Litchfield Community Education & Recreation Fall 2018 Guide

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Litchfield Community Education & Recreation FALL 2018 Getting Together: Sharing, Growing & Learning

307 E 6th Street, Suite 110 ● Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 693-2354 ● Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM A cooperative program of the City of Litchfield and Independent School District 465

Para ayuda con esta información en español llame a Jeff Garland (320) 593-7971. Información en español página 18.

Look for District #465 Back to School Information on pages 26-36

INTRODUCTION A Family of Lifelong Learners Is it here yet? How soon will it come? We are waiting!!!! That is what you do when your family is the biggest fan of Community Education and the new booklet is due at any time. We are looking for that book weeks before it comes out so we can sign up ASAP for all the great offerings. My daughters have been involved with theater, cake decorating, bowling and dog training. Now there are currently 3 grandchildren participating and one who is not quite old enough yet. You have to page through the brochure to find out what is available. How about free lunch for ages 1 to 18 Monday through Friday? There is Little Learners, Dancin’ Dragons, tennis, baseball, soccer, swimming, gymnastics, football and Pool Sharks. These are just a few of the things we have participated in. There’s more! Trips, Tae Kwon Do and so many more. I encourage you to spend some time with the grandkids learning a new activity. Carol Dragt - Litchfield, MN

Our Mission

Litchfield Community Education and Recreation involves citizens of all ages in inclusive, affordable and accessible opportunities for learning, leadership and community involvement.


Page 3


Page 4

Early Childhood

Pages 4-7

Youth Enrichment

Pages 8-9

Youth Recreation

Pages 10-11

Youth Trips

Page 12

Special Olympics

Page 13


Page 13

Adult Enrichment

Pages 14-17

Guía de Programas y Actividades

Page 18

Adult Basic Education

Page 19

Adult Recreation

Pages 20-21

Adult & Family Trips

Pages 22-23

Community Information

Pages 24-25

Back to School Information

Pages 26-36

Information & Policies

Pages 37-38


Page 39

We are always looking for new instructors and new ideas, so feel free to contact the Community Education office at (320) 693-2354 or email us at


By registering for any Community Education activity you acknowledge for yourself or those you are registering that photographs and/or videotaping of participants may be taken. See page 38 for more information. 2

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

DRAGON KIDS CLUB WEE DRAGON KIDS CLUB Dragon Kids Club is ISD #465 Community Education’s AFTERSCHOOL & SUMMER school-age childcare program for students grades K-5 (2018-2019 school year)

Wee Dragon Kids Club is ISD #465 Community Education’s AFTERSCHOOL & SUMMER childcare program for Litchfield Preschool students ages 3-5 (2018-2019 school year)

Dragon Kids Club offers a professional and caring staff, a variety of enrichment programs, engaging recreational choices including large motor activity, outdoor play, large and small group games and field trips. Join us for some fun at Kids Club this school year!

Wee Dragon Kids Club offers wrap around child care for preschool students (ages 3-5), who are enrolled in any preschool program within the Wagner Education Building. We serve breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. We make it simple for your child to get to and from their preschool class throughout the day and offer a fun and enriched program while your child is in our care.



Annual Registration Fee (Sept. 2018- Aug. 2019) First Child Family

$25.00 $40.00

Weekly Afterschool: Until 4:30 PM (1-4 days/week) Until 4:30 PM (5 days/week)

$25.00 $40.00

Daily Afterschool: Until 4:30 PM (1-4 days/week) Until 4:30 PM (5 days/week)

$6.00/day $10.00/day

Drop-In Care Afterschool: Until 4:30 PM Until 6:00 PM

$11.00/day $11.00/day

Before School Care: 6:30-8:00 AM Weekly (5 days/week) Daily (1-4 days/week) Drop-In 2 Hr Late Start 6:30-10:00 AM 2 Hr Late Start 8:00-10:00 AM

$25.00 $6.00/day $8.00/day $10.00/day $6.00/day

Non-School Days Full Day Half Day

$30.00 $16.00

SCHEDULE: September 4-May 31

Day: Monday-Friday Hours: 6:30-8:00 AM (Morning) 3:00-6:00 PM (Afterschool) 6:30 AM-6:00 PM (Full Day) Location: Wagner Education Building RM 2 & 4

Annual Registration Fee (Sept. 2018- Aug. 2019)

Contracted Drop-In

One Child






Full Day 6:30AM-3:00 PM



Half Day 6:30 AM-3:00 PM



Hourly Care



After School Care 3:00-6:00 PM $5.00


Full Non-School Day



Half Non-School Day



Child Care Rates:


Afterschool Snack


Weekly Themes

Movie Days

Arts & Crafts

S.T.E.M. Projects


November 23 & 24, December 24 & 25, January 1 & May 27

For all general and billing questions, call (320) 699-0041 or (320) 693-2354 ext. 2002 Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018




Families may pick up registration forms from Community Education. Completed registration forms must be accompanied by a registration fee payment to reserve spaces for the 2018-2019 school year. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. All children must be at least 3½ years old on or before August 31, 2018. Children must be fully potty-trained to participate in preschool. Scholarships are available to families who qualify for free and/or reduced lunch. Scholarships are given on a first-come, first-served basis.





Teresa Strowbridge - Teacher

Aimee Gabrielson - Teacher



Hannah Barrick - Teacher

Litchfield Public Schools Preschool programs and EFCE programs are the proud recipients of a Parent Aware 4-Star Rating What is Parent Aware Rating? Parent Aware Ratings are an important tool that Minnesota parents can use to find childcare and early learning providers in their area that use best practices to prepare their children for kindergarten. What does a 4-Star mean? To earn a 4-Star Rating, programs are excelling in the use of most best practices in preparing kids for kindergarten. Where can I find more information? To read more about Parent Aware in Minnesota go to

2018-2019 PRESCHOOL

As of this printing we have a few spots available! Call (320) 693-2354 for openings and details on exact days and times. ASK ABOUT OUR SCHOLARSHIPS!

Litchfield Public Schools Preschool is an on-site, all early childhood service combined in the pre-k-grade 3 continuum with Lake Ripley School. We have early childhood licensed teachers and use curriculum and assessment tools approved by the Department of Education. We are a 4-Star Parent Aware program and have beautiful facilities for learning that include a playground and gymnasium.

Early Childhood Screening 2018/2019 Litchfield Public Schools Early Childhood Screening is a service offered to families with children ages 3-5 years old. It is a chance to see if a child is achieving the developmental milestones of early childhood. Screening gives parents an opportunity to secure support for their children who might need help in reaching those milestones. The school district is required to offer Early Childhood Screening for ALL children prior to entering kindergarten in the state of Minnesota. During the screening process, early childhood staff along with the school nurse will check your child’s: - Health history & immunization records - Vision & hearing - Height, weight & growth - Large & small motor skills - Thinking, language & communication skills - Social & emotional development If your child is on the school district census, he/she will be notified about Early Childhood Screening close to age 3½ years. If you don't hear from us or need to schedule an appointment, please call (320) 693-2354. Screening Dates: August 23, 2018 November 2, 2018 January 25, 2019 March 15, 2019

What do I do if I have a child younger than three that I have concerns about? While all children grow and change at their own rate you may have concerns that your child is developing differently than other infants or toddlers at the same age. If you have concerns you can call 1-866-693-GROW (4769) Once a referral is made to the local early learning intervention program where you reside, you will be contacted to arrange a FREE screening to determine if your child is eligible for FREE, Help Me Grow, infant and toddler intervention services. This program is funded in part through the MN Department of Education and MN Department of Human Services


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

EARLY CHILDHOOD ECFE Fall Session 2018 September 17 - December 13 Mondays: Sept. 17 & 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec. 3 & 10 Tuesdays: Sept. 18 & 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27, Dec. 4 & 11 Thursdays: Sept. 20 & 27, Oct. 4, 11, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29, Dec. 6 & 13

Need child or sibling care?

ECFE Fall 2018 Pay Scale $70,000+ $69,999-50,000 $49,999-30,000 $29,999-20,000 $19,999-10,000 $9,999-0 Newcomers

$40.00/per course $30.00/per course $20.00/per course $10.00/per course $5.00/per course $ Gifted/per course $ Gifted/per course

ECFE fees: No family will be denied participation due to an inability to pay for any reason. Call (320) 693-2354 for more information.

ECFE offers child care for some classes. Fees are kept at a minimal expense to families. You must register siblings who will need child care when you register for ECFE classes. Sibling Care has room for only 8 children in each section and is granted on a first come-first served basis. Register early! Daycare students are accepted after all families in a given class have registered their family child care needs. All sibling care is at a fixed rate per child per ECFE session. Due to limited budgets and in order to keep this part of the program in operation, it must be cost effective. There must be a minimum of two families registered for each section of sibling care to avoid cancellation. Fee for Sibling Care: 11 week classes- $23.00 per family 12 week classes- $25.00 per family 13 week classes- $27.00 per family

Litchfield Early Learning Program 8:00 AM-12:00 PM WEB-Room 5

Litchfield Early Learning Program 8:00 AM-12:00 PM WEB-Room 5

Litchfield Early Learning Program 8:00 AM-12:00 PM WEB-Room 5

Litchfield Early Learning Program 8:00 AM-12:00 PM WEB-Room 5

Preschool Premium 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec A 4’s & 5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec A 4’s & 5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec C 3-5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 3

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec A 4’s & 5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec C 3-5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 3

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec C 3-5’s 8:30-11:00 AM WEB-Room 3

ECFE - Out and About Transition 8:30-9:45 AM WEB-Room 3 & 6

ECFE - Out & About Separated 8:30-9:45 AM WEB-Room 3 & 6

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec D 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 3

ECFE - Baby Stop 10:15-11:15 AM WEB-Room 3 & 6

ECFE - Family Affair 10:15-11:45 AM WEB-Room 3 & 6

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec B 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec D 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 3

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec D 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 3

ECFE - Infant/Toddler Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec B 5:15-6:15 PM 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 3 & 6 WEB-Room 1

Litchfield Preschool Preschool - Sec B 12:15-2:45 PM WEB-Room 1

ECFE - Family Affair 6:00-7:30 PM WEB-Room 3 & 6

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


EARLY CHILDHOOD Families in the Woods

For families with children birth-grade 3 “Building Blocks for Family and School Success” Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), is a program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten. The program is offered through Minnesota public school districts.

What’s the scoop on ECFE? 

ECFE in Litchfield employs certified teachers and experienced support staff. The Early Childhood Center is located in the Wagner Education Building

Come to the woods with us and explore the treasure of our local park, Youngstrom Woods. Together we will explore nature through games, art and guided learning. There will be time to explore together and each night ends with time by the bonfire, so bring something to roast! Registration deadline: 9/20 Thursdays 9/27-10/11 Learning group 6:00-7:00 PM (Bonfire 7:00-7:30 PM) Youngstrom Woods Fee: $5.00/night per family #0503 Registration is required!

307 E 6th Street Suite 110 Litchfield, MN 55355

 

Programs are for families with children birth to pre-k. All programs include a rich variety of experiences that promote the growth and development of young children. All programs involve parents AND children. Research and experience shows that children whose parents are involved early in their education do better in school. Parent discussion time allows parents to connect, develop relationships, gain support, and learn new parenting skills. We want to partner with parents to provide the best family education experience available.

 

For questions regarding ECFE call (320) 693-2354

Fall Harvest Costume Party Spending time, energy and money on those Halloween costumes for only one night? Here is your chance to debut them! Come to this family favorite gym night in that amazing costume and enjoy games, prizes, and wide-open spaces. Parents, please remember you need to supervise your little ones at ALL times! Although this is a special event for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, older children (up to age 8) in the family are welcome but they must be supervised at all times. Don’t miss out on the fun. Come and enjoy the fun night with us! Registration deadline: 10/19 Friday, October 26 6:00-7:30 PM WEB Gym FREE Admission Jimmy’s Pizza (Free Will Donation) #9315 Registration is required!


By registering for any Community Education activity you acknowledge for yourself or those you are registering that photographs and/or videotaping of participants may be taken. See page 38 for more information. 6

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

EARLY CHILDHOOD ECFE Kick Off Come and Play Date Come and enjoy the ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) rooms and get a feel for what the ECFE year holds for your family! There will be games to play, art projects and more for you and your little ones! Our ECFE staff will be there to host this fun event! Thursday, September 13 9:00-10:15 AM WEB- Room 3 FREE No Registration Required!

