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Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae


Rome, 27/01/1957 Italian Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO) Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 16 - 00197 Roma (I) Tel. (0039).06.32855262 cell: (0039).335.8274077 e-mail:

EDUCATION POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION: Doctoral Research Grant (Ph.D.) in Oriental Archaeology Title of the dissertation: "To the West and India. A Research on the Root of Indianization in Central Thailand". Istituto Universitario Orientale – Naples (Italy) 1994-1996 UNIVERSITY DEGREE (LAUREA): Laurea in Lettere (110/110 cum laude) (Doctoral Degree in Humanities). Faculty of Humanities: Course of Oriental Archaeology, University of Rome "La Sapienza". Title of the dissertation: "The Ceramic Corpus of Non Pa Wai, a "Metallurgical" Site in Central Thailand", 1977-1990 SECONDARY SCHOOL: Diploma Liceo Scientifico "Guido Castelnuovo" (Rome, Italy) – 1970-1976 OTHER ACADEMIC TITLES: Senior Archaeologist Visitor Grant, Conservation Analythical Laboratory (CAL) - Smithsonian Institution (May 1992) Washington (USA), 1992 Training course on "Minerary Archaeology and Archaeometallurgy" granted by the University of Siena, the Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali and the National Research Council: Pontignano (Siena) 9-21 Sept. 1991 Diploma Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO) – Rome, School of Oriental Languages and Cultures: Chinese Language and Culture, 1987 LANGUAGES Italian, English – fluent other French (fair) Thai, Malay/Bahasa Indonesia (basic colloquial) ancient languages Latin; North-Western Semitic Languages; Hebrew; Cuneiforms


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

FIELDS OF RESEARCH -Pre-protohistory of Eastern Asia, especially Southeast Asia- and Southeast China. - Neolitization processes in Mainland Southeast Asia. -Ceramic technology and production in pre-protohistoric Southeast Asia. -Jewellery technology and ideological value in ethno-archaeological contexts. -Archaeometry.

CURRENT POSITIONS Deputy Research Director, Thai-Italian Archaeological Mission in Thailand, Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project - LoRAP (IsIAO) – 1990-until present Senior Archaeologist and Pottery Specialist – Thai-USA Archaeological Project "Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project" (TAP) - MASCA, University of Pennsylvania - 1987-until present POSITIONS HELD Research Director, Italian Archaeological Project to Indonesia (IAPI), IsIAO: 20072008. Italian Representative of the Board of the European Association of South East Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA, ex ASEAWE): 2003-2005. Co-chairmen, Istituto Centrale per il Restauro (Roma). Candidate: Livia Sforzini; Dissertation Title: “Conservation and Restoration of lead artifacts from the site of Ta Kae (Lopburi)”. 54th Course, Area B, March 2005. Co-chairmen, University of Bologna (sede di Ravenna), Course on Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Candidate: Alessio Paroncini; Dissertation Title: “Le perle in vetro dagli scavi della missione archeologica italiana dell’Is.I.A.O. a Tha Kae (Thailandia centrale): influenza indiana sulla cultura materiale del Sud-est asiatico”. I Sessione, Anno Accademico 2003-2004. Scientific Consultant, The New Italian Archaeological Encyclopaedia Treccani “The World of Archaeology”: South-east Asian scientific specialist: 2003-2006. Member of the Editorial Staff, The New Italian Archaeological Encyclopaedia Treccani: Far East and South-east Asian specialist: 1998-2002. Co-chairmen, University of the Study of Udine, Laurea Course on Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Candidate: Dania Driutti; Dissertation Title: The Buddha Images at the King Narai National Museum (Lopburi, Thailand): 1999.


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

Scientific Consultant, National Museum of Oriental Art “G. Tucci”: 1988-until present. Administrative Collaborator, Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino (Roma): 1984-1985. Administrative Collaborator, Centro per le Antichita` e la Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente (Roma): 1984-1985. Board Secretary, Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino (Roma): 1984-1985.

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Taught Training Course on Archaeological Excavation Methods and Theory and for the study of archaeological finds, Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics, Directorate General for Development Co-operation (DGCS): Xi'an. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)/ Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO): 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998. Taught Training Course on Training Course on Ceramic Archaeometry, Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics, Directorate General for Development Co-operation (DGCS): Xi'an. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)/ Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO): 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.

SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION & EXHIBITIONS Curator of the Exhibition: “L’Oro degli Arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dale Filippine”. Ministry of Cultural Heritage, National Museum of Oriental Art. Rome, Nov. 30-March 4 2000. Curator of the Exhibition: “Antiche porcellane e bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro”. Ministry of Cultural Heritage, National Museum of Oriental Art. Rome, July 8-Oct. 8 1999. Scientific collaborator. National Museum of Oriental Art (Rome): Cataloguing of the Oriental Art Collection in Italy 1995-1998. Organizer, 4th International Congress of the European Association of South-east Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA), IsMEO, Rome, Sept. 22-Oct. 4 1992. Scientific collaborator to the research "Mesopotamian trades: 9000-3000 BC", University of Rome "La Sapienza", under the directionship of Prof G. Pettinato: 19841986. Scientific collaborator to the research "Ebla and the Cuneiform" (Ministry of Public Education). University of Rome "La Sapienza", under the directionship of Prof G. Pettinato: 1982-1985.


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

Member of the research project at the "Centre for Antiquity and the History of Art of the Near East (CASAVO)" for the following researches: 1. Dictionary of the Techniques in the Ancient Near East; 2. Bibliographic Catalogue of the Ancient Near East, under the directionship of Prof G. Pettinato: 1980-1982.


Italy-China Association, Rome


Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East (IsMEO), Rome


Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASEAAWE)

1990-until present

European Association of South East Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA)

1994-until present

International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leida (Holland)

1994-until present

European Association for South-East (EUROSEAS), Leiden (Olanda)



1995- until present Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient (IsIAO ex IsMEO), Rome 1997-until present

Indo Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA), Camberra, Australia

FIELD RESEARCH AND ACTIVITIES 2006-2008 Vice-Director of the Thai-Italian "Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project" (LoRAP). Excavation at the pre-protohistoric sites of Khok Din and Noen Din (Khao Sai On archaeological district; Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand). 2004-2005 Vice-Director of the laboratory activities carried out in the “King Narai National Museum”, Lopburi for the study and restoration of the archaeological artefacts excavated by LoRAP at the site of Phu Noi. 2002

Senior Archaeologist of the Archaeological Excavations at Ban Pong Manao (Pattana Nikhom, Lopburi), a joint LoRAP and Faculty of Archaeology (Silpakorn University) field season under the directionship of prof. Surapol Natapintu.

1998-2000 Vice-Director of the laboratory activities carried out in the “King Narai National Museum”, Lopburi for the study and restoration of the archaeological artefacts excavated by LoRAP at the site of Tha Kae. 1995-‘97

Senior Archaelogist of the joint Chinese-Italian excavation project at Daijiawan (Baoji; Shaanxi prov., PRC).


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae


Vice-Director of the of the Thai-Italian LoRAP. Excavation at the preprotohistoric site of Phu Noi (Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand).


Senior Archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Non Mak La (Lopburi Province) a protohistoric site in central Thailand. ‘Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project’ (TAP); directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.).


Senior Archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Nhil Kham Haeng (Lopburi Province) a protohistoric site in central Thailand. ‘Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project’ (TAP); directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.).


Vice-Director of the of the Thai-Italian LoRAP. Excavation at the preprotohistoric site of Tha Kae (Lopburi prov.; Central Thailand).


Ceramic Specialist, Study-Season for processing manufacts excavated at Non Pa Wai (Lopburi Province, Central Thailand). ‘Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project’ (TAP); directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.).

1986, ‘92, ’93 Senior Archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at Non Pa Wai (Lopburi Province) a protohistoric site in central Thailand. Thailand Archaeometallurgy Project (TAP); co-directed by Dr. V.C. Pigott (University of Pennsylvania Museum), and Prof. S. Natapintu (Thai Fine Arts Dept.). 1989

Senior Archaeologist of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Hungary . Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples - IsMEO, Rome. Excavations at the site of Endrod 19. Director: Prof B. Genito.


Ceramic Specialist of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Hungary Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples - IsMEO, Rome. Study season at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the classification of the pottery from the site of Endrod 19. Director: Prof B. Genito


Archaeologist Specialist of the "Italian Mission for the Archaeological Cooperation with the Yemenite Arab Republic", (IsMEO, Rome), under the auspicies of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Director: Prof A. De Maigret.


Junior archaeologist of the archaeological excavation at ArslantepeMalatya (Turkey), a Chalcolithic to Bronze Age settlement in Eastern Anatolia; project director Prof. A. Palmieri, Institute of PalaeoethnologyUniversity of Rome.


Junior Archaeologist, Italian Archaeological Expedition in the Sultanate of Oman, under the directionship Prof. M.Tosi, (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Naples University).


