1 14,90€-2022september-21n°editieBelgische-MoodFibre naaien12x 25 variaties • TRENDY DE HERFST IN MET DEZE HIPPE PATRONEN • LIVE OP INSTAGRAM: STAP VOOR STAP VOOR DE DINA JURK Mak e it y ours / Cr ea te S har e Inspir e

Wat minder weer en langere avonden nodigen ook uit om weer meer achter de naaimachine te zitten. Dat treft, want onze ontwerpsters deden tijdens hun vakantie nieuwe inspiratie op. Die vertaalden ze in 12 toppatronen – waaronder eentje op kindermaat – die zich moeiteloos lenen voor 25 uitvoeringen. Kwestie van het komende seizoen uitbundig en in stijl te omarmen.
Wat een heerlijke hete zomer vol ontmoetingen en ontspanning … Daar breien we graag nog een paar zonnige weken aan. Om zachter te schakelen naar dagdagelijks en de charme van de herfst, want afscheid nemen van augustus blijft een beetje lastig. Maar tegen wat regen zeg ik nu toch geen nee. Mijn geliefde bloemen en de moestuin zijn er enorm dankbaar voor.
Stel: het regent een tijdje koppig pijpenstelen. Dan kan je je hobbyplekje of naaiatelier misschien een gezellige upgrade geven? Een ladenkastje upcyclen voor je stoffen, wat kaarsen op een veilige plek en waarom niet: een hartverwarmende tint op de muur.
De feelgood duurt voort
Het blije gevoel dat deze zomer overheerste, krijg ik instant terug als ik #fibremood check. Zoveel knaps en kleurrijks uit alle hoeken van de wereld! We doen het toch maar mooi met zijn allen.

Was je de voorbije tijd zo relax dat je je magazine vergat te kopen? Of zoek je een bepaald patroon? Online kies je uit leuke ontwerpen die je apart kan aankopen. Zo besteld, zo in je mailbox als printklare pdf. Handiger gaat het niet worden. Check: shop.fibremood.com.
Ik wens ons een prachtherfst.
3 #reese 30 #harlem 32 #kika 34 #farrah 2022/n°2138#adria 4 #FM academy 7 #bay 8 #irene 12 #social sew along #dina 16 #sewista 20 #cleo 22 #elaine 26 #ginger 42 #josephine dress 44 #josephine top hack 46 #checklist 51 Liv e Septemberweek26th

4 ##adriaadria

Annemarije (height 181 - bust 88) is wearing the Adria vest by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: boiled wool/viscose with zebra print FM422020-10. Hat Alysi, turtleneck Scotch and Soda and jeans Attic and Barn.

Nadia (height 180 - bust 85) is wearing the Adria vest by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-363. Hat Selected, jumper Gant, jeans Nathalie Verlinden, socks DèPio and boots Arket.

6 A |AdriaXS- XXXL | Checklist p. 56 | www.fibremood.com/en/adria B C #adria

how to movie live September 26th on Youtube

Annemarije (height 181 - waist 66 - hips 93) is wearing the Bay skirt by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: vegan leather with soft backside FM997275-602. Sweater Zara, socks Falke and boots Sarenza.
8 #bay

Nadia (height 180 - waist 64 – hips 93) is wearing the Bay skirt by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: vegan leather with soft backside FM997275-602. Turtleneck Vero Moda, cardigan Essa, socks Wolford and sneakers Tamaris.

Sanne (height 173 - waist 80 – hips 110) is wearing the Bay skirt by Fibre Mood (size 48). Fabric: velvet corduroy, cotton/ea FM997482-007. Top Lola Liza, cardigan Gestuz, socks Falke and sneakers Zara.

Nadia (height 180 - waist 64 – hips 93) is wearing the Bay skirt by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-363. Turtleneck Uniqlo, Cardigan Lovechild and boots Sarenza.

