Vermont News Guide

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Dining • Entertainment • Real Estate • Antiques • Area Events


NEWS • May 12, 2010

P.O. Box 1265 • 99 Bonnet Street, Manchester Center, VT 05255

Community Events Inside

Vol 50 No 4

Tel 802.362.3535

Left: Burr and Burton Academy presents “Godspell” ...story on page 42 Bottom: Community Health Fair presented by Grace Cottage Hospital ...story on page 37

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99 Bonnet Street, P.O. Box 1265 Manchester Center, Vermont 802.362.3535 Fax 802.362.5368 CLASSIFIED HOTLINE: 1.800.234.1432 Office Hours: M-F 9am-5pm editorial email advertising email classified advertising email ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Angie Leonard, Business Manager Sheila West, Office Manager Donna Burgess, Classified Manager Susan Coons, Editor Jim Raymond, Advertising Sales Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Kathy Reynolds, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Thursday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays.

OUR READERS’ LETTERS ...landmark...

This letter is an appeal on behalf of the Rupert United Methodist Church to friends and passers by who appreciate this historic place of worship and who know it as a landmark on the corner of Routes 315 and 153. This church has been serving the community since 1884. Now we are a small congregation and we need your help. If you are familiar with our church, you know that a paint job is badly needed. We have great faith in the future of this church; although small we are a devoted congregation with an equally dedicated and excellent preacher-pastor, music director and Sunday school staff. However, our means are inadequate to begin the restoration that we must undertake. Happily, three weddings are scheduled for this summer and we are focused on painting the exterior of the building. Last month we had to replace our furnace and this has greatly depleted our slender resources. So, we turn to the community. If you are able to give any amount

to this undertaking, please contribute by sending whatever you can to: — Mrs. Tracy Lourie West Rupert, Vermont


Vanity of Vanities, says the preacher, “Vanities of Vanities, all is Vanity. Nothing is new under the Sun.” To which I add a loud Amen, thinking particularly about lobbyists and lobbying first recorded in 1792 in a Philadelphia newspaper and greatly expanded during President agrant’s two terms in office. The words lobbyist and lobbying were coined at Washington’s Willard ahotel on K Street where politicians and power brokers would linger in the lobby, hoping to catch Grant’s ear and sway his opinion about specific bills that were pending. Today 17,500 lobbyists are registered in Washington, D.C., and have become permanent fixtures on the Beltway scene. Their power and influence cannot be overstated. During 1998-2006, $16,543,000,000.00 were spent on lobbying to influence voting

■ The Vermont News Guide makes every effort to print your ad accurately and correctly. We will not compensate in any way for ads erroneously omitted from a particular printing and neither are we responsible for typographical errors in ads that have been previously proofed by the customer. The publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or news copy for any reason. We do our best to publish all submitted material, but we cannot guarantee that it will be published. Some dated materials may precede others. Ads, articles or letters published by this paper do not necessarily reflect or express the opinions or views of the Vermont News Guide or Hersam Acorn Newspapers. ■ Postmaster: Vermont News Guide (ISSN-01955261) is published weekly by Hersam Acorn Newspapers. Send address changes to: Vermont News Guide, P.O. Box 1265, Manchester Center, VT 05255. Subscriptions: Outside Vermont - 1 year $35 and within Vermont and Washington County, NY free upon request.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher



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outcome on legislation before Congress. This is not democracy in action. This, as President Eisenhower warned us in his departing address, is the industrial/military complex in action, controlling the outcomes of pending legislation in both houses. It’s worth reading again Eisenhower’s exact warning: “We must guard against acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” Voters’ discontent has deepened. A recent poll disclosed that only 21 percent of Americans approve how Congress is performing its duties. What can we, the average citizens, do to get our democracy back? Demand it! “Our government is,” as Paul Krugman put it, “ominously dysfunctional just at a time when the world which faces global warming, pandemic disease, a crashing world economy, needs at least competence. We are at one of those rare but critical moments when a nation must remake itself, to restore its government to its ideal and to the potential of its people.” We must change the way elec-


Antiques & Auctions...........38 Automotive.........................57 Arts & Entertainment......... 42 Classifieds...........................52 Creatures/Environment.......40 From My Corner....................8 GNAT-TV Schedule..............10 Mind & Body.......................43 Restaurants.........................43 Service Directory..................61 Sports..................................34 Job Connection...................62 Weekly Almanac.................43

May 12, 2010

READERS’ LETTERS tions are funded. We must put an end to the fundraising Congress by enacting a proposal made by the then Republican Teddy Roosevelt for citizen-funded elections. During the last few years there have been some attempts to do so, but, at best they were tepid and had too many loopholes to make the laws truly workable. Current bills sponsored in the House by Democrat John Larso and Republican James Walter and by Democrats Arlen Specter and Dick Durbin in the Senate are serious attempts to change the status quo. (Oops! I almost forgot! In 2009 the 17,000 lobbyists weren’t enough. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies, hospital combines, medical associations, etc., hired 4,500 additional lobbyists to defeat Obama’s Health Care Insurance proposals.) Citizen-funded elections and constitutional reforms could make it difficult for lobbying money to buy results. The American public cannot simply sit on their hands and shed crocodile tears about how terrible the lobbyists are, and utter meaningless words about taking back our constitution. If only half our eligible citizens even bother to vote, if less than 5 percent have ever written to their congressional representative, then surely we will continue to get the government we deserve. — Hal DeBona, Dorsert, Vtermont

...commends... As a well deserved acknowledgment, I want to commend Riley Rink’s Board of Directors, and Nancy McNally in particular, for their commitment to the Connections Program. The opportunities it affords the Northshire’s population of individuals with disabilities speaks volumes about their organization, and about our community. With recent headlines about our state’s budget, and about cuts to developmental services, the Connections Program remains a meaningful community option for these individuals. The effort that Nancy puts into Connections is only matched by her contagious enthusiasm, resulting in two hours each week for friends to come together, have fun, and benefit from one of the Northshire’s best venues. On behalf of my students, past and present, as well as their families, my highest regard and gratitude to all at Riley Rink. Connections is as unique as each of its participants, and we are lucky to have Riley Rink as a partner. Sincerely, — Daniel Flanagan Coordinator, ACCESS Program Burr and Burton Academy Manchester, Vermont

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The Odd Fellows Offer Baked Ham Dinner May 22

The Odd Fellows invite the community to enjoy a home-style Baked Ham Supper on Saturday, May 22 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Belmont next to Star Lake with seatings at 5 p.m. The Odd Fellows will be roasting the ham and serving it family style with all the fixings along with delicious home baked pies and dessert. The supper is a benefit for Colfax Lodge #21, Mt. Holly Odd Fellows. The cost of the dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for children 11 and under. For further information, call 259-2679. May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide


Wallingford Early Summer Garden Tour

On Saturday, June 26, there will be a fundraiser to benefit The Gilbert Hart Library. Six local gardens will be open for visitors between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., with a complimentary afternoon tea and art exhibit in the library’s Klock Room between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the library in advance for $15 or at the door for $20. Please treat yourself to a delightful day out exploring these diverse landscapes. We think you will enjoy the unique inspiration of each of our wonderful garden hosts. Additional information is available by calling 446-2442.

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Meals on Wheels

Suggested donation of $3.25 per meal For reservation or cancellation Manchester: 362-3714 Wednesday, May 12 Pasta Primavera, Diced Beets, Spinach, Melon and Milk. Thursday, May 13 Tuna Salad, Potato Salad, Tossed Salad, Corn Muffin, Seasonal Fresh Fruit and Milk. Friday, May 14 Turkey Tortellini Stew, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Pudding with Sliced Bananas and Milk. Monday, May 17 Barbecue Chicken, Broccoli, Mashed Potatoes, Bread, Cake and Milk. Tuesday, May 18 Veggie Lasagna, Brussels Sprouts, Garlic Bread, Peaches and Milk. _____________________

Ascension Day and Shrimp Boil The Feast of the Ascension will be celebrated at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Chester, Vermont, on Thursday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m., remembering that Jesus “ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father,” occurring forty days after Easter. Immediately following the Holy Eucharist, the Choir will host the second annual St. Luke’s Shrimp Boil in Willard Hall. Several shrimp boil concoctions will be prepared, and there will be salad, bread, dessert, and beverages. Adults $10, children $5. Proceeds benefit the general fund at St. Luke’s. For details visit _____________________

Dorset Senior Connection

The Dorset Seniors will meet at the Wilson House in East Dorset on Thursday, May 27 at noon for a delicious luncheon. Speaker this month is Debby White. Debby will be talking about her service in Iraq. A 50/50 raffle will follow the luncheon. Reservations are required. Please call Helen Tyler at 867-0261 before May 23. A suggested luncheon donation is $3.50. All seniors are welcome.

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide



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Wells Senior Meals

The Wells Senior Meal Site is located in the Modern Woodman Annex Building on RT 30 in Wells. Meals are served Monday, Wednesday and Friday and reservations can be made by calling either Charlotte at 325-3293 or Dot at 645-0330 one day in advance. Suggested donation is $3.25 per senior. These meals are open to any senior within a 15 to 20 mile area. Friday, May 7 – Baked Chicken Thigh, Mashed Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts, Whole Wheat Bread with an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie for Dessert. Monday, May 10 – Chicken Parmesan, Linguine with Pesto, Cole Slaw, Wheat Bread and Cherry Chiffon with Pears for Dessert. Wednesday, May 12 – Stuffed Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, Diced Carrots, Dinner Roll and Fruit and Yogurt Fluff for Dessert. Friday, May 14 – Pork Chow Mein, Chow Mein Noodles, Vegetable Rice Pilaf, Japanese Blend Veggies with a Mandarin Orange for Dessert.

Northshire Seniors

The Northshire Seniors invite all area seniors to join us Monday May, 17, at noon, at the Manchester Rod & Gun Club, (just past Apple Jack Field at the Manchester Recreation Center). Come share a delicious “pot-luck” luncheon with your friends and neighbors. Please bring a hot dish or salad to share. Dessert and beverages will be provided. A 50/50 raffle will follow the luncheon. Following the raffle Mr. Peter Dernier will be program speaker. Mr. Dernier is the son of former Winhall resident Marjorie Norse Dernier and nephew of our friend Thelma Goodell. Mr. Dernier owns a Law Enforcement Supply company serving Federal Law Enforcement professionals all over the world. Mr. Dernier will present his past experiences training with a K-9 search and rescue group. He will be accompanied by his current canine companion, Gracie. Any questions: Please contact Ms. Thelma Goodell at 802-3622663.