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae


Junior Archaeologist at the Fortellezza site in Tortoreto (Teramo, Abruzzo), an Iron Age fortified settlement in coastal Abruzzo; Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region.


Junior Archaeologist at the Alba Fucens site (Abruzzo), a Roman city, 2nd cent. BCE; Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region.


Junior Archaeologist at Case Weldon (Teramo, Abruzzo), a site with late Neolithic and Early Iron age occupation ranges; Archaeological Superintendency of the Abruzzo Region

EXHIBITIONS 2000, “L’Oro degli Arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dalle Filippine”, ancient and ethnographic gold jewellery from Indonesia and the Philippines in the collections of the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art. 1999, “Ceramiche e Bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro”, exhibition held to celebrate the I.T. Dinaro Bequest to the ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art, Rome.

INVITED LECTURES & CONFERENCES 2009 “The 2007 Italian Archaeological Project to East Java: preliminare results”, ‘G. Tucci’ National Museum of Oriental Art-Rome April 22nd. 2008 “The Italian Archaeological Project to East Java: preliminare results”. Italian Archaeology in Asia and Africa: The Archaeological Projects of IsIAO. Is.I.A.O., Rome May 22nd. 2004 "Looking for the Root of Neolithization in Southeast Asia ". 10th International Conference of the European Association of South East Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA). British Museum, London, 13-17 September. 2004 “Ad Occidente è l’India: Alla ricerca delle radici del processo di indianizzazione nella Thailandia Centrale”. Italo-Thai Congress: “La Cultura Thailandese e le relazioni Italo-Thai” CeSMEO, Torino, 20-21 May. 1999 “Non-destructive and micro-destructive analythical methods applied to the conservation of Chinese works of art at the Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics”. (in collaboration with Bai Chongbin, R. Ciarla, R. Mazzeo, M. Micheli e Ma Tao). ART ‘99. 6th International Conference on “Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage”. AIPnD and I.C.R. Rome, May 17th-20th. 1997 "Late-third/Early Second millennium BC Pottery in Central Thailand: some observations in a wider perspective". Institute of Archaeology - Academy of Social Science - People Republic of China, Aug. 26th. 6

Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

1997 "The Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project and Its Implications". 1st International Conference on Italian-Thai Studies: from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present. Bangkok National Museum (Bangkok - Thailandia), Nov. 21st. 1995 "The Process of Indianization in Central Thailand: an archaeological review". Department of Archaeology, Silpakorn University (Bangkok - Thailandia), Jan. 16th. 1994 "To the West and India. A Research on the Roots of Indianization in Central Thailand". 5th International Conference of the European Association of South East Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA). Ecole Française d'Extreme Orient, Paris, 24-28 October. 1994 "Xeroradiografia e Radiografia digitale a luminescenza fotostimolata nello studio delle tecniche di manifattura della ceramica preistorica dell'Asia sudorientale". 8th CIMTEC - World Ceramic Congress. Florence, June 28th-July 4th. 1994 "The state of the Pottery Studies in Thailand: a summery of the previous research and possibility for the future". Department of Archaeology, Silpakorn University (Bangkok - Thailandia), January 24th. 1992 “Technological Observations of Pottery Manufacturing Techniques in Central Thailand: Mid-Third/Mid-Second millennium BC”. 3rd Seminar of the Italian Association for Experimental Archaeology (AISA). Rome, University “La Sapienza”, Dec. 12th. 1992 “Mid-third millennium BC Pottery Traditions in Central Thailand: some preliminary observations”. 4th International Conference of the European Association of South East Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA). Rome, Sept. 28th- Oct. 4th. 1992 “A New Mechanical Device for Drawing the Potsherds”. Workshop on Prehistoric Ceramics in Thailand. The University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania.Philadelphia June 1-2. 1992 “Preliminary Report of the Non Pa Wai Pottery Typology and its further context (Lopburi Province, Central Thailand)”. Workshop on Prehistoric Ceramics in Thailand. The University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia June 1-2. 1992 “Preliminary results of the application of Digital Radiography with photostimulable Phosphorous for understanding ancient pottery manufacturing techniques”. Materials and Archaeology: Discussion Group. Conservation Anatythical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution. Invited Lecture. th Washington D.C. May 13 . 1990 “A Preliminary Report on the Pottery from Tha Kae Site (Lopburi; Central Thailand)”. 3rd International Conference of the Association of South East


