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Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae


Velletri (RM), 23.2.1951 Italian ‘Giuseppe Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art (MNAOr) Via Merulana, 248 - 00185 Roma (I) Tel. (0039).06.46974817 Fax: (0039).06.4870624 e-mail:

EDUCATION POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION: School of Oriental Archaeology, University of Rome "La Sapienza" 1978UNIVERSITY DEGREE (LAUREA): Laurea in Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne (Doctoral Degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures) (110/110 cum laude): University of Rome "La Sapienza" 1971-1977 SECONDARY SCHOOL: Maturità Classica (56/60) (A Level Cert. in Classical) 1969 OTHER ACADEMIC TITLES: Laurea in Lettere (Doctoral Degree in Humanities) (110/110 cum laude): University of Rome "La Sapienza" 1977-1978 Certificate. Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO) – Rome, School of Oriental Languages and Cultures: Chinese Language and Culture, 1971-1975 Certificate. Beijing Yuyan Xueyuan (Peking Languages Institute): Chinese Language, 1974-75 LANGUAGES Italian, English, Chinese - fluent other Spanish, French Thai (basic colloquial) Turkish, Latin & Classic Greek (scholastic learning) Korean & Vietnamese (rudimentary) FIELDS OF RESEARCH -Museology and Cultural Heritage Management. -Pre and protohistory of Eastern Asia, especially Southeast Asia and China -State/Tribes Formation Processes in China and Southeast Asia. -Pre and protohistoric craft specialization and organization. -East Asian bronzes, ceramics and porcelains -Conservation/restoration of archaeological artefacts.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

CURRENT POSITIONS Archaeologist-Director, Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale ‘Giuseppe Tucci’ (‘Giuseppe Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art), Rome: 1982-untill present, Curator of the ‘Far Eastern Collections’; 1985-2005, Curator of the Museum Library; 2005-until present, Keeper of the Museum Collections Storage Director, Thai-Italian "Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project" (LoRAP under the aegis of the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO) and the Thai Fine Arts Department (Thai Co-Director: Prof. Surapol Natapintu, Silpakorn University, Bangkok), 1988-until present. Elected Member in the Scientific Council of the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO): 2000-until present. POSITIONS HELD Board Member for the Archaeology of Far East and South-east Asia, on the Editorial Board of the five volume encyclopaedia project “The World of Archaeology”, published by the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana ‘Giovanni Treccani’, 1992-2005. Project Manager of the “Sichuan Province Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan”, a World Bank executed and Italian government financed study, 1998-’99. Member of the Chinese-Italian Coordination Committee of the "Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics (Wenwu Baohu Xiufu Zhongxin)", Xi'an (Shaanxi), and Co-Director of the Archaeological Research Section of the Center, 1995-‘98. Member of the Chinese-Italian experts group for preliminary studies and planning of the "Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics (Wenwu Baohu Xiufu Zhongxin)", jointly established by IsIAO in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Shaanxi Provincial Bureau for Museums and Archaeological Data. Project funded by the Direction General for Cooperation and Development of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 1990-1995. Elected Member in the Board of the IsIAO: 1990-'95 Member of a delegation visiting the People's Republic of China in the frame of the Italy-China Cultural Agreement. Aim of the visit: "Problems of Conservation and Management of Cultural Relics: an exchange of experiences", 1988. Director of the Project "Archaeological Survey of the Western Side of the Petchabun Range (Central Thailand)" funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the National Research Council (CNR), 1986-1987. Study Program on chlorite vessel fragments from Failaka stored in the Kuwait National Museum, 1986. Archaeological Curator, Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region, Italy, 1979-82.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

Study travel in U.S.A., visiting libraries and research institutions specialized in Far Eastern Archaeology, granted by the “School of Oriental Studies” University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, 1979. Scientific Collaborator, History of Far Eastern Art Professorship - Rome University "La Sapienza", 1977-78. Lecturer: modern Chinese Language, Italy-China Friendship Association - Rome 1976-77. Member of the research project: "Origins and evolution of the Urban Civilization in China", under the directionship of Prof. M.T. Lucidi, University of Rome "La Sapienza",1974-78. Scholarship offered by the People's Republic of China through the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1974-75. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lecturer in Far Eastern Prehistoric Archaeology for the Prehistory and Protohistory of Asia Professorship (Prof. M.Tosi), Istituto Universitario Orientale-Naples University: 1981, 1985, 1986,1987,1988. Taught Far Eastern Art and Archaeology, IsIAO School of Asian Languages and Cultures - Rome, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. Taught Chinese History and Geography, IsIAO School of Asian Languages and Cultures- Rome, 1989, 1990, 1991. Visiting Professor: courses on "Prehistoric Cultures of the Far East", University of Venice; 1988, 1995. HONOURS 2004. ‘Golden Book of Merit’ of Velletri Municipality, a ‘honorary register’ crediting Velletri-born citizens distinguished in the fields of art, culture and sciences. 2003. Copper plate certificate conferred by the Chief Executive of the Lopburi Province Government Administration in recognition of the contribution given by LoRAP to the investigation and protection project of the Ban Pong Manao archaeological site , central Thailand. 2000. Honorary member of the Italy-China Friendship Association National Board. MEMBERSHIP OF LEARNED SOCIETIES -1990-

Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, Life Member.

