P10 Human Rights
1 1 1 0 0 9
P8 Baleybelen
222 3 - 11 10
P7 The Elephant
P4 Animal Welfare
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Origin of World
P12 Last Aqsa Guard Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
The fire of Hell is intense and the agony of being in Hell for eternity is indescribable. Here are some simple prescriptions to save oneself from the fire of Hell: BELIEF IN ALLAH As it is disbelief in Allah that will condemn a person to eternal Hell, the way to be saved from Hell is through firm faith in Allah and doing good deeds. Muslims pray to their Lord with faith to save them from the Fire of Hell: "Those who say, "Our Lord! We have indeed believed, forgive us then, our sins and save us from the agony of the Fire". (Quran 3:16) LOVE OF ALLAH "By Allah, Allah will never throw one whom He loves into the Fire (of Hell)." (Mustadrak)
Issue 112
Igniting the Spirit of Islam Apr 2013
FASTING Fasting is also a source of protection from the Fire of Hell. "Fasting is a shield with which one may protect oneself from the Fire (of Hell)". (Baihaqi) FEAR OF ALLAH "But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two gardens.” (Quraan 55:46) "No one who weeps out of fear of Allah will enter Hell until the milk goes back into the breast, and a man will never have both the dust from fighting in the way of Allah and the smoke of Hell". (Mishkaat, 2:356) FIGHTING FOR ALLAH "No two feet that get dusty for the sake of Allah will meet in the Fire of Hell". (Mishkaat, 2:349)
PRAYING FOR PROTECTION "No one asks Allah for Paradise three times, but Paradise will say, "O Allah admit him to Paradise". And no Muslim asks Allah for protection from Hell three times, but Hell will say, ‘O Allah save him from me.’" (Ibn Majah) ”O our Lord! turn away from us the punishment of Hell ,surely the punishment thereof is a lasting. Surely it is an evil abode and (evil) place to stay.” (Quran 25:65-66) CHARITY "Protect yourself from (Hell) Fire, by giving of half of a date (in charity)." (Bukhari)
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SYRIA - Islamist rebels seized bases belonging to the Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). Fighters from the Islamic Front, a new alliance of major liberation groups, took control of the bases at the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey. Last month, seven leading rebel groups formed the largest alliance yet in the 33-month conflict, with 45,000 fighters. The Islamic Front aims to topple President Bashar al-Assad's government and build an Islamic state. (BBC, 11 Dec) MALI - The French army killed 19 fighters in a clash with Islamists. France still has 3,000 soldiers in Mali, after intervening in January to oust Islamists who had occupied the north of the country. Pockets of Islamist fighters still remain and have stepped up their operations in recent months. (BBC, 11 Dec) EGYPT - The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Badie has appeared in court for the first time since his arrest in August. He was seized along with other Brotherhood figures after the army ousted President Mohammed Morsi in July. Hundreds of Egyptians were killed by the army in clashes following the ousting. Badie’s son Ammar was killed in the protests. As Egyptian coup leaders increasingly crack down on protesters, students at Al Azhar university in Cairo clashed with security forces after a second day of demonstrations. Police fired tear gas at protesters in and around Al-Azhar University. (BBC, 9
Dec) BANGLADESH - Islamist leader and opposition politician, Abdul Kader Mullah, was executed by the government. He was convicted of ‘crimes’ from 1971. The senior leader of the Jamaat-e-Islami party
Islamic Focus
denies the charges. The courts are set up by the Bangladesh government to crack down on Islamists and have been denounced by human rights groups.
