The historic battle of Good vs Evil has been around since the beginning of humanity - but where does science fit in? The Spring 2021 Issue of I, Science delves into all things good and evil. It tackles topics such as the science of human morality; if predators and pathogens are evil; if compassion can help with vaccine hesitancy; and even if the universe itself is evil! There are also plenty more discussions on morality and the perceptions of "good" and "evil" in science.
(Tags: AI, altruism, animals, antivaxxers, Artificial Intelligence, axis of evil, bad science, cartography, climate science, cosmology, COVID-19, Darwin, disease, dragons, ecology, ethics, eugenics, Good vs Evil, Heroes, I Science, microbiology, morality, myth busting, neuromorality, neuroscience, nuclear physics, pathogens, peer review, physics, predators, psychohistory, psychology, research, scientists, sharks, solar energy, space, vaccine hesitancy)