Family Affair

Out and About Separated

Discussion time for parents of children ages birth-Gr. 3 This ECFE coffee clutch could be just what you needed to gather with your friends and talk about the world of parenting. This class parents separate right after getting their children settled into the ECFE room for structured free play. Once settled, parents will join the parent educator for lively discussion. Registration deadline: 9/13 Thursdays 9/20-12/13 (No 10/18 & 11/22) (11 Weeks) 8:30-9:45 AM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 See page 5 for fees #2115

For children ages birth to pre-k

Out and About Transition

Have fun playing with your child, introducing them to a variety of learning experiences, and making new friends! Families have the opportunity to explore art, music and movement, math, literacy, and science activities that have been prepared by our early childhood teacher. Families also enjoy participating in circle time activities together. During the last portion of class, parents and children separate to allow parents the opportunity to discuss pertinent topics with a parent discussion facilitator. Come and enjoy this time for you and your child!

Discussion time for parents of children birth to Gr. 3

Tuesdays 9/18-12/11 (13 weeks) 6:00-7:30 PM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 See page 5 for fees #9100D Registration deadline: 9/11 Thursdays 9/20-12/13 (No 10/18 & 11/22) (11 weeks) 10:15-11:45 AM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 See page 5 for fees #9100C Registration deadline: 9/13

Baby Stop This class is for the brand new baby in your family and you. Join this 13 week class and learn about this new little wonder in your life. Registration deadline: 9/11 Tuesdays 9/18-12/11 (13 weeks) 10:15-11:15 AM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 FREE- A Community Collaboration #9100A Registration required! Join at any time!

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

This ECFE coffee clutch could be just what you need to gather with your friends and talk about the world of parenting. Families will come together for a brief time of free play with their child, followed by circle time. After circle time, parents will transition to their own parent discussion, while the children enjoy structured free play. Registration deadline: 9/11 Tuesdays 9/18-12/11 (13 Weeks) 8:30-9:45 AM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 See page 5 for fees #2115B

Infant/Toddler Evening Class

For children age birth to 24 months by Sept 1, 2018 Together, you and your child will explore a variety of fun and exciting activities to stimulate brain development for baby and enjoyment for both of you! Share your parenting joys and concerns with a parent educator and with other parents. Children’s activities, learning centers and circle time are led by a licensed Early Childhood teacher. Registration deadline: 9/10 Mondays 9/17-12/10 (13 weeks) 6:00-7:00 PM WEB- Rooms 3 & 6 See page 5 for fees #9012

FALL 2018


YOUTH ENRICHMENT Dancin’ Dragons Ages 3-Grade 6

Therapy Dog Information Ages 12-Adult

Holly McGraw

TTouch Practitioner Pat Cram

Let’s Dance! Jazz, ballet and high kick skills will be learned at each age appropriate level using teamwork, rhythm and coordination while building self-esteem. Participants will be creating a fun and unique dance routine to showcase for family and friends at the end of the program. Dancers who participate in the fall program only need to pay the instruction fee for the Winter/Spring program. Registration deadline: 9/4 Age 3 Preschool Ages 4-5 Gr. K-1 Gr. 2-3 Gr. 2-3 Jazz Technique* Gr. 4-6 Gr. 4-6 Jazz Technique*

5:00-5:30 PM 4:30-5:00 PM 3:45-4:30 PM 5:30-6:15 PM 5:00-5:30 PM 6:15-7:00 PM 7:00-7:30 PM

#1853 #1852 #1851 #1854 #1854B #1855 #1855B

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9/11-10/16 Ripley Gym Tuesday, October 23 - Pictures & Practice High School Gym Thursday, October 25 - Rehearsal (ALL CLASSES) 4:00-5:30 PM High School Gym Dance Recital Saturday, October 27 - 11:00 AM High School Gym Fee: $90.00 (includes $45.00 costume fee - costume is used in both fall & spring performances) $15.00 - Jazz Technique

There is a need for trained therapy dogs in our rural area! Do you think you and your dog would make a good therapy dog team? Do you want to learn what it takes to become a therapy dog team? Pat will give you information on the training and requirements needed to become a therapy dog team. She will explain the differences between therapy dogs, companion animals and service dogs. As an added bonus, Pat will also give you information on the requirements needed to become a Canine Good Citizen! This class is for dog owners only, you will not need to bring your pet to this class! Registration deadline: 9/11 Tuesday, September 18 6:30-8:30 PM TTouch Training Facility Fee $28.00 ($18.00/additional family member) #1445B Upon registration, receive a $12.00 off coupon towards additional training with Pat!

Star Dreamer Ranch TTouch Dog/Animal Training Facility 29358 MN Hwy 22 Litchfield, MN

*Jazz Technique for grades 2-6! Work on your jazz technique! Registration for other classes not necessary!

Dancers will be divided into Tues. or Thurs. classes by age. The groups will be posted on Costume Sizing Day, Friday, September 7 at Ripley from 4:00-6:00 PM. If only a certain class day will work with your family schedule, email

ACTIVITY REGISTRATIONS When you are registering for a Community Education activity, please provide a valid email as this is our main way to contact you with activity information.


By registering for any Community Education activity you acknowledge for yourself or those you are registering that photographs and/or videotaping of participants may be taken. See page 38 for more information. 8

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

YOUTH ENRICHMENT Comedy Improv “Whose Line is it? Gr. 5-8 Homeward Bound Theatre Company

Come laugh until your sides hurt in this very fun and unique class that teaches comedy and acting without a script. Learn to deliver on-the-spot sketches using a variety of improv techniques. See page 15 for the grade 9-adult class! Registration deadline: 9/17

Mondays 9/24-10/8 3:30-5:00 PM HS Little Theatre Fee: $46.00 #0924

Dinosaurs Gr. K+ Mad Science

Dinosaurs are extinct…or are they? Put your paleontology hat on and explore the world of these prehistoric beasts. Compare your footprints with a Triceratops, and your jawbones with a Camptosaurus. Take part in a simulated dinosaur dig; can you figure out how to put the skeleton together? Take home your own fossils and a T-Rex tooth cast. Registration deadline: 9/10 Monday, September 17 3:30-4:30 PM HS RM E-105 Fee: $25.00 #0917

Archery Gr. 3-Adult Rick Loge

For the very beginner or the highly skilled archer, this activity is for youth who want to learn or improve in the sport of archery. Learning or building on already known skills will be the focus of this activity. Archery can improve muscular strength and endurance, hand-eye coordination, balance and flexibility. Students will learn the proper way to use a bow and the appropriate safety procedures to follow when practicing or competing. All equipment is provided for this class. Registration deadline: 10/15 Mondays 10/22-12/17 (No 12/10) 6:30-8:00 PM WEB Gym Fee: Children: $40.00 Adults: $43.00 #1859 Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Drawing I Grades 4-6

Dave Whitchurch Are you motivated and excited to improve your drawing skills? Drawing drills, activities, study of line will all be part of this course. Mr. Whitchurch has been a teacher and coach in the Litchfield School District for 34 years. He has designed the Dribblin’ Dragon logo for years! He has a concentration in art from Bemidji State University, and has drawn as a hobby for a lifetime. Come enjoy some fun with a talented group of kids that love drawing! Participants need to purchase a drawing pad and bring it to class. Registration deadline: 1/22 Monday-Thursday 1/28-12/31 3:10-4:30 PM MS RM 114 Fee: $28.00 #1232

Classic Holiday Cookies Gr. K+

Litchfield Community Education Staff Get into the holiday spirit and join us for an afternoon of baking your favorite holiday cookies! The cookies will be made from scratch. You will be able to enjoy a cookie (or two) during the class and then take some home with you to share with your loved ones! Please bring an apron, rolling pin & sealed container to take your cookies home in. Registration deadline: 12/4 Thursday, December 13 3:30-5:00 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $15.00 #1241

We are always looking for new instructors and ideas, so feel free to contact the Community Education office at (320) 693-2354 or email us at

ALL activity dates are subject to change due to unforeseen scheduling complications. FALL 2018


YOUTH RECREATION Dribblin’ Dragons Basketball Gr. Pre K-5

Legion Basketball

LHS Varsity Coaching Staff Join us for Legion Basketball! Time will be spent practicing the fundamentals and developing skills and knowledge needed to play the game of basketball. The second phase of the program we will work on the fundamentals and play league games 1-2 times a week. The games will be scheduled on Monday and/or Thursday nights running through the middle of February. Boys Gr. 4-6 Monday-Thursday 10/22-11/1 3:00-4:30 PM Location TBD Fee: $50.00 #1360 Registration deadline: 10/15 Girls Gr. 4-6 Monday-Thursday 10/22-10/25 3:00-4:30 PM Location TBD Fee: $50.00 #1361 Registration deadline: 10/15

Tae Kwon Do Ages 7+

LHS Varsity Coaching Staff

The goal of Dribblin’ Dragons is to explain, demonstrate, and practice specific basketball fundamentals to develop good habits on the basketball court. Players will participate in game play and rotate through skill stations that will be coached by high school players and staff. The staff will stress the importance of hard work, communication and a positive attitude while maintaining a fun environment. All participants receive a T-shirt, please specify size when registering (YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL) T-shirts are good for free admission to all home boys and girls basketball games. Registration deadline: 11/9 Saturdays, November 17, 24 & December 8, 15 HS Gym 9:00-10:00 AM Fee: $40.00 Preschool Kindergarten Gr.1 Gr.2

#1861A #1861B #1861C #1861D

Gr.3 Gr.4 Gr.5

#1861E #1861F #1861G

Scott Lund 4th degree black belt April Lund 1st degree black belt Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art using hand and foot techniques. It is a great class for kids and adults. Our classes are taught in a family friendly atmosphere emphasizing positive attitudes. While learning the techniques of Tae Kwon Do, you will gain focus, self-control and self-confidence. All rank advancement is through the World Martial Arts Center (WMAC) and nationally recognized. Black Belt ranking is through the Kukkiwon in South Korea. Participants should wear loose, comfortable clothing (no shorts please). Session I Tuesdays & Thursdays 9/6-10/25 (No 10/4) 6:30-7:30 PM WEB Gym Fee: $95.00 #1802 Registration deadline: 8/30 Session II Tuesdays & Thursdays 11/1-12/20 & Monday 12/10 (No 11/6, 11/22 & 12/13) 6:30-7:30 PM WEB Gym Fee: $95.00 #1802B Registration deadline: 10/25

ALL activity dates are subject to change due to unforeseen scheduling complications. 10

Introduction to Indoor Pond Hockey Ages 3-9 The BENO Blue Line Club & Litchfield Community Education are offering anyone 3-9 years of age (i.e. mite level for youth hockey) an opportunity to try the game of hockey indoors. Coaches will be on the ice to help those needing instruction and supervising the games. Participants will be divided into groups depending on skill level: beginners, intermediate and advanced. During each session the groups will play games and enjoy a meal together. In addition, as an added benefit this year, any pond hockey participant that has never joined the LDC mite program will be able to join the mite program this year at NO COST!!! The BENO Blue Line Club will provide a jersey to all participants and those not already affiliated with the LDC mite program will also receive a stick to keep. Specify jersey size when registering (YS-YXL). Registration deadline to receive jersey: 11/4 Sundays 11/11 & 25, 12/9 & 23, 1/6 & 20, 2/3 & 17 11:00 AM-12:00 PM *Equipment needed: helmet, stick Litchfield Civic Arena and skates. If you need equipment, Fee: $20.00 state at time of registration. #8050

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

YOUTH RECREATION Fall Youth Volleyball Gr. K-6

LHS Volleyball Coaching Staff Join the Dragon Volleyball team this fall and continue learning and improving your volleyball skills and knowledge. Each session will be filled with skills training, games, and competition. Participants will work in small groups and will be led by members of the High School volleyball team and coaching staff, which will provide low coach-to-player ratios for all participants. We hope to see you this fall! Please indicate shirt size when registering (YM-AXL). Registration deadline: 9/6

Mondays 9/10-10/8 3:15-4:15 PM HS Gym Fee: $35.00 #1880

Fall Saturday Morning Flag Football Gr. 4-6 Litchfield Football Staff

This program will provide kids with the rules of flag football while working on team play and sportsmanship. Individual skills taught: passing, catching, along with learning the strategies of offense and defense. This is a NO contact league. All participants will receive a shirt. Please indicate shirt size when registering (YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL). NO REGISTRATION DEADLINE! Saturdays 9/8-9/29 10:30-11:30 AM HS Practice Field Fee: $25.00 #1352 Boys and Girls participating in the Fall Tackle Football Gr. 5 & 6 program may attend the Saturday Morning Flag Football for FREE. Registration is still required.