(BBC, 13 Dec) EAST TURKESTAN - Chinese police shoot dead 14 people in Chinese-occupied Muslim East Turkestan (Xinjiang). East Turkestan is home to the Muslim Uighurs and sees sporadic clashes. (BBC, 16 Dec) PALESTINE - An Israeli soldier was killed by a Lebanese army sniper from across the border. The sniper fired 10 shots, hitting the Israeli in his vehicle. (BBC, 16 Dec) Israel hypocritically protested this 'breach of sovereignty' while continuously in breach of every other country's sovereignty. SYRIA - Syrian government aircraft dropped barrels laden with explosives on areas under Mujahideen control in Aleppo, killing 22 people, 14 of them children. A school was hit in the latest attack. (BBC, 15
Dec) PALESTINE - 5,000 people in Gaza evacuated from their homes because of severe floods caused by torrential rain. Rescuers had to use rowing boats to reach residents trapped by rising floodwaters. UN officials have described northern Gaza Strip as a disaster area. Thousands of Gazans are staying in temporary shelters. Gaza is suffering fuel shortages caused by Egyptian coup army leaders and Israeli blockades which are causing power cuts. (BBC, 14 Dec)
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Brief outline of the development and spread of mankind on earth: The first children to be born to Aadam were a set of twins (one male and one female). The male was Qaabeel and the female was Qaleemah. Thereafter sets of The Prophet said, "Whoever cuts family will twins were born in rapid succession by the pernot enter Paradise." (Bukhari) mission and power of Allah Ta’ala. Aadam had a total of 20 sets of twins, each set having A major component of our family ties is com- a male and a female. The last of them was Abmunication. Some tips to strengthen those dul Mugheeth and his sister Ummul Mugheeth. bonds: The second son of Aadam was Haabeel and the third son was Sheeth . By the time 1. Active Listening. The most important as- Aadam died there were 400,000 people on pect of effective communication is listening. earth. The sons and daughters of Aadam The Prophet always gave his full attention were blessed with numerous children and each to anyone that he conversed with. family reproduced in quick succession. Aadam ’s age was approximately 1,000 years. 2. Level of Understanding. Parents should always keep in mind the age and level of un- In order to start the process of procreation, derstanding of their child and should speak Allah Ta’ala, in the beginning permitted marwith him accordingly. The Prophet said: riage between the sons and daughters of "Speak to the people keeping in view their Aadam . However, in that first system of level of understanding. Would you like to see marriage, the female and male of the same set them think of what you tell them from Allah of twins could not marry each other. The male and His Messenger as lies?" (Bukhari) of one set of twins married the female of another set of twins. After a while when a suffi3. The Manners of a Believer. "A Muslim is cient number of families was established, Allah a brother of another Muslim. He does not Ta’ala prohibited this system of marriage. wrong him, nor insult him nor humiliate him." (Muslim) When Nooh embarked on the ship during the great flood, there were about 70 people on Also, "The thing which will make the majority board. Among these persons were the three of people enter Paradise is fear of Allah and sons of Nooh . Saam was the progenitor of good manners." (Tirmidhi) the Arab or Semitic race; Haam was the father of the African race and Yaafith was the Father These principles should be applied in conver- of the Greeks. These sons spread out into difsations with children and teenagers as well as ferent parts of the world. Each of these sons adults. had three sons who also spread out.
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Have you had a meaningful conversation with your child? Do you know what your child accomplished today, how he may be feeling, whether or not he has any concerns?
Numerous Hadeeth and Quranic verses mention the excellence of night prayer (Tahajjud/ Qiyamul Layl) and the merit of those who perform it regularly. “You should pray night prayer, for it is the habit of the pious people who came before you, and it will bring you closer to your Lord, wipe out bad deeds, prevent sin, and expel disease from the body.” [Tirmidhi]
The Muslim state in the form of the Ottoman Empire protected the rights of animals. This was based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadith. Here are some examples of animal welfare centuries before the West: Foundations to protect and cultivate ani-
mals and trees were established. Cat hospitals were opened in Usküdar and
Dolmabahçe. To enable birds to drink water safely and
Three tips to help you get up for the night prayer in the last third of the night before Fajr: 1. Sincerity This is the key to Allah’s Help which is needed to achieve success in all our affairs. Allah helps those who are sincere in their hearts. “If you are truthful with Allah, then Allah will deliver to you what you wish for.” [Nasaai] One should have a sincere intention to pray the night prayer. 2. Knowing the Virtues Knowing the virtues and rewards of performing worship produces willingness and desire to perform the worship.
3. Taking a Nap in the Taking a nap before or dismiss stress and thus in the night and stand “Take a nap, for the naps.” [Tabaranee]
Day after Zuhr enable one in front of devils do
salah will to get up his Lord. not take
From: Al Huda Institute, Canada
easily, water bowls were put on the high walls in mosques. During the reign of Sultan Mehmet it was mandatory to place in the new constructions water bowls and drinking basins to enable birds to drink water safely and easily. It was a law that near mosques an area would be spared to provide care for the cats and dogs and cats would be fed each new day with liver and clean water. In freezing winter months, in order to keep wild animals on the hills, prairies and woods alive, fresh meat, plants, salt, bird food and hays were left in their natural habitats. It was strictly forbidden to hunt the offspring of game animals or animals at the stage of pregnancy or breeding. The Ottomans built refined shelters for animals equal to the beauty of houses. The best examples are decorated bird palaces. During the time of migration it was forbidden to hunt birds. In 1550, a decree was passed to ban loading of animals with extreme weights. In 1600 it became unlawful to kill animals of which meat was not edible. (contrast this with the Western craze for hunting).
