TriState Pennysaver News

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pennysaverNEWS • FREE • Volume 51 • Number 2 • July 8, 2009

Community Events Inside!


your source for community news

Bennington Little League Champs!

IN THIS ISSUE: Auto....................................26 Classifieds...........................22 Crossword.......................... 21 From My Corner................... 8 Horoscope...........................19 Jobs.................................... 30 Real Estate..........................24 Weather.............................. 18 Weekly Almanac ................ 19

The Pharmacy, AA Bennington Little League Champs, wrapped up the 2009 season undefeated with a record of 18-0 at the Bennington Little League Field on June 23. Pictured: third row, Coaches Seth Normyle and Kip O’Neill; second row: Elijah

Benner, Austin Prendergast, Matthew Anderson, Josh Comalli, Chris Hamilton, Noah Normyle, Austin Condo, and Ryan Mayhew; first row: Cooper Maxon, Kevin McKenna, Ryan O’Neill, and Josh Plawinski. Missing from the photo is Shawn Lemieux.


Permit No. 102 Bennington, VT 05201


Worship ............................. 20

109 South Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email


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advertising email Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.


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109 South Street, Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 • 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email advertising email classified advertising email ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Angie Leonard, Business Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Donna Burgess, Classified Manager Susan Coons, Editor Sheryl Gibson, Advertising Sales Brian Maroney, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist

Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

The TriState Pennysaver News, a weekly advertising newspaper since 1958, is owned by Hersam Acorn Newspapers, publishing on Wednesday. ■

Editorial Deadline*: Thursday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email Letters to the Editor word limit is 200. ■

The TriState Pennysaver News is published weekly in Bennington, Vermont. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement or news content for any reason. Neither the publisher, the editor, the retail advertiser nor the individual advertiser is responsible for errors contained herein. The publisher retains all distribution rights.

Meals on Wheels

Suggested donation of $3.00 per meal For reservation or cancellation in Bennington: 802-442-8012 Manchester: 802-362-3714 Wednesday, July 8 Chile w/ Ground Beef, Cauliflower, Corn Bread, Mixed Fruit Cup and Milk. Thursday, July 9 Ham Salad on Lettuce, Carrot Raisin Salad, 3-Bean Salad, Rye Bread, Fresh Baked Cookie and Milk. Friday, July 10 Macaroni & Cheese, Yellow Squash w/ Pimento, Buttered Green Beans, Bread, Mandarin Oranges and Milk. Monday, July 13 Chicken w/Gravy over Biscuit, Roasted Red Potatoes, Parsley Carrots, Chocolate Cupcake and Milk. Tuesday, July 14 Turkey Sandwich on Oatmeal, Tomato/Cuke Salad, Macaroni Salad, Peaches w/Berries and Milk. ____________________

Bennington AARP Chapter #268

AARP Bennington Chapter #268 will be holding their monthly meeting on July 9. The speaker will be Sheriff Chad Schmidt, who will talk on “Safety in the Home”. Plans to be made for the annual picnic on August 13. Refreshments will be served. Members and guests are welcome. Please remember food for BROC, as there is a great need in the area.

©2008, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the TriState Pennysaver News are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher


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Hoosick Falls Senior Center

Wednesday, July 8: Cards, senior exercise class, 1 p.m.; van transportation to Bennington Rec. Center for swimming, leaves at 9:45. Thursday, July 9: Cards; local grocery shopping; bocci at 10 a.m.; bingo, 12:45 p.m.; van transportation available; bring goodies for a special breakfast at 9:30 a.m. Friday, July 10: Cards; crafts. Van shopping to the mall, leaves at 9:30 a.m. Monday, July 13: Mystery bingo, 10 a.m.; cards; senior exercise class at 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 14: Card Party,10 a.m.; local grocery shopping with van transportation available; Health Dept. available; special dinner day, “Let’s Have a Picnic” with entertainment by “The Wrinkled Ramblers”. The Hoosick Falls Senior Center is located at 69 Church St., Hoosick Falls, New York. Dinner is served at noon daily. Please call Director Kathy Bugbee with your reservation at 518-686-7561. ____________________

Service Notes

Department of the Army Civilian Jeffrey M. Greer has received the Army Research and Development Achievement Award. He received the award for his work in enabling technologies for muzzle-brake development designs that enhance the overall system mobility and lethality through system weight reduction and parallel-guided munitions development compatibility. Greer is a structural analyst and lead engineer with the Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, and has a total of three years of military service. He is the son of Jerome M. and Barbara Jean Greer of Montcalm St., Ticonderoga, New York. His wife, Alyssa, is the daughter

TriState Pennysaver News

of Michael J. and Carol A. Coffey of Mohawk Trail, Queensbury, New York. Greer is a 1999 graduate of Ticonderoga High School. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 2003 from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, and a master’s degree in 2006 from The University of Albany, New York. Army National Guard Pvt. Truman D. Young IV has graduated from the Infantryman One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia. The training consists of Basic Infantry Training and Advanced Individual Training. During the nine weeks of basic combat training, the soldier received training in drill and ceremonies, weapons employment, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid skills, and Army history, core values and traditions. Additional training included development of basic combat skills and battlefield operations and tactics, and experienced use of various weapons and weapons defenses available to the infantry crewman. The Advanced Individual Training course is designed to train infantry soldiers to perform reconnaissance operations; employ, fire and recover antipersonnel and anti-tank mines; locate and neutralize land mines and operate target and sight equipment; operate and maintain communications equipment and radio networks; construct field firing aids for infantry weapons; and perform infantry combat exercises and dismounted battle drills, which includes survival procedures in a nuclear, biological or chemical contaminated area. Young is the grandson of Truman and Natalie Young of Route 140, Tinmouth, Vermont. The private is a 2006 graduate of Mount St. Joseph Academy, Rutland, Vermont. July 8, 2009


Rummage & Bake Sale in Petersburg

...donations have flattened...

Unfortunately, a grim pattern is emerging from many local food pantries. Donations have flatlined or fallen. It’s no secret that a slowing economy has pushed more families to the financial edge. Food and gas prices have increased, leading more of those people to seek aid at community and cooperative food pantries. Village Ambulance Service, Inc. has embarked on their fourth annual “9-1-1 Food Drive” to benefit the Williamstown Food Pantry. Non-perishable food items or grocery store gift card donations can be dropped off at the Village Ambulance Service office located at 30 Water Street, Williamstown, Massachusetts. If transportation isn’t possible, please call 413-458-4889 or 413884-5729 for donation pickup. Since the demand for emergency food aid appears to be increasing, Village Ambulance Service has decided to begin their food drive a bit earlier this year. The food drive will run now through December 15. All donations are tax deductible. For more Information: Shawn Godfrey at 413-884-5729. Thank you for your continued support! Best, —Shawn P. Godfrey, EMT-P, I/C, Operations Manager, Village Ambulance Service, 30 Water Street, Williamstown, MA _________________________________________________

A Rummage and Bake Sale will be held at the Petersburg Methodist Church Hall, 12 Head of Lane Road, Petersburg, New York. You will find household items, clothes, books, toys and much more on Saturday, July 11, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Bake Sale will be held Saturday only. Stay for lunch! Offering hot dogs, hamburgers, chili, soup, coffee and soda for sale. A bag sale will be held on Sunday, July 12, noon to 3 p.m. The drawing for 50/50 tickets will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Donated items will be greatly appreciated. Please call 518-658-3757 or 518-658-2044 to arrange a drop-off time.

