-A Guide To Internet SafetyPresented by AmyChristine Proctor
ŠAmyChristine Proctor
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is the average age 11 11 a child first looks at porn . 11
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Our families are under attack. In this meeting we will cover the following: 1. Alarming Statistics that Affect our Families. 2. The Science (what’s happening inside the brain). 3. Solutions to Protect Your Family. 4. Group Discussion, Q/A’s.
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Parental Disclaimer This is a presentation designed to educate and equip parents to guard their homes and the hearts of their children in the area of Internet safety. Every parent needs to arm themselves with the necessary tools and to review the material as they see fit. Not all the information or suggested approaches in this presentation may be fitting for every child. Use discretion.
3 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
“Oh, my child would never...” So why bother? AmyChristine’s Testimony
4 ©AmyChristine Proctor
Definition of Pornography:
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary
por·nog·ra·phy (noun) 1. : the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures OR writing) intended to cause sexual excitement. 2. : material (as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement. 3. : the depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction
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xXx xXx xXx
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xXx 6
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Sex is the #1 searched-for topic on the Internet.1 sex and porn “SEX” and “PORN” are among the top 5 search terms for kids under the age of 18. 2
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$10-$14 Billion is spent on porn annually, which is the same amount the US Government has spent on foreign aid. 3 Every second, $3075.64 is being spent on pornography. 4 (which is $184,538.40 every MINUTE and which is $4,428,921.60 every DAY!)
The pornography industry is larger than the revenues of the top technology companies combined: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink. 5
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90% of children ages 8-16 have viewed pornography. And 91% of the first exposure to porn was during a benign activity such as a school research project, surfing the Web for information. 6 62% of parents of teenagers are unaware that their children have accessed objectionable websites. 7 70% of children admit to clearing their Internet site history to hide their online activity. 8
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31% of 7th-12th-graders pretended to be older to get into a 18+ website. 9 The largest consumers of pornography are 12 to 17-year-old boys. 10 According to a survey of more than 11,000 college-age women, more than half said they were exposed to sexually explicit material by the age of 14. 11
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A study of youth between the ages of 10 and 17 concluded that there is a significant relationship between frequent porn use and feelings of loneliness and major depression. 12 According to a study cited in the Washington Post, more than 11 million teenagers view Internet pornography on a regular basis. 13 The least popular day of the year for viewing porn is THANKSGIVING, the most popular day of the week for viewing porn is SUNDAY. 14
Are Christians immune?
NO! 11 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
In 2003, Focus on the Family reported, 47% of families said that pornography was a PROBLEM in their home. 15 In 2003, 34% of female readers of Today’s Christian Woman’s online newsletter admitted to INTENTIONALLY accessing Internet pornography. 16 In 2005, 57% of pastors say that addiction to pornography is the MOST sexually DAMAGING ISSUE to their congregation. 17 In 2006, 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography. 20% of those Christian women say they struggle with looking at pornography on an ONGOING basis. 18
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Statistics only tell a part of the story. Statistics represent people you know. People struggling with sexual addiction. 13 ©AmyChristine Proctor
So, if you have any of these, there is access into your home. *Computer* *Laptop* *Smartphone* *iTouch* *iPod* *iPad* *Email* *Postal Mail* *Television* *DVD Player* 14 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
The Brain Science Behind Internet Pornography Use
Provided by Fight the New Drug
15 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
Provided by Fight the New Drug
Whether you’re taking drugs or viewing pornography, the addiction process is the same:
FRONTAL LOBES: The area of your brain responsible for making decisions and logically thinking through situations and scenarios is the part of your brain most affected by addiction.
{CHEMICALS} You over-expose the brain with pleasure chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin & norepinephrine.