-1990-‘94 Society for Archaeological Sciences (SAS) -1989-

Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA)

-1988-2000 The Siam Society


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

-1987-‘90 Hong Kong Archaeological Society -1986-2000 Italian Association of Japanese Studies (AISTUGIA) -1986-

Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASEAAWE): (1986-2000 board member)


Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO)-Roma


American Commitee for South Asian Art (ACSAA)


Italian Association of Chinese Studies (AISC)


European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)

FIELD RESEARCH AND ACTIVITIES 2006-2008 Director of the Thai-Italian "Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project" (LoRAP). Excavation at the pre-protohistoric sites of Khok Din and Noen Din (Khao Sai On archaeological district; Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand). 2004-2005 Director of the laboratory activities carried out in the “King Narai National Museum”, Lopburi for the study and restoration of the archaeological artefacts excavated by LoRAP at the site of Phu Noi. 2002

Field-Director of the Archaeological Excavations at Ban Pong Manao (Pattana Nikhom, Lopburi), a joint LoRAP and Faculty of Archaeology (Silpakorn University) field season under the directionship of prof. Surapol Natapintu.

1998-2000 Director of the laboratory activities carried out in the “King Narai National Museum”, Lopburi for the study and restoration of the archaeological artefacts excavated by LoRAP at the site of Tha Kae. 1995-‘97 Co-director of the joint Chinese-Italian excavation project at Daijiawan (Baoji; Shaanxi prov., PRC). 1994-95 Director of the of the Thai-Italian LoRAP. Excavation at the preprotohistoric site of Phu Noi (Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand). 1994

Senior Archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Non Mak La (Lopburi Province) a protohistoric site in central Thailand. ‘Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project’ (TAP); directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.).


Senior Archaeologist of a research project (granted by the National Research Council) on Na-xi shamanism in Yunnan (PRC), under the directorship of Prof. R. Mastromattei (University of Perugia).

1988-'94 Director of the of the Thai-Italian LoRAP. Excavation at the preprotohistoric site of Tha Kae (Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand).


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

1986, ‘92, ’93 Senior Archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Non Pa Wai (Lopburi Province) a protohistoric site in central Thailand. Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project (TAP); co-directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.). 1985-86 Member of the ‘Archaeological Survey at Failaka (Kuwait)’; principal investigator Prof. M.Tosi (IsIAO), contractor Kuwait National Museum (Ministry of Information). 1984

Senior archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Phu Lon (Non Khai Province) a prehistoric site in Northeastern Thailand. Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project (TAP); under the directorship of Dr. V. C. Pigott (University of Pennsylvania Museum, and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.)


Member of an archaeological survey project in Eastern Balucistan (Pakistan) under the directionship of Prof. M. Tosi (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples University).

1980-82 Field director Italian Archaeological Expedition in the Sultanate of Oman (1981: deputy-director), under the directionship Prof. M.Tosi, (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples University). 1980-81 Field director at the Fortellezza site in Tortoreto (Teramo, Abruzzo), an Iron Age fortified settlement in coastal Abruzzo; Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region. 1979-80 Field director at Case Weldon (Teramo, Abruzzo), a site with late Neolithic and Early Iron age occupation ranges; Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region. 1979

Member of the excavation project at the protohistorical site of Naqada (Egypt); project director Prof. C. Barocas, Istituto Universitario OrientaleNaples University.


Member of the survey and excavation project of Bronze Age sites on the island of Vivara (Naples); Archaeological Superintendency of Naples.


Member of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Pakistan-excavation project at the protohistorical site of Aligrama (Swat, Pakistan), project director Dr. S. Tusa, IsIAO-Rome


Junior archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at ArslantepeMalatya (Turkey), a Chalcolithic to Bronze Age settlement in Eastern Anatolia; project director Prof. A. Palmieri, Institute of PalaeoethnologyUniversity of Rome.

1975-77 Junior archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Uzzo (Trapani, SW Sicily), a coastal cave-site with Late Paleolithic-Neolithic occupation ranges; project director Prof. M. Piperno, Institute of Human Palaeonthology and Archaeological Superintendency of Western Sicily.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

EXHIBITIONS 2009, “Charming Knots: ornaments of the traditional Korean female costume”, exhibition organized by the Korean Craft Promotion Foundation and the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 2009, “Green Fascinations: tradional Cèladon wares from Gangjin”, exhibition organized by the Gangjin Municipality, the Korean Embassy and the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 2008, “Korean Pines. Traditional Korean paintings by Wooan Choi Young Sik”, exhibition organized by the Korean Embassy and the G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome. 2006, “CINA, nascita di un impero”, exhibition organized by the Municipality of Rome, PalaExpo Special Agency-Scuderie del Quirinale, and MondoMostre under the High patronage of the President of the Italian Republic at the ‘Scuderie del Quirinale’-Rome. 2006, “Misticismo e Realismo dall’Estremo Oriente: Laos e Vietnam”, exhibition organized by the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art and the ‘Ducci Foundation’ at the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia. 2005, “I Tesori del Museo d’Arte di Tianjin”, exhibition of Tianjin Art Museum’s masterpieces organized by the Tianjin Art Museum and the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome. 2004, “Sulla Via di Tianjin: mille anni di relazioni tra Italia e Cina. Italiani ambasciatori di amicizia e di cultura”, posters and memorabilia exhibition organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IsIAO, and the University of Rome welcoming the visit to Beijing of Mr Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, President of the Italian Republic (Beijing, Italian Cultural Institute). 2002, “2002 Anno del Cavallo”, celebrating the Year of the Horse, exhibition organized by the Taiwan Cultural Office in Rome and the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome. 2000, “L’Oro degli Arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dalle Filippine”, ancient and ethnographic gold jewellery from Indonesia and the Philippines in the collections of the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 1999, “Ceramiche e Bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro”, exhibition held to celebrate the I.T. Dinaro Bequest to the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome. 1994, “CINA 220 a.C.: i guerrieri di Xi’an”, exhibition of terracotta soldiers and archaeological artefacts from the “Museum of the Terracotta Soldiers and Horses” in Lintong (Shaanxi prov.) organized in Rome at the ‘Galleria Colonna’, by the State Bureau of Cultural Relics-PRC in collaboration with IsIAO and the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 1992, “La Civiltà del Fiume Giallo (Huang He Hun). I tesori dello Shanxi dalla preistoria all’epoca Ming”, exhibition of archaeological and art masterpieces from the Shanxi Prov. organized in Rome by the Rome-EUR Admin Board, the Shanxi Provincial Museum and ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

