January to April 2013 ISKCON-London Community Newsletter

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2013 Community News January - April

Who’s Who

Community News

1. Jai Nitai Dasa

Temple President Charity Chairman Counsellor Member of Management Board South Region Coordinator

4. Murli Manohara dasa

8. Maha Nrsimha dasa

5. Suddhatma dasa

9. Jagannath Suta dasa

Charity Trustee Head Pujari Member of Brahmacari Council Member of Management Board

Govinda’s Restaurant Manager Member of Management Board

Charity Trustee Festivals Coordinator Counsellor

Radha Krishna Records

2. Bhava Bhakti dd

Spiritual Counsellor System Coordinator Counsellor Charity Trustee / Secretary Temple Administrator South Regional Secretary Member of Management Board

6. Ram Charan dasa

Financial Controller Member of Management Board Counsellor

3. Titiksu dasa

UK Ratha Yatra Coordinator Member of Management Board

7. Gaura Kishore dasa

Charity Trustee Community Development Team Coordinator Counsellor

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10. Kasinatha dasa

Temple Security / Commander

11. Saumya Radhika dd

Community Development Team Coordinator Counsellor

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Who’s Who

Community News

12. Jaga Mohini dd

ISKCON Educational Services (IES) Tulasi pujari

16. Sachi Kishore dasa

20. Gandaki dasa

Preaching and Outreach Member of Brahmacari Council Counsellor

Radha’s Boutique Manager Member of Management Board

13. Bhaktin Sunita

Child Protection Officer Community Care Officer (Ombudsman) for ISKCON-London

Volunteers’ coordinator

17. Devaki dd

21. Bhakta Thiru

14. Vamsi Priya dd

18. Bhakta Dhaval

22. Premarnava dasa

15. Bhakta Alexey

19. Acyuta Charan dasa & Krishna Kanta dd

23. Bhakta Rakesh

Education and Courses

Sankirtan Leader Russian Bhakti Vrksa Leader

Kitchen Manager

Volunteers’ coordinator

Properties Manager

Food for Life coordinators

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Communications Team

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Community News

Vamsi Priya dd

Courses Three Courses were started in May :

There is one course upcoming in June - Vedic psychology by HG Bhuta Bhavana dasa. The dates have not been finalised, please check the website for more details.

1) Essence of Bhagavad Gita 2) Sanskrit for Beginners 3) Yoga course

If you are interested in attending one of these courses on a future date, please contact courses@iskcon-london.org for any additional information.

Sanskrit for beginners

Essence Of Bhagavad Gita

The sanskrit course learning objectives are

This is a 5 session course offering an outline of the main themes from the Bhagavad Gita. This course is ideal for those seeking to gain an understanding of the basic concepts discussed in the Bhagavad Gita: Karma and Reincarnation, Three modes of material nature, Validity of Scripture and God as a person.

• to have a finer appreciation of the sanskrit language • understand grammar and how a verse is composed grammatically • sandhi formation

The topics to be covered are:

• able to recognise and read in devanagari script • able to chant the verses in the correct timing.

• Search for Happiness • Does God Exist

This will all be done using the Bhagavad Gita and other texts such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata as an aid. Facilitator : Date: Time : Venue: Registration: Fees:

• Are the Vedas the word of God • Why do bad things happen to good people

Bhakta Jay Lakshman Thursday, 9 May for 5 consecutive Thursday evenings 6.30 – 8.30 pm Seminar Room Radha’s Boutique ( Floor 2 ) £100 for 5 sessions

• Practical Application This course is best suited to those who are inquisitive about devotional practises and wishing to gain a basic understanding of Krsna Consciousness. The course is a certified course at foundational level and is a pre-requisite for potential Bhakti Sastri candidates and those wishing to join the ISKCON London Counsellor System. Facilitator: Date: Time : Venue: Registration fee:

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Bhakta Shivanand Saturday, 27 April for 5 consecutive Saturday evenings 6.30 – 8.30 pm Seminar Room Radha’s Boutique ( Floor 2 ) £25 for 5 classes

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Community News

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Community News

Bhava Bhakti dd

The Spiritual Counsellor at ISKCON-London The spiritual counsellor system provides a formal framework within which personal care and attention can be extended to all devotees so as to make them feel loved and wanted and part of a wonderful spiritual family.

For more information, please visit www. iskcon-london.org/activities/spiritualcounsellor-system.html

contact the System Coordinator – HG Bhava Bhakti dd on bhava.bhakti@gmail. com

If you would like to join the Spiritual Counsellor System at ISKCON-London or would like further information then please

This month we present a series of short interviews.

