Berkshire Penny Saver

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There’s Something In It For You!

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413.243.2341 or


888.307.0839 Auto ....................................... 18 Business Directory ................ 11 Classifieds .............................. 12 Crossword Puzzle .................. 10 Help Wanted .......................... 21 Horoscope ................................ 8 Home Improvement .............. 14 Real Estate ............................. 17 Sudoku ................................... 11





November 18, 2008


Volume 44 Number 74

154 West Park Street Lee, Massachusetts 01238 413.243.2341 Fax 413.243.4662 editorial email

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advertising email Editorial Deadline: Wednesday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m.

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Display Deadline: Wednesday at 5 p.m

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November 18, 2008

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Phone: 413-528-9311 x 2417 - Sheffield Monday, November 17 Senior Center, Sheffield • 9:30 a.m. - Caregiver Support Group - for • 5 p.m. - Artists reception - Elizabeth those who provide care to a loved-one. Molnar Rajec, presents her unique Co-sponsored by the Lee Regional VNA, Kaleidoscopic Photomontage Exhibition. Inc. For information: 413-499-0524. - Lee Exhibit runs from Nov. 17-21 during Regional VNA Offices, 32 Park St., Lee regular library hours. Info: 413-243-0385 • 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Elder Services - Lee Library, 100 Main Street, Lee of Berkshire County presents “When • 5 p.m. - Berkshire United Way is hosting the Golden Years Aren’t So Golden,” a a cocktail reception to provide an presentation by Odette Williamson, a staff opportunity for business and community attorney with the National Consumer leaders, donors and interested individuals Law Center, on mortgages, equity loans, debt and more, as well as talk by District Attorney �������������� David Capeless on ��������������� �������������������������� scams and schemes. Free; ���������������� registration required. ������������������������������������� Info: 800-544-5242. - Berkshire Athenaeum, ���������������������������������� ������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������� Wendell Avenue, ������������������������������������� ���������������������� ��������������������������������������� Pittsfield. ������������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������� �������������� �������������������������� • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ��������������������������������� HCAP Health Screening ������������������������������ ���������������� ������������������������������������� - mobile health ������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� clinic with screening, ���������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������� insurance enrollment, ����������������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������ education; all FREE. ������������������������������������� ��������������������������



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Penny Saver 154 West Park Street Lee, Massachusetts 01238 413.243.2341 Fax 413.243.4662 editorial email advertising email ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Nancy Mosher, Office Manager Toby Raymond, Editor Peter Czaja, Advertising Sales Debra Johnson, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Wednesday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline*: Wednesday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email ■

Notice: The Berkshire Penny Saver will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise, or reject any and all advertising, with or without cause being assigned, which in the publisher’s judgement is contrary to the interests of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. ©2008, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the Berkshire Penny Saver News are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher

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November 18, 2008

Berkshire Penny Saver



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to learn about the impact of Berkshire United Way and our partner organizations on community needs and priorities in South County. Due to the generosity of South County corporate sponsors, there is no change for this event. For more information, please visit www.berkshireunitedway. com. Reservations are required. Please reply to Mary Ryan at or 442-6948, ext. 104 - Crissey Farm, 424 Stockbridge Road, Great Barrington 5 to 7:30 p.m. - Artist reception for kaleidoscope photomontage exhibit by Elizabeth Molnar Rajec. Through Nov. 21. Info: 413-243-0385 - Lee Library, 100 Main St., Lee 5:30 p.m. - Information session on Angel Network, which links local entrepreneurs with potential investors to purchase interest in start-up or early phase business ventures, hosted by the Berkshire Economic Development Corporation, Berkshire Creative and Berkshire Entrepreneurs Network.

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Info: or 413-499-4000, ext. 16. - Berkshire Museum, South Street, Pittsfield. 5:30 p.m. - Yoga with Michelle. Feel better through movement, breathing, and focus. A flowing, meditative style of yoga with a gentle approach. For info call Michelle 413243-1428 or stop by the store - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 6 p.m. - “Relay for Life” Committee Meeting open to anyone who would like to volunteer with the Relay For Life! - Red Lion Inn, Hitchcock Meeting Room, Stockbridge 6 p.m. - Monday Night Ballroom Dance Lessons - instructor is Cheryl Wendling - 413-443-6263 for information. - Itam Lodge #564, 93 Waubeek Rd., Pittsfield 6 to 7:30 p.m. - Northern Berkshire Family Net, “Beyond Bossing, Begging and Bribing,” with Jeanine Fitzgerald exploring the choices we make when raising, teaching and


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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


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disciplining children. Free; registration requested. Info: 413664-4821. - Haskins Community Center, Route 8, North Adams. 6-9 p.m. - Drop-in life drawing open studio - Open to all levels and abilities. Providing ongoing access to a live model working in both short and long poses, this class is a service to practicing artists and a complement to other coursework. Bring your own materials. Call 413- 298-5252 ext. 100, or visit for details. - IS183 Art School, Willard Hill Rd., Stockbridge 6:30 p.m. - Family Preschool Story and Craft Time - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit 7 p.m. - “Medicine, Film and Society” series, which examines the themes of doctor-patient communication, family dissonance and more, will feature “Philadelphia” (1993) with its themes of homosexuality and discrimination and its compelling story about the early days of AIDS in the United States. Free. Info: or 413-597-2120. - Williams College, Weston Hall, Williamstown. 7 p.m. - Monday Showcase with John Clarke - Info: 413-5283394. - Club Helsinki, 284 Main St., Great Barrington 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Unitarian Universalist Church, 175 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield 7-9 p.m. - W.I.T. (Whatever It Takes) Parent Support Group - Support group for parents with children who have with a substance addiction. Meetings at United Cerebral Palsy conference room, 208 West St., Pittsfield. Contact Deborah

Sadowy at 413-442-0935, or e-mail at 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Route 23, South Egremont 9 p.m. - The Savoys perform. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge

Tuesday, November 18 • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Bird Banding Demonstration Here’s a chance to observe handheld birds. Join us as we demonstrate the proper use of mist nets and band the birds that are captured. You will learn what valuable information can be obtained by this fieldwork. Participants will help gather data and release the birds unharmed. Free with regular sanctuary admission. Participants are free to come and go during the program. Not recommended for children under 3. Registration is required, unless otherwise noted. Berkshire Sanctuaries, 413-637-0320 - Pleasant Valley Sanctuary, 472 West Mountain Rd., Lenox • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - HCAP Health Screening& Insurance Enrollment, mobile health clinic. Phone: 413-528-9311 x 2417 - Monterey Town Hall, Monterey • 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Toddler Story Time is for children age 18 months to 3 years. Children & their caregivers sing songs, learn finger plays & listen to a story. Following the

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Berkshire Penny Saver

St. ���� Mary ,s Bazaar ������� Sunday ������ ������� �������������� ������������� ��� ������������������ �������������������

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structured program, participants are invited to stay so that the children can play together & their caregivers can visit. Contact: Debby Cuthbert 637-0197 ext. 105 - Lenox Library Association, 18 Main St., Lenox 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. - Becket Town Hall, Becket. 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 - Big Y, 200 West St., Pittsfield. No registration required. 12:15 p.m. - Joseph Firecrow, born in Montana and raised in the Northern Cheyenne Reservation until he was 9, will play the Native American flute, Info: 413-499-4660 or - Berkshire Community College, K-111, West Street, Pittsfield. 1 p.m. - Singer Richard Fabozzi of Adams will perform a program that includes many entertainers of the past, including Louis Armstrong, Jimmy Durante, Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra, Free. Info: 413-442-4360, ext. 15. - Congregation Knesset Israel, 16 Colt Road, Pittsfield. 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 - Stop and Shop, 1 Dan Fox Drive, Pittsfield. No registration required. 3 to 4:30 p.m. - McInerney Parent Services - “Parents as Teachers,” education and support group for parents of young children through age five, offered by McInerney Parent

Services of Berkshire Children and Families, child care provided. Meetings are held at 48 Elizabeth St., Pittsfield. For more information phone Nancy Paquin at 413-499-3556, Ext. 13. 5:30 p.m. - Clark Fellow Felicity Scott, assistant professor of architecture in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, will present “Territorial Insecurity,” Free. Info: 413-458-2303 or clarkart. edu. - Clark Art Institute, 225 South St., Williamstown. 5:30 to 8 p.m. - Adult Creative Therapy Day: Adult Pottery Technique Class: Cobblestone Glaze Technique on Pottery Platter 11:00 to 2:00 p.m.. Create an incredible piece of functional pottery while learning how to use glaze to create a cobblestone look on pottery. Pre-registration is required. Class is limited to 8 students. Call the studio for details 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 5-8 p.m. - “Your First Business Plan,” which will focus on management fundamentals from startup considerations through business plan development, with Keith Girouard, senior business advisor for the Berkshire Regional Center of the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center, reservation recommended. Info: 413-499-0933 or msbdc. org/berkshire. - University of Massachusetts Small Business Development Center, 75 North St., Suite 360, Pittsfield. 6 p.m. - Mother and daughter book club, the MAD Bookworms, meets to discuss “The Problem Child” by

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


Michael Buckley - Becket Athenaeum, 3367 Main Street, Route 8, Becket 6 p.m. - North Adams Public Library Monthly Meeting. The Happy Bookers have decided to let participants pick any Archer Mayer book. Phone: 413-662-3133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams 6:30 p.m. - Lee VFW Meeting - Lee Senior Center, 21 Crossway St., Lee 6-8 p.m. - Adult Glass Fusing Class - Learn the basics of creating wonderful glass gifts by kiln fusing glass. We will cover the

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November 18, 2008

Berkshire Penny Saver



art of fusing glass, cutting glass, safety and clean up and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a glass project. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Center for Ecological Technology, Geothermal Energy Seminar for small businesses and institutions, homeowners and owners of farms, featuring engineer Chris Vreeland, registration required. Info: 413586-7350, ext. 25, or - Cummington Community House, 33 Main St., Cummington. 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers’ meeting is held at the same time and place. - First Baptist Church, 88 South St., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - ALATEEN meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - South Congregational Church, 110 South St., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Berkshire Chef Series - Lecture and food tasting with Rachel Walsh of Pepper’s Party Service. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Friends of the Berkshire Athenaeum. Information: 413-499-9480. - Berkshire Athenaeum, Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield. 7 p.m. - Free Piano Recital at Berkshire Music School. Phone: 413-442-1411 ext. 13. - Berkshire Music School, Edgar B. Taft

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Recital Hall, 30 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield 7-9 p.m. - Ballroom Dancing Lesson. Info: 413-637-3188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 7-9 p.m. - Berkshire Writers Room artistic director Richard Way will begin a series of monthly workshops with a discussion of his self-published chapbook, “The Wrinkling Bath,” eight paintings paired with eight poems, Info: 413-2362191. - Chapters Bookstore, 78 North St., Pittsfield. 7:30 p.m. - “Menopause the Musical.” Phone: 413-997-4444. - The Colonial Theatre, 111 South St., Pittsfield 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Main St., Stockbridge (Next to the Town Hall) 9 p.m. - Tom Corrigan performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge

Wednesday, November 19 • 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Tenth Annual Service-Learning Conference - The event is free and open to youth, educators, community agency staff, civic leaders and interested citizens. At the conference, MCLA will be the first college to receive the Massachusetts Community Service-Learning Higher Education Partner Leader award. Information: 413-662-3240 ext 1205 - MCLA, North Adams 10 a.m. - Family Preschool

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The Holidays are coming! Don’t neglect the kitchen prep!