1986, “I Bronzi del Regno di Dian: Yunnan, Cina (sec.VI-I a.C.)”, exhibition of the famous Dian bronzes from Yunnan organized by the Italy/China Friendship Association and the Yunnan Provincial Museum, held under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic at the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia-Rome. 1986, “China in Venice. Chinese Civilization from the Eastern Han to Marco Polo (25-1279 AD)”, exhibition organized by the Municipality of Venice, the University of Venice, the Museum of Chinese History-Beijing and IsIAO at the Doge’s Palace-Venice under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. 1985, “Ombre Cinesi e Quadri in Ferro”, exhibition of 18th-19th century Chinese shadow puppets and drawings made with iron wire organized by the Ministry of Culture of the PRC and the Superintendency for the Artistic and Historic Asset of Parma and Piacenza in collaboration with the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome. 1985, “Arte Cinese in Collezioni Italiane di Fine-Secolo”, Chinese art in late 19th century Italian public Collections, exhibition held at the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 1984, “7000 years of China in Venice: Chinese Art and Archaeology from the Neolithic Period to the Han Dynasty”, exhibition organized by the Municipality of Venice, the University of Venice, the Museum of Chinese History-Beijing and IsIAO at the Doge’s Palace-Venice under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. 1978, “Nian Hua from Taohuawu”, New Year wood-block prints (16th-20th century) exhibition organized by the Italy/China Friendship Association in collaboration with the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art at the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia-Rome. 1975, “Tapian from Wu Liang Ci” (The Offering Shrines of “Wu Liang Ci”), a complete collection of rubbings from the shrines wall carvings of Eastern Han period in the collection of the Italy/China Friendship Ass., exhibition organized by the Italy/China Friendship Association in collaboration with the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art at the ‘Castel Sant’Angelo’ Museum-Rome. 1974, “New Archaeological Finds in China”, a photographic exhibition organized by the Italy/China Friendship Association in collaboration with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” at the “Santa Marta” Hall-Rome.

INVITED LECTURES & CONFERENCES 2009 “Il Progetto Archeologico Italo-Tailandese nella Regione di Lopburi: 19881998”, ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art-Rome April 22nd. 2008 “Venti anni di ricerche archeologiche in Thailandia”, Is.I.A.O., Rome June 20th. 2007 “Il Regno di Qin tra archeologia e storia”, WhiteStar Adventure, Milano 2007 Twenty Years of Friendship and Collaboration: the Thai-Italian ‘Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project’, Teachers College, Lopburi, December 11th. 2005 ‘IsIAO experience in the conservation/restoration of East Asian Cultural Heritage - Xi’an (PRC) and Lopburi (Thailand): two case studies’; ‘The 7

Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

National Museum of Oriental Art-Rome and the conservation of East Asian archaeological artefacts and works of art’. “Restoration and Preservation Technologies for Cultural Heritage” Workshop organized by the Konju National University, the Seoul Museum of History, the Embassy of Italy. Seoul Museum of History, March 8th. 2005 V.C. Pigott, R. Ciarla. “The Origins of Metallurgy in Prehistoric South-east Asia: the View from Thailand”, British Museum, London. 2004 “Il progetto thai-italiano Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”, ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, March 30th. 2004 ‘Xi’an porta dell’Asia’. Lectures program “Città e metropoli in Cina tra tradizione e modernità” organized by Ce.S.M.E.O., Conference Hall GAMTurin, April 15th. 2004 “Il contributo dell’archeologia italiana alla conoscenza della preistoria della Thailandia centrale”. Thai-Italian meeting on “La Cultura Thailandese e le relazioni Italo-Thai” organized by CeSMEO, Turin, May 20th-21st. 2004 “Decision making processes in the conservation of mural paintings in the Far East”. International Seminar “Diagnosi, conservazione e restauro di dipinti murali dell’Estremo Oriente: quando Oriente ed Occidente s’incontrano e si confrontano”, organized by the University of Bologna, Corso di Laurea Te.Co.R.e. and the ‘Flaminia Foundation’, Ravenna, May 28th-29th. 2004 “Outlands and Borderlands in the Formation Dynamics of the ‘Chinese Civilization’ ”. International seminar “Pathways to Civilization and Political Complexity: a Comparison between the Middle East and China”, organized by Faculty of Cultural Heritage Conservation of Bologna University-Dept. of Archaeology in Ravenna, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Link Campus, Ravenna, July 1st-3rd. 2004 Friendship and Collaboration: Thai-Italian Archaeological Researches in the Lopburi Province, welcome speech for the visit of HRH the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorm of Thailand at the G. Tucci National Museum of Oriental Art-Rome, October 11th. 2003 “L’Evoluzione delle Società Pre-Protostoriche Coreane attraverso le Collezioni del Museo Nazionale della Corea”. G. Tucci National Museum of Oriental ArtRome 2002 “Continuity versus Discontinuity. Analyses of Thai and Vietnamese pre- and proto-historic Craft Activities in understanding South-east Asian Social Evolution and Complexity.”, Institute of Archaeology, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2001 “Autenticità/identità nella tradizione artistica della Cina”. 1st Spring Meeting on Restoration: “The Reality of Utopia”, Assisi, March 21st-24th. Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Central Institute for Restoration, Superitendency for the Architectonic and Art Historical Asset of the Umbria Region, European Commission: Sacro Convento di S. Francesco d’Assisi.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