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Josiah Allen Real Estate

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide


FROM MY CORNER — by Susan J. Coons Thoughts on Mother’s Day I think Mother’s Day is a nice opportunity for children with mothers still living to drop them a card, have brunch, or celebrate the day in a special way. But it isn’t an opportunity for mothers to drop guilt on their kids. I don’t like the pressure put on young couples to have children. It is terribly unfair to those couples to have relatives nagging them about something so private. I have a friend whose sister asks her every time ������������������������� ��������������������� ���������������������������������������

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Our customers are the best Our customers are the and they absolutely love us. and they absolutely love us. See for yourself Call 802-366-1119 Luxbrush Painting Company, Inc. 8

they talk if she’s going to be a grandmother yet. Doesn’t her sister have a clue how rude that question is? My friend said she braces herself for that question every time her sister calls and it’s been going on for years! Childbearing and being a mother are two different things. People who don’t like children should certainly avoid having a child. It’s heartbreaking that there are so many unwanted children bourn by parents who just don’t give a damn. They take their drugs and drink their beers and never give a thought to the children. Some couples have difficulty for a medical reason. And some couples don’t want to bear children for personal reasons. I can think of several: the world is overpopulated; the world is not a nice place live in right now; the cost of giving a child a secure home, decent welfare and a good education are beyond their means (in other words, they just can’t afford to have children). Then there’s every woman’s ticking clock. She knows about the clock without someone continually reminding her (like my friend’s sister). All of us know of some woman too, who has to get her claws into a sensitive vein by asking that none-of-her-damn-business question, “Don’t you plan on having children?” in her best Cruella Deville tone. Do any of you know the “Wonder Mother?” Men never know a woman like this, but we do. She’s the mother who wants you to believe she’s the ultimate woman because of her fertility. She has a dozen kids, but by the time they’re grown up and in their 40s she still can’t stop talking about her pregnancies. She knows everything there is to know about rearing children and she’ll tell you that, too. The only thing she can talk about is herself and her pregnancies. This is how she has defined her life. I’m thinking today too, about mothers and fathers who have lost a child. That pain never goes away. They won’t be receiving cards or flowers or go to brunch. Mother’s Day is sort of a smack in the face to them and to those who want children and are unable. And I think about children with parents who are absent in their lives, perhaps serving our country overseas or just gone from them forever. I am blessed to have two loving children. We have wonderful times together and we’re very close. We always were a close family but now even more so since my husband died. It doesn’t matter that John lives in Florida and Catherine in Albany. We laugh and cry together. Our hearts are woven together and tightly connected and that’s such a deep comfort to me as I age. I don’t make myself a good mother, my children do. Thank you, Catherine and John! You can read From My Corner and make comments on the Web at

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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Commercial Real Estate Services:

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May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide

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Funny how you’ll plan every aspect of every trip... except the most important one you’ll ever take.


hen you embark on your end-of-life journey, how will you spend your precious time? Where will you stay along the way? Who will provide you with care and comfort? The goal of hospice care is to make sure your final journey is what you want it to be and that you’ll have peaceful memories your family will share. As with all trips, information is the starting point.

Learn more about hospice by calling 775-0568 or visit


Serving the Manchester, Dorset, and Rutland areas with hospice services

Off the Wall Gala at Burr and Burton

Burr and Burton Academy’s Parent Association is hosting its annual fundraising event on Saturday, May 15, 2010, from 6 – 9 p.m. in the Scranton Room of the Rowland Center on campus. The evening festivities will include the delectable catering of Mark McChesney, owner of The Barn Restaurant, who will offer a fantastic sampling of great food. Music will be provided by Manchester’s own Battenkillers. The silent and live auctions are filled with one-of-a-kind items and imaginative packages. A few of the items being auctioned are: a Burton Snowboard Operator 52, 152 cm, signed by the winners of the recent U. S. Open Snowboarding Championships; six front row seats at Graduation 2010; an original oil painting by artist Ian Marion ’01; a week in Nantucket’s secluded ‘Sconset in a four-bedroom house; a cooking lesson for eight in your home with Chef Eric, a renowned French chef; and a student’s chance to be Headmaster for the Day. Ticket prices are $65 per person (which includes all food and beverages) and can be purchased online at For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the Advancement Office at 802-549-8110.


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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

It’s Armed Forces Week! Fly the Flag!

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Capt. Evan Marchetti with recent visitor, Col. Ollie North 41ERQS/MEDEVAC, Afghanistan

To all those men and women in uniform! We know of the sacrifices you make every day to serve our Nation. For what you do, for who you are, we honor your service and truly thank you. — Barbara and Dennis Marchetti, Manchester, Vermont


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Heartworks Family Farm Day

Heartworks is having their bi-annual Family Farm Day at the Crosier farm in Arlington. A day to come visit the animals, everything from guinea pigs to alpacas, horses, bunnies and cats and dogs. They will have a bake sale as well as tell a bit about what Heartworks is in the community. This was a great success the last time and they hope to see lots of families and kids again. this event will be held on May 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Rain date will be May 16.) The farm is located off Route 313 West until you get to Far View Farm road, on the right about 10-12 minutes from the center of Arlington. Go up the drive to the top and you will see all the activity. ________________________________________________

The Weston Playhouse Hosts a Family Fun Day


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$2,399 Financing Available



The Weston Playhouse Theater Company invites you to join your favorite Dr. Seuss storybook characters on Sunday, May 16 from 1-5 p.m. for Family Fun Day. As part of the Weston Playhouse Early Stages Education Program, the 3rd and 4th grade students from Flood Brook Union School, Cavendish Town Elementary School, and ChesterAndover Elementary School have interpreted and scripted their own 20 minute plays based on “The Cat in the Hat”, and “Sneetches and Horton Hears a Who.” The plays will premiere on the Weston Stage with the Flood Brook performance at 1:30 p.m, the Cavendish performance at 2:45 p.m. and the Chester-Andover performance at 4 p.m. Between the school performances, families can enjoy a myriad of activities throughout the Village of Weston. Kids of all ages can make their own zany Dr. Seuss hats or get their faces painted at the Weston Village Store, as well as pick up lunches or ice cream cones. The mischievous Cat in the Hat will be in the Village causing trouble along with Thing 1 and Thing 2 and the Weston Museums will be open for touring. The West River Gallery at 614 Main Street will open its Pottery Studio at noon; all ages are welcome to either try the potter’s wheel or paint a personalized finished clay piece. In the Village Green Bandstand, Broadway actor and Weston favorite Marcus Neville will lead a singa-long for kids at 2:15 p.m., and Weston Playhouse Managing Director Stuart Duke will read children’s stories at 3:30 p.m. The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company will be performing SEUSSICAL in Weston and in surrounding towns this summer June 24-July 11. For more information on Family Fun Day or the Early Stages Program, please contact Weston Playhouse Theatre Co. at 8248167 x105, or visit The Early Stages Education program and Family Fun Day is made possible by grants from The Green Mountain Festival Series, the Philip S. Harper Foundation, and the Stratton Foundation and the hardworking staff at the Weston Playhouse and Weston Village Store. The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company is a non-profit organization supported in part by funds from the Vermont Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts and an ever growing family of individuals who believe in the impact that the performing arts can have on its community.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


BBA Students ‘Walk for Water’

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Burr and Burton Academy in partnership with Pure Water for the World (PWW) will host a “Walk for Water” to support clean water efforts in Haiti on Sunday, May 16, from 12 - 4 p.m. The Walk hopes to raise awareness of the critical need for clean water in Haiti, which is one of the many challenges faced by Haitians following the devastating earthquake. The event will begin with a walk from Burr and Burton to Equinox Pond. At 2 p.m., Greyspoke and Goldtown, well-known names in the music community, will hold a benefit concert for this cause at Burr and Burton. A donation of $10 will help provide water filtration systems to those in desperate need of clean water. Pure Water for the World is a non-profit organization, providing clean, safe drinking water, hygiene education, and sanitation to developing countries in Central America and the Caribbean. Their mission is to improve the health of children who suffer from the pain and misery associated with drinking contaminated water. ________________________________________________

MMF Offers 24th Annual Music Education Week



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The Manchester Music Festival is once again offering area children the opportunity to take music lessons during its 24th annual Music Education Week, July 19 through 23. Children ages 6 to 18 can try out a new instrument or continue lessons on their current instrument. All lessons are taught by the Young Artists of the Manchester Music Festival who come to Manchester for six weeks during the summer from all over the United States and many foreign countries. Lessons are offered in violin, viola, cello, piano, and recorder. Instruments can be rented through MMF. Students ages 6 and 7 with no instrumental experience are limited to violin or recorder. The 50-minute lessons are taught at 9 or 10 a.m., Monday through Friday at various venues in Manchester. Each student can expect one or two other students of comparable age and experience in their lesson group. The week ends with a student recital at the First Congregational Church. The cost for the week is $25 per student. Instrument rental is additional and runs $25 to $30 depending on the instrument. Deadline for receipt of applications is July 5. Learn more about the program and download an application by visiting the MMF Web site at www.mmfvt. org or call the Manchester Music Festival at 362-1956.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


LTS Students Put Math Skills to Work for Service Learning Math students at Long Trail School will have the opportunity to complete an exciting service learning project at the East Dorset town hall, which is in need of painting. Math teacher, Michele Farkas’ brother, has a painting business, Farkas Painting in Manchester and is willing to work with the class to complete this project. Students will learn how to measure, calculate square footage and estimate materials in addition to learning how to scrape, prime and paint the exterior of the town hall. In order to complete this project, students are being asked to give some time outside of classroom hours. This is another example of Long Trail School’s belief that diversity improves the educational experience.