Fall Tackle Football Gr. 5 & 6 Litchfield Football Staff

The focus of the Tackle Football program is to develop the football skills of all players and improve the overall athleticism of all student athletes. All kids will play and have an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of different football positions. Volunteer coaches will teach kids: tackling, blocking and play formations in a fun, safe and encouraging environment. The program will provide helmet, shoulder pads, mouth guard and game jersey. Participants will need to provide football pants with pads. Baseball/football shoes with rubber cleats are preferred however tennis shoes work as well. Teams will meet twice a week mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All participants will receive a shirt. Please indicate shirt size when registering (YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL). NO REGISTRATION DEADLINE! Parent/player meeting and equipment hand out: Tuesday 8/14 6:00-7:00 PM HS RM W-110 Practice & game schedule will be handed out at the parent/player meeting (*If you cannot make the meeting, come to the first day of practice.) First Practice Thursday 8/16 6:00-7:30 PM HS Practice Field Fee: $40.00 #1837 Halftime Exhibition will be on 9/7

Fall Saturday Morning Youth Football Gr. 1-3 Litchfield Football Staff

This program will provide students with a basic understanding of the game of football. Students will develop the following fundamental skills: throwing, catching, running, kicking and punting. This is a NO contact league. Students will be paired up according to similar age and size. All participants will receive a shirt. Please indicate shirt size when registering (YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL). NO REGISTRATION DEADLINE!

Weather Information Please listen to KLFD AM 1410 or FM 95.9 and check our Facebook page for all weather related announcements and cancellations. Please do not call KLFD. Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Saturdays 9/8-9/29 10:30-11:30 AM HS Practice Field Fee: $25.00 #1351

FALL 2018


YOUTH TRIPS Side Kick Theatre “Little Red Riding Hood” Grades K+

MN State Fair Bus All Ages Monday, August 27

Don’t miss out on “The Great Minnesota Get-Together!” Instead of driving, take a coach bus for a stress-free, air-conditioned ride! We will be going on Senior & Kids Day! Tickets are NOT included, fee is for the bus ride only. You can purchase your fair tickets online at, by calling Etix 1-800-514-3849 or at the gate. There will be discounted ticket prices for seniors and children ages 5-12. Registration deadline: 8/20 Bus Fee: $20.00/person Depart: 8:00 AM Return: 5:00 PM *Park on the far East side of the Litchfield Civic Arena. #8270

Join us for this new musical fairy tale to the Side Kick Theatre in Bloomington! This joyous musical based on Charles Perrault’s classic fairy tale touches the heart – with lots of laughs and lovable characters along the way! When Little Red bravely ventures into the woods to deliver a basket of holiday treats for her grandmother she encounters a charming wolf named Walter. Will she reach her grandmother’s safely? Or will the sly wolf distract her from her journey? Join Little Red on her adventure as she tries to outwit the sly wolf and discovers that it's not just the enchanted forest that has magical powers. Please bring a bag lunch & water bottle. An afternoon snack will be provided. Registration deadline: 12/20 Thursday, December 27 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $30.00 #1227

Ages 17 and under need to be accompanied by an adult

Powder Ridge Snow Tubing Grades K+ Prairie Woods Conservatory Grades K+ If you like exploring, then this is the trip for you! On this adventure packed day you’ll get to do a climbing wall, learn about insects and learn survival skills! Upon returning to the web, we will enjoy a movie on bugs. Please dress according to the weather and bring a bag lunch and water bottle. An afternoon snack will be provided. Registration deadline: 10/11 Thursday, October 18 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Fee: $30.00 #1113

Snow tubing requires no special skill or equipment, only warm clothes and a desire to have fun! Powder Ridge will supply the tubes and you supply the laughs, screams and smiles! The Powder Ridge tube conveyor system that you stand on with your tube and enjoy a leisurely ride to the top of the hill. Upon returning to the WEB you’ll warm up with activities and a special snack! Participants need to bring a bag lunch and water bottle. An afternoon snack will be provided. Registration deadline: 1/14 *You must fill out a Snow Tubing Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement prior to tubing. You can find it out on our website: under "Documents" or you can pick up a form at the Community Education office.

Monday, January 21 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $25.00 #0220

All youth trips are chaperoned by District #465 Community Education staff. Pick up and drop off for trips will be in the lobby at Wagner Education Building. Please do not bring your child more than 15 minutes before departure time. Return times are approximate and estimated to the best of our knowledge trying to account for traffic. Adult are welcome to join their child on any youth trip! Prices may vary for adults. *An allergen-free environment cannot be guaranteed. Please contact us with questions or concerns.


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

AQUATICS Private Lessons Children & Adults

Open Swim

Aquatics Staff

Aquatics Staff

If you are looking for a fun family activity for your Sunday evening or a place where the kiddos can burn off some energy then this is for you! Open swim, a great recreation activity! And it is affordable too!! Registration is not required. Sundays 9/9-1/27 (No 10/21, 11/25, 12/23, 12/30 & 1/20) 6:00-8:00 PM HS Pool Fee: $1.00/person at the door

This class is specifically designed for lower swim level students or a person with special needs who would benefit from one-on-one instruction. A great way for adults to take swim lessons. Private lessons can cover any of the Red Cross Swim Levels. All private lessons are 4, 30 minute sessions and provided with one-on-one instruction. Lesson days and times are arranged with assigned instructors. Instructors are assigned upon registration. Days and times to be arranged with instructor HS Pool Fee: $80.00 Call Community Education to register!

SPECIAL OLYMPICS UNIFIED SPORTS Special Olympics Unified Sports combine athletes with and without disabilities on the same team. By participating together, athletes and Unified Partners improve their physical fitness, sharpen their skills, challenge the competition and encourage teamwork. Learn new skills and meet new people. Athletes will attend area competitions when possible.

Unified & Traditional Bowling

Unified Basketball

Let’s gather on Friday evenings and knock some pins down together! From September 14-November 2 we will be working on our bowing skill and gearing up for the State Unified Tournament the weekend of November 10. We will add the area tournament to the fun too! No previous experience necessary. Registration deadline: 9/7

Registration should be done online or in person through Litchfield Community Education. All athletes and Unified Partners are also required to fill out an application/consent form for Special Olympics MN. These forms can also be found at: or can be picked up at the Community Education office. Participants must bring these forms to the first night of practice. Game jerseys provided. Registration deadline: 1/2

Fridays 9/14-11/2 (No 10/19) 5:45-7:00 PM Litchfield Bowl FREE #4026

Registration is required!

Mondays 1/7-3/11 (No 1/21 & 2/18) 6:30-7:30 PM WEB Gym FREE #4025

Thanks to our wonderful Unified Team and their Polar Plunge fundraising and our local sponsors (Let us know if you see this and want to sponsor us!)

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018



In celebration of National Community Education Day, stop by the office to register for your favorite classes, and enjoy coffee and treats! Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM.

Painting Barn Quilts Cyndi Buchholz

Painting barn quilts is a lively 4-hour class of guided instruction to take students through the process of beginning and completing a 2' x 2' barn quilt. By the end of the class the student will have their very own masterpiece to take home and display. Registration deadline: 10/16 Tuesday, October 23 6:00-10:00 PM HS E-105 Fee: $48.00 ($35.00 materials fee due at time of class) #0302BQ

Simple Suppers with the Instant Pot Chris Schlueter

Come join Chris Schlueter, food blogger, community educator for over 25 years Master Gardner, demonstrate ideas to quick suppers using the Instant Pot. Samples will be provided! Registration deadline: 10/18 Thursday, October 25 6:30-7:45 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $23.00 #1025

Stockmen’s Fall Potting Class Stockmen’s Greenhouse & Landscaping

Join the team at Stockmen’s for their fall potting class and freshen up your planters with beautiful fall mums, grasses and kale. Bring your own planter or hanging basket or purchase a new container onsite (14” maximum). Stockmen’s will provide the soil and plants. Before we start planting, we’ll give a short presentation on the different types of mums and other fall plants available. Bring a friend and have fun playing in the dirt at one of our two class offerings!! Registration deadline: 9/7 Saturday, September 15 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Stockmen’s Greenhouse & Landscaping Fee: $35.00/person #0915


Saturday, September 15 1:00-3:00 PM Stockmen’s Greenhouse & Landscaping Fee: $35.00/person #0915B

Stockmen’s Greenhouse 60973 US-12 Litchfield, MN 55355

Senior Citizens Action Group Survey Survey to determine present usage and potential need of activities in the local area. Look for it to be coming out at a local business, papers, churches, etc. Fill out and return to have input on activities you would like to see in the area for ages 65 years and older. Sponsored by: Citizens Action Group, Community Education & RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) We are always looking for new instructors and ideas, so feel free to contact the Community Education office at (320) 693-2354 or email us at


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ADULT ENRICHMENT Pressure Cooker Canning

The Fun and Art of Lefse Making

Rusch Farms

Jeanne Peterson and the Holy Rollers

In these classes we will cover how to prepare and can the One Vegetable, One Community, Vegetable of the Year, beets and the basic techniques for making any kind of fruit jelly! You will learn basic canning techniques using a pressure cooker. Take one or both classes!

Your grandma treated you to warm, yummy Lefse and somehow the art has been lost in your generation. Don’t despair because Jeanne Peterson and the Cornerstone Holy Rollers (providers of Lefse at the Holiday Stop and Shop for years) will be offering their expertise to anyone interested in learning the art and joining the fun of Lefse making! Bring your rollers and boards if you have them and get ready to roll! Registration deadline: 11/13

Part 1- Beets NEW! Monday, August 20 6:30-8:30 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $25.00 #0813A Registration deadline: 8/13 Part 2- Jelly Monday, August 27 6:30-8:30 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $25.00 #0813B Registration deadline: 8/20

Tuesday, November 20 HS RM C-110 6:30-8:00 PM Fee: $20.00 #1444

Comedy Improv “Whose Line is it? Grades 9-Adult Homeward Bound Theatre Company

Getting Smart about your Smartphone Ages 18+ Nuvera Tech Team

Is your smartphone making you feel befuddled and clumsy? Are there features on your phone you would like to take advantage of but just can't figure them out? In this introductory class to smart phones you'll learn about usage, precautions and other utilities. All questions will be welcomed as well as help with set up, etc. Registration deadline: 11/7 Wednesday, November 14 3:00-4:30 PM WEB RM 12 Fee: $13.00 #1429

ACTIVITY REGISTRATIONS When you are registering for a Community Education activity, please provide a valid email as this is our main way to contact you with activity information.


By registering for any Community Education activity you acknowledge for yourself or those you are registering that photographs and/or videotaping of participants may be taken. See page 38 for more information. Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Come laugh until your sides hurt in this very fun and unique class that teaches comedy and acting without a script. Learn to deliver on-the-spot sketches using a variety of improv techniques. See page 9 for the Gr. 5-8 class! Registration deadline: 9/17

Mondays 9/24-10/8 6:00-8:00 PM HS Little Theatre Fee: $68.00 #0924B

Snowshoe Making Rick Loge

Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Join us in learning how to make your own traditional snow shoes! You’ll be carefully guided through the step-by-step process. The cost includes the wooden frames and laces (varnish, boots and bindings are not included). When you are finished you’ll have a pair of snow shoes that you can give as a gift, use as decoration or actually use during one of our Minnesota winters! Registration deadline: 9/12 Wednesdays & Thursdays 9/19-10/4 6:30-8:00 PM HS RM E-105 Fee: $150.00 #0919 FALL 2018


ADULT ENRICHMENT AARP Safe Driver Courses Volunteer Instructor - Shawn Taylor

Get a discount on your auto insurance by participating in this driving course. First time participants must complete the basic 8-hour course. The 4-hour refresher course is for those renewing their certificates. Topics covered include the common effects of aging and medications on driving- as well as basic driving rules, the license renewal process, traffic hazards, adverse road conditions, energy savings, and accident prevention. The class format includes a video, lectures, and discussion. There is no driving or written test. Bring a pen and if you are an AARP member, please bring your AARP card with you to class. 8-Hour Initial Course Wednesday & Thursday 12/5 & 12/6 5:30-9:30 PM #1060 Registration deadline: 11/28 4-Hour Refresher Courses Wednesday #1050

9/12 5:30-9:30 PM Registration deadline: 9/5

Wednesday #1051

10/10 5:30-9:30 PM Registration deadline: 10/3

Thursday #1052

11/1 12:30-4:30 PM Registration deadline: 10/25

Fee: AARP Members $25.00 Non-Members $30.00 All classes held in Room 12 at the Wagner Education Building (307 E 6th Street-Litchfield, MN)

Refreshments provided by Jason Tibbits– State Farm Insurance Litchfield

ACTIVITY REGISTRATIONS When you are registering for a Community Education activity, please provide a valid email as this is our main way to contact you with activity information.

First Aid

Anno Johnson This course is designed to teach lay rescuers how to prevent and respond to emergencies for victims of all ages. Participants will learn general principles of first aid including: medical, injury, and environmental emergencies. This AHA certification is valid for two years. Choose one of two class dates.

5:30-9:00 PM Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $63.00 Wednesday, September 12 #1601 Registration deadline: 9/5 Wednesday, November 21 #1601A Registration deadline: 11/14 You will receive an eCard certification through email– please provide your email. Participants need to pick up class materials at Community Education and read prior to class.

