Vermont News Guide

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Dining • Entertainment • Real Estate • Antiques • Area Events


NEWS • August 18, 2010

P.O. Box 1265 • 99 Bonnet Street, Manchester Center, VT 05255

Community Events Inside

Vol 50 No 18

Tel 802.362.3535

Benita Zahn in “StarCrossed” at Fort Salem Theater ...details on page 22

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99 Bonnet Street, P.O. Box 1265 Manchester Center, Vermont 802.362.3535 Fax 802.362.5368 CLASSIFIED HOTLINE: 1.800.234.1432 Office Hours: M-F 9am-5pm editorial email advertising email classified advertising email ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Angie Leonard, Business Manager Sheila West, Office Manager Donna Burgess, Classified Manager Susan Coons, Editor Jim Raymond, Advertising Sales Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Thursday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■ The Vermont News Guide makes every effort to print your ad accurately and correctly. We will not compensate in any way for ads erroneously omitted from a particular printing and neither are we responsible for typographical errors in ads that have been previously proofed by the customer. The publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or news copy for any reason. We do our best to publish all submitted material, but we cannot guarantee that it will be published. Some dated materials may precede others. Ads, articles or letters published by this paper do not necessarily reflect or express the opinions or views of the Vermont News Guide or Hersam Acorn Newspapers.

OUR READERS’ LETTERS to minimize disruption of vehicular and pedestrian traffic during its construction. Ben exaggerates both the severity and duration of potential disruption to traffic flow. Despite all we have at stake, we are persuaded, by the stringent construction scheduling criteria in place, that there will be very little in the way of material delays in getting through town. Furthermore, we see this work as essential to the future wellbeing of Manchester’s commercial establishments. Let’s have clarity on what is being done. 1. Since most of the roundabout construction is happening on land formerly owned by Hand Motors, it has the least amount of work being performed in the public right-of-way—and then only for seven weeks during an off-season, and the small area involved allows for the continuation of normal-width, two-way traffic to continue at all times. 2. Ancient water main replacement, old sewer and storm drainage pipe replacement, and repair of crumbling sidewalks—essential infrastructure maintenance, some of which has been put off

...malfunction junction...

While I share Ben Hauben’s assessment of the precarious condition of retail business in Manchester, I disagree with his warnings about “rebuilding Malfunction Junction Now.” Clearly, Manchester’s retail community is drifting depressingly. A blight of vacancies is casting a pall over the commercial core. Unfortunately, the significant economic trends affecting Manchester’s visitor oriented businesses are global in nature and reflect a major shift in consumerism. We do need to address the problem... as a community. The Bookstore has the most intimate relationship with Malfunction Junction of any business in town, and we believe the time is right to complete the carefully planned town improvements and infrastructure maintenance bundled into one endeavor nicknamed the roundabout project. Because of our concern, we’ve stayed plugged in to the planning process from the beginning, pro-actively suggesting changes to improve its functioning and aesthetics, and most importantly

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Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher

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Vermont News Guide

I highly commend Mr. Haubens political advertisement. Now is not the time for a new roundabout at Malfunction Junction. Money for this project is not a “gift” from the federal government. Have we forgotten the old adage, “There is no such thing as a free lunch!”


■ Postmaster: Vermont News Guide (ISSN-01955261) is published weekly by Hersam Acorn Newspapers. Send address changes to: Vermont News Guide, P.O. Box 1265, Manchester Center, VT 05255. Subscriptions: Outside Vermont - 1 year $35 and within Vermont and Washington County, NY free upon request.

for years—comprises the major portion of the work in the public right-of-way. The prospect of a water main break on Main Street in the middle of July is an excellent reason not to postpone this anymore. Talk about disruption! Most importantly, we cannot expect the town’s economy to improve with the mere passage of time. We must create hospitable conditions for its revitalization. To do so our community needs to (1) define what kind of economy we want/need, and (2) develop a strategy to bring about the desired economic improvements. So strongly do I believe this, that I am asking anyone who wants to help develop a 21st century approach for Manchester’s economy to email their ideas and opinions and/or volunteer to attend an initial meeting to discuss what needs to be done. Email to downtown@northshire. com. — Ed Morrow Manchester Center, Vermont

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Antiques & Auctions...........34 Automotive.........................51 Classifieds...........................46 Creatures/Environment.......33 Entertainment.....................34 Fine Arts/Crafts...................34 From My Corner..................16 GNAT-TV Schedule..............12 Mind & Body.......................28 Restaurants.........................36 Service Directory.................43 Simply Home......................26 Sports..................................32 Job Connection...................54 Weekly Almanac.................35 Worship..............................43 August 18, 2010

READERS’ LETTERS Reckless spending by handouts with people’s tax dollars has created a catastrophic dilema by the U.S. Federal Government throughout our country. A twoyear project on the Malfunction Junction roundabout is added recklessness to the Manchester economy. What’s the rush? Traffic is down because our economy is hurting. Again, this project is not the right time. Now reflect on the so-called “gifted” month for this project — anywhere between $3 to $5 million dollars for the roundabout. Seriously consider two light locations and resurfacing approximately $200 to $300 thousand dollars. The river will also need to be diverted on a new pathway. Is this Manchester’s motto of “Keeping it Green?” We are barely eking a living throughout our entire country with reckless spending through Federal Grants. Manchester will be greatly affected by a rapid downhill spin and this includes all local businesses. — Carol Stevens, Manchester, Vermont

...Norman’s Attic...

On behalf of St. James Episcopal Church and the Arlington Community, we’d like to thank everyone who pitched in to make this year’s Norman’s Attic and Rockwell Models Reunion such a success, and a very special day for so many people. Thanks to Susan and her team for helping us to promote the event, to Mary Henning, Keith Squires and everyone in the town of Arlington who worked so hard to make this all come together, and to Don Trachte, Jr. for all of his work in pulling together and creating the incredible Rockwell Models’ Reunion program. We’d also like to thank the folks who modeled for Rockwell for comAugust 18, 2010

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ing to the event and for sharing their humorous and delightful stories. Thanks also to everyone who helped with the St. James Food Grill and the various other aspects of the day. On behalf of St. James Episcopal Church and the Arlington Community, we’d like to thank everyone who pitched in to make this year’s Norman’s Attic and Rockwell Models Reunion such a success, and a very special day for so many people. Thanks to Susan and her team for helping us to promote the event, to Mary Henning, Keith Squires and everyone in the town of Arlington who worked so hard to make this all come together, and to Don Trachte Jr. for all of his work in pulling together and creating the incredible Rockwell Models’ Reunion program. We’d also like to thank the folks who modeled for Rockwell for coming to the event and for sharing their humorous and delightful stories. Thanks also to everyone who helped with the St. James Food Grill and the various other aspects of the day. Judie Brower, Chairperson, Norman’s Attic



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5:30, 8:30 (1:30) 5:30, 8:30 (1:30) 5:30, 8:30 5:30, 8:30



(PG-13) 1:50

6:00, 8:30 (1:30) (3:30) 6:00, 8:30 (1:30) (3:30) 6:00, 8:30 6:00, 8:30

SPECIAL DEALS AND PROMOTIONS... Become a Fan on Facebook! ( ) denotes bargain pricing

...bail out money...

Most recent figures show our national debt to be at $12.3 trillion and rising. The same people, on whose watch this recession occurred, are still in power giving bail out money to the same people who caused the financial crisis. If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we will keep on getting more of what we’ve been getting. Our current senior senator has been in Washington for 36 years. It is clear that Vermont needs a new set of eyes to focus on some positive changes to help improve our nation’s financial health. Len Britton, a nativeVermonter, is running for the U.S. Senate (Continued on page 4) Vermont News Guide


OUR READERS’ LETTERS (Letters, cont.) from Vermont. Len has run a business of his own and has an understanding of one of the basic laws of economics: You cannot continue to spend more than you take in! If elected, Len would work to reform the federal budget: He would scrutinize the budget and strive to eliminate ear marks. He would insist that programs under

review make their case and strive for a balanced budget. He would also work to improve the small business climate by initiating tax changes and creative borrowing programs similar to the Stafford college loan program. It is apparent that we need to change the players in Washington. A good place to start would be to replace our senior senator with Len Britton, in the coming elec-

tion. I urge you to come meet Len Britton and ask questions on Saturday, August 21 at 1:30 at the Inn at Willow Pond. — Sally Treat Manchester Center, Vermont

...phenomenal success...


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The 43rd Annual Pawlet Public Library Book Sale says thanks. What makes Pawlet Public Library’s Annual Sale a phenomenal success? The army of volunteers who donate books, sort books, move books, stage books and sell books. These folks are generous with their time, energy and enthusiasm. It is also the support of local and regional sponsors whose donations create a terrific raffle, spread the word and feed the crews. For those of you who bought our books, raffle tickets and food, you are remarkable! During the week of July 19 – 26, volunteers and supporters




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Vermont News Guide

from Pawlet, North Pawlet, West Pawlet, Wells, Rupert, Dorset, Manchester, Poultney, and from across the line in New York, rallied to support Pawlet Public Library’s main fundraiser. Oxbow Mountain 4-H Shooting Sports Club and local area youth turned out to move thousands of boxed books from Edie Mach’s barn to Mettawee Community School in a record one hour. Crescent Valley Homemakers donated luscious baked goods and the proceeds to the library sale. In appreciation of our past, present and future volunteers who make the sale happen, we are hosting a Pot Luck Picnic at Emerald Lake State Park on Monday, August 30 at 5:00 p.m. Admission to the park is $2 or free with the Green Mountain Seniors Passport. We’ll bring the burgers and dogs; volunteers, families and friends of the library


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August 18, 2010

READERS’ LETTERS are asked to bring a dish to share and their own beverages. For further information, call the library at 325-3123 or Dolores at 6450109. — Dolores Luebke, Chairman Pawlet Public Library Book Sale

...our great library...

Trustees of the Winhall Memorial Library want to thank the entire Bondville community for making our Friend-Raiser Picnic such a success. The day was gorgeous, Andy Avery’s music provided just the right atmosphere, people bought lots of books and ate lots of hot dogs — and best of all was the number of people who were introduced to our great library for the first time. We want to thank all who made cash donations; this money will allow us to provide even better service to even more people. In particular, we thank Fran Rosenthal, the library’s godmother and former librarian, for her generous donation in memory of former Board member, Rita Silton. The Winhall Library exists to serve Winhall residents. Thanks again. — Doris Bass, Bondville, Vermont

...crafts n’ more...

The Catholic Daughters of Arlington thank all who helped make our Crafts ‘N’ More Funfest a success. Many thanks go to the merchants who so generously donated gifts and certificates for our silent auction and humongous raffle. We also thank all who donated items to our white elephant and baked goods sales. All members and volunteers who worked so hard to organize this event are greatly appreciated. Congratulations go to Jo Anne Myers, the winner of the 50/50 raffle. It was a wonderful event. August 18, 2010


We hope to see you there next year. — Sally McManus, Arlington, Vermont


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���������������������� of keys...

Thank you to whoever returned our box of keys to the Manchester Police Department. Caring people continue to be the key to success of this town! — David Skulnik Fixxer Uppers

...blood drive thanks...

Thank you to all the donors and volunteers who made the July 14 Blood Drive a success. We appreciate the donations from the local businesses such as Bagel Works, Mrs. Murphy’s Donuts, Price Chopper, Shaw’s and Wilcox Ice Cream. The next Blood Drive will be held September 8 at the First Congregational Church from noon to 5:30. You may make an appointment by calling 1-800-843-3500 and ask for Kristi. Hope to see many more new faces! Thanks, again, — Jessie Forrest, Manchester Red Cross Coordinator

...annual bazaar...

