F A C U LT Y & S T U D E N T N O T E S
2017 Ph.D. Placements
Fatima EspinozaVasquez
Lauren Britton
Dane Dell
Naybell Hernandez
Fatima Espinoza-Vasquez
Espinoza-Vasquez accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at the School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. She started there in August 2017.
Lauren Britton
Britton became an assistant professor focused on emerging media in the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College, Ithaca New York. She began that position in August 2017.
Dane Dell
Dell joined the Onondaga County Public Library system in Syracuse, New York, as director of library information systems.
Naybell Hernandez
Hernandez is an adjunct lecturer at Utica College in Utica, New York, where she teaches in the college’s Computer Science department.
David James
Gabriel Mugar
Susan Rothwell
Gabriel Mugar
Mugar is a research associate and affiliate faculty member for the Engagement Lab at Emerson College in Boston. As a researcher and project manager specializing in civic media, he coordinates a national study on civic media innovation and supports the faculty cohort for Boston Civic Media. His research interests also include community informatics and both online and offline instances of commons-based peer production.
Susan Rothwell
Rothwell is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Physics and Astronomy at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Science in Rochester, New York. She is working on a National Science Foundation-funded education research project investigating STEM workforce development and 21st-century skills from the perspectives of faculty, students, employees and employers.
David James
James became an assistant professor for the Computer and Information Sciences faculty at Spellman College in Atlanta, Georgia. His appointment was effective August 2018.
The iSchool Ph.D. Program Our doctoral program (Ph.D. in information science and technology) is innovative and interdisciplinary. We have several specialized in-house research labs and projects that take place across SU’s schools, with other universities and with scholars around the globe. Find out more about our curriculum, learning outcomes, recruiting faculty and how to apply at: ischool.syr.edu/phd.
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