Spotlight on

Spotlight on

Bhakta Mark & Bhaktin Nikki

Bhakta Sulabh

Q - How long have you been in the Spiritual Counsellor System?

Q - How long have you been in the Spiritual Counsellor System?

We’ ve both been in the system for 3 years.

Almost 5 years.

Q – Why did you join the system?

Q – Why did you join the system?

With a view to increasing our knowledge and Sadhana, and because it was the required route to initiation. We both enjoy the discussion of Shastra, discussing the philosophy with the group and of course Kirtan. Most important to us is the association with a wonderful group of devotees and counsellors and cake (often served at meetings) :-)

HG Maha Nrsimha dasa tapped on my shoulder and said a few families get together and discuss Krishna Katha. Will you be interested? We are currently reading Bhagavad Gita and everyone presents a few verses. It’s so nice to hear everyone’s realisations and share. We also do a lot of activities together like drama, cooking etc. Prasad is definitely a highlight especially Damyanti mataji’s delicacies.

Q – What have you gained while being in the system? It is impossible to put into words how valuable our part in the counsellor system has been to us, and how it has affected our lives and what we have learned, because we have learned so much, and also it has given us the realisation that we really know very little and there is so much more to learn.

Q – What have you gained while being in the system?

Mark and Nikki are both in Jai Nitai dasa and Bhava Bhakti Devi dasi’s counsellee group.

Sulabh (and his wife and kids) are all in Maha Nrsimha dasa & Param Sundari dd’s counsellee group.

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We have made lot of devotee friends in the counsellor system. The most important learning for me is the importance of chanting of the Holy Name properly.


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Community News

Looking at members of the Counsellor System, I have learnt that ANYONE, from ANY walk of life, from ANY country, colour, caste or creed, no matter what we have done, can participate, if we’re enthusiastic and willing to learn and be open-minded. As an American President John F Kennedy once said: “The mind is like a parachute. It only functions when open.” Martin Luther King said: “We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools.” Similarly, the Counsellor System has taught me there is only one way to build this spiritual foundation: TOGETHER. Lastly - delicious vegetarian feasts: pizza, cheesecakes, gateaux, lasagne, banoffee pie...prasadam - spiritual food !!

Spotlight on Bhaktin Sonal

I can say with confidence this is a given “like” for everyone and my favourite is dessert! :0) Sonal is in Bhava Bhakti dd’s counsellee group.

Q - How long have you been in the Spiritual Counsellor System? Since January 2008 Q – Why did you join the system? I was encouraged by a dear friend, to connect with, make friends and learn from people who have a value for the spiritual aspect of life in a genuine way. The Counsellor System offers just this! I am in a ladies group, with 13 of us altogether. In our meetings, I most enjoy studying books of Vedic wisdom from India like “Bhagavad Gita As It Is” and “Sri Isopanishad”. Q – What have you gained while being in the system? That life’s ‘success’ is in building a spiritual foundation in our lives. Otherwise, just like ‘a house without a foundation crumbles’ when storms come, our life without a spiritual foundation means WE crumble when difficulties and challenges come into our lives. The Counsellor System has shown me how to build this foundation.

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Community News

Devaki dd

Bhakta Dhaval

Volunteers Team Who are we?

What’s new?

The current Volunteers Team consists of Bhakta Dhaval and HG Devaki devi dasi who serve as Volunteer co-ordinators and HG Gaura Kishore dasa and HG Saumyaradhika devi dasi, who, as co-ordinators of the Community Development Team, oversee the activities of the team and provide advisory support.

Some new activities that have taken place in recent months include setting up an online registration form for new volunteers which has been successful in recruiting more volunteers, using a new email system to better inform volunteers about what’s happening at the Temple and what they can get involved with, advertising live service opportunities on our www.iskconlondon.org/volunteering page, and trialling new name badges for volunteers with the anticipation of rolling these out more widely.

So that we can stay in tune with the needs of our volunteers, we also consult with other devotees on a regular basis. Please watch out for the next newsletter so you can get to know the team!

What do we do? Our activities and ambitions are centred around: • Understanding the service needs of the different departments within the Temple and connecting volunteers into these services according to their skills, interests and availability • Engaging more and more new volunteers in service at the Temple • Ensuring all volunteers are happy in their services and feel part of a thriving Temple community

How to get in touch If you have any feedback or suggestions, require any assistance with your service, or have any other queries or concerns, please email volunteers@iskcon-london.org or approach Bhakta Dhaval or HG Devaki devi dasi directly. If you would like to register as a new volunteer at the Temple, please visit www.iskcon-london.org/volunteering and complete our online new volunteers registration form so we can get in touch with you.