Catholic Daughters of Manchester want to thank all who contributed to the success of their annual bazaar. Many thanks to those who generously donated items and gift certifi(Continued on page 8)

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Fine Furniture for Deck, Porch, Poolside Patio Umbrellas & Tables


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Behind the Post Office • Main Street, Granville, NY

Vermont News Guide


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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

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August 18, 2010



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Vermont News Guide

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(Letters, cont.) cates for the silent auction; to those who donated items for the white elephant, crafts, tea cup auction, food and toy tables; to those who bought raffle tickets and those who came to the bazaar, and finally to those who worked so hard to put it together. Your support is greatly appreciated. Congratulations to the raffle winners: First, Winnie Raffaele, a hand-sewn quilt; Second, Carolyn Smith, wrist watch; third, Jan Roger, $75. Through fundraising activities such as the annual bazaaqr, the Catholic Daughters in Manchester have helped those in need for the past 86 years, numbering over 92,000 members throughout the world. This organization is open to women ages 18 and older. For information regarding Catholic Daughters of the Americas please contact the Regent at 802768-8233 — Catholic Daughters of Manchester, Vermont

...heartfelt thank you...

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Habitat for Humanity is all about volunteers, team work, partnerships and community. A huge community came together on Saturday, July 24, for the Bennington Area Habitat (BAHFH) Auction and Tag Sale. A heartfelt thank you to all those who supported this major fund raiser by making a donation for the event and to those that were on hand to snap up the bargains. Special thanks go to the Auction Team: Andy Tarantino, storage and site management; Clarke Comollo, auctioneer; Sandi Hedman, publicity; John Cilio, Russ Record and Charlie Stewart, transporters; Marion LaTorella, Tag Sale mastermind; and Dick Malley,Board President of BAHFH. Businesses and organiza-

Vermont News Guide

tions: A Safe Place Self-Storage; tents from the West Pawlet Fire Department and the Dorset Church; chairs and tables from Dorset Fire Department, the First Congregational Church in Manchester and the East Arlington Federated Church; Casella Waste Management; Brown Enterprises (port-opotties); Wood and Signs and Signworks; the Gourmet Deli for refreshments and Pad Print for parking. Registrars, parkers, runners, money changers, tag sale workers including six boys from Scout Troup 332 and seven teens from the BBA football team. Currently, BAHFH is working on its eleventh home in Bennington. Every penny of the approximately $10,000 raised from the auction will be used for our next home to start this fall in Shaftsbury. — Ruth Stewart, Auction Coordinator, Benningnton Habitat

...error of information...

I have been getting the Vermont News Guide for a number of years and have never written before but I just had to write about Susan J. Coons’ article in the August 11 edition. I cannot let another error of information go by. This time she wrote “our ancestors were immigrants, Hispanics coming to America are aliens.” I believe she is referring to the Mexican illegal immigrants coming into California, Arizona, and Texas. Our ancestors were legal immigrants – big difference. The people in California and Arizona are upset because these illegals are committing crimes, have killed innocent American people, and they and their children are (Continued on page 11)

August 18, 2010




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August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide


Meals on Wheels

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Suggested donation of $3.25 per meal For reservation or cancellation in Bennington: 442-8012 Manchester: 362-3714 Wednesday, August 18 Hotdog and Bean Casserole, Macaroni with Stewed Tomato, Apple Compote and Milk. Thursday, August 19 Roast Turkey with Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Peas, Carrots and Onions, Fresh Fruit and Milk. Friday, July 20 Quiche with Spinach, Oven Fries, Squash, Banana Pudding and Milk. Monday, July 23 Turkey Sandwich, Cucumber and Tomato Salad, Chick Pea with Corn Salad, Cookie and Milk. Tuesday, July 24 Roast Pork Loin, Angel Hair Pasta, Mixed Vegetables, Bread, Fruit Cup and Milk.

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Our customers are the best Our customers are the and they absolutely love us. and they absolutely love us. See for yourself Call 802-366-1119 Luxbrush Painting Company, Inc. 10

Service Notes

Sean P. Trainor has been selected for promotion to the rank of Master Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. Trainor is a noncommissioned officer in charge of the wing command section assigned to the 97th Air Mobility Wing at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma. The sergeant has served in the

Vermont News Guide

military for 22 years. He is the son of Isabel K. Montgomery and stepson of John C. Montgomery of Main St., Ludlow, Vermont. The sergeant is a 1987 graduate of Black River High School, Ludlow, Vermont Army Pvt. Jason D. Hescock has graduated from the Fire Support Specialist Advanced Individual Training course at Fort Sill, Lawton, Oklahoma. The field artillery specialists serve in intelligence activities including target processing in field artillery, cannon battalions, division artillery, artillery and maneuver brigade and headquarters and fire support elements. The course is designed to train students to establish, maintain, and operate radio and wire communications and speech security equipment, including encoding and decoding messages. They also must prepare and maintain daily staff journals, fire support situation maps, charts and other fire support and target processing procedures, records, and documents. In addition, students assist in initiating requests for field artillery, mortar, naval gunfire, and aerial delivered munitions, and emplace, maintain, and assist in the operation of laser range finders, target designation, and night observation devices. Hescock is the son of Daniel E. and Kathy M. Hescock of Shearer Hill Road, Brattleboro, Vermont. The private is a 2007 graduate of Twin Valley High School, Wilmington, Vermont. _____________________

Senior Trip

The Bennington Senior Center will be going to see “The Marvelous Wonderettes” at the Weston Playhouse on Saturday, August 28, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $26; call the Bennington Senior Center at 802-442-1052 for more information. August 18, 2010

Young Writers

Young writers participated in a week-long writing experience as part of the Collaborative Camp. Lead by Flood Brook’s 7th and 8th grade language arts teacher, Nicki Pfister, the students met daily to hone their writing skills. The focus was on creative writing. The young authors wrote in a variety of forms including prompts, poetry, dialogues, monologues, responses to music and photographs, and of course short stories. Each young writer left with a journal containing creative and enthusiastic entries. Below is a poem written collectively as a response to a walk in the woods: A Cup Nature The sun falls in freckles Spider webs glisten in a patch of light. Tree roots twine over each other holding the earth together A single fern pops up and announces, “See me? I am here!” The color of tea melts into leaves Moving to the sound of wind. Fresh air consumes me as I clear my mind of all thoughts. ____________________ (Letters, cont.) receiving benefits that American taxpayers are providing through our very generous government. Meanwhile these illegals are paying no U.S. taxes and are making life for legal Americans unsafe in their own neighborhoods. Certainly there are legal Hispanic immigrants who have every right to be here and are contributing to our society in a positive way. I’m sure they would not want to be confused with illegal Mexican immigrants otherwise known as illegal aliens. Sincerely yours, — Joanne M. Blumenthal, West Dover, Vermont August 18, 2010


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‘Bats in the Balance’

“Bats in the Balance,” a recent program about the alarming disappearance of Dorset’s bat population, was filmed and recorded in its entirety, including the bat capture study at the Battenkill, by GNAT-TV. This fascinating and important educational documentary is now showing on Channel 16 week days at 10 p.m. Recognizing that a healthy ecosystem is a necessary component for a healthy community, this program was sponsored by the Dorset Citizens for Responsible Growth. DCRG is offering copies of this 1-hour, 15minute DVD at $10 each, with a major part of the proceeds going to a research fund to combat deadly White Nose Syndrome. To acquire copies of the DVD, or for anyone simply wishing to make a direct donation to the research fund, please call 362-4460 or 8675979. Donations are greatly appreciated.

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Peru Seniors

Do you have ideas about what you would like to see available to seniors in Peru? In our efforts to broaden opportunities for area seniors, we need to know what would be most useful to you. What is on your wish list? Peru senior volunteers (age 60 and over) and the southwestern Vermont Council on Aging will soon begin conducting a survey of seniors (60+) in Peru and we need your help. We believe that working hand-in-hand with local seniors helps communities to become better places for older people to live. Through this survey process we can explore options and choices specific to the needs and wishes of your own community members. If you would like to be involved with this worthwhile community project, you can come to a meeting at the Peru Town Office at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 19. For further information, contact Robin Jones, Community Resource Developer, S.V.C.O.A. at 442-5436, ext. 211.

e-mail community news to:

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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

Bird Walk at Hildene

The next bird walk at Hildene: The Lincoln Family Home in Manchester will be Saturday, August 21. It seems particularly quiet in the bird world these days. Nestlings have fledged; everyone is tanking up for their journey south. While most birds will not start moving for a few weeks, the long distance shore bird migrants are showing up already. With the water very low in the Hildene wetlands, there is great expectation that there will be surprises. Please meet at the Visitors’ Center at 7 a.m. Bird walks are open to all and are beginner to advanced to family friendly. Binoculars are available to borrow. Please contact Randy at the Vermont Bird Place for more information, 362-2270.

Susan Houghton Debus Exhibits Works at the Spiral Press Cafe

View the works of local area artist Susan Houghton Debus with her primitive works on display at the Spiral Press Cafe located at The Northshire Bookstore in Manchester. Often described as happy, romantic or story-telling, Susan’s work harkens back to a simpler, happier time when carefree people lived in idyllic settings. Her paintings will draw you in and hold your attention with busy, colorful details depicted in every scene. Additionally, her art always features her beloved “Danby” somewhere in each setting. The show runs now through August 31.

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August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide



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Silent Film Night at Village Picture Show Can you use a good laugh? Well, this 90 minute classic film progam guarantees at least a hundred of them! Silent film accompanist/historian Ben Model returns to VPS to present a program of four hilarious comedy shorts from the silent film era. As always, Model will accompany the movies live on piano with his own original scores, just as was done ninety

Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin

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years ago, and the program will be presented on film. In “The Cure” (1917), Charlie Chaplin goes to a spa retreat for a water cure and tangles with a masseuse, spa guests and some spiked well water. In “The Goat” (1921) Buster Keaton is mistaken for an escaped criminal and finds himself on the run everywhere he turns. In “His Wooden Wedding” (1925), on his wedding day Charley Chase (think of a young John Cleese in a silent movie) is tricked into calling off his nuptials by a rival and winds up on a cruise ship looking for the “Dhulip Diamond.” And in “Big Business” (1929), Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy — yes, they made silent movies, too — try their hands at selling Christmas trees

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and run afoul of a customer who refuses to buy one of their evergreens, destroying his house in the process. Ben Model is a silent film pianist and organist at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, and accompanies silent films at a variety of theatres and film festivals - as well as schools, churches and universities - around the U.S. He will be in Tromsø, Norway next month for the annual “Silent Film Days” festival there, held in the oldest cinema in Norway. His Web site is www.silentfilmmusic. com. The event will be at Village Picture Shows 263 Depot Street in Manchester Center, Vermont, Saturday August 21 at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are first come first serve. Doors open at 5 p.m.

Northshire Seniors

The Northshie Seniors are planning a trip to Barre, Vermont to the Rock of Ages, and Hope Cemetery on Wednesday, September 29. Lunch will be at the Wayside Restaurant. The cost is $15 with a choice of chicken pie or meatloaf. Please call Edie Tennant between August 22 and 29 for your reservation. Make your check payable to Northshire Seniors, Inc. and send to Edie at 33 Grandview Lane, Manchester Center, VT 05255. A reminder to those who have signed up for the trip to Chatham, New York to see “Showboat” with buffet luncheon at the White Stone Restaurant on August 25: The bus will leave St. Paul’s parking lot at 9:15 a.m. Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

Hansel and Gretel at Hubbard Hall, Cambridge, New York Hubbard Hall Opera Theatre is about to open a fully costumed and staged English language version of “Hansel and Gretel” by Englebert Humperdinck. Show dates are August 19 and 20 at 8 p.m., and August 22 at 2 p.m. We are singing with a 30 piece orchestra — which should truly sound fabulous in the Hall — under the baton of Maestro Ricciardone. Ticket prices are $20 seniors and chilrden, $25 members and $30 general; it is open seating. Interested parties should call the Hall in advance for tickets at 518-677-2495.

