P9 The Hotel
1 1 1 0 0 9
P8 Ombudsman
222 3 - 11 10
P8 Super Bowl
P4 Winter Olympics
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Xmas Facts
P10 Minimum Wage Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 113
Igniting the Spirit of Islam Dec 2013
2013 marked a decade since Islamic Focus was founded. In that time we have evolved to meet the changing social media usage and added an everincreasing bouquet of media platforms to keep people in touch and informed.
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CHANNELS With the advent of BBM Channels, we launched into the new platform with an interesting range of channels. These include Islamic Focus C004D8581, i-nspiré C004103C5 and Media Reviews.
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More channels are in the pipeline depending on how the medium takes off. FOOD REVIEW One of our most exciting ventures has been the Halaal Food Review of Muslim restaurants and takeouts. Reviews of selected meals
VIDEOS We’ve launched an initiative to publicise events on short video clips that can be shared over Whatsapp. This includes a YouTube Channel www.youtube.com/ IslamicFocus. We are always on the look out to offer Islamic Focus
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Place your platter order from as little as R35: Sandwiches, Bunny Chows, Rooties, Samoosas, Pies, Curry Bunny, Chicken Bites
Islamic Focus
IRAQ - Security forces are holding more than 4,200 Sunni women illegally and subjecting them to torture and abuse. Many were held for months or even years without charge. Interrogators often questioned them about their male relatives' activities rather than the crimes in which they themselves were implicated. Many of those interviewed described being "beaten, kicked, slapped, hung upside-down and beaten on their feet, given electric shocks, and raped or threatened with sexual assault by security forces during their interrogation". Most of the female detainees had no access to a lawyer before or during their interrogations. (BBC, 6 Feb 2014) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - CAR soldiers lynched a Muslim man accused of being a rebel. He was stabbed and beaten to death and then his body burned in the capital, Bangui. The lynching is the latest in a series of shocking acts in CAR which have been perpetrated by Christians against Muslims despite the resignation of the Muslim president. The man was killed in view of photographers and as AU peacekeepers looked on. The soldiers suspected him of being part of the mainly Muslim Seleka rebels. (6
Feb 2014) EGYPT - Friday sermons have to now be delivered on a set theme chosen by the government as part of newly introduced controls on Muslim places of worship. The Ministry of Religious Endowments will decide what imams should tell the millions who attend the weekly prayers. Imams may not deviate from the official theme. Private mosques are threatened with annexation by the ministry if they do not toe the line. Other newly introduced state controls over mosques include restricting the weekly sermon to
Islamic Focus
clerics appointed by the authorities, and closing of thousands of prayer rooms. Egyptian authorities are imposing heavy restrictions on freedom of speech after the overthrow of President Morsi. (BBC, 31 Jan
2014) SAUDI ARABIA - 15 people killed and 130 injured in a fire at a hotel used by pilgrims in the holy city of Madinah. About 700 people from different countries were staying at the hotel. The travellers were in Madinah as part of their Umrah trips. (AJ , 9 Feb
2014) BOSNIA - Some of the worst unrest in years saw government buildings torched amid anger at the lack of jobs and a perceived inability of politicians to improve the situation. The unrest began in Tuzla and quickly spread to other towns and cities. (BBC, 8 Feb
2014) KENYA - Two Kenyan police officers were charged with kidnapping two Somali fighters seeking independence for Ogaden from Ethiopia. The police officers drove to the Ethiopian border and handed them over to Ethiopian officials. The men are fighting for independence for the Somali Ogaden region. They were in Kenya to facilitate peace talks with the Ethiopian government. (BBC, 6 Feb 2014) KOSOVO - Police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of student protesters at the country's main public university. Dozens of policemen and protesters were injured. (BBC, 6 Feb)
Telephone, SMS line, Whatsapp: 078 672 7797
1. Date of Birth 1.1 Year: estimated between 7 and 2 BC 1.2 Month/Date: unknown 1.3 25 December: Only adopted by western churches 400 years after Jesus alaihis salaam although not all churches celebrate it on that day. 1.4 Coptic Church 7 Jan 1.5 Eastern Churches 19 Jan. 1.6 Others celebrate on 6, or 9 Jan according to the doubt on the actual date, the confusion over the calendar and other reasons. 2. Bible on Birthdays Origen of Alexandria said the Bible mentions only sinners as celebrating their birthdays like: 2.1 Pharaoh (Genesis 40:20–22) 2.2 Herod (Mark 6:21–27) and mentions saints and prophets as cursing the day of their birth like: 2.3 Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:14–15) 2.4 Job (Job 3:1–16) So, ✓ neither Jesus alaihis salaam, nor 300-400 years of Christians after him celebrated Christmas ✓ those who celebrate nowadays are uncertain about the actual date ✓ the origin of 25 Dec is based on pagan celebrations ✓ today's Christmas celebrations are full of secular commercialism.