• Handling any complaints and concerns from volunteers • Providing support for volunteers to develop their understanding and application of the Krishna Consciousness philosophy and build spiritual friendships with other volunteers

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Community News

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Community News

Gaura Kishore dasa

Saumya Radhika dd

Community Development Team Patrons and membership This year we have welcomed 2 supporting members and 1 new patron member. Thank you again to our members, who provide a monthly donation to help support the daily activities of our Temple. We welcome feedback from all of our community. Some recent feedback from our members section - “we are extremely happy with the buoyant atmosphere of the Temple”, “the festivals are so nice”, “so many new people are joining in”, “it is wonderful to see such high standards of Deity worship”. Please send in your comments and feedback to communitydevelopment@ iskcon-london.org

Guest Greeting We currently have a team of 12 devotees engaging in guest greeting service during the Sunday Feast programme on a rotating basis. More volunteers are engaged in this service during festivals. We are always looking to expand the number of volunteers involved in this service, and in particular, during the weekdays and Saturdays. The conversations that guest greeters have with new visitors and members of the Temple community have shown the importance of this service as it allows them to learn more about the Temple, our activities and how they can get involved and also better understand the Krishna Consciousness philosophy by having a dedicated person there who they can approach for more information.

If you are interested in getting involved and becoming part of and contributing to a dynamic spiritual environment or want to find out more, please approach one of the Volunteer Co-ordinators, HG Devaki devi dasi or Bhakta Dhaval, or send an email to volunteers@iskcon-london.org. Full training can be provided in this service.

Guest Greeting New Addition We would like to warmly welcome Bhaktin Ashmita to the Guest Greeting Team. She has started guest greeting late morning to mid-afternoon one to two weekdays per week. As we welcome another member to the team, unfortunately, we say goodbye to another. Sadly, Bhaktin Hetal, who was part of our Guest Greeting Team has moved back to India this month. We would like to thank her for her dedicated service and wish her well for the future.

Festival mailouts This year’s Gaura Purnima postal mailout was sent on the 26th of February to approximately 3000 homes and donations started coming in on the 1st of March. Each year we send out two mailouts which helps to provide a substantial contribution to the running of our festivals. So far this year we have collected over £5000 in donations through the mailout sent.

and franking this mailout. If you wish to donate to a festival or for any other day please visit www.iskcon-london. org/temple/sponsorship-and-donation. html or Radha’s Boutique on the second floor in the Temple building.

General follow up team We are currently looking for new volunteers to join our general follow up team. The service is mostly done by telephone and email and thus is a nice preaching service which can be done away from the Temple, such as in the comfort of your own home. If you feel as if you want to get involved, find out more by sending an email to communitydevelopment@iskcon-london. org

Community Email We have just started using mailchimp to send out mails to the community. We hope this service will help us to be more efficient in keeping you, our community, updated on events in the Temple. If you would like to receive updates from us please contact: communitydevelopment@ iskcon-london.org

We would like to especially thank Sarasvati devi dasi, Bhakta Dhaval and Bhakta Prasad for their huge endeavours to coordinate this mailout and ensure it went out on time. Also a huge thanks to the many, many volunteers who helped in packing

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Community News

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Community News

Maha Nrsimha dasa


Gaura Purnima On March 27th, the appearance day of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was celebrated by many hundreds of devotees. Devotees spent this festival fasting and chanting congregationally continuous bhajans in the Temple room and maha harinam out on Soho and Oxford Street.

Celebrations continued in the evening by a harinam to Conway Hall, where inside, the mood become even more ecstatic. A free sumptuous prasad feast (sanctified vegetarian food) was served and enjoyed by all festival participants to break fast. This was followed by Sandhya arati at 7pm and shortly after, the Radha Krishna drama group performed a delightful episode depicting the deliverance of Jagai-Madhai.

Preparations began with special decorations and flower arrangements on the altar for Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Many people came to visit the Temple to hear morning class, see the Deities of the Lord during abhisheka and Gaura-Nitai receiving beautiful new clothes in the afternoon.

Finally, HG Dhananjaya dasa, HH Radhanatha Swami and HH Chandramouli Swami shared the spiritual realisations around the historic importance of Conway Hall, Srila Prabhupadas’ pastimes during his stay in London and the auspicious life of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

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Community News

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Community News


Lord Nityananda Prabhu appearance day The festival of eternal bliss, on 23rd February we celebrated the appearance day of Lord Nityananda. On this auspicious day devotees spent time in the atmosphere of blissful chanting of the holy name of the Lord and dancing. The festival celebrations also focused on abhisheka, drama, class, prasadam and more chanting kirtan and dancing!