First Aid Online Certification Part 1- Web-Based Instruction This is a web-based, self directed course that features interactive exercises, audio and video, note-taking and reference tools. Participants also have access to the online version of the Heartsaver® First Aid student workbook. All course content will be accessible for 24 months following activation of your key code. Secure your spot in the Online Part 1, by calling Channing Bete at 1-800-611-6082 or by visiting their online store. Heartsaver First Aid Ask for course #15-1402 Cost is $25.00 through Channing Bete. Part 2- First Aid Skills Test This class is only for participants who have taken the online First Aid course and passed. A printed certificate indicating successful completion of Part 1, the web-based instruction, must be presented to the skills instructor. Class will consist of the skills test-out with a certified AHA instructor. Choose one of the two test out dates. 4:30-5:30 PM Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $30.00 Wednesday, September 12 #1601B Registration deadline: 9/5

We are always looking for new instructors and ideas, so feel free to contact the Community Education office at (320) 693-2354 or email us at 16

Wednesday, November 21 #1601C Registration deadline: 11/14 You will receive an eCard certification through email– please provide your email.

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354


CPR Online Certification

Anno Johnson Heartsaver CPR/AED The Heartsaver® CPR/AED course is designed to prepare students to provide CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Heartsaver® courses are intended for anyone with little or no medical training who needs a course completion card for job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. These courses can also be taken by anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. This AHA certification is valid for two years. (Minimum age for certification is 11 years old). Choose one of class date below. 5:30-8:30 PM Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $63.00 Tuesday, November 20 Tuesday, September 11 #1600A #1600 Registration deadline: 9/4 Registration deadline: 11/13 Basic Life Support (BLS) Healthcare Provider CPR Basic Life Support (BLS) is the foundation for saving lives after cardiac arrest. This course teaches both single-rescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both in-facility and prehospital settings. This course is designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills. This AHA certification is valid for two years. Choose one of class date below. 5:30-8:30 PM Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $63.00

Part 1- Web-Based Instruction This is a web-based, self directed course that features interactive exercises, audio and video, note-taking and reference tools. Participants also have access to the online version of the Heartsaver® CPR/AED or BLS Heartcode student workbook. All course content will be accessible for 24 months following activation of your key code. Secure your spot in the Online Part 1, by calling Channing Bete at 1-800-611-6082 or by visiting their online store. Heartsaver® CPR/AED Ask for course #15-1401 Cost is $15.00 through Channing Bete. Heartcode BLS (Healthcare Providers) Ask for course #15-1400 Cost is $28.50 through Channing Bete. Part 2- CPR Skills Test This class is only for participants who have taken the online CPR course and passed. A printed certificate indicating successful completion of Part 1, the web-based instruction, must be presented to the skills instructor. Class will consist of the skills test-out with a certified AHA instructor. Choose one test out date below. Heartsaver® CPR/AED Test Out: 4:30-5:30 PM Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $30.00 Tuesday, November 20 Tuesday, September 11 #1600C #1600B Registration deadline: 9/4 Registration deadline: 11/15

Heartcode BLS (Healthcare Providers) Test Out: Monday, October 29 Wednesday, August 22 Wednesday, August 22 #1600E #1600D 4:30-5:30 PM Registration deadline: 10/22 Registration deadline: 8/15 Meeker Memorial Hospital Fee: $30.00 You will receive an eCard certification through email#1600F Registration deadline: 8/15 please provide an email. Participants need to pick up class materials at Community Education and read prior to class.

You will receive an eCard certification through emailplease provide an email.

First Aid & CPR/AED Combination Online Certification

Heartsaver® First Aid & CPR/AED Ask for course #15-1403 Cost is $30.00 through Channing Bete.

Part 1- Web-Based Instruction This is a web-based, self directed course that features interactive exercises, audio and video, note-taking and reference tools. Participants also have access to the online version of the Heartsaver® CPR/AED and First Aid student workbooks. All course content will be accessible for 24 months following activation of your key code. Secure your spot in the Online Part 1, by calling Channing Bete at 1-800-611-6082 or by visiting their online store.

Part 2– First Aid & CPR Skills Test These classes are only for participants who have taken the online First Aid & CPR/AED courses and passed. A printed certificate indicating successful completion of Part 1, the web-based instruction, must be presented to the skills instructor. This is the second part of your online certification. Class will consist of the skills test-out with a certified AHA instructor. See pages 16 & 17 for test out dates and times.

You will receive an eCard certification through email- please provide an email.

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


GUIA DE PROGRAMAS Y ACTIVIDADES Baloncesto Dribblin’ Dragons Gr. Pre K-5

Natación Abierta

Personal del Equipo de Baloncesto

El objetivo de Dribblin’ Dragons es explicar, demonstrar, y practicar los fundamentos de baloncesto específicos para desarrollar buenos hábitos en la cancha de baloncesto. Los jugadores participarán en el juego y se rotarán a través de las estaciones según su habilidad y serán entrenados por jugadores y el personal de la escuela. El personal del baloncesto enfatizará la importancia del trabajo duro, la comunicación y una actitud positiva mientras se mantiene un ambiente divertido. Todos los participantes recibirán una camiseta, por favor especifique el tamaño al registrarse (YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL) las camisetas se pueden usar como boletos de admisión gratis para los partidos de baloncesto de niños y niñas. Plazo para registrarse: 11/9

Sábados, Nov. 17 & 24 & Dic. 8 & 15 9:00-10:00 AM Gimnasio de HS Pre-escuela #1861A Kinder #1861B Gr.1 #1861C Costo: $40.00

Gr.2 #1861D Gr.3 #1861E Gr.4 #1861F Gr.5 #1861G

Conservando con Olla de Presión Granjas de Rusch

Domingos 9/9-1/27 (No 10/21, 11/25, 12/23, 12/30 & 1/20) 6:00-8:00 PM Piscina de High School Costo: $1.00/persona en la puerta

Galletitas Clásicas de las Fiestas Gr. K-5

Empleados de la Comunidad de Educación de Litchfield ¡Entra en el espíritu festivo y juntese con nosotros para una tarde de hornear tus galletitas favoritas! Las galletitas serán hechos de cero. ¡Podrá disfrutar una (o dos) durante la clase y luego llevarse algunos para compartir con sus amados! Por favor traiga un delantal si tiene uno. Registración termina: 12/4 Mártes, 11 de Diciembre 3:30-5:00 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $12.00 #1241

Evaluación de Temprana Edad 2018/2019

¡En estas clases cubriremos cómo preparar y conservar Un Vegetal, Una Comunidad, el Vegetal del Año (vea página 35 para más información), remolacha y las técnicas básicas para hacer cualquier tipo de mermelada de fruta! Aprenderemos técnicas básicas para conservar usando una olla de presión. ¡Tome una clase o los dos! Parte 1- Remolachas Lunes, 20 de Agosto 6:30-8:30 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $25.00 #0813A Registración termina: 8/13 Parte 2- Mermelada Lunes, 27 de Agosto 6:30-8:30 PM HS RM C-110 Fee: $25.00 #0813B Registración termina: 8/20 Patrocina a un Niño- Becas Disponibles La Educación Comunitaria de Litchfield recibe donaciones generosas de Individuos y negocios en nuestra comunidad para proveer becas para actividades juveniles. Estos fondos permanecen en vigor hasta que sean utilizados. Las becas se basan en los ingresos y elegibilidad y usamos las mismas directrices que el Programa de Almuerzo gratis y precio reducido. Por favor, contacte a la oficina de Educación Comunitaria Para obtener más información y para determinar la elegibilidad. Para ayuda con esta información en español llame a Jeff Garland (320) 593-7971


¡Si estás buscando una actividad divertida para la familia o un lugar donde los niños pueden quemar algo de energía, entonces esto es para ti! ¡La natación abierta es una gran actividad de recreación!

La evaluación de temprana edad de las escuelas públicas de Litchfield es un servicio ofrecido a familias con niños de 3 a 5 años de edad. Esta es una oportunidad para ver si su niño está logrando los pasos importantes del desarrollo. Esta evaluación les permite a los padres obtener apoyo para sus hijos que podrán necesitar ayuda para lograr alcanzar estos pasos importantes. El distrito escolar tiene la obligación de ofrecer la evaluación de temprana edad para TODOS los niños antes de entrar al kínder en el estado de Minnesota. Si no recibió una invitación para sus niños, de 3½-5 años de edad, por favor llame a la Oficina de Temprana Edad al (320) 693-2354 para hacer su cita. Durante el proceso de evaluación, el personal de temprana edad junto con la enfermera de la escuela checará a su hijo/a de(l): Historial de registro de vacunas-visión & audición-estatura, peso & crecimiento-pensamiento, lenguaje & habilidades de comunicación-desarrollo social & emocional. Si su hijo/a esta en el censo del distrito escolar, se le notificará acerca de la evaluación de temprana edad cuando se acerque a la edad de 3½. Si no recibe noticias de nosotros o si necesita hacer una cita, por favor llame al (320) 693-2354.

Fechas de evaluación: Agosto 23, 2018 Noviembre 2, 2018 Enero 25, 2019 Marzo 15, 2019 Información del Tiempo Por favor escuche KLFD AM 1410 & FM 95.9 o visite nuestra página de Facebook para todos los anuncios relacionados con el clima y para cancelaciones. Por favor no llame KLFD. Los plazos para inscribirse para todas las clases/actividades son una semana antes de que la clase o actividad comience, a menos que se especifique.

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ADULT BASIC EDUCATION All classes and instruction are FREE! Learn in the classroom or online! Students can START AT ANYTIME but REGISTERATION IS REQUIRED!! ¡Comienza en cualquier momento y trabaja a tu propio ritmo! ¡Los estudiantes pueden COMENZAR EN CUALQUIER MOMENTO, pero SE REQUIERE REGISTRARSE!

-Jen Carl

Instructors -Julie Mischke -Mary Carlson

Come to ABE for free computer skills training!! We have helpful instructors to guide you and the opportunity to earn certificates for your progress! ¡Ven a ABE para obtener habilidades de computación gratuitas! ¡Tenemos instructores útiles para guiarlo y la oportunidad de obtener certificados para su progreso!

English For Beginners (ESL-ELL) Improve your English speaking skills in this small group setting. Class offered though our Adult Basic Education department. Register with Community Ed! Mondays 10/22-11/26 7:00-8:00 PM FREE #1015

Basic Computer Skills Topics will include: Typing, email, web browsing and much more! Register with Community Ed! Mondays 9/10-10/15 7:00-8:00 PM FREE #1014

Where: Wagner Education Building 307 E 6th Street Litchfield, MN (Look for ABE signs inside)

Donde: Edificio Educativo Wagner 307 E 6th Street Litchfield, MN (Busque las señales de ABE)

When: Mondays Tuesdays

Cuando: los lunes de 6:00 a 8:00 PM los martes de 4:30 a 7:30 PM

6:00-8:00 PM 4:30-7:30 PM

Online ONLY in July & December What do we offer? Adult Basic Education (ABE) is a great way to improve your personal skills and your chance of better employment. Join our ABE community of learners and reap the rewards that self-improvement offers you. ¿Qué ofrecemos? La Educación Básica para Adultos (ABE) es una excelente manera de mejorar sus habilidades personales y sus posibilidades de obtener un mejor empleo. Únase a nuestra comunidad de estudiantes de ABE y gane las recompensas que le ofrece la superación personal.

Life skills:

math, reading, writing GED test prep Adult diploma Keyboarding skills English as a Second Language Become a U.S. Citizen: citizen test prep Driver’s Education: written test prep Computer classes Accuplacer prep Distance learning Minnesota Adult Competency Based Diploma College and career transition prep

Habilidades académicas: matemáticas, lectura, escritura

Preparación para el examen GED Diploma de adulto Habilidades de teclado Inglés como segundo idioma Conviértete en ciudadano estadounidense: preparación para exámenes ciudadanos

Educación del conductor: preparación de exámenes escritos

Clases de computación Preparación para el examen Accuplacer Aprendizaje a distancia Diploma basado en la capacidad de adultos de Minnesota

Preparación para la transición de la universidad y la carrera

GED Prep/Academics Do GED Prep, take practice tests or improve your academic skills in math, language arts, science and/or social studies. Participants can take pre-tests and be awarded a “Basic Computer Skills Certificate” that can provide credential for employment.

Participants must be 17 years old to enroll in ABE and 19 years old to take the GED test (17 & 18 year olds may be able to take the GED test with a waiver).

Find out more online at Preparación para GED/Académica Prepárese para tomar el GED, tomar exámenes de práctica o simplemente mejorar sus habilidades académicas en matemáticas, artes del lenguaje, ciencias y/o estudios sociales.

Los participantes pueden tomar exámenes previos y se les otorgará un "Certificado de Habilidades Básicas de Computación" que puede proporcionar credenciales para el empleo.

Los adultos deben tener 17 años para inscribirse en ABE y 19 años para tomar el examen de GED (los de 17 y 18 años podrían tomar el examen de GED con una exención).