2001 “Arte cinese tra tradizione e contemporaneità”. “Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci – Museo d’Arte Contemporanea”, Prato, April 27th. 2000 “Rethinking Yuanlongpo: The case for technological links between the Lingnan (RPC) and central Thailand in the Bronze Age”. 8th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Sarteano (Siena), October 2nd-6th. 2000 “Gli esordi dei ceramisti cinesi: tecniche di manifattura e stili ceramici tra il 10.000 e il 2000 a.C.” (Nov. 22nd); “Il giuoco della ceramica e del metallo: contaminazioni tecnologiche e stilistiche tra la produzione delle ceramiche invetriate e dei metalli dalla dinastia Shang (sec. XVI-XI a.C.) a quella Han (206 a.C; -220 d.C.” (Nov. 26th); “Colori in vetrina: i gres invetriati e le ceramiche monocrome e policrome della dinastia Tang (619-907)” (29 nov.); “Vasai, mercanti e pellegrini: centri di produzione, smercio e consumo delle porcellane di epoca Song (960-1279)” (Dec. 13th); “La Via della Porcellana: produzione e commercio della porcellana tra il sec. XIV e il sec. XIX” (Dec. 20th). Invited lectures offered to the “Italian Association of the Friends of the Ceramic” (Associazione Amici della Ceramica). 1999 “The Sichuan Province Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan”. Culture Counts: Financing, Resources, and the Economics of Culture in Sustainable Development, an international symposium organized by the World Bank, UNESCO and the Italian ministry of Foreign Affairs, Florence, October 1999. 1997 “Archaeological and Archaemetallurgical Researches in Thailand”. Institute of Archaeology-Chinese Academy of Social Sciences-Beijing. 1996 “New Methods and Theories in Archaeology”. Institute of Archaeology of the Shaanxi Province, Xi'an (Shaanxi). 1995 "Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient scientific activities in Asia"; "The National Museum of Oriental Art in Rome"; the "Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics (Xi’an Wenwu Baohu Xiufu Zhongxin)". Institute of Archaeology of the Henan Province, Zhengzhou (Henan). 1994 “Chinese Archaeology: a Story of late days”. International Archaeological Film Festival, Forlì (Emilia-Romagna Region). 1993-94 “Funerary Ideology in the Ancient Chinese Civilization”. Upgrading seminary course for Secondary School teachers: “La Storia, le Storie. Spunti di riflessione sulle Civiltà del Vicino, Medio ed Estremo Oriente”, organized by CIDI-Roma, ITIS “Lagrange”, M.N.A.Or., Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient IsIAO. 1993 “The Yellow River Civilization ”. Cultural Center “La Pesa”- Cultural Office of the Riccione Municipality (Emilia-Romagna Region).


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

1992 "Tha Kae: a great prehistoric lost site in Central Thailand". Siam Society under Royal Patronage, Bangkok. 1992 “Prehistoric Site formation processes in Central Thailand”. European Association of South East Asian Archaeology (EurASEEA) 4th International Conference, Rome. 1992 “Towards a definition of site formation processes in monsonal sub-tropical environments: a short consideration”. International Seminar “Formation processes and excavation methods in Archaeology: perspectives”, University of Padua. 1992 “Pastoralism and Nomadism in South-western China: a long debated question”. International Conference “Archaeology of the Steppe Land: Methods and Strategies of Work”, Naples I.U.O. 1991. “La questione dei rapporti tra Roma e l’Impero Han (206 a.C.-220 d.C.) alla luce delle evidenze archeologiche”. Rome Municipality-Cultural Office, ‘Andrea Rispoli’ Public Library. 1990 "The Bronze Age Art of China", Italy-China Friendship Association-Rome. 1990 "Thai-Italian Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP). Excavations at Tha Kae 1988-90, Some Preliminary Observation on a Work in Progress". Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). 1990 "Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project: preliminary results in the perspective of Southeast Asian Archaeology". Deccan College, Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune (India). 1990 "Dian Bovines and the Question of Bovine Domestication in the Himalayan Region". Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming (Yunnan; P.R.C.). 1990 "Thai-Italian Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results". Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, 3rd Intern. Conference, Brussels. 1989 "Metallurgy and State Formation Processes in 3rd/2nd millennium BC China". Milano Municipality, in the occasion of the exhibition "Chinese Bronzes from Shanghai Museum". 1989 "Recent Archaeological Activities Carried Out by the Italian Archaeological Expedition in Thailand". Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming (Yunnan; P.R.C.). 1989 "Zai Yazhou Luoma-Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient sanshi niande kexue yanjiu yu kaogu fajue". Institute of Archaeology of Yunnan ProvinceKunming (Yunnan; P.R.C.). 1989 "The Emergence of the State during the Dvaravati Period in Central Thailand”. Centre for Historical Studies, Jawarhalal Nehru University. New Delhi (India).


