August to October 2017 ISKCON-London Community Newsletter

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Department Heads JAI NITAI DASA Temple President Charity Chairman Member of Management Board South Regional Coordinator Mentor

ACUTYA CHARAN DASA Food for Life Coordinator

BHAVA BHAKTI DEVI DASI Temple Administrator Charity Secretary / Trustee Member of Management Board South Regional Secretary Mentorship System Coordinator Mentor

ANNA POPOVA London College of Vedic Studies Coordinator

MURLI MANOHARA DASA Head Pujari Charity Trustee Member of Management Board Chair of New Temple Committee Member of Brahmacari Council Mentor

RAM CHARAN DASA Financial Controller Member of Management Board



Head of Community Development Team Volunteers Coordinator

DHAVAL DATTANI Volunteers Coordinator


Member of Management Board Govinda’s Restaurant Manager Kitchen Manager

Radha’s Boutique Manager



Charity Trustee Mentor

ISKCON Educational Services Ladies Ashram Leader



Radha Krishna Records Manager

Communications Secretary

KRISHNA KANTA DEVI DASI Food for Life Coordinator



Head of Russian Vedic Society


Festivals Coordinator Mentor

Child Protection Officer Community Care Officer (Ombudsman)



General Manager

MUKUNDA KISHORE DASA Closet Krishna Assistant Manager

Atma Lounge Manager


Atma Lounge Manager



Sankirtana Leader

UK Rathayatra Coordinator




Men’s Ashram Leader




Community Development Team

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Atma Lounge



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Radha Krishna Records

Other Community News

For any comments or queries on this publication, please email

atma lounge

An evening with HH Mahavishnu Swami On Friday, 1st September, the Atma Lounge team organised a special event for devotees to meet HH Mahavishnu Swami to experience the bliss of mantra meditation, hear the science of self-realisation and ask questions about the mysteries of life. This event was held in the intimate and beautiful setting of the historic ‘Conquest House’ art gallery on Palace Street in Canterbury. HH Mahavishnu Swami, an ex-resident of Canterbury, is a travelling monk, kirtaneer, and dedicated practitioner of bhakti yoga for nearly 50 years. The evening was filled with chanting, dancing, discussions on philosophy and ended with a free vegetarian meal for all attendees.


Community Development Team VOLUNTEERS

Volunteers Sanga with HH Bhakti Rasamrta Swami on Tuesday, 1st and Wednesday, 2nd August ‘’Devotees are always merciful, humble, truthful, equal to all, faultless, magnanimous, mild and clean. They are without material possessions and they perform welfare work for everyone. They are peaceful, surrendered to Krishna and desireless. They are indifferent to material acquisitions and are fixed in devotional service. They completely control the six bad qualities - lust, anger, greed and so forth. They eat only as much as required and they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave, compassionate and without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic, expert and silent.’’ - these are the qualities listed in Bhagavad Gita that HH Bhakti Rasamrta Swami explored with volunteers who attended the two-day seminar. The Temple Seminar Room was packed and here’s what one of the devotees had to say on the event, ‘’Thank you for arranging the two days seminar for volunteers with HH Bhakti Rasamrta Swami. What a fantastic topic and so much to learn from Maharaja. Hope you can organise many more seminars like these that help us reflect on soul purification.’’ - Champakala Priya devi dasi.


london mellows

Saturday, 30th September - Sunday, 1st October 2017 The second annual London Mellows kirtan event was held on Saturday, 30th September and Sunday, 1st October in the Temple Room. Kirtan enthusiasts from London and the wider UK gathered together to chant for the pleasure of Their Lordships and Srila Prabhupada. Listen to the recordings:


Community Development Team

Reflections on Devotional Service Inspirational posts by Devaki devi dasi As Head of Community Development and a Volunteers Coordinator, Devaki devi dasi has taken up the service of regularly writing inspirational posts on devotional service from her experience, observations, and readings. Here are three encouraging posts published over August and September.

Part 1 – Being Conscious in our dealings Wednesday, 9th August

have and what blessings we have in our lives and adopt a mood of gratitude, as hard as the situation may be. As a senior Vaishnava said recently in a conversation, if others want to take over our service, then let them and let it go. Krishna is watching. But we shouldn’t let it affect our Krishna Consciousness at all costs. And for those who have taken away others service, either consciously

wonderful festival to celebrate His appearance. It is one of the 64 items of devotional service, described in Nectar of Devotion: During Janmāṣṭamī (the time of Krishna’s appearance in this world) one should observe a special service.»