1. Constantly worshiping Allah Ta'ala The Prophet said, "Allah says, ‘O son of Adam! Take time out to constantly worship me, I will fill your chest with richness, and remove your poverty. And if you do not do so, I will make your hands filled with occupation, and will not remove your poverty” [Tirmidhi] 2. Marriage And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) ... If they be poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty… [Quran, An -Nur:32] 3. Supporting students of Islamic knowledge There were two brothers at the time of the Prophet . One of them would come to Prophet , whereas the other one would seek his sustenance by working. So the one who used to seek his sustenance complained to the Prophet about his brother. The Prophet replied, ‘It is possible that you are provided your sustenance because of him’ [Tirmidhi 2:274] 4. Showing kindness to the Poor “The only reason that you are aided in victory (against your enemies) and provided with sustenance is due to your weak." [Bukahri] 5. Being honest in ones dealings "The two parties of a transaction have the right (to annul the contract) as long as they don't separate (from each other). So, if they were truthful (to one another), and honest in explaining (the defects of an item), then they will be blessed in their transaction…” [Muslim]
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Christmas: Some facts while you wait
Setting goals or targets is an excellent practise. There are good resolutions a person can make and does not need to wait for a New Year. Here are a few tips to get started: Reach for the Stars! There is no harm in achieving good both materially and spiritually. The most important is to note that all resolutions, hopes, ambitions and dreams etc. are entirely dependent on Allah Ta’ala, The Most Wise, for their fulfillment. So asking Allah Ta’ala is the most essential ingredient. When making dua “reach for the stars” i.e. ask Allah Ta’ala for the most, in fact ask for everything good. Don’t leave out anything. Allah says: “Invoke Me, I will respond to your (invocation/dua)...” (Quran 40:60) Eliminate Sins! Just like a shopkeeper refuses to grant more credit to a bad debtor or nonpayer, likewise how can we expect Allah to grant us good if we continuously sin? To get the Help of Allah we need to remove sin from our lives. We are not perfect and as humans we often err. Say: “O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 39:53) Set specific Goals It would be good if specific made. Also categorize goals. laah: Resolve that henceforth will be read punctually and for ers would be in the Masjid.
intentions are Let’s take saall five prayers men that pray-
Heard of the 2014 Winter Olympics to be held in Sochi, Russia? Well, here are some facts about the area that you might not know: Sochi is situated on the Black Sea and is one of Russia's biggest resort cities. For 600 years the region was ruled and inhabited by Muslims (Circassians). Russia started invasions in the 19th century and the Muslims resisted for decades. Then came one of the worst acts of ethnic cleansing by Russians against the Circassian Muslims: 1,5 million were killed or deported and only 80,000 were left on the land. This started the modern 'strategy' of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Sochi was the final place of expulsion of the Muslims. The world should hang its head in shame that Russia even got these sports events in the first place. To allow it to be held in an area that witnessed some of the worst Russian colonial crimes is to rub salt in the wound. Muslims need to be aware of the history of the Caucasus and the brutal invasion, atrocities and continued occupation of the land by Russians, almost annihilating the Muslims as a result. The Muslims of the Caucasus ruled there since the 8th century and never stopped fighting for liberation since the Russian invasions from the 18th century. They continue today in Daghestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya. Footnote: Research on Circassia and Sochi was prompted by a meeting with a Cherkess Aalim from Circassia who was out in Jamaat in South Africa.