Limited Space Available in Hildene Summer Camps

Education Director Diane Newton announces that limited space is still available for two of Hildene’s summer day camps. From August 2 through 6, children ages 5-6 will explore creativity through art projects inspired by Hildene’s landscapes in “Young at Art” camp. Each day projects will be related to things found at Hildene from animals on the farm, to flowers, birds and butterflies in the gardens. The week will conclude with a show featuring the young artists’ work. For children entering 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, the “Clay in Nature” camp offers the opportunity to explore Hildene’s landscape through the world of ceramic art. Each day a different aspect of the property, so rich in natural diversity, will be examined and then creatively captured in clay, sculpture, paints, textiles, and other mediums. All camps take place on the Lincoln family’s estate at Hildene. The camp staff is dedicated to fostering children’s love of learning in a safe and friendly environment. Each day campers will experience a wide variety of hands-on activities that are both educational and fun. They are encouraged to explore, experiment and make their own discoveries. Hildene camps are limited to 12 campers and are a week long. There is a registration fee. Some scholarships are available. For more information or to request a brochure, call Education Director Diane Newton at 802-367-7965 or email Camp schedules, fees, and a downloadable registration form are online at



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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010




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May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide


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Mark Skinner Library Announces Restaurant Raffle Winners

Helen and Tom Judge are among the happy winners of the recent restaurant raffle sponsored by Mark Skinner Library during “Bring a Friend to the Library Week.” Candeleros Southwestern Grill, Depot 62, Laney’s, Mulligan’s, The Perfect Wife, Sherrie’s Café, and Ye Olde Tavern donated dinner for two to support the library promotion. ________________________________________________

Arlington Garden Club Meeting at Hildene

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Peonies are popping up everywhere, reminding us that we could always use a few tips on their cultivation. To that end, on May 18, the Arlington Garden Club will visit Hildene’s peony gardens. The program, led by Master Gardener Cindy Lewis, will include a tour of the gardens as well as a demonstration on growing peonies. The day’s activities, beginning at 11:00 a.m., will include the business meeting, conducted by co-presidents Marjorie Maas and Barbara Travers, covering final plans for the Club’s annual Spring Plant and Food Sale. The sale will be held at the Arlington Community House on May 29, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., featuring Vermont-grown plants. This sale benefits various Garden Club activities, including the $1,000 scholarship for area high school seniors. Interested students may apply at the Arlington High School guidance office by May 17, 2010. Members are reminded to bring a brown bag lunch to the meeting. Refreshments will be provided by Gay Thimm and her co-hostesses, June Sherwin, Sarah Smith, Joanna Taylor and Lynne Clark. Members may bring guests provided they alert the hostess. New members are always welcome to join the Arlington Garden Club. For further information, please call membership chair Jill Osborn at 375-6992.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Calling Women Business Owners!

Women Business Owners Network Manchester Chapter will present “Your Authentic Business: Journaling to Success” with Joanna Young on Wednesday, May 12 at 8 a.m. at the Hildene Welcome Center, Route 7A, Manchester. Joanna will discuss how to use your journal as a creative business tool for self-discovery, self-confidence, organization, and stress reduction. Joanna Young is a published writer and a certified instructor through the Center for Journal Therapy. Having kept a journal for more than 20 years, Joanna has personally experienced the healing benefits of writing and is on a mission to help others discover an authentic life through journaling. Her blog, journaling prompts and workshop information can be found at

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Vermont News Guide


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Dorset Players to Present ‘Guys And Dolls’

The Dorset Players bring the curtain down on their 82nd season with “Guys and Dolls,” the quintessential Frank Loesser Broadway musical based upon the tales of New York high-life and low-life penned by Damon Runyon. With memorable songs such as “Fugue for Tinhorns,” “Take Back Your Mink,” “Luck Be A Lady,” and “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” there is zero chance of rolling snake-eyes when purchasing tickets. Directed by Steve Sinding, with musical direction from Linda Hueckel and choreography by Erika Schmidt, the large cast of, well, guys and dolls, has been busy rehearsing since February. Among the throng will be Playhouse favorites Peter Langstaff as high-stakes gambler, Sky Masterson, and Anne D’Olivo as the unlikely object of his affections, Save-A-Soul Mission leader, Sarah Brown. Talented newcomer Tom Ferguson will assume the role of Nathan Detroit, the patriarch of the oldest established permanent floating crap game in New York, and Paul Michael Brinker and Kevin O’Toole will portray his dim-witted sidekicks, Bennie Southstreet and Nicely-Nicely Johnson. Miss Adelaide, Nathan’s ever hopeful fiancée for, oh, fourteen years, will be played by the Dorset Players’ stalwart costume maven and sweet soprano, Suzi Dorgeloh. Performances of “Guys and Dolls” will be at 7:30 p.m. on May 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, and 29, and at 2:00 p.m on May 23 and 30. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for those under 19. Come May 20 for opening night and receive a 2 for 1 ticket special! For tickets, call Sheila Conway at the Players’ business office weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 867-5570, or, beginning May 17, at the Players’ Box Office during those times at 867-5777. Proud sponsors include Arch. Wood, Inc., Casella Waste Management, GSK Climate Control, Inc., Mettowee Mill Nursery, and Wireless Zone of Manchester. For more information about “Guys and Dolls” or how to become a member of the Dorset Players, visit online at _______________________________________________

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Vermont News Guide

Adoniram Chapter #22 O.E.S.

Adoniram Chapter #22 Order of the Eastern Star will meet Tuesday, May 18 at the Masonic Temple on Spruce Street. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Remember to bring the personal items for the Grand Chapter basket. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 before the meeting. Hope to see you all there. The Order of the Eastern Star is a benevolent and charitable organization. For information, call Christine Katz at 3620041. May 12, 2010

Smokey House Center in Danby, Vermont has received a Focus grant from the Stratton Mountain & Valley Community Benefit Foundation in support of its summer Environmental Field Studies program. The $3,500 grant will provide an income-sensitive subsidy to allow middle school students from the Northshire region to attend the Summer in the Field camp at a reduced rate: $150 for a 3-week session. “We are thrilled and honored to receive this grant from the Stratton Foundation,” commented Field Studies Coordinator Andrew Morrison. “This grant will allow us to expand our summer field studies program, and to seek out young people who would otherwise not have a summer enrichment experience. These middle school students will have an exciting, alternative learning experience which complements their

school-year work. Much of the day will be spent outdoors, as the students observe, learn and have fun collecting environmental data using scientific methods.” Smokey House Center (SHC) is a 5,000-acre year-round classroom where local at-risk teens and other youth learn academic, social, and work-place skills through handson farming, forestry, and ecological research. Over 800 students from eight area schools have participated in the Field Studies Program since its inception in 1994. Beyond practicing scientific investigation and method, this program helps young people apply reading, writing, mathematics, communication, and team skills to relevant, placebased questions. There is still time to sign up for the Smokey House Summer in the Field day camp program, which runs for two, 3-week sesMay 12, 2010

sions in July and August and is open to students aged 11 to 14. For further information about this program or about other programs and products of Smokey House Center, visit the Center’s Web site at www.smokeyhouse. org or call 802-293-5121. For further information about the Stratton Foundation, please visit or call 802-297-2096.


Smokey House Center Awarded Focus Grant from the Stratton Foundation

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GREAT FINDS FOR COOKS Route 30, Dorset 362-4422 Open Daily w w w. t h e k i t c h e n s t o r e o n l i n e . c o m

Vermont News Guide


Vaudeville Style Variety Show in Brandon


Annual Plant Sale ����������������������� ��������������������� �������������������������� ����������������� ������������������������ �������������������������� ���������������������������� ����������

The Brandon Town Players will be presenting their third Vaudeville style variety show, “A Night On The Town — Bits and Pieces III” at the Brandon Town Hall on May 27, 28, 29 and June 4-5. Over 40 cast and crew will perform comedy skits, solo’s, duets, band medley and four entertaining medleys by the entire ensemble. Our MC for the night is Mr. Eric Mallette, a former Brandonite and currently the assisstant director at the Paramount Theater in Rutland. Curtain time for all shows is 7:30 p.m. Parking is available anywhere in town, on W. Seminary Street and behind the Mobil station next to the town hall. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at Carr’s Florist and Gifts, Briggs Carriage Book Store or at the door. Checks should be made payable to BTP. Come see the improvements to the town hall and celebrate the opening of our first full season as a theater, community center and incredible addition to the town of Brandon. _______________________________________________

Dorset Theatre Festival Joins Refuse to Use Program

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The Collaborative welcomes new partner, Dorset Theatre Festival to the Refuse to Use program. RTU participants who completed this year’s program will be rewarded a student DORpass provided by DTF. This ticket allows the student to attend four plays during the summer; “The Pavilion,” “Fallen Angels,” “The Novelist,” and “Murder on the Nile.” During the winter, Refuse to Use participants use a pass of their choice at Stratton Mountain Resort, Viking Nordic Ski Center, or Riley Rink. Dina Janis of The Dorset Theatre Festival feels students should have healthy alternatives that extend through the summer months and this is an option with which they can contribute. Dorset Theatre Festival presented the offer to Programs Coordinator, Maryann Morris, as they wanted to help continue rewarding students with their choice to make healthy decisions. The Collaborative believes that in our communities each member, organization and system plays an integral role in conveying to youth the clear and consistent message that youth are expected to be substance free and rewarded for their commitment. Maryann Morris states, “DTF is a great new addition to the Refuse to Use program. The program has really grown throughout the Manchester community by the commitment of these organizations.” The Collaborative believes positive, proactive substance use prevention throughout the entire community paired with the unmistakable expectation that teens will remain drug and alcohol free promotes the development of healthy independent teens. With parents, youth, community members and local business supporting substance-free youth through programs like Refuse to Use we all play our part in encouraging youth to choose healthy behaviors.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Electronic Recycling Drive to Benefit Dorset School

The Dorset School is hosting an electronic recycling drive for the local community in order to raise money for its technology fund. This drive is a joint initiative of Recycle Forward and Good Point Recycling. Recycle Forward is an innovative program that raises money for schools by recycling small electronics, cell phones and used ink cartridges. Good Point Recycling, the region’s leading electronic recycler, will be accepting larger electronics and computer peripherals that are not accepted through the Recycle Forward program. The recycling drive will be held on Saturday, May 15 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Dorset School, 130 School Drive, Dorset, Vermont. The following items will be accepted free of charge and will aide to raise money for The Dorset School technology fund: cell phones, ink cartridges/toners, DVDs, calculators, GPS devices, laptops, LCD monitors, game consoles, iPods, PDAs, and digital cameras. Computer towers, accessories (keyboards, mice, power cords, etc.), printers, faxes, and other electronics (not including household appliances such as microwaves) will also be accepted free of charge. A small fee will be charged for any CRT TVs or computer monitors in order to properly dispose of the hazardous material. The charge will be $5 for all CRT monitors, $5 for small TVs (19 inches or smaller) and $10 for large TVs (20 inches or larger). Please note that The Dorset School will only be accepting CRT monitors, computer towers, and computer peripherals at the drive. Because of storage space and cost of removal they cannot accept any of these items prior to or after the drive. Recycle Forward-approved small electronics (listed above) will be accepted year-round. We would like to extend a special thank you to Good Point Recycling ( for their donation of time and manpower to help make our drive a success. For more information, please contact Phyllis Tate at or 802-362-2606. You can also visit www. for information on the program.

