P11 Ramadan Timetable Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 102
1 1 1 0 0 9
P8 Manage Anger
2223 - 1110
P7 Hold My Hands
P4 Ask About Me
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Refugees
Igniting the Spirit of Islam Jun 2012 their parents.
One of the most crucial aspects that ensure one’s success or failure in this world is obedience or disobedience of parents. IMPORTANCE Three things are generally mentioned together in the Quraan; without one you cannot have the other. One of these is: showing gratitude to Allah is mentioned together with showing gratitude to parents. The hadith tells us that to sit at the feet of your parents and bring a smile to their faces is greater in virtue that striving in Jihad. (Durre Manthur) Once Umar radhiallahu anhu saw a person carrying his aged mother on his back and taking her around the Ka’bah for Tawaaf. Umar radhiallahu anhu stated that he would exchange the en-
Islamic Focus
tire world for such a moment: to take his mother around the Ka’bah for Tawaaf in this manner.
Another hadith notes that success in this world in matters of money and a long life can be achieved through joining family ties.
Hassan Basri rahimahullah has stated that it is better for a person to go and eat a meal with his parent than to study the knowledge of Islam.
If a person gets up in the morning and his parents are pleased with him, two doors of Paradised are opened for him.
He also advised that a person who is about to start his salaah, and his parent calls for some need, that the person should leave his salaah and see to his parent’s need. SUCCESS The hadith tells us that there is no sin which deserves punishment in this world as well as additional punishment in the hereafter, than oppression and breaking family ties. The highest rank of family ties is that which children owe to
DEATH If our parents are alive, we should mend relations with them. If they have passed away, we can do four things to be recorded among obedient children: 1. Make dua for them, 2. Fulfill their permissible wishes, 3. Keep good relations with their friends, and 4. Do good deeds and acts of worship on their behalf. Adapted from talk by Ml Bilal Moola
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