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Issue 126
The Hadith details for us the signs heralding the expiry date of the world so that we may start making preparations for the life beyond death with a sense of pressing urgency.
“Verily, before the hour (of the last day) there will be Haraj (mindless killing on a wide scale). Verily the intelligence of the people of those times will be removed.” (Ahmad 4:392)
Here are some of the minor signs which will be seen in mankind, the education system, trade, buildings and in nature:
Propaganda: “Indeed, before the hour there are deceptive years; the truthful one will not be believed, the liar will be believed…” (Ahmad 2:291)
Unworthy Leaders: “When trust will be lost, then wait for the hour (of the last day). A Bedouin asked how will it be lost? The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam replied: “When leadership is entrusted to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the hour.” (Bukhari 1:142) Increase in Females: “Indeed, from the signs of the hour is that … men will decrease in number, and women will be plentiful…” (Bukhari 1:178)
Widespread Killing:
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Death of Scholars: Verily, Allah Ta’ala does not seize knowledge by force, taking it forcefully from the people; instead He takes away knowledge by the death of the scholars, until there remains no scholar.” (Bukhari 1:194) Trade: Verily these are the signs of the hour: wealth will spread and increase; trade will spread…” (Nasai 7:244) “The hour will not come to pass until … marketplaces come near to one another.”
Jul 2016 An indication towards the preponderance of shopping malls? Information Overflow: “Verily, these will occur before the hour: ...the pen (i.e. writing) will become widespread.” (Ahmad 1:407) At last count there were over a billion websites in the world. Time going Fast: “Time will converge (will go quickly).” (Bukhari 2332) “A year will become like a month, a month like a week, a week like a day, a day like an hour…” (Tirmidhi 2232) Climate Change: Earthquakes will increase (Bukhari 2:521), there will be excessive rain (Ahmad 2:262) and the desert lands of the Arabs will once again become green and fertile fields and rivers. (Muslim 2339) Scan the QR code with your cellphone to go to our website: www.islamicfocus.co.za
SYRIA - 56 civilians killed in US-led coalition air strikes near Manbij in north Syria. 90 killed in Tokhar and nearby Hoshriya. (BBC, 19 July 2016) AUSTRALIA - A TV presenter called for a ban on Muslim migration to Australia. Sonia Kruger had told Today that she would feel safer if the borders were closed to Muslims for a while. (BBC, 19 July 2016) INDIA - Tension has gripped Gujarat after seven men from the low-caste Dalit community had attempted suicide to protest against the assault on four Dalit men by members of a Hindu hardline group claiming to be "cow protectors". The Dalit men were assaulted while trying to skin a dead cow. Last year, a Muslim man was lynched by a violent mob over false allegations that his family had been storing and consuming beef at home. There have several other attacks across India where Muslim men have been accused of eating or smuggling beef. (BBC, 19 July 2016) SOMALIA - Ethiopian troops serving with the UNmandated AU Mission in Somalia killed 13 unarmed civilians in Awdinle. They were mostly Muslim Quran teachers who were shot dead. (DOAM, 18 July 2016) KASHMIR - Indian occupation forcs in Kashmir are deliberately targetting the faces of civilians with tiny pieces of metal shrapnel since protests began after the killing of popular freedom fighter Burhan Wani. More than 117 cases of face and eye injuries due to the shrapnel have been recorded with seven people blinded by pellets, and another 40 with less serious eye injuries. The unrest in Kashmir this time has seen more than 40 Muslim civilians killed and 1,800 injured by the Indian occupation forces. (BBC, 19 July 2016)
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TURKEY - An attempted army coup against President Erdogan and the ruling AK Party failed at the cost of 232 people dead and 1,541 wounded. Following the failed coup, 6,000 military personnel were arrested, with more than two dozen generals awaiting trial, nearly 9,000 police officers have been sacked, close to 3,000 judges have been suspended, 1,500 employees of Turkey's finance ministry have been dismissed and 492 have been fired from the Religious Affairs Directorate. (BBC, 19 July 2016)