Let Henry’s Electric make sure your stove is ready to meet the challenge. Call now for service on your range, cooktop or oven. ����������

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008

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Berkshire Penny Saver



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Story and Craft Time - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-6623133 or visit 9-10 a.m. - Blood pressure clinic and health counseling, Info: 413-243-1212. - Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, 32 Park St., Lee 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Integrating Ethics Into Professional Practice - full day conference will offer health care and human service professionals the opportunity to assess their ethical decision-making styles and examine the boundaries of ethical practices as they are determined by individual roles within diverse service delivery models. Information: 413447-2417. - Crowne Plaza, One West St., Pittsfield 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - HCAP Health Screening & Insurance Enrollment, mobile health clinic. Phone: 413-528-9311 x 2417 - New Marlborough Library 10:30 a.m. - Preschool Story Hour and Crafts - Lee Library, preschool story hour and craft program for ages 3-5, limited to 20 participants. 100 Main St., Lee. Info: 413-243-0385. 10:30 a.m. - Story Hour and Craft Session for Preschoolers - Clarksburg Town Library, 711 West Rd., Clarksburg. For information phone: 413-664-6050. 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 Hinsdale Town Hall, 39 South St., Hinsdale. No registration is required. 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Music For Smarties - Laugh and

learn the basics of music through the use of the recorder at Berkshire Music School. For adult beginners only, 8 sessions. “Music for Smarties” is conducted by Milt Fink, aka the crazy professor. Phone: 413-442-1411. - Berkshire Music School, 30 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Beading Basics - Learn the basics to creating your own necklaces and bracelets . We will cover stringing materials, findings, kinds of beads and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a necklace to take home! Tuition includes all supplies and instruction. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 12:15 p.m. - Midweek Music at Williams College Department of Music presents its weekly lunchtime recital series with student and faculty performers. Free and open to the public. All are invited to bring a lunch and listen to wonderful performances of classical, jazz and world music. - Thompson Memorial Chapel - 12-1 p.m. - Blood pressure clinic and health counseling, Info: 413-243-1212. - Chester Town Hall, Chester. 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Parkinson’s Support Group - People with Parkinson’s Disease and their friends and families are welcome to attend this free monthly meeting in the family room on Unit 1, Fairview Commons Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 151 Christian Hill Rd., Great Barrington. Facilitated by Sheila Martin, LCSW. For more

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


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information phone 413-528-7113. 1-4 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 - Stop and Shop, 660 Merrill Rd., Pittsfield. No registration is required for this event. 3 p.m. - Storytime - Grades K-4 - Bushnell Sage Library, 48 Main St., Sheffield 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. - S.H.A.P.E. Club Weight Loss Support Group - Lee Council on Aging Community Room. For information phone 413-446-5925 5-7 p.m. - Berkshire Chamber of Commerce networking/ social event. Phone: 413-499-4000 - Asters Restaurant, 1015 South St., Pittsfield 5:30 p.m. - BINGO - Info: 413-443-7135 - ITAM Lodge #564, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield. 5:30 p.m. - Massachusetts Association of Insurance Women, monthly meeting featuring Couco Black from Paul Davis Restoration presenting a hands-on workshop on interior design, registration required. Info: dmbishop or 413-663-2320. - Zucchini’s Restaurant, North Street, Pittsfield. 5:30 p.m. - Williamstown Chamber’s Annual Meeting and Dinner - special guest speaker for the evening will be Town Manger Peter Fohlin. Reservations are being accepted immediately by calling the Chamber Office at 413-458-9077 or by e-mailing - Coyote Flaco Restaurant, 505 Cold Spring Road, Williamstown

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5:30 to 7 p.m. - Damien Cancer Support Group - Cancer Supportive Services at Berkshire Medical Center provide a team approach to help patients and families improve their sense of wellness by educating the mind, nurturing hope, courage and strength. Various tools are available to assist you throughout this journey from the time of diagnosis, through treatment and beyond to aid in your healing and recovery. 6:30 p.m. - BINGO - Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #310 located at 515 Curran Highway in North Adams. 413-6649043. 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Panic and Anxiety Program Overcoming fears, anxiety and agoraphobia; achieving control, positive self-image and constructive thinking; learn how to control panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety. For locations and more information phone Pain Relief Inc. at 732-940-9658. 6:45 p.m. - Hinsdale Lions Club Bingo - Admission $1. Come early - Dinner is available at reasonable prices: hamburgers, hot dogs, cold sandwiches, hot dishes, desserts, cold and hot beverages. Monthly Door Prizes - Charity Game Tickets. Phone 413-655-2973 for details. - Hinsdale Community Center, Maple Street, Route 143, Hinsdale 7 p.m. - Lecture to Focus on Mental Illness - Speaker Amy Alexander has been trained to speak publicly about mental illness and to encourage and support audience members, offering feedback, answering questions and sharing valuable information on recovery and transformation. Please


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Berkshire Penny Saver




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pre-register at 413528-2810, ext. 35. - Berkshire South Regional Community Center, 15 Crissey Rd., Great Barrington 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Lenox Community Center, Walker Street, Lenox. 7 p.m. - Robert Campanile will present a talk on “To Protect and Destroy: A Place for the Cute of the Soul and Forbidden Words” as part of the “What is Written is Written: From Stone to Stage” series, Free. Info: 413-458-5369 or milnelibrary. org. - Milne Public Library, Main Street, Williamstown. 7 to 8:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group - EPOCH Assisted Living, 140 Melbourne Road, Pittsfield. Open to families, friends and caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s and other memory-related issues. The group is facilitated by social worker Beth Hinkley-Mougin. All are welcome. For more information: 413-4991992. 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www. al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Parish House (upstairs) behind St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, November 18, 2008