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Visit Us On The Web: May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


Peace Suppers

Koinonia of Vermont, a community of peace builders, announces its 2010 series of three peace suppers at the Blue Gentian Lodge on the Magic Mountain Road in Londonderry on Monday evenings, May 17, and 24. Each supper is from 6 to 9 p.m. On May 17, there will be a discussion of Greg Mortenson’s two best selling books, Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools. Children yearn for learning world-wide. The discussion will include information on helping children learn right here in Londonderry. On May 24, Londonderry’s own Leney Barclay will share his stories of one family’s peace building adventures all over the world. Leney served in the Peace Corps in Malaysia and Swaziland. He also has done significant work in refugee camps. The cost for each supper is $15 per person. For more information and to make reservations, please call Lisa Sicotte at 824 5908 or e-mail her at BlueGentian ________________________________________________

Eagles Dance Night

The Battenkill Valley Eagles, Aerie #2551, are holding a Dance Night open to the public on Saturday, May 22, beginning at 8 p.m. There is a $5 cover charge and you must be 21 or older with proper identification. Come out and kick up your heels to the music of DJ Tracy Salmon. The Eagles Club is located on Routes 11/30, Manchester, Vermont. For further information, call 362-9804.

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Kabox to Benefit Parent Volunteers

Kabox with Jon Bottomms at the Dorset School on Friday, May 14 from 3 to 4 p.m. and again from 5:30 to 6 p.m. All levels and no experience is needed. A donation of $10 will benefit the Dorset Parent Volunteers. ________________________________________________

Tent Sale to Benefit Chikima Foundation The Catbird Studio of Bennington will hold a tent sale at its former location in Manchester on Saturday and Sunday, May 22, 23 and May 29 and 20. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Chikima Foundation in Moshi, Tanzania, an NGO that provides vocational training and basic business skills to underprivileged women. Fredrick Chikima, a professional tour operator from Tanzania, started the foundation two years ago to provide opportunities for girls in the rural villages where he grew up at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The foundation operates a sewing school equipped to teach a class of 12 for a six-month course as well as a store where products made by the students can be sold or donated to local families in need. They also provide school uniforms for orphaned and needy children so that they may attend primary school. Mr. Chikima will be present at the first weekend of the sale to answer any questions about his work in Tanzania. Jewelry from Tanzania will be available for purchase as well as examples of the cloth bags produced at the sewing school. Funds raised from the sale will be directly used to purchase materials for the school and sewing machines for graduates. The sale will also include a wide range of Catbird Studio’s inventory all priced below wholesale cost. The tent will be located at 4181 Main Street in Manchester, directly across from the Orvis Flagship Store. Hours of the sale are 9 to 5 all four days. For further information, call 442-3359.

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Fredrick Chikima providing opportunities for children in Tanzania.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Cancer Survivors Day 2010

The Foley Cancer Center at Rutland Regional Medical Center announces the 2010 Cancer Survivors Day. All cancer survivors are encouraged to attend. Join us for lunch and a serving of humor. This year’s theme is “Live, Laugh, Love…Celebrating Our Lives.” Cancer Survivors Day will be Friday, June 11, noon-3 p.m. at the South Station Restaurant, 170 South Main Street Rutland, Vermont. For more information about this celebration please contact Kim Flory Lake at 802-747-1655 ________________________________________________

The Dorset Farmer’s Market is Back in Season!

Beginning its 7th season earlier than ever before, The Dorset Farmers’ Market is back outside on the lawn at H.N. Williams General Store, this Sunday, May 16 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be 45 return vendors with their freshest seasonal produce, artisan breads, grass-fed meats, cheeses, condiments, and sweets; alongside gourmet prepared food, and unique artisan goods. This Week at Market: Plant and flower sets to create or complete your garden and patio will be for sale! Area musician Linda Cullum performs ear-perking and foot-tapping entertainment. Join us to ‘ring in spring’, as we “Shop Local, Shop Fresh” every Sunday though Columbus Day on the green at H.N. Williams Store, Route 30, Dorset, Vermont. See you at the Market! For additional information or directions, please contact:

Shaftsbury Seniors Potluck Lunch

The Shaftsbury Seniors, (S.O.S.) invite all seniors to a pot-luck lunch Friday, May 21 at noon in the Shaftsbury Methodist Church. Bring a covered dish to share, your place setting, and your imagination.We’ll be playing the “Seniors’ Stories” game. Also, don’t forget a contribution to the Church’s food shelf. ________________________________________________

GNAT-TV Teaches Culinary Skills

As part of its educational mission GNAT-TV reaches out to home schoolers teaching video as well as culinary skills. You can support GNAT-TV by attending the GNAT-TV Culinary Experience or by purchasing a raffle ticket for “dinners for two, entrees for four and more” by visiting or calling 362-7070.

Home Schoolers working on their culinary skills are Anders Proft, Maggie Wilson, Tikko Freilich, and Max Mackson.

WELLNESS. Just one of the reasons you’ll want to join our community.

Encouraging Healthy and Active Living ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������

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Vermont News Guide


Zoey’s Double Hex Hosts a ‘Dine Around for MEMS’

The “Dine Around for MEMS” fundraising series of meals at local restaurants continues on Wednesday, May 12 at Zoey’s Double Hex. Bring the family up for a great, affordable dinner, and Zoey’s will donate 20 percent of the food proceeds for the entire restaurant that night to the Friends Foundation for MEMS. Zoey’s Double Hex, 1614 Depot Street/Route 11/30 in Manchester, has ample parking and seating, and is known for its casual, child-friendly atmosphere, delicious food, and offering a great value. Dinner will be served from 4:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on May 12, and just for the Dine Around night, everything on the Kids Menu will be priced at only $3! Manager Bob Albert said, “We invite everyone to come and help us kick off our summer menu while we help the kids at MEMS.” ________________________________________________

High Tech Comes to Equinox Terrace

To widen the horizons of residents’ experience, a brand-new computer with Internet access has just been installed in the living room at the Terrace. Tutoring is available for those who need it. Residents can now surf the Web, keep in touch with family and friends by e-mail, and even catch up with previous episodes of their favorite soaps.

MSW Launches ‘Summer’s Cool at the Mountain School’

The Mountain School at Winhall is pleased to announce its first series of summertime camps, classes and activities, Summer’s Cool at The Mountain School. Open to the general public and MSW students alike, Summer’s Cool is four weeks of age-specific activities, from arts and crafts to biking the back roads of southern Vermont. e-mail community news to: The offerings are: Arts and Crafts in Nature, July 5-9, for kids entering Pre-K through 5th Grade; The Natural World through Clay I, July 12-16, for kids entering Pre-K through 5th Grade; The Natural World through Clay II, July 19-23, for kids entering 6th Grade through 9th Grade; Bike the Back Roads of Southern Vermont, July 2630, for kids entering 6th Grade through 9th Grade. Each day will run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Space is limited. Students ������������������������������������ will be accepted on a first come, ��������������������������� first served basis. Full camp descriptions, fees and the reg������������������������������������� istration form for Summer’s Cool at The Mountain School ��������������������� are online, under News and Announcements, at Registrations must be received by Friday, June 4. (Please note: camps do require a minimum number of campers. If the class is cancelled, all money will be refunded.) For more information on The Mountain School, its programs and Summer’s Cool at The ������������������������ Mountain School, call Daren Houck at 297-2662 or visit online at

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

BBA Students Helping Children in Jamaica

May 12, 2010

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Fisher School Pasta Fest


Fisher School is offering a Pasta Fest featuring culinary delights from area restaurants on Wednesday, May 19 at the Fisher School Mack Multi-Purpose Room, from 5 to 7 p.m. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for children 3 to 10, and no charge for children under 3. Families of four or more, $25. Please pay at the door.


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Vermont News Guide


Sixteen students, along with faculty members Lauren Silver, Bonnie Niles, and Dave Curtis traveled to Green Castle Tropical Study Center in Jamaica during April break. The Service Learning group visited the Robin’s Bay Basic School, bringing art and art supplies to the pre-school children. The group also repaired a fence that had been knocked down in a hurricane three years ago, painted the playground equipment, and left them with a new seesaw and swings. Students and faculty met with a marine biologist, learned about the local environment, and did beach clean up and recycling. They went to church with local families who served them lunch, visited local artists and the Bob Marley Museum, and learned to cook Jamaican style, among other things. “If you go to Jamaica and all you do is go to the beach or a resort you will not be experiencing the rich life and culture that exists there,” said sophomore Molly Parent. “I hope this trip had as much of an impact on the people we met along the way as they had on us. I, for one, know that this has been an amazing life-changing experience and I will not forget my friends at the Green Castle Center.” The Service Learning group worked side by side with the local community and made new friends they will never forget. It was an authentic and enriching experience for all. The Robin’s Bay school presented the Burr and Burton students with a plaque and sang a beautiful song in thanks. The plaque was presented to Headmaster Mark Tashjian at morning assembly.