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From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: What is the ruling on praying the supererogatory prayers that are related to the obligatory prayers while travelling? A: In Rawdah 1:338, Imam Nawawi mentioned that it is recommended for one to pray the rawatib [supererogatory prayers before and after the obligatory prayers] while traveling. In al-Bayan 2:285, Imrani mentioned that it is related from Ibn Umar and Ali ibn alHusayn radhiallahu anhum that they would not perform supererogatory prayers before and after the obligatory prayers while traveling. And he further mentioned that Umar, Ali and Ibn Masood radhiallahu anhum would do so. In Sharh Sahih Muslim 5:198, Imam Nawawi related an agreement of all scholars on performing general supererogatory prayers on a journey being permissible. And that the scholars differed on performing the rawatib while on a journey. Q: Is it permissible to offer salah while seated on the vehicle even if the journey distance is more than where it becomes permissible to do qasar (shorten Salaah)? A: The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam would perform supererogatory prayers in whichever way his camel was headed. (Muslim 5:933) Thus, performing supererogatory prayers while seated in a vehicle is permissible. And, according to the Shafis, it is permissible on a long or short journey. However, one Islamic Focus
may not perform the prescribed prayers seated in a vehicle. Imam Nawawi stated that in a case where undue hardship would be found by getting off from one’s conveyance for prayer, then one may offer the prayer to the best of one’s ability. Later, it must be made up, as it is an extraordinary difficulty. (Sharh Sahih Muslim 5: 93435) Q: Is it permissible to eat monkey meat? A: The famous animal that is called a monkey (nasnas) is a type of ape, and it is thus unlawful to eat it. (Hashiyat al-Sharqawi, 2:462) Answer by Sheikh Amjad Rasheed
Q: In a previous answer, Sheikh Amjad mentioned that eating aquatic animals (meaning those that do not live outside of water) is permissible. He also mentioned that it is not permissible to eat crab. What, then, is the ruling on eating crab that lives only in water, as is the case with many crabs that are eaten? A: As Sheikh Amjad mentioned, animals that are entirely aquatic are permissible to eat (this means whether crabs, lobsters, prawns, sharks, or anything else), except those that are poisonous (or harmful). The impermissibility to which Sheikh Amjad's answer is referring is regarding crabs that do live outside of water (for example, shore crabs and land crabs), as is understood by the word saratan in the Arabic.
As for other crustaceans that live only in water, no Shafi scholar says that they are forbidden. Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim to give a gift of unslaughtered (haram) meat to a non-Muslim? A: It would appear that it is not permissible, based on what our imams have relied upon; that non-Muslims are accountable for details of Islamic law. They have mentioned in the chapter of fasting, that it is haram to give food to a non-Muslim during the day of Ramadan, because they are responsible for details of Islamic law, and giving one food in that case would be assisting him in disobedience. Q: I heard that it is permissible to eat fox in the Shafi school. Is this correct even though it has fangs? A: Yes, it is permissible in our school to eat fox, as Imam Shafi wrote in Umm, in many places. This is the reliable position of our school as it says in Minhaj, and others, in the chapter of foods. It says in Majmu: In our school, fox is a game (hunted) animal, it is eaten and it is haram for one in ihram to kill it. The proof for its permissibility is that it is a well-disposed animal, and its fangs are weak, they aren’t strong and it doesn’t use them to attack people. So, analogy was used based on the hyena, whose permissibility is established, as Ibn Hajar said in the Tuhfa. Answer by Shafii Fiqh Department
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Can a good Muslim learn an "art" such as classical Indian dancing in order to stay healthy and learn physical discipline? A: It is permitted to do things that do not entail the impermissible or reprehensible. If the art one seeks to pursue is such, then it is permitted. Otherwise, it would be disliked or impermissible, depending on what it includes. Classical Indian dancing would normally entail several impermissible matters, including impermissible instrumental music, and reprehensible imitation, and would thus not be permitted. Q: Is it permissible to use pepper spray to defend oneself? A: As far as using pepper spray for defence against humans, if one fears for one’s life or wealth, one must endeavour to protect one’s self or one’s wealth even by carrying self-defence weapons. However, one should not carry weapons that are illegal. Q: If a woman passes away with nail polish on will she be sinful? I have been told many times that nail polish cannot be removed after death. However we now have nail polish remover, so is that still the case? A: If a deceased woman has nail polish on her nails, it should be removed before bathing her. Q: Before this world I have heard that there was a world of souls where all Islamic Focus
the souls were gathered and they were asked who their Lord was and all of them said Allah. With the passage of time one by one all of them come to this world. Are new souls being prepared who missed that gathering before the start of the world? If not then does that mean every soul that has been made will come in this in all the cases, nobody can stop it? So there is no benefit in family planning? A: “When your Rabb (Lord) extracted from the backs of the children of Aadam and called them to witness over themselves saying, “Am I not your Rabb?” They replied, “Certainly! We testify to it.” So that they do not on the day of Qiyaamh, “indeed we were unaware of this.” (Quran 7:172) The above verse is clear that Allah Ta’ala took a submission from every soul in the world of souls which was to come in this world. Every single soul that was present there will definitely come into existence in this world. That is the taqdeer (predestination) of Allah Ta’ala. Indeed, the ultimate outcome of family planning is also from taqdeer. Family planning cannot change taqdeer.
