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385 • • . . • 487

lKhyu-3t'khyu ISSU l'a or the Fight (between) the Garu«1a (and) the Niiga


lNgu 2t'khi 2Lii-"ssi 3SSU or lliness pain arrow pu1I out 2Dso-2ma l y ii 2dsu 2Gkv-3chung or To invite the ancestors or the ZOso-2ma, First Volume . • . • . . • • . . . • . . • . . • . . . • • . . . • 497 2Dso-2ma lyii 2dsu 3Lii-2chung or Inviting the ancestors or the 2DsoJma, Second Volume • . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • • . . • 503 2Dso-ma lyii 2dsu 3Ma~_3chung or Inviting the ancestors or the 2Dso-"ma, Third 507 Volume • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . lSsaw-3ndaw Iyii 2dsu or Inviting the ancestors or tbe lSsawJndaw (Niigas) 511 3Khyii-3t'a 3ts'u or To erect a Juniper pagoda. . . . . . • . . • . . . • 519 l'A 2nnii ISSU 2dzhuJzhwua or The chicken it Niiga debt repays . . . . • 2Na-Idsaw 3ts'u, 2Hoa-l p'er 2dzhu-l zhwua or Erect a 2Na-l dsaw, repay Niiga with a 2Hoa-Ip'er. • . • . • • • • • • • . . • . . • . . • . • • . • l'A 3gku 3hii or Chicken present alive • • • . . • . . . . . • • . . • . • 3Ds'iJ p'er IYiiJp'er l'A-p'er 2dzhuJ zhwua or Repay (the Niigas) with a white goat, white sheep, and white chicken . . . . . . lLii-2nyi lSsaw-3ndaw or ILii-"nyi lSsaw-3ndaw (Niiga) 2No~J(j

3yu or To give the



ISsaw-3ndaw 2Lii-"dto 3p 'i or To throw out the 2Lii 2dto-"ma lGyi adsu, lNnii 3ma lO 3ma, 3K'v 3ma 2Szi 3ma or Water invite, to desire INnii, to desire IO, to desire years, to desire long life lNa-3dta-"(jJgko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .

531 535 543

548 550 556 560

565 573 lSSU l'a lSSU Idii or Niiga fight, Niiga stop fighting . • . . 577 2GkawJ lii--"ts'ii IO 3sher or 2Gkaw-la-3ts'ii ransoms the soul (or his rather) 581 lSilu Idshi lLv ldshi or Niiga(s) return, Dragon(s) return. 587 3K'0 2t'u 3K'0 3hhue or The origin or the 3K'0_Ibyu 590 lSSU 2k'u 2p'U or Niiga gate open . . . . . . . . . 595 ISSU 2ts'u 2t'khi or Take up the Niiga, escort (the Niiga) 598 2P'u-l la 3bpu or To escort the gods (on high) 601 ll):.hii 3m ii or Rain wanted . . • . . • . . 607 lZhi lts'u 3bpu or Escort the Snake demon. 620 The 3Ch'ou lna Igv Ceremony • . • . . • 625, 627 Diagram of the 3Ch'ou lna 19v Ceremony 630, 631 Books chanted at the 3Ch'ou lna 19v Ceremony 632 2DduJmu~ or Index book to the 3Ch'ou 19v Ceremony 633



lZhi-dtii, 8Gko 80, lNdu ISsa 8Ch'ou 8shu or To pIace the plowshare, scatter the grain, to purify lNdu and ISsa of 8ch'ou . • • . • Page

643 648

3Ch'ou 2ndzi 8mi or 3Ch'ou eaten (experienced) forget • lBpo 2Iii 2k'u



lBpo lp'a 3gko lshu or To search for (the books of the) lBpo and lP'a, i. e. books of divination INdu Idtii or INdu rises INdshh 8tsa or (With) power invest 3Ch'ou 2t'uJ bbiie or The origin of 8Ch'ou (immorality, impurity) ITs'oJmberJts'o Idzo or The story about ITs'o-"za-311ii-"ghiigh descending (from heaven) . . • • . • . . . . . . 3Ch'ung-8bpa 8ngyi or Juniper (boughs) bur n . . . . . . . . • . . . . • •