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The Mountain School Receives Stratton Foundation Grant

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Irene Glazer; Mrs. Hilary French, teacher; Ed Glazer from the Stratton Foundation Board, and Suzanne Houck with a group of Pre-K and Kindergartner Lettuce L.A.F.F.ers

The Mountain School at Winhall has received a Stratton Foundation Grant of $1,200 to further the school’s creative approach to teaching and learning via multidisciplinary and integrated (bringing in both the

Story Time in Poultney

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The Poultney Public Library will be holding Story Time on Fridays at 10:30 a.m., on May 14 and 28 through June 11. There will not be Story Time on Friday, May 21. This is a free program for children 18 months to 5 years of age. For further information or to register for Story Time, please call the library at 287-5556. ________________________________________________

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Grilling With the Skinny Chef


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arts and technology) education. “All areas of activity - the arts, farming, technology and so on - are steeped with opportunities to learn,” says Daren Houck, MSW’s Head of School. “We’ve already put the grant to use with

a farming unit for Pre-K and Kindergartners called ‘Lettuce L.A.F.F.’, which stands for Learning About Food and Farming.” “The kids learned, among other things, what real farmers do, where their food actually comes from, and how important weather is to farmers,” Houck said. “Integration is an engaging and very effective way to learn, and we’re very grateful to the [Stratton] foundation for their help.” The Mountain School at Winhall is a state approved PreK-8 independent day school located in Bondville, Vermont. For more information on The Mountain School, its programs and their new summer program, Summer’s Cool at The Mountain School, call Daren Houck at 2972662 or visit online at

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning continues its culinary series with Grilling with the Skinny Chef on Tuesday, May 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Jacobstein residence in Dorset, Vermont. Casual, fun, simplicity and summer fare are what’s in store when you join us in a Dorset home with an incredible view. Chef Jeff Scott of the West Mountain Inn in Arlington will be whipping up some guacamole and salsa, grilling chicken, burgers, fish and veggie kebobs with his special marinade, and serving this with tasty sides. The evening will be topped off with fruit parfaits. Space is limited; early registration is strongly recommended. The cost for this class is $75 per person. For more information and to register, please visit or call Renee Bornstein at 802-362-1199. Green Mountain Academy’s Culinary Series offers monthly classes and is put together with the help of Kerry and Riege Slattery of Vermont Kitchen Supply in Manchester, Vermont.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Reading from the Dionondehowa Diaries

Rutland Free Clinic Fundraiser Dinner

On May 15, at 1:30 p.m., Bonnie Hoag will read from the Dionondehowa Diaries which have been logging life on the Sanctuary since 1991. The excerpts will range among simple nature studies, the poignant and poetic, and philosophical musings, all fueled with the same passion that initiated the nonprofit land trust, Dionondehowa Wildlife Sanctuary & School. Following Bonnie’s reading anyone else who would like is welcome to read from their own Nature Journal or from a favorite nature writer. Songs are welcome, too. The Readings follow lunch after the morning Workshop; “Keeping A Nature Journal” which begins at 9:30 a.m. For more information about the Workshop please contact DWS&S at 518-854-7764. The public is welcome to join either or both of these free events. Learn more at Click on “For Writers.” For more information and to register phone 518-854-7764. The Workshop and the Reading are sponsored by the Friends of Bancroft Library and underwritten in part by Poets and Writers, Inc, through a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts. ________________________________________________

Slate Valley Museum Offers Fashion Intensive for Junior High Teens

In conjunction with the new exhibit, Quarryman’s Daughter: Italian American Jennie Labate and Her 1930s Fashion Drawings, the Slate Valley Museum offers an intensive fashion design class for junior high teens on Saturday, May 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with fashion designer Wyley Garcia. Along with viewing Jennie Labate’s 35 fashion drawings, each student will learn how to design a line of clothing using croquis (fashion illustration figures). By the end of the day, participants will create one of their own designs using fabric and basic sewing skills. A live debut of all the teen designers’ fashions is scheduled during the museum’s fundraiser, Fashion After Hours, on Saturday, May 22, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the museum. Instructor Wyley Garcia received her MFA from Massachusetts College of Art. As an artist, she primarily works with textiles making wearable art and huge textile installations. She is a fiber arts coordinator and fashion design instruction at Davis Studios, Burlington, Vermont. She recently participated in an International Wearable Arts Exhibition juried by Liz Good, Editor of Fiber Arts Magazine. Pre-registration and payment are also required for those wishing to attend the Fashion After Hours fundraiser. The cost is $25 per person or $20 for museum members, and space is limited. Along with the teen fashion show, the evening features a live mannequin, and the 1930s movie “The Divorcee,” starring Norma Shearer, who won an Academy Award for Best Actress in her role. The museum will be transformed into a nightclub-like setting where attendees will enjoy complimentary hors d’ oeuvres and a cash bar specializing in martinis and non-alcoholic “marteenis.” To make reservations for the class or the fundraiser, call the museum at 518-642-1417. For the museum’s 15th Anniversary 2010 Calendar of Exhibits, Public Programs, and Events, call the same number or visit the museum Web site at May 12, 2010

A Baked Ziti Dinner will be held on Thursday, May 13, beginning at 6 p.m. to benefit the Rutland Free Clinic. The menu will include baked ziti, salad, bread and dessert. Cost of the dinner is $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and uder. Call 775-1360 for tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 raffle. The dinner will be held in the Fellowship Hall at Grace Congregational Church, 8 Court Street, Rutland, Vermont.

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Vermont News Guide

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Tooth Tutor Visits The Dorset School

Dental hygienist and “Tooth Tutor,” Amy Jo Montgomery visited The Dorset School in April as part of a new mobile dental program for eligible students in the BRSU. Students may receive cleanings, sealants, topical fluoride, home care instructions, and referrals to local dentists, as well as toothpaste and a toothbrush. The tooth tutor brings a chair, good lighting and dental equipment to each school. For more information, contact your school nurse.

Pancake Breakfast

Battenkill Grange #487 is offering a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, May 16 from 8 to 10 a.m. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children under 12. The menu will include pancakes and sausage, real Vermont maple syrup, biscuits and sausage gravy, homefries, coffee, juice and milk. The Grange is located just off Route 313 West at the covered bridge in Arlington. _________________________________________________

AARP Driver Safety Program Seeking Host Organizations

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The AARP Driver Safety Program in the greater Manchester area is in need of host organizations. The program is the nation’s first and largest classroom refresher course designed to keep drivers 50 and older safely on the road for as long as possible. For little or no cost to your organzation, you can become part of this nationally recognized program that attracts over half a million participants annually. As a host, you can promote safe driving and help older drivers maintain their mobility and independence. Your participation brings community members into your facility, encourages older people to look to you for information, services, and programs that enhance their well being, and creates community goodwill. You can help by providing, or making arrangements for, a rent-free room in which to hold the course — this is the most important contribution a host can make. The average class size is 20 participants, but classes can range from 10 or less to 35 participants. The course runs for four hours and, generally, the instructor needs another half to one hour in order to set the classroom up and to gather materials at the end of the course. The course includes an audiovisual portion for which a VCR, or tape deck, and TV monitor are required, though alternatively, if none are available at your site, an appropriate set up can be arranged. Instructors promote the course in their area in order to recruit participants. As a host, you can also provide valuable assistance by displaying posters and brochures announcing the course, and including articles about it in your newsletters and/or by developing and distributing press releases. Some hosts also help by pre-registering participants through phone and mail reservations, creating a roster and possibly collecting the course fee. While not necessary, some hosts also provide light refreshments such as coffee and cookies. If interested in more information or in hosting the AARP Driver Safety Program Course, please contact Estelle at 802-297-1172 (home) or 802-375-4831 (cell).



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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Hiking the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim for Literacy Jack Glade is on a mission: to expand the educational opportunities for underprivileged children at risk. In less than ten days, on May 20, the 56-year-old Pawlet, Vermont, resident will begin an arduous hike from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon to its North Rim to create literacy scholarships that will provide much-needed professional tutoring for disadvantaged children in southern Vermont. Over the four-day trek, Glade will take 81,734 Steps for Literacy to build the S.O.S. Scholarship fund that provides essential academic tutoring to children in need. He is within 14,000 steps of reaching his goal of being fully sponsored thanks to generous sponsors that include the Bank of Bennington, the Northshire Bookstore, Finn & Stone, Stifel Nicolaus, the Mountain Goat, Orvis, Hand Motors, and RK Miles. As the Executive Director of The Tutorial Center, which has learning centers in Bennington and Manchester, Vermont, Glade has committed himself to a rigorous training program to ready himself for the Grand Canyon’s physically challenging 38.7 miles of nearly vertical descent and ascent. A hike down into the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River and back up is rated as one of America’s most challenging hikes by Backpacker Magazine. To help Jack meet his Steps For Literacy goal or for more information, visit online, or call him at 802-4470111.

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Executive Director of Tutorial Center, Jack Glade

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Vermont News Guide


Science Comes Alive for Flood Brook Students

Flood Brook students watched their Four Winds Nature Institute science curriculum come alive in Mike Clough’s exciting presentation on “Cycles” on April 19. Mike works for Rockhopper Outdoor Education, which is located in Jacksonville, Vermont. The primary grades at Flood Brook have been studying “Life Cycles” of plants, animals and insects all year in The Nature Program, sponsored by the Flood Brook Student Activities Cooperative. Mike’s presentation capitalized on what they have learned and applied the concepts to a variety of live animals he brought for examination! His dynamic presentation style and his choice of animals had


59TH AUCTION Friday & Saturday August 6 & August 7 We are accepting household items for the auction.

students and adults alike captivated. The animals he brought to share are primarily rescued unwanted exotic pets. He also brought a special guest — a red tailed hawk courtesy of the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum. The students of Flood Brook and The Nature program would like to heartily thank the women of the Green Mountain Gardeners who generously sponsored this event! ________________________________________________

10th Annual Cambridge Valley Balloon Festival June 4-6, 2010

For contributions, please call Mary

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The Cambridge Valley Chamber of Commerce is putting out a last call for anyone who would like to help the community experience the best balloon festival ever! 2010 marks the 10th year of the balloon festival in Cambridge and we are all working hard to make it the most exciting. The Chamber is looking for a few more sponsors, including donations towards a fireworks display on Friday, June 4. Please contact the Chamber by phone or e-mail if you are interested in contributing to this wonderful area event. We are busy compiling the list of community events scheduled for the weekend of Balloon Festival. If you have an event planned please submit the information to the Chamber as soon as possible to be included in the program and flyers. If you have any questions or would like to participate or volunteer please contact the Chamber by phone, 518-677-0887, by email: or by post, CVCC, PO Box 405, Cambridge NY 12816.

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Tag Sale in Bennington

The Second Congregational Church in Bennington will hold its popular Spring Tag and Plant Sale on Friday May 14 from noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday May 15 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come find your treasures in a congregation’s worth of spring cleaning and choose from hundreds of annuals and perennials to spruce up your garden. Second Congregational Church is located on 115 Hillside Street, behind Friendly’s restaurant. _________________________________________________

Mark Skinner Library Announces Trustee Appointment The Mark Skinner Library Board of Trustees recently welcomed a new member to its ranks. “We are pleased to announce that Patricia C. Bennett has agreed to serve starting immediately” stated Pauline Architas Moore, MSL Board President. Bennett has an extensive history of community involvement. While living in her native Ridgewood, New Jersey, she served for six years on the Ridgewood Library Board of Trustees, as Vice Chairman of the Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustment, and on various civic committees. Her work experience was administrative in the areas of finance and insurance. Since becoming a full time homeowner in Manchester in 2004, she has continued to contribute to her community through volunteerism. Bennett has spent the last 6 years volunteering at the Mark Skinner Library. According to Ellen Boyer, library director, “Pat

is always willing to roll up her sleeves and help the library move forward in any way she can.” “I am delighted to become a member of the MSL Board,” stated Bennett. “I believe strong public libraries play a very important role in the ongoing intellectual and social development of people of all ages. I would like to see MSL continue to provide a fine literary collection and programs and services which enrich this community. A good library in the heart of a community is a true treasure.” Moore would also like to remind the Manchester community that Mark Skinner Library board meetings take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Mark Skinner Library: Manchester‘s Public Library is located at 48 West Rd. in Manchester. For more information, contact the library at 3622607.