Q: My husband is in another country for many years. He is staying without a visa there so I will also not be able to get a visa. He doesn't want to come here and I can't go there. So I want to give khula (apply for dissolution of the marriage) to him and want to marry again. Is it possible? A: If your husband does not want to physically live with you where you are living and he cannot bring you over to the country where he is, then there will be violations of some fundamental aspects of marriage. If you cannot endure this and wish to remarry, you may request your local Ulama body to annul your marriage. The Ulama will follow the Islamic laws of Faskh an-Nikāh (Annulment of marriage) in considering your application. Q: Where should the Muazzin stand to say the second Azaan for Juma? A: The second Azaan on Friday is given in front of the Imaam while the Imaam is seated on the mimbar. Q: If husband says to wife that if you go out alone then I will divorce you and if the wife goes out alone does divorce take place? A: The husband’s statement “I will divorce you” constitutes a promise to divorce in the future. It does not constitute immediate divorce.
“For every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Qiyamah shall be born.” (Hadith) http://www.youtube.com/user/IslamicFocus
www.npicc.org - Newbury Park Islamic
Cultural Centre, Essex, UK www.islamicmarriage.wordpress.co -
Articles and fiqh on marriage www.dreamlife.wordpress.com - Blog
on general articles www.carolinamuslims.com - Networking
Carolina Muslims, Musjids, USA www.duacard.com - Graphic duas www.islampretoria.co.za - information
on Musjids, etc in Pretoria http://waqfacademy.org/ - Information
I once went to a circus and saw a huge elephant tied to a small pole with a rope, just standing there. So I wondered why is the elephant so obedient and doesn’t break away from the stick with all of its enormous strength and mass. The trainer told me this story: once when the elephant was very young, it was tied to the pole the same way. Naturally, it didn’t like that and tried to escape, but try as it might, the rope and the pole were too strong for it. So the elephant eventually gave up. Later on, when it was older, the elephant still believed it could not escape from the rope, and remained standing in the same place, despite the fact it could then easily escape.
and knowledge on Waqf (endowments) www.darululoomonline.org - Online
Course of traditional Islamic sciences www.therevoltingsyrian.com - News on
Now, we humans often have various tasks that we tried to do when we were younger and failed, and still believe that we are unable to do.
the Syrian revolution www.darululoomwaqf.com - Darul
Uloom Waqf, Deoband, India www.livingunderdrones.org - Data on
But as opposed to the elephant, we have enough intelligence and insight to know better than to believe we are still unable to perform these tasks.
illegal US drone attacks www.saliheen.co.za - Musjid Saliheen,
Sherwood, Durban
So if you have something that you fear to do because you failed once, now is the time to know better than the elephant, and realise that you may now be capable of doing it.
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama
Hong-Wu was Emperor of China 1368–1398 CE. He was first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Despite being a non-Muslim, Hong-Wu ordered the construction of several mosques. He had around 10 Muslim generals in his army. He wrote a eulogy praising the Prophet which he had placed in the mosques he built. The Eulogy: Since the creation of the Universe, God had decreed to appoint, This great faith-preaching man, From the West he was born, He received the Holy Scripture, A Book of thirty parts, To guide all creation, Master of all Rulers, Leader of Holy Ones, With Support from Above, To Protect His Nation, With five daily prayers, Silently hoping for peace, His heart towards Allah, Empowering the poor, Saving them from calamity, Seeing through the darkness, Pulling souls and spirits, Away from all wrongdoings, A Mercy to the Worlds, Traversing the ancient majestic path, Vanquishing away all evil, His Religion Pure and True, Muhammad , The Noble and Great one.