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Community News

Ramnavami On Friday 19th April we celebrated Appearance of Lord Rama, we were fortunate to have HG Navin Nirada dasa in the morning who spoke on the pastimes of Lord Rama and in the evening we had abhisheka of Ramsheela followed by drama from Radha Krishna drama group and talk by HG Jai Nitai dasa; we broke the fast in the evening by partaking in wonderful feast to about 300 guests and the evening concluded with wonderful kirtan by HG Radha Londonisvara dasa.

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Community News


Ratha Yatra 2013 UK Annual Rathayatra festival on 9th June. Visit www.rathayatra.co.uk for details.

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Community News

Jai Nitai Dasa


New Bhakti Yoga Centre Opens in Crawley, South East of England

For the opening day, HG Gaur Gopal dasa, HG Srutidharma dasa and HH Chandramouli Swami graced the occasion with there presence.

ISKCON Crawley will be hosting the grand opening of the Bhakti Yoga Centre on Saturday 23rd March.

The devotees from Crawley would like to put forward an invitation to the rest of the ISKCON community for the opening of such a Centre and ask for blessings that this new project can in some way benefit the local community with a source of regular spiritual inspiration.

The aim of the Centre is to provide spiritual education based on the teachings of ISKCON’s founder - A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, this involves classes, kirtan, distributing prasadam, spiritual and philosophical books, promote local events and a place where anyone can come and unwind from the stresses and strains of modern life.

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www.iskconcrawley.co.uk www.bhaktiyogacentre.com


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Community News

Bhakta Rakesh

Communications Team Budapest Visit Four devotees HG Jai Nitai dasa, Bhakta Rakesh Shah, HG Sachi Kishore dasa and Bhakta Anthony, from the RadhaKrishna Temple London along with a delegation from Bhaktivedenta Manor communication team travelled to Budapest for a 5 day European Communications Conference.

It was hosted by HG Mahaprabhu dasa from Radhadesh where a wonderful welcome and delightful hospitality was shown to over 35 devotees from all over Europe. HG Anuttama dasa from the GBC (ISKCON Governing Body Council) chaired the event where the ISKCON’s international strategic planning and development was discussed. From this meeting a stronger

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collaboration between European Temples will be developed and some new ideas and initiatives were shared in terms of online, community and media communications. During the trip a visit was made to Krishna Valley, where a community of Devotees have established and cultivated a wonderful farm, school and Temple. If you are travelling to Hungary, this is a great place to visit.

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Community News

Jaga Mohini dd

Akarsini Radhika dd

ISKCON Education Service (IES) ISKCON Educational Service is a department within ISKCON London Temple, and part of the National Office coming under the care of The Bhakivedanta Manor in Watford. HG Indryesha dasa and HG Rasa Mandala dasa started this service around 25 years ago and it has now grown into a few Temples in the UK. It’s a service we provide to all schools, colleges and universities educating the students and teachers about Hinduism, through interactive workshops, presentation etc. Each Temple around the UK has their

area of schools. ISKCON London’s area is Hampshire, Surrey, West and East Sussex, Kent and South London Boroughs. Many of the students have little or no knowledge of Hinduism, we pitch our presentations according to the need of the school.

Future short plan is to be more proactive and start contacting the school by telephone, visit the teachers at their school, to build nice relationships, in the hope they will take the opportunity either to invite us to their school or visit the Temple.

We build on relationships with the community schools. And from this we have noticed that a few students and teachers enjoyed their experience, come visit our Temple with their families. The chart shows the visits for the last four months. This is based on the schools contacting us mainly through web page or they have previously visited.

If you know of any schools in these areas that would be interested in either a school or Temple visit please contact us, Temple main number 0207 437 3662, and speak to either HG Jaga Mohini dd or HG Akarsini Radhika dd.


No. Schools

No. Days

No Students

No. Teachers

Visit Temple

Visit School





























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Community News

Sachi Kishore dasa

Outreach Sacred Forest

Kirtan London Kirtan London held another successful kirtan event in February at Swiss Church to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The event was attended by around 250 people, for some of whom this was their first introduction into kirtan meditation.

This academic year closed with our biggest event yet at SOAS, Sacred Forest, held in the Brunei Gallery. Taking the form of a culture show, the event featured drama, dance, kirtan, feasting, spiritual exploration, and the main attraction of Radhanath Swami who spoke on his own spiritual journey to the sacred forest of Vrindavan. The event was held as a fundraiser for Food For All, and was hugely successful, drawing a crowd of around 300 students and visitors.