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A musical based upon the gospel according to st. matthew

Music/lyrics by Stephen Schwartz

Book By John-Michael Tebelak


May 18-22 2010 6:30pm May 22 2:00pm matinee Riley Center for the Performing arts $6.00 for BBA Students and Faculty $10.00 for General Public Order tickets online at: 24 hour Information: 802-549-8224 Box Office opens one hour prior to show time

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May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide


SPORTS Dorset Sportsmen’s Club Fishing Derby

Spring Bike Tune-up Specials ROAD AND MOUNTAIN BIKES

Free 5-point inspection

20% off

Standard and Advanced Tune-ups KHS

ROCKY MTN. ORBEA MIELE Bike Sales, Service & Rentals

The Dorset Sportsmen’s Club annual Fishing Derby will be held on Saturday, May 15, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Mill Pond, church Street, in Dorset Village. Children ages 14 and under are invited to participate. This is a rain or shine event. For further information, call Fawn at 8677008. ________________________________________________

The Vermont Voltage Soccer Academy is Coming to Manchester!

The Vermont Voltage Professional Soccer Academy invites young soccer enthusiasts to be a part of a challenging and fun soccer experience this summer. The Vermont Voltage Soccer Academy camp will be held June 28-July 2, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Dana L. Thompson Memorial Park. The cost of camp includes a soccer ball, tee shirt and admission to a Vermont Voltage game. Additional family member discounts are available. For more information please visit or call the Manchester Parks and Recreation at 802-362-1439.

Junction Routes 30 & 100, Rawsonville 802.297.1745 207 Main Street, Ludlow 802.228.6200 Mount Snow Access Road, West Dover 802.464.2222

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Bromley to Double Capacity of Popular ZipRider

Bromley Mountain has announced that it is doubling the capacity of the Sun Mountain Flyer, the half-mile long ZipRider thrill ride that debuted in the Sun Mountain Adventure Park last summer. Bromley’s President Rich Wiseman suspected that the Flyer’s popularity might exceed expectations and had the ride engineered and constructed to accommodate, if needed, four lines. The additional two lines are being installed now, at a cost of $500,000, and will be up and running on opening day, Saturday, May 29. The Sun Mountain Adventure Park, six miles east of Manchester, Vermont, on VT Rte. 11, will be open weekends from May 29 through June 13 and daily from June 18. Check for details on all of the rides and attractions, hours of operation and a complete schedule of the summer’s free weekend entertainment.

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

SPORTS Fall Soccer Registration Due Now

Join the Fall Soccer fun! Everyone plays and parents and kids alike revel in our beautiful Vermont foliage at the Weston Island Fields. West River soccer coaches teach your child how to play and the rules of the game. Register by May 21, yes you need to register by May 21 to reserve your uniform (t-shirt). You will also receive a $10 discount if you register by May 21st. Registration forms are available online at www. There will also be a registration night on May 19 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at Flood Brook Union School. All kindergarten through sixth graders are welcome. The more children who sign up the more teams we will have. The goal is to have a girls and boys team for every grade. Practices are only one or two days per week. There are Saturday games for 4th – 6th grades. There is a bus available that leaves from Flood Brook to take you to the beautiful Weston soccer fields for practice. If you have any questions please contact Margaret Cobb or Martha Cowles at ________________________________________________

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Seasonal Golf Tag for Area Golfers

Again this year, the Arlington Recreation Park is offering a seasonal golf tag to area golfers. Located on Route 7A in Arlington, the par 3, nine hole course borders the famed Battenkill River and offers challenging play along with scenic mountain views. The annual pass costs $50 per person and offers unlimited play now to October 15. The cost of a single play is $5. Park facilities also include a one-mile fitness trail with 18 stations, a children’s playground and access to the Battenkill River for tubing, canoes and kayaks. For more information about the Park use, stop by the Park office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on weekdays or call the Park Supervisor at 802-375-9564 or email the






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Vermont News Guide



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Celebration of Holy Eucharist

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On May 13, Ascension Day, the Choirs of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Bennington and St. James’ Episcopal Church, Arlington will combine for a festive celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7:00 p.m., at St. Peter’s. The Rev. Scott Neal, rector of St. James’ will be the celebrant. This will be the second year that the two choirs have joined for this joyous occasion. Last year’s celebration took place at St. James’. Please join us for this great Holy Day that remembers Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. For information please call St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 442-2911. ________________________________________________

Interacting Effectively

Sue Pierce, Northshire Head Start Coordinator, wants you to know about a free parent workshop entitled Interacting Effectively with your Child scheduled for Monday, May 17 from 5:15-7:00 p.m. at Manchester Elementary and Middle School (MEMS). Come to this workshop to determine the focus and purpose when you interact with your preschool-aged child. Learn about and experience activities that fit the developmental stage of your child. Dora Cecchini is the presenter of this workshop. Dora is an early childhood clinician with the Children Upstream Program (CUPS). Both Head Start and CUPS are sponsored by United Counseling Service. The location of this workshop is the Jackie Parks Room at MEMS. Childcare is available in the Pre-K/Early Education classroom. Pizza will be served to both the adults and children. Please call Sue at 3623950 ext. 226 to register for this free workshop.

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010




One Stop for Health at Grace Cottage Community Health Fair!

Health, safety, fun, food, and prizes, all in one stop at the “Spring Into Health” Community Health Fair, on Saturday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Leland and Gray High School and the Townshend Common. It’s free! Over 40 non-profit area health and safety organizations will present information at this fun, informative event. The day begins with a 5K road rally, starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Leland and Gray High School tennis courts ($15 for adults; $10 for those age 13 and under; includes a t-shirt). Runners may register at Starting at 10 a.m., enjoy the inflatable obstacle course and climbing wall; get free blood sugar and blood pressure checks; get tested for glaucoma; see the Dartmouth-Hitchcock helicopter and the Windham Sheriff ’s Rollover Demonstrator; try out yoga and tai chi; and much, much more. The Rutland Regional Medical Center Marrow Donor Registry will sign up potential donors, and the American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch and healthy snacks will be available from the NewBrook Fire Department and Leland & Gray’s Project Graduation. Door prizes galore will be there for the lucky winners! Everyone who attends has a chance to win, for free! For more information, call 802-365-9109 or visit www.gracecottage. org.

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May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide


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Manchester Historical Society Sponsors Talk on Champlain Shipwrecks


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On Wednesday, May 19 the Manchester Historical Society is sponsoring an exciting evening talk at the First Congregational Church in Manchester Village. At 7 p.m., Erick Tichonuk from the Lake Champlain Museum will speak about “Shipwrecks In and On Lake Champlain”. Employed by the Museum since 1986 and a dive instructor himself, Tichonuk will use his slide presentation to explain some of the intrigues below the waters of one of Vermont’s largest lakes. The presentation is free of charge and the public is encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served following Tichonuk’s talk. Come and enjoy! ________________________________________________

Rupert Historical Society

On Sunday, May 23 at 2:00 p.m., join us at the Rupert Congregational Church (Rte. 153, Main Street) for our first free to the public spring event. Hear James (Buddy) Edgerton tell of his neighbor and friend, Norman Rockwell, for whom he modeled for many famous Saturday Evening Post covers, as well as becoming the familiar face for many Boy Scout Calendars and for the Lone Ranger comic books for Dell. Buddy is also familiar to many of a certain generation in this area as the long-time County Agent for the UVM Extension Service. Come and hear his fascinating anecdotes of the unique artist who was his neighbor and friend. The book “The Unknown Rockwell” authored by Mr. Edgerton and Nan O’Brien, will be available for purchase and for signing.

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010



Seventeen Towns with Seventeen Stories to Tell The third display of the four part exhibition series, “Seventeen Towns with Seventeen Stories to Tell,” has opened at the Washington County Historical Society, featuring the County Towns of Fort Edward, Kingsbury, White Creek and Whitehall, New York. The Fort Edward Historical Association has chosen to loan Wing and Northup family objects from the Association’s collection. Members of these families contributed generously to the histories of Fort Edward, Sandy Hill and Glens Falls through their enterprise, structures, and business leadership. Others who followed in Fort Edward enhanced the families’ legacies by founding the Historical Association for preservation of Fort Edward’s history. The Federal style 1815 Wing-Northup House, a former family residence and site of this exhibition, is currently the headquarters of the Washington County Historical Society. Hudson Falls in Kingsbury is celebrating its 200th birthday this year. The New York State legislature created the Village of Sandy Hill in 1810, but 100 years later in 1910 the Village voted the name be changed to Hudson Falls. Set among White Creek’s state and rural forests, several sites today offer spiritual renewal and retreat opportunities.The Communities of New Skete and the Pompanuck Farm periodically welcome visitors to enjoy their sites and activities. In addition, biographical notes and copies of paintings by Grandma Moses are on display. She painted Washington County country images, real and imagined, from her White Creek home. The Town of Whitehall highlights its history in two parts, the first From Shipyard to Flotilla, 1775-1776, a year of significance in naval construction and service to our young nation. And secondly, by selecting images on historical postcards, Whitehall further documents its legacies of growth and change through the 19th and 20th centuries, in industry, through “castles,” through immigration, on farms, on the canal, and shipping by rail. The exhibits have been designed and materials provided by Paul McCarty (Fort Edward), Paul Loding (Kingsbury), Ruth Gillen (White Creek), and Carol Senecal (Whitehall). The exhibition will continue through June. The display is in the Reading Room of the Heritage Research Library at the Washington County Historical Society, 167 Broadway, Fort Edward, New York. Call 518-7479108 for further information. _______________________ May 12, 2010

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SAT. MAY 8th to SUN. MAY 23rd Mon.-Thurs. 9:30am-6pm; Friday 9am-7pm; Saturday 9am-6pm & Sunday 11am-5pm