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Vermont News Guide


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FROM MY CORNER — by Susan J. Coons ...accustomed to speed... When travel by jet became accessible to the average traveler, popular people talked about jet lag. This phenomenon occurred after a coast to coast flight or across the pond, or anywhere they traveled from one time zone to another. The traveler’s body clock had to catch up to their new location. It’s interesting that if you fly west far enough you will pass the International Date Line and lose a day. When you return and cross the International Date Line you will gain a day. No one talks about jet lag today. I don’t know why but I have a theory. We have become accustomed to speed. Everything in our lives whirls around us so fast that we are in a constant state of rush, living in several time zones at once. We have instant news, instant weather reports, instant dinners, instant potatoes, instant beverages, instant access to every kind of information we are seeking. That doesn’t mean the information is accurate, it just means we have access to it. We can scream and shout to the world on the Internet and there is no way to stop us! We can post rumors. We can lie about who we are. We can torment and bully. We can steal identities. There’s no end to the mischief we can cause. A lie is a lie but once spoken the damage is done and the victim is forever trying to recover. Careers can be lost; a livelihood or life can be taken from us. All of the information, too much information, right or wrong, is there every second of every day, faster and faster and faster! We spend hours and hours looking at monitors...the computer at work and the television at home; our Blackberry, our Droid, our iPod, and of course, our cell phones. All of us, young and old alike, are exposed to the demands of our whirling lives. The older we become the faster life passes by. I don’t want any of these artificial causes to steal my days, hours, weeks and years! I get off the merry-go-round when I pull into my driveway at home. That’s where the rest of the world stops and mine begins. No jet lag, no rush. Only one time zone. Mine. _______________________________________________


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Londonderry Senior Lunch

The Second Congregational Church of Londonderry, UCC, in conjunction with the Council on Aging, announces the next Senior Lunch on Thursday, August 26. The lunch will be held in the Church’s Friendship room beginning at noon. All seniors are welcome. There will be a free will offering. Please join us for Leney Barclay’s famous ham dinner with raisin sauce and the best corn bread anywhere. Please note: Starting at 11:15, traffic cones will mark drop off points and a cross walk across Route 11. Also, there is no parking along the stone wall just east of the church. Questions and reservations, call Jeanne Zammataro at 824 8184

Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

Londonderry Cares Events

Londonderry Cares is happy to announce its first bus trip for Seniors on Tuesday, August 31. Join us on the “Betty Boop Express,” owned and operated by Betty Parsons, on an adventure to Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens and the Yankee Candle, both in Deerfield Massachusetts. The Betty Boop Express, handicap and wheelchair accessible, will leave from in front of Clark’s IGA Supermarket in the Mountain Market Place in Londonderry at 8:30 a.m. and will return at 3:30 p.m. Magic Wings features an 8,000 square foot conservatory, where seniors can explore almost 4,000 native and tropical butterflies amongst plants and a pond containing brilliantly colored Japanese carp. Magic Wings also has a garden with native flowers and trees as the habitat for native butterflies. There is also a gift shop. Yankee Candle is the world’s largest candle store, having 900,000 square feet of store space. The store not only provides the opportunity to hand dip candles, but it also has various shops, including the Bavarian Christmas Village, the Black Forest, the Enchanted Toy Works, Waterfall Courtyard and Nutcracker’s Castle. Londonderry Cares will provide transportation and admission costs. Lunch will be available at your own expense at either the Magic Wings Food Court or Mrs. Claus’ Bakery at Yankee Candle. Or bring a bag lunch and eat in the covered outdoor picnic area at Magic Wings. Reservations are required as the Betty Boop Express has limited seating. Please call Jeanne Zammataro for reservations by August 30. Londonderry Cares is a not for profit corporation formed to help Londonderry senior citizens to lead independent lives. In addition to this inaugural bus trip, Londonderry Cares provides transportation to medical appointments and for local shopping errands. It also lends medical equipment and provides other services to help Londonderry seniors remain independent. ____________________

Nancy Jensen Earns Broker’s License

The entire staff of Country Living Properties congratulates Nancy Jensen on recently receiving her Vermont Real Estate Broker’s License. Pictured from left to right are Sally Pajala, Kathy Snyder (Principal Broker), Lee Ann Boyd-Mckenna, Judy Goodman, Nancy Jensen and Bart Caliaro

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VT-NH Komen Announces First Annual Ride for the Cure

The Vermont-New Hampshire Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure — the Race for the Cure people — has announced that their first equine-themed fundraising event, October 10’s Ride for the Cure, will be presented and hosted by the Green Mountain Horse Association (GMHA) in South Woodstock, Vermont. The Ride, which will traverse ten miles of forested trails maintained by GMHA and private landowners, will leave from (and return to) GMHA’s extraordinary facility in South Woodstock starting at 9:30 a.m. Over the course of the day, riders will travel through some of the most beautiful country in southern Vermont - including


Vermont’s spectacular fall foliage is even more spectacular when viewed from the back of a horse! Photo courtesy of Green Mountain Horse Association.




parts of Woodstock, Reading and Hartland - during the peak of state’s legendary fall foliage season. “This is our first Ride for the Cure, so we’re easing into it somewhat, capping participants at 100 riders,” says Lois Steele Whidden, Ride Chair and two-time breast cancer survivor. “The thing is, each rider commits to raising a minimum of $250 — they can solicit pledges from friends, family, their business, or write the check themselves — so despite the limited number, we stand to raise some serious money.” “And just like monies raised at the Race for the Cure,” Whidden says, “Seventy-five percent of the dollars stay local for breast cancer treat-

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Vermont News Guide

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August 18, 2010

ment, screening and education, and the rest goes to Komen’s national research program.” Registration is open through September 10, but given the limited size of the event, interested riders are encouraged to register early. Complete ride requirements and online registration are available online at Learn more about the Ride’s host and lead sponsor, the Green Mountain Horse Association, at Through events like the Ride for the Cure and the Komen VT-NH Race for the Cure, the VT-NH Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure has netted more than $6.7 million in 18 years. Of that, more than $1.7 million supported Komen’s research program and more than $5 million underwrote breast cancer education, screening and treatment in Vermont and New Hampshire. _______________________________________________

Save Money With Coupons! Find them at:

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Equinox Terrace Visits SVAC

Iconic photographs from the 1960s at the Southern Vermont Art Center were recently viewed by Terrace residents, who found that they brought back vivid memories of those historic events.

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159 Depot St. Manchester, VT 362-4070

August 18, 2010

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Stoney Crete Memorial Golf Tournament

Stoney Crete eighth annual Memorial Tournament in memory of BJ Stone, will be held at Lake St. Catherine Country Club, on September 11. It’s a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. with a four man scramble. Cost is $55 per person and includes a barbecue. You must pay in advance by September 1. Please contact Mark Smith 802-293-6021 or Herb Stone 518-642-8092 for tickets or further information. _________________________________________________

Mindful Relationships

The Manchester Shambhala Meditation Group is pleased to host a weekend program on mindful relationships with Carol and Patton Hyman, August 20-22. Join us for a weekend exploring the ways our relationships can blossom through self-awareness and compassion. Each of us carries a certain amount of baggage down life’s road. How we handle it determines what we deliver into this world — confidence and compassion or confusion and contention — as well as whether our closest relationships sustain us or sink under the weight of unrealistic expectations. Human beings naturally long for intimacy, but we Tom Sieling, widely acclaimed singer and songwriter from Newfield, frequently sabotage our relationships with unconscious projections; if New York, will perform a free, very participatory family program called we want to travel harmoniously in tandem, we have to cultivate self“Take a Tromp Through the Swamp and a Break by the Lake” at the awareness. Pember Library at 6 p.m. on August 26. The show consists of humorous This weekend we’ll explore how to make the necessary and potentialchildren’s songs that are guaranteed to engage everyone. Tom accomly delightful relationship with ourselves the ground of a lifelong journey panies himself on the guitar, banjo, harmonica, and a drum machine, connecting with others. Using contemplative techniques and interperand all songs include parts for the whole family. Everyone, of any age, sonal exercises, participants will examine preconceptions about love, is invited. For more information, please call 518-642-2525, or email explore how we communicate our attitudes verbally and otherwise, and create new scenarios for enlivening our relationships. The program ________________________________________________ offers those already in a relationship tools to deepen their connections, while those presently unattached will gain tips on learning how to listen for love’s knock. The Brandon Town Players will be holding auditions for their fifth • Friday, August 20 – Public Talk, 7-9 p.m. annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theater August 31 and September 2, • Saturday, August 21 – 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6:30 p.m. at the Brandon Town Hall. There are roles for men, women • Sunday, August 22 – 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and young adults who are at least 16 years of age. Performance dates Suggested donation for the public talk is $15, payable at the door. are October 29 and 30 at the South Station Restaurant in Rutland. For Cost for the entire weekend is $100; to register, call Wendy at 413further information please contact Kathy Mathis at 247-6720. 743-4370 or Joan at 802-282-8537. For more info, please visit www. ___________________ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � �

Tromp Through the Swamp

Auditions for Brandon Town Players

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Vermont News Guide

Soldiers and Families

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning is pleased to present a special event with photographer Susan Weiss on Tuesday, August 31. “Ready, Set, Go! A Year of Deployment: The Soldiers and Their Families” will take place at the Long Trail School in Dorset, Vermont at 7:00 p.m. In a powerpoint presentation, Susan Weiss will share her candid portraits of soldiers and families from Fort Stewart, Georgia, as they prepare, set out, and manage during a year of deployment. Admission to this event is $10 for the general public. Soldiers and their families are invited to attend at no charge. For more information, visit August 18, 2010

Vermont’s Heating Revolution Presentation Sustainable Design of VT continues its free monthly “Sustainable Living” series at the Northshire Bookstore on Thursday, August 19 at 7 p.m. This month’s talk focuses on Vermont’s Energy Independence featuring talks by a panel of experts including Alan Benoit, Chris Brooks, Andy Boutin, and Bob Garret. There is an exciting revolution in heating taking place in

Vermont that provides home and business owners a means to reduce their usage of fossil fuels, decrease their carbon footprint, and utilize an abundant local resource. Whether you heat with oil or cord wood, this presentation will demonstrate how you can use your existing heating system to save money and stimulate the local economy without having to burn oil or cut, split, and stack firewood.

Chris Brooks is CEO of Vermont’s first wood pellet mill located in North Clarendon, Vermont. Using locally grown trees, the mill supplies the area with over 10,000 tons of pellets annually, replacing over 1 million gallons of fuel oil. Join the revolution and learn how you can help Vermont regain its energy independence.