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Main St., Stockbridge. 7-9 p.m. - Gamblers’ Anonymous - Free, confidential meetings at Hillcrest Hospital, first floor conference room, Tor Court, Pittsfield. For more information phone Charlie at 413-637-2550. 7:30 p.m. - “Menopause the Musical.” Phone: 413-997-4444. - The Colonial Theatre, 111 South St., Pittsfield 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. Mark’s Church, Commercial St., Adams 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Grace Episcopal Church, Main St., Dalton 7:30 p.m. - Co-Dependents Anonymous - Unitarian Church, 175 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield. For more information phone 561-222-9044. 8 p.m. - Russell Sherman to Perform at Williams College - Concert hotline: 413-597-3146 - Chapin Hall on the Williams College campus, Williamstown 8:30 p.m. - Alzheimer’s Support Group - Phone: 413499-1992. - EPOCH at Melbourne, 140 Melbourne Road, Pittsfield 9 p.m. - Jeff King and Company perform. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge



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Thursday, November 20 • 10 a.m. - Library Time for Ages Three to Five - Features Stories, short videos and craft activities, and a snack. - Dalton Free Library, 462 Main St., Dalton. For information call 413684-6112. • 10 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Hevreh of South Berkshire, 270 State Rd. (Route 23), Great Barrington • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. - Stop and Shop, 660 Merrill Rd., Pittsfield. No registration is required for this event. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - HCAP Health Screening & Insurance Enrollment, mobile health clinic. Phone: 413-528-9311 x 2417 - People’s Pantry (St. Peter’s Recreational Center), Great Barrington • 10:30 a.m. - Storytime - Preschool - Bushnell Sage Library, 48 Main St., Sheffield • 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 - Grace Episcopal Church, Main St., Dalton. No registration is required. • 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. - Preschool Story Craft is for children 3 to 5 years of age. The program features stories, songs & follow-along activities followed by a craft related to stories. Contact: Debby Cuthbert 637-0197 ext. 105 - Lenox Library Association, 18 Main St., Lenox




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11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 4-5 p.m. - Totally Tots Art Classes - On special days throughout the month we invite our littlest guests and their grown up to enjoy an incredible story hour followed by a special project that allows us to express what we learned from our story. “Thanksgiving Day” We will turn our handprints into a Thanksgiving Turkey on a platter while reading our story. Info: 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 12:15 p.m. - Climate Issues - Steve Breyman, Associate Professor of Science and Technology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, will speak about the progress in addressing climate change. - BCC, Koussevitzky Arts Center, Room K-111, Pittsfield 1 p.m. - HIV/Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening and Hepatitis C testing. Confidential and be anonymous, no charge although donations are accepted. Those wishing to be tested should call 413-447-2653 for an appointment. - Suite 210 of the Ambulatory Care Center on the North Adams Regional Hospital, 71 North Ave., North Adams 2-4 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screenings by the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association 413-447-2862 - Hillcrest Campus, 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield. No registration required. 2-4 p.m. or 6-8 p.m. - Beading Basics - Learn the basics to creating your own necklaces and bracelets . We will cover stringing materials, findings, kinds of beads and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a necklace to take home! Tuition includes all

PRIME Italian Steakhouse & Bar (formerly Antonio’s Ristorante)

supplies and instruction. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 3:30 to 6 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413445-9215 - Mildred Elley Business School, 505 East Street, Pittsfield 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. - Book Club for Ten to 12 Year-Olds Stockbridge Library, Main St., Stockbridge. For information phone 413-298-5501. 4-5 p.m. - Hope Support Group - A support group for men and women living with advanced or recurrent cancer, group meets at the Health Information Center, Main Lobby, Berkshire Medical Center, North St., Pittsfield. To register, or for more information phone Kathy Hart at 413-395-7965 or Karen McNulty at 413- 447-2655. 5:45 to 8:45 p.m. - Women’s Interfaith Institute of the Berkshires, first Harvest Celebration, featuring potluck dinner and celebration of the harvest and personal growth, Info: 413-232-0238 or - Church on the Hill, 55 Main St., Lenox. 6 p.m. - “Affective Communities: Anticolonial Thought, Fin-de-Siecle Radicalism, and the Politics of Friendship” with Leela Gandhi, an English professor at the University of Chicago, who will examine anticolonial politics as the product of numerous transnational collaborations, friendships and conversations between western and nonwestern dissidents, Info: - Simon’s Rock, Fisher Science Center, Alford Road, Great Barrington. 6 p.m. - Thursday Night Country Line Dancing - instructor is Cheryl Wendling - 413-443-6263 for information. - Itam Lodge #564, 93 Waubeek Rd., Pittsfield 6:30 p.m. - Chesterfield Historical Society Meeting, Dinner and Program: The Whistler Connection, Early Railroads of America (including the Berkshires of W. MA) and Russia

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– Established 1988 –

Join the Gallo Family in celebrating our

20 Anniversary th

in the Berkshires


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��������������������������� (Beverage, tax, and gratuity not included.)


Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • - The story of George Washington Whistler. Speaker: David Pierce. Dinner Menu: Chicken Pot Pie, Carrots, Cranberry Sauce, Rolls, Desert & Drinks. The public is invited to join us for dinner and / or the evening program. Everyone attending the dinner must confirm reservations with Pete Banister (413-296-4333) no later than “Tuesday” November 18, 2008. Those attending only the evening program; no reservation required. - Chesterfield Congregational Church • 6:30 p.m. - National Alliance on Mental Illness Support Group - Support groups for families and friends of the mentally ill meet in first floor conference room, 333 East St., Pittsfield • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Voices of the Mountains Toastmasters Free, 413-241-7314, Voices of the Mountains, the Toastmasters chapter in Williamstown, covers all of the Northern Berkshires, meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. - Sweetwood on route 7 (about 3.2 miles south of Main Street) in Williamstown • 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Reiki Share - Open to all Reiki Practitioners with Annie Rogers, Reiki Master. Info: 413-243-2834, www. - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee

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November 18, 2008


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Berkshire Penny Saver

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


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6:35 p.m. - BINGO. Doors open at 3 p.m. Phone 413-4479243 for details. - Elks Lodge, 27 Union Street, Pittsfield 6-8 p.m. - Adult Glass Fusing Class - Learn the basics of creating wonderful glass gifts by kiln fusing glass. We will cover the art of fusing glass, cutting glass, safety and clean up and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a glass project. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 6-8 p.m. - Adult Painting Class- Reverse Stamping Techniques Class: Learn to use rubber stamps to create unusual backgrounds and border on pottery while painting a fabulous platter just in time for the holiday season. Bring your own stamps or use ours! Info: 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Lee Land Trust Meeting. Open to the public, new members are always welcome. - Lee Town Hall 7 to 8:30 p.m. - South Berkshire Youth Coalition will hold a community meeting to address substance abuse. Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information, please contact SBYC at 413-528-1919. - Berkshire South Regional Community Center, 15 Crissey Rd., Great Barrington 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site Special “Newcomers” meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.) - United Methodist Church, Water and Main Streets, Williamstown. 7:30 p.m. - Arlo Guthrie’s “Lost World Tour,” including songs from his first new release in 12 years, “Lost World”. Info: 413997-4444 or - The Colonial, South Street, Pittsfield. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Debtor’s Anonymous - A program for compulsive debtors and underearners, meets at Unitarian Universalist Church, corner of Wendell Avenue and Broad streets, Pittsfield, second floor. 8 p.m. - “Machinal” Information: 413-499-0886 - BCC, Robert Boland Theatre, Pittsfield 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Christ Church, Route 7 and Maple Ave., Sheffield 8 p.m. - On-Going Weekly Hootenanny. Admission applies. Call 413-528-1955 for information. - Guthrie Center, 4 Van Deusenville Rd., Great Barrington 8:30 p.m. - Rev Tor...Solo Act - Every Thursday Night at Flavours, meet one of the most talented guitarist and song writers, up close and personal in an intimate performance setting...Must Be 21 ...No Cover Charge - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 9 p.m. - D.J. B.F.G. performs. Phone 413-528-5959. - Bogies Steak & Ale935 South Main St., Great Barrington 9 p.m. - Jeff Martell performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge 9 p.m. - Quarter Life Crisis performs. No cover charge applies. Phone 413-684-0900 for details. - Mill Town Tavern, 16 Depot St., Dalton

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Berkshire Penny Saver

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We support the Great American Smokeout �������������������

8:00AM -5:30PM ����������� MONDAY-FRIDAY 763 EAST STREET PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 413-442-1620 413-449-4147


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Friday, November 21 • Bake Off: All Things Pumpkin. Phone for details: 413-443BOOK - Chapters Bookstore, 78 North Street, Pittsfield • 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. - A free training for attorneys and paraprofessionals entitled “The Rape Survivors Law Project” will be presented for attorneys (9 a.m.) and for paraprofessionals (1:30 p.m.). This event is sponsored by the free legal clinic of south berkshire county, the rape survivors” law project, a pro bono initiative of the Victim Rights Law Center And Berkshire South Regional Community Center. To register to attend the training, please call the free legal clinic at 413-854-1955 - Berkshire South Regional Community Center, 15 Crissey Rd., Great Barrington

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10 and 11 a.m. - Aquarium Adventures - Toddlers enjoy playtime and a story, then meet a different animal each week. Sponsored by Target. Free with Museum admission. - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 10:30 a.m. - “Genealogy on the Internet.” Free. Preregister: 413-236-3600. - National Archives. 10 Conte Drive, Pittsfield. 10:30 a.m. - Storytime in the Galleries - Williams College Museum of Art, storytime in the galleries, with reading of contemporary and classic children’s books selected especially to connect to artwork on view, for preschoolers with guardians. Main Street, Williamstown. Info:

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


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11 a.m. - Monthly book discussion group Tea & Talk will discuss “The Bookseller of Kabul” by Asne Seirerstad, Free. Info: 413-662-3133 or - North Adams Public Library, Main Street, North Adams. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Adult Glass Fusing Class - Learn the basics of creating wonderful glass gifts by kiln fusing glass. We will cover the art of fusing glass, cutting glass, safety and clean up and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a glass project. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 3 p.m. - Pianist Adam Bergeron performs. Free and open to the public. Information: 413-499-1992 - EPOCH at Melbourne, 140 Melbourne Road, Pittsfield 4:30 p.m. - BINGO - with food, Speedball, Horserace and Bingo Nut 2 Tickets. Weekly progressive game prize of $1,199, plus weekly door prize. - St. Mary’s School, 115 Orchard St., Lee 6-9 p.m. - Diva Night, celebrating the divas of Motown, a ladies-only evening of food, friendship and creativity. Reservation required. Info: 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, Pecks Road, Pittsfield. 6:30 p.m. - Dave Winchester performs. Phone 413-499-2075. - Asters Restaurant, 1015 South St., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Berkshire County Homebrewers Association Monthly Meeting. We meet the 3rd Friday of each month. All interested people are welcome. Phone 413-358-3866 for details. - Elks Lodge, 27 Union Street, Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Robert Campanile will present a black light performance, “Moving the Earth: Silencing Galileo,” as part of the “What is Written is Written: From Stone to Stage” series, Free. Info: 413-458-5369 or - Milne Public Library, Main Street, Williamstown. 7-8 p.m. - LifeRing - Network of people who support one another in living free of alcohol and other non-medically indicated addictive drugs. There is no religious or antireligious content in the meeting process, and LifeRing does not require participants to follow any particular steps or guidelines, other than staying clean and sober. Participation is free. All are welcome. Meets at First Congregational Church, 906 Main St., Williamstown. 7-9 p.m. - Bold as Love with “special guests” the Lix. Info: 413-637-3188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 7-9 p.m. - The Kathryn Anderson Trio. Jazz vocalist Kathryn Anderson and her trio present classic song standards with sparkling retro style. Info: 413-637-2700 - Firefly Restaurant and Bar, 71 Church St., Lenox 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First St., Pittsfield 7:30 p.m. - Explore the Skies at the Williams College Observatory. Astronomy students at the college will host free shows for the public. Shows will last approximately 50 minutes. Phone: 413-597-2188 - Williams College, Old Hopkins Observatory, Williamstown 7:30 p.m. - Railway Cafe featuring Don White, a cross