Recently, I have sadly witnessed or heard of several instances of one’s services being taken over by others who have perhaps not realised the affect it has had emotionally on the one whose service it was. The Devotees from across the different intention may be to the desire to Temple Departments have been serve Krishna but others get hurt engaged in various services. It along the way as their service to is amazing how Krishna Krishna is taken away from engages each and every one them. It’s so important we “It is far better to discharge one’s prescribed of us, whether we are new or are always CONSCIOUS duties, even though they may be faulty, have been serving for many, of what we are doing and than another’s duties” many years, whatever stage how it is affecting others. Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 3, Verse 35. of Krishna Consciousness As devotees of the Lord, we are at. That is Krishna’s having knowledge of the soul and Supersoul in every living or unconsciously, the following mercy and kindness. Krishna entity, we are cautious about verse in Bhagavad Gita As It Is is a doesn’t need anything from us. not trampling on the smallest nice meditation: “It is far better to He is the one actually providing us of ants, what to speak of each discharge one’s prescribed duties, with everything. He doesn’t need other. As Srila Prabhupada said, even though they may be faulty, our services but He accepts it as first be conscious then Krishna than another’s duties” - Bhagavad it’s a way of offering our love and devotion to Him. But the degree Conscious. It’s so important not Gita As It Is, Chapter 3, Verse 35. in which He accepts our service to hurt devotees along the way when doing our service, otherwise Part 2 - Preparing for Janmastami, depends on us - our internal consciousness. Preparing for is it really devotional service? For internally and externally Monday, 14th August Janmastami is not only external those who have been the victim of this, shouldn’t let it affect their It’s Janmastami tomorrow - the (which is important – as it’s one of Krishna Consciousness. They biggest festival of the year. The the 64 items of devotional service) should remember that Krishna is appearance of Lord Krishna. but it’s also about preparing unlimited and there are unlimited Today and over the past few internally. Making our hearts clean services for us to be engaged in weeks and months, devotees that Krishna wants to enter and for His pleasure. It’s easy for the in our ISKCON-London Temple reside there. mind to get affected but it’s better and Temples across the world Whether it’s service issues, work to focus on what services we do have been preparing for this issues, family issues, interactions


with others etc. that may be distracting our mind, let’s put that aside, and remember the allattractive Krishna who is always there for us, smiling His beautiful smile and with beautiful lotus eyes showing His compassion to us all. Praying our service today and every day is a step closer towards imbibing a mood of pure devotional service, selfless and unmotivated. It’s not the service, it’s the mood we have when engaging in service that it most pleasing to Krishna. And it’s not just between us and Krishna; it’s also about how we interact with His devotees. His devotees are most dear to Him and He’s happier when we serve His devotees than Him. Hope you all have a blissful service. Part 3 - Srila Prabhupada’s vani… our source of shelter! Friday, 25th August It is amazing how Srila Prabhupada’s words from his books, lectures, letters, etc. can have the power to remedy any challenge or issue we face if we are desiring enough to take shelter of it. The situation we are facing may or may not change (we are not the controllers) but our attitude towards that situation can change as a result of Srila Prabhupada’s vani deeply entering into our hearts. If we take shelter of his words, they can really provide soothing shelter and revitalise us once again. Sometimes we may be facing busy or intense periods, and it is often our reading that slips as we feel we don’t have time for this. And it can be expressed in our attitude. I have been guilty of this myself.

However, even just taking a few minutes to open a book or hear a lecture can cause the greatest shelter, and even bliss, at times of need. We often hear, and we also tell others, that “Books are the Basis” and how the books can come “alive” for us but how much do we realise this when we are facing challenges or otherwise? Srila Prabhupada our Founder Acarya - is there in his books and whatever situation we may face, he is always there for us. We just need to take advantage of the opportunity. «If I depart, there is no cause for lamentation. I will always be with you through my books and orders. I will always remain with you in that way.» - Srila Prabhupada, Back to Godhead magazine, December 1977 Thus, it is not just engaging in services that will take us to the stage of pure devotional service, but we also need a strong spiritual foundation - which means good sadhana. As Srila Prabhupada states: «If it is possible to go to the Temple, then take advantage of the Temple. A Temple is a place whereby one is given the opportunity to render direct devotional service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. In conjunction with this, you should always read my books daily and all your questions will be answered, and you will have a firm basis of Krishna Consciousness. In this way, your life will be perfect.» - Srila Prabhupada, Letter, 22nd November 1974

