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Issue 130
Apr 2017 notices and events list.
Fourteen years on and the Islamic Focus brand is still making itself felt. It might not be so much the rustle of paper as it was primarily over a decade ago, but the vision is still the same: providing useful, unique and tailor-made information designed to inspire, to light a spark within the heart. BOUQUET We’ve added digital media to our profile with websites, social media offerings and email newsletters. We’ve also partnered with various people and organisations to bring you such diverse offerings as psychology and Qiraat programs, a Juma network, youth programs and lecture tours of motivational speakers. The idea in bringing this retro edition was to show the depth and range of articles that have been published. The articles have been se-
Islamic Focus
lected from the first 25 editions. OFFERINGS In these pages we’ve touched on activism: highlighting the plight of Muslims in Burma, Turkestan, Uzbekistan, Syria and other places. We’ve brought to life biographies of the earlier generations of Muslims, people like the Sahaba radhiallahu anhum, generals, leaders, scholars and scientists. In catering for the diverse community of Port Elizabeth, we’ve consistently given the views of both the prominent Mathabs in the city: Shafi and Hanafi. We took the lead in guiding the community into the digital age by providing tips, web and app guides. Some of our service offerings include the weekly Juma roster for Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage, the annual Taraweeh venue roster, Janaza
Our website has logged well over a million visits, our digital versions have clocked up over 160,000 reads and our audio offerings have a firm following. We’ve set out to showcase and preserve the lectures of the scholars of Port Elizabeth and have set the trend in this field. THE FUTURE We are quietly confident in the future of the Islamic Focus brand. We acknowledge that there is much more we can do, and ask for your support in this regard. For now, take a walk down the memory lanes of over a decade ago as we bring you 17 stories chosen by the editor. We hope you enjoy this Retro Edition. Scan the QR code with your cellphone to go to our website: www.islamicfocus.co.za
Uganda has dramatically reduced Aids. How? An answer that Islam always had.
This is a true story of what can be achieved if there is a will and determination.
SOCIAL VACCINE By abstaining from sex before marriage and remaining faithful to one’s spouse, Ugandans have cut the Aids rate to 5%. South Africa’s stands at 20%. This system of abstention strikes at the heart of Aids: the disease is spread mainly through unprotected sex and sleeping with many partners.
An organisation in Arabia ran a challenge everyone should train for two weeks and eventually walk 42km in a week making zikr and dua. The aim was to show what can be achieved through determination.
MESSAGE The message is spreading that illicit sex is not worth dying for. And people are listening. They are changing their approach to relationships. Praise has been pouring in. The system has been called more potent than vaccines. A research scientist at Harvard said, "The genius of the system is that it doesn’t focus just on Western drugs and condoms and it costs very little." CONDOMS The Western notion of allowing a problem and then addressing the results rather than the root has led to illicit sex being promoted on in media and pc games. Then condoms are touted as the solution. Figures speak otherwise. African countries where condoms have been most available - such as Botswana (38%) and Zimbabwe (33%) - are the ones with the highest Aids rates. BEING OPEN Aids is a sex problem that many are shy to confront. Being frank now is better than being dead and others suffering reduced production, overloaded hospitals and millions of orphans. Islam outlined this solution centuries ago. Uganda has, unwittingly, adopted it and is reaping the fruit. Let’s not be left behind in realising Islam’s benefits ourselves.
A girl from Palestine wrote: "I live in Palestine and there is not enough distance to cover 42km, and due to the occupation and insecurity we live in, I was afraid to walk outside even if space permits. I decided to walk at home. The house has a long hallway measuring 15m. In one day I walked 2100 laps. It took me along time to finish as I walked 4km an hour. I kept going with zikr and the pain reminded me of the suffering the Sahaaba (radhiallahu anhum) underwent. I also memorized the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah Ta’ala as I continuously walked past a frame with them hanging in the hallway. She ended by asking: Am I with you in this marathon walk or not?" The Companions of Rasulullah (sallallahu alahi wa sallam) showed this spirit time and again. Hazrat Asma, the daughter of Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhuma) walked about 5km each way while 7 months pregnant to carry food to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and Abu Bakr (radhiallhu anhu) when they were in the cave of Thaur while emigrating to Madinah. Revive the spirit of sacrifice for Allah.