{DEPENDENCY} You build up a tolerance and a dependency to the chemicals. You go from “wanting” the pleasure chemicals in order to feel good, to “needing” them. Fight the New Drug (Image recreated by AmyChristine Proctor)
{REWIRING} Your brain rewires itself to accommodate the extra chemicals. 19
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Let’s talk Chemicals. The chemicals behind the addiction. Provided by Fight the New Drug
Dopamine Norepinephrine Oxytocin Prolactin Serotonin 17 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
Dopamine: Provided by Fight the New Drug
First up is Dopamine. Dopamine does a lot of things from helping you focus and learn to helping you control movement of your body. But it usually is talked about as a pleasure chemical. Dopamine engages the rewardlearning systems of the brain, so it’s also a kind of learning chemical 20a. When you’re doing something cool, it rewards you with feelings of excitement, pleasure, and arousal 20bcd while simultaneously “taking notes” on what’s happening, so you can remember how to do it again. Healthy Sex: This chemical is awesome in a relationship! When you have sex with someone you care about, Dopamine kicks in to help you focus on THEM, their positive characteristics stand out, they become more attractive to you, and you develop a healthier relationship. 20e
Pornography Use: When you use an image to trigger the release of Dopamine, there isn’t an actual person involved for you to focus on, so you end up focusing on the sex act and sex organs. You learn to look at others as objects and forget about their personality, talents, quirks, etc. Porn also releases exaggerated levels of Dopamine,20fg This means more seeking behavior, (e.g. more gasoline). It stops the release of Prolactin 20h, which is a “breaking” chemical that helps you feel full or done. [More on Prolactin in the next couple slides] In a nutshell, this is like an automobile with a lot of gasoline and no brakes, sound like a problem. 18 Fight the New Drug 20
©AmyChristine Proctor
Norepinephrine: Provided by Fight the New Drug
This chemical may sound like the name of a new heavy metal band, but it’s really what gives you an adrenaline rush and makes your heart pound. The details of whatever you’re doing when this chemical is released are seared into your brain so you easily remember them later.20bc They help make you hyper-aware of novelty and increase your general awareness as well. 20ij
Healthy Sex: Simply put, Norepinephrine makes sex exciting. When you are having sex, it’s this chemical that makes your heart beat faster and creates a lasting memory of your time with that person.
Pornography Use: When you use porn, Norepinephrine is released, 20k making the images hard to forget. When you remember the image and the experience, there’s no personal connection, which can make you feel lonely and even worthless. The strong memories also make it hard to stay away from pornography, which can make for a vicious cycle. 19 Fight the New Drug 20
©AmyChristine Proctor
Oxytocin: Provided by Fight the New Drug
This chemical helps connect you to your family. In fact, it’s what creates the bond between a mom and a newborn baby. 20l The craziest thing is that Oxytocin helps people fall in love. Oxytocin is released when people hold hands, embrace, and kiss. 20m It is correlated with trust and decreases in anxiety. 20n But it isn’t just about love, it’s about tuning us into social information so we can analyze it more appropriately. Healthy Sex: When you have sex, kiss, cuddle, hold hands, etc., Oxytocin is released, making the bond between you stronger. When you have sex, a tidal wave of Oxytocin is released at climax. This helps you relax and creates an emotional bond between you and your partner as your fear decreases and your trust increases.
Pornography Use: When your “relationship” is being carried on with an image, there’s not as much social information to take in, but some Oxytocin is still released at orgasm. The momentary feelings of contentment and calmness brought on by Oxytocin can lead you back to pornography when you need an emotional connection or to relieve stress. The problem is that an image will never fill your need for a relationship, or even a friendship, as effectively as a real person. Real people hit all of the Oxytocin “hot buttons.” 20 Fight the New Drug 20
©AmyChristine Proctor
Prolactin: Provided by Fight the New Drug
Prolactin does a lot of things, it’s a very active little molecule. The root of the word is to encourage lactation, but it has a range of other effects from affecting hair growth to promoting brain development. In sexual process it surges after orgasm and acts to inhibit Dopamine 20h in order to bring about feelings of satiety, or feeling done, just like finishing a large meal and feeling full.
Healthy Sex: After sex with a partner, Prolactin is released in large amounts to bring the act to an end and begin a period of rest and satiety. Along with Oxytocin, it enhances the sense of togetherness with another person.