Balaibalan (Bâleybelen) is a constructed language that probably originated from the 14th century mystic Fadhlullah from Asterabad in Iran or else his followers in the 15th century. The language is also known as Balibilen and Bala-i-Balan. The only known copy of the Bâleybelen-dictionary is to be found in the National Library of France in Paris. Bâleybelen is a posteriori constructed language. The vocabulary is borrowed from Persian, Turkish and Arabic, while the grammar is like Turkish. The language was written with the Ottoman variant of the Arabic alphabet. The creator was the mystic Muhyî-i Gülşenî, born in Edirne, Turkey to a family originally from Shiraz, Iran. A member of the Gülşenî sufi order in Cairo, Mehmed Muhyî-i was helped in the creation of Bâleybelen by several other Gülşenî figures. Bâleybelen was probably designed as a poetic language for religious reasons. Bâleybelen may also have been a secret language which was only known by an inner circle. Bâleybelen is the only well-documented early constructed language that is not of European origin, and it is independent of the fashion for language construction that occurred in the Renaissance. The existence of Bâleybelen shows that constructed languages are neither a modern nor an exclusively western phenomenon.
The original eulogy is in the form of a poem, each verse containing 4 words and 4 syllables. This translation is literal which conveys the full meaning in flowing English.
An interesting example of Muslim influence.
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In 1877 the Fort Aziziye in Erzurum was occupied by 3,000 well equipped Russian troops. At this Nene Hatun called the women of her city and made a speech encouraging them to wage Jihad against the Russian occupiers. The women, with Nene Hatun as leader attacked the Aziziye Bastion with 6,500 people, made up of 5,500 women and 1,000 elderly men. The majority had axes and farming equipment and some had guns. The Russians lost 2,300 men and retreated. Nene Hatun’s side only had lost 1,000 men. Nene Hatun tells the story: ‘At a night my brother Hassan came back wounded from the battlefield. I was taking care of his wounds, and my 3 months old baby. My brother died that night. Then in the morning when I heard the bad news, I entrusted my baby to Allah saying: ‘My baby! Allah gave you to me, and I entrust you to Him again.’ She left her threemonth old baby girl and an adolescent son at home, joining the counterattack against Aziziye with her dead brother's rifle and her hatchet. Nene Hatun was found unconscious and wounded and her bloodied hands still firmly grasping her hatchet. She lived the rest of her life in Aziziye. Her son Yusuf was killed in World War I during the battle of Gallipoli. In 1954 she was remembered as the last survivor of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878.
In light of the increasing usage of social media, we bring you Twitter accounts of interest to Muslims. Not all content might be fully Islamic-compliant:
Muslim Heritage @MuslimHeritage: Looking at the world from an historic perspective | Tweeting History, Heritage, Culture Green Deen ZA @MSA_GreenDeen: Campaigning for environmental awareness | Islamic take on matters. @MSA_Union initiative Halaal Food Review @HalaalFoodRevue: Fresh look at the Halaal Food Scene in Port Elizabeth Muslim Museum UK @MuslimMuseumUK: Uncover the 1400 year relationship between Britain and Islam and explore the shared history & heritage. Endeavouring to establish the first Muslim Museum in the UK. MuslimVillage.com @muslimvillage: Islam, News, Opinion, Lifestyle, Videos, Events from the world DarulUloom AbuBakr @AbuBakrUloomPE: Darul Uloom Abu Bakr, Port Elizabeth Council of Ulama EC Eastern Cape
MTQ @mtq_pmb: Madrasah Tarteelul Quran is an Institute in Pietermaritzburg dedicated to the service of the noble Quran. Follow us on @IslamicFocus
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Tel: 078 672 7797 Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com www.islamicfocus.co.za Islamic Focus
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Nene Hatun (Born 1857, Died 1955) was a Turkish heroine who led mainly women citizens to reclaim Erzurum from the Russians in the Russo-Turkish War 1877-1878.