655 666 667 670 675 689

2P'u-1Ia 8ssaw or Inviting the gods . • • . • . . . . . • . . • • • 690 2Ss-2bpa-2gyi-2bbu lNdu, 2Ss-2bpa-2gyi-2mu!! ISsa 3cher Idzo or The Story about INdu and ISsa. . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . 691 2Mùa!!-311iiJ ddu-2ndzi 3cher ldzo 2Gkv-8chung or The Story about 2Mùa!!-811iiIddu-"ndzi, First Volume .........•.•......... 2 1 2Mùa!!Jllii- ddu- ndzi 8cher ldzo 3Ma!!-8chung or The Story about 2Mùa!!-811ii Iddu-2ndzi, Last Volume . . . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . . 2T'o_2gko 2ngv_8gkv 8cher ldzo or The Story about 2T'o-2gko 2ngv_lig kv 2Bpa-2wu-"ts'o_lbpo or The Story about 2Bpa-"wuJ ts'oJbpo . .

694 699 703

705 lTs'o-2zaJ llii-"ghiigh ILv-2ma-2mu!!Jghiigh 8chh Idzo or The Story about lTs'o-2zii-811ii-2ghiigh and lLv-2mii-2mu!!Jghiigh 708 2Ghiigh-1 fhii-2nyi_2s zi 3cher Idzo or The Story about 2GhiighJ~hii-"nyi-

2 szi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2GkawJ laJ ts'ii 8cher Idzo or The Story about 2GkawJ la-3ts'ii . 2Mùa!!-8mi 8Na-"ssii-2p'u-1ma-8mi 3cher dzo or The Story about the ceiestiai female 8Na-2ssii-2p'u-1ma-2mi . . . . . • • . . . . . . .

711 714

IDdu l'a ISSU l'a or The fight between IDdu and ISSU ••.•.... lDdu-3mi 2Gko-smu!!-8mi 3cher ldzo or The Story about 2Gko-"mu!!-3mi the daughter of sMl).a!!-311ii-1ddu-2ndzi • . . • . . . • . • . . . . ~ . 2Nyi-1ssawJ t'a-2mu!! 3cher Idzo or The Storyabout 2NyiJssaw-8t'a-2mu!! 3Ds'iJ na lbpo, ·Ch'ou 3gkii, 3Ch'ou 3shu 2t'u-3bbiie or The origin (of the use of)


716 2Dto-1mba 3Shi-2Io 2K'aw-2sso-1ma 3ssii or 2DtoJ mba 8Shi-"Io (kills his demon wife) 2K'aw-"sso-lma . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . 723 2Dzi-l~ii-"Iv-2zaJgkyi 2Dzu-"gkyi-"muà!!-"ndv 3ssii 8cher Idzo or The Story about the killing of 2Dzu-"gkyi-2muà!!-"ndv by 2DziJ~hii-"Iv-2zii-lgkyi • 726

a black goat in 3(;h'ou 3gkii, 8Ch'ou 3shu . . . • . • lLii-3ch'ou 2Dto-2ma 3p'i or To throw out the 2Dto-8 ma • IBpa-2Ier-"ngo..,-2 sso 2t'u, 2Gkv-3chung or The Origin of the First Volume .. . .. lBpa-2ler-2ngo-2sso 2t'u 8Lii-3 chung or The Origin of the Second Volume . . . . . . • . ..•..

735 739

• . . . . • . • .