Obtenga más información en línea en GED Testing (Examen de GED): Hutchinson (320) 234-8507 Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Contact ABE directly (Contacta a ABE directamente): (320) 693-2354 - - Facebook @litchfieldabe FALL 2018


ADULT RECREATION Alumni Basketball Tournament

Walking Club Move your daily walking routine inside! Your pass is good for the entire school year. There is no walking on conference nights, when school is not in session or when school is cancelled due to inclement weather. Start anytime during the school year! Purchase your new GOLD (2018-19) pass at the Community Education Office. No registration deadline! Monday-Friday 6:30-7:30 AM & 4:00-8:30 PM Lake Ripley Elementary Fee: $5.00 #1705

Co-Ed Recreational Soccer Manuel Jasso

Do you love to play soccer in the summer but want to keep playing when it gets cold outside? This is a recreational activity where participants register, form teams and enjoy the game of soccer. This is not a league and no one will be turned away. Registration deadline: 9/25 Tuesdays 10/2-5/21 (No 12/25, 1/1 & 3/26) 7:45-9:45 PM WEB Gym Fee: $40.00-Couple & $30.00-Single #1735

District #465 Litchfield Basketball Fundraiser LHS Varsity Coaching Staff Saturday December 22, 2018- 10:00 AM This fundraising event for Litchfield Basketball is for graduates of Litchfield High School. Register your team by graduation year or other preference. Registration includes a meal from McDonald's and a t-shirt. Two games are guaranteed. Alumni will be asked to help out. HS & MS Gyms Fee: $20 .00 Spectator Admission: $4.00 #1720 Registration deadline: 12/15

Adult Pickleball Join us in trying your hand at Pickleball! Pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton & ping-pong. All ages & skill levels are welcome to join us in trying out this fun, competitive sport! Bring your own paddle! Registration deadline: 9/4 Wednesdays & Fridays 9/10-12/21 (No 10/19, 10/26 & 12/7) 6:15-9:15 PM WEB Gym Fee: $20.00 #0502A

Tae Kwon Do Ages 7+

Men's Evening Basketball

Scott Lund 4th degree black belt April Lund 1st degree black belt

Great exercise for the basketball enthusiast who needs an exercise outlet. This activity is for men and gives them a chance to play pick up games and enjoy some time on the court. Registration deadline:10/16

Tae Kwon Do is a Korean Martial Art using hand and foot techniques. It is a great class for kids and adults. Our classes are taught in a family friendly atmosphere emphasizing positive attitudes. While learning the techniques of Tae Kwon Do, you will gain focus, self-control and self-confidence. All rank advancement is through the World Martial Arts Center (WMAC) and nationally recognized. Black Belt ranking is through the Kukkiwon in South Korea. See page 10 for more details!

Tuesdays 10/23-3/19 (No 12/25 & 1/1) 6:30-8:00 PM MS Cafeteria/Gym Fee: $30 .00 #1725

Elementary Gym Class for Adults

Adult Volleyball League

Rick Loge

Get a team together and play volleyball this fall! Team information needs to be received by August 29. Play starts September 5 with regular games played until December 5. End of season playoffs will be December 12 and 19. All teams must provide a team name and team captain. Registration deadline: 8/29 Wednesdays 9/5-12/19 6:30-10:00 PM MS Gym & Cafeteria/Gym Fee: $80.00; after 8/30 - $95.00 #1739 20

You loved it as a kid, and you will love it as an adult too! Come play old time gym class games with a real gym teacher. Remember floor hockey, dodgeball, wiffle ball, and kickball? We will be playing all of these and so many more! Registration deadline: 9/17 Mondays 9/24-10/15 6:30-7:30 PM WEB Gym Fee: $30.00 #1736

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ADULT RECREATION Ring the Bell Fitness


Affordable fitness for adults of all ability levels! This course is for like minded individuals who want to take control of their health and fitness journey amongst a group who shares the same vision! There will be 2 workout choices to choose from. Workouts will run 50-60 minutes total. The head coach will lead you through an active stretch/laundry list, discuss workout options, demo movements to be used and assist as needed. There would be 2 sessions available, a 6-week session and an 8-week session. We are in need of a coach in order to run this program! It is a great opportunity with a competitive wage! For more information on the program, go Contact us if you would like more information or to coach!

Archery Gr. 3-Adult Rick Loge

For the very beginner or the highly skilled archer, this activity is for youth who want to learn or improve in the sport of archery. Learning or building on already known skills will be the focus of this activity. Archery can improve muscular strength and endurance, hand-eye coordination, balance and flexibility. Students will learn the proper way to use a bow and the appropriate safety procedures to follow when practicing or competing. All equipment is provided for this class. Registration deadline: 10/15 Mondays 10/22-12/17 (No 12/10) 6:30-8:00 PM WEB Gym Fee: Children: $40.00 & Adults: $43.00 #1859

Yoga Prenatal Open Sole Yoga

Yoga for the mommy to be. This class is tailored for pregnancy at any stage. You will build strength and endurance with the use of breath work in order to get ready for labor.

Church Ladies Yoga Open Sole Yoga

This is not just for church ladies, this class is designed for all levels who want a more relaxed yoga experience; with a fun little challenge thrown in every so often. Session I Wednesdays 10/3-10/31 9:00-10:00 AM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1743 Registration deadline: 9/26 Session II Wednesdays 11/7-12/5 9:00-10:00 AM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1743 Registration deadline: 10/31

Yoga for Men Open Sole Yoga

A yoga class geared for men (where it's ok if you can't touch your toes) will provide a well-rounded practice to build strength, improve flexibility, and reduce stress. Men often struggle with tightness, particularly in the hips and hamstrings that can lead to weakness and injury. Whether you are an experienced yogi or a desk jockey who needs more exercise, you will enjoy the benefits of practicing yoga with "the guys�. Session I Tuesdays 10/2-10/30 6:00-7:00 AM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1742 Registration deadline: 9/25 Session II Tuesdays 11/6-12/4 6:00-7:00 AM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1742 Registration deadline: 10/30

Session I Thursdays 10/4-11/8 (No 10/18) 7:00-8:00 PM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1741P Registration deadline: 9/27

ALL YOGA CLASSES: The Artisan Building 207 N Sibley Ave. Litchfield, MN

Session II Thursdays 11/15-12/20 (No 11/22) 7:00-8:00 PM Artisan Building Fee: $50.00 #1741P Registration deadline: 11/8 Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


ADULT & FAMILY TRIPS Madeline Island Overnight Fall Colors Trip

Thursday, October 11 - Friday, October 12 Come along with us as we head north to chase the fall colors along the North Shore! This fun, fall overnight will include a trip through Duluth for lunch and a bit of shopping, enjoying the history of the Bayfield, WI area, and accommodations in the beautiful Ashland, WI area right on the North Shore! Day two will include a ferry ride to Madeline Island for a step-on bus tour, a stop at the island museum and gift shop, and a three course meal at the island pub. Thursday, October 11 7:50 AM - Load in ACGC - High School 8:10 AM - Load in Litchfield - East end of

Litchfield Civic Arena parking lot - 900 N Gilman Avenue 8:35 AM - Load in Dassel-Cokato - PAC 8:50 AM - Load in Howard Lake - old High School

11:30 AM - Lunch and shopping at Duluth Harbor 2:30 PM - Leave Duluth 3:30 PM - Great Lakes Visitor Center 5:30 PM - Check into Hotel Chequamegon

MN State Fair Bus All Ages Monday, August 27

Don’t miss out on “The Great Minnesota Get-Together!” Instead of driving, take a coach bus for a stress-free, air-conditioned ride! We will be going on Senior & Kids Day! Tickets are NOT included, fee is for the bus ride only. You can purchase your fair tickets online at, by calling Etix 1-800-514-3849 or at the gate. There will be discounted ticket prices for seniors and children ages 5-12. Registration deadline: 8/20 Bus Fee: $20.00/person Depart: 8:00 AM Return: 5:00 PM *Park on the far East side of the Litchfield Civic Arena. #8270 Ages 17 and under need to be accompanied by an adult

Friday, October 12 7:50 AM - Load from Bayfield 8:30 AM - Arrive in Ashland 8:45 AM - Ferry Leaves 9:15 AM - Arrive on island and visit museum 10:45 AM - Tour of Madeline Island 12:15-2:00 PM - Lunch at The Pub (Three course meal)

3:00 PM - Back on the bus 3:15 PM - Leave island 3:45 PM - Head for home

Scotland & Ireland Tour June 2019

7:30 PM - Unload in Howard Lake 7:50 PM - Unload in Dassel-Cokato 8:10 PM - Unload in Litchfield 8:30 PM - Unload in ACGC

Explore these ancient Celtic and Gaelic lands and travel to Dublin and Belfast in Ireland and Edinburgh in Scotland. See the Book of Kells, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the Titanic Belfast Museum, a castle and much more! Experience the rich history, culture, cuisine, music, dance and of course, the fun accents of your local guides! This is open to students 16 years old through adults. College students 20 years old and younger pay the student rate.

*30-minute stop on the way home

Fee: Double Occupancy- $189.00/person Single Occupancy- $265.00/person #1011

Registration deadline: 9/27

Informational Meeting Led by Gabra Lokken Wednesday, September 19 6:00-7:00 PM ACGC JR.-SR. High School


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ADULT & FAMILY TRIPS A Christmas Carol Minnesota Guthrie Production Sunday, November 18

Join us for the classical production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, the perennial favorite that received a new adaptation by Crispin Whittell in 2010 and continues the Guthrie's holiday tradition for families across the region. For the Broadway Fan in your life! Now is the time to experience this cherished production with your loved ones! Registration deadline: 10/10 8:20 AM- Load at ACGC- High School 8:50 AM- Load in Litchfield- Civic Arena parking lot east side- 900 N Gilman Avenue 9:15 AM- Load at Dassel-Cokato- PAC 9:25 AM- Load at Howard Lake- old High School Lunch at 11:00 AM & Show at 1:00 PM 4:00 PM- Unload in Howard Lake 4:20 PM- Unload in Dassel-Cokato 4:50 PM- Unload in Litchfield 5:00 PM- Unload in ACGC Fee: $65.00 (Includes the cost of the ticket, lunch and transportation) #600

Day Trippers Dinner Theatre Presents: Drinking Habits 2 Thursday, November 1

Directed by Tom Smith This two act comedy play is a brand new sequel to Drinking Habits. The Sisters of Perpetual Sewing miss the excitement of the old days when they were saving convents and reuniting long lost families So when they learn that the orphanage where Paul and Kate grew up is in peril, they can't wait to come to the rescue. The sisters plot to make their award winning wine, hiding it from the ever watchful eye of Mother Superior. The merry mix-ups multiply in this warm and winsome sequel to Drinking Habits. Registration deadline: 10/15 9:40 AM- Load at ACGC- High School 10:00 AM- Load in Litchfield- Civic Arena parking lot east side- 900 N Gilman Avenue 10:25 AM- Load at Dassel-Cokato- PAC 10:45 AM- Load at Howard Lake- old High School Lunch at 12:15 & Show at 1:15 PM 3:20 PM- Unload in Howard Lake 3:40 PM- Unload in Dassel-Cokato 4:05 PM- Unload in Litchfield 4:30 PM- Unload in ACGC Fee: $60.00 (Includes the cost of the ticket, lunch and transportation) #0418

ACTIVITY REGISTRATIONS When you are registering for a Community Education activity, please provide a valid email as this is our main way to contact you with activity information.

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

We are always looking for new instructors and ideas, so feel free to contact the Community Education office at (320) 693-2354 or email us at


By registering for any Community Education activity you acknowledge for yourself or those you are registering that photographs and/or videotaping of participants may be taken. See page 38 for more information. FALL 2018


COMMUNITY INFORMATION Meeker County Senior Expo “The Roaring 20’s” a celebration of our 20th event Tuesday, October 9, 2018 Church of St. Philip in Litchfield 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Dining, dancing and entertainment! Featuring St. Paul Gangsters Advance tickets are $10.00 each available at: Emmaus Gift Shop - Litchfield The Garden Nook - Dassel Meeker Council on Aging office - Litchfield

Holiday Showcase Saturday, December 1, 2018 Bernie Aaker Auditorium 114 N Holcombe Avenue Auditions- Thursday, November 8 and Monday, November 12 (as needed) Dress RehearsalFriday, November 30- 6:30 PM Call Community Education for more information.

Ticket Sales September 4-October 1 (or until sold out) For more information call 1-800-669-6714

Lunch catered by: Elbows Allowed

All men are welcome to join the 2018-2019 Season

LDC Youth Hockey Association

Two primary concerts per year (fall and spring) plus other events and activities

“Bugsy” and “Pretty Boy Floyd” Sandwiches “Al Capone” Salad “Flapper” Platter “Roaring” Relishes “Coolidge” Cupcakes Paid Advertisement

Hey hockey fans - join us this fall for some hockey! It is a wonderful way to spend a Minnesota winter. Boys and girls ages 5-15 are welcome to join!