Pornography Use: Prolactin released after a heterosexual activity is 4 times higher than the amount released after self-stimulation to pornography. 20p This means that real sex makes you feel 4 times more satisfied than pornography does. If you’re getting more Dopamine and less Prolactin than usual, you can see how pornography can quickly become repetitive and difficult to control. 21 Fight the New Drug 20
©AmyChristine Proctor
Serotonin: Provided by Fight the New Drug
Last up is the calming chemical. A lot of times people call Serotonin the “natural Prozac” because it helps you feel happy, calm, satisfied and relieved of stress. 20c Like Prolactin, Serotonin is generally inhibitory to Dopamine and is released to signal the end of a sexual act. 20q
Healthy Sex: Following sexual climax with your partner, the release of Serotonin relaxes you and makes you feel satisfied. You attribute those good feelings with your partner and you remember and associate that feeling with them.
Pornography Use: When you regularly view pornography, you may begin using it to self-medicate when you’re feeling blue, or to escape the trials and pressures of life. A lot of porn users can’t even fall asleep unless they’ve had their porn fix, because the release of Serotonin helps them relax and sleep. That’s why pornography becomes a lot of people’s “drug of choice.” 22 Fight the New Drug 20
©AmyChristine Proctor
Drug of Choice? Internet Pornography
is the NEW
crack cocaine, leading to addiction. “The Internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors...To have a drug pumped into your house 24/7, FREE, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it’s the perfect delivery system IF we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind. Pornography addicts have more of a difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever.” -WIRED.COM 19 -WIRED.COM
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= Crack?
Drug of Choice? “Porn is like movie theater popcorn laced with heroin.”
-Mark Chamberlain, Ph.D.
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
5 Ways Pornography Warps Our Minds: Provided by Covenant Eyes
Watching Porn Decreases Our Sexual Satisfaction. It trains us to desire the variety and “designer sex” of porn more than the familiar sexuality of marriage. Watching Porn Disconnects Us from Real Relationships. It trains us to detach emotional involvement from sexual experience. Watching Porn Lowers Our View of Women (and Men). It trains us to see men and women as sexual commodities, not people created in God’s image. Watching Porn Desensitizes Us to Cruelty. It numbs us to the seriousness of verbal and physical aggression. Watching Porn Makes Us Want to Watch More Porn. It taps into the neuro-circuitry of our brains, making us desire the rush of sexual energy from porn again and again. 22 Covenant Eyes Article
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Negative Effects on Teens When Exposed to Pornography Provided by Covenant Eyes
Lasting negative or traumatic emotional responses. Earlier onset of first sexual intercourse, thereby increasing risk of STD’s. The belief that superior sexual satisfaction is attainable without having affection for one’s partner, thereby reinforcing the commoditization of sex and the objectification of humans. The belief that being married or having a family are unattractive prospects. Increased risk for developing sexual compulsions and addictive behavior. Increased risk of exposure to incorrect information about human sexuality long before a minor is able to contextualize this information in ways an adult brain could. And over-estimating the prevalence of less common practices (e.g. group sex etc). 23 Covenant Eyes Article
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Pornography WILL Ruin Your Life.
27 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
Solutions to protect your family. 28 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
1. TALK ABOUT SEX. TALK EARLY. Don’t wait until adolescence to bring these things up. Don’t let the Internet or media teach them before you do. TALK OFTEN. Remind them again and again what the Bible says about the purpose of sexuality. TALK OPENLY. Encourage them to ask questions. Don’t let your silence or attitude turn sex into a taboo subject. TALK PERSONALLY. Get into discussions about attraction and sexual desires. Don’t underestimate the fact that he/she is a sexual being. Be alert to their curiosity about the opposite sex and take advantage of specific situations to teach them.