(Some Information from Reader’s Digest)
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Sheikh Yasin was an elderly, partially blind, wheelchair bound paraplegic who suffered years of torture in Jewish prisons. His killing was ordered by Israeli PM Sharon. Sheikh Yasin, founder and spiritual head of the resistance group Hamas, was born in AlJoura, Palestine in 1938. His family was expelled in 1948 by the Jews. He moved to Gaza where he taught Islam and was a prominent preacher. Yasin spent a year in Cairo studying at Ain Shams University where he joined the Muslim Brotherhood. He was arrested by the Jews in 1983 and released in 1985. In 1987 he founded Hamas. He was at the time the Gaza-based leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. He was rearrested in 1989. Father to 11 children, Sheikh Yasin was released in 1997. In Jewish jails, the whitebearded Sheikh lost vision in his right eye, suffered from respiratory diseases, and incurred hearing loss. He played a key role in Palestine and was instrumental in shaping Hamas methodology. Hamas draws its guidelines from Islam and is not Nationalistic.
Spinach comes from a central and southwestern Asian gene center. It was unknown to the Mediterranean world but is now well established there because of Arab ingenuity. Spinach, which does not grow well in hot weather, was cultivated in the hot Mediterranean by Arab agronomists through sophisticated irrigation techniques in 8th century CE. The 1st written evidence of spinach in the Mediterranean is in three 10-century works: the medical work by al-Razi and agricultural treatises by Ibn Wahshiya and Qustus al-Rumi. Spinach became a popular vegetable in the Arab Mediterranean and arrived in Spain by the 12th century where Arab agronomist Ibn al'Awwam called it the ‘captain of leafy greens.’ When spinach reached France it became a popular vegetable, behind cabbage. In Italy, cooks integrated spinach with Muslim flavoring techniques in dishes known as saur. France, Spain, Italy and all other countries whence it spread to from there (including America and South Africa) all got spinach from the Muslims. In Turkey spinach was known by the 13th century and served with meat and covered in garlic-yogurt sauce, a dish popular with the Muslim Seljuk Turks. Another gift of the Muslims to the West. This offers a glimpse into the advanced technology and knowledge of the early Muslim world that helped Europe’s advance.
Those martyred in the Way of Allah are alive (Al Qur’aan 2:153)
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The martyrdom of Sheikh Ahmad Yasin (Mar 22, 2004) by Jewish missiles fired into his wheelchair as he was returning from Fajr prayer was condemned by the South African government along with everyone except USA. The people of SA, who lost activists of the liberation struggle in similar circumstances, understand the grief of the Palestinians.
While a search through the Qur’aan does not provide a basis for suicide attacks, such a basis is found in the Bible. It spiritualises and sanctifies suicide attacks. The Bible states: "Samson said to the servant who held his hand: "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them." Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the Lord: "O Sovereign Lord! Remember me! O God! Please strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes." Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said: "Let me die with the Philistines!" Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived." [Judges 16:26-30] An examination of these verses establishes that: Samson prayed to his Lord to let him kill thousands of civilians with a single blow. He set out with the intent of suicide and taking as many as possible with him. His motive was personal revenge. His suicide attack was directed, not only at rulers, but at thousands of civilians as well. Samson led, or judged Israel for 20 years (Judges 16:4-31). His mother received a visit from an angel, who told her she would give birth to an unusual son. He was thus a leader and chosen person who did this deed. The first recorded suicide bombing came from Christian soldiers during the Crusades when the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships with 140 Christians on board in order to kill 10 times as many Muslims in the opposing fleet.
