Master Degree Information Management Specialization in Management of Information Systems and Technologies
ISEGI-NOVA The NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management (ISEGI-NOVA) is an organic unit of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It is a research based school and the first institution in the Iberian Peninsula to integrate iSchools, an international organization that brings together the best schools in research and teaching in the area of information management. ISEGI-NOVA offers bachelor, post-graduate, master and doctoral courses in the areas of information management and information systems and technologies. For more information please consult the following link:
Objectives This master degree aims at providing the necessary methodologies and tools for the promotion of information as a strategic resource in organizations. The Information Systems and Technologies manager will be able to develop management strategies and to share information on knowledge that will increase the productivity and competiveness of organizations. This course encourages a strategic reflection on the role of knowledge management and information systems in the creation of added value and competitive advantage in a competitive environment which is more and more demanding. The specific objectives of this course are the training of managers and experts who will be able to:
• Develop strategies, methodologies and instruments for knowledge management and information systems; • Analyze the organizational context and its importance for the establishment of innovative methodologies based on the most recent technological advances in information systems and information technologies; • Master the processes and tools used for the storage, organization and access to information in companies; • Create and develop information systems and information technologies that fulfill the information needs in organizations; • Use the information as a fundamental asset of the company in order to reduce the levels of uncertainty associated with the process of decision making.
NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management
Master Degree Information Management Specialization in Management of Information Systems and Technologies
Requirements for obtaining the Degree This course is organized by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). To complete the lectured part, students must obtain a minimum of 60 credits, equivalent to the completion of 8 curricular units. The lectured part takes place during the first two semesters and corresponds to the post-graduate diploma in Management of Information Systems and Technologies. To obtain the Master degree students must present and defend a scientific thesis or a project
work that has to be original and carried out specifically for this purpose, or a final report on a work placement, carried out in the third semester, which corresponds to 35 additional credits. ISEGI-NOVA will offer support for the realization of internships both in Portugal and abroad. The completion of this course provides a Master degree in Information Management, with specialization in Management of Information Systems and Technologies.
Study Plan For the award of the Master degree in Information Management with specialization in Management of Information Systems and Technologies, students have to complete 8 curricular units, six of which are mandatory and the remaining can be chosen from a list of more than 30 curricular units available.
1 year - Fall Semester
1 year - Spring Semester
Mandatory Curricular Units
Mandatory Curricular Units
Information Projects Management
Business Process Management
Information Systems Management
Research Methodologies
Knowledge Management
Web and Internet Technologies
Optional Curricular Units Banking and Insurance Operations; Business Intelligence I; Business Intelligence II; Cartographic Sciences*; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Management; Data Analysis; Data Collection Methods; Data Mining I; Data Mining II; Databases; Decision Support Systems; Econometrics Methods; Enterprise Geographic Information Systems*; Experiential Marketing; Forecasting Methods; Geographic Information Systems; Geo-Spatial Data Mining*; GIS Applications*; GIS Modeling*; Information Projects Management; Inquiry Methodologies; Market Research; Marketing Management; Marketing Quantitative Methods I; Marketing Quantitative Methods II; Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior; Remote Sensing*; Risk Management; Science and Geographic Information Systems*; Solvency Models; Spatial Databases*; Statistics; Value Quantification Techniques; Web Marketing and e-Business.
* E-learning courses.
Academic Calendar and Timetable
Applications and Applicants’ Selection
The course lasts for three academic semesters (with the last one corresponding to the elaboration of a scientific or a project thesis, or a final report on a work placement), with each curricular unit having a lecturing load of two hours per week.
To apply to this Master Program, students must have a bachelor degree (with at least 180 ECTS).
Classes will take place after work (after 6pm), two to three times per week.
Applications must be submitted in the online Applications’ Portal of ISEGI-NOVA, during the application phase, in the following link: The selection process is based on the analysis of the academic and professional curriculum of the candidates and on an interview.
NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management