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Tenth Annual Motorcycle Run

The tenth annual Motorcycle Run to benefit Hospice of Bennington County, Inc., will be held Sunday, July 12, at the Pownal American Legion, 9 miles south of downtown Bennington, on Route 7, rain or shine. Sign-in begins at 9 a.m.; start time is 12:30 p.m. Donation fee, which includes continental breakfast and lunch, is $16 per person; $30 per couple. All vehicles are welcome. Enjoy entertainment, a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle, and door prizes will fill out the afternoon. Can’t ride? Come for the music and lunch. Please call Hospice, days, at 802-447-0307; nights, 802-447-7309, to make a reservation for lunch, or for other information. Hospice is a non-profit organization which aids and supports terminally ill patients and their families. ________________________________________________

Take-Out Ham Dinner

The First United Methodist Church, 134 Main Street, North Adams, Massachusetts, is offering a Take-Out Ham Dinner on Saturday, July 11, from 5 to 6 p.m. The menu will include ham with macaroni salad, baby carrots, pumpkin bread and strawberry shortcake. Cost is $8 for adults; $4 for children. Please reserve your dinner in advance by calling the church office at 413-664-9655 by 5 p.m., on Friday, July 10. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. You may leave a message on the answering machine with your name, phone number, address and number of dinners. If you are shut-in, or without transportation and need delivery, the dinner can be delivered to you. July 8, 2009


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TriState Pennysaver News

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12th Annual North Bennington Art Park

North Bennington presents its twelfth annual Art Park outdoor sculpture event opening on July 18, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Art Park reception and exhibit is free and open to the public. The exhibition includes sculpture, painting and mixed media work from local and regional artists invited specifically for this show. There are twenty artists exhibiting and among them are our well known local sculptors Joe Chirchirillo, Gregory Smith, Bill Botzow and Elaine Witten with mixed media work by Renee Bouchard and Paul Katz. Several exceptional artists showing from Massachusettes and New York include Amy Podmore, Peter Lundberg, Michelle Vara, Stephan Fowlkes, Maria Siskind and Laura Colomb. The Art Park is made possible through the generosity of our sponsors: The Fund for North Bennington, McGovern Masonry, David Aldrich, Whitman's Feed Store, Kevin's Restaurant and Bennington College. Directions: The North Bennington Art Park is located on Route 67A Main St. North Bennington, Vermont, on the properties adjacent to the Post Office and train station. Exhibition dates are from July 18 through October 10. ________________________________________________

Clothes for Kids

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Clothes for Kids will hold a clothing giveaway on Friday, July 10, from noon-5 p.m., and Saturday, July 11, from 9 a.m.3 p.m., at 23 Munsell Street, Hoosick Falls. Clothes are free. Please come and find what you need. For further information, please call Sue at 518-686-0717. ____________________


Kirstin Tiffany Inducted into History Honor Society

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Bennington’s Geezer Gazelle Continues to Break Records

Bob Matteson, Bennington’s Geezer Gazelle, added three more Single-Age World Records and one American Record to his skein of single-age track accomplishments on Saturday, June 27, at the Green Mountain Senior Games annual track meet, held at Burlington High School. Matteson plans to shoot for a new 200M record in two upcoming meets this month. He also has in mind one-mile and two-mile runs, with no age 93 records listed, at meets later in July and early August in Colonie, New York. Staying in shape and keeping the will to win at 93 are his hardest challenges, Matteson says. Coaching from Kathleen Newton, MAUHS track coach, and counseling from Pete Farwell, Williams College longdistance track coach, continue to guide his preparation. ________________________________________________

Community Garden in Sunderland

An effort is being made between Sunderland Elementary School teachers, administration, PTA members, and parents to begin a garden for school and community use this summer. In the fall the school will begin a six-week snack program for students from what is grown in the garden this summer. Plots will be available next summer for community members to begin their own small garden as well. In early July a plot, selected by teachers, will be rototilled on the SES campus. Planting began during the first week of July when SES summer camps began. A school and community work day will be held on Saturday July 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., to install the fence and finish garden preparation. Refreshments, breakfast foods, and a picnic lunch will be provided for all those who attend! A special thank you to the following individuals & businesses that have helped begin the project so far: R.K. Miles in Manchester, Brown Enterprises, Someday Farm, ClearBrook Farm, Wilcox Farm, Sunderland PTA and staff, Gordon Woodrow, Kerry Olsen, Kim Nolan, Dineen Squillante, Dan and Mike Rosenthal. ____________________________________________

One-Stop Enrollment Days at SVC

First-year and transfer students for Fall 2009 will have an opportunity to apply and enroll on the spot at Southern Vermont College ������������� Kirstin Tiffany of Bennington, in Bennington on Tuesday, July 14, and Thursday, July 30, in the ���������� Vermont, was among 50 Admissions Office. University of Vermont students ����������������� In one day, at one place and at one time, prospective students can recently initiated into the Alpha ����������������� complete the admissions process (application fee waived), learn about Alpha Psi chapter of Phi Alpha ����������� transfer credits, speak with financial aid, and register for fall classes. Theta, the National History ���������������� Scholarships and grants are still being awarded to students who qualHonor Society. Tiffany is a junior majoring ify, and on campus housing is still available. Individuals should bring a ��������������� in History and minoring in Art copy of transcripts from all schools attended. In addition, they are asked ������������������ History. to bring a copy of SAT or ACT scores and letters of recommendation if available. For more information contact �������������� the Admissions Office at 802-447����������������������� ������������� 6304 or e-mail admissions@svc. ������������������ ������������������������������������������������� edu. General information about ���������������������� �������������������������������������������������� SVC is available at ���������������� ����������������������������������������������������������



TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

Berkshire Serve Food Co-op News

Berkshire Serve Food Co-op has a new package to offer. A Convenience Package for $18 contains seven different meals: lasagna with meat sauce; grilled chicken breast alfredo with penne and broccoli; meatloaf with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables; beef ravioli in marinara sauce; chicken parmesan with penne, sauce and cheese; julienne ham strips with sweet potato casserole; carrots and honey BBQ sauce, and turkey a-la-king with rice and mixed vegetables. The monthly $26 food package contains: hamburger patties; garlic and herb chicken kabob; ground sausage and deli turkey; potatoes, onions, carrots, squash, corn, apples, bananas; marinara sauce and linguine. Other food packages include BBQ ribs for $18 and sirloin strip steaks for $23. For more information call 413-664-7400 or drop in the office at St. John’s Church in North Adams, through the red door on the parking lot side of the building. The office is only staffed on Thursdays, 2-6 p.m. Drop by early and visit the Guilded Cage Handcrafts and Gift Shop open 10 a.m.-2 p.m., on Thursdays and Saturdays except the third Saturday of the month. To order in other parts of the county: in Dalton call 413-684-2000; in Great Barrington call 413-429-8110; in Vermont, call 802-442-3466; to order online. ________________________________________________

Green Mountain Christian Center to Host The Talleys

A service on Sunday, July 19, 8 and 9:30 a.m. with Paul and Cindy Talley, usually begins with Hymns on the accordion. These have a lively “Cajun” feel that is familiar to the older Christian and engaging to the younger. The trumpet is next with a lively call to worship. Paul has a degree in trumpet but what seems to be important as with the rest of this music is not just talent or ability, but that the Lord has put his hand and anointing on the music. Paul plays a Fender Stratocaster guitar with original Christian music that has a retro 60s sound. He also plays a Rickernbacker 12 string guitar with scripture songs reminiscent of the Byrds’ and Beatles’ early music. Prior to ministering from the Word, Paul leads worship on the keyboard with a variety of original and well-known songs. The effect of this worship is amazing and sometimes startling as the presence of the Lord becomes so evident! As Paul opens the Word of God he brings a message that is straight from the heart of the Lord. All are welcome. Green Mountain Christian Center is located at 440 Main Street in beautiful downtown Bennington, Vermont. In addition to the worship services on Sunday, the Talleys will be performing on Saturday, July 18, from 5-7 p.m., as part of downtown Bennington’s Summer in the Park series at Center Stage, located at the old Harte lot, 481 Main Street, Bennington.