The black Nguni people of South Africa comprising Zulus and Xhosa, make up a large percentage of SA’s population. They were generally forced into Christianity under Colonial rule but retained original customs, many of which are similar to Islam: MARRIAGE There are remarkable similarities between certain Nguni marriage customs and Muslim marriages. It does not differ when it comes to the payment of the dowry (lobola [Xhosa]/mahr [Arabic]) or allowing polygamy. BELIEF Amongst the Ngunis there exists an idea of the Supreme Being (Unkulunkulu [Zulu] Qamata ka tayi [Xhosa]). It was replaced by ancestors/ spirits as mediators between man and the Supreme Being. Muslims believe in One, Most Powerful God: Allah Ta’ala. CHILDREN A child born out of wedlock, in both traditions, does not adopt the father's family name but the mother’s. When an Nguni child is born animals are slaughtered. Animals are also slaughtered for a Muslim child. WOMEN After child birth no sexual relations are allowed with women. The same for Muslims. After the death of the husband a waiting period (inzilo [Xhosa], iddah [Arabic]) is instituted. Ngunis mourn for 6 months. In Islam it is 4 months and 10 days. Every nation had a warner [Qur’aan 35:24]
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The Prophet sallallahu alahi wa sallam said that among the most perfect Believers are those who are best in character and kindness to their wives. There exists a disturbing trend in the Muslim community where wives are abused and generally ill-treated by their husbands. Is this Islamic? Marriage ought to be a bond of holy love between spouses. Apparently mundane acts like lifting a morsel of food to the wife’s mouth have been given the significance of acts of worship. It was part of the noble character of the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa sallam) to engage in light-hearted talk with his wives. He once told Hazrat Aisha (radhiallahu anha) a story about eleven women who were speaking about their husbands. When he concluded, he said to her that, “I am to you like Abu Zara’ was to Umme Zara’.” Umme Zara’ had been treated with great love by her husband Abu Zara’ and she praised him even after he divorced her. The Prophet sallallahu alahi wa sallam is reported to have added, “Except that he (Abu Zara’) had divorced her but I will not divorce you.” A man is rewarded for even a drink of water he presents to his wife. The mercy of Allah Ta’ala cascades on a couple when the husband looks at his wife with love and pleasure and she returns it. When he holds her hand with love their sins fall from the gaps between their clasped fingers. Abu Huraira radhiallahu anh said, “Allah loves a man who caresses his wife. Both of them are rewarded because of this loving attitude and their earning is increased”. This holy bond of love which a husband is obliged to foster does not permit a pious husband to howl and scowl at his wife. He should engender pleasantness in the home, thus inviting Allah Ta’ala’s mercy. The recipe for a happy marriage is contained in the Qur’aan and blessed Sayings of the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa sallam). Who is there to take it and try it out? Islamic Focus
Calligraphy, or the formulating of words into unique forms, is considered the highest art form in Islam, for several reasons. For one, the Qur'aan was revealed in Arabic and for that reason, Arabic calligraphy has a spiritual meaning for Muslims. Also, using words as artistry avoided the usage of images of animate objects, prohibited in Islam. Calligraphy adorns architecture, decorative arts, coins, jewellery, textiles, weapons, tools, paintings, and manuscripts. The initial task of the calligrapher, and the one that remained the most important, was copying the Qur'aan. From there, it grew as it was used to decorate almost any surface. Religious architecture almost always featured inscriptions in Arabic calligraphy, usually verses from the Qur'aan. The Islamic emphasis on learning and knowledge, as well as prolific book production, led to a much more literate population than in medieval Europe. But even those who could not read could still appreciate its artistic beauty, without knowing what it said. It would be impossible to appreciate Arabic calligraphy without understanding what it represents to Muslims. It is not fancy lettering meant to merely be read but is used as the ultimate expression of God’s words and therefore meant to be felt. Calligraphy was a way to mark a building as distinctly Islamic as well as pay tribute to God. Adding to the depth is the fact that artists found this as the means for their creative expression. Even more amazing is their ability to compose forms such as stars entirely of words. Calligraphy expresses the glory of God’s words as revealed in the Quraan.
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Someone once said that marriage is like a bath-tub full of water; it starts out hot and enjoyable and ends up cold and miserable. Islam advocates excellent character in all aspects of life, marriage included. If we follow even some of the guidelines laid down by our Prophet sallallahu alahi wa sallam, marital bliss will become a reality and the bath-tub story can become redundant.