Bay | 32 - 60 | Checklist p. 60 | www.fibremood.com/en/bay EF #bay D

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85 – hips 93) is wearing the Irene dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: vegan leather with soft backside FM997275-602. #irene

Irene | XS - XXXL | Checklist p. 84 | www.fibremood.com/en/irene EF #irene D

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88 – hips 93) is wearing the Irene dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton/viscose FM410074-30. Blazer Dondup, purse and earrings Twinset, shoes Tamaris.
L#dinaive September26thasoff SEW WITH US ON INSTAGRAM LIVE Step by step we will sew this Dina dress together. Join us in Spanish (September 26th), German (September 27th), French (September 28th), Dutch (September 29th) and English (October 3rd). Check out fibremood.com for more information. Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Dina top (= hack) by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: 8w washed bubble corduroy, cotton/ea FM997383-666.

18 #dina

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85 – hips 93) is wearing the Dina dress by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: Cotton 16-W washed corduroy FM997380-803. Scarf Essentiel Antwerp and boots Monki.

C D DE |Dina32 - 60 | Checklist p. 67 | www.fibremood.com/en/dina E F

Fabric: 8w washed bubble corduroy, cotton/ea FM997383666. Socks Falke and sandals Unisa.
Sanne (height 173 – bust 103 –hips 110) is wearing the Dina dress by Fibre Mood (size 48).

20 @annie_made_it @celie_li@fanny_d.f@adiva.style @margaux_l_g@maschavonm @sharona.mom@anlukaa @never_ending_couture_tricot@lucie_zadeline@ansje_sews @momita_costura @kali.makes @lebazardannecharlotte @sewista_mc@frau.eule.naeht @sewista communityWanttobeon this page next time? Just upload your creation on fibremood.com

21 #fibremood #sewistafibremood @claireaimelesmadeleines @leonette_pique@xuagram_27@ganzmeinding @andrea_djones @raquelinchii@sewmuchtodesign @atelier_carmesi@amshina@princesse.au.petit.point @ju.sew.factory @unsoyeuxbazar @alima_la_gonz @poupoupidou_creacion@joliesbobines Mak e it y ours / Cr ea te S har e Inspir e Get inspired by these summery pictures from all over the Sewista commmunity. Discover the community on fibremood.com #fibremood #sewista @les_histoires_d_a_

22 #cleo

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88 – waist 66 – hips 93) is wearing the Cleo dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: 8w washed bubble corduroy, cotton/ea FM997383-681. Socks Falke, bracelet Arket and sneakers Levi’s.

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Cleo top (= hack) by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton emerised FM390002-147. Trousers Attic and Barn, belt Xandres and boots Guess.

C D E |CleoXS - XXXL | Checklist p. 63 | www.fibremood.com/en/cleo #cleo F


Nadia (height 180 – bust 85 – waist 64 –hips 93) is wearing the Cleo dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton emerised FM390002-719. Hat Lovechild, socks Falke and boots Sarenza.


Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Elaine sweater by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: heavy jogging, cotton/recycled polyester/brushed FM997251-729. Shirt Uniqlo, trousers Attic and Barn and sneakers Coco Bella.
Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Elaine sweater by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: heavy jogging, cotton/recycled polyester/brushed FM997251729. Trousers Gestuz and boots Sarenza.

Elaine | XS - XXXL | Checklist p. 71 | www.fibremood.com/en/elaine AB #elaine


Finn (107 cm) is wearing the Reese jacket by Fibre Mood (size 4). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-733. Hat Little Pieces, trousers, socks and sandals Zara.

Reese | 2 - 14 y | Checklist p. 94 | www.fibremood.com/en/reese EF #reese D

Thomas (108 cm) is wearing the Reese jacket by Fibre Mood (size 4). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-733. Jogging Vero Moda and boots Aigle.

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Harlem poncho by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-733. Skirt and blazer Tommy Hilfiger, socks Falke and shoes Sarenza.