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between a stand-up comic and a sensitive singer-songwriter, Don will have you laughing and crying at the same time! For more information, please contact or visit our website at - The Railway Café, MCLA Gallery 51, 51 Main St. North Adams 8 p.m. - “Machinal” Information: 413-499-0886 - BCC, Robert Boland Theatre, Pittsfield 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Clair Teague Senior Center, Route 7 South, Great Barrington 8 p.m. - Berkshire Symphony Orchestra performs “Vienna: City of Dreams”. Free and open to the public. Information: 413-597-3146 - Williams College, Chapin Hall, Williamstown 8 p.m. - Recovery International - A self-help, after-care method for persons suffering from nervous problems and fears, non-sectarian, meets in the Autumn Room at St. Mark’s Church, West Street, Pittsfield; use the Albro Street entrance. 8:30 p.m. - Michael Joseph performs. Information: 413-4423585. - Back N9ne Bar & Grille, 303 Crane Ave., Pittsfield 9 p.m. - Jeanne Laurin and John Sauer performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge 9 p.m. - Karaoke night. Call 413-298-3530 for details. Michael’s of Stockbridge, 5 Elm Street - Stockbridge 9 p.m. - Karaoke night. Call 413-623-8711 for details. - Uncle Larry’s Tavern, Rt. 20, Becket 9 p.m. - Sarah Borges and the Broken Singles - Info: 413-5283394. - Club Helsinki, 284 Main St., Great Barrington 10 p.m. - Lick Morgan performs. Cover charge applies. Phone 413-443-0670 for details. - Hami’s Family Restaurant and Pub, 162 South Main St., Lanesboro

Saturday, November 22 • Berkshire County Residents Family Craft Day Family Handprint Platter: Learn how to capture each family member's handprint in a wreath design while creating a wonderful family heirloom pottery plate. Free instruction. Just pay for the plate of your choice. Reservations are suggested - 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield • 8:15 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Berkshire Mall Community Room, Route 8, Lanesborough, handicapped accessible • 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. - First Congregational Church Harvest Bazaar - You’ll find Crafts, Christmas items, Attic Treasures, a Bakery, Pine Wreaths, Boxwoods, Fabric & Knit items, a 50/50 raffle, and more. - First Congregational Church, North Adams • 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - Bazaar and Bake Sale. Come and join the fun! Chinese auction, knit goods, ornaments, raffle and much more. - St. Agnes Church, 30 Carson Ave., Dalton • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Christmas Bazaar. Phone 413-623-8844. - Becket Federated Church, Becket • 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Saturday Indoor Market - Dewey Memorial Hall on the green in Sheffield

Berkshire Penny Saver



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10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - “Paper Packages from Asia” workshop on how to use handmade paper to fold into a boat form and stitched with Japanese mizuhiki to hold a floral arrangement, with Nancy Moore Bess, a master basket maker, Info: 413298-3926 or - Berkshire Botanical Garden, Routes 102 and 183, Stockbridge. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Third Annual Melbourne Craft Fair - Free and open to the public. Information: 413-499-1992 - EPOCH at Melbourne, 140 Melbourne Road, Pittsfield 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Popular Animal Communicator & Empathic Reader: Bonnie Strange. Info: 413-243-2834, www. - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 11 a.m. - Book signing of “Great Gardens of the Berkshires” with author Virginia Small. Phone: 413-528-1521 for details. - Bookloft, 322 Stockbridge Rd., Great Barrington 11 a.m. - Story and craft hour - Becket Athenaeum, 3367 Main Street, Route 8, Becket 11 a.m. - Story Hour - West Stockbridge Public Library, 21 State Line Rd., West Stockbridge. For more information


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Celebrating 5 Years in Business!

Berkshire Penny Saver

phone 413-232-0308. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Adult Painting Class - Sunrise/Sunset Painting Class. Learn to create a fabulous platter just in time for the holiday season. We will teach you a fun and easy way to create a perfect sunrise/sunset every time! Your choice of theme. Info: 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 12:30 p.m. - Chow Time in the Aquarium - Watch aquarium staff feed fish, reptiles and amphibians! - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 1 p.m. - Free Screening of “Tokyo Godfathers”, part of the Anime for Grown-Ups: The Art of Japanese Animation. For information visit or phone 413-458-2303. - Clark Art Institute, 225 South St., Williamstown. 1 p.m. - Metropolitan Opera “Live in HD” season continues with Berlioz’s “La Damnation De Faust”. Info: 413-528-0100 or - Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, Castle Street, Great Barrington. 1-3 p.m. - Make a Recycled Tote - Just in time for the holiday season! Make your own colorful tote out of recycled plastic bags. A perfect gift, or keep it for your own shopping needs. Fun for all ages. - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 2 & 7 p.m. - “The Little Prince” Phone: 413-664-0161. - Mill City’s Theatre at Building 4, Western Gateway Heritage State Park, North Adams 2 p.m. - “Unmentionable Meals,” featuring talk on unusual feasts and food traditions from around the world just may change your appetite, Free. Info: 413-663-6312. - Heritage State Park, Route 8, North Adams. 2-5 p.m. - Adult Creative Therapy Day: Adult Pottery Technique Class: Cobblestone Glaze Technique on Pottery Platter Create an incredible piece of functional pottery while learning how to use glaze to create a cobblestone look on pottery. Pre-registration is required. Class is limited to 8 students. Call the studio for details - 413-442-9300. - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 3 p.m. - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Meetings for women only. - A confidential recovery program for those suffering from a compulsive need for sex, extreme dependency on one person (or many), and/or a chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue or fantasy. Meeting at St. George Episcopal Church, Franklin St., Lee. For other meetings in Berkshire and Franklin counties, call 1-800-7496879 or visit 5:30 to 7 p.m. - “Brush with Celebrity” a lecture delivered by renowned portrait artist Everett Raymond Kinstler, whose portrayals of our nation’s most celebrated figures reflects an extraordinary personal journey through art. Performers John Wayne, Carol Burnett and Katharine Hepburn, literary giants Tom Wolfe, Arthur Miller, and Ayn Rand, and U.S. Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton, are among the artist’s many illustrious subjects. Free with Museum admission. Info: - Norman Rockwell Museum, 9 Glendale Rd., Stockbridge 5-7 p.m. - Singer-songwriter Bobby Sweet and The BSweet Band along with Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion will perform a benefit concert for Berkshire Community Action November 18, 2008