. . . . . . . . . IBpa-"ler-2ngo-2sso,

747 755

IBpa-"Ier-2ngo-"sso, .•... . . . .



lBpa-'ler-'ngo-'sso It'u 8Ma!!-'chung or The Origin of the lBpa-2Ier-'ngo-lsso, Third Volume . • • • • . • • . • . • • . • • • • • • Page 8Ch'ou 8dtv lbpo or To prevent 8Ch'on (from descending Ceremony) • • •• IDsoJt'u-lggoJszu IYuJma 8ssaw or Inviting 2Dso-'t'u-'ggoJszii aYuJma aT'n Igkv or Chase nrst


764 767



8T'u 8Iii, aT'u 8ma!! lNd'a 2k'o or Chase second, Chase third, lNd'a for away


2Llii-'ssi lts'ii-'ssu 2gkv 2t'u or The Origin of the 13 Arrows •


2BpOJmba It'u or The Origin of the 2Bpo-lmba



lBpo 8ma!! Idter or Ceremony after elose (Mter the Ceremony elose the Gate of the Demons) 2P'uJ la Ibpu or Gods Escort . . • • . . • • • • •

297 805

LIST OF PLATES OF SECOND VOLUME Frontispiece: First Page of Ms., no. 6094, l'A snnii ISSU sdzhu-Izhwua (see page 529) Plate G - lKhyu-8t'khyu lSSU Ha or The Fight between the GaruoJa and Niiga; First Page of a INa-skhi Ms., from the Ming Wan-li period. Page H - First Page of Ms., no. 6094, l'A snnii lSSU sdzhu-lzhwua (See Frontispiece) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I

- First Page of Ms., no. 6096, ISSU "k'u 'p'u, lSSU "ts'u "t'khi

J - First Page of Ms., no. 5043, 'Ch'ou "ndzi "mi

643 655

L - First Page of Ms., no. 5045, IDto-lmba "Shi-Ilo "K'aw-lssoJma "ssn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •



- ILa-"ch'i-l dto-3mi "Hii-Iddii. - The IMùa~-"ggo INgawJla. - Right centraI Section of "La-"ch'i-l dto-3mi Scrollo - lHiiJ yi_lgkii-3k'u. - Complete Array for the 3Dto-l na 3k'o Ceremony. - The monster "Sso-lnaJngv-lgu. - Close-up View of the nine heads of the demon ISso-lna-"l1gv-"gu•.

XXXVIII. - "Sso-lna-"ngv-"gu 3Nv or the Funeral of ISso-lna-"ngv-Sgu. XXXIX. - "Muà~-3mi-sbpa-'Io. »



- lLer-Sgyu-'gkyi-'gyu.


- "T'u-'ch'i "YuJma, the equivalent of the Bon Wer-ma.


- A Tiger-riding "YuJma.


- lP'er-"sso-3mùe~_lshi "Yu-lma. - "Dso-'t'u_lggo-lszii IYuJma.



- 'NaJt'o-lssii or lQ-"mii-lhii the INa-'khi God of WeaIth.


- The IDter demons and their 8K'o_lbyu.


- The five regionaI IDter demons.


- sK'aw-'"her lmi-'gyU. - The Niigariija "Dso-lna-llo-8ch'i.


- The sKhi 'nv Funerary caves of 'Nv-'gkyi_l'a-"k'o.





- S.cene from tI.e "llar-'laJllq "k'o Cerelllony.




•..... K - First Page of Ms., no. 1624, IBpo lp'a "gko Ishu . . . • .

Plate XXXI.



- aShi-"Io "ne-'k'o, a cave in which 'Dto-1 mba aShi-"Io lived. - Main aIta,r at the "Hìir-"Ia-lllii 8k'o Ceremony.



Plate LIV.

- 1Na-2khi Banner used at 2HĂŹir-21a-111ii 3k'o and 3Dto 1n a 3k'o Ceremonies.


- The 3Ch'ou 19v or 3Ch'ou 1n a 19v Ceremony. - Scene from the 3Dto 1na 3k'o Ceremony, the e8corting of the SDto.


- Scene from the 3Dto 1na 3k'o Ceremony, banishing the demons of quarrel and slander. - A 1Na-2khi Banner depicting 2Ssa!!_2ddo the protector oi thc 2Llii-1bu (58).


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