Harlem | XS - XL | Checklist p. 80 | www.fibremood.com/en/harlem BC #harlem A

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Harlem poncho by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-733. Trousers IKKS, turtleneck YC, hat Baum und Pferdgarten and boots AGL.
Sanne (height 173 – bust 103) is wearing the Harlem poncho by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: quilted nylon FM882009-733. Turtleneck Uniqlo and jeans Lola Liza.

34 #kika

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Kika dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: viscose/tencel with print FM410077-60. Coat Max Mara Studio, earrings Twinset and boots Sarenza.

36 #kika C D AE |KikaXS - XXXL | Checklist p. 91 | www.fibremood.com/en/kika C

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Kika dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton/polyester, yarn-dyed 410080-21. Boots H&M.

39 #farrah
Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Farrah dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: Organic cotton poplin FM777003-363. Turtleneck Uniqlo, sharp Claudia Latruwe, socks Falke and loafers Sarenza.

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Farrah dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: Viscose/tencel with print FM410078-70. Purse Jérôme Dreyfuss and boots Beluga shoes.

40 #farrah C D AE |FarrahXS-XXXL | Checklist p. 74 | www.fibremood.com/en/farrah C

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Farrah dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: Organic cotton poplin FM777003-363. Turtleneck Twinset, bag Coccinelle and boots Zara.

42 #ginger D |GingerXS-XXXL | Checklist p. 76 | www.fibremood.com/en/ginger E F

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Ginger top by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: Organic cotton poplin FM777003-363. Hat Tommy Hilfiger and trousers Momoni.

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Ginger top by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: Organic cotton poplin FM777003363. Bag Alysi, trousers Arket and shoes AGL.

44 #josephine how to movie live October 3rd on Youtube

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85 – waist 64 – hips 93) is wearing the Josephine dress (V1) by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: viscose borke crepe FM420075-30. Cardigan BSB and boots Giorgia Rosa via Sarenza.

46 A B C #josephine |JosephineXS-XXXL | Checklist p. 87 | www.fibremood.com/en/josephine Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88) is wearing the Josephine top (= hack) by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton silicone poplin FM410075-40. Skirt Natan, belt Xandres and boots Dondup. V1 V2

Nadia (height 180 – bust 85) is wearing the Josephine top (= hack) by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: cotton/viscose FM410074-30. Jeans Essentiel Antwerp, purse Liviana Conti, necklace Twice as Nice and boots Arket.

Annemarije (height 181 – bust 88 – hips 93) is wearing the Josephine dress (V2, = hack) by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: viscose/tencel FM420082-10. Scarf Pinko, socks Falke and shoes Steve Madden.

9000 Gent -
Fran Arnaert, Maïté Declerck, Maeve Culligan
Community Management
Favorite colours of this season • The combination of aubergine and pink • Favorite fabric • She loves the chili red faux leather of the Irene dress • Favorite pattern • The Adria jacket, she loves the oversized cut in combination with the quilted fabric. With this garment you can really show off your sewing skills.
Network Management Lina De Smet
Illustration & Layout
Belgium:DistributionAMP / France: France Messagerie / Germany: IPS / The Netherlands: Betapress, / Switzerland: 7Days Media Services GmbH / UK: Seymour Distribution ltd.
Creative Director Teresa is one of the founders of Fibre Mood. She is key to the full development of the magazine: making moodboards for both the patterns and the fabrics, designing the garments and the fabric collection, drafting patterns and writing instructions together with Violet and Lynn.