  

Learn to skate forwards, backwards and laterally. Learn to pass, shoot and score! Half price for first year mites or free of charge for first year Mites (ages 8 and under) if registered for Introduction to Pond Hockey (See page 10) thanks to a collaboration between Beno Blue Line Club & LDC Youth Hockey. LDC Youth Hockey will provide any goalie gear needed for Mites, and Squirts at no cost to you!

Concerned about cost? Rent all of the equipment you need for your skater through the association!

LAMC Practice Details Thursdays 7:00-8:30 PM September - November 2018 & February - May 2019 Litchfield High School Choir Room First Practice: September 6, 2018 LAMC Kick-off Picnic August 30, 2018-6:30 PM Picnic shelter-Lions Park on Lake Ripley New singers and spouses welcome to join us. Follow us on Facebook:

Sign up is in on August 14 and September 13 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Litchfield Civic Arena. Online registration is available from 8/1-9/21. Practice begins in October. Questions? Contact the Youth Coordinator, Reagan Quinn, at or visit us online at

For more information call Jay at (320) 286-6195 Paid Advertisement

Let’s play hockey! Paid Advertisement

Senior Citizens Action Group Survey Survey to determine present usage and potential need of activities in the local area. Look for it to be coming out at a local business, papers, churches, etc. Fill out and return to have input on activities you would like to see in the area for ages 65 years and older. Sponsored by: Citizens Action Group, Community Education & RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) 24


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 In celebration of National Community Education Day, stop by the office to register for your favorite classes, and enjoy coffee and treats! Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM.

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

COMMUNITY INFORMATION Meeker Memorial Hospital & Clinic (MMHC) Programs & Events 612 S. Sibley Avenue - Litchfield, MN 55355 Healthy Living Classes Community programs sponsored by Meeker Memorial Hospital (MMHC) are planned on the third Wednesday monthly from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the MMHC Conference Center. These are programs help take action on healthy living and are open to the public, FREE of charge. SAVE the dates on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Dates for 2018 include: September 26 October 17 November 28 December 6

Living with Chronic Conditions Workshop This is a “Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). Each workshop consists of a series of 6 – 2 ½ hour classes designed for people who are learning to self-manage an ongoing health condition. People with different chronic health problems attend the program together. Thursdays, September 6-October 11 - 6:00-8:30 PM Managing Concerns about Falls – Matter of Balance A Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance. This is an 8 session program, 2 hours per session. Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance A fall prevention exercise program for older adults to reduce the risk of falling. Offers an enhancement of traditional Tai Ji Quan by transforming the movements into therapeutic training for balance and mobility. Each class will be helping participants to improve muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility. Classes are in the MMHC Conference Area - Lower Level. To register for one of these programs at Meeker Memorial Hospital & Clinics (MMHC) go to: Suggested donation of $10.00/person for each class to help cover materials cost. Please park in the West Parking lot of the hospital.

RSVP Bone Builders MMHC is a community site for the Bone Builders Exercise program on M, W, F from 3:30-4:30 p.m. held in the MMHC Conf. Center (lower level). For more information and locations for Bone Builders in Meeker County call: 1-800-669-6714 2018/2019 Childbirth & Breastfeeding Education Online education and Childbirth Weekender In-person Class for expectant mothers and their support person will be offered on the following dates in 2018: Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on August 18, October 6, December 8 & January 12, 2019 These classes are FREE of charge but all participants must register for the classes or online education. To register, go to: Get the support you need for breastfeeding … Meeker Memorial Hospital’s (MMHC) Lactation Consultants are available to help you with breastfeeding during your hospital stay or as an outpatient consultation. Help is available in the Breastfeeding Clinic at MMHC. For more information or to schedule an outpatient visit call: (320) 373-3028 Time to Quit Tobacco? Meeker Memorial Hospital & Clinics (MMHC) offers a 7 week, 8 session class for Tobacco Cessation. Mondays October 15-November 26 - 12:00 PM Call (320) 693-4590 or register online at: ACT on Alzheimer’s Team … Building a Dementia Friendly Community Dealing with Alzheimer's isn’t easy, but getting involved with ACT on Alzheimer's activities can help ease the burden. The efforts work to support ACT on Alzheimer's initiatives and create dementia friendly communities. Learn more about what is happening in the Litchfield area: Forget Me Not Café offered monthly on the first Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00 PM at First Lutheran Church in Litchfield. Schedule a Dementia Friends at Work or Dementia Friends information session for your group, designed for community members or organizations to become more dementia friendly. For more information contact the Litchfield Area ACT Team at:

Paid Advertisement

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO Ripley School Wednesday, August 29th

Middle School Tuesday, August 28th

High School Wednesday, August 29th

5:00-6:30 PM K-4th Grade Open House

6th-8th Grade Open House - 6:00-8:00 PM 5th Grade Orientation in MS gym - 5:00 PM

9th-12th Grade Open House - 6:00-8:00 PM 9th Gr. Orientation in HS gym 7:00 PM

Fall Activities Meeting - August 13 - LHS Gym 7:00-8:30 PM

● All MSHSL forms and Physicals must be completed before athlete participation (Physicals are usually completed in 7th and 10th grade)

● Online registration using Infinite Campus portal must be completed before August 1 and/or before athlete participation. ● Activity fees must be paid before students are given a uniform to compete Forms are available and fees may be paid online and at the Activities Office

Device Distribution

Device distribution for take home devises in grades 5-12 will occur during the first week of school. Payment of $30.00 is needed prior to distribution ($30.00/child or $100.00/family maximum). Payments may be made online in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal or in person at the Open House or school office. To review our device agreements/policy information, please see our website.

Emergency Closing Information

Announcements regarding school closings/late starts – due to inclement weather or any other emergency – will be made the following ways: ● KLFD Radio (Litchfield) 1410 AM & 95.9 FM ● District Website: ● Text/Email: If it hasn’t already been selected from last year, parents can select these notification settings via the parent portal in Campus under Contact Preferences. Once selected, announcements of closings/late starts, etc. will reach you by text/email.

School Board Meetings

The Litchfield School Board usually meets the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:00 PM. Located in the Wagner Education Building (WEB), 307 East 6th Street. Call (320) 693-2444 for information.

Address Correction Requested

If your address has recently changed (location, name, home phone number, emergency contact number, etc.), it is important for you to notify your student’s school office and Hicks Bus Company at (320) 693-3292.

Litchfield School District Office 307 East 6th Street Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 693-2444

Visit our website The website contains a wide variety of useful information including school calendar, staff directories, school menus, Community Education opportunities, parent communication & more! Check it out! Infinite Campus parent portal can be accessed from the school website homepage. On the Home Page, select Infinite Campus Portal. If you do not know your log on information, please contact your student(s) school secretary.

Does your child have health insurance? If not, help may be available. Minnesota Health Care Programs have free and low-cost health insurance for children and families who qualify (Medical Assistance has no monthly premium. MinnesotaCare has a monthly premium based on household income). Your child may qualify if your household income is below: Family Size 2

Monthly Income $3,772

Yearly Income $45,265







5 $6,742 $80,905 For more information, call your county office or visit The income limits above are valid until June 30, 2019.

To get a MNsure application for health coverage and help paying costs (DHS-6696):  Print one from  Call 877-KIDS-NOW toll free  Call Meeker County Social Services at (320) 639-5300 This information is sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Education


Directory High School & ALP…(320) 693-2424 Middle School………(320) 693-2441 Lake Ripley Elementary………….(320) 693-2436 District Office...…….(320) 693-2444 Community Education & Recreation……….(320) 693-2354 Early Childhood Programs……………(320) 693-2354

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO Litchfield Schools ~ Food Service News SCHOOL MEALS All meals served meet nutritional standards established by the U.S.D.A. If a child has been determined by a physician to have a disability and the disability prevents the child from eating the regular meal, the school will make modifications or substitutions prescribed by the physician at no additional charges. Parents of students with such concerns will need to contact Lorie Garland, School Nurse at (320) 693-2436 for additional information. School Meal Prices 2018-2019 All kindergarten Breakfast FREE Breakfast $1.10 per meal at ALL schools Elementary Lunch $2.35 per meal MS/HS Lunch $2.45 per meal *Standard meals include a carton of milk Cold Lunch Any child may bring cold lunch and purchase a carton of milk for $.50 which would be deducted from their meal account balance.

Lunch per Student Full Year 1/2 year Weekly Daily Breakfast per Student

A la Carte items are available at all schools except Ripley and availability may vary daily. Full Year Students must have enough funds in their individual food account to purchase extra milk 1/2 year and ala carte items. Weekly

Ripley $409.90 $204.45 $11.75 $2.35

Middle $426.30 $213.15 $12.25 $2.45

High $426.30 $213.15 $12.25 $2.45

Reduced $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00









$95.70 $5.50

$95.70 $5.50

$95.70 $5.50

$0.00 $0.00

Daily $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $0.00 ELEMENTARY MILK MONEY For Snack Time ●Kindergarten Breakfast = Free ● There is a charge for grades 1, 2, 4 & 5 to cover the cost of milk served daily at break time. (3rd grade does not do milk break), 5th grade (parents choose if they want child to participate) & kindergarten snack milk is free. The fee is $50.00 for the full year or parents may pay $25.00 at the beginning of the year and again by the end of January 2019. This milk charge is independent of the school meal program, therefore it must be paid separately at the school offices. These fees may also be paid online via your family Campus Portal Account, under Fees. Food Serviced Information 2018-2019 All information regarding your student’s meal account is in one location for easy access along with the other information about your student(s). Each student will have their own account showing individual balances. Parents can view food account activity, pay for meals via their Infinite Campus Portal login found on the Litchfield Schools website Once on the homepage, select Infinite Campus Portal. ALL student information is located in the Parent Portal (grades, class schedules, attendance, food account balances and more). If you do not know your Parent Portal login information, please contact your student(s) school secretary. Balances/Payments: All student account balances left on account from last school year have been balance forwarded to this school year. Parents can log onto the portal to see the individual student balances. Payments on accounts will be automatically divided equally amongst the students in the household unless otherwise specified at the time of payment. Example: Johnson Household Ashley $10.00 Peter $10.00 John $10.00 $30.00

If you are making an online payment via your parent portal, the parent can choose how that money is distributed amongst each student(s) account.

A $30.00 payment taken in either, electronically or by cash/check, will be divided out $10.00 per student automatically unless noted. If funds in one student’s account is getting low, a parent can request to have funds transferred from one student’s account to another within the family. If one Student’s account is in the negative, the food service secretary may transfer funds from another student account, if an account is positive, to clear the account that is negative.

Online Payments: Payments can be made via the campus portal with no fee charge. Parents are not required to pay online and can still send in cash/check with the student(s).

Visit our School Website! Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Contact Stacy Justison for more information: Litchfield School District Office (320) 639-2444 -

FALL 2018


ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO FREE/REDUCED MEALS FREE Breakfast Meals to All Kindergarten students FREE Breakfast and Lunch meals to all Free/Reduced eligible students ALL families are encouraged to apply for Free/Reduced meal prices. Not only is this a benefit to families but our school also qualifies for certain educational funds based on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced meals. It is highly encouraged to fill out the application via online registration or from your parent portal login by selecting Applications, however, an application is available in this guide or at the district office or at any of the schools. ALL FAMILIES NEED TO RE-APPLY EACH YEAR AS BENEFITS DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY ROLL OVER FROM YEAR TO YEAR! BENEFITS FROM LAST SCHOOL YEAR EXPIRE 10/15/18, SO YOU MUST RE-APPLY IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR BENEFITS FOR CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR. IF A NEW APPLICATION IS NOT SUBMITTED BY EXPIRATION DATE, YOU WILL BE MOVED TO A PAID STATUS. NOTE: If your household income changes throughout the year, families are encouraged to re-apply or apply anytime throughout the year. (Examples include: unemployment, lay-offs, or reduction in hours). Applications can be turned in directly to the district office or at any other school offices. Once applications are processed, families will be notified by mail of the outcome. Any family that qualifies for free or reduced will receive FREE breakfast regardless and those who qualify for the reduced program will receive lunch free of charge. In addition, if you qualify for free/reduced meals, you will need to ensure you have adequate funds in the student’s account to cover milk purchases when cold lunch is taken and/or any a la cart purchases are made as those are not covered under the free/reduced meal program. Verification If a Free/Reduced meal application is submitted and it is approved, the application may be verified by the school and/or the MN Department of Education at any time throughout the school year. School officials may require documentation that your children are eligible for free or reduced meals. SCHOOL UNPAID MEAL POLICY Reference the Unpaid Meal Charge and Debt Collection Policy found on the school website:, then select Department Services, Food Nutrition. VIEWING MEAL PURCHASES All families can view their child(s) meal purchases and see current balances by going to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal page: To access, login into Litchfield Schools webpage, Once on the homepage, select Infinite Campus Portal. If you do not know your Infinite Campus Parent Portal login, please contact your child’s school office. Ripley - (320) 693-2436 ● Middle School - (320) 693-2441 ● High School - (320) 693-2424 Account Balance Notifications Account balance notifications will be sent out daily via email as a reminder that an account is getting low or has reached a negative balance and that it is time to replenish the account. Please be reminded that ultimately it is the parent’s responsibility to have adequate funds in their student(s) account.