THE GREAT OUTDOORS 219 Woodstock Avenue, Rutland, VT

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After 25 years “The Great Outdoors” is closing its Rutland store forever. The owners & staff would like to thank you for letting them serve you in the past & wants you to help send them out with a huge Going Out Of Business sale. We will be selling $600,000± of Inventory with progressive discounts starting at 25% - 70% and increasing through the sale. This gigantic store has something for everyone!! Inventory includes Archery: Browning, High Country Bows, Arrows, Stands, Blinds, targets, calls & more; Guns and Ammo including: ����� & Shot shells; Carhartt & Johnson Clothing (Hunting & Outdoor), Boots (Hunting & Hiking), Lots of Fly Fishing, Spinning Gear & Tackle including: St. Croix, Cape Fear, Diamondback & Cortland; Kayaks by Wilderness Systems & Emotions; Bicycles (Specialized), Alpine Skis (Volkl, Salomon, Atomic, Nordica); X-C Skis (Fischer, Rossignol); Snowboards (LIB Tech, Gno, Scooter, more); Snowshoes; Knives; Videos; Ski Clothing: Mt Hardwear, Marker & more; Camping Tents, Sleeping Bags, Back Packs, Tread Mills, Yakima Racks & more!!! Fixtures & Equipment will be priced to sell in the next week!! TERMS: Cash or Check, MC/Visa or Amex; Cash & Carry; ALL SALES FINAL. Sale managed by the Thomas Hirchak Company, Auctioneers

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More Info & Photos Online:

Thomas Hirchak Company · Great Outdoors: 802-775-9989

Vermont News Guide



— by Bonnie Dundas A little spring snowstorm let us know who is really in charge of our lives: Mother Nature! Fortunately for us, the low temperatures and snow haven’t seemed to affect the fruit trees or other flowering plants. The quince bush and plum tree are covered with blooms, so possibly I will be able to make some jelly this summer. Last year we had a good crop of plums but the hail storm damaged the fruit. Scott and I bought a peach tree and an apricot tree so we will see if they survive our winters. Once again, the flowering trees in southern Vermont have outdone themselves. More birds have safely made their way north. We are seeing vireos and thrushes, Brown Thrashers, Green Herons, and towhees. There have been reports from around the state of early warblers. The orioles,

Northshire/Southern Vermont Beekeepers

There’s usually only one queen in a hive of bees. Without her the hive will quickly become unproductive. Find out more about this matriarch from the Vermont State expert who will be coming down from Burlington to share his experience and answer questions. This free to the public meeting will be held at the Israel Congregation (Route 7 north of Manchester Center) on May 12 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Maddie Sobel at 362-2290 or Scout Proft at 362-2290. There will also be a review of packaging bees.

Serving New England and eastern New York.

Enjoy your property in an easily maintained, sustainable landscape that meets your needs. Nicholas T. Lasoff, MALD Ph: 802 379 5208

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catbirds, Great-crested Flycatchers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Black and White Warblers, and House Wrens have returned to the Dundas homestead. Hummingbirds will be here soon, if not here already. Amy Stroffoleno called to say that there are no robins in her yard. I could sympathize with her because though I have seen flocks of them, we have not had any in our yard either. The next day, I saw a robin carrying straw to a nest. So wait a while, Amy, and your robins will also reappear. If the weather is fair, this week will be first-rate for sky-watching. The moon will be in its dark phrase so find a place without ‘light pollution’ and look for your favorite constellations. Venus can easily be seen in the west/northwest at dusk and the Big Dipper is upside down in the north. Enjoy spring! 802-447-7433 or

Master Gardeners Offer Wildflower Walk

On Saturday, May 15, from 10 a.m. until noon, The Vermont Master Gardners will sponsor a wildflower walk at the Department of Fish & Wildlife trail along South Stream Road in Pownal. This will be an easy walk on a flat trail, a round trip less than 1 mile. Participants will learn to identify the native wildflowers in bloom at this time along with some of the less desirable weeds and invasives. Handouts and refreshments will be provided. Contacts: call 802-823-5415 or e-mail to preregister, so that the leaders will have some idea on the number of handouts and refreshments needed (walk-ins also welcome on the day of the event!) T. J. Norris and Ruth Botzow will lead us. _________________________________________________

Find Basic Information for Ownership and Care of Woodland Assets

Alan Calfee, Forester, Calfee Woodland Management LLC, and Rob Woolmington, Attorney, Witten, Woolmington and Campbell PC, will share basic information for ownership and care of woodland assets for forest landowners and consulting foresters. This session, to be held on May 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Hildene, Manchester Village, Vermont, will provide some basic information for landowners who are contemplating how to best plan for the long-term ownership and care of their woodland assets. Alan will present a set of guidelines and thoughts to help landowners get started as well as for those working on long term planning issues. Rob will talk about structures for family ownership as well as how conservation easements work and how they might fit in with family planning goals. There will be plenty of time for discussion and questions following the presentation. Pre-registration requested. The program is sponsored by the Bennington County Sustainable Forest Consortium, a collaborative between forest landowners, consulting foresters, loggers, the Bennington County Conservation District (BCCD), and the Bennington County Forester’s office. Its mission is to promote dialogue and learning between forest landowners, resource professionals, and the general public. See our new Web site at

Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

ENVIRONMENT Plant Sale in Granville

The Granville United Methodist Church members are joining many other Granville, New York, citizens and organizations by holding their annual Treasure and Plant Sale on Saturday May 15 during the Granville townwide garage sale day! Freshly dug plants are available on the 18 Church Street front lawn on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. Treasures (no clothing) which have been gleaned from the homes of members, relatives and friends are for sale in the Parish House which is right next door to the church. Earlybirds can come for $5 on Friday night from 7 to 8 p.m. The regular hours are Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everything is one half price. starting at 1:30 p.m. Any questions, call Davene at 518-265-1267 or 802-468-2281. ________________________________________________

GMC Killington Section

Saturday, May 15, 9 a.m., Long Trail Spring Cleaning: All are welcome to help prepare the trail for the summer hiking season. We’ll clear water bars, trim brush, and cut downs on the lower elevation stretches. Bring work gloves, sturdy shoes and lunch. Tools will be provided. Have fun while doing a good deed. For further information, call leader Herb Ogden at 293-2510. _________________________________________________

GMC Manchester Section

GMC Manchester Section has more trail work days to ready the long trail for summer hiking. Friday May 14 - Meet at Hapgood Store in Peru at 8 a.m. to do water bar cleaning, some clipping and blowdown removal from Styles Peak to Peru Peak. This is wilderness so we will be working with handsaws and axes for the blowdown removal. Bring a garden hoe or a hazel hoe, ����������������� clippers and or saw and or ax. Sunday May 16 - Meet at ������������ Hapgood Store in Peru at 8 a.m. to ����������������� do water bar cleaning, some clip� ������� ������ ������� ping and removal of blowdowns ��� ����� ����� from Griffith Lake to Peru Peak in � ��� � another wilderness area, so bring hazel hoes or garden hoes, clippers and or hand saws and or axes. For both trips: bring water, food, spare clothing, work gloves, raincoat, bug stuff (repellent, head ���� net?). These trips will go rain or ������������������� shine. ��������������� For further information, contact �������������������� Marge Fish, 824-3662, or marge. ������������������ �������������


May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


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Burr and Burton Presents ‘Godspell’

Burr and Burton Academy’s Performing Arts Department presents the rock musical Godspell, May 18 - 22 at 6:30 p.m., and at 2:00 p.m. on May 22, in the Riley Center for the Arts. This groundbreaking rock musical, directed by Jim Raposa, includes over sixty Burr and Burton students onstage, backstage, and rocking in the band with a new contemporary score, reinforcing and celebrating how truly alike we all are. The actors and onstage band bring to life, in a contemporary manner, the messages that tolerance, kindness and love should not be lost in this individualistic, fast-paced digitally connected world. Based loosely on the “Gospel According the St. Matthew, “Godspell”

was conceived and written by John Michael Tebelak as a college project in 1970 and was re-scored by Stephen Schwartz before moving to New York’s Cherry Lane Theatre on May 17, 1971. In 1976, after becoming one of the longest-running offBroadway musicals, it moved to Broadway where it ended its run in September 1977 after playing for a total of more than 2,600 performances. Tickets are $6 for Burr and Burton students, faculty and staff and $10 for the general public. Tickets can be purchased online at For more information, please call 802-549-8224.

The Art of Pressing Flowers

‘Liebeslieder Waltzes’ to be Presented

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning presents An Introduction to Pressing and Creating with Flowers with artist Ellie Roden on Saturday, May 22 from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. This class will take place at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, Vermont. The registration fee is $15. Ellie Roden, a retired elementary school teacher and avid flower gardener, has been working with the pressed flower medium for many years. For more information and to register, please visit or call Renee Bornstein at 802-362-1199.

Vocalists Lindsay Dyett, Marietta Formanek, Geoffrey Hobin (from Louisville, Kentucky) and Jeffrey Linebeck and pianists Sara Krohn and Christopher Lewis will present a concert featuring the Brahms’ “Liebeslieder Waltzes” Op. 52 and “Neue Liebeslieder Waltzes” Op. 65 on Sunday, May 16 at 3 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Manchester Center, Vermont. Brahms’ “Liebeslieder (Love Songs) Waltzes” consists of eighteen poems arranged for piano four-hands and vocal quartet, setting texts from George Friedrich Daumer’s Polydora. Brahms’ sketches suggest that he conceived the shape of the entire cycle before completing individual waltzes. Such was the popularity of this work, that Brahms set to work on another set of waltz texts shortly after their premiere - the “Neue Liebeslieder Waltzes.” Op. 65. A suggested donation of $10 will be collected at the door. A reception will follow. First Baptist Church is located at the corner of Main and Bonnet Streets at the junction in Manchester Center, Vermont.