Words of encouragement can be the cause of lifting a person and helping him through a difficult patch. This quality of giving verbal support is seen in the lives of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and his Companions. REVELATION When the first revelation came, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) experienced a strange happening for the first time. He went home in fear and asked his wife Khadijah (radhiallahu anha) to cover him up. At this juncture, she provided much needed verbal encouragement by expounding the good that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had done up to then and concluded by saying that, as a result, Allah Ta’ala would not disgrace him. BATTLE In one of the battles, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used high words of encouragement for one of the archers. He said, "Shoot, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you." One can well imagine the pleasure that Sahaabi must have felt and how much more he must have exerted himself. In the Battle of the Trench, the Muslims only base, Madinah, came under attack by a coalition force of the enemy. The Muslims had to dig a deep and wide trench to defend Madinah and they toiled hard with the pangs of hunger gnawing at them. Some tied stones on their bellies to stave off the pain. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) shored up the morale of the Sahaaba by reciting couplets praying for good for them. They in turn recited couplets reaffirming their commitment to the Prophet (sallallahu alihi wa sallam) and the cause of Islam. SICKNESS A prayer that we are taught to recite when visiting the sick is a source of hope for them in their agony: "There is no problem, this sickness will be a purification, if Allah wills." The Qur’an, Allah’s Word, provides words of encouragement for the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and for the Muslims in general.
Who were the first Muslims to grace South Africa? We know that Muslims came to the Cape 300 years ago. But there are some indications that they had come to SA earlier than that: Rock paintings found in SA caves show the way of life lived by the early inhabitants of SA. All are accounted for except a few: There are some paintings found in a rock shelter near Giant’s Castle in the Drakensberg Mountains in Natal.
One of the paintings shows 3 horses carrying two riders. The riders have soft, cloth head gear, long sleeved shirts and wide, soft trousers in the Middle Eastern style. It was first supposed that these were British soldiers, but horses were only introduced after 1820 into Natal and the paintings were done before that. Could Arab Muslims have come to Natal from the territories they controlled in East Africa and Mozambique? In Makgaberg in northern Transvaal paintings were found showing figures wearing striped robes bowing as in Salaah in one direction. All these could mean that Muslim Arab traders from East Africa were trading in northern Transvaal and the north coast of Natal. Older people in an African tribe called Ingwasuma in Transvaal remember people who came in the past to trade. Their descriptions resemble Arab traders. Were these the first Muslims in SA? Footnote: Research has shown that the first Bantu kingdoms in Southern Africa like Mapungubwe in the eastern Transvaal had trade links with the Muslim empire in East Africa which ruled upto northern Mozambique (Sofala). Items from the east were found in Mapungubwe and the only way they could have gotten there was from the Muslim trading empire of the Indian Ocean. This lends credence to the theory that the first contact that South Africa had with Islam was before the arrival of Muslims at the Cape. [Beyond Belief by S Hall & R Marsh, Pg 51/52]
Let us bring this Islamic quality alive and be sources of inspiration and pillars of strength for one another in our trying times. A good word is sometimes all it takes. Islamic Focus
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With all the distortion, one can still find possible mention of him: SONG OF SOLOMON (Old Testament) This Song is holy to Jews and Christians. Its real intent has not been understood according to Bible scholars. Muslims will understand it well as a description of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). It gives an amazing description confirmed by Hadith: Song 5:10- My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand HADITH: Rosy color [Bukhari 4:56]; White complexion [Bukhari, 1:63] Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) left Madinah IN THE COMPANY OF TEN THOUSAND (Muslim warriors) in Ramadan for Conquest of Makkah [Bukhari 5:574] Song 5:11- His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven. HADITH: His hair GLOSSY AND BLACK, INCLINED TO CURL, he w ore it long." [Zad al Ma`d 2:45]
finely arched by continuous eyebrows. [Zad al Ma`d 2:45] Song 5:13- His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. HADITH: I never smelt ambergris or musk as fragrant as the fragrance of the body of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). [Muslim 30:5759] Song 5:16- His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. Chikko mamtaqeem, v'chulo MACHAMADim [Original Hebrew transliteration of this verse] The word machamad is close to the Arabic Muhammad in pronunciation. The Hebrew-English Dictionary defines it as ‘precious one, praised one’. Muhammad means Praised One in Arabic! The way this word is written in Hebrew is the same as the word Muhammad. The only difference is in pronunciation.
