Press Trust of India MARCH 200 9
PTI in Cyber Space O
ne of the press releases that we received to be run on our PR Wire Service spoke of launch of a new Tiny flags sprouted at various locations on the world map or of country when you want the website to search a certain story. We typed PTI and hit the enter button. The map, to begin with was of India and wow, in an instant, India’s map was full of tiny flags….balloons you may call them, kept sprouting in various nooks and corners of the map. What the search engine looked for were news items credited to PTI and various datelines. So if the web crawler found a news item, say from Guwahati, it would plant a flat at Guwahati in the map. Trackthis.. thus showed the wide network of PTI. Click on the world map and that yields mixed results the crawler does find PTI world over but the abbreviation in some cases may just stand for Philadelphia Training Institute or something similar. As the world takes wings in the cyber space web crawlers track even individuals. If you had a by-lined story going on our wires, type your name in the the search box and hit the ‘enter’ key on the Google website you would know in an instant where all your story has been picked up by the web crawlers- millions of them- that work round the clock sifting through tonnes (terrabits to be correct) of data that is uploaded on the Internet- dishing out on your desk top or lap top, palm top or your mobile- what you are looking for. And remember, these crawlers have not been commissioned by us, they are freelancers (so to say). Technology can ensure we build special mechanism to track in which part of the world, which media PTI stories appear. The results, we are sure, would be mind boggling. And we are not talking of other languages where in your stories are translated, Indian and foreign. With their declining populations, as the world looks up to India and China for business, the business is increasingly turning to the local language to maximize reach. Look at Microsoft- Bill Gates has long jumped into developing softwares that make MS products in Indian languages. Websites like Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia have pages in Gujarati, Bengali, Marathi.... FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY
The next chapter of the World Wide Web will not be written in English alone says Daniel Sorid in the New York Times. Asia already has twice as many Internet users as North America and by 2012 it will have three times as many, he wrote in article titled ‘Writing Web’s future in many languages”. Already more than half of Google’s queries come from outside the US, he says. Nowhere are the obstacles and rewards more apparent than in India whose online population is poised to become the third largest in the world after China and the US by 2012. Indians may speak one language to their boss, another to their spouse and a third to a parent. Microsoft has built its Windows Live bundle of online consumer services in seven Indian languages and Wikipedia now has more entries in Indian local languages than in Korean.Want to know how technology has made it easy to write in your mother tongue on an English key board? Go to Quillpad. Type on the English key board what is phonetically closer to your own languageIt appears in your own language on the screen! How prepared are you to take a plunge into this vast ocean? The print is caving in, giving way to online. The world is going digital. In India there is still time before the country is overtken by the digital media but the day is not far. You can see the guard at your society gate, your maid servant and your pavement vegetable vendor using mobile phones. They may not be reading any newspaper today but coming days, the digital media would cater to this segment too- read out the news from their home state, in their own language. Opportunities are aplenty. Its time you try and measure your presence in the cyber space. See if your story appears in the ‘most read’ or ‘most e-mailed’ section of any news portal. See where you stand, amend your style to suit the new digital citizen who is global, has his/her own style that is crisp, to the point and easily understandable language. — Editor