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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010


Thursday: AA meeting, Breakfast with Your Higher Power, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Manchester. 7:30 a.m. AA meeting, Sherburne United Church, Killington, noon AA Big Book meeting, Grace Congregational Church, Rutland, noon AA meeting, St. Paul’s CC, Manchester, noon AA, Scars, Bars, Big Book meeting, Rutland Correctional Ctr, Rutland, 4 p.m. AA Women’s Up the Steps meeting, St. Paul’s Church, Route 30, Manchester, 6:30 p.m. Gamblers Anonymous, 7 p.m. at Turning Point, 141 State St., Rutland,1-800-522-4700. Al-Anon meeting, Memorial Hospital, Brattleboro, 7 p.m. SMART Recovery: Brattleboro Savings & Loan Bldg., downstairs, 7 p.m. 254-5568. AA Step meeting, United Methodist Ch, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. AA Room to Grow, Steel Square Bldg., Rutland, 7:30 p.m. NA Just for Today, 7:30 p.m., Al

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Ducci’s Cafe, Manchester AA meeting, Congregational Church Rupert, 8 p.m. AA, meeting, Jamaica Community Ch, 8 p.m. Friday: AA-Breakfast with Your Higher Power, Step Meeting, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, 7:30 a.m. Al-Anon meeting, St. Paul’s Church, Manchester, 1 p.m. AA meeting, St. Peter’s School, Rutland, 7 p.m. AA meeting (step/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, St. Luke’s Fair Haven, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, Pawlet Community Ch, 7:30 p.m. AA New Beginnings (Beginners 6:30), Steel Square Bldg., Rutland, 8 p.m. J.S. Open Discussion meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Saturday: AA meeting, Breakfast with your Higher Power, Beginners, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Manchester, 7:30 a.m. AA Straight from the Heart Group,


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May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide

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See our events calendar at THIS ���� THU 4/29



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Mecham St., Wallingford, 9:30 a.m. Al-Anon ACOA: 10:30-11:30 a.m., St. John the Baptist Church, North Bennington AA meeting (topic/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House, 2 p.m. AA meeting, Beginners’ Group, Christ the King School, Rutland, 7 p.m. NA Back to Basics Group, Second Congregational Ch, Bennington, 7 p.m. AA meeting (speaker/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House 7:30 p.m. AA open discussion group, Sherburne United Church, Killington, 8:15 p.m. H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, noon, Room 6. Teen Support Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m., Room 6 Sunday: AA meeting, “As Bill Sees It,” Wilson House, East Dorset, 8 a.m. Al Anon meeting 8 a.m. Wilson House, East Dorset, Open discussion. Al-Anon meeting, Serenity House, Wallingford, 10 a.m. AA meeting, Weston Priory, Weston, 1:30 p.m. AA Big Book, Green Mountain Group, East Poultney Baptist Church, 7:30 p.m. AA 11-Step Meeting meditation, Wilson House, East Dorset, 7 p.m. AA Shoulder to Shoulder, HoJo Inn, Rutland, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Federated Church, Castleton, 8 p.m. AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8 p.m.






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Al-Anon meeting, Federated Church, Castleton, 8 p.m. Monday: AA Sweet Serenity Trinity Episcopal, Rutland, noon. AA Beginners, Wilson House, East Dorset, 6:30 p.m. AA Beginners meeting, Dorset United Church, 6:30 p.m. AA meeting for Gay/Bi/Lesbian/ Transgendered Persons, 7 p.m., Turning Point Club, Bennington AA Start Living Group, St., Peter’s School, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal, Brandon, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon meeting, First Congregational Ch, Newfane, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon meeting, Baptist Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. AA discussion meeting, United Church, Dorset, 8 p.m. H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: AA meeting, Trinity Episcopal, Rutland, noon. AA Women’s Meeting, Wilson House, East Dorset, 6:30 p.m. AA Breakfast With Your Higher Power Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Rte. 7A (across from Manchester Engine) 7:30 a.m. Rutland County AA Men’s meeting, Grace Congregational Ch, Rutland, 7 p.m. Al-Anon ACOA meeting, Bennington College, North Bennington, 7 p.m. AA Meeting, Serenity House, Wallingford, 7 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous, 7 p.m.,

WE ARE MAKING THE CRABS CRISPY AND GIVING THEM A DIFFERENT SAUCE EACH DAY! T H I S T H U R S D A Y � S UN D A Y , W H I L E T H E Y L A S T � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � �� � � � � � 3 COURSES $26 5-6 PM EVERY NIGHT BISTRO HENRY Routes 11/30, Manchester Center.

OPEN THURSDAY- SUNDAY FOR DINNER full schedule resumes 5/19

�The Service is always Excellent, the Food is to die for, Wine selections excellent! It is my favorite ����������������� Gigi Matthews. Stratton, VT

Vermont News Guide


May 12, 2010

Bennington Free Library AA Meeting, Wilson House, East Dorset, Big Book Tapes, mens meeting, 6:30 p.m. AA meeting, Chapel of the Snows, Stratton, 6:30 p.m. Al Anon meeting, 8 p.m. Wilson House, East Dorset, Open discussion AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8 p.m. SMART Recovery: Brattleboro Retreat Cafeteria, 7 p.m. 254-5568. Wednesday: Al-Anon, Burdett Commons, Arlington, noon. AA Big Book Group, Good Shepherd Lutheran Ch, Rutland, 5:30 p.m. AA Breakfast With Your Higher Power Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Rte. 7A (across from Manchester Engine) 7:30 a.m. ACOA, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon Courage to Change,

South Londonderry Baptist Ch, 7 p.m. has moved to Main St. in Weston, VT to the meeting room across the parking lot of the Old Parish Church AA Step meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Brandon, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Holy Trinity, Danby, 7:30 p.m. H.S. STEP meeting Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Bennington Women’s Meeting of AA: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington, VT DA - Debtor’s Anonymous, Wed. 8-9 p.m., Turning Point Club of Bennington, 465 Main St., Bennington, VT, 442-9700


Thursday: GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6 p.m.

Tuesday: GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 9 a.m., 5:30 & 6 p.m. ESL Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 4:30 p.m. GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6 p.m. Wednesday: Dept. of Employment & Training, Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington (first Wednesday), 10 a.m. GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 3 p.m. A Mustard Seed Group St. Peter’s School, Rutland, 8 p.m. MIND & BODY WELLNESS Thursday: Bennington Free Clinic, 6-9 p.m. Located at First Baptist Church, 601 Main St., Bennington, VT. Call 447-3700 for appointment. Medicare Assistance, Zion Parrish, Manchester, 10 a.m. Disabled American Veterans Meeting, American Legion Hall,





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May 12, 2010

Vermont News Guide



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Chester, first Thursday) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Blood Pressure Clinic, Robert Milbauer Realty, Newfane, third Friday, 10 a.m. Saturday: CoDA, 12-step fellowship to maintain healthy relationships, 9:30 a.m. Wilson House, E. Dorset, 362-5524 Monday: Support group for family members of those suffering from mental illness, first Monday at 7 p.m., South Londonderry Library, Clare at 824-3909 Parents in Crisis, SVMC, Bennington, 7 p.m. RSVP Bone Builders: Call RSVP at 447-1545 for info. Free. Arlington, American Legion Hall, Mon and Th, 10:30-11:30; Manchester, Masonic Temple, Mon, Wed, 11 a.m; Manchester Town Hall, Tues 10 a.m. & Thur, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday: LaLeche League Support Meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, third Tuesday, 7 p.m. Marriage Support Group, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, every other Tuesday, 5769 Main St., Route 7A, Manchester. Call Warren 362-1988

All Gain, No Pain Senior Strengthening Class - Bennington Firehouse, River St., 10:30 a.m.; N. Bennington Congregational Ch, 10:30 a.m.; Manchester Town Hall, 12:30 p.m., 447-5693. Blood Pressure Clinic, Second Congregational Church, Londonderry, 2nd Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. Support group for family members of those suffering from mental illness, Third Tuesday at 7 p.m., UCS, 316 Dewey St., Bennington. Clare at 824-3909. Overeaters Anonymous, RRMC, Rutland, 7 p.m. Wednesday: Aerobic Indoor Walking - Beginner, Mon, Wed, Fri., Bennington Firehouse, River St., 8:15 a.m. 442-6886 Senior Exercise Classes, Hoosick Falls Senior Center, 1 p.m. Bereavement Support Group, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 1 p.m. Women’s Cancer Support Group, Vermont Country Store, Manchester, First Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Bereavement/Loss Support Group, SVMC, Bennington, fourth Wednesday, 6 p.m. Caregiver Group, Grace Cottage

Spring Hours: Open Friday-Sunday at 4:30 p.m.

Laney’s Twenty-Two Skidoo To-Do!

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Each day of our 22nd Birthday Celebration, Laney’s is giving a $������������������� to be used at a later date to the 22nd seated customer of the evening!

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Routes 11/30, Manchester 46 Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

Hospital, Townshend, 6:30 p.m. Bereavement Support Group, SVMC, Medical Office Bldg., Bennington, 6:30 p.m. Chronic Fatigue Support Group, Red Barn, Rtes 11/30, across from Wessner’s, Manchester, 7 p.m. C.H.A.D.D. Informational Meeting, RRMC, Rutland, first Wednesday, 7 p.m. Thursday: Arthritis Support Group, Second Congregational Church, Bennintgon, fourth Thursday, 1 p.m.


Thursday: Granville Town Board Meeting,

Town Hall, Granville, NY second Thursday, 7 p.m. Weston Volunteer Fire Dept. Drill, Weston Firehouse, second and fourth Thursday, 7 p.m. Sunderland Elementary Planning Commitee. 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Londonderry Planning Committee, Town Office, Londonderry, second and fourth Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Wallingford Planning Committee, Town Hall, First Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Weston Volunteer Fire Dept, Weston Firehouse, first Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Danby Selectman meeting, Town Clerk’s Office, 1st Thursday, 5 p.m.


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May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

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May 12, 2010





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Repairs & Renovations Additions Porches Decks Roofing Framing (802) 362-3616 •


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May 12, 2010

Lynn L. Holton Carpentry •


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May 12, 2010

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May 12, 2010


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Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010



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May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


TRI-STATE JOB CONNECTION Hildene The Lincoln Family Home Is seeking a high energy team player to join our Housekeeping Staff. Year-round. 20 to 30 hours weekly. Some Weekends Required. Benefits Included.


Applications are available 10 to 4 at the Welcome Center desk.





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Hildene The Lincoln Family Home Is seeking a high energy team player to join our House Interpreters Staff. June through October 40 hours weekly. Some Weekends Required.

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Please send letter of interest to: PO Box 377, Manchester, VT 05254 Attn: Summer Staff



Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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������������ May 12, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


Left: Sue Pierce stopped by the News Guide office to tell parents about interacting effectively ...details on page 37 Above: Cooper and Spencer Sheldon, and Shelby Fetcho are going to the Dorset Fishing Derby...story on page 34 Below: Off the Wall Gala Committee members Burr and Burton Annual Giving Coordinator Amy Comar, Peggy Iglinski, Gail Dexter, Chair Charlotte Chase, Victoria Silsby, and Katy Hancock invite you to attend the benefit party on May 15...details on page 10. Not in photo: Betsy Tiene


Vermont News Guide

May 12, 2010

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