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July 8, 2009

Good Vibrations at Bennington Center for the Arts

“The Nature of Healing with Sound: An Ancient Therapy and Medicine for the Future” is the title of a program to be given by international guest speaker Zacciah Blackburn on Friday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m., at the Bennington Center for the Arts. Sound healing is a new buzz word in complementary therapies. Individuals and therapists are incorporating sound practices into traditional and non-traditional healing modalities, from one’s own meditation room, to massage therapies, reiki, acupuncture, shamanism, nutrition, psychology, and standard medical practices. Sound healing can be defined as the intentional use of sound or music to bring about enhanced states of wellness in our physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual being. Therapists and clinicians have begun using it. Sound methods vary from the simple use of intentional music for relaxation or invigoration, to tuning forks for neurological balance, technological devices, drumming, crystal bowls, chanting, and various voice practices, including ‘toning.’ Ancient mystics understood that sound is the vibrational nature of our human structure, from our energetic bodies, to our physiological and sub-atomic form. Modern physics are coming to the same conclusions; that the nature of the cosmos is vibration. Sound therapies work because, at an elemental nature, we vibrate in syncopated rhythm, and harmonic proportions, to all life. Ancient cultures emphasized the mystical nature of vibration and music, and its healing properties, and utilized sound as a bridge into other worlds, as an invocation of the Divine, as a method for creating (Continued on page 6) ���������������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������� ��������������������������

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TriState Pennysaver News



(Good Vibrations, cont.) deep healing, and for expressing and manifesting that which is desired. Today, sound therapy is advancing standard cancer treatment, cognitive and emotional disorders, including ADD/ADHD, Parkinson’s Disease, and a host of other applications. Zacciah is Director of the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies, Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, and on the Board Zacciah Blackburn of Directors for other major international professional sound organizations. His studies and practice can bring us to deep contemplation and relaxation. His shamanic techniques offer opportunities to enter other states of consciousness, where we can explore the true nature of our self and the cosmos. Zacciah Blackburn will present his program at the Bennington Center for the Arts, 44 Gypsy Lane at Vermont Route 9 in Bennington, Vermont. Tickets are $18 in advance, $20 at the door, $10 for students. For reservations or more information please call 802-442-7158.

Youth Art Show and Festival Poster Unveiling

The community is invited to attend the first MentorWorks Youth Art Show at 15 John Street Gallery on July 13. The show will feature art created by participants in the MentorWorks mentoring program. The gallery is located at 15 John Street in the Village of Hoosick Falls, New York. At a recent monthly gathering of the mentors and mentees, sixteen paintings were created in a “musical canvas” format. Each mentoring team took a turn adding to every painting, creating interesting, dynamic and fun depictions of multiple scapes, such as the desert, outer space, Hoosick Falls, the mountains and the ocean. This collection of unique creations will be exhibited during the show, along with some additional art pieces created by youth in the program. Light refreshments will be served during the show from 5:30-7 p.m. Admission is free; donations toward the cost of refreshments are welcome. Advance reservations are appreciated. Please call 518-686-9050. Pumpkinpalooza Poster In addition to the youth art, the official poster for the first Hoosick Pumpkinpalooza will be unveiled ���������������������� during the art show. Featuring an original watercolor creation by ����������������������������������� ������������������������������� artist Dr. Harold Lemmerman of �������������� Arlington, Vermont, the poster ��������������� captures the youthful spirit of the festival along with its pumpkin ����� theme. ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������� Dr. Lemmerman has been ������������������������������������� involved with art since the age ������������������� of six and has exhibited his ����������������� work throughout the United ��������� States for the past 40 years. He ���������������������������������� has directed his artistic talents ����������������������������� to children’s illustrations for the ��������������������� past six years. During this time, ��������������������������������������������� Dr. Lemmerman has done many ������������������������������������ personalized commissioned ������������������ works for students, friends and ��������� colleagues in Vermont and New ������������������ Jersey. He has written several ��������������������� �����������������������������������������


TriState Pennysaver News

(continued on page 7) July 8, 2009

(Poster, continued)

books and is represented in several private and corporate collections in the United States. Recently, he has devoted his artistic energies to capturing the special nuances of the Vermont landscape in addition to drawing his little bear friend, Kirby, in Vermont’s historical architectural heritage. His drawings of Kirby can be seen in many businesses in Southern Vermont. For many years he designed scenery for the Hubbard Hall Theatre in Cambridge, New York and is currently Scenic Designer for the Wilmington Memorial Hall Center for the Arts in Wilmington, Vermont. “We are delighted that Hal Lemmerman has agreed to provide the art for our first festival poster,” said Aelish Nealon, program director for MentorWorks. “His talent at creating art that depicts our region and his love for children’s illustrations made him the ideal artist for this project.” Copies of the poster will be available for sale at the art show and during the festival, which is set for the weekend of September 26. Proceeds will benefit the festival, MentorWorks and the Hoosick Falls Youth and Community Center. The Hoosick Pumpkinpalooza is a Pride and Tradition Initiative organized by the Hoosick Area Partnership for Parents and Youth (HAPPY). Community members, businesses and organizations are welcome to take part in this event. Please call the Youth Center at 518686-9050 for information on becoming involved. ________________________________________________

Insect Investigations with VINS


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Insect Investigators wanted! Explore the fascinating insect world of the Equinox Preserve with a naturalist from the Manchester office of the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) on Saturday July 11, from 10-11:30 a.m. On our exploration you will observe tiny insect worlds, collect and identify countless varieties of interesting bugs, and learn about their important contributions to the forest ecosystem. This is a great opportunity for families and young explorers to ������������������������������������� directly engage with and enjoy the vibrant insects that call the Preserve ��������������������������������������������� home. This program is $5 for VINS members, $7 for non-members. ���������������������������������������������������������� � ���� ���� Special rates for families! Meet ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� at the Red Gate on West Union Street. Pre-registration is required. ����������������� Call the VINS-Manchester Office ������������ at 802-362-4374 to register.



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Pre-Licensing Class

The Northeast New York Safety and Health Council will sponsor the Pre-Licensing Course at the Hoosick Falls Health Center, Danforth Street, Hoosick Falls, New York, on Tuesday, July 14 beginning at 3:30 p.m. This program requires a pre-registration fee of $40 payable to NENY Safety and a valid NYS driver’s permit. Successful completion of this class, which includes passing a test, provides the student with the necessary paperwork (MV-278) to take the NYS Driver’s Test and is valid for one year. To register, contact Marla Nowak at 518-686-4854. You must pre-register. _________________________________________________

Enjoy the ‘Art of Gardening’

On Sunday, July 12, from noon to 5 p.m., The Hoosick Falls Health Center and Auxiliary will be presenting the “Art of Gardening”. The show begins with a tour of resident artwork at the Health Center, 21 Danforth St. The Garden Show encompasses ten beautiful gardens in the Hoosick area. Tickets are $15 and include discounts at local floral shops, Hobson’s Choice, McNeilly’s Greenhouse and Florist Shop, both located on Route 7 in Hoosick, and Upsy ���������������������� Daisy on John Street. Advance ���������� tickets are available from any Health Center Auxiliary member �������������� or by calling Margaret LeStage at ����������������� 518-686-7949 or Sandra Phelps �������������������� at 518-686-5326. Tickets may ��������������������� also be purchased the day of the ���������������� tour at the Health Center. ���������������� Please note that this will be the only fundraiser sponsored by the Health Center this year. Please make your first stop at the Health Center where maps will be avail�������������������� able to guide you on the tour, ��������������������������������� and where you will also see the ��������������� beautiful gardens at the Health Center. ������������



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From my Corner

— Susan J. Coons ...a little aggravated... Last December my Sirius Radio was stolen from my car. The guys who did this trashed everything in the glove box, etc. They have been apprehended but I probably will never receive compensation for what they stole. As soon as the crime was discovered I called the police. The police said they would be right over. This was about 8:15 a.m. I waited and in the meantime, called Sirius Radio. The call went to India. I have been told that English is the language of the land there, but I can’t understand it the way it is spoken. The conversation was very frustrating for both of us. “Excuse me? What did you say?” “Huh?” “Would you repeat that, please?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you said.” Repeating dates, repeating account numbers, names on accounts (my daughter signed me up; my son-in-law purchased the radio; he has his own account and she hers, with her name the same as mine on her account). This led to a tremendous amount of confusion. AND, I COULDN’T UNDERSTAND A WORD!!! To top it all off, the police never showed up. (They did call me later in the week and have been very conciliatory and kind.) My daughter’s account was canceled by mistake, making it necessary for her to call and straighten out the accounts. Something that could have taken a few minutes took about half an hour. I have been vigilant about locking my car since that incident. However, last Friday, as I pulled in the driveway after work, I noticed that Steve Gallant and his crew were in the process of removing the tree that had fallen on the house earlier this month. The rain has prevented them from taking it off the property. I got out of the car and talked to

TriState Pennysaver News

the guys. They were doing a great job, and the yard was cleaned up beautifully. I went back to the car, brought in my things, and because of the distraction, forgot to lock the doors. Sure enough, some little creep stole my Sirius Radio overnight! I have to go through the cumbersome routine of reporting a stolen radio to the police and Sirius, again! I’ve dreaded this for a week! I know that every person in the world should have a means for supporting themselves and their families. The global economy overwhelmingly shows us we are truly our brother’s keeper. However, there must be a way to help employment around the world without sending jobs for Americans overseas. Seeing a mistake on a credit card bill is frustrating. Trying to explain the error to someone I can’t understand compounds my frustration. Why can’t we put Americans to work taking care of the calls that originate in America? Well, I’ve vented enough. If you’ll excuse me, I have to make an overseas call to New Delhi. _____________________

15 Minutes of Fame

Does your organization or non-profit have an upcoming event that you would like to promote? Stop in at the TriState Pennysaver News, and let us put your story in the paper. We’re located at 109 South Street, Bennington, Vermont. Call 802447-3381. July 8, 2009

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July 8, 2009

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Red, White and Blue: Stars! Stripes! Art!

For the month of July, The Bennington Arts Guild presents a colorful tribute to America’s independence with artwork celebrating the colors of our nation’s flag. The weather may be gloomy, but the windows and shelves of the BAG Gallery at 103 South Street — just voted the #1 Art Gallery in the Shires of Vermont in the Bennington Banner’s Reader’s Choice poll — couldn’t be more festive, with red, white and blue bursting out all over. Photographer Gabe Palmer’s “Impatient Patriot” poignantly depicts an unfinished American flag mural on a barn in rural Pennsylvania. Palmer describes his meeting with the artist: “The guy was painting a POW/MIA image along with the flag. We stopped at the side of the road to watch him, at the start of our 39,000 mile Blue Highway Journey through America. I wanted to photograph his portrait, but he refused. ‘You can just do the flag.’ he said, so I did.” Another Palmer photo in this month’s show, “Ground Zero,” is his interpretation of graffiti found on the wooden fence surrounding the site, a year after the World Trade Center’s towers fell. One our newest members, glass artist Brendan Miller, is exhibiting his elegant glass sculpture, “Red and White,” while rug hooker Dan Barber is showing two patriotic wall hangings/rugs. Weaver Paula LaPorte’s latest creation is a charming child’s rocker featuring her interpretation of the American flag. The oak frame is painted a translucent blue, accenting the wood grain. The 50 charmingly handpainted stars on the back slats lend a lively whimsy to the piece, which is finished with woven red-and-white Shaker tape stripes. Deceivingly simple in its finished form, it is a masterpiece of advanced weaving skill - with a lot of humor and patience added. Rounding out the window display is a set of stylized Stars ��� ����� and Stripes Plates by ceramic artist Marie DeVito - just waiting for a hot dog! The Bennington Arts Guild Gallery is a cooperative run by artists from Bennington and the surrounding communities. The Gallery is open daily from ����������� 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays from ��������������� noon to 4 p.m., and closed on Tuesdays. For more information ������������������������������ call 802-442-7838 or at www. ������������ �����������������������������











Community Wide Tag Sale

Congregation Beth El is holding a Community Wide Tag Sale on Sunday, July 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. You will find first rate quality and good condition household furnishings, appliances, kitchen items, clothing, sports equipment, furniture, electronics, lawn furniture, artwork, collectibles, books, toys, and baked goods. Proceeds will be given to the monthly community dinner sponsored by the Temple for those in need and the Rabbinical Intern Program. This is a rain or shine event! No early birds, please! ________________________________________________

Lifeguards on Duty Beginning Friday

The Pittsfield Department of Community Development Parks & Recreation Program has announced that lifeguards are now on duty at the public beach within Burbank Park. Lifeguards provide beach supervision from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week through August 23. For more information please call Rebecca Tefft, Recreation Activities Coordinator at 413-499-9370. ________________________________________________

Dr. James FitzGerald to Speak at Bennington Museum

On Thursday, July 9 at 7 p.m., Dr. James FitzGerald will read from his memoir “Reflections from the Eye Sage: an Ophthamologist becomes an award-winning columnist.” For the past few years Dr. FitzGerald has written feature articles for “The Paper,” a newspaper focusing on western New England issues and events. Selected columns have been grouped together to create this new publication. Dr. FitzGerald’s varied and exciting career is conveyed through humorous, thoughtful, and always insightful vignettes. One reader writes, “Jim brings his own twists and humor into actually informative narrative. Some fun and information, his newspaper articles translate into a fun read with excellent accompanying illustrations and photos. Nice job Jim.” Original illustrations, created by artist Paul Gower for the book, will be on view during the event. This reading and attending art exhibit is free and open to the public. Dr. FitzGerald lives in Pownal, Vermont. Since opening an office in 1971, his solo practice has grown into a large congenial group of many MDs, ODs, Opticians and offices serving people who live in the most remote corners of western New England - where the common border of Vermont and Massachusetts bumps into New York State. After leaving the Albany Academy in 1957, Dr. FitzGerald attended Harvard University and Hamilton College where he received his Bachelor degree. After earning his medical degree at the University of Rochester, he completed a thrilling, but sleepless medical internship at Albert Einstein Medical Center. His training in ophthalmic surgery then continued at the University of Pennsylvania in a program led by world renowned eye surgeon Harold Scheie, MD. During the Vietnam War, he served as the Chief of Ophthalmology at the United States Air Force Hospital in the Alaskan Command. Later, he became a Flight Surgeon with Air National Guard in New York State. Early in the new century, he accepted the position of Assistant Professor of Ophthamology at the University of Arizona in Tucson. The Bennington Museum is located at 75 Main Street (Rt 9), Bennington in The Shires of Vermont. The museum is just a short ride from Manchester, Williamstown, and eastern New York. The Museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Wednesday). Visit www. or call 802-447-1571 for upcoming events.

TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

The Colonial Theatre Presents Steve Earle Solo & Acoustic

The Colonial will present Steve Earle on Tuesday, July 14, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for the performance are $35 and $30 and can be purchased in person at the Colonial Ticket Office at 111 South Street, MondayFriday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., performance Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m., by calling 413-997-4444 or online at Steve Earle just released “Townes”, his highly anticipated follow up to the Grammy Award winning album “Washington Square Serenade”. The 15-song set is comprised of songs written by Earle’s friend and mentor, the late singer/songwriter, Townes Van Zandt. The album features guest appearances by Tom Morello, Allison Moorer and — appearing on a Steve Earle Record for the first time, Steve’s son — Justin Townes Earle. When speaking about “Townes”, Earle stated, “This may be one of the best records I’ve ever made. That hurts a singer/songwriter’s feelings. Then again, it’s some consolation that I cherry picked through the career of one of the best songwriters that ever lived.” The album was produced by Earle at his home in Greenwich Village; at Sound Emporium and Room and Board in Nashville, Tennessee; and The Nest in Hollywood, California. The track “Lungs,” was produced and mixed by the Dust Brothers’ John King and features Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and The Nightwatchman on electric guitar. Earle’s wife, the acclaimed singer-songwriter Allison Moorer, is featured on backing vocals on “Loretta” and “To Live is to Fly.” Three songs cut in Nashville, “White Freightliner Blues,” “Delta Momma Blues,” and “Don’t Take It Too Bad” feature a bluegrass band consisting of Dennis Crouch, Tim O’Brien, Darrel Scott and Shad Cobb. Earle met Townes Van Zandt in 1972 at one of Earle’s performances at The Old Quarter in Houston, Texas. Van Zandt was in the audience and playfully heckled Earle throughout the performance to play the song “Wabash Cannonball.” Earle admitted that he didn’t know how to play the tune and Van Zandt replied incredibly, “you call yourself a folksinger and you don’t know ‘Wabash Cannonball?’” Earle then silenced him by playing the Van Zandt song “Mr. Mudd and Mr. Gold,” not an easy feat due to its quickly-paced mouthful of lyrics squeezed into just over two minutes of song. Their bond was immediately formed. On “Townes”, Earle and his son, singer-songwriter Justin Townes Earle (named after Van Zandt) trade verses on the tune, a song the two of them have been playing together since Justin was a teenager. The songs selected for “Townes” were the ones that meant the most to Earle and the ones he personally connected to (not including selections featured on previous Earle albums). Some of the selections chosen were songs that Earle has played his entire career (“Pancho and Lefty,” “Lungs,” “White Freightliner Blues”) and others he had to learn specifically for recording. He learned the song “(Quicksilver Daydreams of) Maria” directly from Van Zandt, and taught himself “Marie” and “Rake” specifically for the album’s recording. Once a song he played during his live show, Earle relearned “Colorado Girl” in the original open D tuning that Van Zandt played it in. Earle recorded the New York sessions solo and then added the other instruments later on in order to preserve the spirit of Van Zandt’s original solo performances to the best of his recollection. While being a protégé of Van Zandt, Earle is a master storyteller in his own right, with his songs being recorded by Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Emmylou Harris, Waylon Jennings, Travis Tritt, The Pretenders, Joan Baez and countless others. 1986 saw the release of his debut record, “Guitar Town”, which shot to number one of the country charts and July 8, 2009

immediately established the term “New Country.” What followed was an extremely exciting array of twelve releases including the biting hard rock of “Copperhead Road” (1988), the minimalist beauty of “Train A Comin’” (1995), the politically charged masterpiece “Jerusalem” (2002) and the Grammy Award Winning albums “The Revolution Starts… Now” (2004) and “Washington Square Serenade” (2007). Earle also produced the Grammy nominated album, “Day After Tomorrow”, by the legendary Joan Baez in 2008. _________________________________________________

2009 Survivor of the Year Nominations Due July 10

While the Susan G. Komen Vermont-New Hampshire Race for the Cure is a celebration of all breast cancer survivors, one local survivor will be singled out for a very special honor, the Survivor of the Year Award. The Survivor of the Year Award is designed to honor a breast cancer survivor who has celebrated at least two anniversaries of her/his original breast cancer diagnosis, has faced the challenges of the disease and turned them into personal triumphs. Nominations for the 2009 Survivor of the Year Award will be accepted through July 10. Letters of nomination detailing reasons for nomination – including the nominee’s name, address, phone number, and date of original breast cancer diagnosis – should be sent to the Komen VT-NH Race for the Cure, P.O. Box 2496, Manchester Center, VT 05255. Letters of nomination must be accompanied by two additional letters of support. Nominations must be received by July 10, 2009. A selection committee will determine the winner after reviewing all submitted nominations; the award will be presented during the 2009 Komen VT-NH Race for the Cure at Hildene Meadows, in Manchester Center, on Sunday, July 26. Seventy-five percent of net proceeds generated by the affiliate stay in the region, and the remaining income funds breast cancer research. Through events like the Komen VT-NH Race for the Cure, the affiliate has generated more than $5.7 million. Of that, more than $1.4 million supported Komen’s research program and more than $4.3 million underwrote breast cancer education, screening and treatment in Vermont and New Hampshire. For more information, call 802-362-2733 or visit www.vtnhkomen. com.

TriState Pennysaver News


The Bible and the Environment: A Talk About Common Grounds

Join AmeriCorps member Jake Claro, at St. James Episcopal Church in Arlington on Thursday, July 9th, for a fascinating talk by the Arava Institute’s Director of Special Projects, Rabbi Michael Cohen. Rabbi Cohen will illuminate and explore the teachings of the Bible and how they can inform our environmental decisions. This is a unique opportunity to see a renowned thinker adeptly discuss two topics that are often portrayed as at odds with one another. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Admission is Free. The Arava Institute is the premier environmental teaching and research program in the Middle East, preparing future Arab and Jewish leaders to cooperatively solve the region’s environmental challenges, that also has many Vermont connections. UVM has sent more students to the Arava Institute than any university in the United States and is working on creating a minor studies program for students from UVM who study at the Arava Institute. Rabbi Michael M. Cohen is a graduate of the University of Vermont, and was the Rabbi of the Israel Congregation in Manchester Center, Vermont from 1990-2000. The Vermont Community Stewardship Program (VCSP) is an AmeriCorps project of the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) operating in collaboration with 25 sponsoring non-profit organizations around the state. Members serving with conservation nonprofits organize and lead environmental education and service learning opportunities and perform conservation related duties. ________________________________________________

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Can-Do Approach

Walloomsac Transition Forum will host a slide show and discussion inviting the community to an upbeat, can-do approach to climate change, economic, fuel and food crisis with Bill LaBerge (of Transition Town Manchester), Wednesday, July 15th at 6:30 p.m. at South Street Cafe in Bennington. For more information call 802-442-2030.

Al Fresco Brunch The Courthouse Community Center in Salem will be offering their Al Fresco Gourmet Brunch on Sunday, July 26, from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Thirteen volunteer chefs representing restaurants from Manhattan to Salem will show off their culinary skills. The chefs include Suvir Saran of Restaurant Devi; Paula Sweeney of the West Village Market; William Scully of Pangaea Restaurant and Lounge; James King of King’s Bakery; Brian Molino of Marche at 74 State Street Hotel; Jeff Scott of the West Mountain Inn; David Pedinotti of One Caroline Street Bistro and Mouzon House; Rodney Moore of Bob’s Lunch; Sally Longo of Aunt Sally’s Catering; Jessica Rambold of The Lawyer and the Baker; Rich Williams of the Cambridge Hotel; Leo Ledoux of Mio Bistro; and Max London of Max London’s. The Courthouse grounds will be alive with activity. The Rachel Cuite Trio will be on hand to entertain guests. Other Brunch features include an expanded Art and Agriculture Market open to the public offering freshly grown local produce and unique handcrafted items. Maps will be offered to attend a local farm tour featuring six diverse farms in Salem and Shushan. The tour will offer a wonderful glimpse of the behind the scenes activities of farms that support the Al Fresco Weekend. The self guided tours are offered between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The cost is $20 per adult and $5 for children between the ages of 5 and 12. Tickets are still available and may be obtained by contacting the Courthouse Community Center. For information regarding the Courthouse, please visit the Web site at www. ________________________________________________

Sheepdog Trial and Farm Festival

Sheepdog Trial and Farm Festival will be held at Merck Forest and Farmland Center on Saturday and Sunday, July 11 and 12, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. See sheepdogs showing off their skills as working dogs. Highlights will include a sheepdog trial; sheep shearing; draft horse demonstrations; wagon rides; children’s activities; children’s fishing derby with prizes; and concessions featuring Merck Forest pork. Admission is $10 per family; $5 per adult; $3 for children; No charge for children under 6. Please leave your pets at home. For further information, please call 802-394-7836.