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

1988 "The Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project : preliminary results after the first field season ". Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASEAAWE) 2nd International Conference, Paris. 1987 "Southeast Asian Protohistoric Developments at the light of Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project Researches ". Hong Kong Archaeological Society, Hong Kong. 1987 "Stone Vessel Fragments as Base Material, Two Case Studies: Failaka and Shahr-i Sokhta ". Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASAAWE), 9th Intern. Conference, Venice. 1986 "Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project: preliminary results from the first two years". Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASEAAWE) 1st Intern. Conference, London. 1985 "Socio-economic Integration Mechanisms in the Southern Periphery of the Chinese State at the End of the Second Millennium BC" International Conference on "The Ancient Chinese Civilization", "Giorgio Cini Foundation" – Venice. 1985 “Chinese Art from the Bronze Age to the 3rd c. AD". Italy-China Friendship Association – Rome. 1984 "Shahr-i Sokhta Alabaster Vessels: Household or Luxury Production ?". FrenchItalian Conference "Twenty years of French-Italian archaeological researches in Central Asia", organized by IsIAO – Rome. 1979 "Problems of State Formation in Second Millennium BC China". Wellesley College (Boston, MA), Anthropological Dept. 1979 "The Manufacture of Alabaster Vessels at Shahr-i Sokhta and Mundigak in the 3rd Millennium BC". Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASAAWE), 5th Intern. Conference, Berlin.

PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES & PAPERS 2007a. Rethinking Yuanlongpo: The Case for Technological Links between the Lingnan (PRC) and Central Thailand in the Bronze Age. East and West, 57, 1-4: 305-328. 2007b. A Preliminary Report on Lo.R.A.P. Archaeological Excavations at Prehistoric Khao Sai On, Lopburi Province, Central Thailand. Ibidem: 395-401. 2006. L’archeologia Qin: sulle orme del primo impero, in L. Lanciotti, M. Scarpari (eds.), Cina. Nascita di un Impero, Skira, Milano: 49-57 2005a. Un invito per gli immortali: su un xunlu anseriforme del Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, in M. Scarpari, T. Lippiello (eds.) Caro Maestro ... Scritti in


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

onore di Lionello Lanciotti per l’ottantesimo compleanno, Ca’ Foscarina, Venezia: 353-366 2005b. The Thai-Italian ‘Lopburi regional archaeological project’: A survey of fifteen years of activities. In Piovano, I. (ed.), La Cultura Thailandese e le Relazioni ItaloThai, Ce.S.M.E.O., Torino: 77-104. 2002a. L’Archeologia dell’Estremo Oriente: Cina, in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 68-72. 2002b. Dalle prime società agricole alle società complesse: Estremo Oriente, in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 567-73; 2002c. L’Agricoltura e l’Allevamento. Estremo Oriente: I tipi di colture e i sistemi di produzione, Ibid.:671-75; 2002d. Il Consumo e i Regimi Alimentari: Estremo Oriente e Sud Est Asiatico, Ibid.:731-32. 2002e. L’Architettura. Caratteri e Modelli: Estremo Oriente, caratteri generali, in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. II, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 249-50; 2002f. L’Architettura. Caratteri e Modelli: Corea e Giappone, caratteri generali, Ibid.: 257-58; 2002g. L’Architettura. Caratteri e Modelli: Estremo Oriente, l’architettura domestica, Ibid.: 262-64; 2002h. L’Architettura. Caratteri e Modelli: Sud Est Asiatico, l’architettura domestica, Ibid.:279; 2002i. Estremo Oriente: Le vie di comunicazione e i mezzi di scambio commerciale premonetali e monetali, Ibid.:671-78; 2002j. L’Archiviazione dei beni e dei documenti: Estremo Oriente, Ibid.:787-88. 2002k. Carri e cavalli nella Cina Antica, in R. Ciarla (ed.) 2002 Anno del Cavallo, MNAOr, Roma: 11-19. 1999a. Due bronzi arcaici ed una ciotola céladon di produzione cinese; un’olla in ceramica grigia di produzione coreana, in R. Ciarla e L. Nista (a cura di) Acquisizioni e Donazioni 1996-1998, Roma:140-43; b. Tre piatti in porcellana del tipo “bianco e blu” e un piatto in grès con invetriatura del tipo céladon. Epoca della dinastia Ming (1368-1644), Ibidem: 44-45; c. Settantotto opere di produzione cinese e una statua in bronzo di produzione tailandese, Ibidem: 146-49; d. Diciassette dipinti su rotolo verticale di produzione cinese. Sec. XVIII-XIX, Ibidem: 152-57 1999e. Il genio dei vasai: le porcellane cinesi, in R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli (a cura di) Ceramiche e Bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro, Roma: 19-34; f. Le ceramiche invetriate dei Khmer, Ibidem: 45-48; g. Le ceramiche invetriate tailandesi, Ibidem: 59-71; h. Il cuore della Collezione: le ceramiche invetriate vietnamite, Ibidem: 79-89. 1999i. “The Sichuan Province Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan”, in K. Ebbe and L. J. Harper (eds.) Culture and Sustainable Development-East Asia and Pacific Working Group Proceedings, Washington: 43-49. 1996a. Bronzo-Cina. In Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, 2° Suppl., Vol. I, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma:754-57; 1996b CarroCina. Ibid.: 907-10. 1996c. Luoyang. In Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, Vol. III, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 481-86. 1994a. La Cina nel Neolitico, in Atlante di Archeologia, Torino, Garzanti-Utet:154-157; 1994b. La Cina nella prima età del bronzo (2100-1100 a.C.), Ibidem: 158-159; 1994c. La Cina nell’epoca Zhou (1100-221 a.C.), Ibidem: 160-161; 1994d. La Cina 12