our team. Our mood of service can set the mood of service for those who are serving under us. Here are a couple of quotes from my readings that I found quite pertinent recently. What has recently spoken to you? «Actually, nothing in Krishna Consciousness is an accident, but sometimes Krishna will put us into a seemingly unfavourable situation just to help us realise that He is the Controller. In the material world, all these situations are meant for tribulation, but in Krishna consciousness, they are meant for advancement. Kunti Devi is always praying, «Let the trouble come again and again, so that I may have the opportunity to surrender to You.» So to accept any situation as Krishna’s mercy is to advance in spiritual life. You just try your best to serve Lord Krishna, and if any perplexing circumstances arise, just pray to Krishna to give you strength.» - Srila Prabhupada, Letter, 21st May 1972 «Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations.» - Srila Prabhupada, Letter, 15th September 1967

If we are overseeing a particular service, then this is more so important as we have a duty of care towards others serving under


FESTIVALS Jhulan Yatra Thursday, 3rd August - Monday, 7th August 2017 Devotees took part in the festival of Jhulan Yatra which celebrates the swing pastimes of Sri Krishna and his consort Srimati Radharani. In the idyllic pastoral groves of Vrindavana, the divine lovers along with gopis (cowherd girls) and gopas (cowherd boys) take part in joyful swinging in the cool monsoon season. Chota Radha-Londonisvara (the small Deity forms of Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara) were offered a beautifully decorated swing each day of the festival and adorned with fresh flower garlands and flower decorations. Everyone who visited the Temple had the opportunity to swing Their Lordships during this sweet festival.

balarama jayanti Monday, 7th August 2017 Balarama Jayanti was celebrated on Monday, 7th August celebrating the birth of Lord Balarama, the Adi-Guru, the original spiritual master. His appearance as the son of Rohini and Vasudeva is celebrated by devotees with great jubilation.

janmastami Tuesday, 15th August 2017 One of the most eagerly-awaited and grand festivals of the year - Janmastami - was celebrated on Tuesday, 15th August. Krishna, a Sanksrit name for God which means ‘the all-attractive one’, appeared on the Earth over 5,000 years ago in Vrindavan, India. Janmastami is a day to celebrate His presence in our lives, to be grateful for our relationship with Him, and to join in the festivals to love and honour Him. At the ISKCON-London Temple, the event was filled with music, drama, food and fun for the whole family.

radhastami Tuesday, 29th August 2017 Radhastami is the divine appearance day of Srimati Radharani, the eternal consort of Lord Krishna who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Srimati Radharani is the purest devotee and dearest servant of Lord Krishna. Radhastami is a very special day for all the Gaudiya Vaishnavas, as by obtaining the mercy of Srimati Radharani one can easily achieve Krishna-prema (love of Lord Krishna). The festival started with Guru Puja, followed by blessings from Srimati Radharani’s shoes, a class by Gurudas dasa, bhajans, raj-bhoga arati followed by a feast, harinama, dhoop arati, class by Tribhagananda dasa, sandhya arati and kirtan till late evening.

govardhan puja Friday, 20th October 2017

Govardhana Puja is a festival that celebrates the pastime of Lord Krishna lifting the Govardhan Hill on His little finger for seven days to protect the residents of Vrindavan from torrential rains sent by Indra. The festivities included Their Lordships being offered new outfits, attendees circumbulating Govardhana Hill and afterwards relishing prasadam that devotees lovingly offered to Giriraja, abhishek of Giri-Govardhana, and kirtans. To celebrate this festival where we worship Lord Krishna as the lifter of Govardhan Hill, a small replica of Govardhan Hill is made from various edibles, which is then offered to the Lord and subsequently distributed to everyone. The festivities included Their Lordships being offered new outfits, attendees circumbulating Govardhana Hill and afterwards relishing prasadam that devotees lovingly offered to Giriraja, abhishek of GiriGovardhana, and kirtans.