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TriState Pennysaver News


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‘Corn! The Musical’ at Fort Salem Theater

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Fort Salem Theater presents another of its original musicals, “Corn! The Musical, A Tribute to Growing Families”, opening July 10, at 8 p.m. While we think that nothing we do here is insignificant, most of what we do isn’t this significant. With support and sponsorship from the New York Farm Bureau and some of our local businesses, we have created a musical play that pays tribute to local farmers, who are facing incredible economic struggles in this first decade of the twenty-first century. Do they sell the farm? Do they sell the cows? Do they change crops? Do they expand and market their product themselves? Do they subdivide and build condos? A transplant from downstate, I don’t know that many farmers, but I do know at least one farmer who has struggled with each of those very questions. Al Budde, who has written several funny plays, has not lost his sense of humor, but deals sensitively and seriously with this serious subject. I have worked to fashion my score to serve his characters. Our cast is led by Broadway actor Tom Flagg, who is taking two weeks off from his run in “The Fantasticks” to play the head of his household and owner of a large family farm. Susan Cicarelli Caputo and Shannon Rafferty, two of the sweethearts of the Albany stage scene, are joining local favorites Jessica O’Keefe and Dan Garfinkel from last summer’s Budde/Kerr murder mystery with music, “Breakfast Epiphanies”. David Turner, who co-starred last season with Benita Zahn in “I’m Getting My Act Together”, returns, this time with his Princeton classmate, Peter Kidd, a second-year law student and professional performer, who will be playing an attorney. For further information, call 518-854-9200.

Tips and tricks on flower arranging will be demonstrated by Peggy Brockett of Manchester’s Lily of the Valley Florist for members of the Arlington Garden Club on Tuesday, July 14, at Arlington’s American Legion Hall, starting at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Brockett’s demonstration will provide guidelines to members preparing for the Club’s standard flower show, “Christmas in July,” to be held on Saturday, July 18, at the home of Don and Verrall Keelan on Battenkill Drive (Rte. 313 West). A business meeting, conducted by club president Dot Closs, will precede the program Peggy Brockett, owner with her husband, Dan, of Lily of the Valley Florist since 1992, is a graduate of the Stockbridge School of Agriculture at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, where she received an Associate in Science degree in Floriculture. Alice Ashley heads the hostess committee, assisted by Sally Ayrey, Betty Baker and Sharon Rosenthal. This program is for members and their invited guests only. Anyone interested in membership may call Marge Maas, membership chair, at 802-375-9008. Members are ������������������ reminded to bring a donation for �������� the Arlington Food Shelf.


Please donate your cans and bottles to a great cause! Terri Burdick, member of the Hoosier Hopefuls Relay For Life team, is collecting cans and bottles all year long to fund finding a cure for cancer! Call her at 518-686-7851 or for pick-up, or bring your cans and bottles to the Nickelback Redemption Center on lower Carey Avenue, Hoosick Falls and donate them to the Hoosier Hopefuls account. Perhaps with your own trips to the redemption center, one bag can be donated to the cause! A great way to help a great cause! ______________________________________________

Arlington Garden Club


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Chamber Ensemble at The Georgi

‘Sundays on the Hill’ in Weston

“Sundays on the Hill” will present the second in its series of six hourlong chamber music programs at Weston’s historic and accoustically perfect Church on the Hill on Lawrence Hill Road, just a few steps from the Weston Village Green, off Route 100, at 4 p.m., on July 12. The Pioneer Consort, a trio which performs composed and improvised chamber music for violin, guitar, cello, mandolin, and the bangar - a 7-string classical banjo - will bring a fascinating sound to Weston. Their programs explore unique and colorful arrangements of traditional classical repertoire, Argentine Tango, Brazilian Choro, Classical Neapolitan Mandolin music, American Banjo music, Jazz and multigenre original compositions with works by Haydn, Mozart, Piazolla, and Gershwin, Abreu, Ocarolon, and Nix ( The group is based in the culturally rich Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, and brings together years of concert touring, recording, and composing in many genres. Chris Devine, a musician of diverse talents, performs on electric and acoustic violin, mandolin, and guitar, as well as flute, saxophone, and keyboard. He as appeared on over 100 CDs in many different styles of music, including classical, jazz, pop, country, and folk. He has written music and lyrics for three grant-funded contemporary musicals, and is a contributing composer to the Fresh Music Library. From 2000 to 2002, Chris toured Europe and Russia as a featured soloist with Blackmore’s Night, starring the influential guitarist Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple. Michael Nix has performed traditional classical repetoire, new classical, and original music on guitar, lute, banjo and mandolin in concert halls throughout the United States and Asia. He has composed solo music, songs, chamber music, symphonic works, electronic music, and opera. Nix designed the seven string Banjar, combining elelments of the classical five string banjo, the lute and the classical guitar. The third member of the trio, Greg Snedeker has recorded as a cellist and jazz pianist with many local and national artists, including Grammy award winner saxophonist Yusef Lateef, and Nashville fiddler Randy Howard. As with each of the “Sundays” series, admission to the concert is $5, with children admitted free. The doors open around 3:30 p.m. with open seating. Parking is available at the Church, on Lawrence Hill Road, as well as at the Weston Green, a few steps away. For further information, please call 802-824-6686, or 802-824-6776. “Sundays on the Hill” is made possible by a generous gift from the Vermont Country Store, a gift in memory of William O. Moeser given by his sons Robert A. Moeser and Erik M. Moeser and the invaluable support from Friends of Sundays on the Hill. 14

Come to the Georgi Thursday, July 16, at 7 p.m., for the premier performance of original compositions by Kevin Warren. A concert in two parts: traditionally classical performed by a chamber ensemble of three musicians and improvisational, multi-layered modern performed by Kevin. Kevin Warren composes to “help stretch the ears and imaginations of his audience while providing a musical evening of beauty and wonder.” This is our second LARAC and NYSCA funded event, sponsored in part by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts Decentralization Program, administered locally by the Lower Adirondack Regional Arts Council. Bring a picnic to enjoy Thursday, July 16, at 7 p.m. The concert will be on the lawn or in Museum if there’s rain. Tickets are $5 each or $10 per family. For more information, visit or call 518-854-3773. Take advantage of this opportunity to hear unique and beautiful music at your lovely park! ________________________________________________

Pets of the Week from Second Chance Animal Center

Bobo is a 5 year old Pug who came to SCAC because he was too food aggressive to continue living with his other canine housemates. Bobo is a super guy that is very content around his people. He is crate-trained, leash trained and housebroken, but he will mark territory in the house. This is an issue that we have been working on extensively and he had made some progress, but it will take diligence to cure. Bobo has great potential to be spoiled since he is very food motivated! We recommend a home with children 5 years and older. Cats are fine and other dogs are possible upon introduction, as long as they can be separate during feeding or giving treats! If you are looking for an affectionate, small dog, then come and meet our clown-around Bobo! Kittens! Kittens! Kittens!! SCAC has several litters of kittens available for adoption and more in foster homes that will be available soon. All of our kittens are spayed or neutered and up to date on their basic vaccines. These pets and others are available at Second Chance Animal Center, Route 7A, Shaftsbury, Vermont. Call 802-375-2898.

TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

Mentoring Participants Visit Howe Caverns

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Howe Caverns was the destination of the most recent learning exploration for MentorWorks participants. On Saturday, June 13, more than forty people traveled deep below the surface of the earth to explore the caverns and take a boat ride on an underground lake. Led by a guide, the group learned about geology, rock formations and the history of the cavern. Above ground, the group enjoyed a picnic lunch and mined for gemstones. The mentoring program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, administered by the Hoosick Area Partnership for Parents & Youth, but all expenses for learning explorations, monthly dinners and other group activities are paid for through local fundraising efforts and donations. There is no cost to mentors or mentees to participate. The next learning exploration is set for Saturday, July 18, when the group will visit the Schenectady Planetarium. Previous events have included visits to the Clark Art Institute and Manchester Hot Glass. There is still room in the program for a few more mentors and mentees. Matches continue to meet throughout the summer at the Hoosick Youth & Community Center. Come join the fun! To learn more about being a mentor, having your child participate in the program, or making a referral, please contact Aelish Nealon at the Youth Center, 518-6869050. Visit for additional information.