Bral, Charlotte Martens, Lynn Van De Velde, Violet Vanderhaeghe
Rijnie Janssen, Nadja Braun, Sanne De Moey, Kathleen Egan, Julie Houzet, Alicia Maawad, Nati Mauriz, Kate Ng, Victoria Smith, Manuela Torelli, Valentine Vincenot
Subcription Service PartnerPress ISSN 2593-6506
Favorite colours of this season • Zinfandel (the color of aubergine) and the combination of tobacco brown and old rose. • Favorite fabric • She loves the softness of matelassé fabrics. • Favorite pattern • The Harlem poncho, ideal to resist the colder days and easy to combine with different outfits.
WebdesignMake-upStylistPhotographyWassenhoveDiegoFranssensChristineVanLaer&HairAdVanMierlo&DevelopmentAldrin Agency
Production Assistant & Digital Marketeer
Also contributing to this magazine Céline Van
Final Editors
Violet is the most recent member of our creative team. With a civil engineering background, she has a weakness for all things technical. Drawing elaborate patterns, especially for coats, are her jam! Her down-to-earth and practical attitude means she writes very clear step-by-step descriptions.

inspired by her granny and mom. She also practiced on her dolls and only in her twenties did she become brave enough to wear her own creations. In the weekends she loves sharing some food and drinks with friends, or DIY projects around her house.
Her first guinea pigs were her dolls. But when she turned 15 the real stuff began. She studied fashion technology and design and ... she did a lot – really a lot! – of self-study. When she is not sewing, she switches off by cooking in a specific theme. Making a Lebanese buffet for 60 people = piece of cake!
Violet came to sewing age 25 after her engineering studies; after that she did additional studies in pattern drafting. When she is out of the office she divides her time between long walks with her dog and friends and Favoritefamily.colours of this season • Ruby wine and moss green • Favorite fabric • Wool fabric to make some comfy coats. • Favorite pattern • The Adria jacket
Pattern Grading Gradacom StülpnerTranslationÜbersetzungen UG
Isabel Cisneros (ES), Julie Houzet (FR), Helena Sattler (GE), Kate Ng (EN)
Meet our Design and Creation Team
Maxime Van Der Stuyft Conversation Management
This publication is protected by copyright. All patterns, texts, and images in this patternbook are protected by intellectual copyrights held by Fibre Mood or third parties. It is strictly prohibited to reproduce, change, publish, distribute for free or at a charge, or use the information in any way whatsoever that may violate intellectual property rights and without prior written permission. It is also strictly prohibited to create clothing and accessories based on our patterns and make them available to third parties, to sell them, or to make any commercial profit on them whatsoever, without prior written permission. If Fibre Mood has granted you written permission to reuse the patterns, text and images, than you must always state Fibre Mood as the source, together with the Fibre Mood logo, and the names of any of the proprietors. Upon being granted permission to use the data, you will also receive an overview of all the specifications to be taken into consideration.You may use or reproduce without our permission our articles, patterns, and images as a private person for your own private use or as a teacher, or for internal and non-commercial use. This publication is intended for sale at the fixed sales price. In no event it may be included in a portfolio for magazines without prior written permission.
FibreCreditsMood is a publication by Fibre Mood Sint-SalvatorstraatBV 18B/102
Lynn is passionate about architecture and designing, drawing patterns, and sewing beautiful clothes has captured her heart. Together with Violet and Teresa she drafts patterns and writes instructions. Her mathematical mind thrives during this Lynnprocess!was
We are Fibre Mood
Finance Controller
Anke Bral, Katja Verstrepen
Sanne De BertWebmasterMoeyGybels
• JE KRIJGT HET PAPIEREN MAGAZINE EN/OF DE DIGITALE DOWNLOADS. • FIBRE MOOD VERSCHIJNT 5 KEER PER JAAR . • JE ABONNEMENT START IN NOVEMBER. VERWEN JEZELF MET EEN ABONNEMENT! ZO MIS JE GEEN ENKELE EDITIE €65 een magazine 5 naarPDF-patronenkeuze €95 Paper + digitalPaper only €65 een magazine 5 naarPDF-patronenkeuze Digital only een magazine 5 naarPDF-patronenkeuze SHOP.FIBREMOOD.COM 5x per jaar 5x per jaar 5x per jaar Mak e it y ours / Cr ea te S har e Inspir e

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