Covenant Eyes Article
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SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
TALK POSITIVELY. Your attitude will demonstrate whether you are ashamed to talk about sexuality or whether you see it as a God-given gift that should be guarded. TALK PRACTICALLY. Don’t pretend that purity is easy. Talk about sexual thoughts and desires and how to deal with them. TALK SOBERLY. Tell them sex and sexual desire powerfully connects us to another person. It should be taken seriously. TALK TO HIS/HER HEART. Purity is more than abstinence. It’s about thoughts, motives, and desires.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
2. TALK ABOUT PORN. TALK ABOUT LUST. Remind him/her about how powerful sexual and relational fantasies can be. They can make us feel very good for a while, but they are no substitute for the reality of marriage. TALK ABOUT MASTURBATION. When paired with fantasy, masturbation trains us to be “inward” with our sexuality. Help him/her understand their sexual desires are not just for his/her pleasure, but something to be shared with his/her future spouse. TALK ABOUT EVERYDAY SEXUAL MEDIA. This is a perfect bridge to eventually talk about pornography. Your kids aren’t blind: they’ve seen the magazine covers, TV, movies, music videos, and even the Victoria’s Secret advertisements. This media uses sexual images to get us to look and buy.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
ASK HIM/HER ABOUT MEDIA THEY’VE SEEN. Allow him/her to be specific about things they’ve seen on TV, in movies, and online that have been sexual. Don’t be quick to judge. Find out what they’ve seen specifically. Was this exposure intentional or unintentional? TALK ABOUT ADDICTION. Explain that sexual media “supercharges” our fantasies. It’s like a drug: the more we see, the more we want to see. TALK ABOUT EXPLOITATION. Pornographers often prey on women and girls with low self-esteem. This happens both physically and digitally (in pictures). Tell him/her not to be a consumer of media that exploits others this way.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
TALK PERSONALLY Be honest about your own struggles. Talk with him/ her as a fellow struggler, not a “perfect parent.”
TALK ABOUT GUILT AND SHAME. Explain that when we feel convicted about filling our minds with sexual fantasies we should not keep those things a secret.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
3. PROTECT HIM/HER FROM PORNOGRAPHY. DON’T CONSUME SEXUAL MEDIA YOURSELF. Get rid of your movies with sex scenes. Get rid of pornographic magazines. Be aware of department store magazines (e.g. Victoria’s Secret) in the mail. Get rid of your erotic or romance novels (e.g. 50 Shades of Grey). Don’t view porn on the computer. All of these are access points for your son or daughter. BUY A GOOD FILTER. Good parental controls can go a long way. Don’t have unrestrained access to the Internet (computer/tablet/smart-phones). Keep this in mind for all computers and cell phones. PLACE SAFEGUARDS ON TV. Be aware of what each channel brings into your home. Be aware of the TV guide and it’s descriptions (mobile purchases). THEY ARE ONLY AS SAFE AS HIS/HER BEST FRIEND’S HOUSE. Know what protections other parents are putting in place.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
MONITOR WHAT HE/SHE DOES ONLINE. Be conscious of what your child is exposed to on the Internet. Whether it’s on a computer or smartphone, etc. TEACH HIM/HER HOW TO MAKE GOOD ONLINE CHOICES. When you see small red flags, use these as an opportunity to talk about online responsibility and personal purity.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
5. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. BE OPEN. You must be approachable. He/she needs to know you want to talk to them. BE UNDERSTANDING. You were there once, too. You can be tempted just as they can. Let them know you identify. Don’t come across as naive. BE FORGIVING. If he/she has already made mistakes, don’t treat it lightly, BUT don’t condemn him/her either. BE LOVING. He/she needs to know you love them no matter what temptations the world throws at him/her.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS These solutions are provided by Covenant Eyes
BE HELPFUL. If he/she have already gotten in over their head with temptation, find him/her some help or counseling. Talk to someone you trust who can point you in the right direction. BE THE PARENT. You are not his/her friend. Take charge. Let him/her know you are there to protect and guide them. BE PRAYERFUL. Pray with him/her and for them. Make a habit of it.