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Islamic Focus
From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: Is AIDS part of those illnesses within the Shafi Fiqh School that would allow nullification of a marriage contract? A: The Shafi jurists hold that certain illnesses allow spouses the right to break a marriage contract. Among these is leprosy. This is the authentic opinion of Imam Shafi rahimahullah. AIDS shares the same details as these illnesses mentioned by the jurists, such as: Affecting the pleasure that one would have in marriage, inability to engage in sexual activity and fear of being infected with a contagious disease like in the case of leprosy. The ruling of AIDS and issues that occur around it within the Shafi school have the same ruling as that of leprosy: both husband and wife have the option of separation whether at the contract writing or afterwards. Q: Is it permissible for the son of a lady who was previously married to be her wali (guardian) if she has no father, grandfather or any relatives from her father’s side? A: In the Shafi school, if a woman’s son is connected to her only by the bond of being her child, then he cannot act as her guardian and marry her off. If another connection between them is established, then he may according to that. An example of this is them sharing in lineage by him being both her son and also the son of her uncle’s son; or for example, if he was the judge. Islamic Focus
The right of wilayah guardianship] is one established by lineage, and a woman’s lineage goes back to her father and his family; while her son’s lineage is traced through his father. This is the Shafi position on the matter, the other three chools and Imam Shafi’s student, Imam Muzani, maintained that a woman’s son may act as her wali. (Mughni al-Muhtaj 4:249; Rawdat al-Talibin 5:381) Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man who respects her religion? A: It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man. In his Tamhid 12:21, Ibn Abd alBarr related consensus on this, as did Imam Qurtubi. Hence, the matter is not specific to the Shafis; there is a standing consensus from all the authoritative scholars from all the schools of jurisprudence on the issue. Q: Is it compulsory for one to shave his or her pubic hair and bury it in the earth? A: “Five things are from man’s natural disposition: 1) circumcision, 2) shaving the pubes, 3) clipping the nails, 4) plucking the armpit hair, 5) and cutting the moustache.” (Muslim) Imam Nawawi mentioned that shaving the pubes is sunnah. What is meant by the pubes is the hair that grows around one’s front private part. Shaving this hair is best; while other methods of removing it are permitted too.
In regards to the rear private, if one removes that hair for cleanliness and to make cleaning after reliving one’s self easier, then this is a good practice. In regards to when it should be done, Imam Nawawi stated that this is based on the hair’s growth and the need to remove it. When the pubic hair grows long, one should then shave it. While if one delays, then it should not be delayed past forty days. It is recommended that one’s hair and nails which are removed be buried in the ground. (Sharh alMuhadhdhab 1:289) Q: What is the ruling regarding not trimming hair or clipping the nails during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah? Does it just apply to those going on Hajj? What about those not on Hajj? A: In Minhaj, Imam Nawawi mentioned that it is recommended for one intending to slaughter that he not clip his nails or cut his hair during the first ten days of Dhu alHijjah until he slaughters. In Mughni al-Muhtaj 6:124, Khatib mentioned that doing so is disliked. Furthermore, he clarified that this ruling applies to both one in a state of ihram as well as others too. Answer by Shafii Fiqh Department
HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: Is adopting a child (male/female) is permitted in Islam? A: It is permissible to adopt a child according to Islamic law. The following conditions should be born in mind: 1. The child should not take up the name of the parents who have adopted him. His lineage should be separate and not joined with the parents. He should keep the name of his biological father if the biological father is known. 2. Strict hijab should be observed when the child reaches the age of puberty. The hijab is between the mother and the child if it is a boy and between the father and child if it is a girl. The method to avoid this is to adopt the child in infancy and the mother breastfeeds the child. In doing so, they will become the foster parents and hijab will not be necessary. Nevertheless, breastfeeding will still not make him a real son and his lineage will still be separate. 3. The adopted child will not inherit from the adoptive parents. The adoptive parents are allowed to bequeath one-third of their wealth to the adopted child in their will if they wish to do so. The child may be adopted from any ethnic group. When the child is old enough to understand, he should be informed with wisdom about the reality of the issue. Special care should be taken in ensuring that the foster parents do not cause any emotional harm to the adopted child when addressing such Islamic Focus