Owing to labour migration in the 1960s and political refugees since the 1970s, Islam has become a visible religion in Germany. In 2009 there are 4.3 million Muslims in Germany (5.4% of the population). In 2006 there were 15,000 German converts. Islam is the largest minority religion. 63.2% of Muslims are of Turkish origin followed by groups from Pakistan, countries of former Yugoslavia, Arab countries, Iran and Afghanistan. The Red Mosque at Schwetzingen Castle is Germany's oldest mosque constructed between 1779-1791. Muslims first came to Germany as part of diplomatic, military and economic relations between Germany and the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. 20 Muslim soldiers served under Frederick William I of Prussia, at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1745, Frederick II of Prussia established a unit of Muslims in the Prussian army consisting of Bosniaks, Albanians and Tatars. In 1760 a Bosniak corps was established with about 1,000 men. In 1798 a Muslim cemetery was established in Berlin. The first German Muslim educational institution for children was established in 1932. Hitler repeatedly expressed the view that Islam would have been more compatible to Germans than Christianity. Many German federal states introduced legislation recently banning head-scarves for teachers. 1,200 institutions are used as mosques, 159 with domes and minarets. 128 mosques are under construction.
A few of the basic human rights in an Islamic state (which were guaranteed centuries before the West promulgated them): 1. Security of Life and Property: In the Farewell Hajj address the Prophet said: "Your lives and properties are forbidden to one another till you meet your Lord on the Day of Resurrection". He also said about dhimmis (non-Muslim citizens of the Muslim state): "One who kills a man under covenant (i.e., Dhimmi) will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise". 2. Protection of Honor: The Quran lays down: You who believe, do not let one (set of) people make fun of another set. Do not defame one another. Do not insult by using nicknames. Do not backbite or speak ill of one another (49:11-12)
3. Sanctity and Security of Private Life: The Quran has laid down the injunction: Do not spy on one another. Do not enter any houses unless you are sure of their occupant's consent. 4. Equality Before Law: Islam gives its citizens the right to absolute and complete equality in the eyes of the law. 5. Protection from Imprisonment: Islam also recognizes the right of the individual that he will not be arrested or imprisoned for the offences of others. The Quran has laid down this principle clearly: No bearer of burdens shall be made to bear the burden of another.
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Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) is a Turkish NGO, whose members are predominantly Turkish Muslims, active in relief work in more than 100 countries. Established in 1992, ĐHH provides humanitarian relief in areas of war, earthquake, hunger, and conflict. The charity group was formed to provide aid to Bosnian Muslims. It has been involved in aid missions in Pakistan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Indonesia, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, Ghana, Mongolia, China, Brazil, Argentina and currently in Syria as well. ĐHH was owner and operator of three flotilla ships involved in an aid convoy intended to breach the blockade of Gaza in 2010. 9 passengers, many of them members or volunteers for ĐHH were killed by Israeli forces that raided the vessel as it was on its way to Gaza. ĐHH provides social aid, Muslim cultural aid, educational aid, sanitary aid, emergency aid programs in 120 countries. It provides health care and over 1,000 water wells in Africa and runs the Africa Cataract Project. In Gaza, the ĐHH is renovating the port, funding a school and plans to build a hospital and apartments for Gazans made homeless during the Gaza War. It has received many awards. Contact Details Büyük Karaman Cad. Taylasan Sok. No:3 Pk. 34230 Fatih /Istanbul Telephone: +90 212 631 21 21 Fax: +90 212 621 70 51 E-Mail: info@ihh.org.tr http://www.ihh.org.tr/en
(Corporal Hasan, The Last Watchman of AlAqsa Mosque who remained at his post for 57 years from 9 December 1917 as the Ottoman army retreated from Aqsa. The late historian Ilhan Bardakci stumbled upon him at the steps of the Al Aqsa mosque on 12 May 1972. The story is as follows: City: Quds. Location: Al Aqsa Mosque, Date: Friday, 21 May 1972. My late journalist friend Said Terzioglu and I are wandering through the sacred sites with the help of our guide from the Israeli foreign affairs. It was at the top of the steps in the second courtyard of the sacred mosque. He had some aging clothes upon his aging body ... standing bold upright. I was told he must be someone crazy. He has always been standing here, never asks for anything from anyone, never looks at or sees anyone. He explained he was Corporal Hasan from the 20th corp 36th battalion 8th squadron heavy machine gun team which was deployed at the Al Aqsa mosque the day we lost Quds (Jerusalem). He said, “Can I ask a favour for you my son? I have a trust which I have kept hidden for years, will you deliver this trust for me? When you return to Turkey, go and find my commander who deployed me here, Captain Musa. Kiss his hands for me and tell him: Corporal Hasan from Igdir of the 11th Machine gun team still remains at the post you deployed him to.” What a glorious life in defence of Aqsa!
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ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)