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO Dear Parent/Guardian: Our school provides healthy meals each day. Breakfast costs $1.10, Lunch costs $2.35 (Elementary), $2.45(Middle School/High School). Your children may qualify for free or reduced-price school meals. To apply, complete the enclosed Application for Educational Benefits following the instructions. A new application must be submitted each year. At public schools, your application also helps the school qualify for education funds and discounts. State funds help to pay for reduced-price school meals, so all students who are approved for either free or reduced-price school meals will receive school meals at no charge. State funds also help to pay for breakfasts for kindergarten students, so all participating kindergarten students receive breakfasts at no charge. Return your completed Application for Educational Benefits to: Litchfield Public Schools- 307 E. 6th St. Suite 100, Litchfield, MN 55355 Who can get free school meals? Children in households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), and foster, homeless, migrant and runaway children can get free school meals without reporting household income. Or children can get free school meals if their household income is within the maximum income shown for their household size on the instructions. I get WIC or Medical Assistance. Can my children get free school meals? Children in households participating in WIC or Medical Assistance may be eligible for free school meals. Please fill out an application. Who should I include as household members? Include yourself and all other people living in the household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends). May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? Yes. You or your children do not have to be U.S. citizens for your children to qualify for free or reduced-price school meals. What if my income is not always the same? List the amount that you normally get. If you normally get overtime, include it, but not if you get overtime only sometimes. For seasonal work, write in the total annual income. Will the information I give be checked? Yes, and we may also ask you to send written proof. How will the information be kept? Information you provide on the form, and your child’s approval for school meal benefits, will be protected as private data. For more information see the back page of the Application for Educational Benefits. If I don’t qualify now, may I apply later? Yes. Please complete an application at any time if your income goes down, your household size goes up, or you start getting SNAP, MFIP or FDPIR benefits. Please provide the information requested about children’s racial identity and ethnicity, which helps to make sure we are fully serving our community. This information is not required for approval of school meal benefits. If you have other questions or need help, call or email Stacy Justison, Food Service Administrator, (320) 693-2444, Sincerely, Stacy Justison

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO How to Complete the Application for Educational Benefits

Complete the Application for Educational Benefits form for school year 2018-19 if any of the following applies to your household: Any household member currently participates in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) or The household includes one or more foster children (a welfare agency or court has legal responsibility for the child) or The total income of household members is within the guidelines shown below (gross earnings before deductions, not take-home pay). Do not include as income: foster care payments, federal education benefits, MFIP payments, or value of assistance received from SNAP, WIC, or FDPIR. Military: Do not include combat pay or assistance from the Military Privatized Housing Initiative. The income guidelines are effective from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Household size

$ Per Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Add for each additional person

22,459 30,451 38,443 46,435 54,427 62,419 70,411 78,403 7,992

Maximum Total Income $ Twice Per $ Per Month Month 1,872 936 2,538 1,269 3,204 1,602 3,870 1,935 4,536 2,268 5,202 2,601 5,868 2,934 6,534 3,267 666


$ Per 2 Weeks

$ Per Week

864 1,172 1,479 1,786 2,094 2,401 2,709 3,016

432 586 740 893 1,047 1,201 1,355 1,508



Step 1: Children List all infants and children in the household, their birthdate and, if applicable, their grade and school. Attach an additional page if needed to list all children. Fill in the circle if a child is in foster care (a welfare agency or court has legal responsibility for the child). Step 2: Case Number If any household member currently participates in the Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), write in your case number, check which program you participate in, and then go to Step 4. If you do not participate in any of these programs, leave Step 2 blank and continue on to Step 3. WIC and Medical Assistance (M.A.) programs do not qualify for this purpose. Step 3: Adults / Incomes / Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number List all adults living in the household (everyone not listed in Step 1) whether related or not, such as grandparents, other relatives, or friends. Include any adult who is temporarily away from home, like a student away at college. Attach another page if necessary. List gross incomes before deductions, not take-home pay. Do not list an hourly wage rate. For adults with no income to report, enter a ‘0’ or leave the section blank. This is your certification (promise) that there is no income to report for these adults. For seasonal work, write in the total annual income. For each income, fill in a circle to show how often the income is received: each week, every other week, twice per month, or monthly. For farm or self-employment income only, list the net income per year or month after business expenses. A loss from farm or self-employment must be listed as 0 income and does not reduce other income. Last four digits of Social Security number – An adult household member must provide the last four digits of their Social Security number or check the box if they do not have a Social Security number. Regular incomes to children – If any children in the household have regular income, such as SSI or part-time jobs, list the total amount of regular incomes received by all children. Do not include occasional earnings like babysitting or lawn mowing. Step 4: Signature and Contact Information An adult household member must sign the form. If you do not want your information to be shared with Minnesota Health Care Programs, check the “Don’t share” box in Step. Optional: Please provide the information on ethnicity and race that is requested on the second page of the form. This information is not required and does not affect approval for school meal benefits. The information helps to make sure we are meeting civil rights requirements and fully serving our community. 30

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354


Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018




Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO Litchfield Public Schools - School Transportation Information Welcome back to Litchfield Public Schools, or if you are new to the District, welcome to Litchfield. The following information outlines most of the questions we receive about school transportation.

If you have more, please contact Hicks Bus Line at (320) 693-3292, or look us up at Transportation policies are determined and adopted by the Litchfield School Board. Student Bus Information Your child’s bus information will be mailed to you approximately two weeks before school starts. If your child attends daycare, or has an alternate pickup/drop off location, please contact Hicks Bus Line at (320) 693-3292. Changes must be verified by phone, only. We need as much information as possible for your child. Please contact us with any contact numbers, special concerns/needs for your child, or any other information that you feel we may need to provide your child with a great school bus ride. All information is confidential, and only used on a need-to-know basis. Immediate Notification Parents and Guardians should contact their student’s school office to be added to the District #465 Messaging/ Notification System. This will inform you of Delayed Starts, Early Dismissals and School Closings. Route & School Times Bus routes are scheduled to start picking up rural students between 6:45 AM and 7:00 AM Students living at the outer edges of the district, and students who have open-enrolled, may have pickup times that are a bit earlier. Students in grades 5-12 are delivered to the Middle School/High School complex by 7:50 AM Students in grades K-4 are delivered to Ripley School by 8:10 AM Walk to Stop Distances Rural Students – Rural stops are generally done at the end of the student’s driveway when possible. However, school policy may require students to walk up to one-quarter (¼) mile to a corner or other stop in order to avoid a turnaround, or to consolidate stops. The exception to this is for Kindergarten students, for whom every attempt is made to pick up at the end of the driveway. Town Students – Walk-to-Stop distances for town students vary based on their grades, as follows: Kindergarten 2 Blocks Grades 1 to 3 3 Blocks Grades 4 to 5 6 Blocks Grades 6-12 12 Blocks No Transportation for 6-12 living in the NE Quadrant of Litchfield, bounded by MN Hwy 22 / US Hwy 12 / CSAH 34 / MN Hwy 24. Bus Stops Procedures Rural Stops – All rural stops are made utilizing the 8-Lamp/Stop Arm system. Students are to wait to cross the roadway until signaled by the driver to do so. Town Stops – Town stops are made at curbside without the 8-Lamp/Stop Arm system, except where designated by the school board, based on traffic volume and speed. Bus and Stop Assignments Students are assigned to a bus stop and bus based on their home address. If the student will be riding to/from school from a different address, please contact Hicks Bus Line at (320) 693-3292. Bus stop changes will only be made by phone call. Alternate Stops – Students are allowed one (1) pickup and one (1) drop off location. The morning and afternoon locations can be different from each other (daycare, etc.), but only one (1) of each is allowed. The only exception is for shared-custody arrangements. Occasional changes for vacations, going to Grandma’s, etc. must be done using a bus pass from the school office. Alternating stops will not be scheduled for varying parental work schedules. A permanent change may be requested for family changes, but alternating weeks, etc. will not be scheduled. Changes and Contacting Hicks Bus Line For any notices of students not riding, changes of addresses, changes/additions of phone numbers or contacts, or any other information to be provided to Hicks Bus Line, please promptly CALL (320) 693-3292 and speak with Linnea or Roxanne. Please note that we will not accept any information by email or text message.

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018



Fall Activities Meeting

6:00-8:00 PM 7:00-7:30 PM

HS Open House

9th Grade Orientation




First Day of School

ECFE Kick Off Come & Play

School Picture Day




4:00-7:00 PM

LHS Conferences

Financial Aid Night

LMS Exploratory Day

6th Grade Band Concert





7:00 PM

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Election Day

2-Hour Late Start

Indoor Marching Band Concert 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

LHS Fall Musical

Fall Vocal Concert Gr. 6-12

LMS Band Concert Gr. 7-8

K-4 Conferences

K-4 Conferences (No school 11/21)










22-23 Thanksgiving Break - No School

7:30-11:00 AM 7:00 PM/2:00 PM

Retake Picture Day



18-19 MEA Break - No School

4:00-7:00 PM

LMS Conferences


6:30 PM

4:00-8:00 PM

2-Hour Late Start



24-28 Homecoming Week

9:00-10:15 AM 7:30 AM-12:00 PM

Labor Day



6:00-8:00 PM 5:00-6:30 PM

MS 5-8 Open House

Lake Ripley Open House


5:00-6:00 PM

MS 5th Grade Orientation

7:00-8:30 PM


27-30 Teacher Workshop



K-4 Conferences


Spring Break - No School


Holiday - No School LHS Prom - Grand March

19 27

5:30 PM

7:00 PM

Band Concert Gr. 7-12



7:00 PM

Vocal Concert Gr. 7-12

Township Elections

Daylight Saving Time Begins

2-Hour Late Start

Student Led Conferences Gr. 5-8







Student Led Conferences Gr. 5-8

K-4 Conferences

19 28

President’s Day - No School



One Act Play


7:00 PM

Teachers Workshop - No School


4:00-7:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:00 PM

Holiday Break – No School

Holiday Break - No School

LHS Conferences

LHS Holiday Concert

Holiday Showcase








7:00 PM

7-8 Vocal Concert


Father’s Day 16






Meeker County Fair

LCT Summer Musical

Litchfield Watercade

Independence Day

Teacher Workshop


LHS Graduation


Last Day of School

Memorial Day - No School





1:30 PM

7:00 PM

6:30 PM

Athletic Banquet


Jazz Band on Lake Ripley

7:00 PM

LHS Band Concert in the Park



7:00 PM

7:00 PM

7:45 PM

8:00 PM

6-8 Grade Band Concert

Mother's Day

Scholarship Night

2-Hour Late Start

AAA Night

Spring Vocal "Litchfield Live” Concert








2018-2019 CALENDAR

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24

4 11 18 25

19 Good Friday

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27

2-Hour Late Start Memorial Day Last Day of School

27 31

3 10 17 24 31


1 2 6 7 8 9 5 13 14 15 16 12 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 4 11 18 25

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

5 12 19 26

May 2019

Holiday Break 1 21 Teacher Workshop

4 11 18 25

Holiday Break

3 10 17 24 31

1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30

1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29

April 2019

2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 24-31

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

December 2018

27-30 Teacher Workshop

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Labor Day 3 First Day of School 4 24-28 Homecoming Week Picture Day 26 January 2019

1 6 7 8 5 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29

3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 30 31

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

2 9 16 23

September 2018

August 2018

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27

4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27

1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28


2 9 16 23 30 2

4 11 18 25

5 12 19 26

6 13 20 27

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29

Teacher Workshop

LHS Graduation

3 10 17 24

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

June 2019

18 President's Day

3 10 17 24

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

February 2019

2-Hour Late Start 3 18-19 MEA Break

1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29

Su M Tu W Th F Sa

October 2018

5 12 19 26

7 14 21 28

1 8 15 22 29


July 2019

2 9 16 23 30

3 10 17 24 31

4 11 18 25

5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27


2-Hour Late Start Spring Break

1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30

Su M Tu W Th F

3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 6 25-29

Su M Tu W Th F

March 2019

2-Hour Late Start 7 Teacher Workshop 9 23-24 Thanksgiving Break

4 11 18 25


1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30

Su M Tu W Th F

November 2018


Stenetta Seiffert, Coordinator (320) 693-2354

Dragon Kids Club

Adult Basic Education Jen Carl, Coordinator (320) 693-2354

Rebecca Warpula, Coordinator (320) 693-2354

Early Childhood Programs

Community Education Rebecca Warpula, Director (320) 693-2354

Lake Ripley Elementary Gregg Zender, Principal Stephanie Hansen, Dean of Students (320) 693-2436●Fax (320) 593-0227

Middle School Chelsea Brown, Principal Craig McKechney, Dean of Students Bryan Goraczkowski, Activities Director (320) 693-2441●Fax (320) 593-3485

High School Jason Michels, Principal Justin Brown, Assistant Principal & Activities Director (320) 693-2424●Fax (320) 593-3308

District Office #465 Beckie Simenson, Superintendent Jesse Johnson, Business Manager (320) 693-2444●Fax (320) 593-6528

2018-2019 CALENDAR


ISD #465 BACK TO SCHOOL INFO Community Right to Know This is a notification that under Section 302 of the Federal “Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act”: (SARA Title III), the Litchfield Public Schools store a Hazardous Substance in excess of the Threshold Planning Quantity. The Hazardous Substances are fuel oil stored in an underground storage tank and compressed gas stored in a building outside the school building at the High School, 901 North Gilman Ave, Litchfield, MN in Meeker County. The above ground storage tanks for Lake Ripley Elementary and Wagner Education Building are both below the 1500 gallon reporting limit.