UK - The press regulator received more than 1,400 complaints about remarks of The Sun's former editor Kelvin MacKenzie made in The Sun criticising a Muslim journalist for wearing a hijab while reporting the Nice attack in France. (BBC, 19 July 2016) LIBYA - Forces aligned with Libya's U.N.-backed government suffered losses as they battled Islamic State fighters to win control of a strategic area in Sirte. Islamic State is clinging on in the center of Sirte in the face of a two-month campaign by brigades mainly composed of fighters from Misrata. Sirte had been under the group's control since last year, and it had extended its presence along about 250 km of coastline. (Reuters, 15 July 2016) BOSNIA - On July 11, 1995, near the end of the Bosnian War, the city of Srebrenica in fell to Bosnian Serb forces. The city had been designated a safe area by the United Nations and was being protected by Dutch troops. Serb forces separated the men and boys from the rest of the group and took them away to be killed. More than 8,000 Muslim men and boys were massacred in the worst mass killing in Europe since World War II. (NYT, 11 July 2016)
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1. Character Revealed Umar radhiallahu anhu saw a man praising another man, then he asked him, "Did you travel with him?" The man said no, then Umar radhiallahu anhu said, "Did you have a dealing with him?" The man replied no. Umar radhiallahu anhu said, "You don't know him".
Turkey was for almost 600 years at the helm of the Muslim empire. The modern Turkish state was born out of the fall of the Ottoman empire which led to the abolition of the Islamic caliphate. Kemal Atatürk closed Madrasah’s, banned religious clothing, and introduced a host of other secular laws.
2. Good Health “Travel and enjoy good health…” (Musnad Ahmed 2:380, Al Kaamil of ibn Adee 4:454)
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, have reversed some of the laws introduced by Atatürk and have made Turkey more Islamic. Here are five ways in which Turkey has moved back to Islam:
3. Wealth “Travel and gain good health and wealth.” (Sunan Al Kubra of Baihaqi 7:102)
Mosques. 17,000 new mosques have been built by the Turkish government between 2002 – 2013.
“Travel and gain good health and earn sustentance.” Abdur Razzaq
Hijab. The Justice and Development P arty have lifted bans wearing the Hijab in schools and state institutions.
“Travel and gain profit, and fast and gain good health.” Ibn Kathir 4. Knowledge Imam Shafi rahimahullah related five benefits of travelling in a poem: Leave your country in search of loftiness, And travel! For in travel there are 5 benefits, Relief of adversity and earning of livelihood, And knowledge and etiquettes and noble companionship. 5. Lessons “Say: Travel in the land and see what was the end of those who rejected truth.” (Quran 6:11)
Imams. I mam-Hatip schools are institutions designed to provide religious education and train Imams. These schools were founded after Madrasahs were banned under Atatürk. In 2002, there were 65,000 students in ImamHatip schools. The number grew to 658,000 in 2013 and has now reached one million. Islamic Education. Compulsory basic I slamic religious education classes were introduced by the government across Turkish schools. Quran Classes. Children had to be at least 12 years old before they could attend Quran classes. This was abolished by the ruling government allowing young children to attend Quran classes.
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Some of the benefits of travelling as enumerated by Islam:
Animal Hospital. The first animal hospital in the world, built during the Ottoman Empire, was in Bursa, Turkey. The hospital was built in the 19th century and named "Gurabahane-i Laklakan," which means "helpless stork house" in old Turkish. The hospital was first established to save the storks in need and migrating birds and then turned into an animal hospital. The hospital was once explained by writer Ahmet Haşim as the place for disabled animals, broken winged storks and senile crows. While the world was still discussing human rights issues centuries ago, the Ottomans built a hospital for migrating birds. They enacted legislation for animal rights and the vets healed birds at Gurabahane-i Laklakan. In the Quran. Over two hundred verses in the Quran deal with animals and six chapters of the Quran are named after animals. Muslim Names. Muslims are also named after animals like Asad (Arabic for lion), Arslan (Turkish for lion), Shaheen (Persian for falcon) and Fahd (cheetah in Arabic). Literature. Islamic literature contains many stories of animals. Arabic and Persian literature boast a large number of animal fables. The most famous, Kalilah wa-Dimnah, translated into Arabic by Abd-Allāh Ibn al-Muqaffa in the 8th century, was also known in Europe. In the 12th century Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawadi wrote many short stories of animals. At about the same time, in north-eastern Iran, Farid alDin Attar composed the epic poem Mantiq alTayr (meaning The Conference of the Birds).