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nel periodo Qin e Han, Ibidem: 162-163; e Le culture preistoriche dell’Asia Sudorientale continentale Ibidem: 170-173. 1994f. The Reign of Qin: from frontier polity to Universal Empire, in R. Ciarla (ed.), CINA 220 a.C.: i guerrieri di Xi’an, Ed. Abitare Segesta, Milano:17-27. 1994g. “Pastoralism and Nomadism in South-western China: a long debated question”, B. Genito (ed.) The Archaeology of the Steppes: Methods and Strategies, I.U.O., Serie Minor XLIV, Naples:73-86. 1992a. The Thai-Italian Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project: Preliminary Results. In I. Glover (Ed.), South East Asian Archaeology 1990. Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull:111-128. 1992b. L’archeologia dello Shanxi: culture di frontiera e culture metropolitane a confronto. In R. Ciarla (ed.) La Civiltà del Fiume Giallo: I tesori dello Shanxi. Leonardo De Luca Editori, Roma:23-28. 1988a. L'Antagonista Silenzioso: la Cultura Dian tra il II ed il I secolo a.C., Rivista degli Studi Orientali LX, 1-4 (1986), Roma:45-87. 1988b. Two Decorated Hollow-bricks of Han date in the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale-Roma, East and West 1-4:231-267. 1987a. La Cultura Dian come problema storico-archeologico, R.Ciarla e L.Lanciotti (eds.) I Bronzi del Regno di Dian: Yunnan, Cina (secc.VI-I a.C.), Roma:27-38. 1987b. Nei Musei Cinesi non regna il silenzio: breve storia e considerazioni sulla ricerca archeologica in Cina, Annali di Ca' Foscari:123-148. 1986. La Via delle Spezie, A. Liberati e S. Rizzo (ed.), Le Vie Mercantili tra Mediterraneo e Oriente nel Mondo Antico, Roma:159-167. 1985a. Arte Cinese in Collezioni Italiane Fine Secolo, Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale (ed.), Roma:14-36, 56. 1985b. "Disegni" e Silhouettes in Ferro: qualche riflessione preliminare, L. Fornari Schianchi (ed.), Ombre Cinesi e Quadri in Ferro, Parma:40-43. 1983. Following Their Footsteps: Towards a Historical View of the Neolithic Question in East Asia, 7000 Years of Chinese Civilization, Silvana Editore, Milano:45-54. In Collaboration: 2007. V.C. Pigott, R. Ciarla, On the Origins of Metallurgy in Prehistoric Southeast Asia: The View from Thailand, in S. La Niece, D. Hook, P. Craddock, Metals and Mines. Studies in Archaeometallurgy, British Museum, London: 76-88. 2004. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli, E. Valento, The Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics: a Chinese-Italian cooperation project 1995-1998, Roma, IsIAO. Pre-print 1.12.2004. 2003. R. Ciarla, L. Costantini, M.L. Giorgi, G. Guida, C. Pace, I. Reindell, S. Ridolfi, F. Rispoli, “Indagini diagnostiche e conservazione di manufatti archeologici e opere d’arte dell’Asia estrema al Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale: lavori in corso”, Progetto Restauro, n. 28: 8-16. 2000. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli. Introduzione: le Radici Preistoriche. In F. Rispoli (ed.), L’Oro degli Arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dalle Filippine”, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma: 15-24. 1999. Bai Chongbin, R. Ciarla, Ma Tao, R. Mazzeo, M. Micheli, F. Rispoli. Nondestructive and micro-destructive analythical methods applied to the conservation of Chinese works of art at the Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of 13

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Cultural Relics (P.R. of China), in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on “Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage”, Rome. 1997. R. Ciarla, M. Micheli, Il Centro di formazione per la conservazione e il restauro del patrimonio storico-culturale della Cina nord-occidentale a Xi’an, Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Oriente e Occidente: Filosofie del Restauro a Confronto. Faenza, LXXXIII, (1-3): 19-27. 1992a. R. Ciarla, S. Natapintu, Verso una definizione dei processi di formazione di depositi archeologici in ambiente monsonico: alcune osservazioni preliminari. In G. Leonardi (a cura di) Processi formativi della stratificazione archeologica, Saltuarie dal laboratorio del Piovego 3, Padova:173-198. 1992b. M. Cremaschi, R. Ciarla, V.C. Pigott, Paleoenvironment and Late Prehistoric Sites in the Lopburi Region of Central Thailand. In I. Glover (ed.), South East Asian Archaeology 1990. Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull:167-177. Forthcoming: 2009. The Thai-Italian ‘Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project’ Excavation at Khao Sai On-Noen Din 2008 Preliminary Report. East and West, 58 (forthcoming). 2009. Cultural Heritage Conservation and Henancement in Thailand: a Case Study. In S. Guichard Anguis & J. Fresnais Vaudelle (eds.), La Question de l’Art en Asie, Paris, Centre de Recherches sur l’Extrême Orient de Paris – Sorbonne. Short notes, entries, (*)hitherto unpublished materials 2009a. *Specchio a Figure d’Immortali, in M. Pacini, Il Potere dell’Immagine Riflessa: specchi di bronzo dell’antica Cina dal VI sec. a.C. al X sec. d.C., Quaderni di collezionismo di arte asiatica antica, s.l.:158-59; 2009b. *Specchio con Immortali a cavallo di animali fantastici, Ibidem: 206-09. 2004. *Bruciaprofumi, schede 93, 96-99, 103, 107, in P. D’Amore, S. Pennestrì (eds.), AROMATICA. Essenze, profumi e spezie tra Oriente e Occidente, Elio de Rosa editore, Roma. 2002. Finimenti, statuine, accessori e vasellame in R. Ciarla (a cura di) 2002 Anno del Cavallo, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma: 22-43. 2002. Lo Sport nell’Estremo oriente, in P. D’Amore (ed.) Lo Sport e l’Oriente, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma: 111-115. 2000a. The Sichuan Province Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan. in K. Ebbe, L.J. Harper (eds.), Culture and Sustainable Development. East Asia and Pacific Working Group Proceedings: 43-49, East Asia and Pacific Urban Development Sector Unit, The World Bank, Florence. 2000b. *Olla funeraria in ceramica, in L. D’Agostino et alii (ed.), Acquisizioni e donazioni 1999-2000: Archeologia, arte orientale, arte dal Medioevo al Novecento, architettura, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Gangemi ed., Roma: 60; c. *Statuina funeraria, Ibid.: 61; d. *Elemento di corredo funerario, Ibid.: 62; e. *Statuina funeraria, Ibid.: 63; f. *Collezione di 186 opere d’arte e reperti provenienti dalla Cina e dall’Asia sud-orientale, Ibid.: 248-51. 1999a. *Diciotto opere d’arte orientale: schede g-o, in R. Ciarla, L. Nista (eds.) Acquisizioni e Donazioni 1996-1998, Roma: 132; 1999b. *Due opere in porcellana 14