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe (ASEAAWE), Brussel 18-20 December

PUBLICATIONS ARTICLES & PAPERS 2009. “Lamina con scena dell’Arjunawiwaha” e “Collana palangapang”. In “Tesori invisibili dai più grandi musei Italiani e capolavori recentemente recuperati dall’Arma dei Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato e Guardia di Finanza”. Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo, Gangemi Editore: 145-146. 2007. “The Incised & Impressed Pottery of Mainland Southeast Asia:Following the Paths of Neolithizasion”. East and West, 57, 1-4: 235-304. 2006. “Terracotta Ear-studs and Skin-rubbers: looking for the Roots of Indianization in Central Thailand”. In I. Piovano (ed.), La Cultura Thailandese e le Relazioni ItaloThai, Atti del Convegno Italo-Thai: La cultura Thailandese e le relazioni Italo-Thai (Torino 20-21 maggio 2004), Torino: 45-76. 2005a. “To the West and India”. In P. Callieri, A. Filigenzi (eds.),“Studi in onore di Maurizio Taddei”, East & West 55 (1-4): 243-264. 2005b. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Introduzione, in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 787-789. 2005c L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Bukit Tenggu Lembu (Malesia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 826. 2005d. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Baturng Massif (Indonesia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 707. 2005e. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Bau Tro (Vietnam), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 857. 2005f. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Ban Kao (Thailandia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 842. 2005g. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: La Cina. Banp’o (Cina), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 612-613. 2005h. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Phu Noi (Thailandia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 850-851. 2005h. L’Archeologia dell’Asia: 5. Il Sud-est Asiatico. Tha Kae (Thailandia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. III, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 853. 8

Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

2004. “I levigatoi/skin rubbers della Valle del Chao Phraya (Thailandia Centrale)”. In “Studi in onore di Umberto Scerrato per il suo settantacinquesimo compleanno” (a cura di M.V. Fontana e B. Genito). Napoli: 669-680. 2003. “Specchio Khmer”. In Campanelli A. e M. P. Pennetta (Ed.), Attraverso lo Specchio, Carsa Edizioni S.p.A., Pescara: 127. 2002a. “La rete degli scambi e dei contatti: Sud-Est Asiatico” (Exchange Routes and Commercial Contacts: South-East Asia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 678-685. 2002b. “Dalle prime comunità stanziali alle soglie dell’urbanizzazione: Sud-Est Asiatico” (From the First Settled Communities to the Dawn of the Urbanization: South-East Asia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 873-874. 2002c. “Dalle prime comunità agricole alle società complesse: Sud-Est Asiatico” (From the Early Agricultural Communities to the Complx Societies: South-East Asia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 574-577. 2002d. “L’archeologia dell’Estremo Oriente: Sud-Est Asiatico” (The Archaeology of Far East: South-East Asia), in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, vol. I, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani, Roma: 76-79. 1999a. “The Royal Palace of Bangkok”. In M. Morelli (Ed.), Royal Palaces. White Star (I), Barnes & Nobles (UK), Thunder Bay Publisher (USA): 292-301. 1999b. “Porcellane sino-tai e l’Arte Ratanakosin”. In Antiche porcellane e bronzi dall’Oriente estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro. (a cura di R. Ciarla e F. Rispoli). Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale. Iasillo Ed. Roma:75-78. 1999c. “Alcuni bronzi Khmer”. In Antiche porcellane e bronzi dall’Oriente estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro. (a cura di R. Ciarla e F. Rispoli). Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale. Iasillo Ed. Roma:49-56. 1999d. “Ceramiche e bronzi preistorici dalla Tailandia”. In Antiche porcellane e bronzi dall’Oriente estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro. (a cura di R. Ciarla e F. Rispoli). Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale. Iasillo Ed. Roma:35-44. 1999e. “Trentuno opere di antica gioielleria javanese e settantotto gioielli di interesse etnografico dall’Indonesia, dalle Filippine, dal Tibet e dal Nepal”. In L. Nista e R. Ciarla (a cura di), Acquisizioni e Donazioni. Archeologia e Arte Orientale (19961998). Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Architettonici Archeologici Artistici e Storici. Gangemi Editore:136-139. 1999f. The Royal Palace in Bangkok. In M. Morelli (ed.), Royal Palaces. White Star (I), Barnes&Noble Books, New York: 292-301. 1999g. “Il Palazzo Reale di Bangkok”. In M. Morelli (a cura di), Dimore Reali. White Star, Vercelli: 292-301.