In 1879, Procter and Gamble's best seller was candles. But the company was in trouble. Thomas Edison had invented the light bulb, and it looked as if candles would become obsolete. Their fears became reality when the market for candles plummeted since they were now sold only for-special occasions. The outlook appeared to be bleak for Procter and Gamble. However, at this time, there was a mishap which played a dramatic part in pulling the struggling company from the clutches of bankruptcy. A forgetful employee at a small factory in Cincinnati forgot to turn off his machine when he went to lunch. The result? A frothing mass of lather filled with air bubbles. He almost threw the stuff away but instead decided to make it into soap. The soap floated. Thus, Ivory soap was born and became the mainstay of the Procter and Gamble Company. Why was soap that floats such a hot item at that time? In Cincinnati, during that period, some people bathed in the Ohio River. Floating soap would never sink and consequently never got lost. So, Ivory soap became a best seller in Ohio and eventually across the country also. Like Procter and Gamble, never give up when things go wrong or when seemingly unsurmountable problems arise. Creativity put to work can change a problem and turn it into a gold mine. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote the History of the World during a thirteen year imprisonment. John Bunyan wrote Pilgrim's Progress in a Bedford jail. “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” Booker T. Washington
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www.shafiifiqh.com Q: Does my wudu break when I touch my wife/ husband? A: According to the official position of our madhhab, skin-to-skin contact with the opposite gender nullifies wudu, with the exception of one who is not your permanently unmarriageable kin (mahram). The one who touches is like the one who is touched. Touching the young child who [according to custom] has not reached a stage of sexual interest, hair, teeth, and nails, does not nullify wudu, according to the more correct opinion. [Minhaj al-Talibin, 1/10] In conclusion, touching the skin of one’s spouse, if but a little, and whether intentionally or unintentionally, nullifies one’s wudu. Answered by Shaykh Isa Husayn
Q: Can we use hair dyes/ colours to colour the white hairs of our head/ beard? A: I t is permissible to dye white/grey hair with any color except black, for both men and women. That is the general rule in our madhhab, however, there is an exception: a married woman may dye her white/grey hairs black if her husband does not object to it. (Baishn, Bushra-l -Karīm p710) It is recommended to use Henna, however, one may use commercial dyes provided that they are free from animal ingredients, impure substances such as alcohol, and harmful chemicals. Allah knows best. Answered by Shaykh Omar Mohsin
wear ones clothes/dress below the ankle? If permissible under what condition? A: According to the madhhab of imam Shafi, allowing one's garment to drag below the ankles is haraam if done out of arrogance, and makrooh if not done out of arrogance. This ruling is specific to men only. Allah knows best. Answered by Shaykh Omar Mohsin
Q: Is it permissible to move a dead body from the town where he died to another so he may be buried there, if the body is in a non Muslim place where the authorities put it because the family haven't any money for the Muslim cemetery? A: According to the reliedupon opinion in the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is unlawful to move a body from one place to another. Rather, the community should hasten to burying the deceased in the place where he passed away. However, there may be reasons for relocating. Ibn Hajar mentioned that if concealing a grave in a non-Muslim land cannot be done and it is feared that it may be exhumed, then in such a case it may be relocated for burial. (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj 3/202) Also, some of the As-hab alAwjuh held that moving the deceased, when there is a good reason to (ar: maslahah), is allowed. This is the ikhtiyar of al-Qaffal alMarwazi and also the opinion of Taqi al-Din al-Subki. (Halabiyyat 459)
