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ISJC and UN Insights June 2013

Commission on the Status of Women Once again this year the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women convened in New York, the Headquarters of the United Nations, for a two‐week conference. The themes of this year’s Commission were: Priority theme: Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. Review theme: The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including care giving in the context of HIV/Aids (agreed conclusions from the fifty‐third session). Read more about the Commission on the Status of Women at:

ISJC Interns

Winsome Nenewa, our intern from Papua New Guinea, had the opportunity to serve on a Panel during the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and to speak about preserving indigenous language and culture. Read more in our next issue of this Insight in September.

Congratulations are order to our intern Sarah Medina who has been accepted at Fordham University, the Graduate School of Social Services. United Nations Development Programme The 2013 Human Development Report – The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World – examines the profound shift in global dynamics driven by the fast‐rising new powers of the developing world, and their long‐term implications for human development. The Report identifies more than 40 countries in the developing world that have done better than had been expected in human development terms in recent decades, with their progress accelerating markedly over the past 10 years. Read more about the UN Development Programs at:‐development‐report‐2013/ and

UN Post‐2015 Development Agenda As the world approaches 2015, the target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), consultations have begun on how to advance the global development agenda beyond 2015. Several initiatives have been undertaken. A high‐level panel is conducting consultations over the next few months. UNDP launched an unprecedented global conversation through which people can help shape the future development agenda after 2015 when the Millennium Development Goals expire. Three of the eight MDGs – on poverty, slums and water – have been met ahead of the 2015 deadline, but much remains to be done. The future development framework – the Post‐2015 agenda – should build on the lessons learned from working towards achieving the MDGs which have provided the structure for the UN’s development activities since the Millennium Summit in 2000. Read more about this through these web sites: http://www.un‐ A MY World survey, available in 10 languages, invites people to vote for six out of 16 priorities for the Development Agenda.

Forthcoming Events 18 July, Nelson Mandela International Day Take Action! Inspire Change! This year on 18 July — Nelson Mandela’s 94th birthday — the UN joined a call by the Nelson Mandela Foundation to devote 67 minutes to helping others, as a way to mark Nelson Mandela International Day. For 67 years Nelson Mandela devoted his life to the service of humanity — as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, an international peacemaker and the first democratically elected president of a free South Africa. Read more on how the day came about at:

Calendar of Events 9 August – International Day of the World’s Indigenous People The United Nations’ International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is observed on 9 August each year to promote and protect the rights of the world’s indigenous populations. This event also recognises the achievements and contributions that indigenous people make to improve world issues such as environmental protection. 12 August – International Youth Day The United Nations’ International Youth Day is celebrated on 12 August each year to recognise the efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing global society. It also aims to promote ways to engage youth in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities.

11 October – International Day of the Girl The International Day of the Girl is just months away and we want to hear from you! Send us a short video for the Day of the Girl virtual summit. Here are some questions and topics to think about: What are the key issues or obstacles to girls’ human rights in your community? What are

girls in your community doing to advance their rights? What do you plan to do to celebrate the International Day of the Girl on 11 October? Please post your videos on YouTube and send us notification that you have placed them there so that they can be incorporated into the UN’s Day of the Girl celebration.

Resources Jesus and Justice is a new book‐length study that has been developed by the International Social Justice Commission. You can download a copy from: Realizing the Future We Want for All, Joint publication by UN System. The first report from the UN System on the Post‐2015 Development Agenda – Realizing the Future We Want for All – recommends that new goals should build on the strengths of the MDGs, apply to all countries, and be based on the fundamental principles of human rights, equality and sustainability. You can download a copy from Editor’s Note: If you know someone who would be interested in this Newsletter, please contact me at IHQ‐ – Major Victoria Edmonds.

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