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

1998a. “Statues in Gold from Mysterious Thailand”. In G. Guadalupi (ed.), The World Great Treasures. White Star (I), Stewart, Tabori & Chang, New York (USA): 312319. 1998b. “Statue d’oro per la Thaiandia”. In G. Guadalupi (a cura di), I Grandi Tesori. White Star, Vercelli: 312-319. 1997. "Late-third/Early Second millennium BC Pottery Traditions in Central Thailand: some preliminary observations in a wider perspective". In Proceeding of the 4th International Conference of EurASEAA, Rome, Sept 28th-Oct. 4th 1992 (R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli ed.s). Serie Orientale Roma (IsIAO):59-97. 1995a. “Xi’an: L’esercito silenzioso”. Viaggio nelle meraviglie dell’archeologia, fasc.10, De Agostini: 25-58. 1995b. "Lucerna, Estremo Oriente". Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte Antica Treccani. Roma, pp. 3767-3771, 1995. 1993a. “Progress Report on the Analysis of the Ceramics from Non Pa Wai and Nil Kham Haeng”. In V.C. Pigott and S. Natapintu (eds), Preliminary Report: Excavation at Non Pa Wai and Nil Khan Haeng, Lopburi Province, Central Thailand. January to April 1992, The Thai Fine Arts Department, 78-112. 1993b. “Un procedimento per il rilievo della ceramica archeologica". In Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione, Anno III, No. 1:35-40. 1992. "Preliminary Report on the Pottery from the 1989 Excavation season at Tha Kae, Op. 1 Square A". In I. C. Glover (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd ASEAAWE Conference. Brussels 18-20 Dec. 1990. University of Hull: 129-142 In Collaboration: 2004. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli, E. Valento, The Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics: a Chinese-Italian cooperation project 1995-1998, Roma, IsIAO. Pre-print 1.12.2004. 2000. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli. Introduzione: le Radici Preistoriche. In F. Rispoli (ed.), L’Oro degli Arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dalle Filippine”, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma: 15-24. 1999. Bai Chongbin, R. Ciarla, Ma Tao, R. Mazzeo, M. Micheli, F. Rispoli. Nondestructive and micro-destructive analythical methods applied to the conservation of Chinese works of art at the Xi’an Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Relics (P.R. of China), in ART’99, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on “Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage”, Rome: 315-322. 1997. R. Ciarla, S. Natapintu, F. Rispoli, "The Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project and Its Implications”. In First International Conference on Italian-Thai Studies: from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present. Bangkok National Museum (Bangkok - Thailandia),:1-7. 10

Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

1993a. M. Micheli, S. Pracchia, F. Rispoli, M. Vidale, "Un procedimento per il rilievo della ceramica archeologica". In Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione, Anno III, No. 1:35-40. 1993b. M. Marano, A. Meduri, F. Rispoli, M. Vidale, "Xeroradiografia e Radiografia Digitale a Luminescenza nello studio delle tecniche di manifattura della ceramica antica: vantaggi e limiti". In Rivista di Radiologia, 86:116-126. 1992. M. Marano, A. Meduri, F. Rispoli, M. Vidale, "Xeroradiografia e Radiografia Digitale a Luminescenza: risultati preliminari di indagini su due campioni di ceramica pre-protostorica orientale". In Atti del 3° Convegno Internazionale Prove Non-Distruttive, Metodi Microanalitici e Indagini Ambientali per lo Studio e la Conservazione delle Opere d’Arte. Viterbo 4-8 Ottobre 1992. Istituto Centrale del Restauro/Associazione Italiana Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica. Roma, 1992:305-414. 1991. M. Micheli, S. Pracchia, F. Rispoli, M. Vidale, "Una nuova procedura per il disegno di frammenti ceramici archeologici", in Saltuarie dal Laboratorio del Piovego, 1991, 2:77-86.