Q: What is the ruling regarding shaving or clipping the nails during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, does it just apply to those going on Hajj? A: W hen the ten days of Dhul Hijjah enter and a person intends to offer a sacrifice, then he should refrain from cutting his hair or nails until he slaughters. “When you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah, and one of you desires that he offer a sacrifice, then let him keep [i.e. not cut] his hair and nails.” (Sahih Muslim v. 13, p. 2452) And in another version, “One who has a sacrifice that he shall slaughter, and the new moon of Dhul Hijjah appears, then he shall not take from his hair or nails anything until he slaughters. (Ibid v. 13, p. 2453) The scholars differed on the ruling. Sa’id b. al-Musayyab, Rabi’ah, Ahmad, Is-haq, Dawud, and some of the Shafi’is considered that it is unlawful [haram] for one to cut either until the slaughtering is complete. Imam Shafi’i opined that it is disliked [makruh]. Sh. Ibrahim alMarwazi and others mentioned that the ruling on the hair and nails extends to all parts of the body. (Sharh Sahih Muslim v. 13, p. 245354) Therefore, if one intends to offer a sacrifice during this time, then he should refrain from cutting the hair or nails, as established in wellauthenticated hadith. And Allah knows best. Answered by: Shaykh Yaqub Abdurrahman
And Allah knows best. Answered by Shaykh Yaqub Abdurrahman
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HANAFI Q & A www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: What is the proceedings for zakaat on the commercial land bought with the intention of keeping it for a long time and build a commercial complex later to rent it out to get monthly rental income. Please also let us know what would be the proceeding once the commercial complex is completed and let out for rent? A: There is no Zakaat due on the commercial land nor on the commercial complex. However, the rent received will be added to your yearly savings and Zakaat will be given on the remaining amount on your Zakaat day. And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: Is it permissible for the passengers to perform Jummah on a holiday cruise ship while it is docked at the harbour? The ship will require the passengers to board before Juma time which means that the passengers won’t have the opportunity to perform Juma in a Masjid. If the ship starts sailing will it be permissible to perform Juma salah on it while it is sailing? A: There are certain conditions for Juma to be valid. 1. City: the place Jummah is performed has to be a city or a big town in which all essential necessities are valid. 2. Jammah: there should be at least three people apart from the Imam. 3. Time: Jummah should be performed timeously at the time that Zohar Salah is performed. 4. Khutba: is necessary for Islamic Focus
the validity of Jummah. 5. Sultan: not applicable in today’s time. However, the Imam plays his role. 6. General permission: only applicable from situation to situation .e.g. applicable on Masajid and not on places like prisons where Jummah takes place and general permission isn’t granted due to administrative issues.
From the above we conclude that it is permissible for the passengers of the cruise to perform Jummah Salah on board the ship whilst it is docked at the harbour as long as the first four conditions are adhered to. If the ship leaves the harbour of the city the passengers will be required to read Zohar (in full) and not Jummah as they have left the boundaries of the city. This will only apply as long as they have travelled less than 396 nautical miles. However, if the ship sales more than 396 nautical miles, then the passengers will be required to make qasar (shorten their salahs). Note: facing the qibla whilst travelling by ship is necessary during the course of travel. And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai
unlawful for a woman to read the Quran in the days of her menstruation or nifas (post birth bleeding). In this situation she is not deprived because she is worshipping Allah by obeying His commands. A woman should remember Allah Ta'ala (make ZIkr) in these times. It is narrated by Hasan bin Zayd rahimahullah that Imam Abu Hanifah rahimahullah stated: “Whoever reads the Quran (completing it) twice per year then verily he fulfilled its right [haqq] because the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) recited the Quran to Jibril (alayhi al-salam) twice in the year he passed away in.” This advice of finishing the Quran twice per year has also been mentioned by others who have stated that one should finish the Quran (at least) twice per year, if he is not capable of doing more than this. The bare minimum for one not to be considered as having forsaken the recitation of the Quran is to finish it at least once per year. As for the one who has memorized the Quran, it is recommended that he finish the Quran once every forty days.
Approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Q: I have heard that finishing the Quran twice a year is the right of the Quran meaning one in Ramadan and one out of Ramadan? Is this true? A: One should try and read as much of the Quran as possible and should make it a habit that no day should pass by without recitation. The exception is when it is
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Put a frog into a vessel fill with water and start heating the water. As the temperature of the water begins to rise, the frog adjust its body temperature accordingly. The frog keeps adjusting its body temperature with the increasing temperature of the water. Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog cannot adjust anymore. At this point the frog decides to jump out. The frog tries to jump but it is unable to do so because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature. Very soon the frog dies. What killed the frog? Think about it! I know many of us will say the boiling water. But the truth about what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when to jump out. Sin is like that hot water. We keep adjusting our lives to accommodate the lifestyle of disobedience. It saps our strength and willpower. Until a time comes when we want to make a change only to come to the realisation that we have grown too weak physically and spiritually to escape the clutches of the sin. Let us decide when to jump! Let's jump while we still have the strength. There are two things which deceive us into thinking that there will be plenty of time to throw off bad habits: free time and good health. If we delay, and sickness, old age or occupation overtakes us, then we will battle to turn over a new leaf. The Hadith encourages us to appreciate these blessings and take advantage of them while we can, lest regret and remorse be our lot.
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama
War between Muslims and Christians The Muslim ruler of Turkey will wage war with a group of Christians and make peace with another group. Istanbul Lost The warring group will invade Istanbul and rule over it. The Muslim ruler of Istanbul will flee to Syria, join forces with that group with which he had made peace, and engage in a severe war with the warring group. Istanbul Regained The Muslims and their Christian allies will conquer Constantinople together, against the enemy Christians. Muslim Ruler Martyred Thereafter, a Christian will say the victory was due to the cross, and the Muslim will say it was due to Islam. A battle between both sides will ensue, and the Muslim ruler will be martyred and Syria will also fall under the rule of these Christians. This Christian group will make peace with the group that was at war with the Muslims (in the beginning). The few Muslims who are left will go to Madinah. The Christians will exercise their power and rule up to Khaybar (a place outside Madinah). (Behishti Zewar) Dajjal "The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib (Madinah Munawwarah) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war (i.e., the battle of Armageddon) will be at the conquest of Constantinople (Istanbul) and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal comes forth." (Abu-Dawud 37:4281)
The Siege of Nice, France occurred in 1543 and was part of the Italian War of 1542–46 in which Francis I and Suleiman the Magnificent collaborated in a Franco-Ottoman alliance against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, and Henry VIII of England. At that time, Nice was under the control of Charles III, an ally of Charles V. The Ottoman forces, led by Khairuddin Barbarossa, consisted of a fleet of 110 galleys and 30,000 soldiers. They raided the coasts of Sicilia and southern Italy, anchoring in front of Rome. Barbarossa then went to the harbour of Toulon and then was received with honours at the harbour of Marseilles. The Ottoman force first landed at Villefranche, 6 kilometers east of Nice, which it took and destroyed. The French and Ottoman forces then collaborated to attack the city of Nice on 6 August 1543. The Franco-Ottomans were confronted by a stiff resistance but the city eventually surrendered. Following the siege, the Ottomans were offered by Francis to winter at Toulon, so that they could continue to harass the Holy Roman Empire, and especially the coast of Spain and Italy. Throughout the winter, the Ottoman fleet was able to use Toulon as a base to attack the Spanish and Italian coasts under Admiral Salih Reis. They raided Barcelona in Spain, and Sanremo, Borghetto Santo Spirito, Ceriale in Italy, and defeated Italo-Spanish naval attacks. Sailing with his whole fleet to Genoa, Barbarossa negotiated with Andrea Doria the release of Turgut Reis. He then returned to Ottoman territory.
