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The Landscape European Convention is based on the concept that all the territory is part of the landscape and each of them has its specific heritage and value. According to this, the Regional Plan of Lombardy aims at the protection and enhancement of the entire regional landscape, in order to protect the pre-existences and their context, improve the landscape and architectural quality of the intervention, and spread awareness of the landscape value and its use among citizens. The plan resumes its purpose in three main key words: CONSERVATION, INNOVATION and FRUITION.
Therefore, the objective of the Plan is to bring more attention to the landscape and the quality of the places in a more incisive way, protecting the existing heritage and giving more value and quality to the new ones. The Regional Plan reiterates the principles of the Landscape Territorial Plan, affirming that all the territories are part of the landscape, each of them with different realities and vulnerability characteristics, and a landscape planning is necessary.
The main goal is the preservation of pre-existing structures, the related contexts and their protection against new interventions, following strategies such as READABILITY and IDENTITY. Identify the pre-existing buildings to be protected
Monitor the application and effectiveness of the standards
Report the administrations that have distinguished themselves for the qualified protection of the landscape
Agricultural landscape: economic recognition of landscape-correct practices. The purpose is the construction of new landscapes, through the improvement of the landscape quality of land transformation interventions.
Overcoming the model of peripheral “expansion zones” for each municipality.
Polarize growth towards urban redevelopment operations.
Take care of the accesses to the cities, the image along the main roads, provide suitable green equipment.
Provide methodological indications useful for placing projects in the landscape with awareness. Increase the awareness of the historical and cultural heritage, the different landscapes and their use among citizens.
Conferences, publications, exhibitions, debates, courses on the landscape and its protection.
Encourage participation in urban planning choices and promote the shared identification of local landscape values.
Strengthen and protect the network of landscape use paths.