Jewish scholars say: The w hole w ord is not worth the day on which this Song was given to Israel; (it) is the holiest of the holy. [Tractate of Yaddayim 3:5, Mishna]
Holy indeed, for it foretells the greatest of all When he (The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sal- Prophets (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)! lam) died (at 63 years of age), HE HAD SCARCELY 20 WHITE HAIRS IN HIS HEAD This piece of Bible seems to speak explicitly of AND BEARD. [Bukhari 4:747] Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Song 5:12- His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set.
HADITH: He had black, attractive eyes
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The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was described in the original Torah (Old Testament) and Bible [Qur’aan 7:157].
SOCIAL There is no place for racism in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) practically demonstrated this: COMPANION Bilal Radhiallahu anhu was a close companion of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). He was a black African, yet Muslims salute him as the first Muslim to call the Azaan every time Azaan is called around the world. He was effectively the treasurer of the Islamic state in Madinah, in charge of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)’s finances. MOTHER Umme Ayman (radhiallahu anha) looked after the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) when his mother passed away when he was six years of age. On one occasion, after Prohethood, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) spread out his sheet for her to sit on, honouring her. Her likened her to his mother. She was a black woman. How do we treat the maids who bring up our children? Do we teach our children to respect them? SON Zaid ibn Haarith (radhiallahu anhu) was a young black boy. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) adopted this black boy as a son. This is the only Sahaabi whose name is mentioned in the Holy Qur’aan. Imagine! We get 30 rewards for reading the name of this pious black man! Zaid was shown such affection by the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) that he chose to stay with him rather than go to his father.
The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) married this black boy to his cousin, Zainab (radhiallahu anha), an Arab lady of high lineage. YOUNG LION Zaid's son was Usamah. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) appointed him commander of the last army that he organised at the tender age of 17 or 18. Under his command were senior Sahaaba like Abu Bakr and Umar (radhiallahu anhuma).
The Noble Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) did not make skin colour a criterion for status in Islam. He practically banished race to the dirt heap. The only thing that matters is the level of Islam one has. DIGNITY Islam is against all forms of racism. All races are equal to Allah and the only characteristic that makes someone superior to another is righteousness. Allah has dignified all humans: ‘We have certainly honored the children of Adam …’ (Quran 17:70) RECOGNITION Allah created different races and tribes so that we would recognize each other: ‘O mankind, verily, We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another …’ (Quran 49:13) REBUKE Once a Sahabi told Bilal radhiallahu anhu: “O son of a black woman!” Bilal radhiallahu anhu told the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam who became angry and said to the Sahabi: “By the one who revealed the Book to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, none is more virtuous over another except by righteous deeds …” (Bayhaqi)
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14th - 7th BC Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Bible) took final form. Pentateuch is a compilation of a variety of sources. Rabbis edited it into its final form, adding material of their own.
250 BC - 70 CE Septuagint Compiled Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures including other books termed Apocrypha. Septuagint forms the Old Testament in the Catholic, Greek and Ethiopian Bibles. Catholic Bible excludes parts. Ethiopian Bible includes books not in the Septuagint. 200 BC - 200 CE 52 false writings falsely credited to biblical figures. Not part of most Bible canons today, but influenced Judaism, Christianity and Bible writers. 30 CE - 397 CE New Testament written by 40 human authors. 397 CE In 393, Synod of Hippo officially established New Testament. Confirmed 4 years later by Synod of Carthage. It took Christians 400 years to finalize the Books to put in the Bible! Is today’s Bible the original Revelation sent to Jesus (alaihis salaam)? No. And all Christians don’t have the same Bible.
Would you blow your top… If your wife falsely accused you of looking at other women? Hazrat Umar radhiallahu anhu, famed for his sternness in matters Islamic, used to patrol the streets of Madinah at night, when he was Caliph, to check on the state of his subjects. One day his wife told him sharply, “You go to see the young women.” Umar radhiallahu anhu did not get angry at this false allegation. He calmly replied, “Allah Ta’ala knows best that what you say is not true.” Will you trip a fuse… If your wife asked you to the housework? The Noble Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to help in the house. He is reported to have milked the goats, patched his own clothes, swept the floor of the house and carried items home from the Bazaar. Do you explode… If your son in law has a tiff with your daughter? Once Hazrat Fathima radhiallahu anha, the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and her husband Hazrat Ali radhiallahu anhu had a misunderstanding. Our beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam did not add fuel to the fire by berating Ali radhiallahu anhu. He went up to him, rubbed the sand off his clothes and spoke to him kindly.