Forthcoming: 2009. “Off the Beaten Track: 2007 Italian-Indonesian Archaeological Investigation at Gua Made (east Java)”. East&West 58. EDITORSHIPS & MONOGRAPHS 2000. F. Rispoli, L’oro degli arcipelaghi. Gioielli dall’Indonesia e dale Filippine. Catalogue of the Exhibition. Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale. 1999. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli (eds.), Ceramiche e Bronzi dall’Oriente Estremo. La donazione Ivanoe Tullio Dinaro, Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale, Roma. 1997. R. Ciarla, F. Rispoli (eds.), South East Asian Archaeology 1992, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress, Serie Orientale Roma LXXXVII, Is.I.A.O., Rome. 1997. F. Rispoli, Ad Occidente è l'India. Alla ricerca delle radici del processo di indianizzazione nella Thailandia Centrale Doctoral Research Grant (Ph.D.) in Oriental Archaeology. Napoli, Istituto Universitario Orientale (National Library of Florence – Doctoral Dissertation No. TDR.1997.003737). 1991. Leonardi G., G. Pennello, S.T. Levi, M. Micheli, S. Pracchia, F. Rispoli, M. Vidale, Il disegno archeologico della ceramica. Saltuarie del Piovego 2, Università degli Studi di Padova Scientific Reports to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1997. “New data on the decorations of incised lines filled with impressed or incised motifs and reserved decoration”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

“Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1997, Programma di Ricerca 1998. (Prot. IsIAO No. 4987/21A del 11.12.1997), pp. 8-22. 1996. “Ricerche e Studi 1996: Oggetti d’ornamento e d’igiene personale; La ceramica”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1996, Programma di Ricerca 1997. (Prot. IsIAO No. 2335/21A del 12.12.96), pp. 10-47. 1995. “Analisi di alcuni tipi ceramici protostorici dalla necropoli dell’Età del Ferro di Tha Kae (Prov. di Lopburi)”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1995, Programma di Ricerca 1996. (Prot. IsIAO No. 2931/21A del 14.12.95), pp. 21-31. 1994. “Una riconsiderazione della sequenza archeologica di alcuni siti preistorici della Thailandia centrale” e “Un nuovo orizzonte a ceramica dipinta della Thailandia centrale: rapporto preliminare delle indagini condotte nel 1993-1994 nell’ambito del progetto LoRAP”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1994, Programma di Ricerca 1995. (Prot. IsIAO No. 2466/21A del 28.11.94), pp. 5-14, 23-26. 1993. “Archeologia Sperimentale ed analisi degli elementi decorativi dei materiali fittili dal sito di Tha Kae e siti di confronto”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1993, Programma di Ricerca 1994. (Prot. IsIAO No. 2117/21A del 27.11.93), pp. 7-17. 1992. “Studio tecnologico dei manufatti ceramici Thailandesi”. In Missione Archeologica Italiana in Thailandia “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project (LoRAP)” Relazione dell’Attività svolta nel 1992, Programma di Ricerca 1993. (Prot. IsIAO No. 2168/21A del 20.11.92), pp. 23-30. Scientific Reports to the Italian National Research Council 1997. “Nuovi dati sulle decorazioni vascolari a linee incise riempite da motivi impressi o incisi e decorazioni c.d. “a risparmio” dai siti tardo-Neolitici della Piana di Lopburi e loro relazione con i contemporanei siti archeologici del Sudest Asiatico continentale.”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1997 e Programma di ricerca 1998. (Prot. IsIAO n. 3247/15 del 31.07.97), pp.8-17 1994a. “Relazione scientifica 1993-1994”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1994 e Programma di ricerca 1995. (Prot. IsIAO n. 1110/15 del 31.05.94), pp.5-24 (in collaborazione con R. Ciarla).


Fiorella Ripoli-Curriculum Vitae

1994b. “5th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Musée Guimet, Paris 24-28/10/94”. In Progetto Bilaterale ItaliaThailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1994 e Programma di ricerca 1995. (Prot. IsIAO n. 1669/15 del 30.06.95), pp.26-36. 1993. “Analisi archeometriche dei materiali fittili dal sito di Tha Kae”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1993 e Programma di ricerca 1994. (Prot. IsIAO n. 982/15 del 31.05.93), pp.12-22. 1992. “Studio tipologico e tecnologico dei manufatti ceramici”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1992 e Programma di ricerca 1993. (Prot. IsIAO n. 1102/15 del 30.05.92), pp. 13-21. 1991. “Classificazione e definizione tipologica delle ceramiche da Tha Kae”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1990-’91 e Programma di ricerca 1992. (Prot. IsIAO n. 1102/15 del 31.05.91),pp.24-30. 1990. “Tha Kae 1989: Osservazioni preliminari sulla sequenza ceramica”. In Progetto Bilaterale Italia-Thailandia denominato “Lopburi Regional Archaeological Project”. Relazione dell’attività scientifica 1989-’90 e Programma di ricerca 1991. (Prot. IsIAO n. 1993/15 del 15.10.90) pp.19-25.

Rome, 2009

(Dr Fiorella Rispoli)


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