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Council, turkey dinner before show. Info: 413-445-4503. First United Methodist Church, 55 Fenn St., Pittsfield. 6 p.m. - Stargazing with members of the Arunah Hill Natural Science Center, Info: 413-532-1631, ext. 13, or thetrustees. org. - Notchview Reservation, Route 9, Windsor. 6:30 p.m. - Franklin Micare performs. Phone 413-499-2075. - Asters Restaurant, 1015 South St., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Berkshire Ballroom Dancers / USA Dance – Special Anniversary Dance. A ballroom dance, with a free basic West Coast Swing Lesson taught by Dancin Dave. Dancing from 7:45 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. with music by DJ Dancin Dave. Free Refreshments – Pizza & Salad. For more information, call 413-684-1510. - Masonic Temple, 116 South St., Pittsfield 7-9 p.m. - Tony Lee Thomas performs. Info: 413-637-3188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 7:30 p.m. - “Oldies But Goodies Rock n Roll Show” - benefit for the United Cerebral Palsy. Tickets available at 413-2368888. - Barrington Stage Company, 30 Union Street, Pittsfield 7:30 to 9 p.m. - “Illuminating Rumi” - A lovely evening of poetry, stories, music, dance, and song. In celebration of Rumi, his poetry will be honored as well as the other poets and community of mystics of the thirteenth century. Phone: 413-448-3152 - Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, West St. and Richmond Mountain Rd., Lenox 8 p.m. - “Machinal” Information: 413-499-0886 - BCC, Robert Boland Theatre, Pittsfield 8 p.m. - Cap & Bells presentation with artistic directors Zachary Safford and Quinn Franzen, both seniors. Info: or 413-597-2425. - Williams College, ‘62 Center, Main Street, Williamstown. 8 p.m. - Royal Berkshire Improv Troupe (RBIT) will be performing. Through audience participation, RBIT’s mission is to create entertaining scenes which explore the boundaries of theater improvisation. For more information visit the website at:



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- Main Street Stage, North Adams 8 p.m. - Williams Percussion Ensemble to perform “Islands” - a concert of works that reside outside the musical mainstream, each an island expressing a unique musical culture and vision. Information: 413-597-3146. - Williams College, Chapin Hall, Williamstown 9 p.m. - Helsinki’s Annual Birthday Bash With Olu Dara And His Band. Info: or 413-528-3394 - Club Helsinki, 284 Main St., Great Barrington 9 p.m. - Justin Allen Trio performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge 9 p.m. - Karaoke night. Call 413-298-3530 for details. Michael’s of Stockbridge, 5 Elm Street - Stockbridge 9 p.m. - Static performs. No cover charge applies. Phone 413-684-0900 for details. - Mill Town Tavern, 16 Depot St., Dalton 9 p.m. - Uncensored performs. Call 413-623-8711 for details. - Uncle Larry’s Tavern, Rt. 20, Becket 10 p.m. - Phil n the Blanks performs. Cover charge applies. Phone 413-443-0670 for details. - Hami’s Family Restaurant and Pub, 162 South Main St., Lanesboro

Sunday, November 23 • 9 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Route 23, Monterey

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9 a.m. - Berkshire Knapsackers - Mohawk Trail State Forest four mile climb of Totem Trail. Heavy rain cancels. Leader is Kathy Lee - 413-443-9562. - Mohawk Trail State Forest, Charlemont 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Beading Basics - Learn the basics to creating your own necklaces and bracelets . We will cover stringing materials, findings, kinds of beads and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete a necklace to take home! Tuition includes all supplies and instruction. Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 12-5 p.m. - Psychic/Trinity Readings with Shanon - Phone 413-243-2834 for details. - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Kids Open Art Days Open Gift Class for Kids. Handprint Turkeys We will learn how to create handprint turkeys on pottery while creating a pottery piece that we can give as a gift this holiday season. Best for ages 7 and over. We strongly suggest reservations on open art days to guarantee availability of seating. Info: 413-442-9300 Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield 1-4 p.m. - “Spiritual Writing, From Inspiration to Publication”, author Deborah Levine Herman will teach a class to include finding your divine inner voice, writing as a spiritual journey and publication. The class will also include an Intuitive Salon, with Deborah taking questions from