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The Qur’aan is read in the same Arabic the world over since its Revelation. Compared to the merry mix that is the Bible today, it is a magnificent miracle. Here is a condensed Bible history:
Do Christians practice on the Bible, their holy book?
which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment:
The missionary zeal to convert people to Christianity focuses on a few aspects and brushes over other, more important, points.
Ever heard this one from a Christian? When a Muslim says this then he is ridiculed.
Look at this cursory glance at the Bible’s verses and see for yourself how much of the Bible is ignored by Christian theological hierarchy: the priests and popes. DEATH PENALTY Leviticus 20:9 If anyone...curses his father or his mother, he shall surely be put to death… 20:13 If a man...lies with a male as those who lie with a woman...they shall surely be put to death.
Deut 22:11 Thou shalt not wear a garment of (different) sorts, as of woollen and linen together. Watch out for those t-shirts made with a combination of materials.
TOILET Deut 23:13 …when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig..., and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee: The stand up urinals favoured by Christians are in direct contravention of the Bible’s teachings.
Deuteronomy 23:24 When thou comest into thy neighbour's vineyard, then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure…
Deut 23:2 (An illegitimate person) shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter…
Try explaining this to a Christian as you eat from his fruit!
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
INTEREST Deut 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury:
The Bible is apparently only for stirring sermons, not for practical implementation in daily life. Let us not fall into this trap and make the Qur’aan a book only to be read beautifully and not practiced upon.
Perhaps your Christian bank manager can explain this law more clearly. CLOTHES
Deut 22:5 The woman shall not wear that
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I was convinced I was right and he was wrong, and he was just as convinced I was wrong and he was right.
Noble Quran Reports have increased of the disrespect shown by US troops towards the Quran. Newsweek magazine ran a story where a US soldier flushed the Quran down the toilet.
The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson.
The Red Cross knew of such happenings since 2002 at the US concentration camp in Cuba. Latest reports say that US soldiers urinated on the Quran. Hijab Another symbol of Islam under attack is the headscarf and Hijab. France and other countries have banned it in public institutions. Yet another symbol targeted is the beard. US soldiers take glee in shaving off the beards of Muslim inmates in Cuba. The Masjids, another symbol of Islam, are bombed and used as toilets. And us? We expect this behavior from the enemies of Islam against our salient features. But what of us? We pay lip service to the respect of these symbols and feel hurt at their violation as we ought to. But in practice? The Quran is just a book for ritual recitation for many Muslims. We don’t know its message. The respect of the Masjid is to pray Salaah five times a day in it. Are we doing so? How many of us have the courage to show the symbols of Islam in our outer appearance? The Quran makes respect for the symbols of Allah Ta’ala a sign of piety in a Muslim’s heart.
He brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other. In the middle of the desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the other boy what colour the object was. White, he answered. I couldn’t believe he said the object was white when it was obviously black! Another argument started between my classmate and I, this time about the colour of the object. The teacher then told me to stand where the other boy was standing and told him to come where I was standing. We changed places and the teacher again asked us what the colour of the object was. I had to answer: white. It was an object with two differently coloured sides and from his viewpoint it was white. From my side it was black. We need to stand in the other person’s shoes and look at the situation through his eyes in order to truly understand their perspective. Many a time, each person argues his or her viewpoint based on valid arguments. By understanding their reasoning, we can save a lot of acrimonious and heated exchanges and come to an amicable agreement.
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The desecration of the Quran by US troops brings home the attacks on the symbols of Islam.
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Birth of New Moon for Shawwal: Saturday, 24 June 2017 at 04.30 am
Eidul Fitr Monday 26 June 2017 | Itikaaf Starts
Islamic Focus
ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)