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Vermont News Guide


Fort Salem Theater Presents Business Musical ‘StarCrossed’ Imagine the surprise for a young girl looking to start a career in Hollywood when she drops into an agent’s office and the agent asks her if her mother were arguably the most famous singer/actress in show business. “Are you adopted?” he asks, matter-of-factly. “As a matter of fact,” she responds, “I am.” Thus began the real life quest for identity of Kate Brex, whose personal story has been transformed into “StarCrossed, A Musical Tale of Triumph and Tragedy in Old Hollywood,” opening Friday, August 13, at Fort Salem Theater. Written with a score reminiscent of forties film musicals by the Fort’s artistic director, Jay Kerr, and a book by Salem playwright Al Budde, this musical-a-clef takes Brex’s story, changes some names, and turns a real-life quest for identity into song, dance, and

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a story that is at once amusing and heart-warming. “This quest was neither amusing nor heart-warming,” says Kerr, who was married to Brex during the seventies, when she was looking not to cash in on her suspected heritage, but to prove that the celebrity in question could not possibly be her mother. “I take responsibility for having said to her that it should be easy to discover that this mega-star was nowhere near Illinois, where Kate was found on the side of the road in 1948,” says Kerr. “To this day, you can’t confirm this star’s whereabouts at the time. We hired detectives, consulted biographers, and interviewed slews of her contemporaries. Al Budde has managed to turn some of these folks into colorful theatrical characters.” Starring as the young actress, Andrea Green, from Greenwich and New York City, is joined by news anchor Benita Zahn, celebrity impersonator Laura Roth, and two Broadway performers, Robert Silver, who appeared in the lead role in Neil Simon’s “Chapter Two,” and Jim Raposa, who sang and danced in “Ragtime” and “Cats” and portrayed Donatella, one of filmdom’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Peter Kidd, a Philadelphia-based attorney and actor, who, while at Princeton University, studied writing for musical theater with Kerr, is cast as the character loosely based on his former instructor. “StarCrossed” plays at Fort Salem Theater the weekend of August 20-22, with shows Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. For tickets and further information, call 518-854-9200 or visit online at ________________________________________________

Tickets on Sale for Third Annual HarvestFest in Salem

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Tickets are on sale for Salem’s third annual HarvestFest on Saturday, September 11 featuring the musical duo Al and Kathy Bain. HarvestFest is a celebration of the end of the growing season with local food, music, art and activities for the entire family. There will be an all-day market starting at 10 a.m. followed by a “Farm to Fork” Dinner and Barn Dance at 6 p.m. All events take place at Salem Art Works on Cary Lane from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. A silent auction will help raise funds for the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce’s Crisis Fund, which helps families in the community experiencing a medical crisis. HarvestFest is sponsored by the Salem Chamber. The HarvestFest Marketplace features local produce and homemade goodies for sale. The “Farm to Fork” dinner is sourced from locally grown food. This year, well known duo Al and Kathy Bain will be performing their traditional country, bluegrass and gospel music. Eat and dance to great local music until 9 p.m. Beer and wine available for purchase. Admission to the daytime activities is free. Dinner is $20 for adults; $6 for children under 10; and free for children under 5. Tickets are on sale at Jackson Traders, Glens Falls National Bank and the Summer Sounds of Salem concerts on Saturdays in Salem. All activities are held at Salem Art Works on 19 Cary Lane, off West Broadway in Salem, New York. For information call Salem Art Works at 518-854-7674 or visit Vendors interested in participating can contact Janet Swears at 518854-9977 or The fee for space is $15 for Chamber members and $25 for non-members. To donate to the Silent Auction, contact Swears at 518-854-9977.

Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

China Rising in 2010

with Professor John Berninghausen

Manchester residents enjoy the afternoon at last year’s Live Green Energy Expo

Live Green Energy Expo

The third annual Live Green Energy Expo and Music Festival, presented by Orvis, takes place on Saturday, September 11, at Riley Rink at Hunter Park in Manchester, Vermont. This full day event will feature over 20,000 square feet of exhibitors, workshops, kids and teen’s activities, food and live music. Also on the expo floor will be an Eco Marketplace filled with vendors selling earth friendly products, including organic food and clothing, jewelry, lifestyle products, books and more. This year Live Green teams up with the Maple Leaf Half Marathon, an event that draws thousands of visitors to our area, thus providing a full day of activities for residents and visitors. All race finishers will receive free admission to Live Green by showing their race medallion at the LG Admissions Gate. Two recycling programs have been added to Live Green which will benefit a local non-profit organization and area residents in their efforts to recycle electronic waste. PAVE (Project Against Violent Encounters) will be collecting cell phones (no cords please) at their booth on the expo floor. Proceeds from the recycling of these phones will go directly to PAVE programs. The second project is electronic waste recycling, including computer processors, laptops, video monitors, printers, televisions, digital cameras, GPS devices, ink cartridges, DVDs, mp3 players, PDAs, video games and consoles. (Please no hazardous materials.) Your $10 admission ticket to Live Green will allow you to recycle your items for free. Live Green is proud to recognize the following sponsors: The Orvis Company; The Vermont Country Store; Peckham Family Foundation; and Friends of the Rink for their continued support of Riley Rink at Hunter Park, a 501c3 organization. Visit for more details on this event.

Save Money With Coupons! Find them at: August 18, 2010

This talk will discuss some of the relevant history that surrounds ����������-emergence as a global power, touching on the economic and social transformation that took place in China during the past three decades. It will also highlight some of the continuing challenges of Sino-American relations, as well as the dynamic strengths and ������������������������������������������������������������������� Berninghausen will also discuss some of the more dangerous assumptions and misperceptions about China. Wednesday, August 18 Long Trail School Fee: $15

7:00 to 8:30 pm

Ready, Set, Go! A Year of Deployment: The Soldiers and Their Families with Susan Weiss, photographer

Candid portraits of soldiers and families from Fort Stewart, Georgia, as they prepare, set out, and manage during a year of deployment. The soldiers departed in October 2009 to Iraq and Afghanistan while the families remain at the Army base. This is an on-going documentary project until the soldiers return in November 2010. Tuesday, August 31 7:00 to 8:30 pm Long Trail School $10 for general public; No charge for soldiers and their families

The Roots of Musical Inspiration with Ariel Rudiakov

Composers in classical music wrote music for many reasons�to make a living; as political or personal statements; because they were asked to by friends, family or people they admired and respected. Manchester Music Festival Artistic Director Ariel Rudiakov will give a talk about the driving motivations behind the creation of certain classical pieces by composers from Mozart to the present. After the talk, Mr. Rudiakov (a violist) will be joined by his wife, violinist Joana Genova, in a live performance of one of the pieces discussed. Wednesday, September 8 Hildene, Beckwith Room Fee: $15

10:00 to 11:30 am

For more information and to register, please visit or call Renee Bornstein at 802-362-1199. ���������������������������������������������������

Vermont News Guide


Ambassador Peter Galbraith at Northshire Bookstore Ambassador Peter Galbraith, a noted expert on South Asia and former Deputy UN Envoy to Afghanistan in 2009, will present a talk “Afghanistan: A War of Necessity or Quagmire?” at Northshire Bookstore on Saturday, August 14, at 7 p.m. Ambassador Galbraith assesses political and military developments in Afghanistan as President Obama’s surge approaches the planned 100,000 troop level. In particular, Mr. Galbraith evaluates the potential success of the U.S counter-insurgency strategy with the current Afghanistan Government as its partner. Examining the role of regional actors, including Pakistan, Ambassador Galbraith looks at the prospects for negotiation with the Taliban and the

Popular Alternative Band ‘Twiddle’ to Perform at SVAC

UN’s role in Afghanistan’s 2009 presidential elections. Today, Peter Galbraith is a principal of the Windham Resources Group LLC, a Townshend-based firm that specializes in international negotiations for government and corporate clients. Mr. Galbraith’s most recent books are “The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End” and “Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies.” Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this important discussion. Please call 802-3622200 or 1-800-437-3700, or visit the Northshire Bookstore Web site at if you have any questions.

The Southern Vermont Arts Center is proud to present a performance by one of Vermont’s hottest bands — Twiddle. Twiddle is a popular Vermont jam-band whose show is energetic and dynamic in its composition of music and execution. They have a stage presence that has engaged audiences on both the East and West coasts with a unique blend of music that they describe as “three-dimensional.” Twiddle has started a frenzy on both coasts with complexities that conjure up Coltrane, Ranglin, and Zappa, while still embracing the roots of jam-band traditions. They are a group of musicians who not only understand climactic build and release, but deliver their intricate compositions night after night to jazz purists and screaming fans at the same time. Twiddle has a sound that defiantly weaves and dodges through musical genres. A favorite in Manchester at The Perfect Wife restaurant, they draw wall-to-wall crowds wherever they perform. The alternative band consists of Ryan Dempsey — ivories, vocals; Brook Jordan — percussion, vocals; Zdenek Gubb — bass, vocals; and Mihali Savoulidis — guitar and vocals. Tickets are on sale now for the performance on Friday, August 20, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door and at the Northshire Bookstore in Manchester Center. For advance ticket sales call the SVAC box office a: 802-362-2522. Galleries are open prior to all performances, and guests can dine on local-grown fare at the new and fabulous Café Mamie, which is open for lunch and for Sunday brunch 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and for dinner before performances. Reservations are suggested and can be made by calling 802-366-8298.

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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

Christopher Lloyd in Weston’s ‘Death Of A Salesman’ The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company proudly presents “Death of a Salesman,” a Tony award and Pulitzer Prizewinning drama that is perhaps the greatest of all American plays, on its MainStage from August 26 through September 11. Augmenting the special nature of this production is the presence of noted actor Christopher Lloyd, who returns to Weston in the classic role of Willy Loman. The production, sponsored by The Vermont Country Store and The Orton Family, with media sponsorship from Vermont Public Television, and supported in part by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Vermont Arts Council and the Vermont Community Foundation, will conclude with matinee performances for area schools and a 3week New England Tour ending in mid-October. Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman” was an immediate critical and popular success from its Broadway premiere in 1949. The story of a common traveling salesman who fights changing times and his own failings to claim his family’s right to the American Dream has since become one of the most performed plays in modern theatrical history. While Christopher Lloyd is most widely known for television and film performances such as “Taxi” and “Back to the Future,” this Emmy and Obie Awardwinning actor has an impressive and extensive theatrical resume. He has starred on and off Broadway and at major regional theatres in such diverse plays as “Kaspar,” “Happy End,” “Mornings at Seven,” “Twelfth Night” and “Waiting for Godot.” He began his professional career in Weston in 1964 and last returned in 1990 to play Sherlock Holmes opposite his brother Sam. Lloyd is joined by Amy Van August 18, 2010

Nostrand, Markus Potter, Nathan Darrow, Matt Harrington, Philip Kerr, David Bonanno, Brandy Zarle, Elizabeth Morton, and Beth Hylton. Like all Weston productions, “Death of a Salesman” is complemented by extensive education and outreach programs. Director Stettler will discuss the play in the Playhouse Living Room 30 minutes before curtain on August 26, 27 and before the August 28

matinee. Reservations for “Death of a Salesman” and dinner at the Playhouse’s Cafe at the Falls restaurant may be made at the Playhouse box office window, by calling 802-824-5288, or by visiting MasterCard, Visa and American Express are accepted. Ask about Vermont resident, youth and student discounts.

Vermont News Guide

Join us for our next Bird Walk at Hildene! This Saturday, Aug. 21st 7a.m. Meet us at the Welcome Center! Free! Binos available if needed!

Stop by the store for our great selection of summer bird bath and our selection of Flags for all seasons! 48 Center Hill Rd. Manchester, VT (802) 362-2270



— by Lisa Laberge

Houses, Like People, Can Have a Past, Too. My design studio is located in a cheerful yellow house on Route 30 with the new beginnings of a freshly planted English cottage garden: tended, coddled and fretted over everyday. It is cheerful inside too, every inch freshly painted. There are fabric and decorating books stacked high on shelves and a designer-decorated apartment in the back for

weekend rentals. I have decided that a house is what you make it. Plain and simple. If you are willing to put in the effort and a little imagination you can turn any house into a welcoming retreat. When we bought this house it was run down and sadly neglected. At that time it was a three-apartment rental with lots of people coming and going, no one ever staying very long, and some even leaving in a cloud of drama. Tired of being landlords and needing a space for my growing business, my husband and I decided the best course was for me to move my interior design business into the building. During the year-long renovation lots of subcontractors came through the door — plumbers, electricians, painters. One common theme emerged. Almost all of them to a man would look around and tell me how they spent many evenings in their youth in this house partying and raising the roof. The details were never forthcoming

but there was always a bit of wistfulness in their eyes as the memories flashed back to their rowdier days. Apparently, this was the party house of the neighborhood. I felt a bit like a reform school director straightening out a wayward child and taking all the fun out of it to boot. They would tell me it looked very pretty, and shaking their heads walk away at the end of their workday. Now the house is its own world created from imagination and inspired by scenes out of Rosamunde Pilcher’s novels set in the West Country of England. On our family trip to Cornwall when our girls were 5 and 7, we stayed in a classic version of a Bed and Breakfast as only the English can present. We were lucky enough to stay in beds with canopies above our heads, Laura Ashley floral bathrooms, and thatch roofed chicken houses nestled in gardens filled with color. My oldest daughter remembers feeling like a princess in those rooms. I would say decorating has done its job if you can make a little girl, and maybe even some adults, feel like a princess. The details of that trip have stayed with me through the years and finally had an outlet in this particular house with its classic Vermont farmhouse bones. Quiet and peaceful, the house sits proudly on Route 30 across from a marble quarry. I don’t think people who stay in the little rental out back have any idea of its past and perhaps that’s okay. Even a house can change its ways.