Now that the rain is over…it’s time to get on your bicycle. On Sunday, July 12, Battenkill Bicycle Shop is hosting our fourth annual “Deals on Wheels”. Starting at 9 a.m., you are welcome to bring your old bike to sell or look for a new used bike. Sellers keep the proceeds of the sale, but buyers and sellers make a cash donation to the Community Food Cupboard. Bikes must be in rideable condition. Bikes may be donated to the food cupboard. Questions call 802-362-2734. Event is 9 to 4 p.m., 1240 Depot Street, Manchester Center, at the intersection of Routes 30 and 7.

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The West Hebron United Presbyterian Church put on its first Funventure last Tuesday. It was amazing and every one enjoyed the games, crafts, and stories. It was from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., with a provided dinner. This is happening every Tuesday through August 11. Every week we are traveling to different biblical cities. This week was Nazareth, and we learned about carpentry. Next week we are traveling to Jerusalem. Also the third through fifth graders can come for fun and games on Thursday, July 9. It is from 2 to 4 p.m. If weather permits this should be outside. Hope to see lots of people at these next events. July 8, 2009

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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

Horsemanship Camps

Kimberly Farms Stables, Cross Hill Road, Shaftsbury, Vermont, is pleased to announce Summer Horsemanship Camps will be held July and August. Ages 4 to adult are welcome to register. Come join us for horseback riding and fun. Certified riding instructors. Call 802-4425454, Pictured at left are a group of campers from last summer’s camps.

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at 802-447-3381



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Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Awards Grant to Second Chance Animal Center

Second Chance Animal Center in Shaftsbury, Vermont has been awarded a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. Judy Murphy, president of Second Chance, said “We wish to extend our deep appreciation and thanks to the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation for its support and generosity. The grant will go a long way in helping us fulfill our mission during these difficult and troubling economic times. Demand for our services has never been greater as people struggle financially and often end up surrendering or even abandoning their pets because they can no longer care for them.” The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation continues the philanthropic endeavors of Margaret Anne Cargill, a generous and usually anonymous philanthropist who died in 2006. She was the granddaughter of William Cargill, who co-founded Cargill, Inc., one of the largest agribusiness companies in the world. Ms. Cargill gave away millions of dollars during her lifetime and arranged for the Foundation to be created following her death so that her philanthropy would continue. The Margaret A. Cargill Foundation is dedicated to providing meaningful assistance and support to society, the arts, the environment, and all living things. Second Chance has been serving the needs of the tri-state area for 50 years and is dedicated to improving the lives of companion animals by providing shelter, care and adoption services for homeless and unwanted animals. The shelter also provides spay/neuter assistance, humane education, and investigative services to handle complaints concerning neglect and abuse of animals.

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Acclaimed Pianist Lisa Moore in Concert at Historic Park-McCullough

Historic Park-McCullough continues its 2009 “Summer Sundays At Four” Concert Season on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 4 p.m. with a performance by pianist Lisa Moore in a program that includes Don Byron: “Seven Etudes for Piano”; Martin Bresnick: “The Dream of the Lost Traveller”; and Modeste Mussorgsky: “Pictures at an Exhibition”. The Byron piece was commissioned by Moore with funding from “Meet the Composer”. Australian-American performer Lisa Moore has been crowned “New York’s queen of avant-garde piano” by the New Yorker magazine. The New York Times claims “her energy is illuminating” and The American Record Guide writes “her concerts are legendary”. Lisa Moore is based in New York City where she has lived since 1985. She collaborates with a large and diverse range of musicians and artists in all genres and has released 4 solo CDs and 30 collaborative discs. This summer she will release an EP on Cantaloupe Music featuring the music of Grammy-nominated composer Don Byron. Moore’s performances combine musical and emotional power with vivid vocal theatricality — whether in the delivery of the simplest song or the most complex score. She performs music and texts ranging from Randy Newman and Leos Janacek to Oscar Wilde and Kurt Schwitters. Moore has performed at La Scala, the Musikverein, the Sydney Opera House, Carnegie Hall and the Royal Albert Hall and has made guest appearances at many different festivals throughout the world. Moore won the silver medal in the Carnegie Hall International American Music Competition and was the founding pianist for the Bang On A Can All-Stars, (the New-York based electro-acoustic sextet and winner of Musical America’s 2005 Ensemble of the Year Award), from 1992-2008. As an artistic curator she produced Australia’s Canberra International Music Festival 2008 Sounds Alive series, importing over 35 musicians from around the world for ten days of music making at the Street Theatre. Moore has performed with the New York City Ballet, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, BargeMusic, St. Lukes Orchestra, American Composers Orchestra, Steve Reich Ensemble, So Percussion, Don Byron Adventurers Orchestra, Signal, Da Capo Chamber Players, Paul Dresher Ensemble, Mabou Mines Theater, Susan Marshall Dance Co, Sequitur, Newband, Music at the Anthology, The Crosstown Ensemble, Australia Ensemble, Westchester Philharmonic, New York League of Composers ISCM, Newband, Alpha Centauri Ensemble, Terra Australis, Essential Music, and the John Jasperse Dance Co. As a concerto soloist she has played with the Australian Chamber Orchestra, Albany, Sydney, Tasmania, Thai and Canberra Symphony Orchestras, Philharmonia Virtuosi and Queensland Philharmonic, and with conductors Reinbert de Leeuw, Pierre Boulez, Jorge Mester and Edo de Waart. Moore teaches at the Yale-Norfolk New Music Workshop Summer Festival and at Wesleyan University. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois, Eastman School of Music and SUNY Stony Brook. The series continues on August 2 with Thomas Bogdan, tenor and Yoshiko Sato, pianist, in a program of Early English and Fauré songs; songs from the American Musical Theater and two sonatas for piano. August 16 brings the appearance of Fred Haas and Friends: Fred Haas, piano and saxophone; Jason Ennis, acoustic and electric guitar; Sabrina Brown, vocals and percussion in a varied program of classical instrumental music; Brazilian music; and jazz standards from the

TriState Pennysaver News

(continued on page 19) July 8, 2009

(Concert, continued)

Great American Songbook. The 2009 series concludes on August 30 with Ludwig Olshansky, pianist, in a program of music by Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms. The 2009 season will also celebrate the first appearance of the Steinway A Grand piano, c. 1904, that was donated by Anne Knapp of Bennington, Vermont and restored by Stephen Snyder, Salem, New York. The concert series is under the artistic direction of Muriel“Petie” Palmer. All concerts are presented in the renovated and air-conditioned Carriage Barn at Historic Park-McCullough. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 802-442-5441 or e-mail to


GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6:00 p.m.


GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6 p.m.


Dept. of Employment & Training, Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington



AA • AL-ANON • NA • GA Thursday:

NA: 7-8 p.m., Turning Point Club,

465 Main St., Bennington Vt.


AA: Turning Point Club, Bennington, Open meeting, 6-7 p.m. J.S. Open Discussion meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m.


Al-Anon ACOA: 10:30-11:30 a.m., St. John the Baptist Church, North Bennington NA Back to Basics Group, Second Congregational Ch, Bennington, 7:00 p.m. NA: 7-8 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington Vt. Candlelight NA: 11:30 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, noon, Room 6. Teen Support Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m., Rm 6 ACOA: 9-10 a.m., Turning Point Club, Bennington


NA: 5-6 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington Vt. AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8 p.m.


Bennington, 7 p.m., 465 Main St., Bennington, VT AA Open meeting, Turning Point Club, 6-7 p.m., 465 Main st., Bennington, VT AA meeting for Gay/Bi/Lesbian/ Transgendered Persons, 7:00 p.m., Turning Point Club, Bennington H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m.