OUTREACH LADIES SANGA In August, the Ladies Sanga organised a dinner evening at Healthy Wealthy restaurant in Camden (a restaurant run by two devotees within the community). In September, the Ladies Sanga started to film sessions in order to update promo clips on the website. The sessions have been well-attended every week.


radha krishna records There has been a tremendous response from everyone who has had a listen to Mantra Lounge album where every song is a favourite. DUNJA KANI & KISHORE MURTI: Ei Nam, The Mantra is so sweet ANANDA MONET: Om Namo Bhagavate, Dawn of Freedom JAHNAVI HARRISON: Hari Om, May All be Blessed

MADHVI MULJI: Jaya Radha Madhava, Expression of Love GOVINDA PRIYA: Tulasi Prayers, Bestowing Mercy

SANDIPANI MUNI: Jagganatha Swami, Divine Vision

MADHVA MARK ANDERSON: Hare Krishna, the Great Mantra GANDHARVIKA DASI: Om Anjnana, Torchlight of Knowledge Available at: iTunes: Spotify: Cdbaby: Physical copies: Ei Nam meaning This transcendental name is so sweet that either you chant with your one mouth and one tongue or with one thousand mouths or one thousand tongues, still, you will never feel tired. That is the purport of this song: Brahmā-jape catur-mukhe. Brahmā means Lord Brahmā, and jape means he is chanting, catur-mukhe, with his four heads. Within this universe, only Brahmā has got four heads. And Lord Śiva sometimes exhibits five heads. So, it is explained here that Lord Brahmā is also chanting the Maha Mantra – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare, with his four mouths. Still he is chanting. He does not think that he is satiated. Srila Prabhupada: One of the most beautiful aspects of devotional music is the story behind the ancient mantras. Here we’ve gone into a little detail about the sweet song:

Mantra Lounge Volume 2 CDs were made available at the six-hour kirtan in Covent Garden on Saturday, 10th October. Devotees purchased their copies while enjoying six hours of happy music mantra meditation. This event included a host of wonderful kirtan leaders who took shifts to lead the singing over the six-hour period. Along with the company of kirtan enthusiasts, a delicious vegetarian meal was served, giving the crowd an immersive experience. For more information about the project, articles, videos and more, please visit: You can follow Kirtan London on Instagram and Twitter @kirtanlondon and on their new Snapchat: kirtan_london

Ei Nam: the mantra is so sweet by Dunja Kani and Kishore Murti. This song can be found in the song book Gitavali and is by Bhaktivinode Thakur, one of the greatest Vaishnava poets and a Guru in the Gaudiya Vaishnava and ISKCON lineage. Song by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura:


Other Community News Congratulations to the following members of our community who took first initiation by HH Jayapataka Swami on Thursday, 21st September: Bhaktin Brintha: Vrajasundari Vrinda devi dasi Bhaktin Dajani: Dayarupa Gokulanandini devi dasi Bhaktin Jamuna: Yamuna Tapasvini devi dasi Bhakti Jenani: Jagganathpriya Janani devi dasi Bhaktin Padhma: Padmavati Nitaimata devi dasi Bhakta Radhakrishnan: Rasasekhara Gopala dasa Bhaktin Reshma: Rasavallabhi Radha devi dasi Bhakta Rupak: Rupeswara Nimai dasa Bhakta Sandipani: Sandipanimuni Krsna dasa

«When one take initiation, it’s Krishna’s obligation that he is giving one shelter as long as one follow those instructions!» - HH Jayapataka Swami


DAILY SCHEDULE ARATI TIMES 04:30 05:00 07:00 08:00 12:30 16:15 19:00 21:00

Mangal arati Tulasi arati Deity greeting Dhoopa arati Raj Bhoga arati Dhoopa arati Sundara arati Sayana arati

These are times when items are offered for the pleasure of the Deities.



04:30 to 05:00 07:00 to 07:30 08:00 to 11:45 12:30 to 13:00 16:15 to 18:30 19:00 to 19:30 21:00 to 21:30

07:30 Srimad Bhagavatam / Caitanya Caritamrta 13:00 Introductory talk * 18:00 Bhagavad Gita *

These are times when the curtains are open and the Deities can be seen.

* Excluding Sundays

LUNCH PROGRAMM E - MONDAY TO SATURDAY 13:00 to 14:00 Introductory talk and lunch. SUNDAY FEAST PROGRAMME 15:30 to 19:30 Includes arati, introductory talk and feast.


International Society for Krishna Consciousness Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada ISKCON-LONDON Radha-Krishna Temple 10 Soho Street London W1D 3DL

CONTACT: T: +44 (0)20 7437 3662 E : W:

@iskconlondon /iskconlondon

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