Just one of the reasons you’ll want to join our community.

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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

������������������� Wells Chicken Barbecue

Come to the Modern Woodman Hall, Route 30, Main Street, Wells, Vermont on Saturday, August 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. for the best chicken barbecue you’ve ever had! After an afternoon at the MWA Parade and Carnival, you can top it off with this great 60-year tradition. Sink your teeth into those juicy browned barbecue chicken halves, taste that mouth-watering corn on the cob. Those Vermont-grown cabbage and potatoes make the best coleslaw and potato salad and macaroni salads! There are also beverages, rolls and brownies for dessert. Take-outs are available. Cost is $10 for adults; youths 5 through 12, $5; and under 5, no charge. This event is presented by the Ladies Aid of the Wells United Methodist Church. For further information, please call Bonnie at 802645-0422 or Elenor at 802-645-0881. ________________________________________________

Award-winning Artists Featured at Southern Vermont Arts Center Opening

Meet artists, mingle with friends and celebrate the opening of the Southern Vermont Arts Center August Solo Exhibitions at a free party on Saturday August 28, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., at Yester House galleries on the Center’s campus. Exhibitor and award-winning photographer Kevin Bubriski will present a slide-lecture prior to the celebration at 2 p.m., in the Arkell Pavilion, with conversations with the artists following at 3 in Gallery II of Yester House. Bubriski, Ben Moss, and Karen Hoving will be the participating artists in the pre-opening talk. Judith Lee Page, Leslie Parke, Kathie Thompson, Polly Thompson and Tracy Baker White round out the eclectic group of artist exhibitors shown in the light-filled galleries of historic Yester House through September 26. All artwork is for sale, and the variety of styles and mediums represented run from the traditional watercolor landscapes of Judith Lee Page to the whimsical narrative paintings of Polly Thompson, to the powerfully stark images of Nepal’s evolution in Bubriski’s photographs. Moss, Baker-White and Kathie Thompson present the eye with three very different views of landscapes in oils, while Hoving brings a surreal, dream-like quality to her photographs. Bubriski’s slide lecture chronicles an inside and frequent observer’s view of the country of Nepal, from which he has recently returned. The Peabody Museum’s Robert Gardner Visiting Artist Fellowship allowed him to continue an extensive photographic documentation of that country’s turmoil and recent precarious peace. Bubriski has exhibited worldwide, and his work is in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum, the International Center for Photography, and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. The artists are present at the opening party, which includes free hors d’ouevres, cash bar, live music, and supervised children’s activities available for younger family members. Call the Arts Center at 362-1405 for more information. SVAC is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and on Sunday from 11-5 p.m.; there is free admission on Sunday (closed Monday). August 18, 2010

Danby/Mt. Tabor Seniors

The Danby/Mt. Tabor Seniors will meet at the Parsonage on South Main Street on Wednesday, August 25 at noon. The menu will include beef Stroganoff, seasoned Cavatoppi, tossed salad with dressing, Italian bread and watermelon. Cost is $3.25 for 60 and over; all others, $4. Reservations must be made by August 21 by calling 293-5232.

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Vermont News Guide


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WEQX Rocks the Votes for Casting for Recovery

Bereavement Support Groups Offered

Voted “Best Radio Station for the Capital Region,” Manchester’s WEQX 102.7 has thrown its broadcasting weight behind Casting for Recovery (CFR) to help the national non-profit support and educational program for women who have or had breast cancer win a quarter million dollars in the Pepsi Refresh Contest. If Casting for Recovery receives the most total votes in its category from August 1-31, the organization will receive $250,000 to support its mission to help breast cancer survivors across the U.S. learn skills that can help them live more fulfilling lives. CFR has risen quickly in ranking during the first two weeks of the contest and is now #15 out of a field of over 300 worthy national causes, one of the top current leaders. WEQX is calling for daily votes on its airwaves, Web site, and Facebook page. “We are so excited to have WEQX on board with their active participation,” says Executive Director Lori Simon. “They really can rock the votes by engaging their wide listening audience, especially the phone text voters.” Amber Miller, WEQX Program Director, says, “EQX is glad to get behind this wonderfully worthy local organization in this competition! Forget Team Edward or Team Jacob, we’re on Team CFR!” Please vote daily for CFR by phone texting 101715 to 73774 (Pepsi). For detailed instructions on how to also vote daily online, go to www.

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Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice (RAVNAH) will be offering a variety of bereavement support groups for community members who have experienced a loss through death. All groups will meet at 7 Albert Cree Drive in Rutland. Call Ann LaRocque at 7701516 to register. Newly Bereaved Support Program – This program is for those who have experienced a loss in the past 2-6 months, and provides group support as well as education about the process of grieving. After completion of this program, participants may choose to continue with the Grief Education and Support Group. Dates: Tuesdays, September 7, 14 and 21 from 4:30 – 6 p.m. Register by September 1. Grief Education and Support Group – Beginning on Tuesday, September 28 from 4:30–6 p.m., RAVNAH will offer a six session, biweekly program for those who have experienced a loss through death. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences of loss with others, as well as gain an understanding of the process of grief and its impact on life emotionally, socially, mentally and spiritually. Register by September 20. Healing Grief Through Writing – Each person grieves uniquely when faced with the death of a loved one. Writing is one way to sort out one’s life and integrate the change that loss brings. This six session group will meet bi-weekly beginning on Monday, September 13 from 6–7:30 p.m., and will utilize the tool of writing as a means of processing grief. It is for anyone who has suffered at any time a loss through death. No writing experience is necessary and first time writers are encouraged to attend. Register by September 7 and bring a notebook and pencil or pen. Bereavement Book Club – Many books have been written about the experience of losing a loved one. This program utilizes the tool of the written word as a means for healing after a loss. We will read and discuss “Don’t Let Death Ruin Your Life: A Practical Guide to Reclaiming Your Life After the Death of a Loved One.” The group meets from 6–7:30 p.m. on Monday, September 20; Monday, October 18; Tuesday, November 16; and Monday, December 13. Register by September 13. _________________________________________________

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Vermont News Guide

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& BODY Grace Cottage Offers Free Tobacco Cessation Classes

Grace Cottage Hospital will host “Your Quit, Your Way,” a free sixweek tobacco cessation class, on six Tuesdays, August 31 to October 5, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., in the hospital’s Community Wellness Center, 133 Grafton Road (Route 35), in Townshend. Sindy Hassig, a Grace Cottage physical therapist and a Tobacco Treatment Specialist, will conduct the classes. Those who have tried to quit but are still smoking are particularly encouraged to enroll in this program. Free nicotine replacement prod-

ucts are available for any Vermont resident enrolled in this program. Call the Grace Cottage Wellness Program, 365-3649, to register or for more information. A free “Tobacco-Free Support Group” meets weekly at Grace Cottage on Thursday evenings, 5-6 p.m., in the Community Wellness Center. The weekly meetings are informal and relaxed, and all are welcome, whether they’ve quit or not. For information about the support group, please call Sindy Hassig at 365-7357 ext. 182.

Celebrate Recovery Offers Hope


Are you stuck in a rut? Have you lost hope that your life will ever change - at least for the better? We are excited to announce that Celebrate Recovery is here to give you that hope! On Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Hoosick Falls Community Alliance Church, 484 Hill Road in Hoosick Falls, people are finding the help and support they need in their journey to freedom. Celebrate Recovery is open to anyone who desires to be free from all the things that are weighing them down. Hundreds of groups meet weekly around the globe, with peoples’ lives being transformed step by step. For more information, contact Sandy Dooley at 518-686-5962, Tammy or Brian Jenkins at 518-686-4166, or Gail Smith at 518-6869888.

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August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide



Morning: Bus #4 Dorset Route starts at 7:25 a.m. from Dydo’s, Route 30 north to Danby Mountain Road to Dorset West Road. Church Street to Route 30 north to Peace Street to Long Trail School. Kirby Hollow Road to Dorset Hollow Road to Route 30 to Meadow Lane to Cheney Road to Church Street. Church Street to Dorset West Road south to Route 30 north to Morse Hill Road to The Dorset School. Afternoon: Bus #4 Morse Hill Road to Route 30. Go north on Route 30 past Danby Mountain Road to Dorset West Road. Dorset West Road south to Church Street to Route 30 south, returning to The Dorset School. Afternoon: Bus #6 Morse Hill Road to Route 30 south. Turn around at Dydo’s. Left on Dorset West Road. Right on Church Street, right on Cheney Road, left on Meadow Lane and straight across to Dorset Hollow Road to Lower Hollow Road to turn around. Return down Lower Hollow Road to Dorset Hollow Road to Kirby Hollow Road. Kirby Hollow Road to Long Trail School. Turn around at Long Trail School and return on Kirby Hollow Road. Right on Peace Street, and left on Route 30 south, returning to The Dorset School.

EAST DORSET Morning: Bus #6 East Dorset Route starts at 7:15 a.m. at Country Club Estates. Route 7 north to Benedict Road north to Route 7 north to Emerald Lake. Turns around just beyond Emerald Lake and goes Route 7 south to Mad Tom Road. Turns around at Birch Stone Road, back down Mad Tom Road to Route 7 south to Morse Hill Road to The Dorset School.

Afternoon: Bus #3 Morse Hill Road to Route 7 north to Mad Tom road. Back down Bowen Hill Road to Route 7 north to Emerald Lake, returning on Route 7 south to The Dorset School. Morse Hill Road to Benedict Road to Route 7 south to Sunderland, returning on Route 7 to The Dorset School.



The Pawlett Historical Society announces that Pawlet’s 1930 historic grand drape has now been conserved and installed on the auditorium stage at the Pawlet Town Hall. The brilliantly colored curtain with its central design and surrounding advertisements was painted by an unidentified artist for the stage at the West Pawlet School, where it hung for many years. The conservation involved cleaning, mending, in-painting (retouching marred areas on the canvas) and the construction of a new structure to support the curtain as a backdrop. Conservator Suki Fredericks from Leicester, Vermont and project Director Chris Hadsel from Burlington represented the Vermont Painted Theater Curtain Project in the technical aspects and overall project management. There are 185 historic curtains in Vermont and, with the completion of the work in Pawlet, 180 have now been conserved. For more information about the statewide project visit: In Pawlet, members of the Historical Society and other local volunteers were crucial in helping restore the curtain. They included Sue DiChiara, Gregg Gawlik, John Malcolm, Jerry Mason, Phyllis Mason, Peter Moore, Barbara O’Connor, Susanne Rappaport, Bob and Martha Schoenemann, Perry Waite and Steve Williams. Karen Folger provided the liaison between the conservation activities and the Town Hall restoration project. Funding for the project was provided by the National Foundation for the Arts, the Vermont Community Foundation and the Pawlett Historical Society. It is hoped that the curtain can be made accessible for viewing at designated times during the summer. For more information about the curtain restoration project please contact: Steve Williams by e-mail at or by phone at 802-645-9529. ________________________________________________

DHS Offers Walking Tour of Dorset Village

Afternoon: Mini Bus

Bus numbers are subject to change, but routes will remain the same.

Restoration of Historic Curtain Complete

Terry Tyler, local businessman, author, raconteur and jokester, will “tell all” about the homes and bygone people of Dorset’s historic houses and Architect Bill Badger will analyze the structures’ features during a walking tour on Saturday, August 21. Tour-goers will meet at 10 a.m. at the Bley House Museum, home of the Dorset Historical Society on Route 30 at Kent Hill Road. The walk will include the Dorset Inn and houses on both sides of the Town Green and Church Street all the way to Prentiss Pond. DHS’s Bley House Museum is open Wednesday 10noon and Thursday through Saturday, 10-4. For more information, visit or call 802-867-0331.

Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010



Vermont Reading Partners Celebrate 25th Anniversary You are invited to join Vermont Reading Partners for a special dinner and a silent auction on Sunday, August 29, at the Barrows House Inn & Restaurant in Dorset. 2010 marks VRP’s twenty-fifth year offering free literacy services designed to help adults and families in southwestern Vermont increase their literacy skills. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and music, all in the beautiful Barrows House gardens. At 7 p.m. a delicious three-course meal will be served. Guests will select from a menu of Filet Mignon, Roulade of Sole stuffed with Mushrooms and Shrimp, Apricot Glazed Chicken, or Fior D’Italia Grilled Portabella Mushroom Ravioli. Auction bidding will begin at 6:00 p.m. and continue throughout the evening. The highlight of this year’s silent auction will again be an African Photo Safari for two for six days and six nights with luxury accommodations and

full board at the Zulu Nyala Game Lodge in Zululand, one of Africa’s richest wildlife conservation regions. Other fabulous items include a print by Nobu Fujii (The Gallery on the Green), a Pool and Tennis Membership at the Barrows House for the 2010-2011 season, two Bromley Mountain mid-week season passes, Nina Bentley artwork, a spa day, a French wine basket, theater tickets, handcrafted jewelry, golf, a truckload of mulch, and more gifts to suit your taste.

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August 18, 2010

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Tickets for the Dinner and Silent Auction cost $60.00 per person, including tax and gratuity, and will be on sale at the VRP office through August 27. Call June at 802-362-2323. Tickets will also be on sale at the Barrows House up to and including August 29. The number there is 802-867-4455. Seating is limited.


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Vermont News Guide


SPORTS Friends of Rutland County Humane Society Host 5K Walk for the Animals

Raising funds for the Rutland County Humane Society (RCHS) can be fun and healthy! Friends of RCHS are hosting a “5K Walk for the Animals” on Sunday, August 22 at the Northeast Primary School, 117 Temple Street in Rutland, just off Woodstock Avenue. Sign-in begins at noon. Walk with or without a dog and join the fun! All well-mannered dogs are welcome but must be on leashes. There is no registration fee but if you’d like to help raise funds for the homeless animals in Rutland County please consider getting people or businesses to sponsor your walk. Sponsor sheets are available at the RCHS shelter or at The more walkers the better so consider getting a group of family, friends and co-workers to join you. Prizes will be awarded to those walkers who raise the most money! Raffle prizes and vendors, too! Thanks to our sponsors including Merchants Bank, PETCO, Rutland Area Food Co-Op, Rutland Veterinary Clinic at Castleton Corners and Rutland Veterinary Clinic and Surgical Center. For more information visit or call Danica at 802-287-5704. We look forward to seeing you on August 22! Founded in 1959, for over 50 years the Rutland County Humane Society has been dedicated to advocating for and working towards a responsible and humane community. RCHS provides shelter and adoption opportunities for pets who are homeless and promotes animal welfare through community programs that benefit both animals and

people. RCHS is a private, non-profit organization serving the communities of Rutland County, Vermont. For more information about the 5K Walk for the Animals or RCHS, please call 483-9171 or visit _________________________________________________

Maple Leaf Half Marathon and 5K Run/Walk

The Perfect Wife, Spiral Press, Maple Leaf Half Marathon and 5K Run/Walk presented by MVP Health Care is scheduled for September 11, 2010. An additional feature this year is the Jay Hathaway team challenge, presented by Paraco Gas Corporation and named in honor of the former Manchester Chamber executive director, and a major leader in providing the impetus for reviving the Maple Leaf Half Marathon. Jay, who was the announcer for the 2009 Maple Leaf, suffered a fatal heart attack shortly after the race. The team challenge consists of four team members running or walking either the 5K or half marathon. Winners will be determined by adding the placement finish of each team member. The lowest cumulative total wins. All runners and walkers will receive a commemorative medal as they cross the finish line. This year the Maple Leaf is teaming with Live Green at Riley Rink, an environmental and musical exposition. All Maple Leaf participants, wearing their commemorative medallions, will be admitted to Live Green free of charge. Participants will receive a T-shirt and souvenir reusable goodie bag, chock full of usable and edible products. For registration information go to, or pick up a paper registration at the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ________________________________________________

Prize Winners in Glen Gould Raffle

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Natalie Hein- Mettowee Valley Coffee Table, Jim Ross- Handmade Afghan, Dale Aines- Dinner for two at The Barn Restaurant, Kelly Ahlfeld- Avon Holiday gift set, Dick Hulett- Case of oil, courtesy of Dorr Oil, Lisa Strieber- $25 Gift Certificate Gasoline, courtesy of Dorr Oil, Karen Holcomb- $30 Gift Certificate, The Pawlet Potter, Terry McClellan- $30 Gift Certificate, Sew Bead It, Bianca Brown- $40 Gift Certificate, Lakes Lampshades, Dick Hulett- JK Adams Pig Cutting Board, Rick Morey- $15 Gift Certificate, H. N. Williams, Andrea Rathburn- 2 Medium Value Meals McDonalds, Rebecca Gould- 2 All Day Passes Bromley Fun Park, Art Williams- Pizza $20 Gift Certificate, Machs Brick Oven Pizza, Art Williams- Cord of Wood, courtesy D Mach Landscaping, Doreen Kelly- 1 quart maple syrup, Patty Weisser- 1 quart maple syrup, Perry Brown- 1 quart maple syrup, Jeff Ams- 2 quarts maple syrup, Estelle Leach- 2 quarts maple syrup, Cheryl Shelbrack- $20 Gift Certificate Machs Market, Debbie Ross- Sandwiches and Coffee, Gift Certificate Sheldons Market, Abby Bishop- $50 Gift Certificate, Mios Bistro, Jeremy Toomey- 3 cords firewood courtesy of Haynes and Stock. Thanks to all the community members who bought tickets (822 sold) to support this benefit raffle and thank you to those that sent monetary donations. Special thanks to all the businesses and individuals that donated prizes. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010


Nature Notes

— by Bonnie Dundas Hot and humid weather continues and our garden sprawls in every direction. If an army could march on cucumbers, we could launch a successful campaign! The larger tomatoes are beginning to ripen and BLT’s will soon be on the lunch menu every day. The chickens appreciate all the leftover greens and will eat anything with seeds. Ruby-throated hummingbirds are visiting the feeders – and this is a good time to remind you to clean your feeders frequently in this hot weather. Sugar water can ferment and is not good for birds to imbibe. Most of our neighborhood birds are quiet these days but as others come less often to the feeders, the one species still raising young are American Goldfinches whose numbers increase at the feeders and in the fields where they search for thistle and other seeds. Now is the time we seem to host birds less common in our yard: Great Blue Herons, Belted Kingfishers, Carolina Wrens, hawks, and the beginnings of the warbler migration south. The first Monarch Butterfly was seen here last week accompanied by several other species. They do like these hot summer days. The evening insects of August are calling, reminding us that cooler days are coming. Katydids and crickets call so incessantly that when they fall silent the quiet is startling. Alysha found a Red Newt on the lawn; Dick a Spotted Salamander in the garden and many small toads have been found in the gardens. The next full moon falls on August 24. It is called the Full Sturgeon (as many of these fish are caught in large lakes like Champlain), Full Red (the moon often looks reddish as it rises in the haze of late summer), and the Full Green Corn Moon. The New Moon was on August 9 which happily gives us dark nights to look for falling stars. The Perseid Meteor Shower was at its best on August 12-13 around midnight when dozens of Perseids an hour were estimated to fall. The best place to look was toward the Northeast and to the right of the Big Dipper. Enjoy these ‘dog days’ of summer. Smell the new-mown hay. Taste the new corn and feel the butter dripping down your chin. Listen for those crickets. Watch for flocks of blackbirds as they gather for their ����������������� journey south. What are you seeing? You can ������������ contact me at 802-447-7433 or at ����������������� � ������� ____________________ ������ ������� ��� ����� ����� � ��� �

Take Your 15 Minutes of Fame

Does your organization or non-profit have an upcoming event that you would like to promote? Stop in the Vermont News Guide and let us take your picture and put your story in the paper. We’re located at 99 Bonnet Street, Manchester Center, Vermont. Call us at 802-362-3535. August 18, 2010

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Enjoy your property in an easily maintained, sustainable landscape that meets your needs. Nicholas T. Lasoff, MALD Ph: 802 379 5208

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Vermont News Guide

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& CRAFTS Linda Durkee Featured Artist at Landgrove Inn

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Contemporary paintings and collages by Vermont visual artist Linda Durkee will be featured in a solo exhibition at the InView Center for the Arts at the Landgrove Inn from August 21 to September 6. The opening wineand-cheese reception is Saturday, August 21, from 4-6 p.m. It is free, and all are welcome. The exhibition, entitled Of Mountains and Dreams, will showcase original paintings from Durkee’s Mountain Series and


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other bodies of work as well as original collages and a selection of limited edition fine art prints. Durkee has exhibited her work widely in Vermont and elsewhere. Now a painter for 30 years, Durkee returned to her native Vermont to create art full time following careers as a journalist and speechwriter in Washington, DC, which included a posting to the U.N. Environment Program in Geneva, Switzerland. The InView Center for the

Arts, run by Tom and Maureen Checchia, owners of the Landgrove Inn, offers a range of workshops and seminars on fine and decorative arts and writing for all skill levels. The 2010 schedule is online at www. The InView Center for the Arts is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, please contact Tom and Maureen Checchia at 824-6673, toll free 800-669-8466; or Linda Durkee at 293-2196.

Art and Craft Festival

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The Society of Vermont Artists and Craftsmen’s Late Summer Art and Craft Festival will be held on Saturday, August 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine, at the Fletcher Farm School for the Arts and Crafts lcoated on Route 103, Ludlow, Vermont. This fair will feature water and oil paintings, folk art, primitives, jewelry, woodworking, photography, doll makers and clothes, fabric products, handmade soaps, maple syrup, honey, party dips and herbal products, hand woven items, decorative gourds, and much more. There will also be demonstrations by instructors including chain-saw carving. You will find quality products that you will enjoy for many years to come.



Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

ENTERTAINMENT Celebrity Playwright, Theresa Rebeck, to Premiere New Play ‘The Novelist’ at Dorset Theatre Festival

DTF is honored to present the latest new work by renowned playwright Theresa Rebeck as a stellar finish to their successful 35th Year Anniversary Season. Rebeck’s play “The Understudy” was a runaway hit at Williamstown Theatre Festival 2 seasons ago, moving to NYC and the Roundabout Theatre to rave reviews. Ms. Rebeck, who has owned a vacation home in Dorset for the past several years, is a Pulitzer Prize finalist whose plays include Broadway’s “Mauritius” and Off-Broadway’s “Omnium Gatherum” (co-written with Alexandra Gersten-Vassilaros). The play, a biting comic drama, can be described as follows: a country home, a weekend away from the city, a brilliant novelist and his bitter son, a nubile and cunning young female assistant enters the picture and events explode in Jennifer Ikeda and Michael Cristofer this fierce and funny contemPhoto by Sue Rees porary drama, which explores Chekovian territory in a contemporary American setting. The production opens on August 18 running through August 29 with performances Wednesdays-Sundays, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are available by calling the Box Office at 802-867-5777 or on-line at www. _______________________________________________

Dorset Players Audition Reminder

A girl from a family of freethinkers falls for the son of a conservative banker. Written by Kaufman and Hart, “You Can’t Take It With You” opened on Broadway in December 1936 and ran for 837 performances, winning the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1937. The 1938 film version, directed by Frank Capra, won Academy Awards for best picture and best director. This delightful comedy has been a favorite with audiences ever since. The cast is full of many wonderful “character” roles for those in their twenties and up. (13 male/7 female). Open auditions will be held at the Dorset Church at 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 24 and Wednesday, August 25. Scripts are available for review from Sheila Conway at the Player’s office, 867-5570. Folks interested in backstage work including set building, lighting and costumes are also encouraged to get involved. Contact director Dom Degnon with questions at, or 802-2935660.