sensitive matters. Q: Was the destruction of Janntul Baqi (the graveyard of Madinah Munawwarah) meaning the leveling of the graves, justified in Islam? A: The structures that were built over the graves in the cemetery of Baqi in Madinah were not original structures present at the time of the righteous predecessors. The domes and other structures were initially built by rulers and governors in the fifth, sixth and seventh centuries of Hijrah, probably beginning with the Shia Fatimids. In the early part of the nineteenth century, when the first Saudi state annexed Hijaz, these structures were systematically dismantled by the regime. After the Ottomans defeated the them and recaptured Hijaz, they made new structures over the graves. The second (current) Saudi state destroyed all these structures in 1925. Hence, no structures now remain over the graves in Baqi. In accordance with the dictates of Islamic law, the ulama of Deoband are opposed to all structures built atop graves, besides those built over the blessed graves of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his two companions, Abu Bakr and Umar radhiallahu anhuma. Any other structure that is on top of a grave should be removed by those who have authority to do so. The presence of these structures was also condemned by earlier Ulama.
When dismantling any structure over a grave, however, it is vital to be respectful, and not display any disrespect to the occupant of the grave. Q: Is it permissible to give a cat a Muslim Arabic name? A: It is permissible to give a cat a name in the Arabic language. If by Arabic name in your query you mean Muslim names, then the name should not lead to disrespect to any Muslim name, for example naming the cat after the names of Prophets (Alaihimus Salam) and Sahaba (Radiallahu Anhum) etc. Q: I attend university, and the Friday prayers (Juma) take place at the time of my lectures. Do I go for Juma or do I go to class? A: Juma salaah is a gift bestowed to the Muslims. It is compulsory for us as Muslims to attend this salah: “O you who believe, when the call for salah is proclaimed on Friday, hasten for the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is much better for you, if you but know.� [Quran, 62:9] As such, it is imperative for you to attend Juma even if you have to forego your classes. You will have to find another way to make up these classes later on. Try and facilitate a Jum on the campus itself.
In a mother’s womb were two babies, talking to each other. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?”
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The other replies, “Why, off course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.” “Nonsense,” says the other. “There is no life after delivery. What would that life be?” “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths.”
mad Abbasomar http://qdeaf.org/home.php - Qatari
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of Islamic Education, Port Elizabeth, South Africa http://hifz.co.uk/ - Hifz Intensive. Pro-
gram for learning Hifz in a short time http://almiskeenah.com/ - Snapshots
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The other says “This is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat with our mouths? Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies nutrition. Life after delivery is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short.” “I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here.” The other replies, “No one has ever come back from there. Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery it is nothing but darkness and anxiety and it takes us nowhere.” “Well, I don’t know,” says the other, “but certainly we will see mother and she will take care of us.” “Mother??” You believe in mother? Where is she now?” “She is all around us. It is in her that we live. Without her there would not be this world.” “I don’t see her, so it’s only logical that she doesn’t exist.”
Port Elizabeth, South Africa More on our site: www.islamicfocus.co.za
To which the other replied, “Sometimes when you’re silent you can hear her, you can perceive her. I believe there is a reality after delivery and we are here to prepare ourselves for that reality.”
