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Temple President’s Activities

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Highlights from Jai Nitai Dasa’s activities in May and June

During May and June, with the lockdown still in place, Jai Nitai dasa engaged in the below activities. He has also continued helping to cover several Deity services.



Friday 1st Jai Nitai dasa performed an hour of kirtan and bhajans with the temple residents in the Temple Room for Mantra Live Russia. This was streamed live on various social platforms. Jai Nitai dasa was playing bass guitar.

Sunday 3rd Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees meeting online. In the afternoon he gave an online Sunday Feast talk for the Bhakti Yoga Centre in Crawley.

Saturday 9th Hosted an online mentorship meeting with his men’s group.

Tuesday 12th Hosted an online grihasta (couples) mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Sunday 17th Started the first in a series of Bhagavad-Gita classes for newcomers arranged by ISKCON South London.

Thursday 21st Gave an outreach talk for an online programme arranged by Bhaktivedanta Manor.

Friday 22nd Attended the UK Management Council online meeting chaired by UK GBC Praghosa dasa. Also took part in kirtan rehearsals and a live online kirtan session with temple residents in the Temple Room for Soul Kirtan, based in Milan, Italy.

Saturday 23rd Hosted an online mentorship meeting with his men’s group.

Sunday 24th Gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London.

Monday 25th Spoke at an online talk arranged by the School of Bhakti.

Tuesday 26th Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Saturday 30th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCON-London, which was inspired by an initiative created by Vaisesika dasa, which involves distributing books by phoning people and organisations. Also gave an online class for ISKCON Wimbledon.

Sunday 31st Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees online meeting. Also gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London.

Tuesday 2nd Attended an online interfaith meeting with local leaders from different faiths with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Saturday 6th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCON-London. Also hosted an online mentorship meeting with his men’s group. In the evening he took part with the temple residents in the London Mellows Online Kirtan Festival Weekend, a weekend of kirtans by devotees from across the globe streamed live online.

Sunday 7th Gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London. In the afternoon took part in kirtans with the temple residents for London Mellows.

Tuesday 9th Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Wednesday 10th Attended the online UK Management Council meeting chaired by UK GBC Praghosa dasa.

Thursday 11th Attended the Temple Leaders Council meeting at ISKCON-London. Friday 12th Delivered an online class for the Brighton sanga.

Saturday 13th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCON-London.

Sunday 14th Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees online meeting. Also gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London.

Saturday 20th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCON-London. Also hosted an online mentorship meeting with his men’s group.

Sunday 21st Gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London. In the afternoon gave the Sunday Feast class in the Temple Room at ISKCON-London.

Tuesday 23rd Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Wednesday 24th Took part in a video shoot at Trafalgar Square with the Food for Life team and Bhava Bhakti devi dasi for the ‘Bhakti Vision’ vlog. This video blog highlights the services carried out by devotees at ISKCON-London. The vlog is created by Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Thursday 25th Took part in a health and safety inspection at ISKCON-London in preparation for the temple re-opening day. Also attended the Temple Leaders Council meeting and the online UK Management Council meeting.

Saturday 27th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCON-London. Also attended the South Regional Leaders online meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Sunday 28th Gave an online Bhagavad-Gita class, part of a series of talks arranged by ISKCON South London. Tuesday 30th Facilitated an online meeting with volunteers who will be assisting in the Temple open days.


Jai Nitai dasa and Bhava Bhakti devi dasi were featured in the ‘Someone of Soho’ art exhibition. Jai Nitai dasa’s portrait was displayed on Frith Street as part of artist Richard Piercy’s exhibition which displays portraits in and around the Soho area on the outside of various buildings. Bhava Bhakti devi dasi’s portrait can be found on the official website. The exhibition focuses on people who live and work in Soho, an iconic square mile of central London. The participants were drawn from all walks of Soho life and include artists, electricians, musicians, plumbers, residents, reverends, rock stars, shopkeepers and teachers.

Artist Richard Piercy explained, “I photographed both Jai and Bhava for the project back in 2018. The purpose of the project was and still is to portray people from the many walks of life in the area. I’ve always believed that whilst the urban landscape may change, it’s the people that define its character. The Hare Krishna Temple and its devotees make an important contribution to Soho’s character and I was delighted when Jai and Bhava agreed to take part.” More details can be found on the link below: www.richardpiercyphotographer. co.uk/someone-of-soho-richard-piercy

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