Wood’s Tea Company Concert at Hildene

The acclaimed American folk music group Wood’s Tea Company returns to the event tent at Hildene on Wednesday, August 18 for the annual Robert D. Thum Memorial Concert. Hosted by Hildene every summer in honor of the late Robert Thum, an early trustee and longtime supporter of The Lincoln Family Home, this performance is a popular one. Known for their rousing renditions of bluegrass, folk, Celtic and maritime tunes, as well as their energy and dry sense of humor between songs, the Vermont-based acoustic group has been playing crowd pleasing music for more than two decades. From banjos, bezoukis and bodhrans to guitars and tin whistles, each musician contributes his or her special musical expertise on a variety of instruments. The concert takes place rain or shine. Grounds open at 5:00 p.m. and the concert begins at 6:00 p.m. Concertgoers are encouraged to bring blankets, lawn chairs and picnics. Parking and admission is at the Welcome Center: $5 for adults, $2 for youth 6-14. Children 5 and under, members and volunteers are free. For more information on the Woods Tea Company concert, contact Stephanie at 802-367-7960 or email August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide


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Thursday: AA meeting, Breakfast with Your Higher Power, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Manchester. 7:30 a.m. AA meeting, Sherburne United Church, Killington, noon AA Big Book meeting, Grace Congregational Church, Rutland, noon AA meeting, St. Paul’s CC, Manchester, noon AA, Scars, Bars, Big Book meeting, Rutland Correctional Ctr, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. AA Women’s Up the Steps meeting, St. Paul’s Church, Route 30, Manchester, 6:30 p.m. Gamblers Anonymous, 7 p.m. at Turning Point, 141 State St., Rutland,1-800-522-4700. Al-Anon meeting, Memorial Hospital, Brattleboro, 7 p.m. SMART Recovery: Brattleboro Savings & Loan Bldg., downstairs, 7 p.m. 254-5568. AA Step meeting, United Methodist Ch, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. AA Room to Grow, Steel Square Bldg., Rutland, 7:30 p.m. NA Just for Today, 8 p.m., Al Ducci’s Cafe, Manchester

AA meeting, Congregational Church Rupert, 8 p.m. AA, meeting, Jamaica Community Ch, 8 p.m. Friday: AA-Breakfast with Your Higher Power, Step Meeting, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, 7:30 a.m. AA meeting, St. Peter’s School, Rutland, 7 p.m. AA meeting (step/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, St. Luke’s Fair Haven, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, Pawlet Community Ch, 7:30 p.m. AA New Beginnings (Beginners 6:30), Steel Square Bldg., Rutland, 8 p.m. J.S. Open Discussion meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. OA Overeaters Anonymous, First Congregational Church, Manchester Village, south entrance, rear parking lot, 6:15 to 7:15 a.m. Open meeting. Saturday: AA meeting, Breakfast with your Higher Power, Beginners, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Manchester, 7:30 a.m.



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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

AA Straight from the Heart Group, Mecham St., Wallingford, 9:30 a.m. Al-Anon ACOA: 10:30-11:30 a.m., St. John the Baptist Church, North Bennington AA meeting (topic/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House, 2 p.m. AA meeting, Beginners’ Group, Christ the King School, Rutland, 7 p.m. NA Back to Basics Group, Second Congregational Ch, Bennington, 7 p.m. AA meeting (speaker/disc) East Dorset, Wilson House 7:30 p.m. AA open discussion group, Sherburne United Church, Killington, 8:15 p.m. H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, noon, Room 6. Teen Support Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m., Room 6 Sunday: AA meeting, “As Bill Sees It,” Wilson House, East Dorset, 8 a.m. Al Anon meeting 8 a.m. Wilson House, East Dorset, Open discussion. Al-Anon meeting, Serenity House, Wallingford, 10 a.m. AA meeting, Weston Priory, Weston, 1:30 p.m.

AA Big Book, Green Mountain Group, East Poultney Baptist Church, 7:30 p.m. AA 11-Step Meeting meditation, Wilson House, East Dorset, 7 p.m. AA Shoulder to Shoulder, HoJo Inn, Rutland, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Federated Church, Castleton, 8 p.m. AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8 p.m. Al-Anon meeting, Federated Church, Castleton, 8 p.m. Monday: AA Sweet Serenity Trinity Episcopal, Rutland, noon. AA Beginners, Wilson House, East Dorset, 6:30 p.m. AA Beginners meeting, Dorset United Church, 6:30 p.m. Step Al-Anon at the Wilson HOuse, East Dorset, 6:30 p.m. AA meeting for Gay/Bi/Lesbian/ Transgendered Persons, 7 p.m., Turning Point Club, Bennington AA Start Living Group, St., Peter’s School, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. AA meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal, Brandon, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon meeting, First Congregational Ch, Newfane, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon meeting, Baptist Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m.

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August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide

4566 Main St., Manchester, Vermont (Rt 7A, in the former Sox Market) www. 37


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AA discussion meeting, United Church, Dorset, 8 p.m. H.S. Meeting Book Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: AA meeting, Trinity Episcopal, Rutland, noon. AA Women’s Meeting, Wilson House, East Dorset, 6:30 p.m. AA Breakfast With Your Higher Power Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Rte. 7A (across from Manchester Engine) 7:30 a.m. Rutland County AA Men’s meeting, Grace Congregational Ch, Rutland, 7 p.m. Al-Anon ACOA meeting, Bennington College, North Bennington, 7 p.m. AA Meeting, Serenity House, Wallingford, 7 p.m. Overeaters Anonymous, 7 p.m., Bennington Free Library AA Meeting, Wilson House, East Dorset, mens meeting, 6:30 p.m. AA meeting, Chapel of the Snows, Stratton, 6:30 p.m. Al Anon meeting, 8 p.m. Wilson House, East Dorset, Open discussion AA meeting, St. James Episcopal Ch, Arlington, 8 p.m. SMART Recovery: Brattleboro Retreat Cafeteria, 7 p.m. 254-5568. Wednesday: Al-Anon, Burdett Commons, Arlington, noon. AA Big Book Group, Good Shepherd Lutheran Ch, Rutland, 5:30 p.m. AA Breakfast With Your Higher Power Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Rte. 7A (across from

Manchester Engine) 7:30 a.m. ACOA, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon Courage to Change, South Londonderry Baptist Ch, 7 p.m. has moved to Main St. in Weston, VT to the meeting room across the parking lot of the Old Parish Church AA Step meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Brandon, 7 p.m. AA meeting, Congregational Church, Danby, 7:30 p.m. H.S. STEP meeting Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 7:30 p.m. Bennington Women’s Meeting of AA: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Turning Point Club, 465 Main St., Bennington, VT DA - Debtor’s Anonymous, Wed. 8-9 p.m., Turning Point Club of Bennington, 465 Main St., Bennington, VT, 442-9700


Thursday: GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6 p.m. Tuesday: GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 9 a.m., 5:30 & 6 p.m. ESL Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 4:30 p.m. GED Class, Mack Molding, Arlington, 6 p.m. Wednesday: Dept. of Employment & Training, Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington (first Wednesday), 10 a.m. GED Class, Tutorial Center, Manchester, 3 p.m.

Summer at Laney’s Lunch & Dinner– Inside & Out!

Open for lunch & dinner Friday-Sunday at noon Open for dinner Tuesday-Sunday Get Laney’s Famous Burgers, Sandwiches, Salads, ���������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������

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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

A Mustard Seed Group St. Peter’s School, Rutland, 8 p.m. MIND & BODY WELLNESS Thursday: Bennington Free Clinic, 6-9 p.m. Located at First Baptist Church, 601 Main St., Bennington, VT. Call 447-3700 for appointment. Medicare Assistance, Zion Parrish, Manchester, 10 a.m. Disabled American Veterans Meeting, American Legion Hall, Chester, first Thursday) 7:30 p.m. Friday: Blood Pressure Clinic, Robert Milbauer Realty, Newfane, third Friday, 10 a.m. Saturday: CoDA, 12-step fellowship to maintain healthy relationships, 9:30 a.m. Wilson House, E. Dorset, 362-5524 Monday: Support group for family members of those suffering from mental illness, first Monday at 7 p.m., South Londonderry Library, Clare at 824-3909 Parents in Crisis, SVMC, Bennington, 7 p.m. RSVP Bone Builders: Call RSVP at 447-1545 for info. Free. Arlington, American Legion Hall, Mon and Th, 10:30-11:30; Manchester, Masonic Temple, Mon, Wed, 11 a.m; Manchester Town Hall, Tues 10 a.m. & Thur, 12:30 p.m.; Monday and Wednesday, 9:30 Town Offices in South Londonderry Tuesday: LaLeche League Support Meeting, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, third Tuesday, 7 p.m. Marriage Support Group,

Northshire Baptist Fellowship, every other Tuesday, 5769 Main St., Route 7A, Manchester. Call Warren 362-1988 All Gain, No Pain Senior Strengthening Class - Bennington Firehouse, River St., 10:30 a.m.; N. Bennington Congregational Ch, 10:30 a.m.; Manchester Town Hall, 12:30 p.m., 447-5693. Blood Pressure Clinic, Second Congregational Church, Londonderry, 2nd Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. Support group for family members of those suffering from mental illness, Third Tuesday at 7 p.m., UCS, 316 Dewey St., Bennington. Clare at 824-3909. Overeaters Anonymous, RRMC, Rutland, 7 p.m. Wednesday: Aerobic Indoor Walking - Beginner, Mon, Wed, Fri., Bennington Firehouse, River St., 8:15 a.m. 442-6886 Senior Exercise Classes, Hoosick Falls Senior Center, 1 p.m. Bereavement Support Group, Second Congregational Church, Bennington, 1 p.m. Women’s Cancer Support Group, Vermont Country Store, Manchester, First Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Bereavement/Loss Support Group, SVMC, Bennington, fourth Wednesday, 6 p.m. Caregiver Group, Grace Cottage Hospital, Townshend, 6:30 p.m. Bereavement Support Group, SVMC, Medical Office Bldg., Bennington, 6:30 p.m. Chronic Fatigue Support Group,

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August 18, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


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Red Barn, Rtes 11/30, across from Wessner’s, Manchester, 7 p.m. C.H.A.D.D. Informational Meeting, RRMC, Rutland, first Wednesday, 7 p.m. Thursday: Arthritis Support Group, Second Congregational Church, Bennintgon, fourth Thursday, 1 p.m.


Thursday: Granville Town Board Meeting, Town Hall, Granville, NY second Thursday, 7 p.m. Weston Volunteer Fire Dept. Drill, Weston Firehouse, second and fourth Thursday, 7 p.m. Sunderland Elementary Planning Commitee. 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Londonderry Planning Committee, Town Office, Londonderry, second and fourth Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Wallingford Planning Committee, Town Hall, First Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Weston Volunteer Fire Dept, Weston Firehouse, first Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Danby Selectman meeting, Town Clerk’s Office, 1st Thursday, 5 p.m. Monday: Poultney Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, 2nd & 4th Monday, 6:30 p.m. Castleton Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, 7 p.m. Grafton Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, 7 p.m. Weston Conservation Committee meeting, Town Office, third Monday, 7 p.m. Chester Planning Committee meeting, Town Hall, first and third Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Manchester Village Planning

Committee meeting, County Court House, first Monday, 7 p.m. Londonderry Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, 7:00 p.m. Pawlet Planning Committee meeting, Town Hall, fourth Monday, 7:30 p.m. Jamaica Selectmen’s meeting, second and fourth Monday, 7:30 p.m. Rutland Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, West Rutland, second and fourth Monday, 7:30 p.m. Chester Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, second and fourth Monday, 7:30 p.m. Rupert Planning Committee meeting, Town Clerk’s Office, first Monday, 7 p.m. Stratton Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, second and fourth Monday, 7:30 p.m. Mt. Holly Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, third Monday, 7:30 p.m. Sunderland Selectmen’s meeting, Sunderland Elementary School, first and third Monday, 7:30 p.m. Jamaica Planning Committee meeting, first and third Monday, 7:30 p.m. Shaftsbury Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, 7:30 p.m. Wallingtond Selectboard, Town Hall, first and third Monday, 6:30 p.m. Poultney-Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District Meeting, district Office, Poultney, second Monday, 8 p.m. Tuesday: Fair Haven Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, 7 p.m. Weston Selectmen’s meeting,

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�������������������� ����������������� ��������������������� Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

Town Office, second and fourth Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Pawlet Board of Selectmen, Town Hall, third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Wells Selectmen Meeting, Wells Town Hall, every other Tuesday, 7 p.m. For info. 645-9020 Shaftsbury Zoning Board meeting, Town Office, second & third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Shaftsbury Planning Commission, Town Office, first & third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Winhall Planning Committee meeting, first and third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Dorset Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Rupert Selectmen’s meeting, 2nd Tue., Town Clerk’s Office, 6:00 p.m. Mt. Holly Selectmen’s meeting, Town Office, second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Winhall Board of Adjusters meeting, Town Hall, second Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Pawlet Board of Listers meeting, Town Hall, third Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Dept of Employment & Training Information, Veteran’s Memorial Dr., Bennington, 1st Wednesday, 10 a.m. Winhall Regular Monthly Board meeting, 1st, 3rd Wednesday, 6 p.m. Mountain School Parent Council & Mountain School of Winhall Parent Council Meeting at the Mountain School, (2nd Wed.) 7:00 p.m. 297-2122 Stratton Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, 7 p.m.