Covenant Eyes Article
24 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS Keep UP with technology. If you don’t your kids will. Be aware of what your child’s Facebook & other social media pages looks like. Be aware of what photos and topics they post. Photos posted on the web are forever! {Think of it as an online tattoo} Be aware of “sexting” with their friends or strangers. Sexting is when one sends or posts sexually suggestive messages, nude photos or videos of themselves. Be aware of online chat or Instant Messaging (IM). Stay up-todate with slang phrases or acronyms. For example: POS: “parent over shoulder”. (see next slide for list of acronyms). Be aware of the use of a webcam(s) or Skype. Be aware of downloaded apps on their smart phone. There are free third party apps out there that “hide” secret texts, pictures, video, etc. Private browsing feature for Apple’s iOS6.
38 ©AmyChristine Proctor
Trend Alert: “Text and Chat Acronyms” (Just to name a few, certainly NOT limited to...)
Center for Youth/Parent Understanding
I love you I hate you Tonight I love you Marijuana Address Age/sex/location Be back in a few Code 9, parents are around Chat with you later Do you masturbate? Face to face Get naked on (web)cam I want sex now Keeping parents clueless Member of opposite sex Member of same sex Male or Female? Mom over shoulder Name/address/zip
Nude in front of computer Online love Oh my god On the phone Parents Alert Parents are listening Parents are watching Parents in room Parents over shoulder Porn Cutie Right now Are you over 18? Are you male or female? Send to receive (pictures) Still in the dark Send me an instant message Talk dirty to me Will you call me? What’s your real name?
25 ©AmyChristine Proctor
SOLUTIONS Filtering & Accountability Software: * Covenant Eyes Accountability and Filtering (computers/tablets/mobile phones)
* X3Watch PRO via xxxchurch.com (computers/tablets/mobile phones)
* Both of these companies have accountability apps for the iPhone and Droid mobile phones. The apps for these two companies require the disabling of the stock browser on the phone (e.g. Safari) and use their provided internet browser. The price for these apps: $4.99-$6.99 (one time fee). Covenant Eyes requires a membership which requires a monthly fee. (This information is as of Nov 2012).
* To date, there is NO current app that filters the internet on a mobile phone. You can contact your major wireless carrier (e.g: Verizon etc) to have specific content protection. This service is usually FREE. This should NOT be your only protection. There are loop holes everywhere!
(The prices for apps is as of Nov 2012).
40 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
Helpful Books/FREE eBooks: (Just to name a few, certainly NOT limited to...)
“The Drug of the New Millennium-the brain science behind Internet Pornography Use”, by Mark B. Kastleman “False Intimacy”, by Dr. Harry W. Schaumburg “Your Brain on Porn”, (FREE eBook) by Luke Gilkerson with Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability & Filtering “Parenting the Internet Generation”, (FREE eBook) by Covenant Eyes Internet Accountability & Filtering “Dirty Girls Come Clean”, by Crystal Renaud, founder of Dirty Girls Ministry “The Misery of Porn and the Joy of Purity”, (FREE eBook) by Shelley Hitz and S’ambrosia Curtis “A Christian Woman’s Guide to Breaking Free from Pornography:It’s Not Just a Guy’s Problem”, (eBook) by Shelley Hitz and S’ambrosia Curtis “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things”, by Beth Moore (Living Proof Ministries)
Certain eBooks were FREE as of Oct 2012. Prices may have changed.
41 ©AmyChristine Proctor
Great Online Resources:
Covenant Eyes Filtering and Accountability: http://www.covenanteyes.com The Covenant Eyes Accountability Service monitors every website you visit and rates those sites for objectionable content. An easyto-read report is regularly e-mailed to Accountability Partners that you choose. This enables you to be transparent with trusted friends or mentors about the temptations you face and the choices you make online. These weekly reports help you build a new connection with your friend and allow you to have deep and intimate conversations in your walk toward purity.
XXXChurch Filtering & Accountability: http://www.xxxchurch.com and http://www.x3watch.com X3watch is an accountability software program helping with online integrity. Whenever you browse the Internet and access a site, which may contain questionable material, the program will record the site name, time, and date the site was visited. A person of your choice (an accountability partner) will receive an email containing all possible questionable sites you may have visited within the month. This information is meant to encourage open and honest conversation between friends and help us all be more accountable.