Variety of Cakes, Biscuits and various Savouries Custom-made Cakes to Meet the Occasion Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
Islamic Focus
Westend Shopping Centre Tel: 041 481 9123 Fax: 041 482 2326 Cell: 084 329 8507
Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama
Advertisers pay R40 million for 30 seconds of advertising during the biggest US sporting event, the American football Super Bowl. Let someone please tell me that what you watch on TV doesn't have an impact. If it doesn't, why would anyone spend such incredible amounts on such short segments? R8 billion was spent last year on the budgets of just 3 movies. No impact? So what justifies such enormous expenditure of money? It's a given that media has an impact on mindset and plays a major role in fashioning lifestyle. So, what were the themes of the top sellers in different segments of the media/ entertainment world? 2 of the 3 top grossing movies of 2013 had violence as a theme, as did 70% of the top 3 bestselling books of 2013 and 80% of the top 5 video games for 2013. The lyrics of the best selling music singles for 2013 featured violent sex and illicit sex as themes in 2 of the top 3. “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah without knowledge...” (Quran, 31:6) Ibn Masood, Ibn Abbas and Jaabir radhiallahu anhum have said that idle talks refer to singing, listening to songs and the like.
An ombudsman or public advocate is usually appointed by the government or by parliament, but with a significant degree of independence, who is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of maladministration or violation of rights. The concept comes from the reign of Umar radhiallahu anhu who established the office of the Muhtasib (supervisor). He was a supervisor of bazaars and trade in the medieval Islamic countries. His duty was to ensure that public business was conducted in accordance with the law of Islam and to set standards in the fields of building, food, education, weights, etc. This concept continued through all Islamic states with institutions to evaluate the complaints of people. These included the Divan Mezalim (office for atrocities), Darul adl (house of justice) and Muhtasib (official for public order). The Ombudsman institution is an idea that Swedish King Charles XII picked up while staying in the Ottoman Empire in 1713. He instituted it in Sweden and it eventually spread. Today, the ombudsman is found in 100 countries. In 1987, Mr V Pickl, then Director of the Austrian Ombudsman Board wrote that the idea of an Ombudsman had Islamic roots reaching back to the 7th century, when under the caliphate the Muhtasib was installed to monitor the authorities. Even today, the official name of the Pakistan Ombudsman is Mohtasib.
Visit our Spacious Premises! STRICTLY HALAAL
Ismail Ravat: 082 786 0821 54 COTTRELL ST, KORSTEN Islamic Focus
Three friends came to New York City. They decided to stay in a hotel and their room ended up being on the 60th floor. The policy of the hotel was that every night at 12:00am the lifts are shut down for security reasons.
Born in Egypt al-Banna studied with Shaykh Zahran and his father Shaykh Ahmad. In 1923 he attended Dar al-Ulum, an institution to educate teachers in modern subjects. al-Banna became active in Muslim organisations.
The next day, the three friends rented a car and went out to explore the city. They enjoyed the whole day. When they arrived, it was past 12am. The lifts were shut down. There was no other way to get back to their room but to take the stairs all the way to the 60th floor.
In 1927 al-Banna became a primary school teacher in and grew disillusioned with the British colonialism. He was concerned that attempts to modernize Egypt resulted in sacrificing Islamic principles and was dissatisfied with secularism. He established the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. By the 1940’s it had 500,000 active members. Rooted in Islam, Al-Banna's message tackled issues including colonialism, public health, educational policy, etc and was active in resisting British rule in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood actively took part in the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine and launched a proPalestine campaign that was largely responsible for making the Palestine issue a widespread Muslim concern. When the society sent volunteers to fight against Israel in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Egyptian government disbanded it in. Al-Banna was assassinated in 1949 when he came to a meeting with the government in Cairo. The Muslim Brotherhood influence is felt in many countries of the Middle east and the world.
One friend had an idea. He said "For the first 20 floors, I will tell jokes to keep us going. Then another one of us could say wise stories for the next 20 floors. Then, we will cover the other 20 floors with sad stories." With laughs they reached the 20th floor. The next friend started wise stories and they learned a lot while reaching the 40th floor. Now, it was time for the sad stories. The third friend started thus, "My first sad story is that I left the key for the room in the car." This story resembles our life. For the first 20 years, we spend time in joking and enjoying whatever is out there. When we reach 20, we go into the work force, get married, have kids and this is the time when we use our wisdom. Then, if we reach 40, we finally begin to think that my life is coming to an end. It's better that we start our life in the very beginning by remembering death rather than preparing for it at the end our life when very few of us have the energy to obey Allah completely.