Al Ansar Building, Bell Road, Parkside | 041-457-1-555 Islamic Focus
The press declared Sadiq Khan, victor in the electoral contest for mayor of London, the “first Muslim mayor of a major European city.” Incorrect. Islam is a major European religion and has a nearly 1300 year old tradition there. Sitting elected Muslim mayors include Erion Veliaj of Tirana, Ahmed Aboutaleb of Rotterdam, and Shpend Ahmeti of Pristina. Going back into history, Spain was under Muslim rule 711 to 1492. Abd al-Rahman I was proclaimed Emir of Cordoba in 756. We’re talking major Western European city here. In the 900s Cordoba was the most populous city in the world.
27 July 1880. Maiwand, Afghanistan The Battle of Maiwand was one of the bloodiest defeats in British military history, a battle which saw 969 soldiers lose their lives in a single day. (G Wansell) The battle is immortalised as the one in which Sherlock Holmes' Watson takes a Jezail bullet. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about these homemade bullets: "A scrimmage in a border station A canter down some dark defile Two thousand pounds of education Drops to a ten-rupee Jezail."
The Arab Muslim emirate of Sicily lasted from 831 to 1072. Jafar al-Kalbi (983–985) was emir of Sicily, and therefore mayor of Palermo, the capital.
Nearly half the British invading force laid down their lives. A 130 year old lesson not learnt about foreign adventures ending in bloody messes.
The Ottoman Empire ruled most of what is now Greece 1458-1832. That would mean Ottoman governors of Athens, a major European city. The Ottomans ruled much of Hungary 1541 to 1699, and Buda was the capital of this province of the empire. Abdurrahman Abdi Pasha became the governor of Buda in 1682. Budapest has to count as a major European city.
Before the battle, the campaign had gone deceptively well for the British. They had defeated Afghan tribesmen at Ali Masjid, Peiwar Kotal, Kabul, and the Battle of Ahmed Khel, and they had occupied numerous towns and villages, including Kandahar, Dakka, and Jalalabad.
Hacı Mustafa Aga was appointed governor of Belgrade in 1793. Not to mention that CIstanbul is one of the larger European cities. The mayor is Dr Kadir Topbas, a Muslim. So Muslim heads of major European cities have been a commonplace for nearly 1300 years, and even at the beginning of the 20th century a few Balkan cities still had Muslim governors. Islam and Muslims have been central to European history since the eighth century (when the Byzantine Empire, founded by Heraclius in 610, was only a century old itself).
Who are the true heroes of this battle? The invading, colonial forces or the people of the land defending their liberty? You would be forgiven for thinking otherwise in view of the writings raising the invaders to ranks of heroism. The British were blind to the lessons of history and attempted the very same occupation in 2001. With similar disastrous results. History is written by the ones in control of the media. And the same holds true today.
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While Turkey reels from the attempted coup, the fourth in recent history, let’s look back at another attempted coup in Turkish history with many parallel comparisons to July 2016: On June 15, 1826, the Janissary corps was abolished by Sultan Mahmud II and was replaced by the regimented army known as Asâkir-i Mansûre-i Muhammediye (The Victorious Soldiers of [Prophet] Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). This event became known as the Auspicious Incident.
The Sultan had been preparing to eliminate the Janissary corps for some time, as they would sometimes rebel against the state. He appointed his own men to key positions in the corps, and worked to get the support of the Ulama. The Janissaries worked secretly to organize an uprising to destroy the new force before it could get started. On the night of June 14, 1826, the Janissaries began to revolt. Groups of rebels scattered throughout the city and started to sack homes. In response, the Grand Vizier summoned the loyal troops and asked leading members of the government and Ulama to gather at the Topkapi Palace in support of the Sultan. The standard (flag) of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was unfurled as a motivational tool. The Janissaries were forced to withdraw to their barracks. Sultan Mahmud II's disbandment of the Janissaries, called the Auspicious Incident, was an event of major importance in Ottoman history. The end of the Janissary corps, which had been the pioneering regular infantry of the early modern world, marked the end of an era.