Porn Harms: http://www.moralityinmedia.org Founded in 1962, Morality In Media (MIM) is the leading national organization opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law. MIM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Currently, Morality In Media directs the War on Illegal Pornography Coalition, an effort with Congress to pressure the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce existing federal obscenity laws. MIM also maintains a research website about the harms of pornography and regularly directs national awareness campaigns to help the public understand the consequences of pornography and find resources to aid in their struggles.Â
Fight the New Drug Campaign: http://www.fightthenewdrug.org Fight the New Drug takes a non-religious, non-legislative, non-judgmental approach. They recognize an individual's right to view and produce pornography, however, once they are educated on the harmful effects of pornography we believe they will choose to avoid it. They only wish to educate about the negative effects of pornography on individuals, families, and communities.
42 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
X3 Pure Workshop: http://www.x3pure.com/ To enable men and women to conquer sexual issues like pornography addiction and sex addiction and regain control of their lives.The primary objective of the X3Pure project is to enable a speedy and effective recovery for men & women dealing with Internet pornography and other sex-related addictions in the most confidential and professional manner possible.
Setting Captives Free: http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com Setting Captives Free is a nondenominational ministry which teaches the biblical principles of freedom in Jesus Christ. A mentorship program was developed to teach these freed captives how to help free other captives, by God's grace. A free, interactive course to teach the biblical principles of freedom in Christ. The course is on the Internet.
Pure Hope: http://purehope.net/ Their vision is a world free of sexual exploitation and brokenness, and we work toward that through our mission of providing Christian solutions in a sexualized culture. In short, they equip individuals, families, and churches to pursue sexual purity and oppose sexual exploitation.
Dirty Girls Ministries: http://dirtygirlsministries.com Dirty Girls Ministries (DGM) is a 501c3 non-profit ministry providing women with help, hope and healing from pornography and sexual addiction. Founded by author and speaker Crystal Renaud in February of 2009, the mission of DGM is to break through the stigma that surrounds female porn & sexual addiction by creating safe spaces for women to find help, hope and healing. And to train up others to do the same.
43 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
It’s For YOU:
Will You Protect Your Son or Daughter? 44 ©AmyChristine Proctor
special thanks to: * Jesus Christ, for loving me enough to die for my sins and to give me life by rescuing me from the addiction to pornography. You are my Savior, Redeemer and Deliverer. * Luke Gilkerson, with Covenant Eyes, for sharing your personal testimony of how you found freedom from pornography. To Covenant Eyes for doing ongoing research and providing statistics to the public. For granting me permission to use your articles, eBooks. Providing the tools to help people overcome. [Sited in Endnotes].
* Clay Olsen, Executive Director and Co-founder of Fight the New Drug, for granting me permission to use your research, the chemical descriptions in the brain from your website. [Sited in Endnotes]. * Pastoral Staff of Third Day Victory Church, and the female leadership of the Women’s Ministry of Third Day Victory Church for your ongoing support in my recovery and never giving up on me. Third Day Victory Church is a church that is experiencing victory through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. * Kim Galloway, my spiritual mentor and friend, for faithfully running alongside me through this addiction, seeing me from the start to the finish line. Always wanting His best for me. Most importantly, directing me towards the Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. * Sarah Stevens, one of my accountability partners. Thank you for believing in me and this project. * My friends, the dearest people in my life, for your continual love, prayers and support. * Patricia Fancher, my Spiritual Counselor, for assisting me in walking out this addiction through counseling and taking one day and step at a time through your Genesis Process and prayers
45 ŠAmyChristine Proctor
This presentation is dedicated to those men & women who one day will be FREE from the addiction of pornography. May we NEVER go back. “So if th e Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Joh n 8:36
46 ©AmyChristine Proctor
ENDNOTES 1a Internet Pornography Statistics. Internet Filter Review, 2004 1Overdosing on Porn, Rebecca Hagelin. www.worldandi.com, March, 2004. 2Geoff Nicholson. Alexa Research, 14 Feb. 2009. Qtd in “Web Surfers Prefer
Web. 24 Nov. 2009. <http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/news/773/#body>.
sex over MP3!” <SharewareMusicMachine.com>,.23 March 2001.