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di produzione cinese. Epoca della dinastia Qing (1644-1911), Ibid.: 150-51; 1999c. *Tessuto ricamato di produzione cinese. Epoca della dinastia Qing (1644-1911), Ibid.: 158-59. 1998. “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Missioni Archeologiche Italiane. La Ricerca Archeologica, Antropologica, Etnologica. Roma: 323-26. 1997a. *Modello di Installazione Rurale. in SKIN Dimension Viaggio con Swatch in piccoli mondi, Milano:191-92; 1997b. *Coppia di mobili portavesti. Ibid.: 197-98. 1997c. Xi'an. in Enciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, 2° Suppl., Vol. V, Roma:1086-89. 1997d. CINA, in P. D’Amore (ed.), Il Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale in Palazzo Brancaccio, Roma: 257-58. 1996a. Thailandia: archeologia. in Enciclopedia Italiana, Appendice V, vol. V, Roma:493-94; 1996b Xi'an: archeologia. Ibid.: 806-07. 1995a. Nuove scoperte in Cina. ARCHEO, Febbraio:90-97. 1994a. Lastra con scena di caccia cat. n. 1, in M. T. Lucidi (ed.) La Seta e la Sua Via., Roma: 59; 1994b. *Statuina in ceramica raffigurante un cammello cat. n. 3, Ibid.: 59; 1997c. *Statuina in ceramica raffigurante un cavaliere cat. n. 6, Ibid.: 60; 1997d. *Statuina in ceramica raffigurante un militare di alto rango cat. n. 8, Ibid.: 60-61; e. *Specchio in bronzo cat. n. 127, Ibid.: 192-93; 1997f. *Guardamano in giada con decoro rilevato formato da due draghi cat. n. 131, Ibid.: 193-94; 1997g. *Specchio in bronzo con fenice in volo cat. n. 138, Ibid.: 195; 1997h. *Specchio in bronzo con coppia di fenici cat. n. 143, Ibid.: 196; 1997i. *Specchio in bronzo con fenici e fiori cat. n. 148, Ibid.:197; 1997j. *Sopravveste in seta cat. n. 162, Ibid.: 278; 1997k. *Album con scene di tessitura cat. n. 196, Ibid.: 286 1994l. *Bronzekessel: Typ you, in China eine Wiege der Weltkultur: 5000 Jahre Erfindungen und Entdeckungen, Mainz: katalognummer 19; 1994m. *Dolch ge, Ibid.: katalognummer 49; 1994n. *Zwei Hohlziegel, Ibid.: katalognummern 58-59; 1994o. *Gewicht in Gestalt eines Hundes, Ibid.: katalognummer 168; 1994p. *Zylindrisches Gefas: Typ lian, Ibid., Mainz: katalognummer 196; 1994q. *Figur: Shouxing Laoren mit Kind, Ibid.: katalognummer 258. 1994r. Banpo, in Atlante di Archeologia, Torino, Garzanti-Utet:260; 1994s. Luoyang, Ibid.: 362; 1994t. Taixi, Ibid.: 470; 1994w. Xiadu, Ibid.: 518; 1994x. Lopburi, Ibid.: 358-359. 1994y. Nella Città delle Scimmie: gli scavi della missione italiana in Thailandia. ARCHEO. Novembre:42-53. 1994z. I Guerrieri di Xi'an, ARCHEO, Dicembre:8-15. 1993a. *Felino attorto cat. n. 136, in OXUS. Tesori dell’Asia Centrale, Roma:140; 1993b. *Statuina funeraria cat. n. 137, Ibid.: 140-41; 1993c. *Olletta globulare con piccolo orlo estroflesso cat. n. 138, Ibid.: 141. 1992. Viaggio in Occidente: porcellane orientali nelle Civiche Collezioni genovesi. a cura di Laura Zenone Padula. Milano, Fabbri Editori. In Critica d’Arte, IX. 1991. Ban Chiang: una provocazione archeologica sull’Altopiano del Khorat (Thailandia), Ligabue Magazine, Venezia. 1988a. “Dal Sinantropo alle più antiche dinastie”, Le Grandi Scoperte dell'Archeologia vol. IX, Istituto Geografico DeAgostini, Novara:128-155; 1988b. “La formazione