Sandgate Planning Committee meeting, 7 p.m. Fair Haven Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, second and fourth Wednesday, 7 p.m. Castleton Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, first and thrid Wednesday,7 p.m. Winhall Selectmen’s meeting, Town Hall, first and third Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunderland Zoning Board meeting, Sunderland Elementary school, third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Peru Selectmen’s meeting, Town Center, first and third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Bennington Planning Committee meeting, Town Office, first and third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Peru Zoning Board of Adjusters, Peru Town Center, fourth Wednesday, 7:30 p.m


Thursday: Equinox Valley Toastmasters, Ai Squared, 130 Taconic Business Park Rd, Manchester Ctr., 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., info: Arlington Lions Club American Legion Room, second and fourth Thursday, 7 p.m. Red Clover Chapter, Embroidery Guild of America, Trinity Church, Rutland, second Thursday, 7 p.m. Dorset Historical Society, open 10 a.m. Ladies Fellowship, Missionary Alliance Church, Bennington, 9:30 a.m. Monday Catholic Daughters meeting, St. Margaret Mary’s Church, Arlington,

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August 18, 2010


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Vermont News Guide


first Monday, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Manchester Rotary meeting, Ye Olde Tavern, Manchester, noon Manchester Community Foundation meeting, Chittenden Bank, Manchester, First Tuesday, 4 p.m. Unit 69 American Legion Auxiliary, Legion Room, Arlington, second Tuesday, 7 p.m. Catholic Daughters meeting, St. Paul’s Church, Manchester, second Tuesday, noon. Mt. Equinox Grange meeting, Grange Hall, Manchester, third Tuesday, 7 p.m. #45 American Legion meeting, Currier Memorial School, Danby, third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Dorset Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, Dorset Firehouse, third Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday: Manchester VFW Ladies Auxiliary, Harned Fowler Post #6471, second Wednesday, 7 p.m. Wantastiquet Rotary, Swiss Inn, Londonderry, 7 a.m. Red Clover Award Program K-4, Mark Skinner Library, Manchester Village, 3:45 p.m. Southwestern VT Access Television board meeting, SWVT Office, Manchester, first Wednesday, 7 p.m. Manchester Lions Club meeting, VFW, second and fourth Wednesday, 7 p.m. Knights of Columbus Council 6816 meeting, St. Paul’s Church, Manchester, first Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.


Monday: Open Pairs Duplicate Bridge, 12:15 p.m., MMDBC*; Robert Smith, Director, 362-4224 Tuesday: Open Pairs Duplicate Bridge, 1 p.m. at Equinox Village. Call Elizabeth Von Riesenfelder, Director, at 362-5304. Open Pairs Duplicate Bridge, 6:30 p.m. MMDBC*; Director John Conova, 325-6384 Thursday: Open Lecture, 12:15 p.m., MMDBC*, Lecturer, Robert H. Smith, 362-4224 Friday: Open Pairs Duplicate Bridge, 12:15, MMDBC*; Director, Robert Smith, 362-4224 *Manchester & the Mountains Duplicate Bridge Center, 1817 Depot Street, Manchester Center, Vermont


Thursday: Bingo, MWA Hall, Wells, 7 p.m. Bingo, Pownal American Legion, Post 90, Route 7, Pownal; doors open at 5; bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.; open to public. Friday: Bingo, Masonic Lodge, Route 30, Jamaica, 7 p.m. Bingo, Knights of Columbus Hall, Granville, NY, 7 p.m. Saturday: Bingo, Granville Hook & Ladder, Granville, NY 7 p.m. Sunday: Bingo, MWA Hall, Wells, noon Monday: Bingo, Middletown Springs Fire House, 7 p.m.


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Thursday: Townshend Senior Meals, Townshend Church, first and third Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. Manchester Senior Meals, Manchester Town Hall, noon Wells Senior Meals, MWA Hall, Wells, noon Senior Meals, East Arlington, Bailey Hall, noon. Senior Meal at Williamsville Community Hall, 4th Thursday at noon. Tuesday: Townshend Senior Meals, Townshend Church, first and third Manchester Senior Meals, Manchester Town Hall, noon Wells Senior Meals, MWA Hall, Wells, noon Senior Meals, East Arlington, Bailey Hall, noon Senior Meal at Williamsville Community Hall, 4th Thursday at noon. Wednesday: Dummerston Senior Meals, Evening Star Grange Hall, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at noon.


Thursday: Prayer Group, Congregational Church, Chester, 6 a.m. Prayer & Praise Service, Chapel of the Snows, Stratton Mountain, 7:30 p.m.

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Prayer & Bible Study, Truthville Baptist Church, Granville, NY, 7p.m. Community Bible Study, nondenominational for women, children, 10 a.m September -May. Bennington. 447-4745. Friday: Shabbat Services, Israel Congregation, Manchester, 6:30 p.m. Saturday: Torah Shabbat, Israel Congregation, Manchester, 9:30 a.m. Monday: Prayer meeting, Baha’i Faith at 7 p.m. For info., call 802-447-3866 Tuesday: Bible Study, Congregational Church, Chester, 6 a.m. Wednesday: Holy Eucharist , St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Chester, 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing, Zion Episcopal Church, Manchester, 12:15 p.m. Mt. View Baptist Church Services, Danby Four Corners, 6 p.m. Spiritual Renewal for Busy Lives, Embury United Methodist Church, 41 East Main St., Cambridge, NY, 518-677-3602, 1st, 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. Bible Study, Mt. View Baptist Church, Danby 4-Corners, 7 p.m. Bible Independent Baptist Church, Prayer and Bible Study, Rod & Gun Club, Manchester, 7 p.m. Healing Service, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Chester, second Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer & Praise, Northshire Baptist Fellowship, Muddy Lane, Manchester, 7 p.m., 362-1988


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Tuesday: South Bennington Bingo, Bennington Club, doors open 5:30 p.m., game starts at 7 p.m. $1,000 permanent jackpot progressive; kitchen service; 802-447-1619 for info

Vermont News Guide


August 18, 2010


Friday: Israel Congregation of Manchester, Shabbat Services, 6:30 p.m., Israel Congregation of Manchester, Rte 7A Saturday: Israel Congregation of Manchester: Shabbat Services, 9:30 a.m., Israel Congregation of Manchester, Rte 7A St. Paul’s Church, Mass, 5:30 p.m., Sunday: Zion Episcopal Church, Route 7A, Manchester Center, Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10 a.m. (childcare at 10 a.m.) Eucharist w/healing Wed. 12:15 p.m. St. John’s Chapel, Route 7A, Manchester Village, 11 a.m., now through Sept. 5 St. Paul’s, Mass, 8 & 10 a.m. First Congregational Church, Sunday Services 9:30 a.m., Godly Play for children 4-11, nursery available for infants to 3 yrs. Interim Pastor Rev. Richard D. Ringenwald, Sr., 362-2709. Equinox Terrace, Services for Seniors, 10 a.m. St. Paul, Danby Holy Trinity Church, 11:30 a.m. First Baptist Ch., ABC, Manchester Center, Worship, 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday Prayer Ministry, 9:30 a.m. 802-362-1555. Rev. Dr. Robert Carpenter Northshire Baptist Fellowship, 5769 Main St., 10 a.m. adult & children’s Bible classes, 11 a.m. Worship service and Children’s Church; 6 p.m. Bible study, 3621988. Weekday Mass: St. Paul’s Church: Mon, Fri, 8 a.m. ARLINGTON Saturday: St. Margaret Mary’s, Mass, 4 p.m. Sunday: St. James Episcopal Church, Holy Eucharist, 8:00 a.m. Rite I and 10 a.m. Rite II. Rev. Scott Neal 375-9952,; Federated Church, East Arlington, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Ice Pond Road, worship service, 10 a.m.; www.; 375-2548, Rev. Kathleen S. Clark, Pastor Chapel on the Green, West Arlington, Services, 7 p.m., last Sunday of the month, 6 p.m. covered dish supper. BENNINGTON Saturday: Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales, Vigil, 4 p.m. August 18, 2010

Sunday: Sacred Heart St. Francis de Sales, Mass, 8 & 10 a.m. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Holy Eucharist, 8 & 10 a.m. (SS 9) First Church of Christ Scientist, Services, 10 a.m. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 108 School Street, Services, 10 a.m., (religious education, child care, 10 a.m.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 9:30 a.m. Sacrament Service; 10:40 a.m. SS; 11:40 a.m. Relief Society & Priesthood. 4470139; 442-8126 CHESTER Saturday: St. Joseph’s Church, Saturday Afternoon Mass at 6:30 p.m. Sunday: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Sunday Services 8 and 10 a.m.; SS, 9:15 a.m. 875-6651 First Universalist Church, Services, 9 a.m. Congregational Church, Services, 10:30 a.m. (SS 9:30 a.m.) First Baptist Church, Services, 10:30 a.m. (SS 9:15 a.m.) St. Joseph’s Church, Sunday Morning Mass at 10:30 a.m. DANBY Sunday: Danby Congregational Church, Morning Services, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Mt. View Baptist Church, Danby Four Corners, Services, 11a.m. & 7 p.m. Mt. View Baptist Church, Danby Four Corners, Young People’s Group, 6 p.m. DORSET Sunday: Congregational Church, East Dorset, Services, 9:30 a.m. (SS 9:30 a.m.) The United Church of Dorset and East Rupert, Services, 10 a.m. (SS 9:45 a.m.) GRAFTON Sunday: Grafton White Ch., Services, 9:00 a.m. JAMAICA Sunday: Jamaica Community Church, Services, 10 a.m. (SS 10 a.m.) LONDONDERRY Saturday: St. Joseph’s Chapel, Mass, 4 p.m. Sunday: Second Congregational Church, Services, 9:30 a.m. (child care) South Londonderry First Baptist Church, Children, adult Sunday School, 9 a.m., Worship 10 a.m., childcare provided. Communion celebrated 1st Sun. of each month; coffee hour following. 824-6046


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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010

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August 18, 2010


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August 18, 2010

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Vermont News Guide



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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010


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Vermont News Guide


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Vermont News Guide

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August 18, 2010

Vermont News Guide

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Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010



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August 18, 2010

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Vermont News Guide


Wells Chicken Barbecue Saturday, August 21, 4-7 p.m. Modern Woodmen Hall Barbara Bushee, Joan Gates and Eleanor Pulver invite you to the Wells Chicken Barbecue ...story on page 27 Christina Mansfield displays a Nina Bentley painting available for auction to benefit VRP...details on page 31

Herb Stone stopped by the office to invite you to the eighth annual Stoney Crete Golf Tournament ...details on page 20

Jason Irwin, Jeff Morad, Margot Paige and Amber Miller encourage all of us to text for Casting for Recovery! More details can be found on page 29


Vermont News Guide

August 18, 2010

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