen Scientists, and Data: Exploring Participant Contributions in Two Games With A Purpose” (with Nathan Prestopnik and Jun Wang), in Computers in Human Behavior “Gravity Spy: Integrating Advanced LIGO Detector Characterization, Machine Learning and Citizen Science” (with Michael Zevin, Scott Coughlin, Sara Bahaadini, Emre Besler, Neda Rohani, Sarah Allen, Miriam Cabero, Aggelos Katsaggelos, Shane Larson, Tae Kyoung Lee, Chris Lintott, Tyson Littenberg, Andrew Lundgren, Carsten Oesterlund, Joshua Smith, Laura Trouille and Vicky Kalogera), published in Classical and Quantum Gravity “Roles and Politeness Behavior in Community-Based Free/Libre Open Source Software Development” (with Kangning Wei, U. Yeliz Eseryel and Robert Heckman), was published in Information & Management “Organizational IT Infrastructures in the Era of IT Consumerization as Changing Interdependencies Among Technology, People and Work Practices” (with Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, Kateryna Bondar and Bernhard Katzy), was published in the International Journal of Information Management “Core-Periphery Communication and the Success of Free/Libre Open Source Software Projects” (with Ivan Shamshurin), was published in Core Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA), Thematic Series on FOSS Development Core Journal of Internet Services “Pursuing Best Performance In Research Data Management by Using the Capability Maturity Model and Rubrics,” written with iSchool Professor Jian Qin and Arden Kirkland, an iSchool adjunct faculty member, was published in the October 2017 issue of the Journal of eScience Librarianship.

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Articles inside

Research Speakers and Visitors

pages 51-52

Post-Doctoral Papers and Honors

page 49

Master’s, Undergraduate Honors

page 50

Doctoral Research and Recognitions

pages 47-48

Selected Media Mentions

pages 44-45

Presentations, Papers and Posters

pages 40-43

Ph.D. Placements

page 46

Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles

pages 36-37

Leadership Awards and Accolades

pages 34-35

Keynotes, Panels and Workshops

pages 38-39

Appreciating Scholar Guests

pages 32-33

New Awards

pages 28-31

Communities Grant

page 24

SALT: Supporting the Use of Tech

pages 25-27

Finding Funding and Collaborators: ‘EILEEN

pages 20-21

SMART GRID: Project Center

pages 22-23

METADATA: Analytics and Modeling

page 19

Drone Privacy Study Earns NYS Revitalization Grant

page 11

Nudging, Structured Techniques

pages 16-17

How ICTs Can Ease Difficult Life Transitions

page 18

IMLS Project Expands Research Into Children’s Innovation Processes

pages 6-7

Political Messaging

pages 14-15

New Tool Simulates Drone Traffic

page 10

CCDS: Center for Computational and Data Sciences

pages 12-13

CENT: Center for Emerging Network Technologies

pages 8-9
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