About us ISCOPES (Interdisciplinary Student Community-Oriented Prevention Enhancement Service) is an evolving health focused service-learning initiative that places GW students, staff, and faculty from various fields of study as well as community practitioners and neighbors from the DC metro area in interprofessional Learning Communities to address bigger picture health issues through smarter service projects. From September through April, students serve on project teams within these Learning Communities and tackle health issues with multi-dimensional service projects. Culturally mindful service, inclusivity of diverse thought, and doing something about real health issues are the ingredients of ISCOPES. This is the world of health... evolved.
our Learning communities Each Learning Community and its service project focuses on one of the following health domains:
Guardian Engagement
Healthy Teen Scholars
Getting adults involved with kids' health
Adolescent health and health careers
Adult Health Literacy
Veterans Health Project
Senior Wellness
Digital health information, drug labels, and medical system literacy
Achieving wellness through social engagement and telling one's story
Living exceptionally ages 55+
What you give
what you gain
For an average of 10 hours per month from September through April, you will serve people of the DC metro area through three key steps:
Through ISCOPES, you'll hone skills and knowledge crucial for evolving into a stellar health professional. You'll also gain:
Learn: Focus on the health issues you care about in one of our five Learning Communities. Teach others about what you have learned elsewhere and learn from others in the process.
Connections with neighbors throughout the District crucial for health rotations, practicums, internships, and jobs
Serve: Apply what you and colleagues have discussed in your Learning Community in form of a team service project. Build relationships with community partner sites and serve people who are most vulnerable to negative health outcomes. Adapt: Analyze your team's ability to affect change with your service project. Use creativity, classroom knowledge, and previous experience to adapt your project within your Learning Community to better shape health outcomes.
SAVE THE DATES ISCOPES Large Group Events are intentionally designed for participants to deepen their understanding of themselves, community partners, projects, and those they will be learning and serving with throughout the year. All Large Group Events (listed below) are held on Friday mornings from 9:00am -11:00am. Student participation is required at all events.
New relationships formed with new colleagues - meet friends from different disciplines Chance to explore our nation's capital Access to staff, faculty, and community practitioners Out of classroom experience - go beyond the lecture halls and books Practice as part of an interprofessional health focused team Opportunity to hone your time management and life balance skills Skills in health promotion/education FUN! - make the most of your time at GW All students who successfully complete a year of service with ISCOPES will receive: A special designation on their academic transcript Robust content for resumes, references, and letters of recommendation
Leadership opportunities
FALL 2018 Orientation (9/14) Walk in My Shoes - Healthcare Access Simulation (9/21) Project Prep (10/12) Teach-back (10/19) Teach-back Debrief (10/26)
SPRING 2019 Midyear Continuous Quality Improvement (1/18) Alumni Networking (2/1) Ethical Dialogue (2/15) Future Prep (3/22) Transition Celebration (4/19)
Fall 2018 online Application Window: August
13TH - September 5th
Wednesday, August 29th 12:00pm - 1:00pm The Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Ave. NW B1 Level Learn more about ISCOPES by meeting a panel of past student participants! Free pizza will be available at 11:30am (first come, first serve). ISCOPES OPEN HOUSE
Tuesday, September 4th 3:00pm - 6:00pm The Milken Institute School of Public Health 950 New Hampshire Ave. NW - Suite 230 Stop by to meet and greet the ISCOPES Leadership Team! Enjoy refreshments and ask questions.
iscopes@gwu.edu | www.iscopes.gwu.edu