3Infographic by Mars Hill Church. http://marshill.com/2012/03/05/stats-on-porn 4 http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html 5http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html#anchor2 6 Source: Yankelovich Partners Study, September 1999 7 Covenant Eyes official website 8 McAfee Teen Behavior Study- McAfee Official Website http://www.mcafee.com/us/about/news/2012/q2/20120625-01.aspx 9 Family Safe Media Statistics. Qtd. at Alabama Policy Institute. “Internet Pornography: Facts and Figures.” Web. 3 Dec. 2009.
www.alabamapolicyinstitute.org/issues/gti/issue.php?issueID=311&guideMainID=21> 10 Family Safe Media, December 15, 2005 . http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html
< http://
http://jar.sagepub.com/content/23/1/6.abstract http://www.christianbook.com/university-college-students-really-saying-campus/michael-leahy/9780802481283/pd/481280? netp_id=588722&event=ESRCN&item_code=WW&view=covers 11
L. Ybarra and Kimberly J. Mitchell. “Exposure to Internet Pornography among Children and Adolescents: A National Survey,” CyberPsychology & Behavior, 8, 2005, Pgs. 473-86, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. <http://www.unh.edu/ccrc/pdf/jvq/CV76.pdf> 13Ed Vitagliano. Qtd. in American Family Association Journal. “Caught! Online Porn, Predators Threaten Children, Teens.” Jan. 2007. Web. 3 Dec 2009. <http://www.afajournal.org/2007/january/0107caught.asp>. http://www.onlinemba.com/blog/stats-on-internet-pornography/ 14 2010 by Online MBA 15Focus on the Family Poll, October 1, 2003. 16Dirty Little Secret. Today’s Christian Woman. Sept / October, Vol. 25, No. 5, Pg. 58. Qtd. on Weblog: Conversational Theology, “Dirty Girls.” Web. 9 Dec. 2009 < http://conversationaltheology.wordpress.com/2009/06/19/dirty-girls/>.21Christianity Today. “Christians & Sex.” Qtd. in “A Few Scary Thoughts...” SafetyNet Content Filtering, McG Technologies. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. <http://www.mcgtechnologies.net/safetynet/REC/ statistics.htm>. 17Christianity Today. “Christians & Sex.” Qtd. in “A Few Scary Thoughts...” SafetyNet Content Filtering, McG Technologies. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. <http://www.mcgtechnologies.net/safetynet/REC/statistics.htm> 18ChristiaNet, Inc. “ChristiaNet Poll Finds that Evangelicals are Addicted to Porn.” Marketwire, 7 Aug. 2006. Web. 7 Dec. 2009. <http:// www.marketwire.com/press-release/Christianet-Inc-703951.html>.
19 Wired.com http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2004/11/65772 20Fight the New Drug Official website. “The Chemicals Behind the Addiction” http://www.fightthenewdrug.org/Science/Articles/THE-CHEMICALS-BEHIND-THE-ADDICTION/ 20a Montague, R. (2006). Your brain is (almost) perfect: How we make decisions. New York: Penguin Group. 20bFisher, H. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 2004, p. 52-53 20c Lemonick, M.D., The Chemistry of Desire, Time Magazine, January 19, 2004. 20dWise, R.A. Dopamine, learning and motivation. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 5, 483-494 (2004).
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* Photograph of child on slide number 9 is AmyChristine Proctor from 1988 (used with permission). Photographs of children on slides 10 and 11 are free stock photographs, public domain. *Music used on visual slide presentation is from Free Play Music (stock music for public domain). http://www.freeplaymusic.com *Music track used on visual slide presentation is from local artist and producer, James Butler from Fort Collins, Colorado. * Tecarta Bible. Version 2.8 Copyright 2012 Tecarta, Inc.
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ŠAmyChristine Proctor
-A Guide to Internet SafetyCreated by: AmyChristine Proctor Loveland, Colorado 80537 c: 970.214.9909 e: mercywilltriumph@gmail.com
ŠAmyChristine Proctor