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del grande Impero”, Ibid.: 156-85; 1988c. “Politica coloniale e moda orientalistica”, Ibid.: 270-301; 1988d. “Il Sol Levante calato nella Storia”, Ibid.: 302-317. 1987a “Loulan: sul lago di sale”, in Città Sepolte, Curcio editore, vol. VII, Roma:196768; 1987b. “Xi'an: le sei capitali”, Ibid.: 1969-78; 1987c. “Erlitou: città Xia o Shang?”, Ibid.: 1979-80; 1987d. “Panlongcheng: una colonia Shang sullo Yangtze”, Ibid.: 1981-82; 1987e. “Taosi: ai piedi del monte Taer”, Ibid.: 1983-84; 1987f. “Xiadu: la capitale del Regno di Yan”, Ibid.: 1985-87; 1987g. “Yin Xu: le Rovine di Yin”, Ibid.: 1991-93; 1987h. “Yongcheng: la Capitale del Regno di Qin”, Ibid.: 1994-95; 1987i. “Nara: Capitale della Pace”, Ibid.: 197-2001; j. “Toro: un preludio”, Ibid.: 2002-03; 1987k. “Angkor: il tempio del popolo Khmer”, Ibid.: 2005-12; 1987l. “Co Loa: un’antichissima struttura urbana”, Ibid.: 2013-14; 1987m. “Oc'Eo: sulle rotte della Via delle Spezie”, Ibid.: 2015-16. 1986a. Dal villaggio alla città, in L.Lanciotti (ed.) Tesori dell'Antica Cina, ARCHEO dossier 15:11-29; 1986b. I Sudari di Giada, Ibid.: 38; 1986c. La Paffuta Marchesa di Dai, Ibid.: 39. 1986d. Our Contribution to the Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project, East and West 36, (4): 541-542. 1986e. Quadri in ferro: una forma di alto artigianato cinese, Rivista Finsider gennaiomarzo:58-61. 1985a. Our Contribution to the Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project, East and West, 35 (4): 487-490. 1985b. Dopo ventisei anni di scavo è tornata alla luce Yongcheng, la prima capitale del regno di Qin, Atlante, settembre: 20. 1982a. I calchi delle Aule Votive di Wu Liang: Nota Introduttiva. Associazione ItaliaCina (ed.), I Calchi delle Aule Votive di Wu Liang (2° secolo), Roma:1-6. 1982b. Due Bronzi Cinesi Arcaici, Dagli Ori Antichi agli Anni Venti. Le Collezioni di Riccardo Gualino, Milano:166-167. 1980. "Estremo Oriente", Le Grandi Avventure dell'Archeologia vol. VI° fasc. 62-64, Curcio edit., Roma: 1982-2035. Editorships & Monographs 2006. R. Ciarla, L’Esercito di Terracotta. Storia e scoperta dell’armata sepolta del primo imperatore cinese, Edizioni White Star, Vercelli. 2005. R. Ciarla (ed.), The Ethernal Army. Qin Archaeology and the Discovery of the Terracotta Army, White Star, Vercelli. 2004. R. Ciarla, F. Salviati (eds.), “Sulla Via di Tianjin: mille anni di relazioni tra Italia e Cina. Italiani ambasciatori di amicizia e di cultura”, IsIAO, Roma. 2002. R. Ciarla, 2002 Anno del Cavallo, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma. 1999a. R. Ciarla, L. Nista (eds.), Acquisizioni e Donazioni. Archeologia e Arte Orientale (1996-1998), Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Roma. 1999b. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli (eds.), Ceramiche e Bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma. 1997. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli (eds.), South East Asian Archaeology 1992, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress, Serie Orientale Roma LXXXVII, Is.I.A.O., Rome. 1994. R. Ciarla (ed.), CINA 220 a.C.: i guerrieri di Xi’an, Milano, Ed. Abitare Segesta.


Roberto Ciarla-Curriculum Vitae

1992. R. Ciarla (ed.) La CiviltĂ del Fiume Giallo: I tesori dello Shanxi. Leonardo De Luca Editori, Roma. 1987. L. Lanciotti, R. Ciarla (eds.), I Bronzi del Regno di Dian: Yunnan, Cina (secc.VI-I a.C.) , Roma. Scientific papers not concerning the Archaeology and Art History of the Far East 1990. Stone Vessel Fragments as a Base Material, Two Case Studies: Failaka and Shahr-i Sokhta, in M. Taddei, P. Callieri (eds.) South Asian Archaeology 1987, Is.M.E.O., Rome: 475-491. 1985a. Bronze Age Craft at Failaka: Some Preliminary Observation from Stone Vases Fragments, East and West, 35 (4):396-406. 1985b. New Materials for the Study of Stone Vases Manufacture at Shahr-i Sokhta, East and West, 35 (4):418-425. 1981. A Preliminary Analysis of the Manufacture of Alabaster Vessels at Shahr-i Sokhta and Mundigak in the 3rd millennium BC, in H. Hartel (ed) South Asian Archaeology 1979 , Berlin:45-63. 1979. The Manufacture of Alabaster Vessels at Shahr-i Sokhta and Mundigak in the 3rd millennium BC: a problem of cultural identity, IRANICA:319-335. Roberto Ciarla


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