Engineering a Better World

Mantra Jam

In March we also held our first major event at Imperial, taking the form of talk by HH Radhanath Swami on the topic of Engineering a Better World. The event was a huge success, attracting around 150 students, despite the event being hosted only two days before the end of term with looming coursework deadlines.

In March we also held another of the ever popular Mantra Jam sessions in SOAS, an open event featuring engaging kirtan performances and a sumptuous feast.

Coexist Music Festival This term we also attended the SOAS Coexist festival, which is dedicated to a musical expression of faith. Jahnavi Harrison and friends gave a prime time kirtan and dance performance to enthrall the many students and visitors attending the festival that evening.

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Community News

Retreat! In February we also held another of our popular countryside retreats to Bhaktivedanta Manor, where we enjoyed a customised tour of a farming community in Watford, along with nature walks, milking cows and a sumptuous vegetarian feast.

Yoga London This term we facilitated another of our regular Bhagavad Gita seminars for the Yoga London school, offering future yoga teachers an introduction into the iconic text and how it applies in the modern world.

University Programmes We continue to offer our regular university sessions:

KC Lounge

Gita Sutras (SOAS & Imperial)

Our regular men’s and ladies’ Friday programmes continue to provide an authentic and enlivening experience for attendees who wish to explore the culture and philosophy of Krishna Consciousness in a more intimate setting.

A topical discussion session to explore the philosophical and spiritual themes in the Gita and how they can be applied for the benefit of students in modern times.

Meditation A group kirtan session offering a welcome break from the manic fast-paced student life of students today.

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Community News

Suddhatma dasa

Govinda’s Restaurant Financial Summary Month







+ £492




+ £3,500




+ £2,477

Ap r



+ £6,041

Gandaki dasa

Radha’s Boutique Financial Summary Month







- £1021




+ £752




- £393

Ap r



+ £397

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Community News

Bhakta Alexey

Sankirtan Report Transcendental book distribution Month


Book Points

Total books

















Acyuta Charan dasa

Krishna Kanta dd

Food for Life Hare Krishna.


In 2013 Food For Life have been going as strong as ever, with many new volunteers joining the service each day; giving us an average of at least 4 volunteers each food for life day of the week. We also had much interest from several Hindu society groups from various universities such as imperial and kings college.

In 2013 in conjugation with Kings Cross Homeless Shelter, the Food For Life team have been distributing approximately 25 plates of prasadam (spiritually blessed food) every Monday and Wednesday, following a regular distribution plan in Lincolns inn field which in total amasses to around 600 plates a week.

We were privileged to witness many of the student group members join us on a Thursday and help out with a lot of positive energy and enthusiasm. The facebook food for life page which had been created a couple of years back has also grown tremendously and is being utilised quite successfully in attracting and retaining new

We hope to keep expanding our activities and we constantly try to look for new opportunities to serve prasadam on a wider scale. On Behalf of Srila Prabhupada Food For Life Team

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“One who is transcendentally advanced can gain direct inspiration from the Temple Deity, and thus a devotee of the Lord always takes shelter of a recognized Temple of the Lord in order to make tangible advancement in transcendental knowledge by the grace of the Lord” Srila Prabhupada, Purport, SB 3.4.30

Daily Programme Times ARATI TIMES 4.30am - Mangala Arati 5.00am - Tulasi Arati 7.00am - Deity Greeting 8.00am - Dhoop Arati 12.30pm - Raj Bhoga Arati 4.15pm - Dhoop Arati 7.00pm - Sundara Arati 9.00pm - Dhoop Arati

DARSHAN TIMES 4.30am to 5.00am 7.00am to 7.30am 8.00am to 11.45am 12.30pm to 1.00pm 4.15pm to 6.30pm 7.00pm to 7.30pm 9.00pm to 9.30pm LUNCH PROGRAMME Monday to Saturday 1.00pm to 2.00pm

CLASSES 7.30am - Bhagavatam or Caitanya Caritamrta 1.00pm - Introductory Talk (except Sunday) 6.00pm - Bhagavad Gita (except Sunday) SUNDAY PROGRAMME 3.30pm - Bhajans 4.15pm - Dhoop Arati 4.30pm - Introductory Talk 5.30pm - Feast 6.00pm - Q & A 7.00pm - Gaura Arati

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Rama Hare Rama Krishna Krishna Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Hare

Radha-Krishna Temple 10 Soho Street London W1D 3DL

T: 020 7437 3662 E: info@iskcon-london.org W: www.iskcon-london.org

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Society for 26 Krishna Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare International Conciousness

Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

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