NA, Turning Point Club, Bennington 2 p.m Al-Anon ACOA meeting, Bennington College, North Bennington, 7:00 p.m. AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8:00 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous, 7 p.m., Bennington Free Library


Women’s Co-DA: 6:30 p.m., Turning Point Club, Bennington Al-Anon, Burdett Commons, Arlington, noon. H.S. STEP meeting Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Bennington Women’s Meeting of AA: 6-7 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington, VT DA - Debtor’s Anonymous, Wed. 8-9pm, Turning Point Club of Bennington, 465 Main St., Benniington, VT , 802-442-9700

Al-Anon Turning Point Club,

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Thursday: Bennington Free Clinic, 6-9 p.m., First Baptist Church, 601 Main Street. Call 447-3700 for an appointment. Arthritis Support Group, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, fourth Thursday,1:00 p.m. LaLeche League Support Meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.


Parents in Crisis, SVMC, Bennington, 7:00 p.m. RSVP Bone Builders: Call RSVP at 447-1545 for info. Free. Arlington, American Legion Hall, Mon and Th,

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Nice & Easy Aerobics - Beginner, Bennington Firehouse, River St., 8:15 p.m. 447-5693. All Gain, No Pain Senior Strengthening Class - Bennington Firehouse, River St., 10:30-11:15 a.m.; N. Bennington Congregational Ch, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Support group for family members of those suffering from mental illness, Third Tuesday at 7 p.m., UCS, 316 Dewey St., Bennington. Clare at 824-3909.


Aerobic Indoor Walking - Beginner, Mon, Wed, Fri., Bennington Firehouse, River St., 8:15 a.m. 442-6886 Senior Exercise Classes, Hoosick Falls Senior Center, 1-1:45 p.m. 447-5689. Bereavement/Loss Support Group, SVMC, Bennington, fourth Wednesday, 6 p.m. Bereavement Support Group, SVMC, Medical Office Bldg., Bennington, 6:30 p.m.


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at 802-447-3381 July 8, 2009


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Sunderland Elementary Planning Commitee. 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Monday: Poultney Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, second and fourth Monday, 6:30 p.m. Sunderland Selectmen’s meeting, Sunderland Elementary School, first and third Monday, 7:30 p.m. Shaftsbury Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, 7:30 p.m.


Shaftsbury Zoning Board meeting, Town Office, second & third

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Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Shaftsbury Planning Commission, Town Office, first & third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.

Bennington Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, first and third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.


Arlington Lions Club American Legion Room, second and fourth Thursday, 7:00 p.m.

Dept of Employment & Training Information, Veteran’s Memorial Drive, Bennington, first Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Sandgate Planning Committee meeting, 7:00 p.m. Sunderland Zoning Board meeting, Sunderland Elementary school, third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.

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Line Dancing, Pownal American Legion Post #90, Route 7, every Friday, 7-9 p.m., class included; no charge; bring non-perishable food item to support Pownal food Pantry; 823-4626 Success by Six Play Group, Mettowee School, West Pawlet, 9:30 a.m. Ladies Fellowship, Missionary Alliance Church, Bennington, 9:30 a.m. Unit 69 American Legion Auxiliary, Legion Room, Arlington, second Tuesday, 7 p.m.


ACOA, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m.


Bingo, Pownal American Legion, Post 90, Route 7, Pownal; 3 jackpot games, speedballs, cookie jar crash, raffles and door prizes doors and concession open at 5 p.m. South Bennington Bingo, Bennington Club, doors open 5:30 p.m., game starts at 7 p.m. $1,000 permanent jackpot progressive; kitchen service; 802-447-1619 for info


Senior Meals, East Arlington, Bailey Hall, 12 p.m.


Senior Meals, East Arlington, Bailey Hall, 12 p.m.


Community Bible Study, nondenominational for women, children, 10 a.m. - noon September -May. Bennington. 447-4745.

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Prayer meeting, Baha’i Faith at 7 p.m. For info., call 802-447-3866


Spiritual Renewal for Busy Lives, Embury United Methodist Church, 41 East Main St., Cambridge, NY, 518-677-3602, 1st, 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

TriState Pennysaver News



St. Margaret Mary’s, Mass, 5 p.m.


St. James Episcopal Church, Holy Eucharist, 8 a.m. Rite I and 10 a.m. Rite II. Rev. Scott Neal 802-3759952,; stjames St. Margaret Mary’s Church, Mass,10:00 a.m. Federated Church, East Arlington, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Ice Pond Road, worship service, 10 a.m.; www.; 375-2548, Rev. Kathleen S. Clark, Pastor Chapel on the Green, West Arlington, Services, 7:00 p.m., last Sunday of the month, 6:00 p.m. covered dish supper.


Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales, Vigil, 4:00 p.m.


Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales, Mass, 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Holy Eucharist, 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. (SS 9) First Church of Christ Scientist, Services, 10:00 a.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 108 School Street, Services, 10:00 a.m., (religious education, child care, 10:00 a.m.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 9:30 a.m. Sacrament Service; 10:40 a.m. SS; 11:40 a.m. Relief Society & Priesthood. 4470139; 442-8126 Capstone Baptist Church (formerly Old Stone Baptist Church) meeting at Grace Christian School, Worship, 11 a.m.; S.S. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday evening, 6:30 p.m., Pastor Phil Steadman, 442-604

Missionary Alliance Church Service 10 a.m.,198 Crescent Blvd., Bennington (9 a.m. Christian Education all ages) 442-6840 SANDGATE Sunday:

Sandgate United Methodist Church, Services, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.


Redeemer Lutheran Church (ECLA)m Route 67A, 1.5 miles off July 8, 2009

Route 7A, Shaftsbury. Sunday Communion service, 9:30 a.m. Pastor Fredrick McGee. 442-8423. First United Methodist Church, Divine Worship, 10:45 a.m.

NEW YORK Saturday:

Mass, Salem’s Holy Cross Church, 5:30 p.m.; Greenwich St. Joseph’s Church, 4 p.m., Cambridge St.

Patrick’s Church, 4 p.m.


Mass, Salem Holy Cross Church, 8:30 a.m.; Greenwich St. Joseph Church, 10:15; Cambridge St. Patrick’s Church, 10:30 a.m.; Schuylerville’s Notre-Dame-Visitation Church, 8:30 a.m. Embury Methodist Church of Cambridge, Services, 10:00 a.m. Trinity Episcopal Church of Gran-

ville, Holy Eucharist, 10a.m. (coffee hour after service in undercroft) Truthville Baptist Church, Granville, Services 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.; SS 9:45 a.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Salem, Holy Eucharist, Rite I, 10:30 a.m. Thursdays & Prayer Book Holy Days: 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I Shushan Methodist Church, Services, 9:30 a.m.

All Saint’s Episcopal Church, Hoosick Falls: Eucharist Service 9:30 a.m. S.S. 9:15 a.m.; Healing Prayer and adult Bible study, Wed. 6:30 p.m.; Father Gary Strubel, 518-686-9037




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July 8, 2009

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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

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TriState Pennysaver News


APARTMENT FOR RENT 2nd floor 1 bedroom Heat, hot water & rubbish removal Off-street parking $575 per month References and security deposit required Ask for Liza Willy’s Variety 300 Gage Street Bennington, VT 05201 802-442-2223

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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009


Actual Photo of Interior 3,500 sq. ft. Stable includes 10 Stalls, Shower Stall, Tack Room & More

23+ Acres | Riding Ring | Pond | Great Views 8,000+ Linear Feet of Paddock Fencing �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� Offered at $795,000

33+ Acres Large Barn, Recently Refurbished Extensive Trout Stream Frontage Feed Plots - loaded with deer & turkey Offered at $275,000 ������������ 31+ Acres 37+ Acres 30’ Deep Spring Fed Trout Stream, Long Bass Pond, Fields Road Frontage $195,000 Offered at $225,000 25+ Acres Woods, Views

51+ Acres Barn, Pond, Stream $250,000

������������������� Offered at $149,900 Offered By: Redstone Properties, Inc. | 183 Water Street | Williamstown, MA 01267 | (866) 789-8074 x5217 July 8, 2009

TriState Pennysaver News



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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009



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July 8, 2009

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TriState Pennysaver News



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TriState Pennysaver News

July 8, 2009

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.