the audience. Participants from all levels of experience are welcome. Please pre-register 413-243-2834. - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 1-4 p.m. - Art in Action - Sunday afternoon drop-in art workshops focus on family fun and hands-on adventure! Each month will feature new projects, inspired by the art of Norman Rockwell and other changing exhibitions. All ages welcome. Free for children. Adults free with Museum admission. - Norman Rockwell Museum, 9 Glendale Rd., Stockbridge 1-4 p.m. - Writing As A Spiritual Journey - Spiritual Writing From Inspiration To Publication with Deborah Levine Herman. Info: 413-243-2834, - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 2 p.m. - “Oldies But Goodies Rock n Roll Show” - benefit for the United Cerebral Palsy. Tickets available at 413-236-8888. - Barrington Stage Company, 30 Union Street, Pittsfield 2 p.m. - “The Little Prince” Phone: 413-664-0161. - Mill City’s Theatre at Building 4, Western Gateway Heritage State Park, North Adams 3-5 p.m. - Beading Basics - Learn the basics to creating your own earrings. We will cover three techniques, findings, kinds of beads and design concepts. Classes will include handouts and you will complete three pairs of earrings to take home! Pre-registration is required as class size is limited. Info: 413-442-9300 - Bisque, Beads & Beyond, 370 Pecks Road, Pittsfield

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Berkshire Penny Saver

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November 18, 2008

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Berkshire Penny Saver

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4 p.m. - Screening of “Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema: The Pharaoh’s Daughter,” a dance created by Marius Petipa in 1862 revived in 2005 by Pierre Lacotte for the Bolshoi Ballet, Info: 413-997-4444 or - The Colonial, South Street, Pittsfield. 5 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Trinity Church Annex, Walker Street, Lenox 7 p.m. - Sunday Night Dance - Eagle Pass performs - cover charge applies. Call 413-443-7135 for info - ITAM Lodge #564 on Pontoosuc Lake, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield







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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Route 41, Richmond 8 p.m. - Laura Love with Orville Johnson. Info: www. or 413-528-3394 - Club Helsinki, 284 Main St., Great Barrington 9 p.m. - Eric Erickson performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge

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Monday, November 24 • 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-4459215 - Berkshire Community Action Council, East Street, Pittsfield • 9:30 a.m. - Caregiver Support Group - For those who provide care to a loved one. Sponsored by the Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. At the Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park St., Lee. For more information phone 413243-1212.


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November 18, 2008

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Berkshire Penny Saver

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November 18, 2008

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Berkshire Penny Saver


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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008


10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - HCAP Health Screening & Insurance Enrollment, mobile health clinic. Phone: 413-528-9311 x 2417 - Family Center, Great Barrington 10:30 to 11 a.m. - Alzheimer’s Association is offering a workshop about healthy living titled “Maintain Your Brain: How to Live a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle,” featuring scientifically rooted nutritional and lifestyle advice, interactive exercises and activities, and materials to take home for further reading, Free; registration required. Info: 800-272-3900. - Florida

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November 18, 2008

Berkshire Penny Saver

Council on Aging, Route 2, Florida. 11 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. John’s Episcopal Church, 59 Summer St., North Adams 12-1 p.m. - Dealing With Cancer during the Holidays. Information: 413-395-7965 - Berkshire Medical Center, Health Info Room, Pittsfield

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12-1 p.m. - Panic and Anxiety Program - Overcoming fears, anxiety and agoraphobia; achieving control, positive selfimage and constructive thinking; learn how to control panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety. For locations and more information phone Pain Relief Inc. at 732-940-9658. 12-1 p.m. - Women Facing Cancer/Breast Cancer Support Group - Bring lunch, beverages provided. Meeting takes place at the Health Information Center, Main Lobby, Berkshire Medical Center, North St., Pittsfield. For information or to register, phone Kathy Hart at 413-3957965 4 to 5:30 p.m. - The “Indie” Film Movement and Hollywood - Sandra Thomas, Executive Director, Images Cinema in North Adams, talks about the economics of independent theaters and how the “indie” film movement affects Hollywood today. - BCC, Koussevitzky Arts Center, Room K-111, Pittsfield 6 p.m. - Monday Night Ballroom Dance Lessons - instructor is Cheryl Wendling - 413-443-6263 for information. - Itam Lodge #564, 93 Waubeek Rd., Pittsfield 6 p.m. - North Adams Public Library Hosting Concert - Berkshire-based, Robin O’Herin plays both original and traditional American music using bottleneck and finger style guitar and mountain dulcimer. Her music is distinguished

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by her pounding rhythm and authentic style. This program is free and appropriate for the whole family but seating is limited so call the library to make reservation. For reservations or information call the library at 413-662-3133 and ask for the reference desk. You can also visit 74 Church St. North Adams, or on the web at North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams 6-8 p.m. - Applied Behavior Analysis Workshops- Aimee Erskine, a Board Certified Associate Behavior Analyst and Clinical Director at BFAIR, will present the workshop. Information: 413-664-9382 x10. - Lanesborough Elementary School, 188 Summer Street, Lanesborough 6-9 p.m. - Drop-in life drawing open studio - Open to all levels and abilities. Providing ongoing access to a live model working in both short and long poses, this class is a service to practicing artists and a complement to other coursework. Bring your own materials. Call 413- 298-5252 ext. 100, or visit for details. - IS183 Art School, Willard Hill Rd., Stockbridge 6:30 p.m. - Family Preschool Story and Craft Time - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit 7 p.m. - Monday Showcase with Rob Sanzone - Info: 413528-3394. - Club Helsinki, 284 Main St., Great Barrington

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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008

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7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Unitarian Universalist Church, 175 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413445-5852. Web site Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Route 23, South Egremont 9 p.m. - Jefrey Folmer performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge

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New Fairfield









Monroe Redding


Easton Weston Wilton



New Canaan Norwalk



Fairfield Westport

Woodbridge Ansonia

Derby Shelton ����������

Trumbull Stratford Bridgeport


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North Haven

New Haven

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Orange West Haven


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Beacon Falls Bethany Hamden






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East Haven

Connecticut Towns

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November 18, 2008

Berkshire Penny Saver


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Berkshire Penny Saver

November 18, 2008

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