Folkestone classi terze apr2015

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Dal 19 al 25 Aprile 2015, alcuni alunni della 3A e 3B del plesso Manzoni si sono recati in una città a Sud dell’Inghilterra: Folkestone. Siamo stati ospitati da famiglie e al mattino seguivamo le lezioni all’“Academy of English Studies” (AES).

La scuola che ci ha ospitati

Folkestone è una piccola città sulla costa Britannica a 2 ore circa da Londra; nelle giornate più nitide si può addirittura vedere la Francia dal fiorito lungomare. La scuola che ci ha ospitati ci ha divisi in sezioni: siamo stati seguiti da insegnanti validi e qualificati. Il programma prevedeva anche 3 escursioni: a Canterbury, Dover e Londra.

Il lungomare di Folkestone

The Leas Lift A local man, John Newman, leased some land from Lord Radnor and built Folkestone Leas Cliff Railway on behalf of the Folkestone Lift Company during the 1880s. The lift opened on 21st September 1885.

The Grand Hotel Daniel Baker built The Grand 100 years ago. At the time Folkestone was one of the most fashionable and prosperous coastal resorts.

Dover è una piccola cittadina caratterizzata dalle bianche scogliere (White Cliffs) e ricordata nel periodo della Seconda guerra mondiale per essere stato il rifugio di Winston Churchill. Ăˆ il porto piĂš vicino alla Francia (dista solo 30 km) e ha un enorme castello arroccato e fortificato.

White Cliffs

The White Cliffs of Dover They are cliffs which form part of the British coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France. The Cliff face, which reaches up to107 metres owes its striking façade to its composition of chalk accentuated by streaks of black flint.

Dover Castle Is a medieval castle in the English country of Kent. It was founded in the 12th century and has been descrived as the “Key to England” due to its defencive significance. It is the largest castle in England.

Canterbury è un antico paesino che ha come simbolo la bellissima e maestosa cattedrale, le numerosissime stradine che si snodano nel centro e i prati fioriti sulle rive del fiume Great Stour.

Canterbury Cathedral The Cathedral’s history goes back to 597AD, when St Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory the Great as a missionary, established his seat in Canterbury. In 1770 Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in the Cathedral and ever since, the Cathedral has attracted thousands of pilgrims.

The River Stour The beautiful parks and flower beds on the River Stour, filled with many colorful flowers

Al termine del nostro viaggio, è arrivato anche il momento che tutti noi aspettavamo febbrilmente: l’escursione a Londra. Dopo essere arrivati in treno abbiamo visitato diverse attrazioni, parchi e la National Gallery.

Charing Cross Station Opened on 11th January 1864 to connect Waterloo and London Bridge Stations. A year later the Charing Cross Hotel opened and had been built in a French Renaissance Style.

Big Ben This was built after the original Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire in 1834. it was built in the Victorian gothic style and is 96 meters tall. The name “Big Ben� is actually the name of the bell that chimes every 15 minutes.

Downing Street For over 200 years this is the place where the Prime Minister lives at number 10. the Chancellor of the Exchequer lives at number 11.

Horse Guards This is the headquarters of the British Army. The soldiers are not allowed to move or smile and they have to stay here for a long time.

Buckingham Palace This is the official home of the Queen of England. The “core” was originally built as a town house for the Duke of Buckingham. Queen Victoria was the first queen to live there from 1837. The Victoria memorial statue was built in 1911 with 2300 of white marble. Piccadilly Circus Is the spot where five of London’s busiest streets converge. The statue in the middle is one of London’s more famous landmarks.

È stata un’esperienza davvero fantastica, abbiamo conosciuto tante nuove persone, tanti luoghi e speriamo di ripetere al più presto questo viaggio!!! Ringraziamo i nostri accompagnatori, la professoressa Porrà ed il professore Marconi Sciarroni, senza di loro non avremmo potuto avere questa opportunità! Mignini Victoria, 3AM

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