Indoor Air Quality This school year the district will continue to manage indoor air quality in our schools. The district will be taking a leadership role in providing a safe and productive environment for our students and staff so that we achieve our core mission - educating students. Our district will follow U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Guidelines to maintain and improve our indoor air quality (IAQ) by preventing as many IAQ problems as possible, and by quickly responding to any IAQ problems that may arise. The district newsletter and website will carry updated information on the District’s IAQ.

ADA Information The Litchfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. Litchfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. MN Relay Service: TTY/Voice/ ASCII Call 1-800-627-3529 Hours Available: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Friday Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to make their needs and preferences known to the person listed above. This notice is available in large print, Braille or on audiotape upon a 72-hour request.

Asbestos Management Plan According to Federal legislation (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act - AHERA), all schools in the nation are required to complete a stringent inspection for asbestos and develop a management plan for all asbestos -containing building materials. Litchfield Public Schools is in full compliance with this law and shall continue to maintain a safe and healthful environment for our youth and employees. All buildings (including portables and support buildings) owned or leased by the school district were inspected by EPA accredited inspectors and samples were analyzed by an independent laboratory. The state approved a comprehensive management plan prepared by the district for handling the asbestos located within its buildings safely and responsibly. Furthermore, Litchfield Public Schools has completed its AHERA 3-Year Re-inspection requirement. Litchfield Public School buildings, where asbestos-containing materials were found, are under repair, removal and Operations and Maintenance. Federal law requires a periodic walk-through (called “surveillance”) every six months of each area containing asbestos. Also the law requires buildings to be re-inspected three years after a management plan is in effect. Short-term workers and outside contractors are provided with information regarding the location of asbestos in which they may come into contact. Litchfield Public Schools has a list of the location(s) and type(s) of asbestos-containing materials found in school buildings along with a description and timetable for their proper management. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review at the District Office. Copies are available at 25 cents per page.

Integrated Pest Management Notice Concerning Use of Pest Control Materials Our District utilizes a licensed, professional pest control service firm for the prevention and control of rodents, insects, and other pests in and around the district’s buildings. Their program consists of an inspection and monitoring to determine whether pests are present, and whether any treatment is needed; a recommendation for maintenance and sanitation to help eliminate pests without the need for pest control materials; a utilization of non-chemical measures such as traps, caulking and screening; and an application of EPA-registered pest control materials when needed. Pests can sting, bite, cause contamination, damage property, and spread disease; therefore, we must prevent and control them. The long-term health effects on children from the application of such pest control materials, or the class of materials to which they belong, may not be fully understood. All pest control materials are chosen and applied according to label directions per Federal law. An estimated schedule of interior pest control inspections and possible treatments is available for review by contacting the District Office. A similar estimated schedule is available for application of herbicides and other materials to school grounds. Parents of students may request to receive, at their expense, prior notification of any application of a pest control material, should such an application be deemed necessary on a day different from the days specified in the schedule.

For questions, concerns or complaints regarding: - Community Right to Know - ADA Information - Pest Management - Indoor Air Quality - Asbestos Management - Health and Safety Please Contact: Jesse Johnson ● Business Manager ● (320) 693-2444 Ext. 8105


Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354

INFORMATION & POLICIES Mission Statement Litchfield Community Education and Recreation involves citizens of all ages in inclusive, affordable and accessible opportunities for learning, leadership and community involvement. Want to know what is happening in Community Education? Listen to the Community Education update on KLFD Radio 1410 AM & 95.9 FM at 11:50 AM every Tuesday. Read the bi-weekly Community Education column in the Litchfield Independent Review in Section B. Go to:




Community Education and Recreation Advisory Council Members Dave Cziok - Litchfield City Administrator Alison DeWolf - All Area Representative Sue Fenton - All Area Representative Becki Simenson - Litchfield Public Schools Superintendent Jeff Garland - Co-Chair/Litchfield Area Ministerial Representative Judy Hulterstrum - Chamber of Commerce Representative Amie Bergquist - LAMP Kinship Representative Lori Patten - All Area Representative Lori Rice - Healthcare Provider Representative Loree Schultz - Co-Chair Sara Miller - City Council Representative Cassidy Martin - Extension Representative Marcia Provencher - School Board Representative Sarah Ostvig - ECFE Parent Liaison Jen Carl - ABE Representative Stenetta Seiffert - Dragon Kids Club Coordinator Rebecca Warpula - Director Janaye Prieve - Programs Coordinator Emily Bratz - Office Manager/Facilities Coordinator Representative of the citizens of the school district, the Advisory Council meets regularly to help identify the educational, social and cultural needs for district residents of all ages. They welcome your suggestions, ideas, questions and concerns. All meetings are open to the public. If you have ideas you would like to share, contact an Advisory Council member or a Community Education staff member at (320) 693-2354.

Building Key (HS) Litchfield High School 901 N Gilman Avenue (320) 693-2424 (WEB) Wagner Education Building 307 E 6th Street (320) 693-2354 Lake Ripley Elementary School 100 W Pleasure Drive (320) 693-2436 (MS) Litchfield Middle School 340 E 10th Street (320) 693-2441 Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

Use of School Facilities Litchfield Public Schools encourages the use of school facilities. Arrange for rental and use of all school facilities by:  Filling out a Facility Use Application available at the Community Education office  Emailing Emily Bratz -  Calling (320) 693-2354 Confirmation of the space requested is completed after the request is on the master schedule. There may be rental fees, custodial fees, equipment rental fees, kitchen staff fees, and school supervisory fees, along with a scheduling fee, depending on the time and type of request to use school facilities. Emily Bratz Community Education & Recreation Office Manager/Facility Coordinator FALL 2018



Inclement Weather

Did you know that 41% of children in If the weather seems questionable Litchfield elementary schools qualify listen to KLFD 95.9 FM & 1410 AM for free or reduced lunch rates? radio regarding changes, postponements or cancellations. Please do not call Free and Reduced rate eligibility is KLFD when looking for activity based on family income requirements information, only call the Community that are set by the state of Minnesota in Education office at (320) 693-2354. relation to the national poverty Activity cancellations or postponements guidelines. As you can imagine, will be posted on our Facebook page. when families are strained financially When schools close due to inclement it is often items that are seen as weather, all Community Education non-essential that are eliminated activities will be cancelled or including recreation and enrichment postponed. opportunities such as swimming lessons, sports, leagues and Cancellation Policy after-school learning opportunities. Community Education reserves the Community Education offers an right to cancel any activity or class. If opportunity, through Sponsor-A-Child, this happens, your money will be fully for individuals and organizations to refunded. Please include a daytime support the youth of our community phone number and email address with by making a donation to help offset your registration. Cancellations must the costs of recreation and enrichment be requested prior to the published opportunities. Contact Community deadline. All cancellations will be Education or stop into our office to subject to a $5.00 administrative fee. learn more about how you can sponsor Refunds will be issued at the a child. department’s discretion for cancellations made less than a week before the start date, due to special circumstances. No Sponsor-A-Child refunds will be made after the class has Scholarships Available met. You must call our office, Litchfield Community Education (320) 693-2354, to request cancellation. receives donations from generous Online cancellation is not available. individuals and businesses in our community to provide scholarships Photographs/Videotaping for youth activities. These funds By registering for any Community will remain in place until all dollars Education activity listed in this program are utilized. Scholarships are based guide, you acknowledge for yourself or on income eligibility and we use the those you are registering that photographs same guidelines as the Free and and/or videotaping of participants may be taken and used in Community Education Reduced Lunch Program. Please publications, flyers or other advertising. If contact the Community Education you object to your photo or video being office for more information and to used, please call Community Education at determine eligibility. (320) 693-2354.

Check Return Policy

Checks returned for insufficient funds, stop payment or account closed will be subject to a $30.00 service charge. Payee will be notified upon receipt of NSF notice to our office. If there has been no attempt to contact our office after two weeks, information will be turned over to a collection agency.



Al inscribirse en cualquier actividad de Educación Comunitaria que se menciona en esta guía de programas, usted reconoce por sí mismo o por los que está registrando que las fotografías y / o filmaciones de los participantes pueden ser tomadas y utilizadas en publicaciones de la Educación Comunitaria, volantes u otra publicidad. Si se opone a que su foto o video sea utilizado, llame a la oficina de Educación Comunitaria al (320) 693-2354.

Equal Opportunities and Accessibility

District #465 Community Education and Recreation complies with all state and federal equal opportunity requirements and follows employment practices and education programs that do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, marital status, handicap, national origin or the presence of a non-job or education related medical condition. We will strive to provide reasonable accommodations when needed. Advance notice of these needs helps considerably. When registering, please inform our staff by filling out an information sheet that describes the type of accommodations that Community Education and Recreation can provide for you. The Community Education and Recreation staff will not be responsible for passing or handling personal medications. This must be done by a parent, guardian or personal care attendant. Parents/guardians, staff or PCAs are welcome to accompany those with special needs to a class at no charge.

Parent Volunteer Discount

Do you have a passion for a particular sport or activity? Some of our programs are looking for parent volunteers and we need committed individuals to help out. When you commit, we ask that you are able to consistently provide assistance for all scheduled program dates. At the end of the activity you will receive credit on your account for use on a future class. All volunteers must complete an application and background check ($14.00 fee). In addition, all coaches must complete bloodborne pathogen and concussion training two weeks prior to coaching. Please contact Community Education for additional details and available volunteer positions.

Register online at: or call us at (320) 693-2354


Registration deadlines are used to determine whether or not an activity will take place. If there is insufficient enrollment, the activity must be modified or cancelled. All activities require a high level of coordination, often including facility scheduling, staffing, and purchasing of supplies.

Go online: Call us: (320) 693-2354 Visit us in person or drop a check in the mail: Litchfield Community Education & Recreation 307 E 6th Street, Suite #110 Litchfield, MN 55355


Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-4:30 PM Our office is closed during District #465 holidays. Please contact us for a list of days that we will be closed.

Please provide a valid email address if you have one. You will receive a confirmation email for your registration and it will also be our main way of contacting you with activity information.

Payment is required at the time of registration. Litchfield Community Education & Recreation Registration Form

Payer Name (Print)__________________________________________ Home Phone_________________________ Mailing Address____________________________________ City___________________ State_____ Zip__________ Family E-mail Address______________________________________________________ Other Phone Numbers: Cell_________________________ Work_____________________________ Activity #

Activity Name


Participant’s Name


Shirt Size



















____Visa ____MasterCard _____Cash ____________Check #___________ Card #__________________________ Expiration Date_____/_____ Cardholder’s Signature_________________________________________ Make checks payable and mail to: Litchfield Community Education 307 E 6th Street, Suite 110 Litchfield, MN 55355

Litchfield Community Education & Recreation

FALL 2018


A huge thanks to the locals that submitted their photographs depicting the true beauty of the Litchfield area in autumn.

“Fall in Love” Nora Stanley Litchfield, MN

The picture featured on the front cover is thanks to the beautiful eye of Melissa Beecroft. She is a mother of 4 and a registered nurse. Melissa said “For a long time I have felt like I see the world through the camera lens in my eye. Going around thinking “that would make a great photo.” I took a photography class while I was going to nursing school and that helped me further develop my eye and taught me how to make better use of my camera and editing software.” The photo was taken a couple years ago at Darwin Ski hill at about the peak of fall color. Her and her family went for a hike and the camera came along! She got some great shots of the landscape and her family that day! “Minnesota - 10,000 Lakes, Endless Beauty” Kristie Flachmeyer Litchfield, MN “Gone with the Wind” Peg Beckstrand Litchfield, MN

“Prairie Moon” Sandra Mellgren-Linder Litchfield, MN

If you are interested in one of your pictures being featured in a Community Education guide, give us a call (320) 693-2354 or email our Programs Coordinator at

ISD #465 Litchfield Community Education and Recreation 307 E 6th Street, Suite #110 Litchfield, MN 55355

LOCAL Residential Customer

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