Islamic Focus
Wang Zi-Ping was a Chinese-Muslim practitioner of Chinese Martial Arts and traditional medicine’ doctor of traumatology and advisor to major hospitals in China. He was a Wushu (Chinese martial arts) Grandmaster. Born in 1881 in Changzhou, China he came from the Chinese ethnic group Hui. He passed away in 1973. He was well versed in all the major weapons, in Qinna (techniques of catching and locking an opponent’s joints or muscles/tendons), Shuaijiao (wrestling), free fighting, and more. He combined his adept knowledge of Qinna with his bone setting skills and originated a well-known system of treatment for sports and Wushu related injuries in Northern China. He also developed special movements in martial arts. He served as the leader of the Shaolin Kung Fu division of the Martial Arts Institute in 1928 and was also the vice chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association. Early in his life, Wang was a member of a resistance group known as "The Righteous and Harmonious Fists" during the Boxer Rebellion against foreign imperialism, fighting against the Eight-Nation European colonialist Alliance that sought to subdue China. Wang defeated a German officer's challenge in a weight lifting contest at Jiaoji. When the Germans wanted to take the antique doors of the Qinzhou mosque for themselves, Wang Ziping guarded the doors so the Germans challenged him to another weight lifting contest. When Wang triumphed over their challenge, the Germans left.
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Ruqyah means reciting Qur’aan and supplications (duas) reported from the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam over someone as a means of protection, or over the sick as a means of being cured. More than 7 Ruqyah Centres affiliated to Ruqyah South Africa have been set up across the country and Ruqyah is quickly becoming the preferred way of people treating issues of Sihr (magic) and Jinn. The Ruqyah team attempts to make the treatment accessible to all, and treatment procedures are freely available on the web and via social media groups. Ruqyah South Africa is a team who have studied together under the same teachers. The method of Ruqyah is primarily that of Sheikh Abder Rauf Ben Halima, and they are associated with his international group. Ben Halima dedicated his life to the science of Ruqyah and has been a pioneer in this field for more than 19 years. Ruqyah SA is an organisation of Ruqaa (those that are certified to practice Ruqyah using the method of Sheikh Ben Halima Abderraouf) who have also enjoyed the privilege of studying and practising Ruqyah under Sheikh Ben Halima Abderraouf. The treatment also includes cupping and physcotherapy. All the Quranic treatment methods are freely made available for people to treat themselves. Training is also provided to those who wish to take up Ruqyah. CONTACT: Durban Centre: 21 Overport Drive, Overport, Durban Email: durbancentre@ruqyah.org.za Phone: 031 207 4783 Mobile: 079 565 8013 Cape Town: 060 665 7933 Johannesburg: 072 534 8963 http://www.ruqyah.org.za/
Islamic Focus
There were three ships which were nearby when the Titanic sunk. One of them was known as the Sampson. It was 7 miles away from the Titanic and they saw the white flares signaling danger, but because the crew had been hunting seals illegally and didn't want to be caught, they turned and went the opposite direction away from the Titanic. This ship represents many people like us, who are so busy looking inward at our own lives that we can't recognize when someone else is in need. The next ship was the Californian. This ship was only 14 miles away from the Titanic, but they were surrounded by ice fields and the captain looked out and saw the white flares, but because the conditions weren't favorable and it was dark, he decided to go back to bed and wait until morning. The crew tried to convince themselves that nothing was happening. This ship represents those of us who often say "I can't do anything now. The conditions aren't right for it and so we wait until conditions are perfect before going out." The last ship was the Carpathia. This ship was actually headed in an opposite direction 58 miles away from the Titanic when they heard the distress cries over the radio. The captain of this ship knelt down, prayed for direction and then turned the ship around and went full steam ahead through the ice fields. This was the ship that saved the 705 survivors of the Titanic. The captain and crew were showered with rewards and awards. Obstacles and excuses to make a change in life for the good shall always be there. There will never be an ideal situation. We need to work around these challenges and forge ahead despite the obstacles.
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)