Publishers of the Islamic Focus Distributed free in PE/Uitenhage 11 Morat Street, Korsten Port Elizabeth
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Sheikh Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949) was a school teacher and imam, best known for founding the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential 20th century Muslim organizations.
It is reckoned that Islam came to Zimbabwe in the first century of Islam, and Islamic civilization and culture prevailed in the country until the advent of British colonialism in 1888. Muslims established emirates on the coast of East Africa and traded with Zimbabwe. A significant Muslim population entered Zimbabwe during the colonial period, primarily from the Indian subcontinent. Other Islamic migrants came from the Yao tribe of neighboring Malawi. There are small number of North African and Middle East immigrants as well. Estimates on the number Muslims in Zimbabwe vary to as many as 1.2 million or 10% of the population. There are a number of academic studies and popular stories about the Lemba tribe who seem to have historic Muslim ancestry. There are several Muslim organisations, schools and around 100 main Musjids as well as hundreds of smaller ones with a Quran school attached to each. At the University of Zimbabwe a chair of Islamic and Arabic Studies has been set up. There is a drive in recent years to pass the message of Islam on to local Zimbabweans and this has met with some success. Muslims are also active in humanitarian work. Zimbabwe has an Ulama organization, the Mujlisul Ulama and has prominent international Muslim figures in the form of Mufti Ismail Menk and others.
“Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries.� (Tirmidhi) Islam requires that laborers should not be made to work so hard or in such miserable conditions that their health deteriorates or their ability to enjoy income or participate in family life gets impaired. If they are made to perform a task which is beyond their capacity they should be provided with help to enable them to do the job without hardship. "...and do not burden them with what overpowers them. If you do so, then help them." (Bukhari) "Your employees are your brothers whom God had made your subordinates. So he who has his brother under him, let him feed with what he feeds himself, and clothe him with what he clothes himself." (Bukhari) "An employee is entitled to at least moderately good food and clothing and to not being burdened with labor except what he can bear." (Malik) A minimum wage must enable an employee to get a sufficient quantity of reasonably good food and clothing for himself and his family without overburdening himself. Uthman is reported to have said: "Do not overburden your unskilled female employee in her pursuit of a living, because if you do so, she may resort to immorality; and do not overburden a male subordinate, for if you do so, he may resort to stealing. Be considerate with your employees and God will be considerate with you. It is incumbent upon you to provide them good and lawful food." (Malik)
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Al-Arqam College of Islamic Education is a private college in Port Elizabeth. It came about through the expansion of Al Madinah Institute which operated since 2008. Al-Arqam College operates as a non-profit community and faithbased organisation, established to provide educational programmes that equip and advance the local communities. Al-Arqam Online Learning Centre is the online student portal for registered students Courses • Specialised Courses Unit. Providing short courses such as ABC’s of Love and Mercy: A contemporary study of Islamic marriage and related matters. Courses being developed: Islamic Finance and Laws of Janaa-iz. The unit also develops presentations, workshops and seminars on a needs basis. • Department of Islamic Courses • Department of Quran Courses Other programs include Islamic Studies for Adults, Beginner Quran, Islamic Lifestyle Classes for Youth, Hifth and Sciences of the Quran and Quran Tilaawah and Tajweed. Sheikh Mukhtar Raban is the College Principal. Programmes are offered in Malabar and Parkside, Port Elizabeth. Contact Tel: 041 811 0255 (09am-5pm weekdays) Email: admissions@alarqamcollege.com www.alarqam.co.za
Once a group of 50 people were attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and started giving each one a balloon. Each one was asked to write his name on it using a marker pen. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room. Now these delegates were let in that room and asked to find the balloon which had their name written, within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos. At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon. Now each one was asked to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it. Within minutes everyone had their own balloon. The speaker said: ‘This is what happens in our lives. Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is. Each person tries to gain happiness by focusing on their own pleasure. In actual fact our happiness lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness, you will get your own happiness. That is why Islam places so much emphasis on helping others. The result of ensuring other people’s happiness is that we attain true satisfaction and contentment.’
73 DURBAN ROAD KORSTEN PH. 041 451 3060 Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)